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University Research Resource Journal ISSN: 2581 - 3730

Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur

Volume – 1, Issue – 2 (April - June - 2018)
Page No: 616-627

“Veda’s Recognition as a Source of Reference in AYUSH, Modern Medicines Pharmacopoeia & Diagnostic

Research Theme Mentor Jv’n Dr.Panckaj Garg

(“Youngest Founder of a University” – Listed in India Book of Records)



Integrated Research Committee

Jv’n Dr.Panckaj Garg, Jv’n Dr. Brijesh Kr. Sh
arma, Jv’n Dr.M.P.Sharma, Jv’n Dr.D.Ahuja, Jv’n Dr. Devashish
Panigrahi, Jv’n Meenakshi Soni, Jv’n Preeti Singh, Jv’ Dhruvi Trivedi, Jv’n Viraj Alawa, Jv’n Akanksha Singh
& Jv’n Ankita Singh.

Research Conducted By
Faculty of Ayurvedic Science, Faculty of Homeopathic Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of
Physiotherapy & Diagnostics with Yoga & Naturopathy
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur
Corresponding E -Mail :

Terminalia Arjuna is recognized as a cardio protective from ancient times in different system of medicines but
no systemic comparative review of it’s effect under different systems of medicine such as Ayurveda,
Homeopathy & Modern Systems of Medicine have been made. In present review we have tried to compare the
phytochemical and therapeutic aspects of Arjuna in Ayurveda, Homeopathy & Modern System of Medicine
with Pharmacopoeial & ancient literature refrencing.

Terminalia arjuna is a tree of the genus Terminalia and family Combretaceae. It is commonly known
as arjuna is usually found growing on river banks in certain parts of India and Bngladesh.

In Ayurveda it was recognized in (1500 B. C.) which was further referenced in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of
India: Arjuna (Stem Bark), Terminalia Arjuna , Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family
Fa Welfare,
Department of AYUSH, Year 1975, Vol. 2; Part 1; Page No. 17. In Homeopathy it was recognized in (18th
Centaury) which was further referenced in Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (1971) , Government of India,

Ministry of Health & Family Walfare, Vol. 1; Page No. 198. In Modern System of Medicine it was recognized
in (19th Centaury) which was further referenced in Indian pharmacopoeia, Published by Indian Pharmacopoeial

Commission, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India, Edition: 2010; Vol – III, Page No. 2476

Dr.Panckaj Garg, URRJ-JVWU, Volume – 1, Issue – 2, Page No. 616-627

Dr.Panckaj Garg, URRJ, et al. University Research Resource Journal, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University (URRJ - JVWU)

This manuscript includes comprehensive etheno- medicinal or etheno- pharmaceutical review of

cardioprotective activity of Terminalia Arjuna under Ayurvedic , Homeopathic & Modern System of
Medicines. The review also covers pharmacopeial referencing, ancient books referencing & therapeutic
coverage including method of extraction, preparation and identification of the plant through different systems of

This review can be a authentic source for the researchers to investigate the unknown and unexplored potential
of this medicinal plant of T. Arjuna through modern techniques.

Terminalia arjuna is a tree of the genus Terminalia. It is commonly known as arjuna or arjun tree is usually
found growing on river banks or near dry river beds in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and south
and central India.
The arjuna is about 20–25 metres tall; usually has a buttressed trunk, and forms a wide canopy at the crown,
from which branches drop downwards. It has oblong, conical leaves which are green on the top and brown
below; smooth, grey bark; it has pale yellow flowers which appear between March and June; its glabrous, 2.5 to
5 cm fibrous woody fruit, divided into five wings, appears between September and November.(1)

Taxonomy of Terminalia arjuna are characterized according to the habit, habitat, part used, therapeutic value
etc., besides the usual botanical classification. But botanical classification is the most scientific classification
and comprehensive.
The botanical classification of Terminalia arjuna is as following:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Myrtales
Family : Combretaceae
Genus : Terminalia
Species : T. arjuna Roxb. (1)


Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Reference:

Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India: Arjuna (Stem Bark), Terminalia Arjuna , Government of India, Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Department of AYUSH, Year 1975 Vol. 2; Part 1; Page No. 17.

Arjuna is one of the most useful drugs of Ayurvedic materia-medica. The ancient medical scientists have

mentioned the properties of the Arjuna, and recommended mainly for the management of Hrita /
Rudhiravikaras, Vrana, Prameha, Visa Vikaras, Asrugdhara, Kshetriya / Shukradosha etc.

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The authors of various Ayurvedic classics have mentioned different names of Arjuna which are indicative of
various aspects of this drug i.e., morphology, habitate and therapeutic uses etc. The synonyms are given
alphabetically in the following section.

1.Arjuna ,2.Chitrayodhi ,3.Dhanunjaya ,4.Dhanvi ,5.Dhurthabhu, 6.Gandivi ,7.Indra Sunusca 8.Kakubha

,9.Kireeti ,10.Karnari ,11.Kuruveeraka ,12.Kauntheya ,13.Krishna Sarathi 14.Madhugandhi ,15.Nadisarja
,16.Partha ,17.Phalguna ,18.Prasunaka ,19.Pruthaja 20.Pandavi 21.Shvetavaha ,22.Shambara ,23.Shivamallaka
,24.Savyasaci ,25.Shatadruma 26.Veerantaka, 27.Veeradru


Gana: Kashayaskandha,UdardaPrashamana(Charaka.), Nyagrodhadi, Salsaradi(Sushruta)

Kula: Haritakyadi(Combretaceae)

The ancient medical scientists of India, have very extensively described its properties which are as follows:

According to The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part1 , Volume 2, Page No. 17

Properties and Action

Rasa : Kashaya
Guna :Ruksha
Virya :sita
Karma :Bhagnasandh¡nakara, Hridya, Kaphahara, Pittahara, Vrananashak
Important Formulations – Parthadyarishta, Nagarjunabhra Rasa, ArjunaGhrita.
Therapeutic Uses - Medoroga, Vrana, Hrudroga, Kshatakshaya, Prameha,,Vyanga.
Dose - 3-6 g. of the drug in powder form.

Ayurvedic Properties As Per Various Classics

S.N. Synonyms & Activity Reference

Plant part used
1. Arjuna/Bark Hrud roga Keyadeva Nighantu, Oushadhi Varga 820-
2. Kakubha Hrudya Bhabhaprakash Nighantu, Guduchyadi
Varga 27
3. Partha Sakala Gadanigraha, 2/26/21
4. Kakubha/ Twacha Hrud Roga Chakradutta
Vrinda , Hrudroga Adhikar 31/9

5. Aruna/ Twacha Hrudaya Maya Vrinda Madhav, 31/8

6. Partha/ Kalka Sarva Hrudaya Chakradutta 31/32

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7. Arjuna/ Twacha Pittaja Hrud Roga Chakradutta Hrudroga 31/8

8 Kakubha Churna Uddhata Hrudroga Chakradutta, 31/14

Compound Drugs Preparation {Bhaishajya Ratnavali By Govind Das (19 Th Cent)}

Sr.No. Compound Formulation Name Indication with Ayurvedic


1. Arjuna Siddha Ksheera Hrudamaye

2 Arjuna Twak Churna Hrudroga

3 Kakubhadi Churna Sarva Hrud roga Nasyate
4 Godhuma Arjuna Yavagu Hrudroga Uddhata
5 Trinetra Rasa Levigation 21 times Vataja,Pittaja, Kaphaja,
Arjuna decoction(Herbomineral Tridosaja, & Krimija
Preparation) Hrud
6 Nagarjunabhra Rasa(7 days levigation with 1000 Hrudroga
Puti Abhraka bhasma)
7 Prabhakar Vati(Herbomeral preparation) Nikhila Hrud Roga
8 Chintamani rasa(Herbomineral Preparation ) Hrudya/Nikhila Hrud Roga
9 Shankarvati (Levigation 1 times) Phuphusa & Hrudayaja Roga
10 Baladya Ghrita(Medicated Ghee preparation) Hrudroga
11 Arjuna Ghrita (Medicated Ghee preparation) Sarva Hrudamaye
12 Parthyadiristam(Medicated Self generated Hrudayaja &Phuphusa Roga
Alcoholic Preparation)


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Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Reference:

Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (1971), Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Walfare, Vol.
1; Page No. 198.

Details as per standard references & as per Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (1971) are mentioned

Homoeopathy is a unique therapeutic system, discovered by a German physician Master Christian Friedrich
Samuel Hahnemann.

Etymologically the word Homoeopathy can be divided into 2 parts “Homeos” means “Similar” and “Pathos”
means “Suffering”. Thus, Homoeopathy means “to cure a patient with those drugs that produce similar
symptoms to the sufferings of the patient”1

Stuart Close, the author of the book “The Genius of Homoeopathy” defines ‘’Homoeopathy or Homeotherapy
as the department of Science in general medicine which has for its principle objects the observation and the
study of the action of remedial agents in health, disease, treatment and cure of the disease by medication,
according to a fixed law or a general principle. Homoeopathy is based on the nature’s law which was stated as
“Similia Simibus Curentur” means “let likes be cured by likes”2

A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter
(whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations- Aphorism 26 of Organon of


 Macroscopic — Stem bark pieces, flat or minutely curved, with reddish gray external surface and
darker inner surface. Internal surface has longitudinal minute ridges. Fractures longitudinal.
 Microscopic — Cork consisting of 6-10 layers of elongated cells, phloem broad, medullary rays
uniseriate. Calcium oxalate clusters abundant. Few of the parenchyma cells contain colouring matter.


A large deciduous tree reaching 25 meters in height with a very thick trunk and horizontally spreading branches
, bark thick, smooth greenish white, flaxing off in large flat pieces. Leaves is usually sub-opposite, 10-15 cm by
4 to 7 cm oblong or elliptic oblong, obtuse or sub acute, pale dull green above, pale brown beneath, shallowly
crenate, serrate in upper part or sometimes throughout base, rounded or chordate often unequal sided, veins
reticulate, pellucid; petioles 6 to 18 mm long, with one two prominent fands at the top immediately below the
leaves. Flower sessile in short axillaries spikes or terminal panicles, bracteole linear lanceolate, shorter than the

flowers, caduceus, calyx glabrous 4mm long, mouth broadly companulute, teeth triangular, 4mm long, ovary
quite glabrous. Dark clothed with yellowish reddish hairs, stamens much exerted. Drupe 2 – 5 cm long, ovoid

oblong. Fibrous wildly glabrous, dark brown, with five hard projecting wings.
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Bark occurs in the market as flat or slightly curved pieces of varying sizes, up to 15 cm or more in length and 10
cm in width and .3 – 1cm in thickness. Outer color grey and smooth. Internal color light grey and finaly striated.
Fracture short, showing pinkish bark.

The bark cosist of cork with thick walled, rapidly arranged cells. The cells of the cork are filled with tannin.
Best fibers occur in groups and surrounded by one or two layers of concentring crystal fibres. The calcium
oxalate crystals are mostly spheroid in form. Tannin is found in all the tissues of bark 5.


Drug strength = 1/10

Termanilia Arjuna in dried coarse powder = 100 gm

Purified water = 160 ml

Strong alcohol = 875 ml

To make thousand milliliters of the mother tincture5

Terminalia Arjuna is a kind of medicine which is made from the bark of the tree name Arjuna. Nature of T.
Arjuna: Commonly this tree found in river areas, Pond, Lake( Jharna) etc, this tree is servives only in watery
areas because of its thirsty nature.

Doctorine of signature:

T. Arjuna barks extract is red in color because of its red color its physiological action is best on liver & Heart.

Lotus MateriaMedica6 given by Robin Murphy can be used as reference for Terminalia Arjuna because
Murphy has compiled the content of CarakaSayulita,Sushrut Samhita, Bhavprakash with their concerned point
related to Arjuna and health problems related to it.

Sphere of action – Nerves


Heart – Palpitations, Angina pectoris, Weakness and sudden Jerking pain in the Heart.

 Disease of the heart, both organic and functional.

 Angina pectoris
 Suffocation
 Vertigo
 In fracture: pain all over the body owing to a fall
 All sorts of ecchymosis, the action of this drug in such cases is supreme

 It is also efficacious in spermatorrhoea and gonorrhea

Dose: Mother tincture (Q).


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Pharmacological research started in Europe in the second half of the 19th century when researchers investigated
the action of existing drugs in animals experiments. Oswald Schmiedeberg, Baltic German (1838-1921) is
considering as the founder of modern pharmacology)

Indian Pharmacopoeia (Modern) Reference:

1. Indian pharmacopoeia, Published by Indian Pharmacopoeial Commission, Ministry of Chemicals and
Fertilizers, Govt. of India, Edition: 2010; Vol – III, Page No. 2476

2. Indian pharmacopoeia, Published by Indian Pharmacopoeial Commission, Ministry of Chemicals and

Fertilizers, Govt. of India, Edition: 2010, Monograph - herbs and herbal products ; Page No. 8
Identification & Extraction of secondary metabolites as per standard references and as per Indian
Pharmacopoeia (2010) are mentioned below

Identification Methods:

- Determine by thin-layer chromatography, coating the plate with silica gel GF254.

Mobile phase - A mixture of 5 volumes of toluene, 5 volumes of ethyl acetate and 0.5 volume of acetic acid.

Test solution - Reflux 2 g of coarsely powdered substance under examination with 50 ml of chloroform for 15
minutes, cool and filter. Reflux the residue further with 50 ml of chloroform. Combine the filtrate and
concentrate under vacuum to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 10 ml of ethanol at 50° for 10 minutes and filter.

Reference solution - Reflux 1 g of arjuna RS with 50 ml of chloroform for 15 minutes, cool and filter. Reflux
the residue further with 50 ml of chloroform. Combine the filtrate and concentrate under vacuum to dryness.
Dissolve the residue in 5 ml of ethanol at 50° for 10 minutes and filter.

Apply to the plate 10 μl of each solution as bands 10 mm by 2 mm. Allow the mobile phase to rise 8 cm. Dry
the plate in air and examine in ultraviolet light at 254 nm and 365 nm, spray with 10 per cent w/v solution of
sulphuric acid in methanol. Heat the place at 110º for 5 minutes and examine in day light. The chromatographic
profile of the test solution is similar to that of the reference solution.

- Tests Foreign organic matter - Not more than 2.0 per cent.
- Ethanol-soluble extractive - Not less than 20.0 per cent.
- Water-soluble extractive - Not less than 20 per cent by method I.
- Total Ash - Not more than 30.0 per cent.
- Acid-insoluble ash - Not more than 2.0 per cent.

- Loss on drying - Not more than 10.0 per cent, determined on 5 g by drying in an oven at 105°.(2)

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According to modern system of medicine Terminalia Arjuna stem bark contain following major

Table 1: Major chemical constituents of stem bark of T. Arjuna.

Plant Chemical constituents References


Stem Triterpenoids: arjunolic acid, [Row LR, Murty PS, Subbarao GSR, et al; Chemical
bark arjunic acid, arjunin, examination of Terminalia species. Part XII. Isolation and
*arjungenin, **terminic acid structure determination of arjunic acid, a new
trihydroxytriterpene carboxylic acid from the bark of
Terminalia Arjuna . Ind J Chem., 1970a; 8:716-721];
*[Shah CS, Bhavsar GC; Pharmacognosy of the bark of
Terminalia tomentosa W& A and comparison with
Terminalia Arjuna W& A bark. Ind J Pharmacol.,
1956;18:81-84.]; **[Anjaneyulu ASR, Prasad AVR;
Structure of terminic acid, a dihydroxy triterpene carboxylic
acid from Terminalia Arjuna . Phytochem., 1983; 22:993-

Glycosides: arjunetin, [Shailaa HP, Udupa SL, Udupa AL; Hypolipidemic activity
*arjunoside II, *arjunoside I, of three indigenous drugs in experimentally induced
**arjunaphthanoloside, atherosclerosis. Int J Cardiol., 1998; 67:119- 124, Row LR,
***terminoside A Murty PS, Subbarao GSR, et al; Chemical examination of
Terminalia species. Part XIII. Isolation and structure
determination of arjunetin from Terminalia Arjuna . Ind J
Chem., 1970b; 8:772-775.]; *[Honda T, Murae T, Tsuyuki
T, Takahashi T, Sawai M; Arjungenin, arjunglucoside I and
arjunglucoside II, a new triterpene and new triterpene
glucosides from Terminalia Arjuna . Bull ChemSoc Jap.,
1976b;49:3213-3218.]; **[Ali A, Kaur G, Hayat K, Ali M,
Ather M; A novel naphthanolglycoside from Terminalia
Arjuna with antioxidant and nitric oxide inhibitory
activities. Pharmazie., 2003a; 58: 932-934.]; ***[Ali A,
Kaur G, Hamid H, Abdulla T, Ali M, Niwa M, Alam MS;
Terminoside A, a new trite pine glycoside from the bark of
Terminalia Arjuna inhibits nitric oxide production in
murine macrophages. J Asian Nat Prod Res., 2003b; 5:137-
142.]; [Sharma PN, Shoeb PN, Kapil RS, Popli SP;
Arjunolone- a new flavone from stem bark of Terminalia
Arjuna . Indian J Chem., 1982; 21B:263-264.]

β-Sitosterol [Anjaneyulu ASR, Prasad AVR; Structure of terminic acid,

a dihydroxy triterpene carboxylic acid from Terminalia

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Arjuna . Phytochem., 1983; 22:993-998.]

Flavonoids: arjunone, [Sharma PN, Shoeb PN, Kapil RS, Popli SP; Arjunolone- a
bicalein, arjunolone, new flavone from stem bark of Terminalia Arjuna . Indian
*luteolin, ethyl gallate, gallic J Chem., 1982; 21B:263-264.]; *[ Ali A, Kaur G, Hamid H,
acid, kempferol, Abdulla T, Ali M, Niwa M, Alam MS; Terminoside A, a
pelorgonidin, quercetin, new trite pine glycoside from the bark of Terminalia Arjuna
oligomericproanthocyanidins inhibits nitric oxide production in murine macrophages. J
Asian Nat Prod Res., 2003b; 5:137-142.]; [Anonymous;
Terminalia Arjuna . Altern Med Rev., 1999; 4:436-437.]

Tanins: terflavin C, [Kumar R, Verma RK; New host records of some

castalagin, punicallin, Foliculaceous Fungi from india. IndPhytopatholog., 1987;
casuarinin, punicalagin, 40:274, Verma N, Vinayak M; Effect of Terminalia Arjuna
terchebulin, casuariin, on antioxidant defence system in cancer. MolBiol Rep.,
pyrocatechols 2009; 36:159-164, Paarakh PM; Terminalia Arjuna
(Roxb.) Wt. and Arn. : A review. Int J Pharmacol., 2010;

Trace elements/Minerals: [Li TC, Chien SC, Chen HF, Hsu FL; Tannins and related
zinc, copper calcium, compounds from Combretaceae plants. Chin Pharma J.,
aluminium, silica, 2001; 52:1-26.]

Note: *, ** and *** denote corresponding reference for the constituent

According to modern system of medicine Terminalia Arjuna is mainly used for it’s cardioprotective activity,
detail of which is mentioned below.

Marketed Preparations of Arjuna:


- Himalaya Cardiac Wellness Combo Capsules (Terminallia Arjuna & Allium Sativum) – By Himalaya
- Kapiva Cardio Care Capsules (Terminalia Arjuna + Allium Sativum) – By Kapiva Healthcare
- Arjunahills (Arjuna) – By Aujunahills

Table 2: Cardioprotective activities of T. Arjuna

Activity Plant part used Animal model Observations References


Cardiovascula Aqueous extract Rats Prevent myocardial [Row LR, Murty PS,
r activity of bark changes induced by Subbarao GSR, et al;
chronic beta Chemical examination

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adrenoceptor of Terminalia species.

stimulation Part XIII. Isolation and
structure determination
of arjunetin from
Terminalia Arjuna .
Ind J Chem., 1970b;

Whether, it is Ayurveda or Homoeopathy or Modern Medicines, Terminalia Arjuna is used as medicine in all
the system of medicine. The core action of Arjuna is on heart and both of the system of medicine use it as
hearty remedy i.e. for strengthening the heart muscles in the heart attacks, pain in heart, irregular heart beat.

The present comprehensive etheno- medicinal or etheno- pharmaceutical review reveals that Terminalia Arjuna
is a very important medicinal plant with its large number of phytochemical and pharmacological properties as
well as medicinally important chemicals like tannins, triterpenoid, saponins, flavonoids, gallic acid, ellagic acid,
oleanolic, arjunic acids, arjunolone&arjunoside.

Future Perspective:

This review can be a authentic source for the researchers to investigate the unknown and unexplored potential
of this medicinal plant of T. Arjuna through modern techniques such as NMR, Mass spectrophotometer
analysis, HPLC and HPTLC. Moreover, further systematic study and research is essential to extend the next
stage of clinical trial to form novel drugs for the treatment of serious ailments.

Modern Medicine References:

1. Fatema Binte Hafiz, Nayeem Md. Towfique, Monokesh Kumer Sen, Shamima Nasrin Sima, Bably
Sabina Azhar, M Mizanur Rahman; A Comprehensive Ethno-pharmacological and Phytochemical
Update Review on Medicinal Plant of Terminalia arjuna Roxb. of Bangladesh, Sch. Acad. J. Pharm.,
2014; 3(1):19-25
2. Indian pharmacopoeia, Monograph - herbs and herbal products : 2010; Arjuna Bark - Terminalia arjuna,
Page No. 8
3. Indian pharmacopoeia, Edition: 2010; Vol – III, Page No. 2476
4. Row LR, Murty PS, Subbarao GSR, et al; Chemical examination of Terminalia species. Part XII.
Isolation and structure determination of arjunic acid, a new trihydroxytriterpene carboxylic acid from the
bark of Terminalia Arjuna. Ind J Chem., 1970a; 8:716-721.
5. Shah CS, Bhavsar GC; Pharmacognosy of the bark of Terminalia tomentosa W& A and comparison
with Terminalia Arjuna W& A bark. Ind J Pharmacol., 1956;18:81-84.
6. Anjaneyulu ASR, Prasad AVR; Structure of terminic acid, a dihydroxy triterpene carboxylic acid from
Terminalia Arjuna . Phytochem., 1983; 22:993-998.
7. Shailaa HP, Udupa SL, Udupa AL; Hypolipidemic activity of three indigenous drugs in experimentally

induced atherosclerosis. Int J Cardiol., 1998; 67:119- 124.


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8. Honda T, Murae T, Tsuyuki T, Takahashi T, Sawai M; Arjungenin, arjunglucoside I and arjunglucoside

II, a new triterpene and new triterpene glucosides from Terminalia Arjuna . Bull ChemSoc Jap.,
9. Ali A, Kaur G, Hayat K, Ali M, Ather M; A novel naphthanolglycoside from Terminalia Arjuna with
antioxidant and nitric oxide inhibitory activities. Pharmazie., 2003a; 58: 932-934.
10. Ali A, Kaur G, Hamid H, Abdulla T, Ali M, Niwa M, Alam MS; Terminoside A, a new trite pine
glycoside from the bark of Terminalia Arjuna inhibits nitric oxide production in murine macrophages.
J Asian Nat Prod Res., 2003b; 5:137-142.
11. Anonymous; Terminalia Arjuna. Altern Med Rev., 1999; 4:436-437.
12. Kumar R, Verma RK; New host records of some Foliculaceous Fungi from india. IndPhytopatholog.,
1987; 40:274.
13. Verma N, Vinayak M; Effect of Terminalia Arjuna on antioxidant defence system in cancer. MolBiol
Rep., 2009; 36:159-164.
14. Paarakh PM; Terminalia Arjuna (Roxb.) Wt. and Arn. : A review. Int J Pharmacol., 2010; 6:515-534.
15. Li TC, Chien SC, Chen HF, Hsu FL; Tannins and related compounds from Combretaceae plants. Chin
Pharma J., 2001; 52:1-26.

Homeopathy References:

1. Dr. G. Nagendra Babu: Comprehensive Study Of Organon An Attempt To Understand The Organon Of
Medicine As A Scientific Treatise, B. Jain Publisher (P) Limited, Ist Edition 2009 (Page.No. 61).
2. Dr .Stuart M Close: The Genius Of Homoeopathy Lectures & Essays on homeopathic Philosophy 3 Rd
Chapter Low price edition.
3. William Boericke: Organon of Medicine By Samuel Hahnemann 6 th Edition (after Hahnemann own
written revision for the sixth edition) IBPP Publisher Reprint edition May 2014 (Page No 106).
4. Robin Murphy ND: Lotus material medica- 1400 Homoeopathic & Herbal Remedies B Jain Publisher
IIIrd Edition (Page No. 1928)
5. Homoeopathic Pharmacoepia of India, Vol. 1, page no. 198.
6. Dr W Boericke: Boericke New manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory III rd
Revised & Augmented Edition Based on 9th Edition (Page No. 1047)

Ayurvedic References:

1. Ayrvedic Pharmacopoeia Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of
Ayush, vol. 2; Part 1; Page No. 17.
2. Acharya P V Sharma Keyadeva Nighantu, Oushadhi Varga 820-21,Chaukhambha Orientalia , Edition
3. Bhabhamishra,s Bhabhaprakash Nighantu, Guduchyadi Varga 27, K C Chunekar,Chaukhambha Bharati
Academy, Edition 2015, Varanasi
4. Sodhal Krut Gadanigraha, 2/26/21, Edited by Indradev Tripathi,Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,
Edtion- 2011, Varanasi
5. Chakrapani Dutt,s Chakradutta , Hrudroga Adhikar 31/9, Bhabharthasandipani Tika,, Edited by J P

Tripathi, Chaukhambha Orientalia , Edition 2012,Varanasi

6. Madhav,s Vrinda Madhav, 31/8 , Edited by Dr P V Tiwari, ChaukhambaVishwabharti,

Edition- 2012, Varanasi

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Dr.Panckaj Garg, URRJ, et al. University Research Resource Journal, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University (URRJ - JVWU)

7. Chakrapani Dutt,s Chakradutta , Hrudroga Adhikar 31/32, Bhabharthasandipani Tika,, Edited by J P

Tripathi, Chaukhambha Orientalia , Edition 2012,Varanasi
8. Chakrapani Dutt,s Chakradutta , Hrudroga Adhikar 31/8, Bhabharthasandipani Tika,, Edited by J P
Tripathi, Chaukhambha Orientalia , Edition 2012,Varanasi
9. Chakrapani Dutt,s Chakradutta , Hrudroga Adhikar 31/14, Bhabharthasandipani Tika,, Edited by J P
Tripathi, Chaukhambha Orientalia , Edition 2012,Varanasi
10. Bhaishajya Ratnavali By Govind Das , edited by Ambicadutta shastri,Chaukhmba Prakasan, Varanasi,
11. A Hand Book of History of Ayurveda(Dr. R. Vidyanath) Chaukhmba Prakasan, Varanasi, Edition-2015


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