Order Vigilance 2510222

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ulnlstry ol yicFoo,tfl ffi#ij:f i-E nte rprises
office of Deveto_pment commissioneiiudruei -
(Mgilance Section)

Subject Obeervance of Vlgllance Awareness
Ceremony on31.i0.2022"i f f .Ooe.fr|. r";. -- "--^ 2022
Week ' _ lntegrity ptedge

The. undersigned is directed- to say that

.lntesrity ptedse to ail the ofiiciats secretary (MSME) sha, administer
i ofrid;iifri
3,:10,022 at 11.00A.M. at conference i'"rr uii"s bm." of DC(MSME) on
officers are requested to attend the saml.
, Bhavan. A, officiars /

2' Furlher, as cVC advise forencouragement of e - predge,

it is arso requested
to all officiats / officers and their famiry [o tare onrineiniesrty
pr"dg" ttGil;
. upo'l-.ri.#srur iimprErion, an' e"-
3. This issues on the direc{ion of JS&CVO.

Encl: lntegity ptedge

\' 2{.{o,u
(A.K. Verma)
Joint Director (Vigilance)

All officials / officerc , O/o DC(MSME), Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi

Copy for information to:

(1) JS&DC(MSME), O/o DC(MSME),Nirman Bhavan, New Dethi

(2) JS&CVO, M/o MSME, Udyog Bhavan, New Dethi
(3) Deputy Secretary, Vigilance Section , lil/o MSME Udyog Bhavan, New
(4) Senet, O/o DC(MSME) - to upload in the relevant section on


tn Bers t f*, E{tt 1* 6 stTFiq,, {FffiPtr*, grcrF{6 ffi d ssq{ \'s

c-S srqr ttftr Baq t f+ ssran 6r ETfiGF{i * fts qf tdkd cq1++Ersrt,
+{ +1 c*'qrr{ ft-s ar or{ q,,rl ff errqvq-'*ar t
qrrrftsl aEr ft-m r

ta qrrfl t f*, ir+*' Trrrfu+ +1Ed'+ t{r qrfrc dqr s+ seq rer ffi
s-dfrBr+ cqrr lrrr*1* sfr qr{qq Ei-4r qrf6qaqr xer-{R * f*sqgq4q* 6,
qrPdq r

srd:, { nfrfl mrm {frr

o ilqt + slt ffi fi furcr0 npn 6W + ffi fi qreq siry;

o qr fr tT otnr dn cr fi ftra r{.'n;
o mft qrd ffi nqr snfifi tfttsfu;
o qaft3fi qrd qtvn
o erci ft* arre{q q &r+qfi ftlgr-fii B<r6{ur nq-a aim:
o sErErR 6 f+.{ft rfi qr+r ff fffrI fiaeid+1{rn r

Inteerifv PIedse for Citizens

I believe that comrption has been one of the major obstacles to economig political and
social progress ofour countqr. I believe that all staketrolders such as Government, citizens
and private sector need to work together to eradicate comrption.

I realizc that every citizen should be vigilant and commit to highest standards ofhonesty
and integrity at all times and support the fight against comrption.

I, therefore, pledge:

o lb follow probity and rule of law in all walks of life;

o To neither take nor offer bribe;
o To perform all tasks in an honest and transparent manner;
o To act in public interest;
o To lead by example exhibiting integrity in personal behavior;
o To report any incident of comrption to the appropriate agency.

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