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Castellon, Guillana Stephanie Mae L.


Since the pandemic, the internet platforms have rapidly replaced traditional classrooms as the
learning environment. Today's education is conducted online and through digital platforms,
which is a considerable improvement over past generations. It was less effective, despite the
issues and room for growth. Even though there are limited f2f classes right now, digital is still
more used because the virus is still out there. And, Some students may find it difficult to adapt to
online learning because some of them, including me, have a different kind of learning.

The primary goal of an academic freeze is to momentarily stop schooling for the benefit of many
people's lives. Since the pandemic began, students have been pressuring the Philippine
government to adopt this goal. Students in public and private schools have difficulties since this
kind of instruction is unfamiliar to them. While some students support this objective, others do
not— like me. But I don't have a choice because I was scared to leave behind and I have no
choice but to go through the online class and be forced to do something even though we are
having a hard time to allocate financial needs and how to manage my mental health because
I’m having an existential crisis at that time. Also, the disadvantages are that schools and
businesses could possibly shut down due to lack of students and customers, students could
have lost the momentum in learning, and the delaying of graduation could impact the
employment opportunities.

Although, other students will benefit from that because it can help with mental health, to take a
break from academics, having the time to prioritize personal concerns, and more time for the
students and faculty members to do voluntary work.

To conclude, academics has its own benefits and afflictions. Everyone is trying to adjust and
finding ways to improve this kind of living because we can’t do anything about it, we need to live
in it and accept it because by doing so, we can still continue to move forward through the things
we do in life and just be positive about what the outcome will be.

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