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Business plan on

SEC: 14
COURSE Code: MGT 368

Group Name: Invictus

Submitted To:

Esnaina Quader(ESQ)
Department of Management
North South University

Date of Submission: August 30,

2018, 2018
Name ID

Sayeef md. Irfan 1411961630

Raghib ahmed 1520361031

Monia Haque 1420926030

Izaz ul haque 1420049030

Md Miad Bhuiyan 1512882030

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
A) Name and address of the business ................................................................................................... 6
B) Name and address of the principles ................................................................................................. 6
C) Nature of the Business ...................................................................................................................... 7
Statement of financing needed: ............................................................................................................... 7
Statement of confidentiality of report:..................................................................................................... 7
Business Model ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Business canvas model: ............................................................................................................................ 8
Customer Segment: .............................................................................................................................. 8
Channels:............................................................................................................................................... 8
Customer relationship .............................................................................................................................. 9
Value proposition ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Key Activities: ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Key Resources ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Financial resource ................................................................................................................................. 9
Technical Resource ............................................................................................................................. 10
Human Resource ................................................................................................................................. 10
Key partners ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Revenue stream ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Social goal ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Sustainability ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Eco friendly ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Ethical.................................................................................................................................................. 11
PESTEL Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Political Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 11
2. Economic Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 12
3. Social Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 12
4. Technological Analysis .................................................................................................................... 12
5. Legal Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 12
6. Environmental Analysis ................................................................................................................... 12
Porters five forces ................................................................................................................................... 13
SWOT Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 14
Weakness: ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Opportunity:........................................................................................................................................ 14
Threats: ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Stake Holder analysis: ............................................................................................................................. 15
4. Description of ventures....................................................................................................................... 16
PRODUCT: ............................................................................................................................................... 16
SERVICE: .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Size of Business: ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Office equipment and personnel ............................................................................................................ 18
Production Plan........................................................................................................................................... 19
Manufacturing process ........................................................................................................................... 19
Physical Plant ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Machineries & Equipment: ................................................................................................................. 20
Human Resources ............................................................................................................................... 20
Operational Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Description of company’s operation: ..................................................................................................... 21
Flow orders of goods and services:......................................................................................................... 21
Technology Utilization: ........................................................................................................................... 21
Market Plan (7 P’s) ...................................................................................................................................... 22
• Product/Service:.......................................................................................................................... 22
• Pricing: ........................................................................................................................................ 22
• Promotion: .................................................................................................................................. 22
• Place ............................................................................................................................................ 22
• Packaging: ................................................................................................................................... 23
• Positioning: ................................................................................................................................. 23
• People ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Organizational plan ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Background of Entrepreneurs: ................................................................................................................ 24
Role & Responsibilities of every Member of Management Team: ......................................................... 24
Assessment of Risk: ................................................................................................................................. 25
Economic Risk ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Technical Risk ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Contingency arrange ........................................................................................................................... 26
Financial Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Assumptions:........................................................................................................................................... 26
Pro-Forma Income Statement ................................................................................................................ 27
Cash Flow Projection............................................................................................................................... 28
Pro- forma Balance Sheet: ...................................................................................................................... 29
Break Even Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 30
Sources and Application of Fund ............................................................................................................ 31
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Partnership agreement ........................................................................................................................... 32
Lease to contracts ................................................................................................................................... 33

A) Name and address of the business



B) Name and address of the principles

1. Sayeef Md. Irfan

Road-2/1 A, House-4, Flat-6, Chairman bari, Banani

2. Md. Miad Udidn

House #42/2, Road#7, Block#H, Banani, Dhaka

3. Monia Hoque

F/7,195, Bashundhara R/A

4.Ragib Yasir

House-56, Road 9/a, Sector 15, Uttara

5.Izaz ul Haque

House-97, Road 2, Dhanmondi
C) Nature of the Business

According to a recent statistic, In Bangladesh sexually transmitted diseases have jumped from
5% to a mere 8.75% in las couple of decades. A big reason behind that is the lack of education in
sexual health. For women in our country the situation is even worse. As a male driven society, it
is always hard for female to address their problems to others. Where going to the doctor is not
an issue, rather different home-based local treatments that doesn’t have any scientific
explanation is the only option. They are also lot more vulnerable than man, especially wives of
expatriates always are the most vulnerable. Besides that, teen aged population of our country is
also suffering with different complications just due to the lack of Sex education. We provide
sexual health related treatment completely online while maintaining the privacy of the patients.
Beside that we are also trying to spread the necessary awareness regarding sexual health all
over the Bangladesh. Jotno is aiming to specialize in providing solution for people who are
having problems disclosing their sexual issues to physicians. These are people who are shy and
sometimes reluctant to share their sexual problems rather than going to clinic for proper
treatment. This is when Jotno and its services come in handy for people. We would provide
trained physicians. According to the requirement of our clients and will also ensure that their
identity remains classified for their comfort.

Statement of financing needed:

To implement our business, we need a huge amount of financial resource. We estimated for 3
crore takas for our initial investment. This amount will be needed to design and built a
professional website. We also need to build to app for mobile user. So, we have to recruit
professional. We have to hire doctors. We also need to rent an office space and hire some
fulltime worker to operate the whole business process.

Statement of confidentiality of report:

This agreement is to acknowledge that the information provided By Jotno Group In this business
plan is unique to this business and confidential; Therefore, anyone reading this plan agrees not
to disclose any of the information in this business plan without the express written permission
of the company.

It is also acknowledged by the reader of this business plan that the information furnished in this
business plan, other than information that is in the public Domain, may cause serious harm, or
damage to Jotno group and will be kept in the firmest confidence.

Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to Jotno group.

Ragib Yasir


Jotno Group

Business Model

Business canvas model:

Customer Segment:

We will do a segmentation of our target market which is anyone from 14+ year to further. We
will target both male and female population. The reason behind choosing such a young age like
14 is because that is the time when a teen ager feels most curious about different sexual related
issues. Hence, we want to educate them with our free contents and provide treatment to
anyone of this age group.


We will be present in different medias like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Etc. we will also
communicate with our customers through website social media sites etc. We will sponsor
different health related function in TV and radio. It will also help us to reach to the rural area
more easily and effectively. Beside that different health related special days like – World AIDS
day, Breast Cancer day, we will arrange rally and functions to create awareness. We will also do
a press release through with we will get the advantage of SEO for our website. We will also
make public statement for any new or special arrangement for our system. As our target also
spread to rural areas, we want someone who has got the acceptance in both city dwellers and
rural people. That is why we will approach Mashrafee Bin Mortuza to be our Brand icon. He has
got everything and a reason to believe by the people. Beside a wide range of marketing
campaign, we will also provide billboard and posters to address the mass population. It is more
traditional approach for us. One of our major targets is teenagers, Hence, on annual cultural
day, we will sponsor their events. We can also arrange a countrywide calibration program where
our team will go to different schools and college and make awareness to the people. The
campaigns can be conducted by celebrity, intellectuals, doctors etc.

Customer relationship
As we are operating in a service-based business our operations would be different than others.
Patients can contact us a within our official operating hours through the mobile app or come
visit us our website directly.

Every patient would have their own personal account with basic identification information and
also information regarding their medical history such as blood group, sugar level, heart
condition, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma etc.

The patients can choose to post enquiries on the forum under their account name or they can
pick a physician of their liking and talk to him/her directly through video chat or phone call. We
will try to communicate with our customers. We will keep our customers’ information secret.

Value proposition

Jotno is aiming to specialize in providing solution for people who are having problems
disclaiming their sexual issues to physicians. There are people who are shy and sometimes
reluctant to share their problems with physicians and would prefer to stay silent about their
problems rather than going to clinic for proper treatment. This is When Jotno and Its services
come in handy for people. We Would provide trained physicians, according to the requirement
of our clients and will also ensure that their identity remains classified for their comfort.

Key Activities:

Jotno is the first inline sexual healthcare service. We will provide our services by keeping the
patients information secret. Our dedicated website and mobile app would allow our clients to
interact with us through their daily devices and find adequate help. Our clients can post their
problems on our forum section or directly talk to a physician through our website or mobile app
and maintain full confidentially about their identity if they chose to do so.

Key Resources

Financial resource

To implement our business, we need a huge amount of financial resource. We estimated for 3
Crore takas for our initial investment. This amount will be needed to design and built a
professional website. We also need to build and for mobile user. So, we have to recruit
professional. We have to hire doctors. We also need to rent and office space and Hire some
fulltime worker to operate the whole business process.

Technical Resource
As we are operating an E-business platform we a need a huge technical advantage. We need
computer equipment, professional software, advanced technology etc. We have to buy a
domain and arrange all the technical equipment to host that domain from our own office. To
build a server we need a computer equipment to host that domain from our own office. To build
a server we need advanced computer equipment.

Human Resource
We need a short list of Human resource. It is divided into three categories. First, we need a small
team of highly professional who are expert in web design and development. Then we need
another small team for operating our regular activities. The most important is our third

We have to hire few doctors who are expert in sexual treatments. Those are the human
resources we need for initial startup. We also need to expand our team later on.

Key partners
Key partners are our business partners. In This business, our key partners are Web developers’
agencies, banks, NGOS, Pharmaceuticals and Government.

Revenue stream
Our Initial revenue will come when people will start downloading our app and visit our website.
When our customers start to use our app, we will earn money from their activities. When a
patient selects a session for a particular physician, the patient will be charged a specific amount
and this is our main revenue source. Payment will be made through the user’s BKASH, DBBL
nexus Or ROCKET account.

Social goal
In our society there is a taboo about sexual matters. Most of the people are afraid to take
proper treatment in proper time. As a result, many problems occur in later life. For women in
our country this situation is even worse. As a male, driven society, it is always hard for female to
address their problems to others. They are not allowed to go to the doctor’s chambers. Even
many male patients feel shy to go chambers. So, there are couples who are driving to go for a
divorce by not addressing their problems. By using their service, they will be able to get
treatment from specialized doctors by using their apps and website without any hesitation.

So, our service will help the society to reduce the percentage of divorce in our society.
As a new business it has risk factors. Moreover, for an E-business operating in country like
Bangladesh have more risk than average. The type of risks is Social, economic and technical
around our business.

Still there is a high possibility that our business will be a sustainable business. Because we are
providing people social awareness and very important service that will help people to solve their
important problems. We are keeping our customers information secret so that they feel safe to
share their problems. There are no other options wo will provide this type of services. For
payment issue, we will use mobile banking systems which are already a trustable medium to
make payments. We will also provide extra benefit for poor customers so that they can take our
service easily. These things will help us to maintain in long run.

Eco friendly
Our business will be totally eco-friendly. There will be no wastages which will pollute any
substance of environment.

As we assure our customers that we will keep their information secret, so we have ethical issues
here. We must keep their information secret. We also charge less from our customers who are
poor. In terms of treatment, patients totally rely on doctors. So, it’s our ethical responsibility to
recruit specialized doctor who can treat patients properly.

PESTEL Analysis:

Pestel analysis has 6 contents. These contents affect our country by different way with different

1. Political Analysis
This analysis depends on government's help actually. Our government can help us so that we
can raise our fund and grow more and spread ourselves to more people. They can help us in
terms of tariff, fiscal policy, tax etc. We need privacy and safety for our patients. If we can get
enough support from our government for our....... we can grow properly and we can affect our
business environment positively.
2. Economic Analysis
We are doing this business on e- business basis. Maybe it sounds like this business don't need
that much money. But we can't do this properly if we don't get financial support. We want to be
financially strong so that we can find a loyal investor who will support us till the end and
understand the usefulness of this service also. We are planning to build up an app for mobile
users, this can help us to reach our target people easily. We can also estimate 2 crore takas for
our investment. After spreading our business to many people our economic growth will be high
for sure.

3. Social Analysis
In our country we are extra conservative about sexual treatment matters and for women it is
impossible to talk openly. They will suffer but don't go to hospital for sexual treatment. I can be
seen in males too wants to target both male and female to educate them about these. We are
targeting mainly 14+ year to further. We eagerly wait for them to take our service and planning
to give them free lectures and in this age limit, we provide any kind of help about this matter.
They can easily contact us and take help from us via Facebook and YouTube also.

4. Technological Analysis
We want to create a safe place for people of our country and want to provide them good
education about sexual health related problem with proper privacy. In our mobile app when
they will register they can contact doctors whom they want and consult with. For these services
we want some computer and advanced technology. By these we can able to contact and give
service to all over country.

5. Legal Analysis
We want to spread our business to all extent so that all kinds of people can take our service.
That is why we are giving our service externally and internally. We are mainly focusing on digital
marketing to get their attention.

6. Environmental Analysis
Our targeted patients are both male and female. We want to aware them from very early age as
this age is best time to take these issues carefully and stay safe. If the schools and colleges also
aware the students, educate them and arrange treatment class also, these will help them a lot.
Although as we always available in our online service (Facebook and YouTube), we can
environmentally give services to all over our country and ensure a safe and healthy environment
in future.
Porters five forces

1.Competition in the industry

Low, because it is new for Bangladesh, competitive competition is low. So, we have got larger
power to try to what we wish to do to attain higher sales and profits. However, the competition
would possibly increase when our full-service providing method start.

2.Potential of new entrants into the industry:

High, anyone will enter if they need correct data and funds. So, the less time and cash it costs
for a competition to enter a company’s market and be a good competitor.

3.Power of supplier:
High, because it goes to be service based product, we have got to rely on human service
orientation. So, to hire smart skilled consultants they would demand higher value.

4.Power of customer:
Low, because the client has got to pay first before being applicable to just accept the service.

5.Threats of substitute products

Moderate, as everybody involved with confidentiality turning to substitute product could also be
tough for a few. However, there is always a chance for substitution.
SWOT Analysis

As its name states, a SWOT analysis examines four elements: strength, weakness, opportunity,
and threat. From our business perspective the four-factor analysis would be-

The type of service we tend to planning to offer is the first time in the market. Along with that
we have selected a sensitive but a very vital social factor to figure on. So, we will get a great
positive response from the people particularly from women and girls. That is the most important
strength of our service. Besides that, the people who will get service from us won’t have to feel
insecure, discomfort or shy because their identity will remain extremely private and they will
always be safe with us. That is the key purpose of our service. From their smart phone using our
app and will get the answers from us through the app as well. So, it offers a technological
advantage with privacy.

As our service is absolutely based on technology we would not be able to provide our service to
the people who don’t have access to internet, who do not have smartphone and also those who
are living at village area. We won’t be able to reach our service all over the country and a huge
number of people we will not be able to target. We would like to figure it out and we will also
find out the others way we can provide our service to those unreached people with an
alternative plan and also with privacy.

According to the current condition we will be the primary mover with this type of service in the
market. Yes, there are many social services providers company but not exactly as us and also,
they are not online based service provider. So, we will be able to attract people highly and if we
can ensure the safety they will trust us completely. This kind of service we are trying to provide
will heat peoples mind and we have high possibilities to reach a healthy flow. As both male and
female can get our services it will have big impact on both male and female of our society and
we can create a massive popularity regarding our service to those people who will get our

The business idea is fresh, new and helpful. Many other business people who are doing or
planning to do this kind of service will have eyes on our business and they will try to come up
with same service or might be some other extra awareness and the number of them can be
high. Specially the NGOs who are doing related social service, awareness building activities, they
can be an obstacle in our business project. So, we have to cope up with great number of
competitors in the market too quickly, just after launching our service in the market. On the
other hand, people will think about the matter that we cannot provide our service to the people
who do not have access to smart phones and internet. So, the competitors will point the fact
and come up with the plan to provide the service both technological and non-technological

Stake Holder analysis:

Stake holder is the person who is associated with an interest or concern in one thing, especially
in business. Stake holder will have an effect on or be plagued by any organization’s actions,
objectives or policies. Some of our key stake holders are:
2. Doctors
3. Employees
4. NGOs
5. Government
6. Suppliers

The owners of “Jotno” are jointly Sayeef Irfan, Raghib Yasir, Monia Hoque, Izaz Tanjim and lastly
MD Miad. These Five owners will be organizing the needed money for the open up program of
our business. Also, with these they will manage and manage the doctors who will work as the
consultant to deliver the service, organize the employees for the administration task, get in
touch with the NGOs to get funds for any campaign activities, go to the government for licensing
and deal with the suppliers to get the main resources like, professional software, computer
equipment, advanced technology etc.

Doctors will be operating as the main consultants in our business program. Whether people are
connecting us through the app or contacting via our office only doctors will be representatives
to deal the patients and they will be the only persons who will give the service physically.

Employees in our business will be doing the administration task like information recording,
finance, IT Experts, HRM, Desk job officers etc. They will contact with the clients when its

Apart from our business attitude, we are also doing social work as our service somehow helping
the people to avoid their discomfort zone, give them safe treatment and come up with the
solution of their private problems. In this case if we want to do any social campaign further, we
can communicate with different international NGOs like BRAC or Grameen or Care
manage our funding and work with them unanimously. Not only it will be beneficial by the
financial sense only, but will also give us an opportunity to use their infrastructure.
We will make communication with the government or government related subsidiaries and
build up a pack. Since the recent government is all about digital, and they appreciate a digital
solution to every real problem, we believe it will be appreciated by them. We hope we can
manage to get a grant from the current government to make this service program a reality.

As we are going to organize an e-business based platform, we need an effective technical
resource. We need good computer equipment’s, professional software etc. We have to buy a
domain and manage all the arrangements and collect all the technical equipment to host that
domain from our own office directly. Our suppliers will be providing us those things directly.

4. Description of ventures


Jotno app is aiming to specialize in providing solution for people who are having problems
disclosing their sexual issues to physicians. There are people who are shy and sometimes
reluctant to share their sexual problems with physicians and would prefer to stay silent about
their problems rather than going to clinic for proper treatment. This is when Jotno and its
services come in handy for people. We would provide trained physicians, according to the
requirement of our clients and will also ensure that their identity remains classified for their
Our mission is to provide sexual health related treatment completely online while maintaining
the privacy of the patients. Besides that, we are also trying to spread the necessary awareness
regarding sexual health all over the Bangladesh.
The reason for going into a business like these is to create an open platform where people from
all part of the country can get sexual health related treatment with the help of modern
technology and with complete privacy. Hence, our objective is to make a stand against this
taboo issue. We want to eradicate the problem once and for all and make an open platform
where people from any part of our country can consult with a doctor remotely from any part
around the country. They can also maintain their privacy through this system. We also want to
create awareness regarding sexual health in our country. Through quality content and articles,
we want to reradiate this issue once and for all.

We will be operating in a service-based business. Our operations would be different than others.
Patients can contact us within our official operating hours through the mobile app or come visit
us on our website directly. Every patient would have their own personal account with basic
identification information and also information regarding their medical history such as blood
group, sugar level, heart condition, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma etc. The patients can choose to
post enquires on the forum under their user account name or they can pick a physician of their
liking and talk to him/her directly through video chat or phone call.
A number of physicians would be available in different slots with different timing throughout
the operating hours of the day. A patient can choose his/her preferred physician from the list of
available physicians according to their timing. Every physician would either be available or
unavailable given the timing of their slots. Every physician`s maximum visiting hour for his/her
slot would be up to 3hrs, and their total visiting hour would be divided into 10-12 sessions for
each patient. When a patient selects his/her desired physician, she/he would then have to pick a
session with a specific timing to interact with a physician. When a patient selects a session for a
a particular physician, that session would then be engaged by that patient and no other patient
can select that session. After selecting a session payment would have to be made through the
user`s Bkash, DBBL or Rocket account. The fees for each session would be minimal.
Once payment is done, we`ll send a message to our client with the confirmation of the payment,
and informing him/her about the exact timing of his/her session with the physician. A patient
can choose to interact with a physician through video chat on the website or through phone call
from our hotline. There will be a second message sent to the client within 10minutes before the
start of the session notifying him/her to stay online on our website, or to stay near the phone to
receive the call from our hotline once the session starts.
If the user is online on the website and chooses to video chat with physician, she/he would then
have the facility to be incognito if s/he wishes to do so. If a user wants to contact with his/her
physician through phone call, our hotline would then call the contact number of the user during
his/her selected session time, and the call would be forwarded to the physician. Every user
would have opportunity to rate his/her physician. If any user fails to answer to his/her call or
isn`t online within the first 10mints of his/her session time, the session would then be
It is a complete B2C business. However, our physicians are paid at the end of every month.

Size of Business:
We would be providing services in all the 7 districts of the country. We will be operating from
our district headquarters in the seven major Zilla. Our primary office would be situated in
Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Office equipment and personnel

As we are starting an app-based business so our main office equipment are the technological
products. We need high configured computers, laptops, webcam, computer table, headphones.
So, serve nonstop service we also need an IPS or generator. All the equipment we will buy. We
will not take any lease or rent.
As office personnel we will have well qualified doctors who are friendly to their patients and has
the ability of proper treatment. We will also have IT engineer who will look after all the issues of
IT section. For helping hand we will also recruit a man.
Production Plan
Manufacturing process


(Unavailability Notice)


(Scheduled Data)
Select Schedule file

(Client Details)

(Selected Option)

Client file
Book session

Confirmed Session

(Confirmation) (cancelled Booking)

Payment details
Get payments


Mobile bank
Physical Plant
We will have a physical store for our customers. For some special cases they will need to visit us
in person. It will also work as our office as well. For any enquiry they can contact us through our
phone, email and office. We are considering some options in Dhanmondi area. We will try to set
a few chambers for special cases.

Machineries & Equipment:

The e-commerce requires a very well set up of technical help. We need computers, paid
database software, advanced technology etc. We will need a server to keep our hard drives
which contains client information. For this we need excellent devices.

1. Dell Precision 3480 Workstation

2. Dell Power Cell T5547 4-core Tower Server- BDT 155,000
3. Dell Power Cell R3320 3.5GHz 2TB 4-core server-BDT 155,000
4. HP Tower Intel Xeon 1277 v6 Workstation
5. ESET Endpoint Security Business Pack (Volume Up to 26-384)
6. ESET Data loss prevention with Safetica
7. ESET Xopro Backup and Recovery antivirus
8. Deslock & Data 256 Bit Data Encryption-BDT 16,500
9. Mikrotik CCR4567U-1G-4S Router-BDT 240,000
10. Netgear R9000 wireless AD7200 Mbps Tri-band Quad-Stream Nighthawk x10
Router-BDT 38,900

Human Resources
We need a short list of human resource. It’s consisted of three categories. First, we need expert
web designers and developers. Then, a small operations team is needed to run regular activities.
Most importantly we will be needing some good doctors specialized in sexual diseases. We will
recruit them from various medical colleges and hospitals. These are minimum human resource
requirement for the initial setup. Upon expansion we will act accordingly.
Operational Plan

Description of company’s operation:

“Jotno” is an internet-based service provider that deals with sexual diseases. People will be able
to enjoy our service through our Apart this, we will be creating social
awareness about these sexual diseases and how to overcome them. The target market is the
educated generation of Bangladesh in the urban area. Today’s generation has the basic
knowledge to run an application. Since, lifestyle and perception of people is changing they are
becoming more open-minded about these matters. “Jotno” will search out doctors according to
our client’s needs. People in this country often hesitate to come forward with these problems.
They rather stay quiet than getting proper treatment. Jotno will keep the patient’s identity

Flow orders of goods and services:

“Jotno” service streamline process will be available to the clients fluently. Different services will
be available to the clients. The clients must first open their respective accounts including
information like name, sex, age, cell phone number, email, blood group, sugar level, diabetes,
epilepsy and other relevant information. Clients can search on the website and choose a doctor
of their own liking. The profile of our doctors will be available on the website. Clients can
contact any of them using t their own account. Doctor’s schedule will be given. Clients can book
their favorable sessions within the given time slots. Every client visiting hour will last to
maximum three hours. We expect provide service from 10 am to 12 pm. Clients can contact
their doctors through phone call, video call. When a patient selects a session with their doctor,
that session will be booked under their account. The payment can be made by cash, Bkash,
DBBL, Rocket account. After a payment is done clients will receive a confirmation through text
messages. It will have details including their session duration, amount etc. They will also receive
messages on their appointed day. We will also have a Facebook page where people will be able
to get in touch with us. A patient can choose to contact with a doctor through phone call, video
call, email. Clients will receive a message ten minutes before the video session as a reminder.
So, the customers will know when to stay online. The conversation and the video call will be
strictly confidential. Clients can also contact us through phone calls. Clients will call on our
hotline and it will be forwarded to their chosen doctor. Every user will have the opportunity rate
their physician. If a user is ten minutes late during his/her scheduled session, that session will be
terminated. So, there is a big technical

Technology Utilization:

In a developed country this service would run smoothly. But Bangladesh is lagging behind in
terms of advanced technology. So, we will need more advanced technology to develop our
service. In this e-commerce business we will need more technical support both for us and the
clients. The internet connection in Bangladesh is not up to the mark. It tends to have weak signal
over time. This will cause technical malfunction. A high-speed internet connection is required to
run things smoothly. We also need more high-tech computers, advanced technology,
professional software and skilled human resource to run our server smoothly. So, this
equipment will play a vital role in our business.

Market Plan (7 P’s)

• Product/Service: “Jotno” is a service providing idea. We will offer online service regarding
sexual diseases. Our target market will be able to reach us through internet and physically.
“Jotno” app will available both for pc and mobile. Mobile app will available on play store and for
apple user on Appstore. We also have our Facebook page. People can keep in touch and make
queries through this page.

• Pricing: We are charging BDT 400/session from each patient. We think this is a reasonable
price for the value proposition of the service. They won’t have to get in line for appointment.
They will be able to save both time and energy. So, we think it’s a fair price.

• Promotion: For promotion we will be mostly dependent on online platform. Since, it’s only the
beginning stage of the service we can’t spend a fortune on promotion. We will use Facebook,
YouTube, Google ads, Instagram, WhatsApp through paid ads, pop up ads. We will have leaflets
to announce our existence to the customer. Near every good medical our people will distribute
these leaflets. We will host medical seminars in various colleges, universities. In every medical
college we will send our people to interact with the students who will doctors in the future. We
will host different PR activities including seminars on sexual disease, blood donation camps etc.
We will sponsor different merit-based tournament in universities. On seminars we will try to
bring the best persons in the field to interact with the people. We have an estimated budget of
BDT 5000000 for promotional purpose. We will also buy some print media and radio time for
promotion. Since our target market are the urban people will use promotional tools according to
their taste.

• Place: Since it is the initial stage we are only targeting the urban area. For the time being we
will have one head office in Dhanmondi. Everything will be controlled from there. We will have
offices in Chattagram, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal and Mymensingh. Because it is an online
based service people can use it from anywhere. The “Jotno” app will be available in the play
store and Appstore for free. Through the application they will be able connect to their favored
doctor and set appointment.
• Packaging: Since, it is a service there will be no need for packaging. The “Jotno” application will
be user friendly. It will be designed based on the technical knowledge of the target customers.

• Positioning: Positioning is all about how your customers remember your service.
A good positioning statement depends on- Credibility, Clarity, Competitiveness, Consistency.

1. Clarity: We need to be clear about our offers and uniqueness.

2. Credibility: Target segment needs to believe our claim.
3. Competitiveness: The uniqueness of “Jotno” is the vary service itself. No such service
is available in Bangladesh. We can differentiate our service from others.
4. Consistency: We have to maintain a consistent message. We will have to focus on our
quality of service and build an image for it.

We So, we want to create a strong image of our service. We want to educate the people of
Bangladesh about these sexual diseases. We want to provide them the best treatment. We want
to offer our service at the minimum price with most value propositions. So, when customers
want the best treatment at a cheaper price and don’t want to wait in line to see a doctor, they
will think of us. When customers see our brand elements including logo, name etc. they can
relate safety and fair price.

• People: There are two categories of people involved here. One is the customers who will buy
the service. The other one is the people who work for “Jotno”. They include doctors,
technicians, service department, IT specialists.
Organizational plan

Background of Entrepreneurs:
We are total 5 entrepreneurs of this business. We all are business graduates from one of the
best institutions of Bangladesh. In our undergrad we learn different subjects from different
fields. This encourages us to make this App based Business. We have two entrepreneurs have
Finance as their major, two of us are marketing major graduate and a HRM major graduate and
a diploma on IT. So, we have all caliber to set up and run a business successfully.

Role & Responsibilities of every Member of Management Team:

The management team are wanting forward to run our business during
a chantlike manner wherever every folk are handling every distinction practical sectors of our

Ragib Ahamed : He's the CEO of our business. He can collaborate all the
mandatory factors that square measure important to determine our business.
He can organize the capital we want, he can alter the business corporations joined with our
business, he can decide however the corporate can begin and run its’ business, he can decide
among the opposite partners United Nations agency can perform that task within
which position, he can set the mission & vision of our business & can set every of our individual

Izaz Ul Haque: He is the Marketing manager of our business. He is aware of wherever to focus
on, the way to target, and the way to attract the individuals, the way to build and maintain
connections with individuals beside the workers of different corporations. He has done his
graduation in promoting & is well experienced within the promoting sectors. He is playacting all
those things and that we believe he are ready to succeed our mission.

Md Miadul Islam: He is the finance manager of our business. He has nice talent in handling
the monetary flows. He can set the number of what proportion capital we want to start out our
business, what is going to be the monthly expenses to run our business, he can handle
our monetary information consists of the money flows, record, profit-and-loss statement,
revenue streams, inventories et al. 3 persons are recruited beneath him to help him within
the finance department.
Monia Haque:

She is going to be HR manager of our business. Her job is maintaining and handle the human
resource sector wherever she is going to be recruit necessary staff in our business
and incessantly push, influence, motivate, train, groom them to induce the works done and to
satisfy our mission. She conjointly has smart talent at IT sector that's why she is going
to conjointly beware of our IT sector. Our business primarily depends on her as she is going
to style our app functions, however the app can work overall, she is going to develop our app
and app functions.

Sayeef Irfan:
He is our operation and administration manager of our business. His job is to deal and
communicate with doctors, setting and designing the doctors schedule on weekly basis, taking
care of the shoppers as he will work on shopper service side, checking the complaints and
feedback of our service from our shoppers, checking the output of our business work flow,
receiving the feedback from our
internal advancement and creating solutions beside equalization the work progress of our

Assessment of Risk:
As another business all business has some hazard issue. To boot, for associate e-
business operating during a nation like Bangladesh likewise have some additional hazard
than traditional. There square measure various variety of hazard related to this business.

Social Risk
In our general public there's associate incredible concerning gender. Massive parts of the
overall population square measure too anxious, creating it not possible to require the
proper treatment in legitimate time. Therefore, various problems happen in later life. for
women in our nation the circumstance is much and away additional terrible. As a male driven
society, it's perpetually troublesome for feminine to deliver their problems to
others. Wherever setting off the specialist isn't a problem, a
rather distinctive domestically established neighborhood medication that doesn't have any
logical clarification is that the main various. On these lines, to make up such associate
administration is troublesome to form satisfactory for all individual within a quick span.
Economic Risk
Bangladesh may be a making nation. The overwhelming majority of the overall population still
lives beneath impoverishment level. As our business required for our client to have a
PC, versatile and internet association, most extreme people don’t have this capability to secure
these gadgets. During this means, our financial condition is likewise a serious hazard issue for
our business.

Technical Risk
In such a business we require a great deal of cutting-edge specialized help. For both us and
client require a rapid web association with convey. Be that as it may, in Bangladesh this is
extremely troublesome. System framework is not that much well established. Additionally, most
extreme time framework does not work like it expected to work. In this way, there is an
enormous hazard with respect to specialized issues.

Contingency arrange
We will add some another service or options. We are going to merge our apps with another
apps or corporations. We are going to try and develop new code. We will take another step that,
Paid services are “partially free” system.

Financial Plan


We have made our financial planning which includes pro- forma income statement, balance
sheet and cash flow statements for the next five years. We assume our revenues of our business
as well as the cost related to our business for the next five years. We also assume our total
assets as well as the total liabilities and owners’ equity for the next five years in our balance
sheet. We have also shown the cash inflows and cash outflows related to our business for the
next five years in the cash flow statement.
Pro-Forma Income Statement

We assume that we will charge every patient BDT 700tk. We also assume the doctor will get
70% fees of each patient and we will get 30% of the fees. We also assume that daily we will be
able to set 200 patients and therefore our first-year total revenues and cost of revenues will be
respectively BDT 51,100,100tk and BDT 37,960,000tk. Others cost are also given for the first
year. After deducting all the expenses our net profit will be BDT 1,140,000tk.

Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Total Revenues 51,100,000 56,210,000 58,765,000 58,765,000 61,320,000
Cost of
Revenues 37,960,000 41,756,000 43,654,000 43,654,000 45,552,000
Research &
Development 1,000,000 12,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 1,000,000
Marketing &
Sales 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000
Administration 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,500,000
Expenses 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
Total Expenses&
Losses 49,960,000 53,456,000 55,154,000 54,454,000 57,552,000
Net Income 1,140,000 2,754,000 3,611,000 4,311,000 3,768,000

In the second year we assume that our total revenues will increase by 10%. We also assume that
our costs of revenues are directly related with the total revenues. So, it will also increase by
10%. All other expenses are also adjusted respectively and finally we will get a net profit of BDT

In the third year, we will get a profit of BDT 3,611,000tk. So, our net profit will increase with
respect to the second year.

In the fourth year our net income will also increases with respect to the third year. But we see
that our net income will decrease in the fifth year with respect to the fourth year due to the
huge development of our websites and app.
Cash Flow Projection

We assume that we will get positive net cash flows in each year. By the projection of cash flow
statement, we also see that our net cash increases in every year and that is a positive sign for
our business.

Cash Inflow
Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cash Inflow 51,100,000 56,210,000 58,765,000 61,703,250 66,022,478

(-) Cash

CCTV 40,000 45,000 50,000 50,000 55,000

GPS tracking
Band 20,000 22,000 25,000 30,000 32,000

Salaries 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000

Rent 600,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000

Advertising 5,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000

Miscellaneous 600,000 700,000 700,000 750,000 700,000

Development 5,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000

Commissions 25,000,000 29,000,000 30,000,000 31,500,000 33,705,000

Expense 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
Total Cash
Outflows 45,260,000 49,967,000 50,525,000 52,130,000 53,842,000

Net Cash 5,840,000 6,243,000 8,240,000 9,573,250 12,180,478

Pro- forma Balance Sheet:

In the first year we assume that the value of our website and the app will be BDT 51,100,000tk.
We also assume our others fixed and short-term assets as well and we have found that our total
assets will be BDT 30,000,000 taka in the first year. We assume that we will start our business
with 30% of equity investment and for the rest of the business we will go for taking loans from
bank. Thus, our total Liabilities and owners’ equity for the first year will be BDT 30,000,000tk.

In the second-year total value of our assets and liabilities& owners’ equity will be same as the
first year. And from the third to fifth year our assets value will increase as we will develop our
website and app.

Balance sheet Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Fixed Assets
Websites & App 16,600,000 16,600,000 16,000,000 17,300,000 18,000,00
Office Equipment 8,000,000 7,600,000 7,000,000 6,650,000 6,317,500
Net Fixed Assets 24,600,000 24,200,000 23,600,000 23,950,000 24,317,500
Current Assets
Cash (In hand) 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000
Cash (in Bank) 3,400,000 3,800,000 6,000,000 6,600,000 7,700,000
OWNER Current
asset 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 3,200,000 3,000,000
Total CA 5,400,000 5,800,000 11,000,000 12,300,000 12,700,000
Total Assets 30,000,000 30,000,000 34,600,000 36,250,000 37,017,500
Liabilities & owners’
Current Liability 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 900,000 900,000
Long- term loans 18,300,000 18,300,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 11,000,000
Owners’ Equity 10,500,000 10,500,000 23,600,000 26,350,000 25,117,500
Total Liabilities and
Owners Equity 30,000,000 30,000,000 34,600,000 36,250,000 37,017,500
Break Even Analysis

We assume our fixed costs for starting our business. We have also assumed our variable cost
and the fees which will be charged to every patient. From our assumption we get our break-
even number which is 164,000. So, 164,000 patients have to use our website and app for their
treatment and then we will be able to reach to our break-even quantity.

Break even
analysis Amount
Fixed Cost 24,600,000
Variable Cost 550
USP 700
Patient in a
year 73,000
Break Even
Quantity 164,000
Break Even
Time 2.246575342

We also estimate our numbers of patient every year which is 73,000. So, we will need around 2
years and 3 months to reach in our break-even quantity.

Break even analysis


Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5

Sources and Application of Fund

For a social startup, that directly addresses the problem through all their activity, we have to
find out an investor who would not only trust us with her money but also will understand the
core concept of the business itself.
For the seed level funding, it would require is around 3crore taka for the initial investment. With
this amount we can go for both the app and website-based service from the inception. Hence,
we will look for an angel investor on this regard. Beside that we can contact the government or
government related subsidiaries and tie up a pack. Since the recent government is all about
digital and welcomes a digital solution to a real problem, we believe it will be appreciated by
them. Hence, we can also manage to get a grant from the current government to make this
project a reality.
Apart from that we can also contact with different international NGO like BRAC or Grameen or
Care etc. to get our funding and work with them unanimously. Not only fruitful by the financial
sense, but will also give us a chance to use their infrastructure.
But whatever process we would agree to take on, we will be agreed to leave less than 30% of
the overall business share. In this way we can keep the decision- making capability in our own
Most of the fund will be used for developing our website and app for our business. Other than
that, we are also required for purchasing our office equipment and other supplies. We will use
our fund in setting up our own office. Rather than we will also keep some fund in our hand in
order to pay our daily expenses. We have to pay our office employees as well.

Partnership agreement
Lease to contracts

We will make our agreement according to this form to rent our office

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