Be Helpful

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Teacher: Mardari Alina

Date: 03-05.11.2021
Form: IVth
Topic: „Be helpful”
Type of lesson: teaching - learning

Specific Competences and Sub-competences:

1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the English language in simple short sentences.
2.3. Understanding the meaning of simple and familiar social contexts, greeting and leave-taking, confirming and denying information;
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to the English language according to certain models of simple short sentences in simple and familiar communication
1.12. Recognizing words and simple sentences in printed texts while reading;
3.3.Integrating familiar for students linguistic structures in simple short conversations;

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

O1. Distinguish between Countable and Uncountable nouns in English;
O2. Use much and many in front of nouns
O3. Make up dialogues to agree or disagree
O4. Listen to a text and answer the questions
O5. Talk about things that make people happy.

Resources: textbooks, copybooks, worksheets with different activities.

1. Methods: Communicative, competency-based.
2. Techniques: Exercises, conversation.
3. Forms of activities: Pair work, individual work, whole class work.

Time of lesson: 45 minutes

Stages Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity Resources Strategies
T. enters the classroom, greets the pupils,
Evocation and asks them how they are, how are they Pupils answer the teacher with a short
Warm up. today and if any Ps are missing. poem and answer to the teacher’s Whole class
questions. Flashcard. work.
Teacher checks the homework.

Realization of T announces the topic of the lesson

meaning (written on the bb) and its objectives. Pupils open their notebooks and write Copybooks. Whole class
T says that they will study the new down the date and the title of the lesson. work.
theme: „Much and Many”.
T. Asks students to name fruits,
vegetables and convenience food they Ss name fruits, vegetables and
remember. convenience food.
The teacher writes the words on the bb.
Teacher explains the difference between Ss group the words in countable and
countable and uncountable and asks the uncountable in their copybooks.
students to group the words into
countable and uncountable.

Presentation of T introduces the words much, many, a lot Pupils listen, repeat and write the new Whole class
the new of to show quantity, drills the new words words in their vocabularies. work.
knowledge. and ask Ss to make up structures with After that they make up structures with Vocabularies.
'much+noun' and 'many+noun'. Then the the new words and the best sentence is Flashcards.
T explains the use of ''a lot of'' and asks written on the bb and in their copybooks. Real objects. Individual
the students to make up sentences with work.
the above studies words.
T reminds the Ss the use of 'There is/are'
and explains their use with countable and
uncountable nouns.
There is/ isn't +sg countable noun Ss write in their copybooks
There is/ isn't + uncountable noun
There are/ aren't + plural countable
Practise of the
new knowledge T asks the students to choose the right Ss choose and read the sentences. Whole class
variant and read the sentences. Spidergram. work.

T. reads the fairy tale and pupils listen Ss listen to the teacher and answer her
with their books closed. Then she asks question. Textbooks. Whole class
Reading activity. them to answer the question:”How did work.
the old man make people happy?”, check
comprehension, reads once again and
asks Ss to read each by a paragraph. Ss read by one paragraph. Textbooks.
Chain reading. Chain
T asks questions to the text to check the Ss answer the questions.
Post – reading comprehension of the text. Textbooks.
activities. Copybooks. Whole class
Ex. 5 p. 17 – to say if it is True or False. Pupils listen and do the exercise. work.

Reflection. Teacher proposes pupils that they will

work in pairs. To read the example and Pupils name and describe.
Feed-back make up similar dialogues using 'many', Textbooks. Pair work
'much' and 'a lot of'. Copybooks. Role play
Ex. 3 p. 16
Then, teacher propose to do exercises 1-6
page 16-17 from english workbook.
Extension. T writes on the blackboard the pupils’
homework and gives explanations about Pupils write their homework in their Copybooks. Whole class
Assigning solving it. copybooks. Record books. work.
homework. Ex. 6 p. 17
Evaluation. Evaluates the pupils. Pupils listen to the teacher. Register.
Record books.

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