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Wrong Answered Questions

1 If the dimensions of length are expressed as where G, c and h are the universal gravitational constant,
speed of light and Planck’s constant respectively, then

B                         ✓

D You marked    ✘
2 The plane is the boundary between two transparent media. Medium-1 with has refractive index  
and medium-2 with has a refractive index . A ray of light in medium given by vector is
incident on the plane of separation. The unit vector in the direction of the refracted ray in medium-2 is

B You marked    ✘
C                         ✓

3 A boy throws a ball upwards with velocity v0 = 20 m/s . The wind imparts a horizontal acceleration of 4 m/s2 to
the left. The angle θ at which the ball must be thrown so that the ball returns to the boy’s hand is (g = 10 m/s2)

A  tan–1 (1.2)

B tan–1 (0.2)

C tan–1 (2) You marked    ✘

D tan–1 (0.4)                        

4 In the arrangement shown in the figure, block B of mass M rests on a weighing scale. Ball A is released from a
position where spring is in its natural length and the scale shows the correct weight of block B. Find the mass of
ball A so that the minimum reading shown by the scale subsequently is half the true weight of B.

B You marked    ✘
C                         ✓

5 A block of mass m is placed over a plank of mass M, which is placed over a smooth horizontal surface as shown
in the figure. Friction exists between the block and plank. A horizontal force (which increases with time
according to law F = αt) is applied horizontally on the plank. Then which of the following graphs shows
acceleration a of the block?

A                         ✓

B You marked    ✘

6 Two identical thin rods AB and CD having mass ‘M’ and length ‘L’ are fixed as shown. Find the moment of inertia
of the system about axis XX′.

B                         ✓
C You marked    ✘
D Zero

7 A particle is projected from a point A, which is at a distance 4R from the centre of the earth and with speed V1 in
a direction making 30° with the V1 line joining the centre of the earth and points, as shown. Find the speed V1 if
particle passes grazing the surface of the earth. Consider gravitational interaction only between these two.

B                         ✓
C You marked    ✘
D None of these

Skipped Questions

8 An upright U-tube manometer with its limbs 0.6 m high and spaced 0.3 m apart contains a liquid to a height of
0.4 m on each limb. If the U-tube is rotated at 10 radians/second about a vertical axis at
0.1 m from one limb, z1 and z2 are heights of liquid columns on rotation. Choose the correct option. (Use g = 10

A z2 – z1 = 30 cm
B z2 – z1 = 10 cm

C z2 – z1 = 20 cm

D z2 – z1 = 15 cm                         ✓

Not Visited Questions

9 A cone of height h and base of radius r is submerged in a fluid as shown in the figure such that half of its height is
outside the fluid. The angle of contact between the fluid and cone is θ and surface tension for the fluid is T. The
net force experienced by cone due to surface tension is

A πr T cos θ

B πr T sin θ

C                         ✓

10 A particle is acted upon by force F = F0 cos (ωt) along X-axis. The amplitude of its velocity is given by
.Choose the CORRECT condition for resonance.

A Y2 = XZ

B Z2 = XY

C Y2 = 4XZ                         ✓
D X2 = YZ

11 A square (side length )parallel plate air capacitor is charged by a battery of emf ε, then it is disconnected from
the battery and allowed to discharge through a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K and resistivity ρ, as shown
in figure. There is a uniform outward magnetic field B at the location of the capacitor. The total momentum
attained by the slab after complete discharge is

D                         ✓
12 In the given figure, a wire loop has been bent so that it has three segments AB (a quarter circle), BC (a square
corner), and CA (straight). The following are the three choices for a magnetic field through the loop.

(i) (ii) (iii)

where B is in millitesla and t is in second if the magnitude of induced current in the loop due to and
are i1, i2 and i3 respectively, then

A i 1 > i2 > i 3

B i2 > i1 > i3                         ✓

C i3 > i2 > i1

D i1 = i2 = i3

13 A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is placed in front of a plane mirror at 20 cm. A point object ’O’ is placed at
30 cm towards left from convex lens as shown. The position of final image is

A Virtual at infinity

B Real at infinity

C Virtual at 20 cm towards left of convex lens

D Real at 10 cm towards left of lens                        

14 In the Young’s double slit experiment using a monochromatic light of wavelength λ, the path difference (in terms
of an integer n) corresponding to any point having half the peak intensity is

B                         ✓

15 Mass spectrometric analysis of potassium and argon atoms in a Moon rock sample shows that the ratio of the
number of (stable) 40Ar atoms present to the number of (radioactive) 40K atoms is 10.3. Assume that all the
argon atoms were produced by the decay of potassium atoms, with a half-life of 1.25×109yr. How old is the

A 2.95 × 1011 yr

B 2.95 × 109 yr

C 4.37 × 109 yr                         ✓

D  4.37 × 1011 yr

16 In the given figure, the electric lines of forces shaped like arcs of concentric circles with their centre at point O
in the certain confined region of a field [a < r < b], where r is the radius of concentric arcs. The intensity of
electric field in this section should be

A Directly proportional to distance from O

B Directly proportional to square of distance from O

C Inversely proportional to distance from O                         ✓

D Inversely proportional to square of distance from O
17 A conducting circular loop of radius a is placed in a uniform magnetic field B which is perpendicular to loop. A
rod OA touches the loop as shown. A resistor R is also connected between 0 and circumference of loop (loop
and rod are resistance less). Rod is rotated with constant angular velocity ω in anticlockwise direction. Torque
of the external force needed to keep the rod rotating with constant angular velocity ω is

D                         ✓
18 In case of a transverse wave in a string, X
(i) If , maximum particle speed is more than the wave speed
(ii) If , maximum particle speed is equal to the wave speed
(iii) In harmonic wave, wave velocity is constant
(iv) In harmonic wave, particle speed is constant
The correct statements are

A (i) and (iii)

B (ii) and (iii)                         ✓

C (i) and (iv)

D (ii) and (iv)

19 A point object (O) lies at a distance of 20 cm on the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length
f = 10 cm. The object begins to move in a direction making an angle of 45° with the principal axis. At what angle
with the principal axis does the image begin to move?

A At angle 45° with the principal axis in downward direction.                         ✓

B At angle 75° with the principal axis in downward direction.

C At angle 45° with the principal axis in upward direction

D At angle 75° with the principal axis in upward direction.

20 A block of mass M is placed on top of a hole in a horizontal table. A spring of force constant k is connected to
the block through the hole. The other end of the massless spring has a particle of mass m connected to it. With
what maximum amplitude can the particle oscillate up and down such that the block does not lose contact with
the table?

D                         ✓
Carbon monoxide is carried around a closed cycle abc, in which bc is an isothermal process, as shown in figure.
The gas absorbs 7000 J of heat, as its temperature increased from 300 K to 1000 K in going from a to b. The
quantity of heat ejected by the gas during the process ca is ….in J.



Two particles A and B have de-Broglie’s wavelengths   and  , combined to form a particle C.
Momentum is conserved in this process. What is theminimum possible de-Broglie’s wavelength of C (in A°)?


The p-n junction diode used in the given figure has a cut-in voltage of 1 volt and forward resistance of 2 kΩ. If
diode can dissipate a maximum power of 200 mW, find the maximum possible value of the battery voltage VB
(in volt)



A current of 8 A is to be sent through a resistor of 5 Ω. Calculate the least number of cells in a mixed
combination required for the purpose when each cell has emf 2 V and internal resistance 0.5 Ω.



The resistance of an 8 m long potentiometer wire is 8 Ω. A high resistance box and a 2 V battery are connected
in series with it. What should be the value of the resistance (in Ω) in the box, if potentiometer wire is desired to
have a potential drop of 1 μV/mm?



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