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Q146 What is meant by FRSR a. Financial Rule and Service Rule b. Fundamental Rules and Service Rules c.

Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules Q147 The Fundamental rules shall come into force with effect from ----------------a. 1st January 1970 b. 1st January 1922 c. 1st January 1975 Q148 The fundamental Rules apply subject to the provisions of Rule 3 to all -----------a. Government officials b. Citizen of India Q149 what option was given by president of India to the government service from 1st July 1976 a. option to continue to be governed by provision of civil services regulations or come over to fundamental rules b option to continue to be governed by provision of civil services regulations c . None of the above Q150 The option in respect of fundamental rules which was selected by non gazetted staff may be recorded in ----------a. option may be recorded in service Book b. option may be forwarded to account officer c . Both Q151 GPF rules 1960 can be amended time to time The above said statement is a. true b. false Q152 From the following action , which action is not re delegate to subordinate authorities ? a . action related with creation of Post . b. appointing a government servant c. issue order related with changes of allowance Q153 --------------- of the constitution is based for appointing administrator of union territory a. article 239 b . article 240 c. article 241 Q 154 Travelling allowance may be considered as ------------a. Special allowance b. Compensatory Allowance c. Both Q154 A government servant is under training then it will considered as he is under duty a. The statement is correct b. the statement is incorrect Q155 For departmental promotion examination a government official is granted leave. Then leave period is calculated on what basis? a. duration of examination b. duration of examination plus minimum period required for journey to and from the examination centre nearest to headquarters station c. duration of examination plus minimum period required for journey to and from the examination centre to candidates home Q156 A Government servant attend in departmental examination may considered as duty then the official should report his/her office after the examination The above said statement a. True b . False

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