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Solo Parenting: A Qualitative Inquiry into Experiences, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of

Solo Parent in Brgy. Litlit Silang Cavite


Being a parent occur due to various reasons such as annulment, separation, death of a partner, or
the choice to parent alone. Solo parents often have to balance work and parenting responsibilities
without the help of a partner. This can be challenging and can lead to stress and difficulties in
managing time effectively. They also face financial difficulties in meeting basic needs such as
housing and food, experience range of emotions including sadness, anger, frustration, as well as
guilt for not being able to provide children with a two-parent household (Yarborough and Finch,
2004). Single parents have to aand managing finances. This can make it difficult for them to find
time for self-care or pursue personal goals (Lobel and Novak, 2015). In order to better
understand the needs and experiences of solo parents—including their need for financial and
social support, work-life balance, and parenting challenges—this study aims to comprehend the
experiences of solo parents. Being a solo parent is a unique experience. This research can also
pinpoint the risk factors that make it challenging for single parents to give their kids a secure
environment as well as the protective elements that can help them get through these obstacles.

Research Questions

1. What are the factors that could make a mother or father end up being a single parent?
2. What are the different experiences and struggle a single parent go through every day?
3. What are the possible recommendations that can be suggested for single parents to
overcome the challenges that they experience?

Theoretical Framework

This study used the Coping Theory of Lazarus and Folkman, which states that coping is defined
as "ongoing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific (external and/or internal)
demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the individual. Which, when
it comes to solo parenting, may result to the parent overthinking the current situation of the
family or putting up too much pressure to themselves for not being able to easily provide
whatever their child needs.

Scope and Delimitations

This study conducted a qualitative inquiry that will only focus onto the Experiences, Challenges
and Coping Mechanisms of Solo Parents in Litlit Silang Cavite. The participants of this study are
currently living in Litlit Silang Cavite. The participants agreed to take part voluntarily. This
study has its own limitations. Small sample sizes limit the amount of information gathered from
the 10 participants of the study. There is information that may be confidential for the participant
which could make them uncomfortable if told.

Significance of the Study

The research may be helpful for teenagers for them to know how would they be able to provide
help for their parents if they are raised alone. The study can also help the parents formulate their
own ways of coping with their current situation and understand the perspectives of those parents
that raise their child without the help of a partner. Teachers may also be aware of the possible
behavior of the students which may be affected by the situation of their parent. This study may
also help barangay leaders to accumulate information about the situation and help support them
with local programs and opportunities to provide the needs of their family. Lastly, this study can
help future researchers with their theses and if they ever need supporting research for their

Definition of Terms

1. Annulment - a legal procedure within secular and religious legal systems for declaring a
marriage null and void. 
2. Juggle – to do things all at once
3. Confidential - intended to be kept secret
4. Formulate - create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal)
5. Accumulate - gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of

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