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Lexicology as a branch of Linguistics.

Subject, main tasks and problems.

Word as the main notion of Lexicology.

Lecture 1
Assoc. professor
Maiia M. Yurkovska
Лекція I – 3 лютого Ввідна оглядова лекція. Introductory lecture, the
object and subject of lexicology, goals and tasks of
lexicology, the problems of lexicology.
Лекція II – 17 лютого Word-structure. Definition of Morphemes, types of
morphemes, morphemic analysis.
Лекція III – 3 березня Word-formation. Minor and major types of word-
formation. Major types of word-formation.
Лекція IV – 17 березня Minor word-formation types.

Лекція V – 31 березня Semasiology. Word-Meaning. Types of Meaning.

Word-Meaning and Motivation. Connotative and
denotative meaning.
Лекція VI – 14 квітня Polysemy and Homonymy. Synonymy, paronyms,
antonymy… types of semantic relationships.
Лекція VII – 28 квітня Word-groups and phraseological units. Types of
phraseological units.
Лекція VIII - 12 травня Language and Style.

Лекція IX – 26 травня Practice. Presentations of additional topics.

Лекція X – 9 червня Summarizing lecture. Writing a modal test.

(МК – 60 балів)
The word ‘lexicology’ consists of two Greek words: ‘lexis’, which means
‘word, phrase’ and ‘logos’ which means ‘learning’ → ‘the science of
The main task of lexicology is the investigation and systematic
description of the vocabulary system in respect to its origin,
development and current use.

- also concerned with the structure and meaning of affixes, words,

and idioms

- the analysis of semantic relationships between words and the influence

of various factors upon these relationships
• The general information about Lexicology

• The structure of a word. The division of a word into

• Ways of formation words. Major and minor word formation
• Semasiology – the study of the meaning of the word, different
types of semantic relationships between the words
• Phraseological units. Phrases, word-combinations, idioms etc.

• Language and style.

▪ General Lexicology

▪ Special Lexicology

▪ General lexicology which is concerned with the study of the vocabulary system irrespective of the specific
features of a particular language.

▪ Special lexicology, which investigates the vocabulary of a particular language.

▪ Diachronic lexicology (historical L and etymology)

▪ Synchronic lexicology (descriptive L.)

▪ Comparative lexicology

▪ Semasiology - structure and the classification of changes in the meanings of words

▪ Word-formation - derivation patterns in a particular language, categories and types of word- formation

▪ Phraseology

▪ Applied lexicology - (compiling dictionaries)

Lexical Units
▪ Phonemes: vowels, consonants, stress

▪ Morphemes: roots, affixes, inflections

free/ semi-bound/bound

▪ Words:

root words / derived words / compound words mono semantic words /

polysemantic words

common words / non-common words (terms, dialect words, slang words, etc.) obsolete words / nonce

native words / borrowed words parts of speech

▪ Phrases: noun phrase/ verb phrase/prepositional

word-combinations, idioms

▪ Sentences: simple / complex

▪ Super phrasal unities: monologues, dialogues, polylogues

▪ Why is Phraseology included into
▪ branches of Lexicology?

‘frost without snow

cat or rime’
dog black frost
red tape bureaucratic
wall methods
taxi a skeleton in the cupboard

when something should

be hidden
- The smallest independent, freely
reproduced in speech, separately - A word is a unit of language that carries meaning and
designed and meaningful unit of consists of one or more morphemes. Words can be
language which coincides with a combined to create phrases, clauses and sentences
known and separate element of (, 2009).
reality (object, phenomenon, quality,
process, relation, etc.) and whose
basic function is marking, sign - The smallest unit of language, characterized by
representation of this element – independence (autonomy) bigger than that of the
naming it, indicating it or expressing morpheme (by Prof. Bloomfield, 1968).
it (by Prof. Taranenko, 2006).
- A number of morphemes connected according to the
grammar rules of a certain language and correlated
- A unit of language that native speakers can identify; to a certain object of extralinguistic reality
"words are the blocks from which sentences are (, 2006).
made" (Miller, 2006).
▪ The main features of the word:

- independence, being separately shaped, possessing meaning

- morphemic structure (for analytical and inflected languages)

- ability to build word-combinations and to function in a sentence

Formal criteria for wordhood:

1. Orthographic
2. Semantic
3. Phonological
4. Morphological
5. Grammatical
6. Syntactic
▪ supermarket toy store or grocery store

▪ noteworthy
jack-of-all-tradeS’ jackS-of-all-trades
▪ jack-of-all-trades
two forget-me-notS
▪ forget-me-not
▪ runner-up
runnerS-up runner-up’S
▪ travel agency tried out

▪ try out try out the car

try the car out
▪ pins and needles
Main features of the word

▪ It possesses an external and internal structure

▪ Susceptibility to a certain grammatical employment

▪ It has lexical-grammatical valency

1. Internal and external structure

Morphological structure of the word is realized in roots and


The internal structure of the word is its meaning

the word a blackbird

the word combination a black bird

blackbird, blackbirds, blackbird’s, blackbirds’

The blackest bird I've ever seen.
The black birds …
✓Internal (or semantic) unity of the words

✓The word blackbird - a species of a bird.

✓A phrase a black bird:

• a bird is a kind of a living creature

• black is a colour
Susceptibility to a certain grammatical
employment: most words are used in different
grammatical forms, which provide their interrelations

the grammatical paradigm of the word boy includes forms:

boy, boys, boy’s, boys’
✓Derivational paradigm

✓Synonymic paradigm

✓Antonymic paradigms

▪girlie, girlish, girlhood (derivational paradigm)

3. Lexical-grammatical valency is realized in
its ability to contact with morphemes and other
WORD - the basic unit of language, which has a
certain sound and graphical structure
associated with a certain meaning, and which is
susceptible to a certain grammatical
▪ Syntagmatic relations are horizontal since they are

based on the linear character of speech.

▪ Syntagmatic relations between words condition the

sequence and compatibility of words in a text.

▪ Her blue eyes were full of tears.

▪ She felt blue.
▪ Paradigmatic (contrastive or vertical) relations between words

❖Paradigmatic relations between words reveal themselves

through the possibility of their interchange or substitution.

• my sister has bought a big house

▪ my relative has purchased (sold) a big house

• my sister has bought a big house

my umbrella has bought a big house

▪ Introduction to the next topic:

▪ Morpheme.
▪ Morphological structure of the word.
▪ Morphemic analysis.
▪ Literature for self-study work:

▪ Верба Л. Г. В 31 Порівняльна лексикологія англійської і української мов. Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2008.
▪ Коваленко Г.М. Lexicology of the English Language / Ганна Миколаївна Коваленко. – Київ, 2011.
▪ Жорнокуй У. В. Курс лекцій Порівняльної лексикології англійської та української мов : Навчально-
методичний посібник / Уклад.– Київ: НУБіП, 2014. (pp.6-12)
▪ Герцовська Н.О. Опорний конспект лекцій з дисципліни «Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та
української мов» для студентів денної та заочної форм навчання спеціальності 014 «Середня освіта
(англійська мова та зарубіжна література) Мукачево: МДУ, 2016. (pp. 6-8; 9-12)

Topics for self-study work and final presentations:

▪ 1. Лексикологія української мови: об'єкт, предмет, задачі, проблеми. Етапи становлення

лексикології української мови.
▪ 2. Струкутра слова. Поняття про морфему. Морфемний аналіз.
▪ 3. Словотвір. Основні способи словотвору в українській мові.
▪ 4. Словотвір. Другорядні способи словотвору в українській мові.
▪ 5. Слово як основна одиниця лексико-семантичної системи мови. Поняття про слово. Основні
терміни семасіології. Лексичне значення слова. Типи лексичних значень слова.
▪ 6. Парадигматичні зв’язки в лексиці. Синонімія. Антонімія. Пароніми. Омоніми.
▪ 7. Фразеологія української мови. Основні поняття, терміни. Типи словосполучень.
▪ 8. Лексичний склад сучасної української мови. Успадкована лексика. Запозичена лексика.
▪ 9. Лексикографія української мови.
1)Пряме і переносне значення слова. Види перенесень.

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