Level I Genghis Khan Answer Key I

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Genghis Khan Unit 1 (Workbook answers)

Comprehension (pages 2-7)

1. Why had Temujin’s father been away for two months?

He was fighting a rival clan in the north.

2. How old was Temujin at the start of the story?

He was ten years old.

3. Of which clan was Temujin’s father the leader?

He was leader of the Yakka Mongols.

4. *What were the names of Temujin’s parents? How did they meet?

Yesugei and Hoelun Yesugei captured Hoelun during an ambush on his mother’s
tribe and then married her.

5. Who had Yesugei and the rest of his clan defeated?

The Tartars

6. *What skill had Temujin been practicing whilst his father was away? For what was he

Archery; the gorugen

7. *What was the most striking thing about Temujin’s face?

His eyes were cat-like and burned with intelligence.

8. *What was Yesugei going to choose for Temujin from another clan?

A bride

1. What is the landscape like?

The landscape was mountainous, with large, black rocks jutting out of the earth.
There was a lake at the foot of the mountain, with grass along the shoreline.

2. What time of year do these events take place, and what clues provide you with this

The events take place in late spring or early summer. The ground is dry, but the grass
is still green and lush.

Comprehension (pages 8-12)

1. *Who was Dai Sechen?

He was the chieftain of the Onggirat clan.

2. *How did Temujin and his father meet Dai Sechen?

They were travelling to visit the Olkunut tribe in order to find a bride for Temujin.

3. *What was Dai Sechen’s dream?

In Dai Sechen’s dream, a white falcon flew down from the sky, carrying the sun in
one talon and the moon in the other. It then settled on the palm of Dai Sechen’s hand.
4. *How did Dai Sechen’s dream relate to Temujin?

Dai Sechen believed that the dream foretold of a great fortune coming his way and
Temujin’s arrival was a symbol of this.
5. *What was the custom of the Onggirat clan, when a son from another tribe
wasbetrothed to a daughter?

The custom was that a son would live with his future wife’s family until the wedding.

6. Why did Temujin leave Dai Sechen’s camp?

A messenger arrived from his father to say that Yesugei was heartsick over his son’s
absence, and Dai Sechen allowed Temujin to visit him.

7. Why did the messenger think that Temujin may be challenged as successor to
hisfather as leader of the Yakka Mongols?

He thought that many chieftains may not want to be led by a ten-year-old.

Challenge question:
When Temujin is faced with the news about his father, and his subsequent death,
what do we learn about Temujin’s character from his reactions?

On his journey home, Temujin is clearly upset about his father as “his heart was
heavy” and he cried, but at the same time, he was brave and realised he had
responsibilities which required him to hide his emotions, so he kept his face “blank”
and didn’t show his tears. When his father had died, although again he was very sad
and mourned his loss, he bravely recognized his responsibilities as Yesugei’s
Vocabulary (pages 1-5)

Compound Words

Compound words are formed of two smaller words joined together. Often you can predict
the meaning of the new word when you know the smaller ones. Compound words may
be written as one word (classroom), two words (apple tree) or hyphenated words (merry-

Replace each of the underlined phrases in the sentences below with a compound
wordfrom the dictionary.

1. My mother was holding a broom with a 3. Temujin had new boots which came up
long handle. to his knees.

long-handled knee-high

4. I knew mother had been cleaning,

2. Temujin enjoyed eating plants with because she was holding a cloth which
roots. was filled with dust.

root vegetables dust-filled

Vocabulary (pages 4-7)

Write a word from the box to replace the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.

envious uncommonly captives association

anxious defiantly travels customary

1. Temujin was acting with disobedience when he refused to help his mother.

2. The tribesmen hid their prisoners in a dark cave.


3. The boys were jealous of Temujin as he had a new bow and arrow.

4. The weather was unusually hot for the time of year.

Vocabulary (pages 10-11)

Write a word from the box to replace the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.

strife factor qualities

perpetual presently upturned

1. Arguments over land caused much conflict between the two rival clans.

2. Temujin was known to have many distinctive virtues.


3. The yak’s horns are sharp and point upwards.


4. After a short time, the warriors arrived at the campsite occupied by the Tartar clan.

5. The safety of Yesugei’s family was an important thing for him to consider in

6. The Yakka clan lived in continual fear of attack by rival clans.


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