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Hi the topic of this essay is about the earth, about how i view earth and the current condition

of earth. I
will talk about many things like pollution, global warming and deforestation.
In my prospective earth is suffering and earth is at it’s worse state because of many things that
is happening like pollution, Pollution is worsening every day because of the car smoke and factories, the
consequence of those two is the air is now very polluted and if we continue this we will use oxygen tank
just to breath air in no time. Global warming because of rapid burning of fossils such as coal and
petroleum for energy, which release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it causes the temperature to
rise because of that the ice in the north pole and south pole begun to slowly melt causing floods and
tsunami. Deforestation because of illegal logging and continuous cutting of trees without replacing a
new one we suffer flood and landslide the ones who is the most affected are the urban areas because of
the infrastructure they forgot to plant trees because of that they suffer floods even when its only raining
it floods.

That’s why we must always protect earth because we may never know when it will take revenge on
what we do, we must be careful on what we do because we may never know that it is slowly affecting
our atmosphere and slowly killing us because of that we must not always throw trash anywhere and we
must stop illegal logging because those trees that they illegally cut that tree will be the one who will
help us with our lack of oxygen. So we must always think about what we do to earth and always listen
on what the scientist say because they are the one’s who know the more of what is happening.

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