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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits


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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health

Written by Ansley Hill, RD, LD — Medically reviewed by Maya Feller, MS, RD,
CDN, Nutrition — Updated on June 30, 2022

Floral centerpieces on the dinner table are a classic and timeless

tradition, but flowers can sometimes show up on your dinner plate, too.

Edible flowers are used in many different styles of cuisine and can be
found on menus all over the world.

Not all flowers are safe to eat, but those that are can offer a unique burst
of flavor and color to many dishes, including salads, sauces, beverages
and entrées. Some of them may even offer health benefits.

Here are 11 edible flowers with potential health benefits.



1. Hibiscus Privacy - Terms

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Holger Leue/Getty Images

Hibiscus plants produce large, ornate blossoms that usually grow in

tropical and subtropical climates around the world. Hundreds of hibiscus
species exist, but the most popular edible variety is known as roselle or
Hibiscus sabdariffa.

Hibiscus flowers can grow as large as 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter and
are found in a wide array of colors — including red, white, yellow and
various shades of pink.

Although sometimes grown for strictly ornamental purposes, hibiscus is

also well known for its culinary and medicinal applications.

You can eat the flower straight from the plant, but it is usually used for
tea, relishes, jam or salads. Many cultures drink hibiscus tea for its
medicinal properties.

Some studies indicate that hibiscus may help reduce blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, although more research is needed to better
understand how hibiscus can support heart health (1  , 2  ).

The tea is bright red and has a tart, somewhat sour flavor. It may be

served hot but isA Dparticularly
V E R T I S E M E N T refreshing over ice on a hot summer day.

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

SUMMARY flowers are large, colorful blossoms that grow in warm
climates. The flowers can be eaten raw but are often used to
make herbal tea. Some research suggests that hibiscus may
have a positive impact on cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Dandelion

Maria Manco/Stocksy

Dandelions are best known as stubborn garden weeds. However, they

happen to double as a highly nutritious edible flower.

Dandelions have small blossoms — roughly 1–1.5 inches (2–4 cm) in

diameter — with many tiny, bright-yellow petals. They supply various plant
compounds known to have powerful antioxidant properties (3  ).

Interestingly, the flowers are not the only part of dandelion that can be
eaten. In fact, every part of this so-called weed can be enjoyed —
including its roots, stems and leaves.

There are endless options for eating dandelion. The flowers can be eaten 
raw, either alone or tossed into a salad. They may be breaded and fried or
used to make jelly and wine.

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

The roots are often steeped to make tea, while the greens may be
consumed raw as a salad or a sandwich topping. They can also be
cooked in stews, casseroles or any other dish that calls for hearty greens.


Dandelions are considered weeds but double as a highly

nutritious edible flower. The flowers — edible raw or cooked —
can be used to make various foods like jelly and wine.


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17 of 39 09/07/2022, 18:53
11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

3. Lavender

Anna Blazhuk/Getty Images

Lavender is a woody, floral herb originally grown in parts of northern

Africa and the Mediterranean. The violet flowers are very small but

Lavender is probably best known for its distinctive fragrance, which is

acclaimed for its calming effects (4  ).

The combination of color and aroma make lavender a particularly

desirable addition to a variety of foods, including baked goods, infused
syrups, liqueurs, herbal teas, dry spice rubs and herb mixtures.

Its flavor pairs well with both sweet and savory ingredients, including
citrus, berries, rosemary, sage, thyme and chocolate.

When cooking with lavender, it’s best to start with a small amount and
increase slowly until you achieve the desired flavor, as it can quickly

become overpowering.

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits


Lavender is a violet flower admired for its distinct aroma. It may

be eaten fresh or dried and pairs well with a variety of
ingredients, such as citrus, berries and savory herbs.

4. Honeysuckle

Tytia Habing/Stocksy

Almost 200 honeysuckle species exist, but the most common are the
Japanese and woodbine varieties. The fragrant blossoms, typically light
yellow or white, hold nectar that can be eaten straight from the flower.

Honeysuckle has been vital to traditional Chinese medicine practices for

centuries (5  ).

The flowers and their extracts are ingested or applied to the skin to treat
various inflammatory conditions. However, its efficacy as medicinal
therapy for humans remains scientifically unproven (5  ). 

In the culinary world, honeysuckle is most often used to make tea or a

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

fragrant, flavorful syrup.

You can use the syrup to sweeten iced tea, lemonade, yogurt and sorbet
or as a sugar replacement in quick bread recipes.

While the honeysuckle flower and its nectar are perfectly safe to eat, note
that the berries of some varieties may be toxic if ingested in large
quantities (6).


Honeysuckle is a fragrant flower known for its distinct aroma,

sweet flavor and traditional medicinal uses. It can be eaten
straight from the plant or made into an infused syrup that can
complement many dishes.

5. Nasturtium

ThitareeSarmkasat/Getty Images

Nasturtium is a culinary favorite because of its brightly colored blossoms
and unique, savory flavor.

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Both the leaves and flowers of nasturtium are edible and may be enjoyed
cooked or raw. They feature a peppery, slightly spicy flavor profile,
although the blossoms themselves are milder than the leaves.

The funnel-shaped flowers are typically bright orange, red or yellow. They
make a beautiful garnish for cakes, pastries and salads.

The leaves are round and resemble small lily pads. They’re tender
enough to be used as salad greens or blended into pesto.

Nasturtium is not only a versatile and eye-catching ingredient but also

nutritious — containing a variety of minerals and health-promoting
compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects (7  ).


Nasturtium is a brightly colored flower known for its savory,

peppery flavor. Its blossoms and leaves are nutritious and can be
prepared in a variety of ways.


6. Borage 

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Harald Walker/Stocksy

Borage, or starflower, is an herb that produces delicate, star-shaped

flowers. The blossoms are usually blue but may also be white or pink.

In herbal medicine, borage is used to treat minor ailments, such as sore

throat or cough. However, human research to support its efficacy as a
medical therapy is scarce (8  ).

In the kitchen, there is no shortage of ways to put borage to use, as both

the flowers and leaves are edible. The flowers are often described as
having a slightly sweet flavor that is reminiscent of cucumber and honey.

The flowers may be eaten fresh in a salad or as a garnish for desserts and
cocktails — or they may be cooked and added to soups, sauces or stuffed
pasta fillings. Borage can also be served as a stand-alone vegetable side


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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits


Borage is an herb that produces small, blue, star-shaped flowers.

Used in both traditional medicine and culinary practices, it makes
for a beautiful garnish for salads or cocktails and can also be
cooked into soups and sauces.

7. Purslane

tovfla/Getty Images

Purslane is a succulent that produces tiny, yellow flowers and thick, fleshy
leaves — both of which are edible and may be eaten cooked or raw.

Historically, purslane was considered no more valuable than a garden

weed. However, this little plant has recently soared in popularity due to its
rich nutrient content.

It’s filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but its biggest claim to
nutritional fame is its omega-3 fat content. In fact, purslane provides more 
omega-3s than almost any other vegetable of its kind (9 ).

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

The flowers and leaves of purslane can be served raw in many salads and
sandwiches. They may also be sautéed or steamed with other vegetables
as a side dish or added to your favorite soups. You may even consider
trying this plant battered and fried.


Purslane is a nutrient-rich succulent whose flowers and leaves

may be eaten cooked or raw. It provides a wide array of vitamins
and minerals — especially omega-3s.


8. Rose


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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Chris Griffiths/Getty Images

There are over 150 species of roses available in almost any imaginable
size and color. The best part is that they’re all edible. However, roses
don’t all taste the same.

A good rule of thumb for choosing a flavorful rose is that if it smells

pleasant, it’ll probably taste good, too. Only eat the petals, though,
because the leaves and stems don’t make a very palatable snack.

Roses petals have a very aromatic, floral and slightly sweet flavor.

They can be eaten raw, mixed into various fruit or green salads or dried
and added to granola or mixed herbs.

Fresh rose petals can also be muddled and added to liquid to create rose-
infused beverages, jams and jellies. Chopped rose petals added to sugar
or butter give a unique zing to otherwise ordinary ingredients.

Like many other edible flowers, roses may offer health benefits. Some
research suggests that certain compounds in roses may play a role in
reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation (10  ).



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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

All varieties of roses are edible, but the ones with the sweetest
fragrance are likely to have the most flavor. Rose petals can be
used to infuse liquids with flavor or added to sugar or butter to
boost your favorite recipes.

9. Squash blossom

Lyuba Burakova/Stocksy

If you’ve ever grown summer squash in your garden, you’re probably

aware of their delicate flowers. However, you may not know that these
flowers are just as edible as the squash itself.

Although these blossoms form on all types of summer squash, the most
popular come from zucchini. Zucchini flowers are bright yellow with a
long, rounded bell shape.

These flowers can be eaten raw as a garnish or chopped and added to

salads. If you’re feeling indulgent, another delicious option is to stuff the
blossoms with herbed cheeses and fry or bake them until the delicate
petals become crispy. 

You don’t have to sacrifice your squash harvest to enjoy eating the

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

flowers. Only the female blossoms can turn into squash, so stick to eating
the male flowers to ensure a full harvest (11).

The male flowers have a long, thin stem and typically grow around the
outer edges of the plant. Female flowers tend to grow closer to the plant’s
center and have a small, bulbous fruit at the base of the blossom where it
meets the stem.


The flowers that bloom on summer squash can be eaten raw,

stuffed or fried. If you’re picking straight from a garden, stick to
eating the male flowers so that the squash plants still grow.


10. Pansy


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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Ruth Black/Stosksy

Already quite pleasant to look at, pansies are equally pleasant to eat.

Pansies have small blossoms, measuring about 2–3 inches (5–8 cm) in
diameter. They exist in many colors, but hues of purple, blue and yellow
are most common. They have five overlapping petals with a dark area in
the center that resembles an ink stain.

Typically, pansies have a mild, fresh and lightly floral flavor — although
there is some flavor variation depending on the type.

Because pansies can have so many color variations, they make an

excellent decorative addition to desserts, such as pastries, cakes and
cookies. For extra flair, you can candy the petals before adding them to
your dish.

For a simpler preparation, pansies can be finely chopped and added to a

simple green salad for a pop of color and texture.

Aside from being a unique addition to a meal, pansies are also a rich
source of several potent plant compounds known to have antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties (12  ).


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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits


Although commonly used for ornamental purposes, pansies

make a colorful and nutritious addition to a variety of desserts
and salads.

11. Chamomile

Westend61/Getty Images

Chamomile is a floral herb used in cooking and traditional medicine for


Medicinally, chamomile is often consumed to reduce anxiety and improve

sleep quality (13  , 14  ).

The flowers closely resemble daisies, albeit much smaller. They lend a
slightly sweet, earthy flavor to the foods they’re cooked with.

Most recipes call for heating the flowers in a liquid to extract their flavors 
and bioactive compounds.
A D V E R T I S E M E N TThe leaves and flowers are usually dried first

but can be used fresh.

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

While most often utilized for chamomile tea, the blossoms can also make
syrups or other infusions for baked goods, smoothies or desserts.


Chamomile flowers are widely used medicinally to reduce anxiety

and improve sleep. They have an earthy, slightly sweet flavor and
may be used to make tea or other infusions.


The bottom line

Although you may be accustomed to seeing flowers only as decoration,
you can add many of them to your diet for a pop of color and texture.

Additionally, many edible flowers are nutritious and contain potent

antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can support your

You can serve them raw, cook them with vegetables, fry them as a snack
or sprinkle them on your desserts.

Regardless of your
A D V Eculinary
R T I S E M E N T skill, it’s easy to add edible flowers to your

next meal.

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Last medically reviewed on June 30, 2022

 v   FEEDBACK:  

How to Make Lavender Tea

Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo LDN, R.D., Nutrition — Written by
Brian Krans — Updated on July 27, 2021

After a long, hard day, you might be tempted to reach for a glass of wine.

While there’s evidence a glass of red wine may offer some benefits,
there’s an herb that you can grow in your garden that can help ease
anxiety and relax your mind — all without the hangover.

Lavender, or Lavandula angustifolia, is one of the most common flowers

and essential oils used in aromatherapy because of its relaxing
properties. It’s often touted for its calming effects on the mind, especially
when used as a sleeping aid. Some research has found it to be beneficial
in aiding restless sleepers get much needed sleep. Chefs often make use
of lavender honey, or use the petals to garnish salads.

Although lavender extract can be sold as a health supplement in the

United States, it’s not approved to treat any specific condition.


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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Brew it yourself

JOANNA NIXON/Stocksy United

The most common way lavender is consumed is by brewing a tea from its
buds. Brewing lavender buds into a tea helps release the oils and scents.
There some small studies that suggest that inhaling its scent my lead to
better sleep (1  , 2  ).

How to make it

Making your own lavender tea is fairly easy:

1. Boil 8 oz. of water.

2. Place 4 tsp. of fresh lavender buds into a tea ball or sachet.

3. Place the tea ball and water into a teacup.

4. Let steep for 10 minutes.


Try growing some in your garden and brewing yourself a cup before

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

bedtime for a restful sleep. If fresh lavender buds aren’t available to you,
dried lavender buds also work.

Note: Do not ever try to make lavender tea with essential oil. This can be
extremely dangerous.

Lavender’s many talents

Among the positive things that lavender has been linked to is
improvement of mental health, including helping to relieve anxiety,
depression, and insomnia (3  , 4, 5).

There’s also some evidence that lavender can treat canker sores, the hair
loss condition alopecia  , and be used in a bath to treat circulation
disorders (6  , 7  , 8).

Who should avoid lavender

The National Institutes of Health does warn about its use in pregnant
women as little known of its safety during pregnancy or breastfeeding
(9  ).

One study found some young boys who used lavender developed
gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue. When those boys stopped 
consuming lavender, the condition went away (10 , 11).

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11 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits

Also, people who have sensitive skin or allergies, should check with their
doctor before using lavender, as it may trigger an allergic reaction in
some people (9  , 12  , 13  ).

Last medically reviewed on July 27, 2021

 7 sources

 v   FEEDBACK:  


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Chamomile is an herb that has long been consumed as a natural health

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