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Inquiry- is the systematic search for information, knowledge and truth about certain things.It is the process of solving a problem
through researching and probing. It involves questioning and investigations
Investigation- is the systematic examination to uncover facts regarding matter. It is done carefully and by thoroughly inspecting
details in organized manner and assessing facts which are uncovered in the process.
Immersion- the act of becoming completely involved in something like activity or interest.

What is research- it is an act of studying something carefully and extensively in order to attain deep knowledge
 To know the truth
 To make changes
 To improve the standard of living
 To have a safer life
 To gather necessary information
 Library Research- this type of research is done primarily in the library where answers to specific questions are variable
 Field Research- this type of research is done in a natural setting such as baranggay school or city
 Laboratory Research- conducted in an artificial or controlled condition by doing the study in a thoroughly specified and
equipped area
 Applied research- it is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world. It is used to find solutions to our everyday
problems,current illness and develop technologies.
 Basic Research- it is also referred to as pure research , It is driven by scientists curiosity or interest in a scientific question
 Correlational Research- it refers to statistical study of relationship among two or ,ore variables
 Descriptive research- it is also known as statistical research this study is a mean of discussing new meaning describing
what exists determining the frequency with which something occurs and categorizing information
 Ethnographic research- it refers to the investigation of a culture through an in depth study
 Phenomenological Research- it is concerned with the study of experience from the prospective of the individual. Its aim is
to describe an experience as it is actually lived by the person.
 Action research- it involves the application of the steps of the scientific method in the classroom problems

What is Ethics?
Refers to norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable
What is Research Ethics?
It involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to a variety of topics involving research.
Grade and Section:


Multiple Choice
Direction: Encircle the correct letter of your answer

1. Which of the following emphasizes on issue and ideas in a subset of your field?
A. Researches c. statement of the problem
B. Research agenda d. respondents
2. The 3I’s stand for inquiries, investigation and immersion and it is all about experiencing research and _______?
A. Shortcut and solution c. researching experiences
B. Discovery d. subjects
3. What kind of approach that involves a process of exploring that leads to asking a question and making discoveries in the
search for the new understanding?
A. Immersion c. investigation
B. Case study d. inquiry
4. The problem should be defined in terms of the ______ that can be obtained in the study.
A. Table analysis c. data
B. Measurement d. questions
5. The problem should be stated precisely, accurately and _______?
A. Clearly c. measurable
B. Shortcut d. unpredictable
6. It requires non-numerical data which means that the research uses words rather than numbers to express the result, the
inquiry or investigation of the study is called ______.
A. Quantitative Reseach c. Qualitative Research
B. Action research d. Applied Research
7. This is a set of statements about the possible contribution and benefits of the study and it is called ______?
A. Scope and limitation c. definition of terms
B. Significance of the study d. statement of the problem
8. It is the main ingredient you need for your research study.
A. Information c. Topic
B. Message d. Theme
9. People inclined to doing a quantitative research want to discover truth in ____
A. An exact manner c. an indirect way
A careful way d.a personal way
10. What is hypothesis in research study?
A. It is the definition of the words in the research study
B. It is a suggested answer to the problem
C. It the foreign and local studies in a research
D. It is the abstract of the research study
11. The scope defines the coverage or boundaries of the study in terms of the area or locality and _______?
A. Summary, conclusion and recommendation of the research
B. Population, findings of the research
C. Population, covered the duration or period of the study
D. Presentation of tables and analysis of the study
12. It is the condition beyond the control of the researcher that may place restriction on the conclusion of the study and their
application and it is called______
A. Definition of terms c. limitation
B. Delimitation d. assumption
13. There are two major type of definition of terms used in the research study and these are the ______?
A. Conceptual and theoretical c. conceptual and operational
B. Conceptual and framework d. conceptual and paradigm
14. What is the context of research that refers to a collection of published information on a particular area of books, magazine
and journal articles?
A. Related literature c. synthesis
B. Related study d. summary
15. Which criterion is observed when your chosen information provides your research needs?
A. Coverage c. credibility
B. Authority d. Objectivity
16. What is the meaning of APA in research paper?
A. American Psychological Association c. American Physiological Association
B. American Physical Association d. American Phenomenal Association
17. Which among the following the set of rules on how to cite sources in academic writing?
A. Dedication c. Interrogation
B. Citation d. application
18. A citation is required in order to avoid _________?
A. Problem c. plagiarism
B. Scandal d. investigation of data
19. Why background of the study is important in research paper?
A. Because research topic is important and essential in understanding the main aspect of the study
B. Because it requires measurable and predictable data
C. Because it an exchange of information between two or more people
D. Because it requires to the study
20. Why every researcher should know the research agenda?
A. Because it shows strong points not only in the study
B. Because it is plan of emphasizes on issues and ideas of study
C. Because it requires to gather exact information
D. Because it is the rules in writing a research
21. How are research question most often described?
A. Arising within a laboratory setting
B. Posed after important factors are identified
C. May arise from our everyday life experience
D. Always answered if we follow a scientific method of inquiry
22 What style of citation is widely used in the field of education , business and communication?
A. Modern Language Association c. Chicago style
C. American Psychological Association d. Business Style

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