Dark Deception

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Dark Deception

It was Christmas and a family out in the boonies planned to go out to a

trip to the city far away. Little Tim was excited to go but little did he
know, he was left by his forgetful family. Tim was only 18 years old, and
he only knew certain things by himself. He just crept in bed for 4 hours
straight because he was home alone, then he started to starve, he went
into the kitchen by himself in the dark, he tried opening the lights, but
only 1 light came on, he questioned himself, “shouldn’t 3 lights be
opened at the same? Huh, weird”.

He crouched and opened the cabinet, then a spider up the ceiling

landed on his back, it crawled up his spine, Tim felt something and
jumped and knocked his head on the cabinet’s shelf.

“Where am I?”. He saw complete darkness, then a light shone upon his
bare eyes. He sprinted towards the light, “Is anyone there!?”. He cried
out loud in despair. Soon, the abyss started sucking everything to its
bottom, Tim fell down the abyss and fell flat on a sewer’s path. In front

of his eyes, he saw “Welcome to Dark Deception!”.

“I just wanna go home please!”. Tim screamed. A tablet was achieved in

Tim’s hand. It showed a map of the sewer and the exit. On the paths
lied 3 purple fragments but Tim didn’t know what they were used for.
But he felt the power and energy flowing inside him. He tried running,
red trails behind him traced and he noticed he ran very fast. The more
he ran he started transforming and grew more power, he grew a black
wing and somewhat infectious looking black particles on him.

But while he was running, something

grabbed his ankle and he got knocked over. He regained consciousness
and he woke up in the real world. In front of him was a headless
woman, pointing her half-broken finger at him, Tim jumped and hit his
head again with the shelf once more. He woke up back in dark
deception again.

He started to falter after the knockout, but he glanced behind him,

there were infected monsters chasing him. He started to run. As he was
running, he tripped over a steel hook, the monsters stumbled upon his
legs, but just 1 inch away from being eaten by a humongous beast.
“Light Magic: Spirit Light Tree!”. A beautiful woman appeared and
severed all the monsters with tree branches. The monsters started
fading away and the branches grew towards Tim and surrounded him in
a sphere. “I’m being healed...? Such powerful mana by a single
woman.” Tim spoke to his mind. He got out of the cradle shaped tree
and spoke to the woman. “Thank you so much”. “Just call me Kuu boy

now follow me, we’ve got company”.

They both flew together into the distance, and discovered the
fragments. But Kuu couldn’t pick them up. The monsters were chasing
them too. “Focus on your cursed book idiot!” Kuu commanded Tim. Tim
was shocked of her anger and started trembling by the aura of her. Tim
started focusing on his mana but, something was strange. He was anti-
magical. His book showed up beside him, the book was very dusty and
crooked. Then, an anti-magic sword flew into Tim’s hands. He felt even
more powerful now.
He sprinted leaving a tornado of dust behind. “Amazing-!” Kuu was
impressed by Tim’s speed. Tim destroyed two shards in just a second.
After Tim stood up from the speed, the dungeon started to falter. “Kuu!
There’s one shard left! Lead me to it!” Tim hollered but Kuu couldn’t
hear because of the crumbling sounds of the dungeon. “Hahaha, you
think you’d win? Pathetic imbeciles! You shall pay and die to my
wrath!” a demonic sound filled the dungeon. Kuu and Tim fell down to
a large crater with a massive demon in the middle.
“Fools! You think you can keep up with my speed? Behold, Dark Magic:

Dark Cloaked Dimensional Slash!”.

The attack was so fast and powerful it hit Kuu in less than a second! Kuu
was out cold. Tim was furious after what happened to Kuu. “Oi!
Bigmouth brat, over here!”, Tim shouted at the monster. “Anti-Magic:
Black Meteorite!”. “Fool, you think you can hit me with such slow
magic?” the demon smirked. Tim trembled from the demon’s aura and
lost accuracy.
“Dark Magic: Black Hole!” the demon sucked up Tim’s attack. Tim
started to transform into a more powerful state then flew over to Kuu
and carried her on his back. “Anti-Magic: Stable Sphere!” Tim trapped
Kuu inside an indestructible sphere and lets her heal there.
“I’m impressed of you, child, but it’s fate you must die! Dark Magic:
Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash!”, the demon shouted as he attacked. But
the attack didn’t even touch the sphere. While the demon was
distracted by his own attack hitting the sphere, “I’ve got you now! Anti-
Magic: Black Meteorite!”, Tim penetrated the demon’s body and flew
back over the sphere.
Tim cancelled his sphere and carried Kuu to the last fragment and let
her rest there. Tim destroyed the last fragment and he gained back
consciousness in the real-world. “Oh man, my head hurts”. He grabbed
a box of cereal and thought about the beautiful girl. “Man, only if she
was real” he pondered to himself.
Then there was knock on the door. Tim was afraid to open the door but
he looked through the window. It was the girl he dreamed about. Tim
heard a whisper when he held the doorknob, “Level 1 complete”.
The End.

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