Organization and Management

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- Focus on maximizing financial

The WHY of Management: performance via sustainable
1. Develop conceptual skills development (triple bottom line
- Complements technical refers to financial, social, and
and social skills ecological well-being)
2. Helps us understand - Dominant approach over the
managers past twenty years
3. Improves our understanding of
the role management plays in
- Including first-line,
middle, and top
4. Helps enhance organizational
- including value creation
(offerings; contribution)
and value capture
5. Fosters self-understanding

WHY learn management? Social and Ecological Thought (SET)

- Focus on socio-ecological
Three Management Approaches: well-being ahead of
1. Financial Bottom Line (FBL) maximizing financial
2. Triple Bottom Line (TBL) - Poised to become the
3. Social and Ecological Through dominant approach in the
(SET) Management future (esp among Millennials)

Financial Bottom Line (FBL)

- Focuses on maximizing org’s
financial performance
- The dominant approach in the
past century
WHY learn the three approaches? WHAT do managers do?
1. Increases critical thinking
skills Henri Fayol
- Key to the difference (1841-1925)
between education vs
training Perform four
2. Improve ethical thinking skills management
- No approach to functions
management is
value-neutral. Learning
multiple approaches
compels and enables us
Henry Mintzberg
to think about our own
(1939 , 83)
values, and how we will
put them into practice
Play ten managerial
during our career
3. Has benefits similar to
becoming multilingual
- Enhances cultural
open-mindedness, and Managerial roles
tolerance of ambiguity, 1. Entrepreneur
and improves 2. Negotiator
understanding of the 3. Disseminator
particular approach to 4. Resource Allocator
management that you 5. Liaison
prefer 6. Leader
7. Spokesperson
The WHAT of Management: 8. Figurehead
MANAGEMENT is the process of 9. Monitor
planning, organizing, leading, and 10. Crisis Handler
controlling human and other
resources toward the effective Value-Based Management Education
achievement of organizational goals
“We expect Lasallian business
ORGANIZATION is a goal-directed, students to adhere to this code of
deliberately- structured group of ethics within and beyond our
people working together to provide management courses.”
specific goods and services


Documental Capitalism (Liberal
The main motive of capitalism is to Market Economies)
make profit ● Top-down decisions
● Act quickly
Two varieties of Capitalism:
1. Documental Capitalism
● Greater financial rewards to
- Emphasizes detailed written managers when firm earn
contracts, public financial larger profits
reports, management rights,
and short-term maximization Relational Capitalism
of financial performance. (Coordinated Market Economies)
- Prevailing in countries in the Continuity of membership (less job
US, Canada, UK, and Australia hopping)
● Developing interpersonal
2. Relational Capitalism
relationships with managers
- Emphasizes relational
in other organizations
contracts, long-term
reputation and financial firm ● Attentive to the needs of all
performance, employee rights, stakeholders
and the needs of all ● Increase attention to
stakeholder groups socio-ecological issues
- Found in countries like Japan, ● TBL and SET
Germany, France, Finland, and
Italy Economics refer to how goods
and services are produced,
Differences between
distributed, and consumed
RELATIONAL capitalism:
Two varieties of Economics:
Measure Documental Relational
1. Acquisitive Economics
- Refers to the management
Employment Greater job Lower
mobility (from unemploymen
of property and wealth in
one org to t such a way that the
short-term monetary value
Innovation More radical More for owners is maximized
innovations incremental
fine-tuning - Individuals and
Income Greater Greater organizations are strongly
chance to get
very rich
motivated to optimize their
protection short-term self-interests
Employee Greater Greater
2. Sustenance Economics
protection freedom for employee - Refers to managing property
managers to protection
hire and fire and wealth to increase the
long-term overall well-being
of owners, members, and - People now “sold” their labor
other stakeholders for money (wages), typically
- Sustenance economics wording to produce goods
emphasizes and services they would not
community-oriented values, personally use
long-term - People had gained
multi-generational additional freedom and
concerns, and stewardship more choice, and there was
an opportunity for greater
Simplified Models of the Economy financial inequality than
there has been in the clan
1. Simple Economy economy

3. Simple Corporate Economy

- People contributed to their

clan by performing tasks
(e.g. hunting, gathering,
childcare) and then
everyone in the clan shared
the resulting benefits (e.g.
everyone had food, social
contracts, and security)
- The increased emphasis on
- Everyone had a personal
maximizing the financial
connection to the goods
well-being of owners
and services produced in
contributed to a
the can
self-fulfilling assumption
that everyone was financially
2. Simple Monetized Economy

- Financial Benefits

Three key outcomes to measure

success in economic well-being
1. Jobs
- Opportunities to get paid by
an organization in return for
doing work that produces namely to indicate that
goods and services there is a “proper fit” (pro-fit)
2. Goods and Services between the goods and
- Humankind needs goods services an organization
and services in order to produces (value creation)
survive and the financial resources
3. Profits it is able to earn because of
- The word profit is used here it (value capture)
in its most general sense,

Managing Well-Being in High-Income Countries

Performance in FBL TBL SET

Jobs Increase the no. Creating good Creating jobs for

of jobs created jobs all walks of life
that pay a living

Goods and Maximize Sustainable Promote goods

Services productivity development and services
that provide
more well-being
with fewer

Profits Maximize profits Maximize profits Maximize

genuine process
indicator (GPI)

Managing Well-Being from a Global Perspective


Jobs Creating jobs for Creating good Creating jobs

the poor jobs for the poor that pay a living

Goods and Free Sustainable Fair trade that

Services trade/Global development benefits the
GDP poor

Profits Free flow of Empowering the Profits

money/IMF base pyramid associated with

Entrepreneurs Maximize profits Maximize profits Achieve financial

even if it raises via lowering vialbility and
socio-ecological socio-ecological socio-ecological
costs costs well-being
CHAPTER 4: ECOLOGICAL Four key factors regarding
WELL-BEING managing ecological well-beig

Ecological well-being is evident 1. Approach to well-being

when the Earth’s natural systems FBL TBL SET
are functioning in a way that
sustains and enhances the Unawareness Listen to Proactive
flourishing of life Obstructionist Stakeholder-centric
Use resources
Minimalist/lega efficiently Place-based
The natural environment is l organizing
Protective/legal (PBO)
composed of all living and
non-living things that have not
been created by human 2. Energy
technology/activity FBL TBL SET
Ignore issues on Respond to the Take initiatives
Ecological Footprint climate change market
- The amount of the earth;s Treat natural
natural resources that are Reduce cost via environment as
change efforts
eco-efficiencies stakeholders
required to sustain a Adhere to letter
of the law Lobby for Reduce
particular lifestyle or activity carbon tax consumerism

3. Food Systems
Ignore Create new Work with
food-related industries ecological
issues activists
Train workers
Refuse access to
concentrated to minimize Connect with
animal feeding waste organic
operations locavores
(CAFOs) Lobby for
favorable laws Slowfood
Promote large movement;
scale-farming De-commodify

5. Human Health
Ignore Introduce Promote active
health-related healthier living
issues products
Offer healthier
embarrassing Become more foods
efficient at
information providing Precautionary
healthier principle
Lobby/follow options
letter of law
Work to create

5.* Entrepreneurship


Fossil Fuels Trends to ear Soil enhancing
industry less meat agricultural
gasses (GHG)
CHAPTER 5: SOCIAL WELL-BEING - Success and advancements

Three key dimensions of social 3. Calling Orientation

well-being - meaningful contribution to
the world
1. Meaningful work
Meaning of Life SUMMARY:
a. Source: Transcendent
vs. Materialistic
b. Focus: Holistic vs.

2. Relationships
- Instrumental
- Non-instrumental

3. Peace and Socal Justice

- Working conditions

Three Management Approaches

1. Financial Bottom Line (FBL)

- Focuses on materialism
- Profit maximization

2. Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

- Sustainable development
- Tries to find solutions that
will benefit all

3. Social and Ecological

Thought (SET) Management
- Enhancing socio-ecological
well-being ahead of
maximizing profit

Personal Well-Being and Work


1. Job Orientation
- Financial rewards
2. Career Orientation

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