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Prepared for: LH Mthembu, located at Harrismith, Free States,
Prepared by: PA Nsundwane, located at Vereeniging, Gauteng,
DATED: 13/08/22

Description: Mr. Nsundwane seeking a job from LE2X GIN company for
marketing the product mentioned above. MR Nsundwane asking the
flexibility, guidance, and funding from the company for the business to
grow and reach the highest peak in the market.

Executive Summary
The purpose of this proposal is to forge a strategic relationship between
the product and customers. The main aim of this proposal is to uplift the
product and make customers recognize the product. Introduce the
product to South Africa’s liquors and lifestyles.

The Business has developed a new LE2X GIN which has the following
specifications and advantages over similar products in the industry.
Quality taste, LE2X GIN is scientifically sealed for protection and crafted
sweetly for happy people.LE2X GIN is sweetly produced in South Africa.
South Africa is known as the Land Of Hope, LE2X GIN was produced to
bring peace and hope to our land.
The business has a window of opportunity to introduce the products and
gain a significant piece of the market share.LE2X GIN will cater to a wide
range of customers and it is expected to hold a market share of 70%.
Another aim of this marketing proposal is to bring the following to the
1. Quality up, Productivity up, Product image up, Sales up, Scale of
economies up, Customer retention up, and Profits up.

2. Service cost down, processing time down, Accounts receivable

down, Price competition down and Production cost down.

Project description
The project will be completed as follows:

Sales and Marketing Strategy

The main target markets for the business include:
It is estimated there are 0 potential customers within the Business’s
defined trading area that are expected to spend $0. To seek the most
profitable market segment in the target market overall, the Business will
focus on the following area within the target market.
Financial Summary
The Business is expected to

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