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�t�: lit� t±I JtrH±. 2006
ISBN 7-80080-612-X

I. :&lJ... lI. JWJ... ill. �itf-i"Wi�$:til-A$:�

tit, @!Jj�-fflfil IV. H319. 6

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New IELTS Preparation Package
New Learning Experiences

Why Us
� 1fJ 7 iUIL�-
ft 1fl 7 Mo/®�'=*¥ >J 4t
ft1fJ� J M>l¼�w-flL�-,1j-ii\:�A

Why This Book

13 1tr rtf ifil J:. � Jfl :till .lf -iHt # .�- ,�, , l ,Pf :;L 00 A }'Jr i$r z i1 $ 1f M � z. Ifft i: ;r- � ; 00
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1:-7i 1JL ¥ >J � � .fil ,�, :tll! .lf £i1-" � JI; -}f ,'ft,,, ( IEL TS) � ;,,� :lt 1/11 t,l f£" ,% ftl 11,, i1 " iP< 11,, i1¾
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What to Expect
• Al�- 1¥-J � M- i!J.-� ifH1H3t �-� iJ; !
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fi f11;J 7i 5t: , il � ,it :ff # l& -'flL,, � 1\11 at , 1& YHl �t -i- # #. ft !r-J >.J 11f- 11'9 � fffr i)d>; •
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a• >J ±±;flt f11;J MM� - ffi :iil: fi � � -
Preface 前 言

� ;If a,�- , • J/ll ltJ j: "if 'Ii .:f e im �. it� �!k * �I :ill: :SV 3, �1J 4 *
ro , fr* Ii 5Z. J.A :S� 1i'f f ill Jlffe_
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l) :tf :j,6 ;If 1. a(J tJUlf Teaching not just testing! �1111lJJ1,t.jt.J1...:/,Uij-i¼""t '.!k jJ !

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iL 1/F 1fl /fJ j: # , ;r,\; ¾ ft 11'1 wr :ii!. ltJ ;Ii h •
Contents 目 录

第一章 雅思考试应试指导

m tit :J-'lt � .. • •. • • •. . .. • .. • • . .... . . ... . . . . • . .• . •• • . • • • • • • • . . . • • • . • • • • . . . • . 3

�� == *m-� m � • -..• • . • . .. • -•• •• • ..•• •. •. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . 17
� -'i'i" flUi!:i, ;;1y tit u.Jr 1J
'i'i" :HJJii ;;1y tit i:l1J
'i'i" ,MIU[!. ;;\y-j;Jt � fp $-� :J-"lit � • • · ·· • • · • • • • ..· ·.. · • · • • • • ·· ·.. • · • ··· • · • • ·· · • • ··· · • · · • · • .... • .. • 33
�l!Y'i'i" Jfft�,�ii:t □ i#E\Zii:t:ttr�············"'""""'""""""'""""""""""""""'""""'""'"'"'"'"' 39

第二章 剑5全真试题解析

Test 1
• LISTENING ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ·.. ··· ·· · · ....... · ..· ·· · ··· ··· ·........ ··· ··· ·· · · ·· ··..·· ··· 50
SECTION 1 ··· ··· ··· ··· ..... · ··· ··· ··· ··· ·· · ··· ·.. ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ·· · · ·· ·· · ·· · 50
SECTION 2 ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ····· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ······ ··· 53
SECTION 3 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ·.. ·· · ·· · ·· · ··· · ·· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ··· 56
SE CTION 4 ······ ··· ······ ··· ···... ·· · ······ ··· ... ··· .. · · ..... ··· ··· ··· ·· · ·.. ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 59
• READING ··· .. · ··· ··· ··· ··· · · · ··· ··· ..· ..· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ·..... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· ··· 62
READIN G PASSAGE 1 ··· ······ ··· ... ··· ... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ··· ...... ··· ··· 62
READING PASSAGE 2 ··· ··· ········· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ······ ··· ··· ··· ············ ··· 72
READIN G PASSAGE 3 ··· ··· ··· ··· ······ ··· ··· ··· ··· ······ ··· ······ ......... ··· ··· ······ 83
• WRITING ... ··· ·· · ... ··· ··· ...... ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· 94
WRITING TASK 1 · ·· ··· ··· ··· · .... · ..... · ... · ·· ·.. ··· ··· ·· · ··· ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 94
WRITING TASK 2 ..· ··· ·· · ··· ··.. ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· · ·· ..· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· · ·· ··· .. · ·.. · ·· ··· 96
• SPEAKING ··· .. · ·· · · ·· ..· ··· ·.. ··· · ·· ·· • ··· · · · ·· .. ·· ·.. · .. ··· ··· ··· ·· · .. · ··· ··· ..· ·.. ··· ··· ··· 99

Test 2
• LISTENING ... ··· •·· ··· ... ··· ··· ...... ··· ...... ······ ······ ··· ··· ··· ......... ··· ... ··· ······ 103
SECTION 1 ··· ··· ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ... ··· ... ··· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· 103
SECTION 2 ...... ··· ............ ··· ...... ··· ................................................ 106
SECTION 3 ...........· ·.............. , .. ·....· ·· · ·........... ·.... · ..... · .. · · .... · ·· · .. · ..· 109
SEC TION 4 ................................. ................................................ 111
• READING ........................... ···...................................................... 114
READING PASSAGE 1 ............................................................... ··· 114
READING PASSAGE 2 ......... ··· ...................................................... 124
READING PASSAGE 3 ....... �....................................................... ··· 135
• WRITING ......... ··· ........................................................................ 146
WRITING TASK 1 · .. · .... · .....· ... · .. ·.... · ..... · .....· ·.... ·..· ..· · · · ..· .. · ·....... · ... 146
WRIT ING TASK 2 ... --· .................· ......... ·................· ·.................... 148
• SPEAKING .......................................... ....................................... 151

Test 3
• LISTENING ................................................................................. 155
SECTION 1 ................................................................................. 155
SECTION 2 ................................. ·................................ ··· ............ 157
SECTION 3 ................................. ··· ..................... ··· ··· ··· ...... ··· ... ··· 160
SECTION 4 ............... ··· ..................... , ..... ··· ........................... ··· ... 163
• READING .............................. ··· .................. ·· .............. --............... 166
READING PASSAGE 1 ........ ·.. · .. · ......... ··· ..·... ·.... · ........ · ·..........· ... ... 166
READING PASSAGE 2 .. · ·....· · ....· .. · .. · ..· ..............· ...... ·..·..........· .. · ..· 17 5
READ ING PASSAGE 3 .................................................................. 184
• WRITING ......... ·.......· ·.......· · ·· ..· ........· .....· ........ · ·....... · ... ·....· ... ... ... 195
WRITING TASK 1 .................................................................. ··· ... 195
WRITING TASK 2 ........................................................................ 197
• SPEAKING .............. · ..... · .. · ·..... ........· ..... ·... ··· .. · ··· ..... · .. · ·.......· ..· ... 200

Test 4
• LIS TENING ........· ·................. ·· · ·................. ·.......· ................. ·...... 205
SECTION 1 ...... ·· · · ....· ...... ·....· ..· ..· ·.... · ...... ·.... · ..· .... ·......· ........ ·..· ·.. 205
SECTION 2 .....· ..· ..· ......... ·....· ·.... · ..... · ....................... ·... · .... · ... · .... · 208
SECTION 3 .............................. .............................. ··· ··· ............... 210
SECTION 4 ·....· ........·..· ..· ..· ..... · ..... · .. · ... ·.... · ...........· ..... · ......... ··.... 213
• READING ................................. ... ............................................. ... 216
READING PASSAGE 1 .................................................................. 216
READING PASSAGE 2 .. · ...... ·.... · ..· .. · .. · ·....· .. · ·........ · .... · ..· .. · ·.......... · 223
READING PASSAGE 3 .................· .. ·..· ....·· .....· ............ · ....· ..· ........ · 229
• WRITING ........ · ·.... · ......... ..... · .. · ..· ..· .. · ... ··· ··· ··· ... ·....... · ... ·....· ... ... ... 235
WRITING TASK l ··· ······ ......... ··· ··· ··· ...... ··· ··· ... ··· ... ······ ··· ............... 235
WRITING TASK 2 ··· ··· ............ ··· ......... ··· ..... · ..............· ··· · .... · · ..... ·.. 237
• SPEAKING ... ··· ..· ··· ......... ··· ··· ......... ··· ··· ··· ··· · .... · ··· ..... · ... · ..... ·........ 239

General Training: Reading and Writing Test A

• READING ··· ............ ··· ... ··· ··· ........................ ··· ··· ... ··· ...... ··· ··· ... ··· ... 243
SECTION 1 ..· ..· ·.. · ....· ..· ..· ··· ··· ..· ... , ..··· · ·· ··· ..· ··· ··· ··· · .. ··· · .. · .... · ·.. ·· · ·· · 243
SECTION 2 ... ··· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ..· ··· ··· ··· ··· · .. ·.. · ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· ..· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 248
SECTION 3 ..· ··· ··· ..· ..· ··· ..· ..· ·....· ..· ..· ..· .. · ..·· .... · ··· · .... · ..· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 253
• WRITING ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ...... ··· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ......... ··· · ·· ... ··· ··· ··· ...... 259
WRITING TASK 1 ... ·· · ··· ..· ·..... ··· ............ ·.... · ··· ..... · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ......... 259
WRITING TASK 2 ············ ·······-- ··· ··· .................................... ········· 261

General Training: Reading and Writing Test B

• READING ··· ··· ......... ··· ·.. ..· ·.. ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· ..· ..· ··· ··· ··· · ·· ...... ·· · ·.. 263
SECTION 1 ··· ··· ·.. ·· · ... ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ·.. ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ..· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· ..· ··· ·· · · ·· 263
SECTION 2 ... ··· ··· ··· · ·· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ··· ... ··· ··· ··· ·.. ··· ·.. ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 269
SECTION 3 ··· ......... ··· ··· .................. ··· ··· ··· ...... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ............ 274
• WRITING ··· ...... ··· ·.. ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ... ··· ...... · ·· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··.. ·· ·· · ...... ··· ... ... 281
WRITING TASK 1 ... ·· ............. ··· ...... ··· ··· ··· ... ·· · ··· ··· ... ··· ·· · ..· ··· ... ··· ... 281
WRITING TASK 2 ··· ··· ··· ·.. ·..... ··· ..· ·.... · ..· · .... · ··· ..· ·.. ··· ..· ..· ..· ··· ·· · · · · ..· 283
B JB � it � it ffi -ijt
第一节 雅思考试听力应试指导

(1) □i:?r
!flJ[l,�tit(i(J�f$¾IELTS-Intemational English Language Testing System (®IW�i!i1Hf7'Wtit�
>J) o ffimZ:lt!L ff,�,P]rjJi:p�!m�iftif: �if (60-70%), �if (15-20%), �if (10- 15%) ;ftl�if
(5%) ll!i!/,P]rjJi:p�if tr.!fi:11:tt::, 4}�{fa<J �R.i::l!ll""f:

�if��if:fl:k(l(J l�J}U1'£ =frnJ�:klMtftif �if�:1-l�Fo , mi�if i/f $ ftif�3:llli o � =fA�

(i(J �JJIJ, �Ji'rftif�F'iif iffl�:
/a:/- /re/ j.t.i:p Yr��itl:f .!f!.A*-Bt�(l(Jif1'£�iti:p�$5tJix. T Ire/ o f91J:l!U: after, class, answer,
laugh, chance � o
J-:,/-ltJ :ft'iit .!A!,(i(J•ffe.1�: hot, possible� o �OO.AJ��UfuJ�boss3!1-.iiu(i(J�? {t!?.ff]��Jix.
/bAs/(i(J{f o
!Al-fa! �if i:p:kt!MH1H5r.""f�!E ltJ �Jix. !al (l(Jif o �JdJ-.1-J�®A¾!E ltJ ����T la! o
!al-/ r/ �tl?.i-Cf¾��:&1-J��a<J-1-lt� o �if i:p Yf�(i(Jer, ar, or, �®*-£J:ffl.-fr1'£�if
i:p ,�,¾*�-1- /r/ a<Jito
!ju:t-/u:� if i:psuper, puma�ffl5� ljt i! 1-if, fE!.¾�OOA-n!t$�Jix. /su:part ;ff] lpu:mat o
�i/r(l(J�A\: ff�l!fr�1l�if, ,lgffiiP}r���if, J!M¾�if o �if i:p�.=:JJli/r1���,�o
CD /ei/-/ai/ �m!A.!,i!. ITiitJffiilf atf£1il'i>?.: Good day, mateJgud dai mait /, Where are you going today,
mate? /wee a: u: guil) tedai/ o MJ:i:£Wii1-f91J-=filJ��t!:l�1-��(i(J�,�: fE/e i/�Jix./ai/ o
® /e/-/i/ i!¾�it�=1- tr.tll lffl� B<J� J� o Next, we were going to bed o /nikst wi: we geuil) to
bid/o i! 1--tJ-=f¾-&�� (l(JiifrW � ,A.Hilary (�-1-�...t.J!,Uf Wl�*(l(JA) iJl(l(J o itA �� 1-J{t!?,�
I ��Imo ;tt.�, tt!tR¾i-Jt��'.%0
@lia!, teal, !ual :I!.=1-it, 1:1:mifHAPRll!�t!:l*�f#Ji:/ tellu:/ o
:Jc=f�if, ±�tl:jt,$��(1. li�:11�-lf: Tom-dom; 2. /r/ /1/ �)t) IJif, j:jF�( 1. fl�®
□ if, 2. qr-tsr)IJ if;f11Jr-i¥j]E( L 1�512-, it�l:f ®���(i(J-f-i':, 2. Q-d)□ if o

(2) I, 7/l -,go:
am•m���@�V�•·· �®�����#ffi�:5t�MMo Tffi�Efflft.:f□Effl•V
:J&�� Jjiz it1'iJ-JJIJii � F.11� :
Iii-Ji:! J!j::�:J&l2s]J:, f$��-�{f�gg��*• mif�a':17G�m o 51□: ship, sheep; shit,

sheet.��Atf�/i/3! ,t{f (t<Jf:t;ji�, ))i)t1ff1�d5!:� -t-'¥, �□: before, behind, listen, l.lt1f1-fi.Bt�P)r 7G
¥1JJ! 1-i?r(i9, {§_�:ft1f];(:J:.£/i:/a':f Bt{�, -JE�teE9c5!Jl-T&il! o
let-Ire! 3!1W1'-Vtffi1-fttFJ<JJ*��lllJ:IJVLl:k1139't'ltl:151!fto :;lt��JW1-i:?rtf:1413�Bt1�, �□: pet, pat;
bed, bad o �t:flVJ*-71J �$.3):;J\, }E�1J 'lli!{�:;k o

/e/-/ai/; h:/-/au/ J!p;,.JfJI�11:t�J,W(����r9:lH�:((-H<J�t/UJ�ira':riit·��, te't:1f12itnx

T !f!.�7¥1° o tt� □: press, price; smile, smell ;filsouth, sauce� o ���ii�tE�x..l(ft{fa':1811.�-�
��-1<ijZ. �\ f.l'-7 nJ- i#J o
/i�/-/c�/ J!im 1-:X..l(�{f�� '11t* I;,( 1K :fr, tt�□: really, rarely o
111-1n1-1r1J!� 1-4ll1ir!':l<J%1.1HIHJ:ilr, M-1'--tl111HfF�%Jtli?r, %9ctfl;;{Lt�. �?HEM%:,;;JW
Jtl*ili;M=-t�#�V. %:,;;m���- �ifit.M.��t:f�ili;M�-t�VB1��%9c.M.1J�k$
� @1* 0 �[I: light, night, righto
//-/g/lVJ lE �.ID}�'=t iJit mHl! 139 f.M\'l:� I� 0 l'!U *-7 :J&ffi % :,;; mtl: L )]!lg ' lE *-1 �ffi� JJUX fr ffl 11

'7:,ifit;f�flX o 51 □: changing; check in, checking o

/v/-/w/3!w-J1-�i?r-tl1�12sl J;j IDL� B'�·mt.t:ii!i:nx� C M: wave; vowel; very well o �tr��� k>f
11kfMtTllj�}F=f, ffi*-7�-1'-mJJi{f o
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degree between different degJ·ee of difference and no differenceo '8}1'-!f!. irrJffl51l.Hm 1Ji, ff!¾�ll*'��:;f
7i:l1D-=f�M1i!;frl]-t� fr<Jno...but, between...and w.I1"' 1ElYE:mj'jc, )j")U]k �riJtlMJR:::F1t:1iJ-=f i¥J1.?i" 5!..o
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ini a<J 1iJ-=f ff �m�

i!! NtWo rn, �jffi�J/!!,�iit�Jiutffi• 5•ffli#

foJ�Slo i!;i"rim�N�ti?i:
A. How are you today?
B. I still have some problems with my breathing, doctor.
C. Then I'll give you something to stop that.
�=1t:Jzq=iag "that" AJ"�ffi�=1.iJm9"8'9 "problems" tlli:iH�ffi "breathing" o :!m*ffifirt·ag
i?i-I#ofil¾�*ffifi#agz, �&��&*BT��o m�����--Wft�ag�50

4. it•:n
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f;;�;j'PJrjJ�ffiflU o Jt�, ��!Ko

5. �ffi

f§ 1-J �Jr jJ .3:.�¾�t¾� 1:. B<J �a-Hc:tl ' f§ Jlt § fl1f .!1Hijt 1-1 m� �ll*
19T iU� ;t ' J.ilt:W:� _t EI

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0 � 0� ff ::t

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�. �����w••�jJag-�m$o


�J r-L
2. �ff
3. frij�
4. §c[Jjt/4:iJf-
5. flB�
6. ,u
im j;!!{ffl
8. !1{91J
9. Piflc

ill . 3fl .�, Ufr :h ¥ * � � & fWH!@: .�, �
-��h������� ■ffi, ffi�S#��-ffiQ���:�M&. �••· ��-���
B o rffi, �1.f�f§ijlr.,]�1:_i,Jtiff�- ��rmf11 &ffi��*ifff.lliJ!1,lmo

, �H��:
Questions 1-5
Complete the table with information about the festival program. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.

Drum band Example 3 7.00


(3) 9.00

• Tapescripts :

Now that I've got the official announcements out of the way, I'd like to tell you about tonight's
program. The Brazilian Drum Band will be appearing on stage 3 at 7.00. This is the first time that they
have performed outside South America, so their show is not to be missed. This will be fo11owe1 by Claude
and Jacques, the French mime artists, at around 8.00. During the performance Claude and Jacques will be
introducing special guests from the fields of music and dance. Meanwhile, on stage 2, there is a modem
ballet from Great Grapefruit Incorporated, illustrating women's role in world peace. This will begin at 7 .00
and last for roughly 2 hours. Stage 1 begins at 9.00 with the jazz fusion band, Crossed Wires, whose
performance tonight is the last date on their world tour. Stage I continues with a regular guest at these
festivals, comedian Tom Cobble. His show begins at 10.30. After Claude and Jacques at 9.00 on stage 3,
there will be a performance by the Flying Barito Brothers who are acrobats with the Albanian State Circus.
The Flying Barito Brothers' fire- eating trapeze act is unique. No other performer has managed to equal
their grand finale. From 11.15 we are happy to present Winston Smiles and the Kingston Beat who will be
playing authentic Jamaican reggae w1til the end of the official program at 1.30. Over on stages 2, the Great

Mysteron will be presenting his show of magic illusion and mystery at 9.30. During the show he will be
chained and thrown into a sealed aquarium from which he will try to escape. If everything goes to plan the
act will finish at 11.30 and the stage wiU be ready for the country and western music of Blue Grass Ben
and the Cattlemen at 12.00. This act will be the last on stage 2 tonight. After Tom Cobble on stage 1, we
have tonight' s main attraction, The Proffers, who will be perfonning in public tonight for the first time
since they broke up 5 years ago. The news is that they are back and they will be presenting a show
including both old favourites and songs from their new album, which is to be released in September. They
are expected on stage at midnight. After the official program has ended, there will be a number of side
shows taking place around the site.

tt�t-#tfilL •fjJlJ�r1 L�: 1. f.:ltfaJHJA"4lll, 11:Hm•:m��P-J�o 2. :ffH!f91Jr1UffJT��ffl

,�,o 3. PfrB;j:ffH!B�ffif,@SEw*�ffl,@,o 4. tt� §->jt;f!ltJt�m$o 5. �:i!t�•#t:a:o
�¾-1-*r�*Z*$�8�ftm, �MEtfa��"4lll, ey���-pg�*rZ*$�-�
:If, $1=L -�;fOEJ;jfaJ�:l¾40�f�,�o *��tll�35�ffif,@" ey��.f'tJUltrrM-;¥r1�Bilm¾*��
$§pg$;M=�MU!IB¾*•B;j�;M�B¾a�%�o�����-hrTR��£ ■ o��
�-�131{�. -�-tt�B§• * "Nomorethanthreewords"o IB!�jBifml!fritJ�¾ "Countryand
western music", j¾U!l1-tf!ili.l, $Z·�1jllf;Jti:p-1-tf!iiiJo EJ1t�•z.5•�:i!t�-�#t;a:�19r�(fj
¾�-ffo ��.-Mi:p�EJ; �R�-1-�. �-�-1-�(f]ffi,�M:a:�•�--o*••�

5t, a�JKUI?

You will hear part of an introductory talk by a Student Information officer. As you listen, answer
questions I to 7. Circle the correct answer.
1. Overseas studentswill enrollon ____
A. 8th February B. 16th February
C. 17th February D. 18th February
2. Undergraduatestudents must enroll___
A. between 8.00 and 10.30 pm B. between 9.30 and 12.30pm
C. between 12.30 and 2.30 pm D. between 2.00 and 4.30 pm
3. The venuefor enrolmentis ____
A. in the Mathematics Faculty B. on Level 158
C. in RoomC658 D. inRoomC6
4. At enrolmentall students____
A. must show a letter of acceptance from their faculty
B. need not show their letter of acceptance

C. need not bring any identification
D. must prove their level of English proficiency
5. Students whohave paid their fees ____
A. should go to the International Students' Office
B. are guaranteed a place at university
C. must get a bank cheque
D. should pay a further $10,000
6. TheStudent Card ____
A. is issued before enrolment
B. has the student's identification number
C. is issued by the Library
D. is not laminated
7. During university terms , the Library will beopen ____
A. from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm B. from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm
C. from 8.30 am to 9.00 pm D. from 4.00 am to 9.30 pm

• Tapescripts:

Welcome to the Orientation Program. I hope you are all settling in to your new residences and starting
to feel at home here. This Orientation Program is designed to familiarize you all with some of the essential
information about the University and about what it is like to be a student here, but before we begin I'd like to
say a few words about enrolment day because I know that many students, many of you are unsure of the
procedures. There are two enrolment days, for different categories of student Local students, or students
who are permanent residents will enroll on the 16th of February. Overseas students will enroll two days
later, on the 18th of February, in one of two sessions. First of all, all student doing undergraduate studies
must come and enroU in the morning session. That morning enrollment session, for people enrolling in
undergraduate courses, will be from 9.30 to 12.30 on level 6 of the Walsh Building, in Room C658. The
Walsh Building is the one where the Faculty of Law is located. So that's for undergraduates.
Postgraduate students must also come to the same place, Room C658 on Level 6, from 1.30 pm on the
18th, and that enrolment session finishes at 4.30pm. When you come to enroll, and this applies to all
students, please bring your passport or some other identification, that's really essential, and also bring the
letter of acceptance from the Faculty you will be enrolling in. For overseas students we'll also need proof of
your English proficiency level, that is, your IELTS test result, that's if you're an overseas student, and your
health-care cards for health insurance, plus the receipt from the Student Admission Office to show you have
paid your fees.
If there's anyone who hasn't paid their fees for this semester yet, please go to.the Student Admission
Office and pay the fees as soon as possible. Your place at the unive1:5ity is not guaranteed until you've paid

your fees and you can't enroll. Just a word of advice: it's best to get a bank cheque to pay your fees. The
thought ofcarrying $ l 0,000 in cash in your pocket is terrifying. You could easily lose it or have it stolen. On
Enrolment Day you'll all be issued with your Student Cards. You don't have to bring a photo for these. The
enrolling officer will take an instant photo, and put it on the card with your student ID number and then
laminate the card, so it's all done at once. You use this student card to borrow from the library, to use student
services like the medical center, and get discounts at the cinema and bookstore. By the way, the library hours
are from 9.00 to 4.00 at the moment, but when the university term begins on the 21st of February the library
opening times will be from 8.30 in the morning until 9.00 at night. It's also open at weekends. Okay? So, if
you're all ready, we'll begin our tour of the campus now.

x-t=f�fM!L Wff � * ttfrf m:I 1¥.JfMW,�,Jmff.BO 1. EMiR1Ff:JW ili • ,C,, WJ O 2. ll}rB;j"�frE :JM"�JJL
3. r!Jra;j"ilW/1¥.J.®:!i!IJ: ( 1 )f!JTPJrflPlfrli, (2)JIID!J'fffi!i!tl, (3 )1:.WJfil{!i!IJ, (4)fim:�•ffi!i!Uo 4. �1rB;j"jlffiJ'B
ffij)!IJ : ( I )#, ,J{ffi!J!lj ' ( 2)li'iJ5U�ff J]U!IJ 0

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�r.m, filfliJJfi�fBtffii!RwL�,��a
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:2fs:&fi':!tft, EFr�P4fFEFrPfrflllJilrlio EFri'1JIID!f¥m{Ji!IJ-t/UEffl.,('..,WJ�ffi:¥1Jm,\lM, �'mfi-®��f�

.�, , tt.�n�-B�� --1::B' Jg lm t'iJf� ,�-�-�jf � i'B .m{Ji!tl;(£ ftffl

O u� q:i � fiMW-i.iE J 00%1¥.J jf �tt.
f.§.�, �ll*ria�,1'..,iPl!'Bit5ifi)t��fi 1'0JBa �1:JWU�lPJf jJ�q:i EFr� litl¥JWJ7C;l,llxf*i�U!s:2fs:m�'ilt
ffiµij7[, ffr�, � 1::WJa{J�Jffi-11!H&:i-A.1:J�ffii��JJi o f.§.�, ,R���tl9�r$WJr[K4000-S000B-..t,
���m•��a A§-�m{�ffia9�. �*�H9mA�ffrfl� JJifi�%½ffili'iJH;j", Amfill¥JM¾
iE :iifO�J:Ji a i,*m{Y!U ���1:.x li'iJ 5lWJ1!HHl!rJ:t£ o
lft,�-*jJ�-iitfi +5t�fY£5��B<JB-.J'fe], :f?P%��§:i:f�B;j"fi:i]t&it O xtff�-���Jyrjz\;�
J_m��i'r'/iri,R, EY!tl���JBffil!Ra �5'�, �n*WJ�BJ:Ji1�mm:�it5, 'tffJfi¾ffii!R�JJ'Ao j!JliX.¾

三' it��:
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS .for each answer.
The counselor's talk is about studen.t:s. problems.
l. When they arrive, student initially feel _______
2. The first cause of student un happiness mentioned is ___ ____
3. The second ea.use of depression mentioned is _______
4. The counselor advises the students..m..he _ _____

• Tapescripts:

Good mornin g , everyone. This is the second of my three introductory talks as Overseas Student
Counselor at the university. In the first session you will remember we talked about the services offered in the
Overseas Student Unit at the university, and in this session I'd like to talk to yo u briefly about some of the
problems, the most common problems that overseas students encounter when they come to study with us.
After all, it's no secret that you may not find everything as easy as you would like, and we are here to help
Firstly I'd like to talk about the transition experi·enced by many students from euphoria to doubt and
depression. When students arrive, they are usually excited by being in a new city with lots of attractions.
Many students also enjoy the personal freedom of being in a foreigu country, of meeting new friends and so
on. But then when the classes start and the student fells under pressure to hand in assignments, complete all
the reading, understand the difference in learning style and everything else, they may begin to feel very
unsure of their ability to cope and even wonder if they have made the right decision to come and study here.
This depression phase that many students experience can be put down in the first place to simply being away
from everything you are accustomed to. Being homesick is a natural thing to experience. Even students from
this country whose family lives in other cities experience homesickness. As part of missing home, many
students find it hard to look after themselves, cooking, cleaning, shopping, paying the bills, doing the
laundry, things they might never have had to do before. It's part of learning to be independent, and to
overcome it try to make friends with other students from your own country and also with students in your
classes; you'll be in class with them for a very long time so it's worth developing friendships here to make
you feel more at home.
The second factor that may be at the heart of depression is one that needs to be looked at carefully.
Many students achieve low marks at first, low grades for academic work, and this is a problem that all
students might experience, not just overseas students. Students often come to university with very high
expectations; they are used to being high achievers, to doing very well at school, so their expectations are too
high when they move to a completely different learning environment. In fact, this new learning environment
should not be underestimated as case oflow marks. Students may be using a different language, they may be
required to work independently for the first time. Many of you will have to present seminars, something you
may never have done before in academic studies and to do independent library research. You have to
develop skills for this different style oflearning, before you can achieve good grades.
So, to cope with this possibly huge swing in your emotional state from excitement to very low morale,
my advice in this first semester of your academic life is: be realistic about what you can achieve. If your
expectations are too high you may become very depressed if you do not receive the grades you expect. A
realistic approach is more sensible.

;{,j'f-j;;\�»ll' &:,@Html r 001¥.J,ffi.�11¥/. Jg: I. =l':ltftAl1Ffttl 1±1 �,C,, WJ O 2. IU ltJrWr1ffl 1iJ TJix3t1ilWJf.L
3. PJr�,C,,WJf&Jt.!PJJliii.J��llfrm-=fl'J9�� o 4. flo��� o 5. �itffi�¾:a��3j( o
tlJ'G, tEw;�EJ;J�ttll±\�,C,,WJ, J!�:(£1!frl'J9B;j"f�;;j-fmJlul�� o ffi=,��r-1!r&:,�, :a!Jltl:J[j�PJr
flJiETJfoffl"J;J,o �-/Hi��ffi, l::%�WJ, i:i:f V,,(PJrflJo ffi-=1m�m.=.���ffi, {§.¾mZ-W:¾�WJttffl"
,i o rffi..§.i:i:flVJij "first" � "second" Jl&ilJ�� o mtmNEt!Li:iJV,,(im:tJ:�,i:,,WJ "advise... to be" JlutflJ

tE��� 1¥.1� , :iUHtJH iii.I 1¥.1 tl '.:j!-flJ:ic��� , I;,( �JIPIIf.i ffii 1¥.1�� o 1!1l* � .%� �Fo ;;f
*fi��. i:iJfm��w��. Wr�-;l��*��&��-ro

gg, fa]��:
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1. When is the accommodation available?

2. Whereis the telephone?

3. Howis the flat heated?

• Tapescripts:

Mrs. Jarvis: Brighton, 774621.

The student: Hello, is that Mrs. Jarvis?
Mrs. Jarvis: Yes, that's right.
The student: We are studying at the university , and the housing officer has given us your name and
address . Is the accommodation still available?
Mrs. Jarvis: Yes, it is. The present students are leaving soon, so it will be ready in two weeks'time.
The student: That's good. Ah, I wonder if you could just give me a few more details.
Mrs. Jarvis: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
The student: Well, is there a phone?
Mrs. Jarvis: No in your rooms, but there is a pay phone in the entrance hall. It's all quite well furnished
though. It's got a television, fridge, washing machine, and a new stove. The only thing you
have to bring is your bed linen. I don't provide sheets, blankets or towels.
The student: That sounds nice. What kind of heating does it have?
Mrs. Jarvis: Well, there is a radiator in every room. Look, why don't you come and have a look around?

The student: Thank you very much. Eh, when it will be convenient?
Mrs. Jarvis: What about tomorrow? I will be in all morning.
The student: Yes, that's fine. What bus should we take?
Mrs. Jarvis: Oh, the number 72. It stops right outside the house. And buses run to and from the university
every half-hor
u .
The student: Thank you very much. We will see tomorrow then.

• ffiiUI J�. i4f :

fii)�ngfll�'ti]��s<.J�f!Ut�f�. f!l¾J�-�t-p�j(ffllfi.lo I. i=ttNiWtfiiJftWL itlWJ&�•L'WJ o 2. ilt:

rr'tiJr�#J:tEmtffi�� o 3. iiU:1:l'iiJ�ffi El fiiJ E!�JEuL��; 4. W��� o s. �1t¾�J9T���M'IJJJ o
�:/g¾IJJJ�ng, MtJ.K��M-Fi!:�im�at1JJJ1-tWJ, 1l\Uiii.l TMEJrfa.1-m,�Ji��o ft!§'�:ttUtm-M:tt
tll-'==iWtlJJJftWJ, itlWJ��tJJs<.J�,e,,WJ, :Jg�fil��{tt:!1Hl� o 12;1 jg¾fiiJ�ng, fffl Dlt� i:f=l tll !Jl��s<.J
jjg:nf:H1$:li!:�i£1iJ, lnlim�teJl�Ff$1i��:tEmtntfil3$PJr3iJJs<.J1iJ-=f o i£PJrs<.Jutii, :!zn5J!¾)(fi.s, liT
l�H&IH!IJJJ � s<.J fiiJ R}g*JE fil� � o :l!.::: 1-IJJJlNKxtt'smt:t i:j=i $ff �if 1i o iff� JX!.ml:t 'P s<.Jttl �$
� o ���Bt. ��ili�fflffi1�%A o �m���� o ��tl. ff@��liltro��ffi-�s<.J���nt
"two weeks" o J!��if lJJJ:lffi�}:j( o �j;JIJJJlffifiiJs<.J:Ji!:EJ;jfa], fffl�¾EJ;ffa]fi!: o

Robert Street
o ro
Games D
�� �E F


I escalators
Insurance G
A H Office
I entrance

Smith Street

Questions 1 to 4.
Listen to the directions and match the places in questions 1 to 4 to appropriate letters A to H.
1. Reception area, admissions
2. Fees office

3. Book and stationery supply
4. Travel agency


W: Please go to the building on the other side of Smith Street. I want you to go to the reception area first.
It's just inside the floor on the left as you enter from Smith Street. Give them this form.
M: Okay. Do I pay my fees there?
W: But the fees office is in the same building. Go past the escalators and you will see a games shop. It's in
the comer, the fees office is between the games shop and the toilet.
M: Thanks. Er...Wbere can I buy books?
W: The bookshop is opposite the lifts. It's right next to the entrance from Robert Street.
M: Your offices are spread out.
W: Not as badly as they used to be. By the way, we offer very competitive overseas travel rates to our
M: Oh I'd like to look into that.
W: Of course. The travel agency is at the Smith Street end of the building, in the corner next to the
insurance office.
M: Thank you very much. Bye.

:ttl!. 00 Jltt����1:.�HJ1J1f fril (f.J tt-JJ , :lln * �$1!Jrtl��1f luJ fU1f {tr a<J WJ �c F!P AJ o � ii
xtf1f 1uJ��:!lf a<J�1:., lli:tif� !ffl�filia-J' m!ffi,�,Ni*Jmlffi: 1. �l'lU�:ttl!.00 i:p 1¥.JEJr� 1�-�o 2. tt�m
fri] ff-o 3. PJr B�· ffl � ¼] 1±1 Ni� o 4. 00 't1 ti::::£:i' !;JJ=j�;Mj J,� 1¥.J {il]i 1-J ?ft o
:llnW: t�$tE JlJr zmrre:ttl!. OO i:p 1¥.JM';ffftL�,1t-$tl tltJt-1;] 1±1 , '3� ,z, tE PJr 1¥.J Bf{�� AJ LV-ffl.11Jll{Jt i:p 1¥.J
�j£1ifi�.iET!ffl��o tt:iln�=@, flP�Y9:;ff PJr¥1Jmffiil¥.J��, .R�PfriU "fees office" tE "the games
shop" fJl "the toilet" ZfEiJmtr.iJLV-Ta ;;t;:OOi:p�J;JN��.&*, i¥L fil3, �t, EJrl;J.19:;fftei(n]tf-, fg
¾:illlW:�:mluJtff-a<Jl!5, -��ff11v.&�®�!£.���1¥J1iluJ, tf�#l±llW.45&:#J u<J1ilPJ a �-11:, .R�¥1Jmfri:lfi-1¥.J la'JB;j' ;(:E:ttl!,001¥.Jll9 1-:#J..tfflrX �tff-l±l*' 1¥L rITi' �tRPr.iJ O � = -�±�¾1-1 T!t:J.m
�1:.tE��l¥.Jtt•ho A�-����-�. �1-J-&:ttl!.OOM"P8#11v.&ti::::5'o�LV-. -���-�
li5A tE:tfil !ID �ig ,f
.z. {ftJi 1±1 'it. a

Complete the table below by writing the appropriate Letter A-E in each blank box:
Link each task below to the appropriate global responsibility.

Blueprinting A
Pro-integration B
Focusing C
Prompting D
Friction management E

writing an agenda Example A
defining technical terms (1)
maintaining harmony (2)
getting to know participants (3)
guiding discussion (4)
promoting agreement (5)
encouraging everyone participation (6)

• Tapescripts:

Hello, everyone. My name is Katherine Blakely. I am associate professor of management studies here
on campus. Today is the second in our series of talks on aspects of holding business meetings. Last week we
talked about the most effective ways of leading meetings, and the advantage and disadvantages of different
leading styles.
Today, in this second talk of the series, I would like to discuss the role of the facilitator in a meeting.
For those of you who are not aware... , businesses and organizations in the past 20 years or so have turned to
this idea of a facilitator. A facilitator is a person in the organization who has chosen to ensure that meetings
are carried out efficiently. The facilitator works together with a meeting leader, but their roles are quite
different. The meeting leader concerns himself or herself with the content of the meeting; by content, I mean,
of course, what the meeting is for. The facilitator, one the other hand, is more concerned with the process of
the meeting. This notion of process includes the rules for the meeting and making sure everyone has a
chance to participate.
Ok, I next want to outline what are commonly known as the five global responsibilities of a facilitator.
This is to give you a better idea of just what a facilitator does and why they are so important to meetings.
One global responsibility is labeled "blueprinting". Blueprinting meeting involves creating an agenda and
clarifying rules for the meeting. Much of this work is done together with the meeting leader. Blueprinting
also means learning about each of the participants and what their goals and interests are with regard to the
topic of the meeting. It also involves printing and photocopying documents for the meeting and assembling
equipment such as visual aids.

A second global responsibility is what we call "pro-integration". Pro-integration happens during the
actual meeting. For this the facilitator must listen carefully to what the participants are saying, then clarify
any unfamiliar terms or phrases spoken by the participants. He or she then summaries what was said to
ensure everybody at the meeting both fully understands and is fully understood.
Global responsibility number three is what I term "focusing". This is basically seeing that
everyone keeps to the task at hand, not wandering off onto other topics. It is all too easy for discussion in a
meeting to get off track. Here, the facilitator supervises the discussion, making sure all comments are
relevant to the task. Focuslllg also involves knowing in which direction the meeting should be going, and
making sure it goes there, We can compare the facilitator's role here to that of a bus driver, steering the
group where they need to go.
This brings us to prompting, which is our fourth global responsibility. Not everyone at a meeting may
feel confident enough to talk, and we must remember that just because they are quiet, it does not mean that
they have got nothing to contribute. So a facilitator might prompt people, that is, ask people questions or use
other activities to get members involved. The task of "prompting" also means making sure that participants
who tend to dominate allow the quieter members a chance to speak. After all, there is nothing more boring
than having one or two people dominate a meeting.
When participants get into disputes or ar1,'11Jllents with each other, then it is time for the facilitator to
take on the role of "friction manager". This is the fifth global responsibility of the facilitator , and the last
on our list. Friction management means handling conflicts in a positive and constructive manner. During
meetings when members may have very different points of view, emotions can run high and people may
begin to act negatively toward one another, getting into arguments. A good facilitator knows that this kind of
negative behavior serves no purpose at business meetings. Its effects are not constructive. So be or she then
has to use his or her skills to return the group to a peaceful atmosphere, and maintain that atmosphere. There
are various skills involved in friction management which I won't go into here, but basically, the notion of
getting the group to focus on what they agree on-rather than what they disagree on-is vital.

• ftUiJ!l�:

Prf Wc/m¾!flUl- nfrjJ �tit i:p �x{t 1¥.J-:fir@� , � 11 't����t£ l!Jr 1¥.J jAJ B,H'd!IFf ��J'§i o ffiH�
$���zDIV:c!=RIB1-i-fi�jJ o �7.j,:fffMl�}[i,��rn�: L -�m/@Ff �:lztJ'§il¥J�*o 2. *tlltR/m-=f ��J'§ifl: §
1¥.Jxtfill** o 3. �Uili@-=f�:lztJ'§ii¥.J�,C,,isiJo 4. *U�lffi:::tRHf/lW!Ff o
m-gffl:1.J:ffi:�o 1sa�&liaPtlH'l&:!!f--,�B���=U����w;t!:l:iztJ'§iA, Bfll 1, 3W[@; E�2, SW[
:@; C, D�4, 6W[ffil¥J** o :l!t-F, tf:l!JrH,j"�i'iJi;J.{&��ttT o'iJi;J.'fWWJ��fM{:@, Jt;til;¾
;(-£,R�--t-���i¥.Jetfi o Iii.let, m-=,�fGPJ � ffiWJ���:llt��¾B��� o � = g:X;j=f ll]r

11�,z,.��t£11Jr�Mf�PJ�$tt�mJ.J1; ffe..�zl1'r�, �n•W-::t:J$:J!�m:tffi�J1W!ff�:rf, Ji)-z.u:nJr
1¥.1 et1i ey i;J. #�UI!$ i¥.J tt�.11 pJn�uR!-=i= -ftJiti11 t5GT , � :5tm.¥u a�$?t�¾* P.f{J1rwrf �ff i¥.J$?t o
lltEiii Pfr .1J i:p ::ff et JI�� ¥1J 00 ll!!J@ , fU lf}r t& ,mH21 , lzsl 1-J:l! W[ ;fl11 ffi?ll/ �� 'i'itM � , tE J!tt!J: fftf �� o

nA��oo�*oo••:5:r§ffi3Sx•. ���mm. �•x••e��. AAn. �ffi�
ffl�. J3:®X.fflHik�=:YcJdll����@a'ilmm. �i:p�y�-•x•'§.�i:!f-ffi!(t,Jiltftitfil.
�jffi_�tJll*�•filffi 3 �$:5:r, ;Jt� 40 iliffil. x•m,J!fJl#-=fii:tn. ,�. ,NlJJ-r. m�. m
��- �ft���-•-$:5:rl¥J�•w&m��*fi�*�m. ■ �±�W&•�ttma.•=
$:5:r :E �;l!�iJII � i!lm ' x•l¥Jrn--g:1�HtM-t-fi:5:tj'[ � .:=. $:5:rW.&:t:, tz.a'ilm:tr ' �#ii-&£
0 •

j'[�. @:i:A;l!m��ffi◊tt�•. ffi�;l!�ittt�•-

¥c-=fM ■��.�����1¥JAn:-�£ffffil�•x•.��*�••1�-�;I!•�•
■. @ffixtt�•- ����e��•-
ma':JW$•�*����1¥J--. �-�OO.W$�����-�--·•M••��.M�m
Mx•.K•••·••m�ffi&@ffix���•-J3:#���•M•mM. �•ffi�•.m�
��s. ������*���. •��m. ��. ����*ffl-#M�£$a'il4�••�=
1. �Ii§�* (instructions) &1iH�IY-.J:ltll5'.I,�. tU�;E3m-)t�IY-.JWIIIH£1.t

tm*;I!� headings, OOIJ±��±�, 3!1l*£� matching, ljjl]:£�-f£A-ii, •-ii�*1J,�_&;)\.

{tk��!;p,ijl1J*f.f�M�ic 1 3!1l*Jik TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN, JilIJi'.t•ffi!=p.

2. r-Urt>t• (skimming), �tl:i�m�,t,ffil

4iJIBtm1¥J,J,�® L 19rmoo�1¥Jm�, �J..&o/.l'�f;PXilu*.f.f <*�. r-tJ�.
M�*. ft*). ��fflM4iJ-IBt,�tt±m�. �-;1!4iJ-�ffil¥Ji:pb�. -IBtffi���flkl¥J

�t',fj}lj, lj!IJ"iiJ-tE4i$-f&i!��.L'1JiJ%-�ic. �,L,iliJilf�filNStr��im�J!-��*:mj[tf:l��
�miflffi'ft:;'k�((.Jim�mtlt. �ft1t-m!M±li�i&:�,c..,w.i�Mtl!�. l!�ri�l9Jsx:tt:k�ll1*
.C..-.\�U�J:iJr &'.,�t'.r-:J , mi 1l -&�fli!dlllllIIIJ.t�fil:((.J!t rJJ.
�IJ�J:iJr JflP.tfiiJ ffilAifil:}F, t£-1Ult-L'ilffl!J.t 20 :0-ill1 t.BJta*, :tJ 6~8 :0-tP. ilf&�Wic.
Vil.±IL Vlt�b , ��!4 #tiff �D11 , T�¥U � tmir.J!'ti iliJ�ffi ffi�lii1K.i::t � , ffil :tJ § IY-.J� �:Je� Jtft((.J

3. ;g-lEj, tJ lli fijji�ag�,t\ffil, !Elfffi)t�{!t (scanning)

flt l!H� § t'.r-:J�;it , !El ¥tl ffii: Xitt fi# :x-ttt�� , � fiL!i1. :;'k ffl!�,}tfi-Jg§ ffJ ± =f , !#IJWT
J!U.i/IJE.��JE.xft((.JiWJl-�. ;ffH.EIJli § ((.J�.C..-iiiJ�ftBtEX:tt!Y-.ltf.lJE.fil:.ff' fllt-tnMlt¥Ulw:WJ' fl
ll-tft¥1J ((.J��Wl tr-1 [ii] 5l�5is , {91J:floffi § W & return times , X *"iiJfm:/.J the time to get back. �ffr
ffffll��X*:x-:t-JE.ft,ti1, :x-:t-T7E�tlf ,ti1, li!IJ%1-�. fdE¥1J�11�1j!iliJ, ijjtJ;tfH�J: °"fXjlj:fifffWT.

4. �GIM. �iW�tf�uUr�tf. �fflit�tf(J. )>1..)ttfl�Jmffl.@tf(J�W. �!! TURE/

FALSE/NOT GIVEN, Ji!IJj!fi'ffi,�ZfEiJR9�$.!l.

l&:� JE.f.i l±lWi.::.7.t1lJitf.JIJ.tfaJ*:ffjJl��.1fU'fi.'�,�-T�::t "'��IY-.l��.��������

½Ii§��*, 1Hd!JiAJ:iJr�-t'.r-:J��ffl3e.tlE�ffi!

ft,mm���*!=;jtfiffl:l,g:iJll�l��m���fflfAJ. it+:J.Jll:, IELTS00vlf$:0-,�3t-lli:13Jl.i1+­

filiffi�. ,J-�IJ�:
1. List of Headings
2. Matching
4. Multiple Choice
5. Summary
6. Sentence Completion
7. Table Completion
8. Flow Charts
9. Picture Naming/ Choice
10. Short Answer Questions

Ei=ffPo 5 �®i�:±l�/W!$�t�lfl£, ffiiJlfff?flm1Ji!�*� SUMMARY ffi�,��, P.Jr�J.f§fF)�
Dt�*j 5 #*lm��:Jfiti!.

1. List of Headings �51�B�li!i

�,{; d'ii)t¼:l::-!Jl.#P! (headings), ¾¥�1..�.it�#•
;f., � * 'f �ll S..ft ;t_ l=}-El�� o ;ttl � -t 'f * i¼ :.t..1'- :Ji 'f .!Ut

• --M:.S. -ij: ,t :t, n'Ut.• �

• -1' heading -M:J; 1il!. Jfl-;J:.., l'Jf v,< 11 ]-'f ' 67 "iiJ" .:tlFf.1:-

-$-�== �J'/.[-rJfl_.(:t;Jheadings, x-Jml3W£W-$-Tffllj1.

• :!1J-1'r.F-@-Jt:m:±:ml'l1 heading 1fAitl��.

�t:tmJt1if::±ffi£if!::kllJ��, �U:!4t1t.:9'1fl -1--*-=f-9�:t:�W�tr-1 heading, !1���1-- heading

iltJi::1'r.F-@-Jt:il:±lm, 'iiffJ.Jrt£:m-=lttt��. �##lf 1J--. T �1¥raf:ffl, :i!J.t����G�.
Jl..flrrlJ�fil(:t;J headings -·�ffi51' 7(iiJfftf½.1Biffltr-J:
* *fl some -i.ii.](:t;J�:qji
* �=ltftk�Jlffl �t' :i:1:-=f Jl..�a':J�J'.gi
* ��ffi-�zLTi11tl'f.J��

a. ,.gwJ +of+ :.t..*.i.#;$!.

�O: concept, conception, definition, explanation, notion, view essence, justification+of'Jt�±

b. #Ji,.1 + x.1:.i.#,11!
�l:J: defy,justify + ::t•:E�J!

:!m : basic, intrinsic, fun damental + factors, elements +of+ x•:t�Jm

:tm: effect, impact, consequence, generalization, conclusion, influence, aftermath, prediction,

challenge+of+ ::t•:E�!m

�flff;j·ja] ffiffi-j$] (fJ headings �EZIJ.tfa] i,li} b��- i:p l¥J 13tti, :!Ill: ages, long time, long term,
long tradition
�fl {tttf.f%ffiffi-j$]1¥Jheadings�EZ1tttf.f%:!l i:p 1¥:Ji3t�, tm: wage, income, cost, expense,
expenditure, revenue

demographic, statistic, census

�1fl�f:5HU�ffi-j$]1¥J hea d ings �EZEf zH�f.f%•i:r l¥J 13tti, :/11:J: rate, ratio, percentage,
proportion, density

:/Ill: compare, contrast, similar, match, coincide with, contrary to, opposite to, versus, akin to, alien to

• :¥.19�, ¥f�1Jt/i!:�::k�ff��fl TWINS �Jma':J headings

fllJ.r, l.ltffl��:g(i,,tE heading -1=5 heading zfa] $Y�fl®;R�, b�:tmrflJWJ1-�Jm:
Ottawa International Conference on Health Promotion
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
'Efll�fltH liiJ(t,J;RJl'.:'f'. Ottawa, .PJr�J:i!WJ 1-�JmMl nq{l&;.<JtRf!!Jlt�Jm o

tt�,���AA�:rmi:r. �&�-1-¾��a':J

iv�= : tUl:l IBHi :::tffi t.Q
• :::tffit.u Rf(AHm:JHi•A'-J1t 1:u �.lt�1:u
1.±.§*1:iJA'-Jffi�Jix:5.t. j!�i!itrvt5t-�§ffi: a. ±ffi�5t::ffi1 b. �'.ii::�=a'.ii::�J.t, c. �U��

For much ofrecent Western history, health has been viewed in the physical sense only. That is, good
health has been connected to the smooth mechanical operation of the body, while ill health has been
attributed to a breakdown in this machine. Health in this sense has been defined as the absence of disease
or illness and is seen in medical tenns. According to this view, creating health for people means providing
medical care to treat or prevent disease and illness. During this period, there was an emphasis on providing
clean water, improved sanitation and housing.
Cambridge IELTS 2, Test 1

a--1::@A'-Jj!-t�r:l!: *, �J.��[\r1A'-JR£�®:13t='=lffl1:u, f4�*001JH£x-r±Rm1iJA'-J�ff, rm� �

$5.t;J!�ffl 0

• .:Effi1iJjIAJrIB;l!�. $ ir:i '.ii::5l t.Q�

'.ii::5l t.Q�-�F.El�i:IT-���51�:

A is defined as... The definition of

A is ... A is called ... A is ...
A is known as ... That is...

• flfl'Tf�f7'1J-f-ili7f>�%3J.lil
�*§*1:iJ�R£m�ttm1:u, rm••*x&�'.ii::5lt.u�. j!at•AJumtt��*••••

The definition ofany individual' s role in any situation will be a combination of the role expectations that
the members of the role set have of the focal role. These expectations are often occupationally defined,
sometimes even legally so. The role definitions oflawyers and doctors are fairly clearly defined both in

legal and in cultural terms. The role definitions of, say, a film star or bank manager, are also fairly clearly
defined in cultural terms, too clearly perhaps.
Cambridge IELTS 3, Test 2

tEJ:. ffiii!1-� 139: i:p , 1t1:iJfnm- = -t:Jxt jij � J£ 5l ft:: T 1HJr , ffl¾;j,f (f.)75 � � -)E'. fjgfiJi *t1ti occu­
pationallyi!1-iitl , ffil Jltg!* !0 9iU i!t ft �tJ,. ;;k, fij �-�;J!jm,j:tJIRill�*)E'. 5l (:t,J • ffl¾m =.1:iJfnm [9-t:J
ffljjl!J ill 1B � �5l(f.J Jl: iE �5l.

• ;ff !Jtf��� � *� 139:*:feffi i:p JL' ,ffl.:m

i!tm�!i=!(f.J I f1=-DJ1'f � i'l � W.:

• ¾ii�$ti't'f��1Jff.J�Attf.#.i!Uf-J, -k11it#- . .t&-1-, 11½-f-f •

• ¾ii f;$ti'5-'f �#�Jra-iJJ > jP yet, but, however -f o
• ¾ii f;.ft i't tf' J..aJ];� /f· �.i!At�, 1afirst (firstly), second (secondly), next, and then-f-f.
• ¾ii -;f;.f1.i'5-t/' J..aJ] I!! _;ft�� ;t�lic. , -k11result in , result from, derive from, stem from -f-f.

2. Matching(可分为两种题型)
(1) $��JID:m(Fact-finding)

�lj�¥J-�l±r�,tLists, �i:p�ffi(f.)List'fil,�-®�;ff �ii/1: §ffi$!f/!!J, ffi!�C ��L .{f.ft

99, JH't,-,t L ist])!IJ¾Eii!®4}}!/1!J, 00�, ��- 1¥-ft*§xf§(:t,Jt"-=f�J!L -�¾!Ji-tiitlffi.wt
$Q*(:t,]1iJT. I[§ �:;Jt:WWi-t Lists *§§(f.)rJ-l�ffic�t.

filffitf; � :
��-: tH!BIR.l*Rifi § m� (directions), T MID1 �fi:iJJm(:t,J��. it�f71J1iJ, M!J£�m1.f:i:\..

�!N =, m $4m ID1 ¥1J x• * �w:.

步骤三 = �* MA. ttlli*•*· ��ID1�x•i:p��)£{ft(:t,J�

• �-'f it.tjj
• JtA :k. '.I!; , �· 1t , #; ,t iP � l -t -f Jf; A. � Jt {f.J _, :t:
• 1i" $;,'- J;t. it .t9i

1. T-�.$:ffii��, J5Jr::tf fftlfffiJ5Jr�a-'!Jf� .�tB* El -=t:x•.

2. T-fi'il-=f List of Headings� El , Matching ffi El �l±la-'!J.#otiJ1�t!f:Q&, JiJr
ffii!j.';J: #.,X�lt�,
l-'.JT-��--=f1EB�zi1a-'!Jzr.ITT��, �1--#oiH.B(i:iTzrf == {X, T-td51EJ!�JJ(OOIJP4f'l= ";iJ:;r-:i:1 == "

:$�-: tE>Clfl�W:A�.
��==�*��. ������. �l±l��*m*.
��=:: tf:Xlf!A�M'J§��:ffl!�.

believe/ think/ deem/ remark/ refute/ claim / argue

point out/ discover/ note/ conclude/ find out/ prop?se
smmise/ allege/ hold / suggest

• -4-;J:.. ;t. ,(i .iJJ A..t f5 , �e,A.,.t (I-) it !f- .;J:-� "'-i§-. ial � /i.. ,t itJ.., ±½ � c..
-+���m. t4••��(1-J,.t!f-, �-���J.
• PWj ,('1'.,;t-;;(i" l!,,(i,.t A{I-J J1P. .!Jk, :JJ' 1�, Jl!!,,(i, 1�-wi{, 1=--lt- !,\!,1=-,
*.1' :it- !t *.1' , of 1i� J,,l,. i!. >!f # J, 'f of v:rn�- il1J � ii A {f.J JJ. -i�.

• Fiti 11Hic :f!HH� .@!.

iiJl.'..J,iJt:i!:f-llM�¾ List of Headings ti:I Matching fm;fip/Mj��tl1tf.F 0 j! �jf 1t�M �¾%it}�,
i�i,.�r-j:i tr.�ff!f��lm § z- 0

-ffi��- �-�-��. ��ff�����:
•-••���**(1-Jtt&, A�*-!f-
• �f5��¼-1.t, J!t.Ht�¾Y-,t'-i� *GJ, $i¾•tli!)3.f/Q�
+as. A�*••(I-J•��:tt-���
• -+JtS of v;{ e.¼�Jl:.-1-1-t ,& , l!lJ!t. i!.i.:t 6'1$.t S-l:!!....iE�
-Pt .it (I-) of �I?.


... identification of writer's views I claims-yes, no, not given-or identification of information in the
passage -true, false, not given.
. . . iJU/Jff=-$-ft,;xJil,,fi I :E!J/E--fjjf/ix.' /.i. x,f�r§Uf!& IJJji,§}j[-�{ij{Ji)..xrfx:Jftpg$Jft,jflt!M-JEfiJfJ'
w�5.X.:ll &;ff!fl:fif:G1i o

Cambridge IELTS 5, Introduction

TRUE/FALSE/ NOT GIVEN ��iili�iff:� 1 YES/ NO/ NOT GIVEN �Jm § ff1i�:i!t
�il,/K 0


• �¾i£!f-�* (no transliterate)
• �¾ll!;-4- Pi ':k (no dead end)
• �¾ .f.fl it-t-t ± i0 tr {-�11iJ!. (no professional background)

tEi"Al'/.a=.�X-1¥JIM"f�, *¥kEtfil-r TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN@§ 1¥J�:I:, 1,:Jff!frff!

5i:: rffii �*ffl l¥lM Jl'U�.
���ttg�ttlliR®ffi�IM"�-•*·*�*el¥l ■ §,�®•§¾@�x•*:u::m��•§

�3f.MlM� TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN ■§p.j-, 1cJ.J.JxJ1J:;t%ttl¥l ■ §r=J:-, iiJfi:ii::�-tfX
•*�mit ) r&Ja{l}:ii::m��-§ lzs]JJ!fft,�lm*���*, TRUE/ FALSE/NOT GIVEN.§

.�■11-J--tl:���ff im*DUIJ:
• -.ft -,t-#-J(il ,4
• ¼,ta� ;tpt ,$_ , §,

ffe� -= :

e*•�•§� f, �•��·*A�x•*�$1¥Jffi�*B1t•. �ttJrM ■.
i1JttJr-�•§¥JJ�¾ TRUE, £ FALSE, �¾ NOT GIVEN.

TRUE i't-J-177d'-( :
• lm.>liiilff��
x•*��;a�:;!!, A+B+C, rffifm§*�.bl: A' +B' +C', �PfflfEl>l.���t:!liffiX!fl
l¥J-®3cfflt*, -��ffl't-J ■ §$��TRUE.

W-JC: The problem is that such socialist political agendas are extremely expensive to implement and
Im§ : Policies in support of the concept of a welfare society are costly.

Ii§ CJ policies ��}ffi)(r.j:r (:B socialist political agenda, ffl costly ��)ffi)( � 1: p (:J/;J expensive 0

�f&�)}�*r9::ff�fto ��-1- �4-lli!(t,J �5l i,ii]��lli! TRUE O

• Jfl:Wlli!
-t1Jf;:i:lf, �ri*m § i:p*:fir1JJiifJiC, lJ��tHlE�� TRuE o

not always/ not all/ sometimes/ possible/ probable/ likely

may / maybe / seemingly / somewhat/ apparently / seems / appears / perhaps / not necessarily /
chances are that/ odds/ presumably/ almost · · ·

FALSE (:J/;J:fm,R.:
• :i1-=f�5(.j-�FALSE:

always/ never/ all/ none/ impossible/ definitely/ absolutely/ irrefutably/ assuredly / indisputably
/undeniably / certainly / invariably /unarguably/ inevitably / without question
�m iiiji[� ..lmHJUtJ(:j/;JJfl:mJ.lli! TRUE i:p (:J/;JiiiJiCIEtlr%�Ji..5l iii.] O -ffl.i:t-=f �:t-t )��
;lJll., -m m'={.12Hk:, -;.11 m'={.�JUIJ O -�*:fi..l:i£ WiC(:Ji;Jf@i § WE*�tf FALsE o

1. Welfare-based societies invariably become bankrupt.
2. It is impossible these days to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution.
3. E uropeans leaned all of what they knew of edible wild plants from Aborigines.

{Rh}.�®Jm § *:!it:w*, 8',fiiJCJt1Jltfr�tfFALSE (:l'fRJfi�tUt�*, fE!jJ'f::fil(:J/;Ji£i'Effi3:k�

X't7 0

�:91<(£:i1-=f�x.J-(:Jl;Ji,iiJ�f'I-1-tt�:t!i=��i'/iJ- bes t o -M*:fibest �1-W(:B:@i �-ill.EL*�


• :i]:-=f �-�FALSE:

�ri*lm § � i:p*:fir1JJWiC. tttt-m� FALsEO

only (ft-it-ijj:) / single one/ unique/ sole

1. There is only one theatre within the complex.
2. Frogs are disappearing only from city areas.
3. Radical groups are only found within the Labor Party.

X�9'1=!'!¥tl�¥�5Kit!E, nu!m § i:pill,�#�tfB�*!&:T, � FALSEo

Di'(j(: Army scientists are already looking at the possibilities ofosing biosilk for lightweight, bullet-
proofing vests and parachutes.
ffi§ : Biosilk has already replaced nylon in parachute manufacture.

j(i:pill, "'.?t,':IR;pl-$�fl1 B�tE�:mJfl!t:.¥!Jff *iliU��lli!IW¾i 'W,t,J:JR�ii11Za1:fiijo'gtt To"

ffiffi§ill."!t:.-*B�-�T��. Mffl-'F���-•T."��B�--t5Kit!:l:., --tB&*
nlt, atfaJJ:*§li:t-Jm , ffi]Jlt� FALSE.

:!it:i*lm-=fJ:J�¥f1=7'17Y.�' jj£fMB/m §-;42:�� FALSEO 1t1c�-itJ:J�¥f'F7'J7Y�nll��

�if- FALSE ��Ef.Jffi§:

Di'(j(: Between 1968 and 1982, the CSIRO imported insects from about 50 different species of dung
beetle, from Asia, Europe and Africa, aiming to match them to different climatic zones in Australia.


Im§ : Dung beetles were brought to Australia by the CSIRO over a fourteen-year period.

*1cT/®FfZJE, ftf11�1t1cffl "14" :¥" ¥UX"P�YEW:o �?&, :fExi:p:m;r-¥U 14j!,t�

¥ 0 {[,lHIH:k:A]lJ,jt� 1968 tll 1982 Ef.J�:iEfff� 14 (�-'FJHl:I 15 a'iJ�$, ;;r-�;t!H�:id[�). P.Jr
J:J Jltffi§$��*TRUE. fl�:¥-f �nu� �¥!o'gfff1Htl Et-Jim § , tl:I BX� fRJ '.f; 5l)Yb? Jjfi J:J 1±1 JmA tE
t1�tE�-�-91 tE�¥Ef..lmYEWJ:0

ffiX: Unfortunately, this freak of nature is not the only frog species to have been lost in Australia. Since
1970s, no less than eight others have suffered the same fate.
Alli. f=l : Eight frog species have become extinct so far in Australia.

xi:r . "7f-¥1¥J�, �;fil1 § �31'-1¥J;Jym¥-!J#7G�llft--1'-tElJl:j,J:!JiIE27<�1¥JW!l!i#a# o § 70
if.ft C.H!t , 7G d-'-=f 8 ;fit 1 :;tl;fl!(�f �t#a;fit1 -tl1�i&i T liil :f'Mr-.J f.lrjg o " 1f5'� �'.@: , �0-'lf 9 �-� E � -tE m
:;k:;f,IJfil:27<� T O }fr CJ.Im§ i:p-� "ji;A,:;/i]ll:' Rlr 8 ;fil 1 W!l!itE�:;k:;f:IJ_IBZ27<� T" :1Htt¥J O 1f-1J,:g{S
:5tliil�iA::kJret� E�1f 9 #2Kg@. T, Jmi, AJl.'.J�Jbe:fl:i:r 8 #��27<� T, :iK¾:!l4-�Uf.Jftu�:lllt2:,
tfruii "NOT GIVEN 1¥J�R." i:p�tJt-f!J o
:!ln:!Jlt(f�*mfrliir�lf {:ffiij'f�'i$iil]a1�ii's, fl:�f'f=*ilrt¾:/'� "only eight frog species···" o

�fl:�:iK:Z.�, 7GtlJ51Wiif!:ltl!.ic.:1/iJ: W.¥U�*-f'p�,r#:, -�FALSEO

• Mix*q,�,i:1£:
i:p�IJ.t1ifil�i1. "%�no*fll7G�" ¾W'.Xi'fl�J!Ko Hl¾tE!llt.'i�m:r.r, -'F1f1'£:t(r.11l:l:J'J!,��
ffii':0.Wo �--�/ffi§;{E)(·i:p�7"���1¥J-�ffi, �%��-AJ��-t���NOT

AWi §: The Government was concerned about some artists' complaints.

The Opera House was designed not by an Australian but by a celebrated Danish architect, Jorn
Utzon, whose design won an international competition in the late 1950s. However, it was not, in fact,
completed to his original specifications. Plans for much ofthe intended interior design of the building have
only recently been discovered. (DSadly, the State Government of the day interfered with Utzon's plans
because of concerns about the escalating cost, though this was hardly surprising-the building was
originally expected to cost only $8 million. Utzon left the country before completing the project and in
a fit of anger vowed never to return. The project was eventually paid for by a State-run lottery.
The size of the interior of the building was scaled down appreciably by a team of architects whose
job was to finish construction within a restricted budget. @Rehearsal rooms and other facilities for the
various theatres within the complex were either made considerably smaller or cut out altogether, and some

artists have complained bitterly about them ever since. But despite the controversy that surrounded its
birth, the Opera House has risen above the petty squabbling and is now rightfully hailed as a modem
architectural masterpiece. The Queen officially opened the building in 1975 and since then, within its
curved and twisted walls, audiences of all nationalities have been quick to acclaim the many world-class
performances of stars from the Australian opera, ballet and theatre.

!il.f'!.H£5�jlij� � rp �!H:llf:3!U T government, -t!1tlaU T artists , fH�ri�1f.�rJB1UJ1i § rpl.1�1vm,

ffi!JltJltli$:��tf NOT GIVEN o

• 15.A. (:k�) �$:

�a-tf�. Im§ ��){�F�.A.(:t-]1- .A.�Ji1Ati:k¾1P.!i1*�. jK;flft'$:*� NOT GIVEN O

�1-5m % (:(.] 1'7tJ-f-i!l:fiiR lffl bt:tm it!.t�J:�1-15 .A.;fft#� i$t�1l<
o �*1''er. , {!=LI!��J:fi1i ��
(:t-Jt!. ;i!ffl:f&T-� �it.

Jm § : Utzon never returned to Australia to see the completed building.
}ffi){: Utzon left the country before completing the project and in a fit of anger vowed never to
Jn:1lt'EeU: ?$JE.ilJ:ki1Jll1cl'f.Jiiti--�---ft�i9J. l-- 9ifJUtzon-�;z rt,ll11llffij�, #K�tlfl\lf-tl11'

@l l'l:kflJ:illZ T. �fmlm § 001]:till JA�IHtME5K1v E(.-[!uif&���_m•�, Jifel,:J �JE� N OT


r�tJUrJjg-t!1PJl,:J��5lii?.!!IY-J1-.A.�iffti.WJ: vow/ swear/ pledge/ resolve/ promise/ decide/


• �rftEIY-Jbt���
W!J:tm =
ffi § : Australian artists give better performances in the Opera House.
}ffi){: The Queen officially opened the building in 1975 and since then, within its curved and
twisted walls, audiences of all nationalities have been quick to acclaim the many world-class
performances of stars from the Australian opera, ballet and theatre.

){ lfl #i)l;�ffl:iJ!:X;filJ:illZ Z:* �� ffi �i!f £ffl!f!J�Ttf fnfj_.f !}!-1j , r,& fmJm § lfl tjJi#,J'l:;k:flJ:illZ'z:*
�tE:$JE.ijxJSU�3t� W £1111Wt!IJ o ;i!:ltJlHI!Ut-J#:r-rf tEIY-J bt��� o

• ftu�ffit�
�1::-tHt�;{{t(fJ NOT GIVEN f1Jil§. -�'.7}T:1iJJL;f;pfN(5r.,

a. oJ" !it� iii1 Ti

/@i § : Frogs usually give birth to their young in an underwater nest.
}]{JC: An example of a species of frog that, at far as is known, has become extinct, is the platypus frog.
Like the well-known Australian mammal it was named after, it exhibited some very strange behaviour;
instead of giving birth to tadpoles in the water, it raised its young within its stom ach.

)(l=fl ffl instead of j!,]ffl.*im, -MWttl:::t£71<...r"�t±!1Mfl-!li;J-� 1 illl::Nli § �lEffiffilJt.�

ft:¥IJT:t£71<T��l!�f'ftif\':. j!;J!f9:�'mi.EE1:itMffl11ft, G:��ff; NOT GNEN.

b. 'tiR-ikg
M §: Some parents spend extra on their children's education because of the prestige attached to certain
schools. 有些家长在孩子的教育上多花钱是因为学校的固有声誉。
}ll(J(: Striving to become better educated is hardly a new concept. Wealthy parents have always been
willing to spend the vast amounts of extra money necessary to send their children to schools with a
perceived educational edge.� fJ !JH!l-J! fHt9 :r!(rtf EJ} ;;r-;&k ft j.j(lj-�*T • 'g��� *•�£1! '.@': ;/:E


·��* �
lftft•• :(:Ej!fipffl?JCT, �&:-���� B ��fflr:p�Oil-r, miif;l!j!;fi11 ��ft{����¥JJlt1£iill;
ft TRUE. im��...l:Fl!(#1'-'.ii::9 IEJ-=fttr!f :JJffiil'.rtJtft•• CJ 4$;¥otrJffi:�OiJ, f&PIPJ
1f, ill¾W*::::J mass m edia i'.rt]���::f-�ill;*'t{ll, ffil�4tlJ�*gti9:�:k*ftAAt��. ��
...l:��� tt�H::aWtft•ij:j-$�.mJlt���t±!,*tli'.rtJF•�••:JJffii�«-•::r-�W��
Z, �::f-t!Ui:;f Ji, J'ifrCJ:i.ll;jt NOT GNEN.

4. Multiple Choice:

• jifl �W:1%J5Jr�� J.fJHHS*7tffl N-ft� , 5!� �CJ* ii£ t� xt$3tillli 1¥nE fiff1* , ffil � ��fm m-JJH§
ft,j-, ::triTCJ�jU��.IEfiffli'.rtJ�ljjf����f�Will;*.

•:iE•�•-n£w ■�-•m�.���-���loo•w�•�$�&m£•1m�.M
TJl.��. �X'"JIY-J, �7x!Y-J o

@��# §it-t, *�RJ�-T-�ffe-� ■:
?V��-: Wffil!#J*ffi §�;jt (directions), �:!it.itl±l;f:l.tX:��ffi11Lli L
$-llllt=: #c;P,Jrg�IAJm��©iJ:y;�f�L
$-• =#�*-���-P,Jrt£$�.--�€ML�T-*��- o
JC � 1t ¼ Jix:�· ) 0

ffe E=�fi�0�w�attcm0##£������.�•�aITTm�T-��mw�
�®, x,-J-Mffi�llffWWJ o )
ffe•�=x,-J-�•�m§mfiffi�a� o
ffe ■ --t: tEA!lFF*i�/:1:l*ffl!�ffio
$-��A: tEJ5JTM�•*:ixl±l*tl�ffio
ffe-�:*��-�R��*�* �ffi�x•*�ffl*�ffimfi��o ■
$-��+: ftd!L=.I.HBf.f J]{!J!tJfeffJ'.ii::�·, NPjcn:!!l@;tE�fficM�*ttlli-=.�:iz$1tLll:Jffi!iilA, NPRJ
IiitJ1��·��:iEiiJtl o (WiAtH�. ,,tHeffl$-tl1$:tE80%1.'.JL, -Affiliil, M!0aJJiffU@ffif!� R

RfB*f�,ffl.JJlll.'.Jf1Jlt{r o {§.ff@m.R�-J#:�WiAfB�NPiiTttlli�-0)

{It��-§lt-t $:i£�1.'.J T-!LA:

(l)EM®i (Summary) -ft�l::t�Jllt-t, 12Sl�{ilt/mlt-t, ����Wiffi\X.(Jn:X:fllffi§)

mfiffi�.�m•mwir-.,��o�Mffi§�J5JTMll:1n�%�x,-J-=f ■ Mx•ffJ5JTWWJ o tEMffi
�n:!!l@;±J(�ffi �JiJr•i1-tAll:1��1; �, ��1!1!�IiitJYE�%�$:�£ifi�ili£�fl%:r-t :tin:!!l@;P,Jr
�t1{A�£i;IJ�, !J!IJ�:m:�����±ffiJn:tffi�ifi�%:r-t, EY:feffl'.ii::1t��£���tE!t-t
m=.A�ifi�%� o

Mi -Wtl�r.i: however, but, on the other hand �-��i!j('�1i)-=fa':Jttml'. 1 ffij also, and, too,

as well as l)llj�f:JiU>:!i1iJ-=f(:r-J•l1:ml'.7!-�.

0)�1J.tffiW«Aa':J$W�a-�Jt- a':J§ffilli�.�-�-m�•.•���--�

ffi-��-: 1t1t�·�Jm § uit]Jj (directions), feff1� -�Jt-¾J>Jr��*Jt.�Jta':J !m�ili£Jt

•�+&-��a':J!m�, ffijKili•T���-im¾���$��ffl.
Jli1f--*(B�Jm, ti:ti:9-¾ttM::t•&-til�a':J!m�, #��¾�Jta':J!m�. �:iti;ifiW-t!!3
zv-� =, i1Jfflf71J1Da���ax•+a':J1JL.W, -trnna-mmrkl1t�:lrf7!J1D.&�§-�1�m.
:Jtati:: f71J1Da':J:¥::ffl!imm � :1ttffi-�1�ma':J:¥::ffl!WJmax• +a':J1JL• , HP �reffl��f!E�lia':J�
�-�£�at:fnziEiJIY!l��fiii+, h\ffijtm,J,Ttt���IY!lre:11. rm:;;r-�-••'�*, i:J 11
zv-$=:��E���x•. T�x•*•·
zv-lJW11Z9: ;#1J§j1JpJr�-i,,J-r.piJ!Wa':Jimtt. :!m*:½JW:i.l, ili�-�fl:fflEYa':JWtt�n. :iii1:#IJ
§JUiiutt�i;J;m1J,�"i!iJ § �. ,M.ffij7'if-J�lmlJ.tiJ:1J.
zv�n:�:lr���ffia1:JWm.&���ffia1D-=r. #�����.
zv���, :J{f•·jjij•+�llia':J §�-j$Jm�Jfr•:J:Jt�a':JKirm•wittfi-���t.�, f1JJ:1l��.&w�
9illifffiffl :ii::�l,fHeffltt.
zv� -t :f11mJdtimm� ffi��*Jt*a':J*�*1D-=fittfi-� Ne.

第三节 雅思考试写作应试指导

a5�����4Y:E��- oo��4��m�. £���-�-�. •m�����

;;:Jt:(:E604t:411:J,1�/ix,r/ij�fi=>C (Task 1 and Task 2). �fi=i:p, C)J$B:;7>J±�±thJII� (General
Training) ;Fr.iCJ\j�ft�±��:;ft� (Academic) iitl@i��1fffr1'[
Task 1 �;;:jt�!t_:(:E 20 4t:�I1 pq Il �lix.-fm 150 ::FCJJ:�l�JJti'ft. G � (:1-ifiJII�) ¥;;:ft�&:
tt�•§¥*�-M**���hffi*���-�#tt�. �§ft��. lli��$��*
fifi�trt9:w1t. iW*1t. �i5l1�. ifi:JJ',:iJft. �iiltii�. miA. (�*•) OOIJCJ.�3!E00*7>J
:t. ���$�oo•tr1�00. ttttoo. mttoo. *••. &tr�n��r)ij#1'�#•�
00*. �*· �fi00��-00��&���.
Task 2 ¥;;:Jt�!t_:(:E 404t�t1r,1�r&:-ffii1'Y-=f 250 *(t'!Ji5li-t>C. A .;f:ll G �:X-J-Task 2 �
¥ * �� -;t;J;!Ht;J.
O � *
&:�n Wfi� X'J� 1-�}] g � 5( M: � & �l '.tlf.m I �� i-ti-ttt �tEl ��-m
�g. ���-���-m��ffi�#mmm��-���.

-5���W4��:;r-•im�-��m��*m•���W4, im¾4��W4
(analytical scoring). &u,k¾·i&, � r��!t_:J:f:1'JHT-1-:r}�, im¾1tHJ;I;Af*�Fl'4!!lllJ!IJ
)fftffi-if-P.?t�95-}1jj1J. �H:lfH\sCJ.rlm1-if,t�l'fttf?t: Task Achievement (for Task 1), Task
Response (for Task 2), Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource and Grammatical Range and
Accuracy. �lj'-$5'}-41Hl::111*El� ffl.�&::luiJ§-'.�fi=Ji.x�I#1'¾ Task 1 ;f<I] Task 2 �jWj° �Iy­

:M:j, nn¾CJ Task 2 � .± 0

-AV kU L f$13;;�*m1§��Jl!lliQ,¥ 5 :0- (Modest User). Ii��� 6 5'}- (Competent

Us er) CL!::.. *ll*�*�t,1!. f'Ht. :-1,m���a';iliJf�&:. ��1fldff:izsf!J 7 5'}- (Good User).
I11J!l Nhffl.f§-*ljJ:], 200s ipp �:kllm�&:-,m.�f1::3f:M:J4� 5.26 5t-. jX-r&:�, !5ilf

$ � � �t-J §I �,t �1=1 � * * ie . �o * :M· � -1:E m ,\!!, � ft J: 1=1 J=ifr m: ?,1ij f:I i% , JJB � § Jt W!r • 9;I] iEt

• 1:E:Jt.P.Xff* (Task Achievement/Task Response) :15iii, x•£:;js:J:f.fif®i §I• *,

oo•���m�•�e�. �&M�f:!Rffi, 1=1M��•&••��. �ffl��$
�ffi§lf:J1=1M��-. ��x$*��. 1=1�¼. ffl���-M�. ��-&M
�,1=1�•��. m��1=1•*��fil�•�*, m+�filf:I$*E��x•��
• 1£�-m,- �fijtt ( Coherence and Cohesion) :1500, � Z1=1-:li:'.;.H.tJU·-g;j:t.)fff tlik& ,tr!, ft;:}!!;
� tt, ffi tt =¥-®: � :tc: * , ;r-,{Hrffl , �u $ jfil ft m ffi tt =¥-®: , tlik & m �;¥11 # � , lID. f�
I•u.$1&1=1*�• ���®:���
• ,f£in]i[�imt (Lexical Resource) :1500, in]i[Jil:1HI'.{, ..R¾:(:Ei}{�.@!.iiiJ:i'AAJE�F-1�
>.!t,M���inJ�J:��ffi��lfil.Wffl, ����f:J�®�-�*
• :(:Effi-�;--g;j:�f:Jmf.El;l'O<iHrffl tt ( Grammatical Range and Accuracy) :15ri.i, ..R�1U! ffl;ff II&:
f:J��M�1�00�ffl-��. m•��f:Jftffl�• tt���-�,m�-ffl�$.
�A�fflffl. �.P.X��f:J�®���*

• 1£:1t.P.X1f* (Task Achievement/Task Response) :15iii, x•f.f½®i §I �>.It I OO�f'FJ'C

*fiTRffi, ffl&�ffifR. �ffl�J'(�ffl§lf:J�:;js:m�. m��W1=f�-�2�.
��x1=1f:I$��z��;r-•:1t�. fflf.fif®IF-1�*,�¼mm, ��M��n�
m llfjr �i I •
• -1'£:i!fm �{ij:jt ( Coherence and Cohesion) :15iii, {]lf .�;l'OJ..W.Afiltr:t-ii 1lt I X1li':1=f}l!;�
tt, lliffi=f®:{tm:r,r�. ffl¾���$���2�f:Iffitt�n1=1•��+mN, m
�*�����¾M�. ifg, 1=f��. ffl��¾1=f�fttt
• ,1'£iiiJiCWfim! (Lexical Resource) 1ffii, �ftfflm�?'[EJfilt'l';iinJi[; it.OO{tffl��;r-1¥;!.A!,
in1iC, @{tm:r,r-®;r-•�, am���in1�J:1=1ffiffl. m�®•ffl;r-�fB�
3e vie
• .f£m�M:f'�f:Jm Ill ;l'O<1Hrffltt ( Grammatical Range and Accuracy) 15 ffiL 1fgf! ffl � ..!lfi
�-���M�,ffi���Affi�-®fflffl, ffl�®Wfflffi&��:ieviE•q

• .f£7iSr&:1f* (Task Achievement/Task Response) 7500, V'.!Z��-Alpj§•* 1 00*

11=x�m• ■ ffi±���- �����. ��11=x�•mntfr�����0�.ffi�
-3&. t��.
i5litJtht6Jirm�@If=l�3Jt. x•:trtmfi!i'•; x•�ti1:1:1. sl$. :J:1:-x
�±��A.ffl���M� ■ ffi. ��A�•z•
• tE:i!m�lfrt-1€ (Coherence and Cohesion) 1i1lia, f�.li'!.'.'Ht�Jll.A�IHJl�jz,$.Q:ii I x•.b\
*��§�� ii; m•=t��ffl�n. M���§-��fflM��M$1-�W­
ff� � IJA Ml a'!J ± Im
• tEvfJ?CWfii (Lexical Resource) 1:Jm L iliJ?C�ffl=r-m . .:{;f-Ji:�?tMJiil1J�ns·ti 1 1f1g
�ffl���filvu?C. �ffi��-�-1f�TP; tEiliJ?C��-. M���VU�L��
• tEffi��tg�mlllPi'{UJflii (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) 1:;oo, �{tJfl$�;l
���1 $Rffi��-��,ffi��5A•W�ff

��*m· ��-�tE��1:;oo���•= •���L��••@I. �-1tx•�*B

f=I �
l (7( Mi�� fi!i' ntfr • L r x�:itf m: . · ft Jt • nJt�J-1f :+Jl tfl � ft.. , �J-=f tP gm l'Hi�• 3': ffl

x•�±Jm1ffi�L���Jflvu�ffi�-!tffl�Ml. �-�♦�7��L��ffl. ili��­

�JflvfJ$S. �-=fti!i�§-5:t���tt.

J.A� �L, Wi,lf!!.� 11=*3&�i.'.J�7'Jt.:J r �� ( t.:J:il[��Jm7'J�l):

&f-! 1:. EY: � jE ili :& 1:E tt � tt m ?
*. tt "j§f � f=I a':! ¾ t\- ¼ ?

W tt ¾��A fl'l � i� !:U!& ;,IH!& �?
'.:j:: lli � �xf l!/; fll� lll�iM:m/l n!l,?
=f-f}l xf fi {11 -1f ft ¼ ffl iii� llµi] ?
¾ � EY: -� tE � �� 9" ft m i;IJ ¥-!I ?

'F,f '.'.!,' �f. �B $ (:t,J J,m lzsl ;fn Jfi * ¾ 1-J-- i,?

3t it
J'c1-tl±I OO�V/f-11-J $:*A� 1%:f�ll.f?i?
$, 5cJ'c1-ttl�flj* T '-¥P!?J?

� Jf.f IIH �
�"*•�a•�w�•m£�JE�rn�M�tt ?
OO*IRlE*rn �M� O}Jili¾JE* rn �1=irfM�JH,H��?

Argument B�(:0*A¾B � �P�im-1'-tl·tM§X'.J·l3',JJ(Jil,i,K, f'�}5�:::}t discuss both views and
give your opinion o *!i.sJft-(:(,JAf f��ri.��f'i�Rg,g.l±l El c,(:(,J5tJi1.B, mi;J!�:5}-;j:Ji<xt::i'OJlhjl.Jll,
B��E!mi. �Jfi*fi:5}-fi#Ml±l�c��B.

Point of view
Point of view fm�(:(,J!j;.--y #,,,llHfil � $ ;(ij· -1-�im1-Jc�mi�1=1rp�'t!5tJil,B. ?'?.{}5i'i:i] to what
extent do you agree or disagree?�!i.sJf1=i'.t-J�119i:R���l±l 1�1 c,�5tli.K#:blll,:,Hti.u:l:IPAJ o
��£�•. ��¾��-; ��¾$5}�-. &
�?'?.':. �i.K(:(,JMl±\�$-MA �tt.

B0£ffl�$�-. A��fili':EllltMB0�ffi�fil:1/.J�. &�0�rlllffe&®�*�
I,:). ii iiE O

Problem .@1i� 1¥.J� A¾B El :1/.:,-�,
im���Jll,Ai,. *ZMH/lt ?Ji: T, �*�.1::1H.Jr:it-t��
i':El��. ��Wtl:lM�i¥.l��- @�lltM��*��'5tm:it-�a����l':El�*-


���•m••���- �0���m=•m��•m•a�m0. R���Tnm•
a*m�sm1¥.Jt1:1mm��aEl���m��•1¥.JTM. a���llt•��•�*a��
lltOO���- R�a�atOO��i':ElffihT����. �.1::a��i¥.lllt**n�-��. a
•����11t•&�£-����•1¥.Jx•. �11t•�0mB�•�fil1¥.J��- ��. •
n 1t.llt fa.I�-�** ll §x;t°tf ��(:El� ft:: rf H-tx-J- x:f '5t:g-j)7} � � � ft-J!!: rili�� � f1':ttJ5
0 0

�atf�& �i:J n �� ;t#itiIE-=f:-�a� ftm, ��x1-=t1-t ffl 1¥J1iJ,2�i:Jmfi� 1iJ�; �. a

���$L, £*�**ffl�*�-�0L.

�•R£--�*��. ��Rmw•���•ima��*�L�-���*�i¥.l*
�- R�•Tffi¥.lx•. �.1::*���e*�-hffi�h0&�Bi¥.lx•���tt���
Z�. itill:�1¥.J;l!���'ig' ��f1tlX, �t:t£nj1Jffi:*� tl:l 1¥.J Cambridge IEL TS � :71]. •a�R.J
f��� R�tigifi' im��R�-=t = 1-hffi: �'ig°if!:X/!:tlu{iiJW tl:l�-�-tHtHrittiEl¥.J, :iEffl
T•®�fil-=f:-�1 mx£���•�•1¥.J. �•zoo0&1iJ�zoo/!���•a-�1¥.J. :iE
ffiT.®ffiffl-=f:-�1 ffiXI�tt�-���- �ffi�'tiJ�/!M�ftrna�. �-��m�
�-& =, tHm,8c:J.�� _§_��it�i¥.Jiti, Jj��-!ii-�t��� J,r4�Ji. �T�TKraXCJ.Pr,
��i':EJ-®��mx&�0•�- �#•��•. �Mnm��x••�i':EJ-®�filh�
tn � J:ll:&: 525 & � t:J ft= :1/.J � � �� x�·a .

�at•��M�ffix��t�����m•. �:1/.J���B��*�x•��?t�x
zra.11i;J.:P.#a��B mHi�t1M�. �;tll.�Mi!�l'I�r�, stir�$���. *ma-=t$,i&.

������-��oo����x. ����mx. ��e��������-= �&�
$@W�?��£�mu1«&tr•��M���?�ffi ff��•-T. mx���M*
it5£� ���ra::.tCJ��CJ ii\tHlffilXJiJ�-�� r[X���t□ l!)c�*��& El c,�i:J:�X�,

��fil�•�����-��fil-T, �������-*-�• -�-����*- �

""' -I, m �M*.::tt.1r.r:N,-,-H�B #, m ,D...,fi-/,7_
.id:J-;,r;;:Bt;•.Br'Fl ,b�llll'l:.tjlcl"Tj", )Ql:;,is;z,; "i½
JC.><T O �ff' tn;;_':r:
�;1, ,liil, :iE._'g
'Ja! �TI-i, :iJ..._:e
1'.:X. )<!!!I, =_,,1-,--';l;l,D...
1:5 6'Ji':IL-z.


,t. I

11 -14¾# (� 'lt-?iJJl A"f "F-:fti %J 8 ½}(iFfr, J(il:llt�1.Afd�, -I!!, iiJ A��j;tJJJJJJ­

J:. "F- o �1.flc#- o -bt at fiil iiJ � -f � i.itfJr -?i JJl /fJ JJl im -?i ,'f/t .�- tll .t � J\!i J:. �-iliJ o )
�tre�1.»-.�� 1K P�A�� .�1.��t iw;*�.:r-w�tw1 L

�1. t "f fri, � 't ¾-iliJ 1"1 �1. ij ½.t #-:J ;Jt�1. tll ,f-Jt1'tiiE11f, Mfri :rf fetl�i.ito
•t-��i.ii'..71" ;J!., �t-t}JI¾ o 't 5t.¾-�� � (introduction), :It :i.¾t- A/lt-:l!
(individual long-tum), l:ffi .¾-l-t-iC(two-way discussion) 0

•-W:St, -&3'E� (4-5,ttip)

,?I�zj- Jt-$- fri '�t ¾f")-�7e-f �1.1.7t' 'ij':!l(� (i';;J.t*fl'J.N!, (Jl-#-�;11! iiJ �
�=lil17t:�AM;� (3-47till•)
�t ��-1.-*i!;ll!-/s-(Cue Card) o (Jl.#-.N! § 1if ��*IV)�1.1f l¾#)!t4}ptfti],
#- iiJ � � � it o .:tfri .:t 1.JI� I - 2¾# � /It- :ii o � 1.i}� % ffi , .:t t ¾�.:t1. /fJ M :ii � � 1't
-Wit-{B7efiiJPfi, lil.:t1.1!t1ll:Jlfil� o
•-=ftlJ:St: �ia.ll'tit(4-5,ttijl)
.:tt �:f 1. IE� iti• ::.�¾°511¥ tl!*IJ!J-� ��41li;t(.(l!J-lUUJif rHii- o. �tm¾(l!J
�Jl!,¾zj".::.t}Jl¾�,f"+��(i';;����& o

��-$7J".�-�k�eB#MR���ffi.�fflHH*ffm,ffim���$,��- �
DJJ�1=.1in���1u,,mt, E!slJJt-M�J:J-t-5}�tJtrtJJj�7ftiai1!f�. ��iifi½•=r �'B �ftffl bt$t� '.Ii::
�-�ffi♦. ���M�'Btrtl� ■�ffi♦n•��:

Good morning. My name is Andrew. Can you tell me your full name, please?
Can you tell me where you are from?
Can I see your identification please?
OK, thank you very much. Now, in the first part, I'd like to ask you a few more questions about
yourself. Let's talk about ...
nrr*, t£w;-$¥13Ht, �!:ti'iJfj��M£rc]¥U�J TJ1J1±11¥J3:i&-1- t@i.

Studies: subjects studied, why you're studying, things you like/dislike about your
course, what qualification you will gain, etc.
Job: main responsibilities ofjob, things you like/dislike about it, etc.

Your name: who gave it to you, any special meaning, etc.

Your family: family member, location and appearance of your family home, etc.
Your hometown: whereabouts, notable features, weather, etc.

:(£�56J:.�i'c]@iJE, �!:tAJfjg�Mt:li:iJflJpij.=.1-tr::k 13 c,X:1-A 'WJJ(l¥J-filt'l�£1i:i]@i, �®li:iJffi

AJri§i!1ffl TlliJIJ 1:1:l 1¥Jt;!;@i.

hobbies and interests, shopping and fashion, reading, music, and TV, sports
and exercise, language learning, etc.
:li!!iioc>l:1-t: holidays and festivals, birthday, wedding, food, punctuality, birds, flowers, etc.
i±� fa] ;'Mi noise, transport, etc.

�*��:$} li:iJ @I fflH!�!:t*l=l � �M� 1¥Jfisfm , �!:tEZ� 'iiJ�;E:B-� Im��g 1¥Jl�J �-t1r1ill!m
1=15&1¥J�9Hi ,�, �¥-(0 i'iJ�JlJ:.�gxf��1¥J i=i ffi'.�.1J1=1-1-�HP;®l. �ffs:1lUrr i'iJ �� " - , ll

J/'§IZJJ =tt %ft��/1)]$;JjiziiWf #


"I'm now going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about that topic for one to two minutes.
Before you start to talk, you' 11 have one minute to think about what you' re going to say. You can make
notes if you wish on this paper. Do you understand?"
'T d like you to describe ..." (or, "I'd like you to talk about...")
"Can you start speaking now, please?"
( �!i:3f :Mt'.!t 1:0
7'J: �Jl-� fiiJ�ic. r J1.. 1-;t!l�-j£(8 m: ,�, f!.t€di¼:�. �l'fil�ii!r:lm f]jf�R.:� !i:Jifr �� �119, 13 � !i:
m * � m a9. TooR.:-1-l9JJ-=r-- =

Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.
You should say:
who the teacher is
what subjects he/she taught
what was special about him/her
And explain why this teacher influenced you so much.

ffi�lf'�E��B-&�ffi@.&I, @mA
�- @fiaj£¥Uffff�IJ1,!i!IJ. �!i:�®:�j£fltl}t1c�s I Mr. Chen Li

lli�a.�•*�j£��-��at�#£*�½•� sports

�;Jt, � !i:EY:� iill�Jifr � fiiJffi, �I a JZ. � Jifrffl1J11i: , ®:

t nice, national volleyball team

��*�M.�-��. �!i:���--�J:�r­ encourage students

���f!:f!J��. :!m: interested in everyone

never give up

El Gmi*����ic.}f<:JJt!, :tm;m�, �%�. **
M€r*�&:-�CJ;ftHi!;�些�Ai.®: l -2�ilPa9�*, :fil:f-ttfilijj:, ��J:8°,t¾{l-1-200-250

The teacher that really influenced me a lot was Mr. Chen Li. He was the sports teacher when I was
in high school.
He was in his thirties at that time and I'd say all my classmates admired him because he was kind
of ahero to us and also because he was very nice. As far as I can remember, one thing that was special :about
him was that he'd been in the national volleyball team. I don't think he ever actually won a medal or
anything like that. But for us, just the fact that he used to represent our country was really something.
Actually, he was a very good teacher, very responsible ... aod dedicated... you know.
I guess the thing he taught me the most was kind of a fighting spirit. l mean he always encouraged
us to do our best in sport, even if we were terrible at it. He used to say "It doesn't matter if you win or not.
The important thing is to do your best and keep going". He also taught us a lot about...healtb ... and
maintaining a positive attitude towards life. And compared to other teachers, he seemed to be more
interested in everyone. Luckily, we still keep in touch and I often go to see him on holidays.

�!:E.ill.5Gm, �1.I��fflffriJtrJq�M!;-r]ij,t�jJQIP]fm (follow-up questions), �1r(�fyijffi

i=p, �1.Ii'iJffg�li:il:
Do your classmates Like Mr. Chen, too?
How much time did you spend on sports classes every week in high school?
i!®1P1m:&--t-111 gi rti't:Ji&�, �!i.1-m!f.MJF@�, 1Wi�ttc��ni'if, r&Fo:JttmittAw;.::.
�3iljjia9ifil § :

family members, friends, film stars, sports stars, neighbors, teachers , happiest/successful
person, children, adventurous person , ( wild animals)etc.

a room you lived in, a place you would like to visit, a natural beautiful place, a shop, a supermarket,
a garden or park, a leisure centre, etc.

a piece of furniture, an old object, an expensive thing you want to buy, a vehicle or bike you want

to have, an important letter, a photo, a toy, a way to relax, a special meal, a dish, a sport, a TV program,
a film, an advertisement, a book, a website, a subject, newspapers or magazines, etc.

a sporting event, a family event, a wedding, a long-distance trip, important changes, happy events
in your childhood, a local event, a project you finished with others, an exhibition, a cultural difference you
find interesting, frrst day in school/ at work, an activity in your English lesson, etc.

= =
m-=.'iff.1,} i:p�'F.I �J:Jt�1:: lfil � l:5 w; *
$5:h'is®lff (l{J l'AJ®l • ;l!w; $,}(l{J� f$ , � fAJ@tt� + i:
iz., fltt:!%l1J*;;f:.{t. :!{ulxJ1J;t(l{J"teacher"it!mzJ§, �'F.I:fE�=m.1:B-�� g). "��ifi"t)�;j:§3c(l{J1·�u®1, l::t:trn
W.*�ag!lflJt, �IJifi(l{J�Jmz�(l{Ji'�fJ1i .w/:�:r-trm�, :ff1&$�3c-=f 1EJ ijijj:�, t/aj£JJil,:f£;¥uJtiHl**
ag ,:trn:

How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?

ls teaching a popular profession in China? What about in the future?

How do the expectations of today's school leavers compare with those of the previous
Wffl'tt�,ia: How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?
ft�fcJM: What can be done to solve the problems in your education system you mentioned just now?
�PJJtr-tl: What qualities are required of good teacher?

,�(f]*i.#., Ei=!-=f� = ffli0-�11�r�ag El EEJ1r�*, rfij_JlilF$ r�imw R�/.tllJfmff, FE!Jlt@J ��l

lt�*, nlG¾�!i:�1� i::litf�jf(f)��JJE.

-, rra: EEi
JJ1±1c., D ii::i
•;r, � 'f!J,/1±
� ,1:r

Iii] ;t,t fili.=.lj;!%"bt-f.¥, i:l RB� Jtl 9,}-fljlj,@ �I!),- jJ lll 1�*� ff.ii , i:l fil:fll � ft f:P r9: 1f "-¥-0-1¥J0-�
f L %" 1g � tEriiiIZ91'-:15iiixf %"� :ittfiif '.iE , �mf�-1:l:UHt :

�� - rm ,i fiffl!tffl
- ·- aginJ /C;ff]*J1s1I:it¾ 1!.' $,-t¥# -·--·-··- -

��:V �J T J[ fl'.{:{tfu*Jis:t'J:,�{fJH $,:l'¥-1¥-Jmf!Mt�1H�feJ1$, a9mr!

��(jg lffi �¾ 1!.' £ tM 1 $: 1f¾1!.' :iJ: lift! I� 1:_ � 1!,' .:iE f!ilJ{j!Jfj 1{f�

1.tft-t't1¥J:&, M.2004 _ 2oos.1:f..x-.J-��m,��1:.a��Jit�:itifi1¥Jt1ttt�, 9=100%"�If:ltJJit�

l!l'Jml.f�-=f�tj,�,If:ltJJit�, i:im�ut,��J!¾tf�OOJitgJ)fr:p� T*o

5.61 5.8
5.7 5.7
5.6 5.6
5.5 5.5
5.4 5.4
5.3 5.3
5.2 52
5.1 5.1.
5 5
1!/r:J-J l"!/Ji>.I; '.lf;fle Oil.l -�ft 1 1/r:tJ

(*ilf- "t ,i/L$ �i.a. 't ?5' F] �

�3&�;fiptif*(:81]{1Iil1f11l$. ::fi*:l'if-�:15miatl, filif�P-Fi¥J*ffi-$}:Jit15iiii� o•jjf;t!fl,� i:i ffi­

%"-Jrtrm�, %"1:.Jcit11H·Jiili:,t,gX%"btlm *vl10-�<l(:t'f�;JtJc�1i��3& T i:1 ·l!JJit��J�f!:t�, )l� t£
�!fl,�fn;t,tft!!,*ffi-�bti¥Ji:t:f19=1 ���lm1'-:15uffJL.3ftf\B 9C1 ft11l9=1 ffi1%"1:.a':J".7E1i:": r:r 00��
fer� *'l r:r fijkz:.N 0 :tt:�iJHren 1¥.J�;;Jt , �1:. flikd?���us § �::lJil.1.K 1¥.J ��� , w1 te ic.iz.j(f:&!l(OitUt "{q'
im , �TM• (:811ffrl:JJ� 5l.fllueffl 15 rt , m=t! :15uu1!¾�lJl1£tr . -i&!JU1J.L�lll·l�HJ1JwxJtt·i!,/: s tl:i , PiJ
�:151mA%:iJ�� ft;t,t#l?. == JmJ.lB � � tl:i , f.§. El3-=fIfll·B� i:i $xd?,. iW.llfi: =g-:g JlAeW �rt, m:ifal � i.lZ. uJ
J�n(ri]$x:ko�®lriJ�atl.M-�1mJHIH�atiaJ .�¥iiTi@i:::Jt���ilic7:!£-®$.{f..±g�Jt:9*��:q }:Jtl/t,
b��o�afiiJ� 3:=Jiii]i[' �01AJftlR�m��ft� �?!.{' �-=f-¥9: 1Ei:t:$B1fal*'l�.$}�,%"bt�%"�rffi�'

�.1Jo�]JtlJ±=[f tJilfJI CJ.�1JU�%"bt� T WM=t-�1£-®%"�ttJ5-112 "i:iJ CJ.� fl;/J#l?, {f1tf%"°ilt i:r J!:!if!ili�� El

�,�, □ if $iitttI7j
JE:trn�-trOOPJr�, IilJ!l�iA.£frnJJ�it.,imfmJJ a-:7��£-"rfci1sl:, �.¥£fFli�(8:i:tl¥o ��,:(£�Ji
x-t•-�,iJ!:kH AJ:/.iOC. EEIT P m�"it.£.ffi-=f "assesses whether candidates can communicate effectively
in English"(�Pi-'Ffii�&:£�Jl.�ffl�mul:fi��xinfl¥JfmjJ),�Jlt,1,JJit#'.@:5lLm, i:im�bt#
1'!itil!£-fil1m�ffgjJa-:7iljlljiA,, t11£-fit1xf-=fttJilliff�:iJ;ff.lx1iff�jJ1¥Ji9!1J-jj\ o riii/>Jr:Vl]a-:J-®*ufx
�tt:iYi1J1-'.)3W J:J;/J�&: tE�JjJJif81 1-14�/tll1 r-11E El c 1&!tJ(t,Jl}(-if 2t:W tl:Dl�.

(1) tfi�p; W l�ttr-a''.l�-fO�

• �&:ul:A�:l:mll;j·jaiW El 1�' tilt*$+,@_' i5Jt 13 �' ii:.ff0

• fflmlll!rttiif.�jffi-xf;j(-J{J § 1t1r�B El G, lm�IAJ@I.11-fil El cL-t':IMASfJ,J-ig��if-®, P±+�

mlll!r.@ c(-J{Jti1�mj§*AJff§�b��t1c.m�'B'�-lJ(l9r¥u ,Jrri;J�mf�tt-®, fffiJ::;!g'g"PJrm�.
BfH$-H1fl.UI!�, B�IIN�-�'g"jaPJrjam,AJ0JitA Wrf� El f�l¥Jf;IJ�.
• tttlffi;t', *M=iJU�.r,&�1¥.J�ii!f o�&::trn*fm!:J�lH.i'u't:k:1¥.J�ii!f�jJo P m�it., ��iiiit.iri'
r !l-HP � , � �� f-!HiiJ $x iit 1¥.J:B-�. fth.l!ltk�tJ-. :1/\]ft:& "r El fi, 1-'.J �ti �Jt iiixf *¥.oa-:7 A •
(2).1:i;IJ/�ffl "Answer+!" J)J{Y!IJ
-��-�r':l:l1¥J�M*�-®£ffl "�"- "oo" ��-1'-M•1¥J�MAJU@�a-:J,ffl�#

�xf��£1'fljf(,J. �Jlt{E�-jj\�, :tlll*��{E�r':l:l-1'-M1lia-:J "answer" Fo-l'lffrl-7E-1'-l!JJOJl.
��l±l-1'-11t!fd�-�" �a�JJf.lttt-1JWJt(.fl��iit�irlirE:!fJ-(-J{Jf;O�. 17tl:!lll, :!lll*
�)\.ji'iJ "Have youever been abroad?" �!'l:.�f'�AJU@� "Yes,Ihave." !ix� "No,Ihaven' t.".
ffi.:(:E P iA. * , �#fB��k]!:!ff: "Yes, I have been to Thailand for several times and J really enjoy
the beautiful scenery there. If I had a lot of money, I would like to live there." ,.x.* "No, I haven' t.
.fill.rt, -1'-!E W.&!-1¥.J�­
But I'm thinking of going to Thailand this summer to spend my holiday."
En��---o �Jlt, :(:E�bt*l-�ffl@•&&��-=f �&*� • ��$-m-@ffi�M&.
--�fBl�RfilM1ti�£-=f<i�, �!'�1'M'M-t'.f�?ta-:JIID��ffe El cxf �i.lf �W, mt!a-:1$ffilfrn
JJ, 1-'.J.& 1:Jma-:JmtllJWJt. §$&'.,;Jc, @�a-:1*$, �.¥Mil±I T 13 c)l.1¥.Jm!I, JJ,";tAJtrnl±l�l­
&:, �1¥J¥r¼i� 0

2. jza fiiJ $x1 D iitffi" = $�
:$:�IJ-� J=j- FP a':J w;-flF�1'£� J: MJ#Htr.1£:IE:i:tff MJtJHtrzM • �g:#fgf;�1:.-?ttr <t •
at OO.#�gf;�1:.•�-*Sti�-�m�.�1:.����m�atiJ:®-®�•a1:J�ic.•mm
•. -0-!tifluFP. xit�1:£1§,t•:t1r. �gw��*�J:H*a:wit�J,· J::.a':JiEffiiJt 1 -2 ?ttir. rm
:i!at1L!$�1:.�t��lt1fr:kr, l!!Jl:ti.Mt�m.5'c•#.f#.t'E-E., *�1!.R�.R�J=j-ffi-ittJi¾-J=j-�EJ,
iJl:1'jlJ-7J"#ttxtfiiJiJL P.JrCJJt=1!fl" &a1:J*m1'£iJl:ita':Ji1�*:!it , rm£aHtmi,Htzwia'-J-
0-ti11�1Jr£1§�7t��. ma£1§M�. �•�•. •���•�T=1-ffiBmfl�• =
(l) $�1J�)=j-ffi, tr:9cf-HIIl'i$r®i. fRjil�l��Jt J:B/;JIXJ.:J:f:ili,j£?1Hff1�*1JIJJrW!lfil1XJ •• i'.t�:
�1J'l[�J:t1;1q��av1Hiff1:£IBifil. -JE1'�i�fflli1�•ln11,�•J:F.1':J1ffiiJ1XJ•. 1§!J!1J��nx:t�itltfilm
im-!-0" t�:trn-�Jt ...1-.**�� "talk ab(;>Ut a Chin ese traditional festival", :!if.1*�1:.ijj:a':)£ "National

Day" t!h:1'�f!}�UtHfrJ:5t�, I!!� "Nationally Day" £1-:imtc:W 13, im1'£ "traditional festival".
:i!tt•����*���ltfil ■-�.
(2) m=ffi!!tlt®x--J--�J=j-p,J.a':JJfil�IB��JE�iJt-13'-JiXJ•, :i!1-:i:1fi-.filt�JEMI:i:1 1 o tJl!tifi.
••�a1:J��. �*��1:.�T3otJ1-tt��*a1:Jat��•�mff�We-$�ti. e��r*
JfilA&. ��gn��l3'-JA��*�*��iEat .�*�mrm�!
(3) w; -ffe¾ic.�ic. 1'�iffi1'fg. :i! 1-i:tfif:txf't�*ifillt. -0-tiratfaJffl#ABPllli. ic�icat
JEi'.t�CJ r JLr/-1:
m1'*�00��-a':J��-tt��W.-&•m-0-tirz1XJ8ITT5'c�EW = 1-�J:B/;J�-��
�"7", J!¾-;fiftat i�J:13'-J�Wt. �&:.�*{o!ll3'-J.R£IBj!ic�r 13 D*�* O�:iml3'-J ideas. ic�l¥.r::n
:i:t�0$#$#, ��"ii]"CJ,E�X!m�, :tmffl Am ft:ff America(n), fil�l.'.J,@ Di!itit-�.R� 13
DRti,�1113'-J!m�t\':ri�. ,g,z, ic�icl3'-J::n:i:t$;fift$#. -�,1¥.rmt!J!1Jtt£;,1;��;,1;�*· ;,1;2:,::n�;,1;
�£te�ic%��ira-r-Jtf1HIXJ13'-J:i:1ilHJ:.tE-0-i41£iXJ�:l::te-i"Jt J:13'-J4A.WH �tEStiJ:.
��ij£�, �;ftr1J��fi£��!r-J, ·l!1£-f}�1 ;zr,'q:fc�fi:iJCJfi\i¥Ul3'-J. ��,. �ll*R�4AtJHµJ,
JJ��'lff.-A�iJl:¥1J 15f'_j)CJJ:�fmt1r-¥U-0-�1• {fl.�n*�$Jt8,�tf�:ll!$a%tffl, �-#.:.R�i.1f
�&tJl#���Jt�§l3'-J, nuftWffi�amm��•.
(4) :a:f:imt!J!1J. m=ifl5�(f..Iit•re:11�i:,1.*�0-;{]1m�. �-�f.,;:iE■ �$, nuft1'1JJr
§Ml¥.rffi ■ ��.�&:.�ft&§��fil&§�*�•ffi§l3'-Jffi ■ ,l!l;{J�-�-§��*ffl�l¥.r
m��"gt,'.fpffi1fW£ilifi'i R§¾1�ii(:1'-J. �1: �t.:J.1Et!Ht't{l'lati�·I!. t.:J1'��Jj"� CJA4m@��j,

�T¾�-ljij£. �B��¾�-�ffl. MM.1-A�i':01-A��.ma•��ITTl':01lt•fi�ffl�
m�. wm�Mffi':r:Jffi*RJJ, &fi�m�m�Ai':r:J�mc�•· *ffl· ••�>��-��i':0�
7C�1:iJ-=f, llil1't�1:.9-UW T �®£*1':0ffi*1B'fiml, flf.ffi,LJt6 JL1-1f f\'.:. ttu':JM §, �utl'.l''.lWJ­
•,R��g�9, &eaw. �����1if�6Mi':0M � &�����-��- ����M�*i':0
:t;!/ili Mr. Chen Li, tE�:1:mJ:&�CJ¾ffi-i':0��B, 1&:::'l!rlud8'-i':0M�. imllffl*�bt(f.l?R.ris'�tf-=f. �p
�:Im §¾ffl�-1-/Jmi:i'it U.mtL�)J), �#��'.t.�lf-@J�,R,IB�r:pt£#!Ji:i'it*� J:, �1:.-&. �C,,JJ0Ht•­
�tL1m£fil�i':0. �im�fflJ: B�SWu':Jffi�Ai':0ffi*ft��-•. rmaITT�mi':0m*ft��-�
••£����a•�Qmi':0•=•�n•A�ffi■ i':0ff�ffi��•�•m�.

3. j[] iiiJ $:� D i.i\JI�三t� ,t

M=M"f9:¾tEM"��fl"IBti':0£illHJ:7iJilif'friJ:r!j�i!iJt§ e,��1:.��:lii€Mffl*•�nJJJ5Jrtl!#t�tfL
�. �•�••=�mi':0��ffi•��1:.MH*-��Ai':0M�. �-��mnaarmr�. �-�
fflffl�1:.i':0•��m••�-�m�•����•ffi�OO. -&*m. �•�1��J:®�1:.��
a�-��1f�ffi':0•�. 1f��-��i':0$uttt���7iJ•� tti':0••*w�. �7iJ9-�A•T
-� ®:�1tWa''.l,g,i':r:JmJ111£:i!if§€.fflja1al':0h�re�Miai':01i:iJM. � :!l:te.naa1i:iJMA�1t, �t:tio¥1J1J
m IJij ri:iJ 1m•£--t M tit� m l':0 �J•�. w,Jiif rot 1it$ � at 1a1 , x :ll! ::f1mn JJ •
The main advantage is that...
But in my opinion the real disadvantage is that...
One thing really positive about... is that...
One way of looking at it is that... , another way of looking at it is that...
However, ...
On the other hand, ...
�®fflH!rri':0���i;Jsl��1:.flft/e\',\!!-�, ���'l-=fiz.$:1:l:·�.
�f�A6 T, �1:.ili�A�&-:-�i':r:J;iJil.,� (idea), llil7iJ:Yt1'f--1'��-=f��ft�{t��f'f!Jm
(informative). :l1.J/K�CJ* � -=f�1:.i':0#tR, im�1:.&�CJHx-Jift,\!!,i':017'1��Wl�J: U.m�Y-ra':lffififJ
Wlft�3.X:ft�sl�google�) it�*#, �::'l!r-ifllt�3ct±-®�:ttlH� (:t!oChinaDaily�2lst Cen­
tury �) , CJ T Mffillt � CJEd'fri R , il El c i':r:Ji..1�*#:ll!1Jrim¥, ri5. ;JJ��Jg = -� :Rk #� i':0.:1::/lli¾tl­

i-�? ��&fi!kll·YF A{il�-ii�bi':0iiil� ,tUMl''.li)F�CJ5t:1/-J�lm�:

Computer's effects, Communication tools, Internet, etc.

Preserving traditions (architecture, handicraft, festivals, cooking, etc.)

The importance of cultural events

Ed·1cation and children

Environment, wildlife conservation, pollution
Public transport
Celebrities' role in society
The ethics and qualities ofjournalism
TV's effects on children and family
Government's responsibility, etc.

Family, generation gap, friendship, neighbour relationships

Human nature (happiness, etc.), older people and children
Gender differences

��tE-¥1l ��:B �qt' "iiJ[,'.J:,r-tt)r hl��l� }:J ��ll:Jitf;f'J:PtiJl�j!®�JJU!:J*��M' lb{l!l
�2 . .tJtv��.

Test 1


:� ffl, ����- ,��- ����

, � ft� �E , •fr tt J!. #-1-t .&
, tm � , iic#-Ji 1ru} itiJ

- fiI. /ijj � rf:iJ 1i� U/i 0 'Fil r� r�

v.1 1.§ i�J � :!t: � i11I !'.t f� � 1i: rl� • - �§1: (i.J 1* i11I 1f � 11=1 � f'l" 1& $ M
�. *��-��m•��m¾�ffi�••��. ��•••· n���. m£•fi���
���-®�-�§. ��•�i11Im�fi��0�. ��-i11I��-. -���ttftMMM
��®�§¾�-�- �®¾��*�-�.

operate at most
tour n. Vff'!Jf, sighting
coast main beach
- · ·- .. .. . .. . .

cruise W
in particular
-- ----- --·-·-·-"··· - ···- -··-··:;Jl':Jt
. - - - - - .......... .
n. <J:l>I �. �fi. �tdf

whale n. �)j({!i bushwalk 11. �t--Ht�JiiH1·

beach n. #lf:i}ft fishing trip /i{J-fb*fi

coach n. *�r'i..$ extra

.. ---
/l .
··· ·•-
··•··· --- ..... - - .. ···•· ·- .

minibus reptile n. l�fi�J!fi,J

run snake ll. !Jtt

peak times pool II. VMA<i!h.

tennis court booking n. ffi'..ii::Wt
by the hour deposit n. :f'Jlft:

table tennis credit card 1�0fl 1-

accommodation package -m +nH�t-1-i!J provisional booking 11�,flfFJi '.it
cancellation reference number

kiwi n. !Liftg, sc uba diving Hibl<

-· --··--·---.. -- ··-·--·- ..... •···· ··•-•·· - -----------------·-- - - ·-- --- ----·--·- ------- --- --- ----- . .. . ....
ostrich n. �t.£?; barbecue n. i;Ei�

cobra n. mu�!rt cave exploiting i1TIJA��£i:

poisonous spider ���
- -
mountain climbing �*
crocodile /!. �ffi sailing n. l�JUf:\-
chameleon n. '.!e 13 :it drifting n. ilmt

l. It's two days -that includes four hours' travel time each way from here. -#ft W * -fL-M- *
&ta� a�¾*
teJ � 11 :VA. ½ 7� , it 1-� £JJ. ,11 � 00 il: 1f-1-
tE1 % l1Y1- ,J, ilHL "each w a y" :W
�� 'lt 4ar � /J(J 1- Jc'.. , unr m it ) ( 1t, ) � Jli . A iltr =- t .
2. In fact, we only take up to fifteen people on this tour, although we do run it with just twelve or thirteen.
i��. •m�*•tt•t�Llffl51'-A. £Mam (1f&J-M)�-�12�131'-Aij•
fr. "up to" :/'�/J�¾ "ft$", �,t-;,'t ":f,i!:JU±" ��.\L H'.,:!111, I can pay up to 20 dollars for
this bag.

3. Um, there's one in three weeks' time which is April the 18th, and then we don't have another one until
June t h e 2n d. P,,., =.f.J.1§-, ��;lt{i 4 )� 18 E 1f-))U)Ht. T-».:.��>jJ 6 fa] 2 El. iit
f 9'1fW1'-1t� "one", �;lt:/'�-fi. JJ7'� "n o t un til'' ;tjg "10tl···· .. &J-1�".

4. Though the really good time is later in the year. AMJli;.iEftP.fij &J-1�;.'t,iIT #-1¥-. "later in the year"
:W!:t-J;lt "{iT.f.1¥-". ,x,.j11, We run more outings and other activi ties l ater in the year.�ifl'f 4
1¥- !.[ � � i /J� �Jl tht t $ ;ii 0

5. No, I think I'd prefer whales to snakes. .:f, =it!£.-1Pk ¾'fil'!l)l-:fil. im:f ,'t.'l!L x..-f;:11, I'd prefer learning
history to ec onomics. &-1P,kf.8i .tmf :f ;ltfi.m-.

6. Can I just mention that we require all bookings to be made at least fourteen days before you travel to avoid
cancellati ons of tours. ii:.�:tilii.1�;,ili:, ain�:;Jt�j':t{'flt 14 �:it!:fr)' t, IV-� (:t
f)•l•fi. -f;:ll*{iili£llt7*��-i-frij�, �l���-.fijffiJtlffl. ffi�
1£ fit :t � * mi :t � • i»H� j] � j[ 1 ¾ f5J '
0 j] � ,3/g Jijf -t ¾ � 1- Ji mi (:n �ll � jll ijf * 0 * -t
lfb� ffi � , -0- il %- if{ � - >rUHftHt . � mi mi -t �
jg .f :t fro • i� ¾ l\'iJ # - ,It /J� I lfL

7. Let me issue you with a customer reference number for when you call back. �-!fr,-,t-;g; 1-fiJ %:/i!/; ,
P,}_1'-ifF"f*tTi:l:!.1!�·HiJ. "reference number" ,ifiltA��;li "�1-fiJ%:/i!/;", :ig_.l[ "reference"
��••�•m. :iit-§1-fiJ%:/i!/;�*f½�%:/i!/;. *-ifF•�•-�*•fi��-�­

1-4•��2•�•. •oc•�**· m¾�-•*•M�B1f-®��tt��: �

i:pm-•�-�imii-1-�:t�•tif�,lil, "coach" 1 m=m�•�imii�-'1'" 1�.�- "twelve" tn
"thirteen" I m=a*•Ja·im-l:!11i-1-f1L�, "June the 2nd" :(:E�iJl.'..i:p' -'.it�tt:lif..RUfilT

lt:!(om= ■�MfilTr:1=11f--t "maximum", j!�JJltJtr:j:i� "up to" tfl�1 L lz5l

Jl.t*•..Rfi�-}! "15", im�¾ "12" � "13". m=ara:i�¾ "next tour date", f-ifrCJ�J.m)(
i:p/®i�t!l'a:J "And when is the next one going?" (t.:if!.tf�, f1€1# ff:\ f-i:lli*-=ffl,J-(aJa'.:im-1-@ *
5-6 ■¾$��- ■ (li�=). �-�-�:(:E-=fli1-���Sfi:(:E�Jti:pl±J�M.
rrn�ffl*��ffl$, �*ffi•-*�•��--1-�•- ��. 1f®�����*m•
"reptile" atf�>l, 'Et!ia�¾ "J�-fii;/]�".
7 - 1o ■¾1c�1:iJ-=fffi,
,l�H��iOC�*, ffl¾ 7, 8, 9 ffi:(:EmtJt i:p fflilf �:t�ttf� ,@1,,
�tt:lif.�w. m1oa��•--t�%�*· ���*Xii*�. -'.it�tt�*�*� (�
��J,mJti:p��/],�) 0

receipt n.发票,收据 rail n.货架
docket n. .j:ij;1?E, '.1.:;r. supermarket n. �rn
refund n.&v. �#,k shopping center(shopping mall) 购物中心
discount n.&v. rrm shopping basket 购物篮
on sale Jf!� shopping guide
ring the bill ��le

l. We tested three different cots and all in the budget price range and, as usual, we will feature the good
points, the problems an d our verdict. .'Jt 111 i�H5\: T �# ;f f,iJ W:71{l )L*, 't: 1fH� -ffr�4ljl;f A�,
fell fi3H1 ·�· - #- , 1il ¥f :& t!J 't: 117 � ill ffi'Jt ,� # t½ t!J :f.\:. 117 ftHf-iL " b udge I " .Ji it 1-;f JU� " ffi
J", im:Jt "j�fU'ii:{t-J-ffr;Ji", 5UP, " a budget mo tel " J� " 1[tJ-2Hie�i\$ilttW".
2. At first they were a bit concerned about the side bar, because they felt babies could trap their fingers
in it, but our testers felt that this was unlikely to happen so they have given this one a verdict of
"satisfacto ry". :tf jit 1i!!. 1fJ � ,� t.!l. ,-:_., ( � JL * s9) jHi, � kft 11'1 ·tall JL4dE .f t�-t Z£ 1- mi.
1§. ¾ �J i;t if ff] � '.t it ;f % £ 1. , )'fi � fit 117 t½ tlJ e 'Jif
, if :Jt t
" ,t A � ii� " • a ;t "u n I i k e I y"
it M -t -wJ , im 7F ¾ �H� ,
3. On the minus side, our testers did not like the fact that the side of the cot did not drop down, making it
difficult to pick up newborn babies. � T ¼f1F f. )L* � fP] Ji!, :ft 1/'1 W:J )9!:] i;l:4Ti},jg 'E � �j mi 5f; Ji
tk "f *' )'fr� ;f jj� #HH7J 1. )L, -t ;I:;' "m akin g" {J� J! � i. ifs� :Jt "the fac t"' im ;fit
"o u r tester s", JH�. "pick up" -l3:¼1-¾��#P*1-tW:J·iJUi, iiJ�}f] "car ry" ,/H-\:..f..
4. We felt this was a real safety hazard and so we have labeled this one dangerous, I' m afraid. 111 � :tit
it fi'J -f9fj it - t- !Ji:½ 11�- ,�is ,
[:fr � !& 'ffl ft 1f1 � }t /Y'J -W 1Jr � it �W fi" - Jt /tJ fit Iii 'ti , � f;J -=f cp , "I '
m afr aid" :Jt-1'-tifiAiJ, *,F-# ";ff�;f, &_jJ.;¾" �'tt�,
5. The negatives for this one were quite minor, the only niggle everyone had was the fact that it has no wheels
and the only other problem anyone could find, was that there were pictures which were simply stuck
on and so could easily become detached. ¼�l'�)Lfii;.{l-,Jfii]�;f;:k_, Af/Hi-iiJfi�¾tf!. 1\:.'��'t
1JAf � -1-, ,;\Hr A ff] :if PJ ft�£� 119 ·ttt- iiiJ �� :Jt, '- JLfiii. J:. � 1R ¥fill"� ltl!.fHt J:. i@ . t: a-�
ifHR � � Jlll �, zj- f :it f;J 1! W:7 JJ. ff!Pi ii /ir- X 9' :±J Jl T r7ff 1' "the o n ly" , 1§. :Jt � .::.1' "the
only" f§-ffii:if1f-1' "oth er".

► fl.fil § ffl!f. f)r

11 -19 l&i¾�f�±I��@. �ti:p 11 @,R��Jfl "easy to" �'.ii::t'lil1,;f�iJCJ:j1U:l:\1f�. ff!

¾ 11, 12 �l!J 13 lffi£ fi3J �e� ::k:ili:, JWC).;f§; ��1:. "i,J·Fig� 7-J:r-,_�r!{ruJ.flfr in.��1J- �ul.� uJ.

Test 1 __________ _

�����-M�*��®�-- ��-��#��-�-T$M-@��-�- I4a

�,1:�m�. 1N$�!tt'B1lUt?$ "satisfy�, @:&x-J·-=f-t�ffl�i!iJ�Ht��:icT/Ml, ffi!:1/.J:k
$••��-trn�m���••��ffi�. ��rna��MW*��ttg•�������
�f,Jr9rWf]}J. 15 ®i�a:t.a.::P*a';; "easy" �Jjj(j(i:J�a';; "simple" Zffila��_)l_*�- 17 lffi-t!1m=
�i'i'.t.���i'AJ.ffi: "verdict" ;f�I "labelled" Jl-�li'i'l5l:Jc�.

selective/elective/optional/non- subject i2\; jl l* tuwrial n. < :¾Jffi #Hrol':lq)l,t Lt1brn.
required/ mandatory subject experiment 11. yJ�
thesis/dissertation field study �J;"J
test defend V. �1J¥
examination n.�·iJ\'. presentation n. (li:Jt) !W;:i£

1. 1n fact, I thought the infom1ation on course content was really useful, but I· m afraid I' m a bit confused
by all the different ways you can do the course: full-time intensive, part-time and so on.� ll;;f,; J:., �
�i*f•«�•ij••••�rn. ili��-��-.:f�ijJ:.•��M�•�r. •±
13 il1H! 1t • t!UUl1: jfLf'fH)dHJt r� J:. • � � *
,{;J -f 9" f!� " y O u " 1' ft 4+ ii l + A ' rm ft jz
:m If M A a n d s O On " #i �� ft " iw fr11 Jlt. � ' l � " �1 ;t -�-

O " D

2. I want to know what my options are, really. � �. �11 :iii�� '91Jl � J! ff o :it ,{;J -i! 9" � "really" ;iik {E
1rkro*:;°F�!iftL �j!ij;J:. "really" :if of �Jiktf,{;J If: I really want to know what my options are.
1§. Jt 1' fr11 ;i;k :t£ .f;J tts! • � i¾ '\ o/1 i& •
3. You' d be expected to w rite an essay each month, which counts towards your final assessment.4 ;;J<.
•+A�-1�*· #A-*W��-. -&*#1½4*•±•��-A�-I��.
ili¾,a:J*�.:fffl�, w*•�ij�I#f�••1•±:tE:•£�•�ro���*4
;% • tll ¼ ' ffi :xt * it '!W 1t §: 4 1j, - � u n t " tE Jlt. -1' ¾ ti " •• " ' rm¾ ti " 'flt ;if J.t . �
0 "C O

�J:.. �-�·. �-¾it:it��*•l*W��-�--�.

4. You have a case study to do by the end of the course, which might involve doing a survey or something
like that, and also you need to hand in a short report every four weeks. itl.f¥.tii:(&9JJt 1�:i'f-t
t fim�. �**�&�•-+••�-�Jl!'..l�fffl. WA�:ifl•���-1•*
%. •«M:(ijut•. •±:J�frlij���w���m��&l:f'¾. �JliFJ:.. �#&
/fl Jr f **�I it }it{[;(;f !-0 4 ir:I.
S. And each module lasts for one term, say, about twelve weeks at a time. � fl • U. # � - f I . f;, +
�!lt121'£Mii::£". *i,Ji:pil(i "at a time" 4�/1�¾ ••*��fliJ". 3111, I'm away a couple
of weeks at a time. �-✓,x.1�t!L�-4JL1'£M,

► M!llf0¥�fr

2 l - 2 3 Jffi ¾ � rm j!; � JEfil O ;I( r.p 2 I ft!fil ff(} j!; rm ffli :(:E � X r.p l±l � jj: ' ill � )FI J@Ff If' a':)
"hospital� �'UL, fl:l:�� t.\t 1:l:LiE fiffJ�� B "three years" o 22 @ia':liE fiffl��J;y�,l! A "fees ",

ffi¾Bj!;Jgir.p(:(.J "costs" laf-'.il::�;2':'11, lz;J;,{Jljj(}(r.pj.lJ!j11jT "cost" o Cj!;JglMU)li(Xi:Jl�r-J "unpa id"

)Ji "two years".

24, 25 @,/!$)Jiu.I;��. ftl},U§ ��+ "e ach " ��fil:t,fr.iJl,:JIVJ"ilJIEfifiJ�-�lm B, D

"an essay" :'flJ "a shor t report". 1.!i,1!�,tIEfiff1,g::�zfa]-jQ.f;l1!JiljT A, C u.\;)Ji "a case study" :'flJ
"a surve y", {!l.,l!��Jm�:if�¾4if.-t f1 �fja�. �jj: o u_\;Jjj.!]Ejij�JmJti:j=t1/HIJ�¾ "every four
weeks", ��Jm-=fi:j=ta'� "each month" ,l!IE])lili].

26 - 3 o im¾ :1t nx/,=iJ=f-m , JtJt$x* . 26 ���a�i� :ixw- !ix Jti� , im Jc 1'8m r,,: to®I .::P ;r­
-ti, 1-ff�,L,iiil "study" r9:1'f 7:!tft. 27 lm�ii�llfil-=pi:j=t (A "takes" flJJW,J'.(i:j=t � "lasts" ,I!
IEJ5liiiJ. 28 fl[i�Jm-=fliJlmJCa�l±IA.9!*, ITTiJl "ver y" :'flJ "much more" a'�!iS15l:X:�fu�x-J·�
!=E�fix:�P[ii]. 29 :flJ 30 ��i'fii'il:r+�l�Mfil. ifriJl��zfa]��•if;iff:, WTCJJ!tltti�m*. �>'I', tm
*fiiii1'f-ililm�i'f���-. ���JEW1'8Jm�ti�.

industrial and commercial bank Ii',M!Hr authorized bank
a:griculrural bank ��HIHr specialized bank
bank of communication :,eJ!!lilHr d1e World Bank
commercial bank it'fi�1'.t1ih

I. OK, so we've been looking at the attitudes of various social cultural groups towards the management
of their personal finances - how important they feel it is to save money, and what they save money for.
arn-•-tr•�M�����ffl�rj +Aw•,�ij��-��:lt�mrj�•�
� :'.!!Hi � & ;ii 1t i � {t-7 • >L -1t %i-¥ ,f;J 'f , 1£ fit :ii!: fr -t.
"it" ¾:$5'\i.i-s-. �iEa"Ji.i-S-)t " to s ave m oney
:i ,1:E 1/Ll *�-I§- .f 1,J 'f .
··, it:lt:/.JTilt:-t{;J-ftift!;JJIUJo-fft.
2. Now, though these days people might question a lot of the assumptions contained in those statements.
recent research does suggest that there are some quite fundamental differences between men and
women in their attitudes to economic matters. �,rt. i!'f.;,}dfPfll�¾r itJL,{,J-ifi:pg,�-@1lh�

**#�. �:lt-�i-��lfil��A�*Arj#ft*MMij��ij-�-*ffl*�

'f. "suggest" -tk.,G¾ "�iX" a'g;t,�-. rni:lt "*aJJ, i�J!L :il:f'r-i�$;ZaHt *�"
�/sl. -tf�-¥1,Ji:p, "questi on" av:t,�-,G¾. "�triJfriJM" rni¾ "•tf�". /slit, :(£1§-.f{;J

�-tf�*'f��f:lt. •••*:ll-lMM. ��fil��-tff��tl«i:r�tif�•�

ij,��)(_�ffl*. ��,G•re�*�t-t•��--t�*•����rjS.
3. Research studies of women in North have found that women are far more likely to save money
for their children' s education and they are also more likely to save up in order to buy a house one day.
* *
rj �t � 0tl 1J.3 -Jz: !J"1 -lilf l IJ/'J , Yi!!. ·ffJ JI! 1-f 1if �� jl;J 1 1!< -f lt:1 fx W ]}. 11- ;it :/.J 1 �41- '$: ;J;- -f mi� ft •
ii;tii-/;J·f/i'tp "save money" if11 "sav e up" v.§°fat_;/ifl*� ":ffl}#,", 11'1.¾CfrniJ:1-fFJr1'M.
� if r�1 1t- %U ,@ w .t Jl , mH! iE ¾ 't' 00 � � -1:E ti if ifti '.EJ 'ft 9" # %HUe. Fh � � • • �- :t£
tl ;f¥. 'f 1� JW f J1J Fh • � :ii!: it V:1 fill it JI , 1E. tB M
it :;r W � l'Jd'Ut' , :fJl 111 &,, %i -t£ 1 � lt-7
]}.11-:ltffl��•��:t£-�IB�. am�Tif�attr��;;z��&;;z�*�•it-t
I§ (fJ •
4. The same studies have found men, on the other hand, tend lo save for a car, which by the way takes a
surprisingly large amount of the household budget in North America. J3 - iW . fPl # 11"1-lilf l ;1{ IYl , :t
JJ A 111 1� r/iJ -t JJ � 41F $ W ffl· *.
)!� � iJt - fiJ , it -t£ ;It � JI{ !Ji :ff a� x i:r ?Jr 6 av �t � * 1.!if- -t�
A. i1:t "t ake" -tfJ tlt:1£*:t,�-*0tllj-1'4��J¥liL 6Jfl
1 Uik:/l), :/tl (EltfiiJ),
�T,fJl:/tf. if!;j'; J:.
:m av ¾ ,
• 1i1- ft � $ , it 1t � • " w 11 i c h ,, � 1 -lf av Jlf: - -t �� 11� Ji:: •ii .it * ».
":fit, ll):" 1t'�iffltl:l*av:t.�,. }H� "which"
{;J . tD * ¾ * av it -tk.
1'�-�½fil!1"1t�. t�¾.#�1-�-�-
5. Now this is rather disturbing, because in fact the need for women to save for their old age is far greater
than for men. it� ,� 4 A ,G :t'. , !!I 79 i f!;j'; .l -Jz: 'ti 1-J T ,tt fl=- ffl'- � � ¾'*•ii tt JJ 'Ii Ji ;k 1R $ •
"no w" :(f1ll'..5x1-f!i.�*;Z, &� "JJ\1,-tf" a�t-�-.
PJ\;J_J\JMj/;J ":ll#-*"· f-f* J:Rl"f
lr:J it J¥], :!ID: Now the trouble began. it "f -3'-fo] JI&*
J. 5Z.:frD: I see now what you "f 4l
o/l s1tw:1t,�, r.

Test 1
6. The research indicates that at present for women it takes a crisis to make them think about their future
financial situation. :r,f 9'E *� .
13 � P-.1-f :t£ :il& JJJ tAJl Z:.Af , ii:- 'Ii ;;J- % ;;If ,t1Ht!dl1 �%*/jg JM .iI,k tit ;,H..
k e
it#:i/f1.'!lll%tl'.'. "ta " 10 "ft" �:iJ<.if-�. 1ll.if:it.!.. rom:;r�t71 � tll.#d/g ";ft!/#" ;;J­
;;'t .iE� (lg. :/IP : It took me two years to compile this book. '.ey :it 2F- 45 ;ft Y ilt WI .ff- Af; Ht [ii] •

7. Even women in their early twenties need to think about pensions, for example, and with increasing numbers
of women in professional positions there are signs that this is beginning to happen. *'ti-lt�.ifMdfJ
=ttll���S4:i/fd�����z:.�ijM•r. •••*•iij* tt�A��fi�. �
�:i1Ekz3&�:itft!1•�)5(,E'.,fBHt£1- Y. it{;J9'trl4A!J#flr-f/8:Jt "t h i s ", 't�[l;j;l.:t§'IG¾l.
-{;Ji!: "Women today need to look ahead, think ahead - not wait until they' re under pressure.··
�ifij* ttS�ttfl•. ttflm. ��¾·��m�Kh��-w�. �-:Jt�. *I*
'ti E,f11f��i1fl•�tt�HE-T.
8. Initiatives such as this can give women the economic skills and knowledge they need for a comfortable
indep ende nt retir ement. :it# i. ;/J 't1. tif I!,( ;h *'ti il 1#:litidfHl{J (-I} i1 j}}tH� fP �o ·if(, :it#, � 1f1
a "iif i?,l tJlj f-J '6J' :u[ frJ 1!£ JI. B1 � {;f. 1_ $ J
O � *
fjJ it° 9°' S9 nt ,P,, ;}t " i n j t i at i V e S " , � 'WJ )Uf'/¾' #J �0

�17Hfi JJ;/J:i/f 1-JfilJWf.: subjective initiative i.�]��;IJ'ti; have the initiative �t�i.;/Jtz.

31-351@1:&:fcW: 11:iJrflML 31 ll/iil:t�f'8jJ¥!., SUIUJ:I "un derstand" '.ittz�pi:iJo 32@ ��ti::t:

�--=flfl(iJ "more prepared to" �JffiJtiti "more willing to" i'J':Jl�x*� o 33 ;.fJJ 34 J@IAJ[JJll:U::wi£.
35�'i\W�ffl�--=pi:j:t�Jj§-ffia':JA�·fa]�xiifJJA,1i) "when 1hey are old" �'.ittz./ffiJti:j:IBl;_J "... old age, they
may therefore have to pay for nursing care" 0

36-40 /lfil-lf1:&:fcrit1U-=f/lfil, fEijz.:/ik-1" "summar y" -1�.tii, f,r[;J�Hntt§xi*UH�MW

JL@�:.k o jtr-p 36@Ut':11iJ-=ft'i!fttJ;.fl]./ffiJt:;}dlH:£�, rniJL'ffi--=f 1=r-1�1jrfiia/;_J.giH:t " ... many women only
think about their financial future when a ... " :(:EJJ}{)(i:j:i¾Jj§- 1�U�1'.(.J " ... for women it takes a crisis to
make them think about their future financial situation" 0 jz.f1Hl\l@H(�j'ijJJtP4{1& "11 L �,�fj-'i.", :trn-�
��������. �•�m������-��. -��••x-tjz.� ■ . ■ �39 ■�� 31

t§�;j-�;J, 38 ■ a'�ffi--=f;{;JJ./ffiJt5HJIJ{t#IT "develop" ;.fn "l ack of", J.J-.IEJxW4jjlii*#Jl:i£�1


-1'- 17\J � 40 ■1Ni'i::t:@-=f r.l� 1¥� "high proportion of" -i'::ED¥t:X �i=i �BU\-�it� "70% of"' �nu


f;;Wtillt1-± (tJ (( *� ))-=f l 77 Sip tl:l It& , :(£Jlt;z iw 1¥1-� ·ttttc., Jdf1-l:xt �m l¥J � /iAx IJ�J.fl
O m
tJt i=I fn =IHii ili t§t 7(sj m-a9ir-<ft ' M-=f �J:1 M !!i�Jf?,€ ffi:tJP'5 7&:. \!iL119mlilii-1:!L t9: 7(sjm-1¥1:flit lE:li!:

f;;Wtilitw ± �� -fi,iJ!@ijJH;!!; Tf(! E�.

��, 1£JltzM'-f:!17(sf :ii-®4=ffe!. jl;i:j:t i'&!rl119¾-*t/,J I 2O]r1¥J;HYFf' El3-�P4Robert

Cawdrayl19)d,!m"i�, -=f I, � :;1;;«�4=-ltJ:f-11:Jr.(:J�� !;\!,�ffiii,JiC*».:iE:tm./a)!?: 171±!
(:J':Jttf �'.:J:ffe!-f-'f- , Cawdray(J;_yj fAl -=f ;f 11 !&�!!¥: :;f:WJ iC. �*4=,JJ:1!.1¥J�Ji1�Z-t,;t¾{!'.:J:��(:l':J{tffl �
!�f*�tl:l l�Jf(:J':]!!¥::;f:vjfi;.

® i:j:t t=l\ir�71 � X'f � ;fitiJHlEH!i (:J':_j �:fjlul:fi '.ii::.:x.Jnif.J 1QA%iii.l iC ��' u���flliffil& �tt O �

;'$}I,· ;/,JWtilitf ±ft:;!;; 18•1:!tgc.Jt!l¥:*(:J':J��f-c*, tE�IJ-.UIJ�;(:Etfl�fl !/£if, fmtE"f FM'�lE:tm

s i:j:t::Rzattl:l/l&tt!!.1¥J«4=�>>•£w� "atj·":r-:ctT.

g/,JWtill¾i'.l A, !Ltii¥*, ttl!.�'ml.Rillit¥1J T ::RM119itlt.xt -=f��®h.lI 7 t!Uc.lltAA¥1J 181±!:tc.!rl

AA-Jr m :tuir m,
ft*1191AJ ;/,J.ijrilil¥J.18¥<R:1i ti¾� 1:·.w�ffi a{} 1':Ef0�ilizilftr, :tlll*19: ::fii � n 119 �

#f!Lf±J11HJ1Jlf TiJfl.!:5 ttH�a':l ffi it ,� /:l:1lt&:it#-U*�4=:!-U!-JL :if¾:r-RJ�l19. ;'-J�ili!J! IJiA� ;;r-��

!!¥:#VlA��H1?/.<R:W:f§l.:119i�Yifil, ftl:!.� El c.�-*4=�. imli� El c.i,)Ff-��.17641f..6JJ 18 El , f;;
Wtili.!:5�iffiRobert Dosley:(£HolbornirJiTr!fl3ftili:(:J':JGolden Anchor1.iiUi511t-!r-�fftj-, �iTT*-r�*
«::r-::!14-»a':l�liil A'-J�illlBlJLtJ�1� T,g_ffrftI575�/r5H1�:5tcWJNJllk, ff!!.J,J-:it®f&i:j:t$1:H-®f.ll TT 17
Gough 1:l:JiJ, tE:it.ll!JliW T F-1 c. �l':J "4=:!14-tr-:l:J5".

James Boswell i �f-Jfffillftf�, {ilim:i£iJif;;WtiliI f1=1¥JOO��fi "-�ftlcuJ", "f faJ::fii-*

** a':1119�-r , i,":t � # 15 ff{] IftA !JH:i!i;i I fr-. f��ill�tE-:tei':R:���119�-r J:., ooilftr¾-�le
:t::f.tl19tfiltffi:rt�(:J':JJt��, ml l:llltL--tAtV,V!it1N;t-:l.1tftf*(:J':J=p;. li'i!llt %'1ll.flA�flJJ=¥4'i1H!;/J, jt;r:p
��IT«4=c!l4» �� � �%-1\ir � .§it�t!:I: T
I f1=:ll¾e*l19· �Btj·, t'-J�illtE�JftilSr.9:::fiiOO=j:r,'i:gR �lij��f!p""f .�80*;$:�icul:fi T
:5t��:im, m15T4JJ ��ijj_j(:J':J'.ii::5l .#��:it®i.jjj(:J':_j ��5<.Jylffitl;_J11.4:n�h.l1}��fil-��rn:=p;
ititt�i:j:t:fOOtl:l tf:J s I fjiJJJuJ:J �iiE :it ®5 I fjiJ*iJJ:W.;, hAffrflflr3>8 at ttJIJ �fftfr-*a':JftJkffiHiifilm

Test 1

tEP'l. ;"]$�:IH9:��-ill:fi:fc�(fl El �EtJft=. F.B-=f�l&:fi:rAAllll, 1JB:;;r-f!}:;;r-11&.1&Jtwrfi.Ji1F¥:c!11!-(0ffl

�;z,)1, j�Ji{lefJB(BI f'FJi:li:T-Jffi;lifil�*:k(B�ir I ft.-�J:. t'-J�iliJ,r{ltl(BI fl::�:;;r-!Sl!lll-=f
!lt o tllL'.JKiJ(t-.Ftc!11!-�1(4t:;;r-lE](0:£,;',:Jf.Jlill:#1�:,tra:E��Jt+5}�� o ifil#f�ffi�J£:£ffi(Bijf�.
;t:,l�,J:�l'f $�fi'&(B�J}lj ifB:t-j"Ui)ir._,:ii::Sl*lll�Hilli�!illJ: illfflJtfJ!J �Jlt' t'-Jif :itJ!ir..,«$c!11!-))tl:l

Jl&ffl, t1:*:iis--1'-$i±!:tc.1¥�ffrtiaJ!fJ.., tM9:ff tl:lJJ,i!,-*�:iH1.!:5;1t.ffitM�ir..,$A.

JL�f.liltrrra, tf.J�mir..,�:1js:(($A))�-=ftEI 775$4)=] 1513 tl:l!l&T .-�tl:l!l& ·�**!l-UttE

�1-©(rfHl-JH!fT-�iA �, Mtt!r:*.i!IH!Efi1\'.:r-�i��f'F -m:t::kflf:I�!'.t-Jff.j:4'}��:1i� ill: �Jffi:m

ri'6!'.t-.lft�:W .nx::*.i;lt.�:1f 7k'l:�A9��$li1\'-, -lh:M:;lt.ffl.!E A9-Jffi�BIJ�l!m, ��fhil!:.&. T�-1'-ijtrJH

:kllinx�� "�Ji.Ji f.lil9ill, 40-1'-ffi00�1'f :tt T40�a91f.haJ :t tl:\Jlti Tm-$�ll$A. imif.Jifill-1-

m;if( T-Jffil!tml J'i.Ji{I&: a9 I ft:t-t-�;;r-m@,:Jt!!.ie t:1cnlt ' ;i! -t)J 'ff!Sil::* 00 .A.� I L'.J 79f11i

if.J�ili!JL�N!i!�1iflJ�-:1f Ff.JfW JlJJ�ft.A.!'.t-.1'1.t JlJJ, -1!1$:��#'.ffl!'.t-.lil-��#, ]!:;;r-1,:tElJi(�

* *,
a9 =p; 0$ 1c.nx:I1'F. ifill:: tE##;;r-,@! .!:5-=f tt a�mtrrinlltJtf9j i:p-][I ft T:ft,$ J�Ufrf tE O

!i�;j:!]tf�z)1, f!Bir.J�t�im�*ir._,�f'F{J}f&;fyj;1!J.J:H::-$�f1= .-�!fJ..:fflliW-oJf-Hill El e.!'.t-.lmill..

�**A";li!,ll.mTm� ,ill:frTW?Cb��.;li!,ll.111T�¥:J. l!Jjl\ffJT:ttfx$W!'.t-J* Sl" .�$$A:*.irn*
A9:fir-<l*ll !lt'.ii:: T�7illi, �-JiJtf.X, fflJames Boswell(f:Ji!ill., gt;lik" :*.i*lla9ffi.'.ii::fltl:±l Tmitv:".

;f.Jf.Ilill� :*.i�tr11<<$A));j:!];lt.fill-J!!-f'F� imfifJ�-=fi±!::t-t-��-:i: , ��1ifillA9 AA��'IiUrnfl

00 3: jj: ffl =.i±!:1ltt!JHitfill� �1ii:. ».JJ�ll•U;§ , fill�/£ T *llfiu P �Ff.J ;',:J!jij}ill o

��� · if.Jf.Jlillfw± (Dr.Samuel Johnson)

1709$9 }=] 7 El ~1784� 12}=] 3 El

:ttff*� lli _i;e,J:��A9x.A.: ilttf�, t� .A., ftxx�, f�ic.11=:1iL'.J.&. 00?1:��. 1tl!.A9� -g�,&,-�

;f.]��-=f l 747.i¥-3fMiT-Jffi:rn:�A9I f'p-((�)t$A))(A Dictionary of the En glish

�A9:lt!!.& o �tm�•-AA9I�:*.i:ttf00.A.�-T�&�•-•

1. Milgrarn told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and to administer whatever level
of shock was called for, as per the rule governing the experimental situation of the moment.
@: �w- >C : MilgramU:J! ®t}Tt{�Vili ftJ f3 ir:Jilt!IB:xt� 1'�m! ��!:t ir:J .ocEZ , t£ filU�1fflJilt!IB: �# ir:J
#,11,001]' 1'1fltffi$ jlj/j����tfEjJ� 0

as per:
CD as per sth. = according to sth.;l!-#��?t::iEJ:t�ffli't.
The work was carried out as per your instructions.I 1t::iE-tE:t:£ !ffi �it:JtlrJFill:fi.
a) as per usual/ normal (l:l) fttl:',lli;-¥-f;
Susan was late, as per usual. fltl:1t-¥-f:, W:lMusflJ T.

2. A modem hard-core sociologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved
as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the
hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as
a remnant of our ancient animal ways.
@:�W->C:�����tt�&��*����j!#�� tt�*�¾fl=�-#tt��fil*��*
ir:J, �:fJt{ll�*11.¼tE!il-7fiillfllfl¥JffiJ:�}&*�!:tffift4-$-111, 5!#*�X'Jtt!?.ffl& :fft§JIJ Ti:��
fl=ffl. l'EI�. J!#*�li�fl=�ziilt-r A�'41J!ffafi:;kJ�ifilliF�®AiU:fJtfi'1�£l'EI � i:p.
W:1:r #,,: .:t1i:J¾A modem hard-core sociologist might even go so far as to claim thats l��illh.'-1i:J,
having been of survival value;fnfinding its way;j;��.::_fadvantageous trait�'.ii::ffi, RJt:,JJBitf�Jit
which has been of survival valuell]which has found its way.
1) go so far as to:
( l:::J ) to do or say sth. extreme
CD The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.

a) I wouldn't go so far as to say that we agreed on the subject.

2) be of great/ little value:
His research has been of little pracitical value.

<D worth a lot of money:

The theieves took nothing of value.1Ntur9:�:iE:ft� 00:��*iffi.

moral code with that oflarger institutional sutructures, surrendering individual properties
like loyalty, self-sacrifice and discipline to the service of malevolent systems of authority.
I Jl.ll:,
Here we have two radically different explanations for why so many teacher-subjects were
willing to forgo their sense of personal responsibility for the sake of an institutional
authority figure.

_ 这两句都体现出个人价值观在权威机构面前的无奈。


26. Milgram's experiment solves an important question in sociobiology.

!:!_wJt __I �il��m �iJ\�M� TH�(£#!J ��
_ _ -:-�1n��AJ�. _______
;a::{u:W) r sociobiology

ffli*ffl!* solve
I Jl.ll:!M-tfi3l:it:
...radicall y different explanation ...
problem... sort out...two p olar

�+H�.tMIHi�ir.!Ut%'-tiiii�{jlj·-f3!ilJ. ��Jt:ft:J:l:*�aA, {!1£ 'iif�)JUllJl±IMilgram

a':J �!1@: :J:1:*M�H� (£ #o*
J:a':J i! -t 1n ::k liiJ iji , R::f-u¾ iiE l!JJ T i!-tfAJffia':JtHE
� T. fl;!Jlt��E:z-�� FALSE.


�---� ---·--·-· - -··--·- ·------ ·- ---- -· --·------ - ·--

A }L$,ru, JJ�f-*�a{)Stanley Milgramitl:fi T -r»Hi;iJ,L,:@�bt�, j�)ffiut�+iHf�-f.!LZ

4-ut�X'J���:;r-�. 40� ut��X'J�,HJ1J* El u��� ut���1Jutt1:X'J;i.t®i�iflr4-1U£a{J•t11 iiJ

FIBf'!E. Jx �a{Jit ?Jr. r, j!®iJt�iX'T�¾�ilil!tlttAfrfrr4- o Milgram[A] 4jJfil:t£bt�'fl t}iJltt 9ili ff.I

�a{J�l¥.::M-tYHiJn:lt!!.M�, ut�¾;kJ T *ii6ff.Jtt1nlf.�rffiitl:fi� .���1Jbt�ti.l�l!flitjf.J�!t¾�
�xf*!t�* :r:J rjgjJ f'!tfR!=Jk��llfn].

**J:oo4JJIJ00i'ilr�J:E�%:, }AI51x (�Jt�m ):Jftm ,4jJ1-9f*�<X!ti*I 51x, -1i!tt*iU4501x

(fu:�fr-JFltF-t!,itr) o �Fo�iJi::i!®Jj\�.@:xt�,�1:.�lfil�ftr-1-IAJm,t:.t:li(E:t.m-?kit!.il:i,M.RHtiit!.
lliJf M:l , ll.iUir�i�llHi!'. i'B� jJQ , it!. rti s-.'.n lt-&.1&?k�JJl-1 o Jj\!lli i:p fr-J� 1:. �� .1:�Milgram,@00 i'B�
ff-1, fili�l±l�fi!imjl»t. A4�P•}H,1F!:l4!!.tRi;/J5}-#;��ffli'5��ffii!f£b}j\�.@:�;f:P}j\!lli*5!',*�m
l±l��il�it!.rtrFoi'B&!E. o Milgrarnil:i!®�rJ{�Viliftl@.A'i)Jj\��xt�T-�fJ!!k��i'B&JE.,�lffl
�$1J}j\!lli�{tJ:fr-Jt:!i1.YllJ, ;;r-{f 1tffi$�:/m�itli:li(E:tm o

C ll.\1itif }j\!llifr,] JtUf ' :i! 1-�!i.�tii::ft��� Vili m: l±l 1¥:J IAJ m ' M.rm� �J �fijt!}H}lj Ii!. itr fr,] 1§ m ' �
�¾itii :iis 3 oof};: J¥:J tu:� it!.ffi]!}tJ!: itii it!. ffi J¥:J it!. iJ:iP.,§ m ilf$���� 1¥:J}j\!lli xt�-tE�:li(Eitii itffi HE- m

lltlltltT-�, lliH!HiE���tirMilgram:�t� xt��Jj\!llil�lfA"t'&·ir,J !L�3llJ :i!�i# lR, , Milgram�


�-ITTT--���Jj\@.,Milgram�'a-iJi:ftl!.{fl, -J.J T 7tJix.iJt@.��-]J\�f.Iz\7\\i5tl:fr¥1J /ES�{fHt�(r,J "t!l-1*:i! o

:¥-M�1-�3'&(t-Ji!,MilgramJ?J:�ill.: "ffMJiJ:Jc�;J$, �,�m��Jj\�.@: 0 "M ilgram;W,JHJtl±l(r,J¾,iiixtA.

-i1r1§fi1 0

D :(:E�fiiJt�Zmi,Milgram�39--i5ffitip��!i.f0lr-ffT fte.1¥-.J��, il:fili{llffii�Jrn-r'llfjjA.lWi:p

:if:MJk�$:1dtfJIJl¥:JA.��:liEJw1llitJ1S450f};:ff{J,t -i1r o :i!®�!i.JL-¥-ficiA:1/il�1-$l'Jr���tt
�(r,_}Jj\�.@:x,-j"���ffi&f3jl,M_Jj\!lli)..(r,J$◊ oj!®frjjqr�g&���J7($����ljijifr,J"jjt!llixf�1'
�:li(EJJ1-1Mi:ii 150{};: it!.ffi 1¥-.J Et!, ttr , 1'f:5tl:-ffi-ffijlAljill, , fl. �4 %i'BA �:li(EJJU300{};: [;j_J:. f.t!,J± (r,J 11!, itr mi

ii.., ft!?. fi1iA:1/ilfl.�t"J=f :5t z-1¥:J{l{$C -=f--#1¥-JA:t�:bffi:JJ1-1450f};:1¥-J itffi o

E ���*-t!11fnJAJE?60%i;).J:.(r,J���ljifil¥:J}j\@.xf�-1iilM.Milgrama1:J$�, 1i�J:li(EJ1n1llil16
itffi450f};:1¥:J it-i1r o :(:E�ft!?. 00 �it!: fr(r,J ltJL "lA!lli i:p ,P.ltlir!M. frr�(r,J}j\�.@:xt� 1¥-.J b� f§IJ J!: il16 , :(£;!,t1-

����itiijis85% ot.lB®�f!t, l:llltt, ��lRl¥:JA fll#i@ft!?.ffl(r,J!iJfnJ=iJrf!,J$2fl(r,J��, --'=i:i!®
ifiillfii ffi JJ • � ;;r-��ii !,f 1flr◊ 1¥:JtHj{tt�(r,J}j\!llixt� :(£�:tt:J.Jl:�!i. ns 1¥:J �!15!� i:p (r,J Flrft J=iJr7iJ
-M�-tE:i!�*(r,J��.ftITT�#:t �frllf-�:i!#���?

F A. fll�-J§.J}TiiJ��u L -�¾iJt!J5!&}t!lt T ,Apg:(:E(r,J;l,t#ff�tt�Mm*� o MilgramiJt��i:p

JJB®tf��ifrli 1¥:JiJt�xt�JE¾*��3:liEJJn it**�� 1:!lt tl!ttte. fil :i!#��J EE 1!1Ji¥:J J1tf<a;ipi;IJo
:!JI!-� (r,J� ftH��!Im�� iM:��fyr,:i!�fl�ttit-J* fltIHJ: 7il-fi!iit��W:5tl:fl:'.. mi*1¥:J ,�ftffl
1¥:JW.:5E-tEEifn1 i:p ;f:p:q,.11t.1:--'=i'AF! � !:t rnf1=4#-i-flt,j!#*fffixt 1ili filit-J!:t��¥1J T lt�1¥-111= ffl o IBI

G --'=i :i!fi!i £ IBI m:.r-�

(r,J3'.!Qg¾:#J-JJB®�@(��rfi(r,J}j\�xf�(r,Jfr:1/i)�f'l=¾itl:fr}j\��fr,J u��
�pJrrgJix.(r,_} o JE:trnMilgram 13 c JiJrill. : "*$�iJt��:5t-J-�M.*(r,J W :ffl: 1±:l !it , tJ... 7iJ 13 c (r,Jfi �¾ t�

l'fJ, �-H±�ff �ll:l. :JiktEj!l;it¥!-�$i.:J:iohJ:i���X*1Js/i't�Jlt�a'iJ½t1t·l":I:, Elsllltftbt��--'=5.A.
Jn �jt: f'� T f� tUllf�i•L' oft :x-1-� �A�JJn � rtj!14* , iJ!�t;f*fl;J.3¥-¾�fi , {.[tEj!fiti� iJl T­
�fi T %� � � IY-1�5l o,,

H 1251 Jlt, ��fit-Mff.-, t}ij{f.r!Jifr IY-Jbt�:x-1-�¾:#f @ c IY-J-t-tt, -t-A ?,t)i!IJ fni!i.UtJi!IJ �J!:f"iz.lY-1
�$11�¥:J�½ T �*, ft-t-Al'fJ-@� tt, :!!ri,t,l/&, El :fJtffitt�il"fmi.:ii:'., ;:AJ�•IY-Jti.&t�tUH!l

I :x-J--r��tt?1ittVilil'fJil\!!£!��7iJ T --t-tJL¥:ltx'..&XA¥1.Jiml!�:1&:#ftli.ff1-t-A iJtff �l'fJj!fiti

fi7i1, :fJt{fTffWifit-%� ::f-�l't,Jf#ff 0�¥1.J��, bJ:i��;fllA���?Jr�f#�ll:JIPJ�it¾ttl:t\j!
jJij�-�:x-j:i'rl't,JMff.-tm�;pliJE½J:i ).).* llJW� , j!Jl:--t-�
O �u��#o�IY-1 r��----¾! ;t;A El 5J'lfl
*£fmffl.J&JmtE$*lliHtJ:�t5!, IDt�&W.¾5!�h�.'l�llfliJi;lJ#o;fllA��:11i!Y-JX:liffli;IJ, NPfdi.fflll:lfi
7iJ lfk:
O 1lJi!m , u� �¥1.J�*it l'fJ:&:!!rifiil� l(il ffJiJrff fi 7iJ ®�¥1.J�£ ?illi 0

Test 1

what of .. · · · · i'.t-Jffi ll?,�f-'(. best estimate 1titl'&rE!i · · · · · ·

. ---·-- - - -- --- . -------
carbon dioxide =$1.ft� considerable ad ). l� � � i'.t-1 , 1It:k!'.t-J

intuition n.
----- . A'.ru:
model IJ. m:re:, m� . . . .

drastic ad). ff. ?..1) i'.t-1 , t&�i'.t-1. Fmi'.t-1 diminish v.�&. �lj ijij
radically adv. :;kji;iJ.tit!i., i!'l:i1rit!i. experience V. t5!}Jj

adaptation n. �eZ.Jl.t�4'ir-:m�eZ-E({��ft postpone v.m�. �j!s


buy v. 4p-]lk (fltf�), � sanitiation. n. J.!1:.i�t;'E, 0:l¾J.!1:.

··--- . ----···· . ------ . --------·· ·-----·· ····· ···· .
pressing ad). �i.§.ll\), i.§.-tf,fj\jllll!:ll\J avoid v. :i!!lfk.
- - - ...
access n. �1!'}., �%/J.�� ( �t\l�f£J¥)

crucial pessimistic

1. One fonn of pollution-the release of greenhouse gases that causes global wanning--does appear
to be a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to pose
a devastating problem.
�;!§-wx ,;(j-#7'5�' NP El3-=ff-l�:!BcW..�'9:.ft..l'Yrs lt!li'fJ�7!tllJ;l�l!N. m->F-�-tE***WH'H:E, {[
m:-g #,, :that§ I� �ffi J-J. 1f), f�it,phenomenon-ilij, extend well into our future;l!{E***Wfrf:(£
1) extend:
CD extend to/ beyond
My duties at school extend beyond just teaching.

@ extend sth. to sb.i/l!{j�, !irf- , � 1±1
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.
Q) make sb./sth. use all their effort
I'm afraid you are extending yourself too rnuch.:�dB1'T-:i1JJtlf9} T.
2) devastating:
devastating effects/ impact !&Y<tt�n(,i]
devastating results / consequence !& 9( '!!Ja-*
devastating news � .A:l:ffi®ii! tt
a devastating smile ffi_A,G,AJ!.®t'&�

2. Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are
declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality.
���Jt: ffi¾�'.t�:l!t.lw.�, ilf :t AfJr¾:®�1;iA�ftf-ilJJJi:i:�ll-t£r�, it.1£j!#-�1=5 .A
{i1;1J\1.�fal®�:1Fa'!Jmf ffil*3¥LtiITTl1-.


It is important to nurture potentials in your employees.

�ff 1r.1 I®if t, ::liHIUI �tr.J.
a hatred of foreigners nurtured by the media
m it�ttii! t£�a'!Jxt9� oo A rr:111L m
The goal of economic policies is to create jobs and nurture new industries.
�f}fi[f('.f;j'ta'!J � a'!J;J!�IJ�I f-1:ffl.�, �ffiifrfi .ill'..

Test 1

- -

Ill% :ii:: fil: jji] :Sc i:j:t x,j-$:� �EIM;trr

i�J�ffllff ;fj]��:Jfiti*5};tfr iali��-1-�ff-

if.jJij�ffi�fMt'JJ�?;;im, ffii.13..ia1-ii'iJJP•Tl.'.J;frichal- I
lenge P.l=�.JJ�¼��1[11!it�1J,�JTagreed /right
/long-term/ surprising/ 1-ifi.lJ:..�Jjfjlj:lff
fflm*1.,Jbut*t-1JltJj', fF�x,J-�3:f<�Hlf"'liHfJ�l!r
:ll'::%-�a'il, .lw.?�$:�:llk-1- �catastrophic ;j'fl&a'il
i)i], 1;5liltri'!:Bil:lik��,M1U Tlong-term,

a:'.t�: 5!-t *�tExf.t * z-rm:tm:txf!J , P- �gii

L M��, ia:llk-im:m;J;t;��df/summarylf El •
righ t :Jlk:ai(:itl:5! -t�fflli!t-it9*S:iti1/:�!'J! ifi.l, ?Jrl,:J
39 way [ji]J:.
�TB. 5!1-�a'iJJAt\� J:.-�m�tlHi;,t
... most pressing health problem: providing universal J
access to clean drinking water and sanitation.
health ia 1-,J-jlii:j:t a'i)most pressingffi:lik�,ifl �, /&ifl i:JJa'i),
fitJ�m=13!: iE�HliiiJ.ff i:j:t a'i)urgent;f;�:xtl-$:,

a:� , llt� �t��� . 11,r� ::t-J-m im 13!: �uamiM:tnt I
...L!Mcl±l, $:�:hril.'.Jti;lif,.
---- - � - 1

tEi'f$f,f>Jl��w*, ft{ll(t-Jttt!li'-ftl3¥�mtl&*tl&t1. ttMfWIJt:1::17 -�:71Jftff1ffi.tJttr:J1�i!Jl:

§ ��iNlfiEtE#im, A r::l ��:ltt*, �tt"�*t!&&, �#:;Jdtt?K�, Jtf!f;JHB��i5!41!l!J;,J(t5!41!t!&*

ffi.ftfflR¥llii1f!:$}-tfi-r4Ji'.�¥t�:&�JH�-#11H�. tt1c, § 1972�-mfl-��llill& 7

«:ltt*t'.t:Jtill!l)>�*=rii-'.JJ�:, fmit.ftl;it{& § l'!.{�im(£�1!t-�*�$'it 7 , im�£�*�& ;it('j(, A o

jt_J�tt"r::I.Jr.i-'.J-tl:tffiiJP-tf�m¥�, �ffitr:JA�*�& .m-=-., J�i.:'f�fitia'-Jfflt?'£!7<�, ili**5o�

.R�1f0.7%a'!l�#?K�, im�:&ftAfl7ii1itHrffiit iY-J25-50% .Rim, ::k$1f;f-Jli5�1�JJ!i��

-�::k�Uil�::tf .RH::tulft(f.J, .R¾� I.tlldt(f.Jffl�fl' ���l��(f.J, ffi!JltM��®��IAJ�ifl{J�ft
:tii!�¾�ililJ�rJr(f.ji:Ji mii:JJO:ifil�rJf (f.j:ttJii �-lll1��' 1'1P El3-f-ti�1Rii't¥:� �?Jr s lt9(f.J�
! O

�7:!£1!JfAJll¥.i, Kl3¥�:(£***WH'f-7'£, ffi�,g,3C{)Et;fl�*i":iJrIB�tW*�J}IJF'.i:(f.Jl�iJlm o ]!:;k(f.J li'iJ

Ii&im i":iJ rIB lli :(£$xtflt-1..i(E��-tJ J:D

ffi¾l:.\':;�i,l.tili:W.5F 'ilf $ A?Jr:J1i:(f.JxJi!:tiA::1/iJf,f,�J.oi:li�<i:(£rli:f:' �JiX:jK#·�� A{fl:¼!

;t fa] (f.j �:1f (f.] J.m ffii *¥!{ ::(;f ll.91- :

-;J!��ijf�J:(f.J{-lii&yj o ����±�:Jj[,Ajfj:{j::(:Eji'i){ffi(f.J�:h,& o jK{l;,J.3f;J!-J'.g!aJltil'f.J��'

ffi;J!jK[ii)�-!i?Jir Affl�r&:T-t,rf:D� 'fi;J_3f:ff:(:Ei1f$mt£a'-Jli'iJ@, im-�Jt��:l!QJl:L

m=,f,f,fUlit.ft��qiaug�atii:�.-tl1��:x:J1i:�1itiJn(1Jm�Wr:L1P,vfEA o ffi!Jltxt-f-jK®ffi�
�nt���*Jtuij(f.jffi<JL�:;r-�it@MT b��nm, I� El f?.{���£;(-p-��f.J((tit��

#213 e,:,r-j[:{f:(f.))a'-JJ!rffllffi o im$�J: tit��#.R�'.'..!? T 20%:ti::;(5 o

��j!®filHR�* $ �ffll¾ EE 5'cll.a'-J A{fl�m!m�(f.J , rn. fig ff1;¥1J�ftl!./Jffmm ��ilf$#[iii

z� o ���Afflxt1tf,f,t:l IAJ�a'-J/JffiJGffl z;u-tl1flxt1tJtf& IAJ@a'-J/JffiJG ffl z;tJ-� , ¼ fiil� a'-J14'�?.§
Jt, j!#*fiilz��:;r-�:ttff���,::ka'-Jf'Pffl o b�:l!ll°iJG. -1-m �mtsttm:!fl:�:Jt�11£���t1J:w,?it,
j! 1-ffi.tJl�J:��flliiJ.f.J¾tEitfl.flj Orm l:!P{il!:x;j·�-���fttlj�?t(f.J�! ifit!,ll, i":iJrIB�i.iE ajjf,f,f;'f!:

�-1-{tA filf:D��ffta'-J12i!�JM:¾ll�a'-J?.§JtoW.ft, Afflxttf-t�,l�.!J�x-.J-t1fr�,ftl-l!�-Ht .J!r

ffllf1J1tliJM:¾�tlfJl¾::k*JiJr��a'-J*IDi o ffijj!-Ai":iJ,m��flAWJiJ..iRJ:(-t:J e::kilffi� o 1997ijc.f1J
1998��00�¥1JT }[�}!�a'-Jmnfiili?.t¾-1-191Ff .A filil!xtJ!.-� f�!�{tJjf.Hlff .illd�-f-�
�, s lt9Afil(f.JjjJ&!JlE:tk, {il!-1-t1-t�:!1t�ft@JiX:22A9E-C:: o ��:ti1:u1.t,�OO��i9J,�0� J:a'-J­
� :t:$:t;fliAf.J , �� m: $lt.��hX.a{Jf.m:Jc fi!iitfl40fl,�5c, 1.!l 'E **(f.]
i&hlt;flii1!i :izs�'-J 1 90fl,�5co
j!:i:�f41-�-f-���Wdl".JJ+ilili, J!.#J+iilil��T:;k�l;_J850.A.a'-J&:frr, �i�TJfJLl!Jf;ltffl ,gJ.ffT El3-=f

mrm1-12i1�¾1-AW. i�a'-J���- A{tli11bA:ltJ:t'L*f'1:fil(f.J 13 �:l:tt $#Ht·Ht�x�:(f �t'[

m o 1!!¾, NPft�OOa'-Jt'L*f'&:il:�CJivHJ����:l:ttim, 1'1P{.f¥1]2I 00ijc.� OO(t-JA t=i .1mffi, ��00-7'£
�1-21 titgc.f'�a'-Jtt*m;�rx.�r511J�OO�»J±,g, im�a'-J 1112,000 o

Jf. "fAfil1tiif:J:: i-J.�$: �tW:ltl-®i$'.ill:IY-JtltME , Mtk:j!-iiJfre��ft Iii rffi � ttfft"IY-J 1�m ,
ill¾� iJfjfffii!Y-J,HJr� IIJJ ' *ltllti:itl:tlt:ME�lj�=$t{t�IY-Jf-11=:/ifc:I: '-#J bt*ltltlt:ME�$:iil\llt !Y-J J:Jt-
1t 1±! JI!*(!';] f\:ffl". �it oo � f�7:!£ft =viuMH.IY-J-w:.:t�J&. m PJri!itH(J';J-JJi!��� IIJJ • jot'AJ-#J 2100

-1f.ltt2. l]Jt(J';J�iffil...lJt-�j,'fiJ .RJ:Jf-1.9 ft �1iJi!t!l, 2094-1f.��� tf:!:?](J';JJt-iffil.fftj[l¥!j2100-1f.l±l

PJr!-'.J j!#:;r-� ll.J5 ll:��7:!£ Iii , ITO .R¾� T ffi:,,__6-1f. !'.19 M ll!UtJJ. {!! i:U·H/€ 00 IT01f , � Wftk:AA
ffllfre�fii1i'1E(J';Jttffl 7}(:;t;oTI� i!itJi!1j!-ffl:1? J::1't �i§.(J';J fltBJt I� �VN:J bt , �y =$:.ft�;litit�
# 1±! !! ,ffi(!';J f\:ff)- ITOMtk: T j!-�-rAJm '4fJ-1f.:j1fiiffJ�$e,2007.j' }-.}Et: ' ll.Jjll:51Z....A.Ji!U::F :Di:�

��lli1'f***1¥lil�tk:YEtt$� Flitt-r•�. j!-B11i*Il.ult*�iiftre�# l±lf\:
ff)- ,{!!;it]Jt�}j!!,ill]�#ttlJ!*(!';Jf\:ff)- 0



The graph shows the increase in the ageing population in Japan, Swe­
den and the USA. It indicates that the percentage of elderly people in
all three countries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respec­
tive populations by the year 2040.

In 1940 the proportion of people aged 65 or more stood at only 5%

in Japan, approximately 7% in Sweden and 9% in the US. However, while
the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990,
the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, be­
fore rising to almost 5% again at the present time.

In spite of some fluctuation in the expected percentages, the pro­

portion of older people will probably continue to increase in the next
two decades in the three countries. A more dramatic rise is predicted
between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is thought that the
proportion of elderly people will be similar in the- three countries.

ff'lfl �
* rfu � 00 � ff- T l:Pts: , lrrii-91! ;f�I � I� 1IA=-Ao 1¥1 i� {� iilf:/� • * *
00 r!J:l , � 2 o 4 O � , i3.
= 1-00*l¥1�-1fA�s 1tbt���*¥1J� El 00*Ao 1¥1 25 % tr.ti.
t940ij:=., 65�CJ.J:Ai::11¥JbtfY1J-tfEl*Dl7-J5%, Jimc!J�:;Jdr.;7%, �OOOOIJ:l l9%. r�fm,
rir�JN:n 00 *�IH�s-tf 1990;{si1* JU::k&\J 15%, 13 *-tE::k��:,}ltt fa] rkJ ti1�&¥1J 2.5 %

Test 1

1r. ;s , rl.¾ m JU::. :1n�,1 �a a'-J f.J s % •
tE**IY-J4o�m. ��Aa'-J��a� = -tooa�•••*· M��n•�•�· •
{Eit, 2030 � 2040 �!W(al F-l ;;fi:(t-J�{j:. Ai::1 btfJll�1':l:l��-m1JJtjJ1l o flj 2040 �, �=---tooa
��Ai:!:i ,f!J. Ar::t 1Y-Jbt fJtl �� :k ft t§ IEl •

► fr tJr
�£1Il=�rtbf& (curve) ttJ�t'i�! (graph). x•Ffrtaf&OOrm., i7'1�1Jffi, �*
ifl!IY-J¾JHHJr��!$ El IY-J�{tL'.JliUJtJl.t.Lfal (:tJAIEJ #.-;fiJ��,�. �ttJJ::.!illJ'rm�5J1Ht7t
�- *�oo. ftOO•(:tJ�ffl��ffi�tt. ffi•1Jw, �ff•���mooc�m���.
1i!:x1Y-Jw;-w1tt1c� Ji T rfu f&OO a'� IXl �. rtmtlfi i':l:I �=-� litl f&(:tl::lt IEJ� iK: 2040 �,
��Ai:!:i � 13 ffilaAr::1 (:tls 7tbb�¥U 25% 0

m=�1ttmJ!!'-J�A, !:IP 1940 �=---tooaa'-J��AEl 5)-bt. �mtlfii':l:11940 � 2000

w; = f�riii� = -tffila��Ar::t f.£ 2000 � 2040 �WHaJ a'-JNii-Htf91J�1t 1t?Jr,. �-�L*
£ F-1 IY-J� � 73£ {t 0

,�.IY-J3lO5i, till� a.Ii t& 00�:;fi:J::.ti< f!¥.ffi�IHiT\ ( ll.-J- fa]) 3ld4l?liJ, }E. I 940 � 2040 5-} �Jl-t
fij}*ffiJ!. ffl�ft-t. �WR!$@���. &WR�����. �*. mmr:k�
1=:a:rt�£m 15 ilil f&1: {ta-t�a'-J� rn. tr'a 15 i12d:8�-ta�·iaJ a'�·�% ( :trn 1940 �) rn-:M:
i1 �ft-t, rm tEriii � **IY-Jfl-t ial t9:�· Urn 2030 � � 2040 .{f) , !illJf! ffl-:M:�trlr-:l'a'-Jm�,i!IJ�
jzs ( is expected to JiX is predicted to) 0


Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

*�@�a--1-��ffl��������WE�ffl�- �aMWft.L(f,]-��
� �� 1-}.l\L�?

;;t;: Ii f7'l � L mf, -f-� � � iEli , t-!f i'i:J L ffl, -=p_m 1� (opinion ) Im� , AJ t:J (f,] � , AJ t:J �
��. -tl1A t:J:g-j1:7}!f.l�. {.!lfi�U�-:J:�/:l:liY:l¾, f&i§I i:p((,J in every subject (1:f.--1-�fl-) �
��ALIY:Jrl4ffi����. M�*fi&�E�--��MH.

Although the idea of gender equality in society is a laudable concept,

I believe�a more modest adjustment of severely gender-imbalanced
courses would be more practical than a draconian imposition of a 50/50
balance in all univ�rsity courses.

Some people feel that females are underrepresented and do not have
equal opportunities in certain professions such as upper management and
engineeri'ng while others believe society would be better served if more
males worked in some professions such as nursing, translating and pri­
mary school teaching. Both groups feel that not only competition for
university pJaces but also social stereotyping plays a role here; that is,
if a more gender-balanced workforce were visibJe, then more young
people would feel that it would be socially acceptable for them to fol­
low suit and enter professions that are traditionally associated with the
opposite sex.

I agree with these arguments but the correction of gender inequal­

ity and imbalance in the workplace cannot take place in the universities
only- changes should also be made in society as a whole, including edu-

Test 1

cation at the pre-university level. Furthermore, the sudden imposition

of a rigid 50/50 gender balance in university classes, where there is
usually, say, an 80/20 male/female ratio, would probably result in many
highly qua I ified and highly motivated males losing out to some females
who were not very academically qualified for those courses and possibly
not very interested in pursuing those professions.

On the other hand, if the last 10% of class allotments in heavily

imbalanced classes were reserved for the 'inority' sex, and if academic
standards were not drastically compromised in the process, then I be­
lieve society would benefit.

► ,�� ��
ffl�e�•�tt�L��� tt��ifW���- illft�T-J. ffi*�AA�WW�Fm
�fi�--j;(��6-*�-�ffl�. �-@Fm�M--j;(��1'¥.WWillfiN���W%

-®A��a��T�ffiIW���--j;(ttA��&. m�� if�m�. ��-@A

i>..� tm*� � $ a':1 M -=f-rm�.tait-t<utt- rm, m�� fn1J,*�¥f �; fi· & I ft,a':1-hs·, "i:iJ�J !! ff J:tl!.

Jj�*H� Q:�ff At11'/xi:f�-F�Q:�9 'trr-m1�/J.¾ iE17,JL*qfr(!':J�i-' Hf�f,lf,j !A!,t!:!,� T­

1 1

�ftffl mu� l, �n*RE�"IL-1-�·ri9!1Jnif1!i�w?J.J jJ�ttJ, ,J11 z,��f: $ r '-1��

o ➔

A� ft, ill:A JJl"I® f{gJf.J: IE �it 6 ffi}a'0 fi �. �l'/xi: f!'f.jXf-'fo ft1 � i� flJ H � t'!{J iJ i,f

ft �, � Q:® lJ?. #i , W {:I: � iJJ fJ tJig ftJ 9·' i;'j{ � � -t.4: 1' if � ;fl 11� -'f· 1!fj !'!''.I ffiJ ilii 1' e Ill� T
* * 0 � � *
J: , :@: H � , 'EL ti 9" ;J, lJ(� tll �7. � ill fj � 1j[;: JLU7l' ;(:E 7( .ll F Hf � fr w.
0 I *
1-*t-'� �-"!;( � 6-�£.�ftbrt (rfri �®*-FI· AJ"rm��a �--j;( btf9,JT-JA Lt=.) m�r:if nt�-'¥r-ix
i1f- $, �I: f;nt-=f Jl J:ill,L.'5�l t'!{J � !:I:. Mii§ iJ: UL T-®,{EJJfl®qfrt4 _I: 1' ilJII ¼ it:r-&, rfri Jl AJ"titm
�-�mi, :tm*JJB®M--!7;btf§,JF1n1'.i:J,:ltt'!'��r��m�A�� 10% t�11J1J WJ� ":'..!,,�
�· tt�. ilii.ll�����****�&�Fffl���ffi. m��U�Q:�M#i�Utt

► 5--} tri·
m��**m�mli��&���. ��•�w���. UT-J**&���a•-
1- � :¥-l-'tiB m lj)( [f.ij �� fU: a'� :'Jj --J7; !:E. > ilii £ ;<,J- l� '.fl" fl':J � --J7; Lt f§1J 7f� ·"if j!f!r loJ h\fil ill fi i� f� �n A)"

�-•=m�§ftl't-Jtt��tt•�. ���tt ���$ftft�IWffl�W����
:I:*� 1¥.J � �
1}1J F
=-f&ie �i.iE s I IAJ �ft, ffi' 1:1:l � ��I WJ: 1¥.J7f-�00 ::f-JE�R 3twl�:k��
*�*�1¥.l��. #���T�-� tt•�-�$�1't-J�����-��ffl�����
l't-J ::r- � ffi 0

�-���-l±l$�fi*ttl¥.lM���. Wtt����fil���*BaWo


�--•�- �•�*m��#•����fil. ffl€nH�ffm1�. m����-- �
faL �J/tJJ��f�.�. 1s•1tT*�ml���a';:,�:s:J' I f'I=. ttmioc�ft!i,t§3ciili®iliHt'tl�.

Your country
Which part of your country do most people live in?
Most people in China live in the east part of the country, especially on the east coast. That is
because it is the most developed area in China and there are a lot of big cities.

Tell me about the main industries there.

One of the main industries in China is agriculture. It is the very foundation of the economy. More
than half of the population work in this industry. Another industry is manufacturing. It provides
people with clothes, machinery and many other products, and is very important for foreign trade.

How easy is it to travel around your country?

Travelling around China can be easy in most areas. You can take a plane or an express train to
nearly every big city in the country. However, you may find it difficult to get to remote areas,
where planes and fast trains are still not available.

Has your country changed much since you were a child?

It has changed a lot since I was a child. China is now opening itself to the world, and the economy
continues to grow very fast. It has become more urbanised and people live a much better life.
A lot of people now have their own cars and they live in bigger houses.


Describe a well-known person you like or admire.

You should say:
who this person is
what this person has done
why this person is well known
and explain why you admire this person.

The person I admire the most is Liu Xiang. He was champion of the 110-metre hurdles at 2004
Athens Olympic Games. He now is one of the most famous athletes in the world.

Liu Xiang was only 21 years old when he won the first gold medal in the men's 110m hurdles
for Asi.a. He broke the Olympic record set by Allen Johnson of the United States in Atlanta
Olympic Games in 1996. And in the following years, he won a lot of medals in all kinds of events.
At present, he is active in world competitions and various social activities.

Liu Xiang is a household name because he is the first Chinese to win the Olympic gold medal in
110m hurdles. And he is even the pride of the whole Asia because in the past, western people
thought of yellow people as a weaker race that could not do well in running, but Liu Xiang' s
success changed such opinion.

I admire Liu Xiang very much because he is the honour of China and Asia. He represents the
strength of our country and builds a new image of Chinese and Asian people. In addition, he is
a very interesting and good-hearted person. He can sing very well, and he often makes adver­
tisements to promote public welfare.

Test 1


Famous people in your country

What kind of people become famous people these days?
Nowadays, singers, actors and actresses often become famous. People get to know them from
the mass media. Every day, we can see them on TV, in newspapers or on the Internet. And those
who sing or act well can quickly become popular stars.

Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past? In what
This is quite different from things in the past. At that time, people became famous because of their
titles. We paid a lot of attention to people's positions, and we often heard the names of govern­
ment officials-the president, the ministers and other officials. They made achievements in the
political field, and people of higher ranks were more famous than people of lower ranks.

How do you think people will become famous in the future?

In the future, people will become famous by showing their talents in different ways and making
impact on society. Writers can become famous by writing excellent books. Athletes can become
famous by winning international competitions. And business people can become famous by
running big companies and making much money. Every person has a chance to be successful
and famous if they completely show their strengths and influence.

Being in the public eye

What are the good things about being famous? Are there any disadvantages?
There are some advantages of being famous. First, it can give people a sense of achievement.
Famous people are always confident of themselves and believe that they are better than others.
Second, they can make more money than ordinary people do. They have higher salaries and can
earn a lot of money by making advertisements.Certainly they have a heavy price to pay for all
those gains. For one thing, as far as I know, many celebrities are under too much stress and it
really causes health and mental problems. For another, privacy is always an issue. Most
celebrities, especially film stars or singers, always complain that they can't live a normal life

because wherever they go, whatever they do, there is always somt:one who keeps an eye on them,
which can be really annoying.

How does the media in your country treat famous people?

The media in China use famous people to make money. Television, radio, newspapers and the
Internet report stories about them, make programmes of them and even create stars on their own
to attract the public eye. Famous people bring them a larger audience, which means they can
have greater revenue from advertising and other services.

Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?
Ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people mainly for two reasons. First, they
are curious about those people. As a result, they try to find detailed information about the
personal lives of famous people, even about things highly private. Second, they admire famous
people and want to imitate them. Famous people are their role models. They want to know more
about their lives and try to learn from them.

1,,t;IUt�.:k*ft!J*1.. '11it4�25 �-. Jlt.j(!:�451;t " otherwise" /;{JJfl)¼. t*.trfn;t
•¾ ·m�(t!J71)¼, ���71•"· •���-�� -%ffl" (t!J��. �¾��*��m
;f ijt.!i�Jfl t*�f/f, t;f� J!,Ut-iHHfr-w.l. frp: I think other wise.�¾JH�-#�,)¼. :iiJ,
This m ust be done quite otherwise. :l!4%-½��1�5i-;J-fi.
6. We allow twelve items borrowed at any one time if you' re a student, and that includes CDs, DVDs and
vid e os. :/IP:llHtJt (*�) �.Y.:1.. �1fJJt,-J,"f-;xifl2;.f.i'.�. 1§1,:Ji�CD, DVD;fll)Jl:{tf. �1\1,
:/IP-t.JL1-lltJf4Jtkft11!1 °�tl/9":r:ll1ff-f.:k:itaH9l'1dt#. it1VtJ:1 "items" *� "4#%JJii".
7. Well, you can have both fiction and reference books for four weeks which isn' l bad really. 1t "iif P,.!, :JE
1HJt.;r11�.:f=!Hi:i'ffi.!1%], :lI;ffJ)l!: 11�. �fiJt:j:i/il� " w hich isn't bad really" ¾-#¾:it.iJt
-it A :f )i Ira 7i �. :/IP , You can order a free dish if your cost is over 50 pounds which isn ' t bad really.
:!IP*•ill•ttso�•(t!J-it. ��i-��••· :lI;f•�.
8. You can always renew items if they' re not required by anyone else by telephoning or logging on to our
w eb s it e. jlp *,j1:
WA� 4:li� ## a9 �, 1,,t "iif � :iii:i±tr it!,� :iiJ.� ¾ � )1'( •111 a�� ir6- 1: •
•. :!IP•�������Wt-%. �ft-�4-ffi. *ffll�tt4•m:i±Mij��*fi
fil � 0

9. For college students it' s free, but for external m embers like yourself, the first hour is free and then we
make a nominal charge of £ 1 per hour the reafter.xt;.f.i'.�*1.¾�I /rg, 1.!!Jtxt-f1&l1$:li#fn
�#�i. 1-�+�Jt�l(t!J. �¾Jlt.�•m•+�a�ttltk��-�•· *1V9"
"nominal" �;t,�,;li "1iti;f}t:lnt_{m, �;x_.1.a-v". j/11, nomi nal par t ner�x¾i*A.
10. I' m thinking of doing some writing and I might need to access national newspapers. •tr�*fi '.ey
if , Ji� -i �� ijt �41® i)-J It� 4 ft!• tR. fll • "be thinki ng of" (l(J ;f ,�, ;Ii " tJ· 1(: " • }� :/IP , I ' m thinking
of going abroad next year.�tJ1PJ/'l1F-tllOO. "and" ;(J::j]:�*:if-; "(*:if-:!g*) Ji�1._''. }�j/P,
Start acting like a hero and I will hit you.�¾1t��fal.. f-'<.�t�1ff.

� 13 .fWHJr

* •a:
10,t@i§�$f!H!�ic.��Jm. �q:i, m-1 @li•r:t�liiJSliiiJ'.itw:. a-=frtia'!l "mus t"
�m::t 9'l ir:i "n e ed" :lik Iii] Sl iii]' 1.!!:lik m:x 9'l ir:i "n e ed" m E( fMti ;j:I]-® 0 • 2 Im
���fl3,�, "credit card" ;;r-;lJkiEfiffJ��. imJlJJ1-Xlf'��l±l�tEIAJ1:iJi:p o m- 3 ®iti:1if.�
�f�,�- "£ 25" o m- 4 @ii�/1lm*mtOOIJ, W-X���iJmi;fif-,t�;fdt.� "t w e lve" o • 5 Im
•fflliilSli�'.itw:, ®Ffr.j:.,:Jik "start at", W-:t 1=!=1 ¾ "minimum" • • 6aa��,t[ii]SliiiJ "up
to" ;fJJ "earliest", t.:J.& "in advanc e" ;fi1 "be fo re you need it" 0 • 7 /l!fil�J@-=fi:p!'.1'1ii L�,
�#��-. ��-£'.itffi:. E8/m��*• ��--=f�mt:t�1:iJ������*��
�- •9a•ti•oc�*�ir:i�•· •ffir:i��£����•�ir:i�•. �€�••�
•mE�!J!;/Jl]i{HJA • • 10 ®i�ti�f�,[Il,f�iE, m(:$CJ.J_ "Thursday" i:!J'.� "Frid ay".

Test 2

scout n.童子军 charity ball 善捐助舞会慈

pass the hat �J::tl� good works $i!P�.tll!.

charitable institution ��WUt.J hospital n. $�1IH'i:1'1E
philanthropist n.慈善家 charity school 慈善学校

1. I' 11 be giving our contac t details at the end, if anyone would like to ftnd out more about how to support
u s . -jlJ:i ilH!:,� :wt t-#*Jt ff. ffl, • :j4J-,iE :locffi � tlJ.
111 e'1 J!-ff;.� � jJ �. "b e doing" tE
Ji!'..¾ ":j4J-J:f;\tl$-" In�,�-. J/Jl, I' rn coming in two days.lfilli�J§-*•
2. I loved travelling, so I decided to join a voluntary organisation and was sent to Ecuador to carry out land
s u r v e y s .• .f-;.fe.MH i, i'fr li,l. • �:t,t<-. j;o -1' ;t� 4Ull. �, J§- *'ft:i! lU JE. Jl1. j 8' ¾ :iJ.Hr ±:ltE.
�J:lt. "like doing sth." �.�-¾ "-1[.f-J)d�t!'t.f-". -tlti, I like swimming.• .f-J.XiYflJJ( (-1i
$-J,k). mi "like to do sth." /r,J�.�-¾ "�tE�-1i;lt$". jp: I like to go to swim now.:lt�tE
3. My neighbor' s business was unusually successful, and for years I couldn' t understand why.��
,%ij1.;tJPf�'ll\'±t!dtJ-, $.1f-*:Jt-1i::f9;u:m_�1ti. "fo r years " t� "§t.ip*"• :JIP, For
years, I don' t know what to do.§t.1f-*, :f-t-.1i.::fm'��-t1ti,.
4. Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometer radius, so no matter how skilled they

were, they could never do as many jobs as my neighbour. ;lH!!, �.:ft/!. (,q ;fi:. l!LR. li�tE .f {i � .=.¾ Jl
/nIB!E�-ffi. Mli,l.���ffitt*fi%, �ffi��--ij�.%�#-�i§tijffi.
-iiJ9" "ra d iu s" t�/n;lt ".ffiIB!E�".
5. We' d like to, but long term that doesn' t really help the local economyA�:ff1�$ �1t :1# �1iR,11'"], {l!
¾-k1JD/t�ii#Jf�1fJ�±tl!,/nf}jjf�,t�WJ. �i,Jo/, "we'd like to" ;it-1-'i�-iiJ. t�
In¾ "��1tf��1fJm{f:$ ". J§-Wij " t h a t" t�/n;lt1lfilii1.f�:Jil!ij�;t��hi.
6. The local economy has developed so much, you wouldn't recognise it as the same place.�±{!,,f&jjf,£_
JJjpJi!:,_z_1Jc, ·Wlil!�iA::fl:l:l*T• �iiJ9"/r-J "it " f� "local p l ace".
7. We managed to ensure the bikes wenl out on time, but the other problems carried on for several months.• 1n
-i&.5½-1%-iiE 0 H:$ft11ttU1J :it, 1E'-Jtt+1tUiiJ1'/fl#� T JL1' JJ. "manage to" t� "i.JUi-1*;#.;lt�".
8. Winning the award helped raise our profile, and the money enabled us to pay all our shipping costs, which
represent our greatest expen se.il1f:li:t�¾tlfrT•1/11t9*�· imil-f-filf.1ti'fr-f-f/y.J�f.
�f ¾ tUfl :f& .:k {Iv 7f :L i* /4iJ 9' In �F ll&. ;it 1i ;it*».. i,J 1� 1$ "s hip p i n g c o s t s " •
9. We are currently looking to invest in computers so that our office staff can do an even better job.� 1fl
§"fu)Jt1H9.:�.if�ItJLil'llt/�. :li#�1lleH1Ill�-lti�:!lftlk.I ft. "lo oking t o" tEJi!'..t� "ffl
M. )Jt¾" o

10. Of course, to do that w e alw ays need tools, which are expensive to buy, so we welcome any that you can
a� *-i!!
g iv e . � ?t.\ . 1� ii: � !JHtr .�, Jt 'i!r � I J!.-I. !!- Jt '/R :8t -f)r 1;A � 111 -It- �l � � 1f M I.
J!.. "to do that" tl§'J:.�9"ij "strip it dow n for spare parts". *1V9"��ntOt•JiJti-!.M..../,J�-t/fi

11-15�;11:iP--¼\,;/@l. l-tr-1� 1] ��r.$x��. l;El�t:ltffriiTCJ](�llfr�lj "voluntary ". 12�

a� "reach" ;fn "get" (t'�li515liffJ**• 13 @la� "enough bikes" ;j:[] "constant supply"
CJ.& "regularly" ;f[] "every six months" a-:J,1'§1[ffflt-f.Ht:J** • 14 :@ill�£1J�a;'f:1Wjl;l§"1-�
���• tt. l;El��x•.&.��1-��ffl*a-:J�A. 1s ■ �¾�*· ffl¾�®���ffl
� "meet overh ead" �i":}�,£ "{£:.tll-����.ffl". 16, 17 ■ ¾1���' ITT��$�,
.fii���ft, IEl:1/.; 17 fffil@FF*� "buy" �W-x*� "invest in" J!li515lijij. 18-20'=l!i��
�/m, A, B, D =1-�����.:E$�Ji.

ftl*-f¥1.1.15iji'dl. WJltt£��1tA-tt!.?'L Jf.,/;J;p "d i d" i�Et1¾. "e njo y e d".
2. You did really well, and I hope that you got a lot out of it.+iz1f1�1!r-%Uif, W Jlit�� �1!'1 fft� h\.
9"�:fiJ-ilff?. "get s th. out of..." il'Lf,�-¾ "A9"1.l!J-ltl······",
3. I' d never been inside a British home before.�»..;tltl � 00 A�¾:i:L "be inside ... home" fr:] ;t·.�­
¾ "ltl�A�¾",
4. Do you think you' 11 mai ntain the contact now?� iA.711fJ-:1f1:if ¾��%#�� PJb? "maintain the
c ontact" �0 ;t,�-¾ "1,%#�� ".

�-ij��*•· �m�t-�m••m�frW¾�i?
5. What was the most useful aspect of the project from the point of view of the English practice?»..� 53

· 6
. l' ve never done anything with a group before, and we had to find ways of cooperating, erm, and
compromising, and sometimes persuading people, when they don't agree with you.t,t»..;tif!:i�tlA¾
��. «fil��ft�¾�ijfr�. •• �R��. •at-:if¥�a�A. ��¾*�fil�
� t Ji7., ffl ii: ij aH L
7. When you' re filming you think that everything· s going to be interesting, but in fact we cut around half
of it in the end, and then it was much better.#.r!l/r:/Ht1�iA.711ti.fll1R-Wilt. 1.!L!it. tliJ:.�111
•J§-.t�#--f. �#,it%$ T.
8. For example, we didn ' t decide on dates when we' d complete each separate step of the project, and we
should have agreed about that in the beginning, because we were always late with everything . ltfe11,
� 1f1 � ,1f '9t A:. � ff .W 3t .I#. ij El :Wl , W ;% �LI:. � 1'1 .$. � ,ff :ff jrb ij at 1� � '9t A:. ¼ � , gi .i;J «
1!'1 � fHJHI!H� J§- T •
9. Next semester we will be doing another video project-with a different content, of course-but you' 11 have
an opportunity to put into practice what you' ve learnt this time. 7' 'f. :lt'l, �1f1 :if :J4f ¾ijl!J 1t � 1l,
* r& , rJ;J -W ;r;: l\iJ • 1BZ 1f11% 1'HIL ¾ :If ¼ - * ¥ B JU ij :$: W # w ;% !E!. •

21 ~30 m�;l¾1HittA�Jm. 21 l@HIH� !I!, ffl.;I¾ 22 /il!li��ffl [F-1]>lifiJ'.iEfft: JJ! Ff if:t;I¾ "ask
some t o", )]¥,Jt:ll/:: "invite them to" 0 23 ffiii.� "v ocabulary" fl] "words" �[ii];i(ifiJ¾:
�. 24 ���'.iEf1, "large amount" ;f!J "a lot of" =l�'/it10fi;J.. 25ffiii'.t "learning about"
fn "finding w ays of" �l'iil>lifiJ¾:� o 26ffiii.�f�-�-��. �7bt:fo25ffi{IH L 2 7ffili±
� "i mpor tant" 1¥Jm�ifiJ "importance" 0 29 /il!liii.�ffi-=f i:pa'-:J "make more e ffort to" �)]¥,
Jt " t rie d t o" l¥J[F-i];i(¾:�. :;fi:fl'M}fsf-=.'l'".A, ii'.tlK:5f[F-i]·tii¥)pq'.f 1 �9�3(�@]�21,
23, 25, 26, 2s;¥1J29m, ��@]�22, 24_ 21tn3o@.

Test 2

8. I think that being at the cutting edge of science has a special appeal for everyone working in Antarctic,
in whatever capacity.� iJd, fal::,ft t4 � /!v -loc FJtr :,fl-;{<j--f ,ft m tit. jffj I. 1Hv -/f M iJt..tll1r �� /Iv
!ll �I :h , :f � � 1t i. J1t i¾.

31~40f!fflHi�ic',tl�lm. 31 /mi1.:l "more than" ;f!]Jli(Jtr-j:t "ove r" �r,Jli'iJ.:X.iITl*�•

32 l@iii.:@'. "classifi ed" !5JJii:X9'1 "catego ry" IY:JIE!.:X. i\.J*�. 33 Jm£:1=j::71J1t,�., f.§.£tl:JJm
a':] 1fl )tl:; "fl!Li �ij ft " , ffl�� � � _g '9$ a':Jffifl.tic', 1-Z, jJ. 3 4~3 6 7F :k. 3 7 @ii. :1TI:1!1J
UiiS���•�-l:ft,� "1700" 0 39Jllii'.±�@ =fr-J:ta':J "measure" �J](Jtr-pa':J "index" zff.i]�f{Jfijl{,
ff*�• 40flfili1.� "openin gs" ;fllli¥.Xr-J:t "opportunities" a':7fii!5Cl\.J#:�.



f.$� ilNli:.
�� -��#-4Rg#�*±
-� J-4: -��#�L��$*¾�ffl
,�a: gff ��•�•�g#�4•�
J-=-.fl: :fi!�tL,fL�i;/Jf!l
� 'l!I .ft: B aekeland ii:. g tt� 1CA�PA � �.i JJi
�.Ji.ft: -�# M� 1M � �-=- ffe $.
¥*4: �•-g#�&gM�•A¾*
J-t..fL -�g#�*-tl

bakelite 11.l'ii}lfHl!M, ffil}Mfl!* material II. ;j:;tfl-, Will ·· --- --· . ----

Belgian adj. ttl:1)11.ja-t) enormous adj. e*i't-J

patent v. ff'liu�i11 II. ,t·;fl] plastics 11. m��
synthetic adj. it Jili:(f.] , AiJi(f.J' �,fr(f.j

substance 4t/iJt

. -.
mould v. 'flt�, entirely adv. '.Jt�tt!i.

be derived from V.ilFf englneer v. l9: Lt, 1J11I 11. I,f',i�11i

--- ----
semi- -$, ;;i-.;��!1!l constituent n. JiX:7}

govern v. 5¥: · · .... 111.�ffitj smooth adJ. :itr.t ft:I

to a large extent flt.kffi.ltJ:. st eamlined

adj. itt.!Ht!ft:I

requirement 11. �:;jt wall

extract v. tmllk, tlllk crucial adj. 3cf1tft:I, 11!��

taper v. i¥��tlII, �� efficient adj. ilt�s'-J

evenly adj. �]1:J±ili

disdain n. 蔑视,鄙视 tone

unparalleled drab
wonder n. 奇观,奇迹 era II. �f-\:;
non-porous adj. �Jj7�ft:I fall from favour ;le�
germ-free adj.无菌的 despise
sterilisable adj. i,J" i��;(:J';J in vast quantities :.k:l:ttl!
seize on 3Jj\ 1t , ;f;tj Jff renaissance n. 复兴, 复苏
insulating adj. ge,.�f.l':J renewed ad}. :m�(-t;J
property n. 特性 marketplace n. 市场
relish V. fix'Jit, 1fli� society n. H�. Hlil
dazzling adj. � § (:t';J, 4-- AH�:/t�liLa-:J dedicated adj. �i,£s'-l , ml,:!,t (1';1
array n. t,j�7lj appreciate v. lix'.!lt, tll''.Nt
shade n. 色彩的浓淡深浅,色泽,树荫处 originality II. ffiijj, �i!l],tt

delighted ad}. ��(.f,J innovative adj. 创新的

1. In purely scientific terms, Baekeland' s major contribution to the field is not so much the actual
discovery of the material to which he gave his name, but rather the method by which a reaction be­
tween phenol and formaldehyde could be controlled, thus making possible its preparation on a com­
mercial basis.

M�:M!¥1'f.J�li:it�, Baekelanct:x-tm:¥il-5X-�ffi�l'f.J'.utfrx#:;;r-tE-=fftl!.it� Tffi7tHm
��it >C:
M��w��*$�1'f.J�fl. n□ ¾a-=r-��*•�,&&e(f.J��- �£5X#�����•

1) not ... but rather ... : :;;r-¾ .... "IT□¾ " ....
The problem is not lack of funding but lack of planning.
/i:rJ@PG¾�'&, iro¾tlkztt �1J.
2) not somuch ... as ... : �;l(.i� ......:;;r-tii: rl-52. ......
She was not so much nervous as impatient for the journey to be over.
They weren' t so much islands as sandbars.

2. Baekeland' s invention, although treated with disdain in its early years, went on to enjoy an
unparalleled popularity which lasted throughout the first half of the twentieth century.
�� ifX: �P"fil!ltnBaekeland(l"�it flA'.W:¥1JA {rJ(EJw[)f}X\, {!:!§*ifl'.W:f!Jfitr p.Jr*1'fll1�.Xill!, {£20

l) disdain : /iillt.!l\, J!it!ll.. ifil[�Jf

look with disdain on the world of commerce and industry ii[lt,_mijUj,)N
his disdain for capitalism ft£.M�*::i::5l.(f.JJ/'.
2) paralleJ(f.JJfj�:
CD :Ji�� ...... t0 fU�A§ � �¥!J
No one has paralleled his success in business.tE.lllJ:r!i!AFIB�ft£.l'f.Jnx.�II):;j1&.
(?) � ..... ·t§fU I U:{¥/. J:
Your experiences parallels mine. f�l'f.1�%:�:fjt(f.J�:;;r-$.

1907 lf-, ltllla•J-fi\-.�Leo Hendrick Baek eland:(:Ernt'-JI fta•J-�ij!,T-t::p�ffii'.8 %n.Ut�,
:}f$twT�tiJ. fill��EJ ca{]�gJJf;Mt "tliJ}MmM" , {tl!.S9j!-�llJf{Ett:;t;:.119¥tlTt&;J;l::m:�a9ft
m, 1t--::(sf3'oc!tl!.f�\1:T!Jl!.ft.Wfl-JL
"WtJl-(plastic) " j!-;;itili��-=r�HM'i¥l]plassein, '.t[)[k�: "R" ��WHmt§x�flj-, �

W�#-AI%nx:W�, �n EEfR?�W�1:{t•&B:Jf3ma{J ili�S9mt-f-J!7t� EEi AI%mS90 I

-B121::l!Jii1�MitrbS9PX:.0-�1:{�l.iGJf}nx:�t-J. �@mt4iH&W·l1W�. �Pfi�M':lm-f-r-, �tf.�

€J�k�iff.J:l:2"l!. �®2"l!�l¾tf.�filil·l11'l!f4, �,A'.·f,®tx��-f-¥:, �4tA.k7ctEN@l¥1J@)l�a{JlMWttt;, ¾
7l<.'l\:iE�S9. ffit}Mff!f4::l!w;-;M 1:fc�EBAI%nx:S9��� ttmM.
� 1-t 2"l!:PHl".l JJj 5E rffi-f- I 9t!Hc/P �lx•J-�91J¥-A I% nx:a';i#,�� #:ISHtti �!Ji!. lrl-WllitT·ffil)j!®

9M#M::(sf$1-��:�•ffl•a9§*a9tt**�· ����a9�*��. �&��%�1'.8

Baekelandx·J9:jSj-(f.J�@M.i-f-1885-ff., �fr,Jftt!.ili:Ji!:bt:fl]a,j-a9-1--ff.�S9{t•::ti-�•1:. 0

BaekelandJ-fM.iliTT�l'.8/Uf}MtttJl:fi. M��Jllf/¾%:M (15 *�?2) ;1:IJ-#M ( �¥ffiffi�f�Ja9m�

ttM�)�%a9M-�a{JF-. �51. �ffl�-�ffTj!--■ , K�$-ff.�§�:l:ffiJ-f�
j!-JiTT3G. ¥1JT 19osif'., EB-f-�a11x111�aJJT-#ffi�!R'H§&ff, ftl!.litl�T®t\, r��Tmt'-Jri1a{J
-{!1..�A. �Baekeland1t��U�a9!1,J-f�, 9:/;.,l-liTT�:nimlfXf�TJlJm:l:**M• 189�-ff.�1900
-ff.�, w;-#���A*�-I�1:Fa9¥-AI%��mttMRmT��. M�M.a9ffi.
tJ,· Baekelandx•HUiJ-j!-�Yli!il(:ffmit1tJt--�tE-f-ftt!.��Tffit}MMfJ�:i!#C.Jfil!.�+frr�a'>JM:M,
mi¾tE-f-�il11J%:M� 1tf M&E:za{J'jjf!, j£�j!fr�illlJ1:Jf!{tMMmN�CJ*fi*��S9ifti llt#il)
%-• 1907 i:p Jj 13 13 , Baekeland�;)H�Tt/ri:£j!-i'11J'itri:tf1E(:!';i::ti";f;l], �i:p ±��!¥¥�A,{/J:(:Ef!ffl0

Baekelanda';iiK,t =��ljfiJ�T=,t��: tl:$t, %:IMt;f:1J1tfM (M**l��i:J:irN:JfX) :(:EJ{.�

a9W�%ffii/PitHr &B:, 1:nx:-llfr114Novalak (f.J�Jllf/, iKfJt1 t'1Jij���_§-�1?.':ffifl�M·t�L f!.tffi
ft:i!#tttn�tfii:tt!:r:ti�ill, �@!. i½§Tiltli$, lii!&:fJt?K o ��EoA;J,l:fiJ.!.a{J#oJm, 'EH%±JU4,
:tm*w L 1:i'tlt!�Mr/:t, C.J�jJn�ift;f:IJl!tiiWJ, ili�]llAfifti11 (jJQja!Wj#ft•-mta9&B:m El

�t1:&B:€���1:�rea9�m)��� re%-(-#�a�,Ma9�%�. ����m tt
� n�m:ftte-� A".l �l3 M ) o f'&€�� 1�r1J a9t� n�N&at tn , it�� Ii! , :mfffWinUt} ES lit% Jjx,
a".l ■ ttttm*•n::mmMMfflM, ��ffl*��-��a{J;J,l:flt!.-£. tEM§-�. ���a".l
&Mmtt�*ffi•M�a9r:ti�aAi:J:i. •u•�•ffi.1t�*.'l\:ii::�.

ffi1H1Hittm1Jnx:AiJri��ii:it , xit£11=tr-�£ it!,t!t-t:fLPl'7t., tBtHN:k�I1Ll:!f;{/j;!:-=f �%
J1� �1� �tt *� * o '*;
W:H�:i!ll �*-11fb-tEil'1Jt� � r-p -� -tEflt!l r-p !f:fl. 7G :±Hf -1- m (:J':Jtffi !J! 11 il1,t

£*-1�fi���At!,tA�Hi5�$:�tHlo :/':f1f �-�. !)!lj��*-1�fb�nx:JL$�' 1(!.J91�%0 :t1.t!ta1�ii:it

�+�1J\,c,,, �:f:ttftf1MffiUltM�±'.:J".i:J!fil:@:$i1AffiAr-p �fel;;r-� ffl, �Jit��:m::i!ll�,

EEJit·l/11\H� 12ott1:tc30if:-f\::Ytffi-�vit��%�� ffiA�(lf.J�Jt-l:!111.t�ffl!o t�A��

�.�2;j]��-����-�*o �T�(�F)m���fl����ffl. MA�Jt�1-�
�£ii:it*!0@t1Jnt.:J� IB� o

��@WBaekelandfl'��-�nJl�flJA{fl�/ii�t-2, flf_Jii*2;!1�¥/J�JJJ5fr*iefl'.f:r�_xiff!, :(£20-tt!:

tc11tr�1tt-1iffl:111.i!i31Efi· o �-�IY"1JiX:TI�tf'7KU�·}t)]���JL, llUfJ,�£ "75.flMt:lW' o EE-=f
n�•tt�. fflM&Ett�nx:�WaffiHW-tE•�r-p���x . �m•���o it!,H�� ■
iffif1Jm�M�.���·li, iF--Fl*m1J��i1J�(!ft:f�,zy § a':1f5W3. EK:f f3 c)f-fflll}J2.� "�u·m14a1
f\: Rief*f5��f5�-�ToflTWtt!:�50�f\:, M&M#Xll}Jt�*Arn��-. -fl
Arn�U�. •*•fflRo ffia�. M&M#Xff•m•T�m.�BH*����*fflM
& M#ihiJnx:a':J4i!J H •* X 1ef )'ifr�jJI] tw.4b.l'rn. �;frf U ffi;fll�f� -=f J].t (:1'�1- A�* ::SOHa:m:m



1$� iiL !l}] )i:_

;!:� *--t-.!l!i.JJ;.(r-J.6}f;t.
�� J-it, Xw<r!J#,?.,
K.-=-lt: *- --t X it- <r!J � ;f1' J.1f i-e
Tf.-=-il: Graeme Ritchie xt Xw-i¼"t"!titJ (r-JJ}f�
1, 'l!1 it: ,!)li,l'J;_ -ftA. f. ;(. � I.?- l!l
lo .£.it: :i.±. x. Jh ¾ 'f <r!J X
1,-;;-it: iA.Ja-ft /J 'f <r!J X
Tf,-c$L Vinod Goel xt,!l!,JJ:..i!,fj-f1-ry-iPJ:t.oJ1-t
1, /,.ft: Goel {r-J ,6Jf- ;t. � *
K, :ltAl: BEl BI! Rii ,t.£- g J.!\ <r-J 1: ¾+'F lfl
J-t- iL A.�xt•�� <r-J�tJ;t,..&.S.
'f.-t--$l : Peter Derks xt ,!Ii, J:l lf /6 �JL,M <r!J l'1 if

headphone II. J;j'.;j:JL

••• pointless adj. :;lc'.(f..:il.lY-1

punchline n. � Jt i:j:1 � fl'y1i] , *fil15). n$( dub v.�w

*· J�.1?,➔I luxury adj. �{t� n. ��


!£d�a'�, .ocM, .ocMWJf-1

silly adj. reflex n.

fitting adj. ililY-1 unique adj. ��IY-.)

tempt v. sl;& apparent adj. l!Jllm.1¥-J

mysterious adj. *�1�1¥-J

pedigree n. il!li'mi • EEi*, �if psychic a dj. tm11¥-J

delighted adj. itli � 1¥-J tension n. �*

superiority n. {ft�� puncture v. {-t/!Yf, �Ii&'.

rely V., #i.� ludicrousness n. rit�nJ�

Test 2

helping people tap into training opportunities 3/WBJJ.A.ffHf£:lfr-·UllffL�

2. All warm-blooded animals make constant tiny adjustments in arousal in reponse to external events,
but humans, who have developed a much more complicated internal life as a result of language,
respond emotionally not only to surroundings, but to their own thoughts.
��ilf: X: Pfr::{gl'.t%�Jfn.z;/J4m:X-.J-91'!:-3£ft(8�11JjfflITTtE;;r-llfr� ft l:!HlHff&B-9iJJ�, f!L.A.� lil .'.f ffil::{g
m �mi :,g � l! ;k, � � a':J 17'1 ,c.,, tl!:J\!- M z;/J , Pfr L'.J A� ::f-{3[ � � J1il Em a':J ;f,f ttf'° 1:. �'IN J:: a':J &@ , mi

1) whos l�=l�l�ifflJ-li.'.fti�M.15:l, fftfrihumans.

2) adjust to�Jfhs:
CD adjust to sth.

It took me a few seconds to adjust to the darkness.

:fti:tT -�JL:t�@T �fftf.
Q) adjust to doing sth.

They have trouble adjusting to living in the suburb.

fil?.ff1;;r-:;!(�@niK MJ1:.tis.
Q) adjust oneself to sth.

I still can' t adjust myself to motherhood.

;ftJJS;;r-:;!(@@·/f):*(8-.!tf5-} 0

adjust�� ij,j;k,adjustment: a period of adjustment @@M, m�WJ

Questions 23 -26


• m § ff#tn· =
14. Arthur Koestler considered laughter biologically important in several ways.

���x Arthur--
Koestler ·iJ-;(JJ..A
-- !:E!/m�fflit*:i
- *
·, %1:E �� 1.i iifftMJ.UI!--
:ii::W:iil! Arthur Koestler
Wf.iji*m* biologically important

Jt "P X'tfIB The writer Arthur Koestler dubbed it the luxury reflex: " unique in that it serves no
apparent biological purpose."

x�e��•mw·���Mz�Mtr=f����B��fu*§�".ifri ■§�­
�� Jt�lit'. ·t�.MI:. fu*�{IH� 15fmifri§t,fl�ltm: � , * •:&tll:.ff!hID! � FALSE.

15. Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence.

���Jt fEl:JiLIII iA;/.J�¾:tl' :;/J�fot�:lm;t..

JE'.ul� \ Plato

M•*ill* above-average intelUgence

Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over

i! 1iJ ii!i1i!Z �t:k:5f-� :itt • •
-J.J • ts:JiL oo t-".:1/o �ft¾ 1zs1 � 1.1H1::.£1J A 1:1t�ifrif* � r11

ifri�H9:1'f .fl.1"'m�Jtr!W�15imll::.£11A. {;It�. !@l § :1%i! 1-1[1Jll�1J,j1J T tr:tl' .:tJ J:Jl::.£11

A.{;lt�, riJ:1,'nl_;l!-:i:!1f�*m::&IB!(.11,J NOT GNEN.


16. Kant believed that a successful joke involves the controlled release of nervous energy.

���)( BJt1ii.J-:1/g-1-nx,�Ja'-J�ii,'�{ie11il� tJE:filf_f/.jlj ff �$1J�ff :/il(.

'.iE'.ul� Kant

Ml!M*m* controlled release

Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safely

punctured by the ludicrousness of tJ1e punchline.

� ffi;fi:i ,ii f.�#¼ tt i).f.Ji#�ii.'lr-:Hl.\'�'/g� -f1¥ffl1iflJ:.� �* E(ffi irl.:mHfF �ii!i iY:J
,fgW;, il��rffi�JOOz�ftMi!;t,l•�;;�E(m.

tension �! energy

safely puncn1red �! controlled release

*l&¾-ill��?J'l� if.ii)( iii]�$:�Ht'1 TR E.


Test 2

l:ifr CJ ' �n {t�-Lt �l':J *�iif

'llJ i!fr}t9 * 1=T l!tJ[� . nJy id�fl i'iJ l,'.J �i-fl rI] ;i;t; i:p 1=T -/i'-HL JR tt � �
m >l, mib�dJ}j1� ":xt 0.!f" j!-'t:il:rA:ktf.fs��"XJ?:t¾◊:W:ffl��i¥J1t-%. ;.,,ux/i'-Jf] J.t:w
*• •BM¾-#��tt��8h. -#�ffi��i¥J�M.
1.!i¾ili� :J!i9j,-:fr1 Jlix¾U�3etl: i:rW:M•r}Kffiifiii��. lllifO�.iXf<F�fu¾f&:i:�1¥J.

ait$ MIJ\ 1¥JDi4i-'i1L i;Mm� � 1r � i:r , iiff.�.:!un1£ #dJltati-¾i5f • � 1mt�1:EJWrtT iiff.mftt� 1±1 � F1
ift{�.J.1¥J�n4F1, ft!] 1.l:OOrtT�r&:J�(J':J�-4-. J1lUJUl1=T-;fil iiff.xi1Hil, tEl1tr}lH�::k::ki¥J, l�Rf �

W «�- �-1¥J��F. :xf-=fA�*�•j!l!t�%ffEff���Tm��:k�. ftJf�A��

�. -�.iX#*�i¥Jiiff.��%�W:M•*ffiiriii�%1¥J�•�¾�ffi•��ffi�. mi¾U�¼
•. Arnm&ff*��•�A�•. H�m�H. ��¾���*�•��w��-
�1t£H3e¼�i:r1¥J�ili¾��ffi�i:r��. m£ftrn::k�i:r1¥J�-•�m�a��
ffl.ffi��iliM����◊AB�. :Jt-�l±l�F.fil¾. �*��ffiMi:ri¥J�¾�$�1¥Jg
m i1 ttiHl':J f'4b.11¥J"i! , �� z. j!�I"�l0: � Wii .:P�1 i.zJl':J::k II� ffi z;/J.
.!lj!•f4:" ·tnEl�tttlMf&. f�.iX-tm.sttxt•l!!ti11frtffii'.le!tftJf�,
,C,,Jlli$:�Vinod Goel{tffi «

a#ffi�-�-&�ffla¼����---�--b�ffiM��-�Mi:r��i¥J��. K�
•� . .iXw�m&mili•���#1¥JH������•. l:ifr���m.:Pm�uM�ffi.iX�ill
��g•i1ffl. �ffi1¥Jill8�!:ifr1=T1¥Jme�•��om�•�a*8�•���•-

�iii-�� �Goel �flj :1F m T ::k lli!917'1 ffi\(:EJffiz;/J :Jt-�fi�ic � !tkf�¥, ��ts �:J J-_fl!fD� (i:ij � ,
,8cMtsti::k:t��. fmi¥JEt/a{.$l��1!fr�"i%1¥JA1:E� t:JHslr-JrftrWUlilBz:J?.� :&:�, ::JtJt&xt
!Jl!Ji fu¥

fftIHkfr.illmits*lit{t=m��i:irfiitw���- m.£1:E*ffil1�1Jfiii(:r:i{lyi11-1·-m�1=Ti5i9J, ft1�H:f.:1J-too ■�E1=T

{ili 2;fl �

stimR, *IM�ftE.ilf$1K±lix-tl11=TffiM. ?'Am' �'E1W3°4rffr-J·' -�s':ilKhi-mJiilll.ijrn,Si:JRffi

lk�* • .iX/i'-���tEIINR!Mi:itl(:EJ::k '®!Kif&¾��Hfil1*-�-;J;����.
ill�xf llN ITT (:(.J!J.14{t= 1±\ ·tt �_l i¥)!):1Jlffiff¾-#� l01r,'n'! e (f{J 1f
5'citA l®ili:lik i9J¥J.Ji¥J::k!li!9'
�- �•��•&��ffl1.tu�a-�m����w�� • .iXl!t���&�F�1¥J���1=T
:ffl:r}Hr:J 3l 1=T m ffi. i¥J. 1£Goel��� :t- f� ffi ix f:8 ONOl!JJ� &: J?. 1K � Iii -=f �
1 1� *��
,.x JJ� &: J?. llft'!: ■ #.i
��ffi�ftW��i:r�1=T=mw���. ru�•�i'iJ�¾�.iX®�mffAE*-m1¥Jg•�
ttiHl':J 1K hi.
J:ifr1=T1¥Jlffil.Ifn z;/J4b.l:xf>'l'J?.7:!£ 1-t(:t-J i,Ji1Jatll1:E�lffi!tk ft" 1:1:1 fillfrls{JiJr.HI� ,
@A� El3-=f ffilf'fil l§mi
�-����1¥Jp;i,C,,ffii;/J' pfrCJA����M JalBfils{J:!;f�f'��ti!f-1.�&�' miJl�x-J- El�
��-F��M-1.1¥J&�. -B�-**�ttsti�•w�T. A•���f'�-w��i¥J�

AJ"� o EB-f-flljj�jia':l��¾�}..ttftrt�, A��� T �t:lt�it!f5lj!;f4i El ?'�JxJ.0:a':JiftJ£ o �itAJ"�J.3!!:
A'fifrJa'�-Hll:i:iFititJLffiU, 5tiJiki>t!!R�@�NE;b, !il:ttif���it�·l:ili:Zfala'�}/\'-I1�¾-h-}ff&!fJ>a':1. --t

�-AJ"�-£-#9�£.ffl�W��m���¾��M���AAM*#o �����
�;+IE&Nft-ilb RR!¥f&ta':J,(,,ij!!¥�Peter DerksJifrill.: "8*���-:t';i,fifiX¾,�Jft(t,J fil Eth ti,
�B¾m� tt�. •tt�. ����ffi-�*�o �•arn��ttW5M¾���•*B
�. arn•��-���-ff���m�o n

2. In the following century much of this momentum was lost as German established itself as the
leading European language of science.
-���=���*�-�file�, Mtt�m��#�-�*�ffl�T. ��--��T�
r>HM�1»:i��:±�Hf �.
L,., n
·1i. ... ..
�� ,i1i

1) momentum
(D /rp jJ I �ig_
· The momentum towards victory seems irreversible.
Jtt;j;IJ��*ft;.PF-�AJ�!f!i 0

@ i;Jrb
The meeting will develop a momentum that will overcome the obstacles.

gain momentum=move faster

lose momentum=slow down

2) establish
CD establish oneself as ... f!fiJ.ft!!Btz I f!71i:i.A
to make people accept that you can do something, or that you have a particular quality
He has three years to establish himself as Prime Minister.

Her latest novel established her as a promising young writer.


(J) established EJifoi.Al'f:J I EJBZ;iJ(i.A�

established rights EJJlififfJi.A �:fx'..;j;lj
well-established teaching methods J7\17Ri.MBtt�;.\
established facts �iA���

Test 2

Edt �i A, -l:!t� H'¥ fiJ 'e2 � El ·Jg, 11ill flJ l-:Jii{f(£ rkJ a';_r &� JL i'l itgJ5Jr;Jtia-, f.EL¾* t;g: "i=iJFi�
�¾H•w•*&ll':Jfilffffig. ��&&¾��•m���*rnm�aH•liJf�i:pffi�ll':J•
�11: m . imfiili¾ 12s1 fiJ $ � lc�itm�ll':Jf4'¥�:&I.W.fiJ Tffll :r-r r*� oo fl;r,i¼:\!f m. ftMnm�
m*ti15liJf�itJ'c 4-*, 'f-H.t�itll';i:tilif:u:E.�� t�=11c11t•�. l!!Jlt. 1t"i=iTtm1�Jtt�,¥11a11
tt!Jr.z,rir�f9:tfA1&iN�tEH'¥15fti:r:!mfriJ{tJ-ll�H L ( $�_I:.) tE17fftg2,;z l¥J, �A1m.m
tl.JtE14¥1Jl6&cfi3]1±\:fJ\!ff.Jl!ttlH "xl::1[�" �ffltj·fjfr-ft;l! "mJtl�" , :tili-f!.tAA, Afll�
�ii�i5$n: � Piatmll':J�1iJrm:a'traJi:& T��- �im, --'=5tltll5]nt. '¥irf11-1:!1JHa���fo:t,li�
¥P%lffi. ©:rfllfefr*®l'CfU§ittfrfilff�µt, �mm£, j!,®ijsiJJ�:tttfJU, ft�i#IAJ!Nft¥1JT.
i'JH, [A]*ftjjiJT f Pf:\t. �®fisrJJr::H� TH'¥illffi-1tr1':�, :tir.Hi�Jh���l-'.JREE!tlt mi:&f!l:.lll':Jt�i¥i
tt, !IEOOffilJftt¼::;fc(r,J&itt, fQfl;i:p ii>tilf�7-Jlti:�(r,Jf.l'¥'.!2� --83# El Jt. (1473 - 1543) Qij�*
�ifilfSJ<��it!!Jr£fo'l1L!t:*§:X1:iEi;/Jll':JllliittO'xX'¥(:l';_r�mi_it 0

�ti�¾.$:$ttff1�'¥*tMtiilifl'€�#�1tm-s JE.ll':J.r�,�,ll':Joo�z-. j!,®•ir� i:j:t, tf�

{it:X•J-i#l§�*@• ftM115-H.llJ¾Jobn WallisfOJohn Wilkins. 16601:J:., j!,i"P3f:it'¥1'f�WJJJJ�Jl�T�OO
�*'¥�. *ttE,�i.iE·tt�f4'¥liJf�.
�1-©:V+l*lli!U: :ffl3flilr� tli � T�Kl(r-.JliJf }'i:l&Mol1J.�, J:A im Q1JJ'r,tE T �� ��H'¥ft;Jto
aw�•·(r,_J����. *$Ll*00llil§W/tfi(r,Ji±Jltfi�B¾**��- �M��- -M��
w:�. 1rt1111�cr4"-1J-J-, *w�nx:7-JmQ1JH�ffrftfflf.l':lffig. ff1J:!m, 41v!Ji�* El c���itx
« F-1 M'tg-�'¥0)> a-tffl(r-.J¾tlLTx. f1UE*ntil!.:r-r:¥dt1:tJf?f�itx <0t#» at, m�til!!

��w•-•�mtlLTx��tf$1-��- •:$t•¾����m.ttTxm�r-*m�
'¥�00i¼. ��-M��Lltttt��E$�AmmM, ffi�®��E$((,J¾�OOOO�(r,J�
�- ��· **M'¥¾ffi�ffi�M�.
�=1-ffltlLTX�f'l=(t';_r)]fl!]�Jtllf�:f�miJ, ��M¾Mt�f:iqf��. 0:ffi±l/tfi�ft"i=iJ,m�
�a�*•ffi��liJf�����ffi��*A0*��- ��ffiFUil':JS�*�¾W1-Btft�
!fiJ1.iE, ��i&:a}ct1:1-f1t1Ax*•l;f�. �nx-J-M°-t-:im•�(r-.JH•� 1-Ajl:i:1: El 2 �nm f.l91i;11*fr:& n,n
���ll':J*ff, X��Wffi�H'¥--'=5ft���ffiOOEl�-��G�o W® ■ tlLTX(r,J'¥1'f,

irp±.!=5i9:tf filftz.:iHJM1Wft,Jr€fiJdikf'fi±�7£:1r-l'.l'� o l 7fil�ci:rMa'�lr-Jf�, t1,('¥��� El c1r�:tit�f1J
fJtliiEffl*'ii!l ll1!f.illtf.t'i!if:'.*;lUmj£, �EJiX1-At-0fil!�' t.J-;(f:(:E*fill*;�C¥':�a91h�-=f-�, CJ(i'$f�W,
�tE � lt-:Uik ��!A!. tit MJ••tl 1'f �fil·'¥ ��mrn=J t'I. TX a'� /JR l2sP:iJ Agil',t¾ fill 7€1 ��t'I. TX (t�i,:'J,�R::

fil�•t11¥J, !ll¾�l::'itf'flllll¥J, H�J:ill:ff$&,A:t!ffo ��001];,{#ii:TJCJJ:rnir*, :1%-;!st*-!Xl:1/a "17'J'ir!tA..1¥J

/JR�f4 •��*m*x�Ei¥JM = 1-JJR���.!=5�tt¥M*ffiffi*ili�:iit�tf*. �illili

��fflffl¥Jffl-=fH'¥&fi. ��. *ffi����i¥1tt*�iC;;l,t�, �ffi�tf��i¥Jffi�. �
��j{J\1. � _"if tfh�:11. fil!/-, -ti1:1b'-iJ-tit �;fijl *� ,
�[]��mi X¾f[H�t!Jt9� '9,;fi.f fl3] AJ'�'Mf tE1¥112s1
¥:@!t{J¾, 1f Jl.� �I�]��•� a'i! it JJ.l ;,(,Jtf:'. * ��@, 4-:=Jf ka hUJi �trl 1 "i'! 1r'¥1J1iift'�lifl-1i:
I {t O � z.
i= 16641:f-:'k T�:tr?JiJl*i:g: � 1r.i � a'� tiiSU.fl: 1f {-t- t!* ' f.§.¾* llil� ��tj{: � a{) }ix: ITT till
MT*•1¥1IW.�illffl�illffi�M'¥•�· ·J$JJ��E�m�1¥J�JiJ<:. W��oo��•�1¥J
/ix!J.l-lf1m�x:tit�T•*=v•. trt1t1&m'E1ti!i•�trff'9-;�it=ti1n �is% - M�. tif!. 16651:f-,'±lit&T
«1iHK!iOO�» , �9:r:tmi£T fif?.l¥JW.ii&lt'9-;�£!� �*�1:CJ n ::1-Jfrfff��m;f1Ji#J�i¥JX*icJF:ffi7€1�*,
*1*J:¾ic.,�)(Ml.f! o
16651:f-, �{5Hifrl¥Jf4'¥�;:t. «�'¥iCflj)> £'.ij=flJ o ��WJH!tJ:¾trtr!R;JClli]ll,r-f4-!¥:Wlf!J o
�;Jtljfljjjl$)Jffri¥Jf4'¥EftJx\J!: %1f itf, 11! .�.tfht/aj£;!/l;-1#'.ti:'.��i o
E5I JJ:r. , 171±!:�c.ff-¾ fi!-ti� if:= JfJ J& a'� :tit Iillfl" �1: o 1£ MfBJ/: a'i! -1-filtc. 1:J=1 , f4 U�ii!f 139 iK f4i :tit
ii�:¼-tnm:k T, fil!J€J1imJiJ<:J€J T©(tJ,1,1fi1-•1»1�1¥J:=1::�ti * o WfiSt+, ilJ T 18·1Jttc*, 1tmf4
•�; 401 fJ}, .!=5:zt§xt, i1J:g:f'l·'¥�;:t.tf96'0), �ffif1�·��;t,�50f1L �ilf!mJl:�. ilJTI9tlt
tc, 1$WmtifI��fr'J-x#frtJuttir/JiD't-J�M, f1fti�i!tEir/Ji[J::mtfrffT *MiJt1¥Jt�1-K: o fiilfl�·, ififfft,J=v
��•�-l:!1�M5Hl�*, WHH'Jr'¥t1�ft',J:fit/i;f1J•ft�'0 t.l:JJ\io

1665�, *001¥14mti���11:l� - M£ (Robert Hooke, 1635-1703) JfJ El ci9: it##ilJ�l391'W.

f;t_ffl�.fil�:j<Jf-:j<,tf�*�·lmJtlft�;J;J{IJl_:i:ptfilf�1J,¥, �?ill��, :f*::lu "cella" , �¾A�m-?J::tit:11.
gmJ1§, �i:t, M£:iit:il.139.R:.llHEA%BJ/lfil� o i1iJ.1£a{J:tit:im�tfIIJ1@'¥13',J�1z:;fU:fit/¥L�1'fff€1Wt(t,J�x,
�§, �4!!1'¥�i?Jtffl "cell" -in.l*rnIB�4m1*139�;$:ttr:l'�o M���{tex-t�111f�f*Ftl�J\1.�ttr*r[,m
Jix:Jl!l-, �Et.l:ll\iT ((Jfil.ft!i00�)) -�, ;J,l:9:i4t�139g)ttflf�i¥J�x�dJJJt�1I1Hfilr�.
�OO����¾��ffi�-J€J��i¥1M'¥�� o �¾:1/a•�e�M•��fflM�:titli��:tr

Test 2

ag5!Jri[ag�OOffil�H-:'¥:�Jc. Ji�-:'¥:�fl1J�-f-I660 �. ¾1E�0000±:1!t:!!=ttt-t-l662�tf-=fag�

-1- EliEi'ir:i-:'¥::;f:ffi�, rfij_§_jf£-1-iiJJJtir:i��£�m.ttJ. ,/,}._1848 if-.;THa, ��*�-ir:i� ITTN­
�l.FfHt.t!Jff·*�5tMJ1:(:f':J�-oi;H-:'¥:�. � m,1,J.�nirr5t1J�_l,J,:':'::fU1JOOag��-110�*t!Uffe�¥r·­
(:E. § i'JIT*�#�l 186 �� Jn;i:IJ107 �jHi� ITT, � �M.!lli�i;1l'�H*�A:1 �/:l:l42 �;ffr� 1n
tOO�*•��Jn. -:'¥:��ln��Elm��*�WW*�li���. ��*���fi¾�m�

OOliJOOl�fala':J�W, Elf!.\fi!-�1'1JG:fflf4*, 'E!f;!i�-:'¥:, Iff:f4*liJ�*a':l"5<:it, �Ji�OOWr--:'¥:#
3'-a':J*�l1J.1JIJ�!iixt El ���a'!lf*:tP O �*
�� l 665�;1Hsl±llt&H*f!Jtm 0

«tg*i[f!J>> ¾ttt3'-ilfillliAa':lfil-*f'WJ.J, IE�OO�**�l±llt&. �*�¾-1-���;t1J•l1:

a':J-:'¥::,ft�JHR, .± �f� fiil"� ifil(i;] :lll:k "f'IZ� IY� �il:1{lliilfi� IDHl':Jf4*9illiJ:to J=irf �1±� tl:rn& flJ4m J::. fiJ
��:>Cf, :l:tJ�ii�fi:f4**�F-t-�FF1$r. ��*�l±lll"&(:l':Jimftl Wff1Jt1:t1t3' iif(:l':Jjj�n!nl.

iil!!]fir:w)fiJ;J!: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 'fij:ifl±\)1"&12 :ltfl ; Philosophical

Transactions: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences , 'fij:if-24 :WI ; Proceedings: Biologi­
cal Sciences, ��12:w); Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, �� 12:wl.



The bar charts indicate the reasons for study among different age
groups and employer support to them.

The first chart shows nearly 80% of students under 26 study for
their career. This percentage gradually declines with the increase in age.
Conversely, study stemming from interest increases with age. There are
only 10% of students under 26 studying out of interest. The percentage
grows steadily to 40% among those in their 40s, almost the same as those
studying for career. Among students over 49, 70% of them study for
interest in comparison to 18% for career reasons in that age group.

The second chart shows that employer support is m aximum

(approximately 60%) for students under 2-6. The percentage drops rap­
idly to 32% for students between 30 and 39, and then increases in late
adulthood up to about 44 %. It is unclear whether employer support is
only for career-focused study, but the highest level is for those stu­
dents who mainly study for career purposes.

► ffi:] w:
OO-B�T�26�0T���-��. �*�8O%�����Tm��-���­
B8�M��*' �m��*�����-T�. ��ffi&, lli��-�������
���--�M��*W�*• 26t�T-��R�lO%���lli��-���- ��

��¥�1¥JAITT1¥J���-��*�40$�Ai¥J40%. �-�ffl���ft�M�¥��
A1Ht1)1H11� • .ff 49 �CJJ:.�•�•f*i:p, 70% 7-JT ���$}:], rmf!.� 18% ¾7-JT�
OO=.lm_�/ffi±a9. W1f:E 26�(Cfl¥J¥�•f*i:p .$ ( tf.J 60%). /ffi±t�• NJ11li!9¥!:E
$Ml¥J!tt*imllt'.'.J;-¥1J 30 ¥U 39�lW1*1¥J 32%, �rn JZ.�-1-0lU 49 �CJJ:ff1*t�tf.J 44%. :;ts: 00
JJ T�ftM�ifri$}:] 1¥J¥�ff1*.

:;$:Al!iel3/m1-tt�OO (bar chart) fil.Jvt. $:�1:Ett�fr�B-rlfil•a':.1£:;$:f�Lffl-, �'5�

00-±�ffl���WJJ�����¥�a':.1¥�1¥JW��-•$·a':.l•*ffi�&. ifri
7UT�@-ffifri$}:)a':.J$�1¥JW��-•$Ma':.l�*ifri**· •��-i:rW��-®•
.� � ffl l¥J 1: tt

m=ffl�••· ��ffilli26��T-��30$�1¥J¥�ff1*��-±1¥JRM1¥JW�


In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between
finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

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-@ooa•��9Aa���*- *�J:*�om-���I��••fi. tt��
ft{� xsi" i:j:. Q A l'.J{J ;t1J J:ij � •

*RaBUJ:••·�gm, M�J:�M��--�-
�*fi��. �llieBl'.J{J��. xs1-�oo��*m. �@m&�**��a*�*�ffl��
�p J: **ml :&:9c I ft- �MHlh-�' m�:i::LW-� �).)i5' f� te �Jl\� #Jttfiittj£fl:i�dt 1' m JfL

It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to

have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend
is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is
also evident among p.oorer students who cho�se and become eco­
nomically independent for a period of time.

The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young
adult who passes directly from school to university is ra�her restricted
in terms of general knowledge and experience of the worl.d. By contrast,
those who have spent some time earning a living or traveling to other
places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw
on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor
in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in
terms of coping with the challenges of student life.

However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that im­
portant age. Young adults may end up never returning to th�ir studies or
finding it diffrcult to readopt to an academic environment. They may

·Test 2

think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something

completely different from a university course. But overall, I think thi.s
is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for get­
ting a reasonable career.

My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their

horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of
what they are hoping to do with their live� and why. Students with such
a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and
taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.

�aa�$OO�. �QA�•*�€���m•�•�•�e�ffl�•�- �-�

i� :tf: ::f ,f,5j Ill.Ff 1ef !(-31: � i* WHtl ·� m • � , :X·Ff ,Jj\ ®��I it= },)I. rn'i � �� i1r 5!h�a'� pt IE • !i.
* i.R. fil -Jik :t!IJ Jl:r •
���-�-����m:&�T-JAITT�m��•*ftIBKm�*•�•!i.a•� tt
a'�i-uiR;t:r:i:x,J--=f PJ,Nfi-ttt:!f:.(:(J g2��tiuflt§ � :r;.ti1t. l:i £H1t&� RJI :xt ���£, J:lll®:{t'!Ji:fl,J-fsJ I
�*�!i.���*��fi�.!:E��Er��!i.ffi���E���A�-�- �rn��
E T-J3��, rn'i 3!R�� -$ HA a• }:j ;t:nli;lf JE r.p =I� 1lt:ffl: �, -tl1 �l.'.J {t f¥J.{ili fi'la�f:!f! �it!i.!i.fis
�;rr#��i!&nt�-=f ift ��.
m�. a�-•��ft�•*•���m�-®��- �QA�m•��&&§:m
�•�- ��*0�*�$·���- �ITT�����::f�M-�ffiI�. ��M-�
*••���::f��•�- @£��*m. fi�T-J�a�w•�� tt::f*· �J.J�a•
fi���¾$�tt@•&Aff�B�. ��-����rnM•����ITT*ar.p*
*�A!i.�W�ct0RT-Jtt ��rl�W�A!i.. ����-��•���•���ffi�
��. ifrir.p•$�IB�ffl-���-ff•��-$����-§��-�ti�.

'.)]' +1i·
,HJrfl]�@I�atJ!f;t-,#,¾@I § r.p�[�1,�'PJ::f¾�Ji!,?.i. (opinion), ifri:lik�� (fact). �!i.
a��#��::f-�•�-���- ���*-=f�ili:lik•*-=f�. ���0•*•m�
-W, �-���-�-. �IB�-=�ff ����--

x••=��fflT����*��fil����ff�. *1:.*¥$�fflffi-���I
��-fi��H�fflff. •W�4#A���*�- ��-*�«1f ®�**�*�*
�. -ti1xt1:.ffi1flf�.
•=������a�•�. ��*�•**���@�*������##ffim.
ft:trt�tl:l. afJll.a��-1-��·t�:mx�1'.(,Jf±�, *1:.�*J:.jf¾���*�-
�•aM��MT�:tr���. --¾�*+•. *�����-*��. Mffi�


. '

�--$�. �•�*m@�#•u���fil. ��n*�•m,�. m����•. H
�- ��·���-- �-*�*�m����•�- I�. ttffl���ffi�ffi�MffW�.

What's your favourite colour? [Why?]
My favourite colour is black.
* Because black is said to be a "tolerant" colour. That is to say, all the other colours can
be mixed into the colour black.
* Because black clothes make me look very cool. And it makes me look thinner as well.

Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were younger? [Why/Why not?]
No. I used to like pink and purple a lot when I was a little girl. By and by, I grew to like black a
lot. Maybe because black clothes make me look cool and thinner.

What can you learn about a person from the colours they like?
Well, some people believe the colours one likes have much to do with his or her personality. I
agree with that. For example, "red" people tend to be very passionate and energetic; "blue"
people might be a bit gloomy; "yellow" people can be the carefree type ...

Do any colours have a special meaning in your culture?

Yes. Say, red means lucky and joyous in the Chinese culture. So people use red stuff a lot on holidays
or celebrations. While white has the opposite meaning. Sometimes, it is used to show sadness and
respect. For example, people always wear a small white flower to attend a funeral.


Describe a song or a piece of music you Ii::-7

You should say:
what the song or music is
what kind of song or music it is
where you first heard it
and explain why you like it.
My favourite song is called Cinderella, written and sung by a Chinese pop star, Zheng Jun.

Cinderella is a very romantic song, of slow beat. It's about a man courting a lady. And the lyrics
go like this, "Oh my Cinderella, you may not be the most beautiful girl in the world. But you
are so lovely in my eyes... Am I dreaming that now I can be with you? How I wish I would never
wake up from this sweet dream."

I first heard the song on a tape that my boyfriend made me. We were in the same university
and he made me the tape as a birthday present. On a tape of 60 minutes, he recorded
nothing but this song, time after time, ten times aJI together. I feJl in love with the song as
· soon as I heard it.

Now many years have passed. Cinderella is still my favourite song. Firstly, it always reminds me
of the happy days I spent in the university. Secondly, the music of the song is extremely
charming. By using some traditional instruments from Yunnan Province, the singer Zheng Jun
depicts a peaceful scene of the Yunnan Province, as well as a beautiful love that everybody
dreams of.


Music and young people

Whal kinds of music are popular wilh young people in your cullure?
Young people in China have many choices on music nowadays. Some of them like local pop music;
some like Japanese and South Korean music; some like music from America and the UK; and
there' re classic music lovers, too.

What do you Lhink influences a young person· s taste in music?

I can think of at least three factors that may influence a young person's taste in music. The first
is their family background. Children are very likely to have the same hobbies and interests as
their parents. The second factor is the child' s personality, for people tend to like the kind of
things that echo their own thoughts. The third factor can be the influence from the mass media.
The large-scale promotion of certain kind of music might wash the children's brains easily.

How has technology affected the kinds of music popular with young people?
In the age of high technology, electronic music becomes more and more popular among young
people. On one hand, some people believe this kind of music reflects the features of this age
perfectly. On the other hand, with the popularization of computers, everybody can make their
own electronic music by using computers, which makes this kind of music even more popular.

Music and society

Tell me about any traditional music in your culture.
China has a long history of playing musical instruments and enjoying music. Many of the ancient
musical instruments are very popular even today. For example, the guzheng, the erhu, the dizi,
the xiao. They all make great music and people from all over the world come to China to learn
how to play traditional Chinese music with them.

How important is ii for a culture lo have musical traditions?

It is very important. Firstly I think music can help to carry the history, traditions and heritage
of a culture. Secondly, it's a great way for people to express themselves and communicate with

others, even if they don' t understand each other's languages. Thirdly, to compose and enjoy
music, people need to have great creativity and improvisational skills and they all represent the
liveliness of a culture.

Why do you think countries have national anthems or songs?

I think it's one of the most important symbols of a count ry. It carries the t raditions of a country,
records the crucial moment in a country's history, and embodies the spirit of a nation. That's why many
people can be moved t o tears upon hearing their national anthem.

Test 3


li!i �; k, ic.. J.Ji. '.1

, �-tt�: ".Jf ili Jl.#-1t ,t
!j$j :&: �.$

► :l:k, m-14' m-* tB

"*¾*�A�ffi*���&���IA, W$•aR��M0��"$. ���
ITT-��*- ����"$�£�����-ffi. M�ftfil�����$��£��$

make terms
engine n. �i;/Jf!L arrangement n. �ttt, ll'2i
power n. iJJ:)J valuation n. ifft
do V. fi', iiJ[:)., �-fr full name
gear postcode
presume v. ®:IE, i,A.:Jk) get hold of
··--········ -·-------------------------------- ---------····-··----------------
manual a. =fi;IJIY-J mileage
automatic a. El i;/Ja':l roughly ad. *M
------- ----- ---------- .. ·---------------- --- -- - --------- ------------------
shade metallic grey :fit�N<
- - - ---------· ···- .... - . . - ·---···· --- -
go for J:Jj,: call in :,lti;Jj

Pe uget trd& Lincoln t*,�
Audi �if!! CadilJac 'l'JLil!! w. si
Benz #flili brake n. *IJ:$
Ford 1/Mt wind shield .f=i Mt]j.l{f/11

l. Had you got any particular make in mind? �1\.i' .fil :lt :f :lt i:, f}-1{:;lC� � '9l)I # J'P XIJ!. T? make 11-9 ffl
iR �lo 'it i , :t£ ift* ff- " rlHIJ!. " •
2. I' d like a bit more power this Lime ... a l.4 should do. ¼)X ft 1J!, :J ;/J jJ ffi �J_ - ,?f._�� , I .4 1r 11-9 ;tt of Ws
T. *fjJ�tf'do*;if- "ofW-, it¾", jri, One Hamburg should do.-1'ilt:f�o W-T.

3. I'd want automatic-I've never driven a car with manual gear.�f!!,:J §I ;/J�ll'g-:ft:lf�ffff
tl.f;IJ#,��A$. gear /!�;;J;:;t:Jt "t!Ht", :tfift*ff- "t.!�#7", tri: b o tt om ge ar 1�:i!�.
4. Have you given that any thought?iBZff�ffl,:ci:�:ikf'l•J\11!-f-11-9$? give ... a thought*;if- "�­
tri, Did you give a thought of coming to the party?-/fr-ff�ff�-tl*�jJo!j!t¾?

5. Are you in a position to pay cash?·ft�,ftJJe.¾,lb? in a positiont� ";(E;!l(:.#ir.�_l, tt;lt.#J�

.�" , �, in my position {E lt /l!/ iL i -1.

6. I' d l ike credit provided the terms are reasonable. jtJ ::llH!Hl¾ J! /f.J -it, :ft�- Frl 'TT§ lfl + � �. ;;J;: fjJ
if' te rms *ff- "ffeijt", term 11:1'1&:Jfl ll �iftt,,,.

7. Well, I work at the hospital but it' s a b it difficult to get hold of me. :ft iE l2i IIJt I 11' , 1!! :lt it 1111�
��Jtt. get h old of(f9t,�-¾ "t�JL ��_l".
8. Then it must be l 994, because they brought out the Fox after that. JJ� i. S *¾ 1994 �. � 1'J 11!!, ill
{E JJ� z )§- 1Ht 1. .F F o x T • * fjJ 'f' (lg "bro ught o u t" � t,�, ;ll1: " 1. .F 1:1:l , � ·•• ••• _l rjf " •

1-101mw:lik1[tc)it�. w;-m�t1:'iif.��1a-1m���f�.m- "1.6", 1itioo���f�.�-

"1 . 2" • �-w.;*-'ff -¾!:4;:.
:;t;-ll:ll!X.,fi'l, .... ,.i==.#l!*�>JL:s&i
= .... a
i=i 71s:l'JIJ1J:11w1! � • .,,, 1r-l,u:;, "manua 1" o w-Rm*;-i:i:;/.'
5F.l.::'..IW'FJ l""l -
I �4;:.
"'' :,1s: "I'1g h"
t "'
,ri:I "k
s y" ,

ff�-1-IWAJ. m-lZ!llmi'11Ul! f q:ift-J "arr angement" 1¥-J�,li!J,:l! "1t�hA". m:A�i'1�:


"title" a'��}�,:lik "�,Pf-". Jt�JL,g/mffilb���.!f!.. :(£Jl.t�--i#M.

rugby n. fIIH1\1r-/t shaping n. �:51', {}t�
cricket n. tli£1< track and field IIH�

hockey n. lfuffl£1< baseball n. t-¥3:R

- ---- ·-·- , .

curling n. i7J<w softball TI. �£1<

squash n. �:kit hurdle n. fi'!J*-=1:

I. We came 7th out of 101 universities in last year· s research assessment, carried out by a government body
and did particularly well in your particular subjects, engineering and scienceA tfll � -f;. f :{E ii: Sf J,k
�•nm�W�ij10lffi*ft3t•�- ��¾:tE�m�,��#�-I#��#�W
-/ti-!Hlcit:!cf. come ... out of ... ;t,�,¾ ":tE ...... 9'31tt ...... ". jtp, His score came 1st out of the
whole class.11l!.(f.J.m,�j.:(I�JJ1t-l��--.
2. One further point - and I know from talking to you individually that a number of you may be looking
for some experience in industry after the course - is that all our science and engineering research
departments have unusually close relationships with industry in the area. fj 71'- If.. , :{I 1§ 1t 111 �91-
z *
/\. i& 1! 9" l1<. 1 friH� , 11r-11'1 � � :tE 1E A i!f: ;ft g ll� � :tE ;ftr F �lUJi: flt - � .I it fH& . W �
1fJ -f;. f �9 If+ ;,fll �# Bt ».- 1§ #IS�� 9' � F .t � ;ff �F- � 4 # (f-J $ tJJ -g,_ • it 1;J 1f: 1f';' -K: , �
451-•�. «¾. :!tP*IBMAffi$¾¾�. t�-�%f��#M*.
3. I mean occasionally there are postal problems, but most often the hold-up is caused by references the
people you give as referees, shall we say, take their time to reply At (f.J ;t .�-¾1/ll 1F%� �� t-(f.J 1'"1 •.
� at
1!! ¾ ;k � � -tt 'f J! i& tf5 ¾ m -f ti -1¥ A a<J � it. � I#. (f.J • 1\li.1fJ 1/ti � faJ @l i. . Ji:. -f ft A �
-·�(f.J�-�¾-f;..¾lf�-��-(f.JMM. •1.m•M-�-���-�tiatt
at «
� , [ii] I ff ]X. -lf ¾ � >J • ii (f.J $J, (f.J 41Lff 1t �� qR � (f.J 15H.8:. *
1;J tak e ti m e ;;°F "11/f *
¥;/tat fii] » 0

4. What I do in this period is keep in touch with you and reassure you that things are moving along A (:tE
Ji\: -& at f� fJ � 1#{ (f.J ¾ !ij 1t 1f1 * # )9( X,_ , � � 1�( 117 -J;I;_ I�' • 't� :{I ,'@'i fti :tt!: TT o

5. What you can do is phone them up - we will, of course, liaise between you - and discuss your concerns
w i t h the m, �11l �'(;jk: (f.J ¾�1il!.111 tJ tit-� f'&, � 1il%f W1�11l !fl 1ltJtJD?--;#- ll. J:§ 1ti111
* »..
H � �111 1�' tl� f"l • • " l i a i s e " ¾ .:f tfa qi � , t ,(!:, ¾ " U · · · · · · !ii · · · · · · !fl 1lt 19( � " •
6. You will be in an environment where independent learning is the norm, which takes most students a while
to adjust to, and at a time when you will be separated from your normal surroundings and, in most cases,
y ou r fami l y . �111 :j4J-� m t£: � �!It ii:� 51 )ii )/tg!j (f.J f >J � :lji 9". -f;. $ � � � :rJ'fl � � -& &J f�
*�!. Wll.*•*�ffi�MA•(f.J��-�¥¾�fil(f.J*•· tiil:f>J*%¾;k$
¾ vn , 1. � ii zj' (f.J -1- r"1 • . t � � **
1n ru1 �9 f!J �� •ti . it :tt ¾ :tE • .z:. g . � **•
�!k ii: ii zj' � # � >1 ;fP � m r..i •.

7. However, demand exceeds supply, so there is still a need to put your name early for campus
accommodation, particularly if your family is accompanying you. 1�ftt, tl-1 f 1i.m1i;r-s_ >R. fofr r,J.
fil���4•tt•t$-�B�ijftf, ��ftt�-���A41#���- �@�M�
·--�ft•t•��. �-�ffl4ft-�@�. �-4-ttt•.

► 1ffi § '.B-tlr
11 to 12 llii:&$�■ �5 i1f 2 0 IEM1�•:& C to E o 1El.¾ A�JMi:j:iit:J examination .Eimt
X9'1a'".l ass essment, B �Jf,Ii:pi¥:) c entral London ;f;OJ]()(i:pi¥:) London airport, t:J.& D �Jffi
i:p � government funding .Ej J](::z i:p � government body :5}£1jxsj-$:, ��-'.it��•tt o 13

*� ,
RJ1! �ff�: r ef erence £ refer f.(.J t)K � ifi.l , 11! 1§'· tEJit-1-{f· l'LL 14 l@l it�� Rl!!-=f i:p s ame .Ej J](
X i:p you r own � IEl 5l :Ye � • 15 ®I� ttHlt !ft !t .Ei B 9;n f� .�, food ¾ ff: JIJ f!l £ l:!l ff] fJJ
1$ ii � f�L� ·«in! , IN :1/v �. tl::I � tE B j;.; lf� .� f o o d £ titr •

16-20 f@i;/f;:lt!Jffi��li 0 16 /ffi�1Hif!J�•£C �Jffi. A�Jffi accommodation with local

families §-@i-Jjf(::z i:p ((.J accommodation tlJ family= ifi.l, ::,�� -'.it��• t'.L 17 Jm(f:JIEfifll�
•:&c� Jffi, �*�1-���••m�. 1sm��•�•:&A�Jffi. B �Jffi��w��
•·ti, IN;k,�Jffii:p� in advance .Ej}Jj(j(i:p� earlier;/f;:IEJ5li\:iL 19 M�lH!ff!�·¾ B �Jffi.
A. C���Jffi���tt��ffi. �;k,�ITT*��ffi���:&IE•�. @�ITT�;l!J](j(�
��. W ■�IE-�8£C�J]i[. A. B
�,�J]I[�-'.iti¥:J�-tt. �:1/vA�J]i[ i:p�l�u�
tlJ B �J]i[ i:p J'.l{J privat e English lessons ... when they arri ve i�tf /jf()( i:p /:jj �.

Test 3

dissertation n. tW.±$ilkitx field trip e}&;f:�::::J. '.9�11fl��jiHr

experiment n. '.:%!lli intern It. '.:% .:::1 �!:E.
trainee n. �::::}(£ internship

1. Gosh, doesn't seem that long ago, does it?* '9J/I, fl-J-1ff<)� tfJJ/l i 7-, ;lt_ nI?,? gosh "'tff-W, *-fft.
;i•pj(", �1(,(f- god . }H�. -i$:f;J;lt_-,}4fllli},{,J, 'fE!Jt:iFJfiJ:S-S-i$:lk '"Gosh, it doesn't seem
that long ago, does it?",

2. Now, going on to suggestions for improvement, one thing that wasn't so good, I thfok we could have
** '
done a bit more work at the beginning, I mean at the beginning it seemed dead easy. :EJil,{£ , il 1.Ufl
:IJ'i � i1t � i-.:X. ff - ,ff, :f
0 *
tt VI. jJ • 1(1 $_ -i$: 11 ff -Ji€, a"1 at {� $ 1tx - Jf ·tit . tt /y.J � .\!:- ;lt_
ffftf,�a {rVfff�*��'/t��. -i$:f;J)1tl-"llj)f};lt_4fiatfiJ. 'fE�(fJfiJ-J-Sit:1t_ "Now, let's going
on... ", ijt,ff,{£:{tro, "it seemed dead easy", :tf�tdead t'lHt,IJ:-:f;lt_ "9£!rg". ffi,'t_i\i1J-w], "�
njt, %½!&".
3. I thought it was going to be really easy and then all of a sudden in the second half of the course we got
a whole load of work, reading to do and essays and things. =flt/ff- 0- jg :iZ fl iJIH.¥. %1�� Sb. P]" ;it�
�.t£-�ro4U¾am�*•���, �•- �x����-�•ffl¥•,
4. I don't mean we shouldn' t have group discussion, just that they shouldn · t go on too long. tlt:f;it_
iJt :f S -i$: i1t fr ¾ ill. ·H � , ,R ¾ ;;r: S ¼ t-h� .flH, -K: aJ 1·iiJ • 1§- 4 1'J ¾ �, llli} fiJ . 1c. ft (f-J 1:u + S
-i$:¾ "I just mean that they shouldn't go on too long.".
5. And if you can· t get the key texts before the session, how are you supposed to do the reading?:/ID A?:
:tf .l • ITT :f �Ui iU :t ¥ • x . tt 117 t- i :lit fr IJIJ ij; �?
6. Yes, I'd agree and I don· t see why they can't let us know the criteria they use for marking.¾ a-9 . =flt
�t. a;;r:��j;fri�fil:flilttfl���filijW¾#$.

7. *
Nor me. OK, so that' s done. :ft-It J:Jl :f � J ;!it /)(J • .fl� ff,\')J� 'ff, T ITT-$¾ ¾-t Ii� ,/:;J , � i/l'f

ir-JfiJ:S-S¼¾"Nor can't I think of anything else.". done ft!J!:.\£-¾ ":Jt(t-•-tJ!t1�'fET",

Jlfil § fO't-ifr
m- 21 � i1:Aif.f1Ll�H1JIE, mt�Jf Mlfl¥1J T "May 4t h", JE iiiHI� &hX: T "Ma y 5th". m-
22 tl]ilt,� T f� ,lf],f1JI£-J-)._ "July 15th" &;la "July 16th ". Jflfi'1:li1:JEiliii¥���',;;.f�,�- "12th" o
2 3 tr.i 2 4 Im f� -�- 'it ,m , :ii� � 1:iJ iii� 1ii ::fer � /i'- � �L 2 s Jffi If :tf. 1i51 5l i1fJ Yi:: fil: , @Ff i:p 1¥J
"too much work" tr.t}Jn)ti:p(:I':) "whole load of work" ::/iklf.i!Slif,J; fm.§.��7£.�f!lL�,fitrLi'..
IBl7b�•tlffJl1.tE'.itfil:11-L�, "whole load of work" Lritr 26 li!i.HU&:fti�, "i:iJt.:)1iJ-�'.itft. 27

���•.amxi:plli�T��. mi���-� (�•�m��•. •�m�tttt¾�•);

�91', @Ffi:p�f-�1Eiiill91�.�- "s ession s w e nt o n t o o l ong" :(:EJJl'C>C9'1,1:U�1£�$LM",

J5Jrl,'.J �l@i-ti1:if-:l:-1&;iiL 28 f�H!: il,Ji[I� M, 1& $�!£. �@Ndtili'I� "handout" � "i#- 5l,
1J,fflt-=f" 11:k�:(:E-il@ o :t(1:i:Jjf!;J.mJt1f'L!t. "teaching material" !!X "pamphlet", �!£.T:iJ@]!JJn
3S�fflo 29 M��-@•m��. J5Jr�ffl$�!t:.�����-�tt. M��-���
�o j'(ij_§_ �Milii'If*,�-M.ttl�/;Jl'r.iJ@, @-=fi:J=r (:J/;J "too much" 1:EJ.m)'(1=t1 1:1:llJil.1:E��Zffi 30

l@i �ii� f� -�- m '.i: ' Mfil-=f If' (t/;J "e X cell en t" :(:E]ffi )( If' ti:l �1:E �� ZJE

pollution lime
sewage system noise
filter skin cancer &:JIH�
sulphur dioxide allergic a. ct t&i¥-J


l. Well, my group has been doing a project on how household waste is recycled in Britain. fJf ft,'J, :Jt 1f1
2. This is a lower figure than in most other European countries, and needs to increase dramatically in the
next few years if the government is going to meet its recycling targets. �¾ �l'.._;k $•tt-'H!!.� i1tt 00 *
tJHt a� -1' fdL :/IP J!Uj{Jlt �-�:it j� ;1t I§�§# ij it' • �� ,;jultJL 5F If ¥1-� � * � ltt
tit ilt •
3. One problem is that there aren't enough "drop-off" sites, that is, the places where the public are
supposed to take their waste.-1'-foJ�¾�1fJt{Ji�Jft�*:1f±iJ!,, RP¾A$�7ik.liJ:ft�(�
lik 7J •
4. Glass is easy to recycle because it can be reused over and over again without becoming weaker.Jl(�
1R � 1b t'li � � Jfl , � 1:1 'E 1iJ �:is :f/!l $ )k ffi.. jt � JfJ mi �! ltt :f ¾ i 1ft •
5. Oddly enough, half the glass that' s collected is green, and a lot of that is imported, so more green glass
i s recycled than the UK needs.�F'llt�•t!a1;lt, 1§ 1jxij-�t:p1f--¥-;Jt��Jlt�. WB._;k-flil
¾�*Pij, &��OO!filtij•�-�-tt&R��-t.
6. Over a third of the waste paper that comes in can' t be used in the recycled paper, leaving the question
of what to d o with it. M!'i± � 7} .Z:. -119 W �Ji f!t.:f Ti� qi;� -llf )j;:_ {ll:_ ffl , �# tHl !X.' �WM - 1'­
fo] MI . JJ� � ;1t t i ;t� rn � ill ¾ • �!t. •
7. The save-a-cup scheme was set by the vending and plastics industries to recycle as many as possible
of the three-and-a-half billion polystyrene cups used each year.f;lrt� ij "-;n� -f-;j;f-f" it�� tb

1i t- **
z.. tit, ff -r- 0

@F-1 Wi'.tfr

3 I ~ 3 5 �hi: 5G JN. t:1-f- • 3 2 Tm�ii:'.@":. ifiJ ttt-� 1¥:J l'r:i] Tm , 1zs1 Jv * ff!l '.71" � � "i:iJ fi� :iF i},_ iR � �
·isf.1 , J5fr �) Jlii Wf!?l �� � l Ufi.l f:1/;J m tH:lll ff! ---{-I· 2:.1$ (f.J + -1# ID ft� 1i ft 2:. 1$ 1¥:J � .:g. • 3 3 Jf1I �
i'i:� "lack of" �Er¥-Jt�l(f.J "not e nough" .f.1ff.iJS(iii]fil 0 3 4fifil�i'i:� "utilized"

;fl] "use d" ¾!ii15ltf.J. 35��tf;lj!;lh\)(9�'.fr��ff-llfffiifEfWi1-�!-Bfi t�,: "two million" tll "seven

36-40 �;;{J*fi���. 36 ��t�rwi�, @¾ 37 �.!.=cj;:LJe -��'itili, ���± {1 l��

ti:'.t-.1.J. �9�. ffi!;k)::ff,!f� "soil conditioner(±ijliNi.JJriJ,�J-,'i�)" a':}��� )l, ;{:j!!1:A.AJ
fm1N�lH1Kft��. 38 /mJi.i:E.�m "Pacrite" ;fl] "collecting waste" ;l)((<i]�fft. 39 �LI 40 �
m•m�. �����mH��������*m;{=j-�*�-

-ftd � f.ltjH,:;:ijt83..;,_'d'A,"r'-�=#.5 ,l<l,'-ll-
- NEW0111ffmn J!L 11r1i,:,c.,--slJ\..±.-?'(-lJ\1f!!l?R . ff'!l7t

J± I. '' •'"• 1,,-

1 I: IJJ Gl 1'.!f

l. In an attempt to overcome that educational under-achievement, a nationwide programme

called "Headstart" was launched in the United States i.n 1965.
-� J5· iix: 11Tr!1�Jt-=f��J7f- 1i�1�:jx/£, �fill-I- I9651f-1:E�fil!:tFl&T-:tm "J'c:tt{;lt'U'-" t+xJJ.
1/fr'f,i\: attempt: �ii\:
All attempts to control inflation have failed.

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, I suggested that we break off for lunch.
an attempt on one' s life :i£1IIJ:fiU*�A
2. The "Missouri" programme was predicated on research showing that working with the
family, rather than bypassing the parents, is the most effective way of helping children get
off to the best possible start in life.
����: ��mtt�•�: ��*���7f-¾�il�*, ¾fflM�-=ramA�•��
(1) -/t£-J-; -/tI!iO;k:-J-, ��•f-1:j-J-be predicated on/ upon sth.
Our policy is predicated on the belief that ...
txffla1i&�£=f:i!-ft�, §fJ ......
(2) :it�' !ftf �
His retraction predicates a change of attitudes.

3. There is growing evidence in New Zealand that children from poorer socio-economic back­
grounds are arriving at school less well developed and that our school system tends to
perpetuate that disadvantage .
$�it X.: :(:Ejfrfili�, ��*� '$ 1!t:1ff1Jti£. ll)j W�lffi � ii'i ?A1t-lr.JH� tt�T- fi a1ft-=f A�
��:tt•tt::r-¾m�0. mftffl�••���fil�tE��:i!��•.
iA I\ l. .'� :

(1) evidence
a mountain of evidence ::k:11:1'.l';Jii[ff!l
evidences of prosperity �5fi���


,il'r iffJ ± 00 � ' 1f jj__ 1; A.. Lockwood Smith i!/i--±-:i/1.ili.. � I� T J; 00 ;f<>-9t JJ,). T dii }z �� Jfi 6-!i-�
�¾. �t��T��ff��tt�����tt�•iffJ±�4X6-!i��.
A «�W !�1 illri�-JJ ) £-{5} EE f;fi�� j]:JcJH JL'!i 1r1l�l'fr.ff�;f1:i•W I {'F1J\�EI.J:ifr1'F(:I'� tit 1§-,
r$-1f. 8 Jj l±l }\& mtli 1§-11¥ ll=f iJEillfL�t��' jJp S!f! x1 JL:it a9:k :lt;fp;{,j- JL � lpj(:/j tt• f}l,

��WMo •�-�. ���¾���oill¾-��-. �*fi�W�3�H�re�

ITT��1P-Mft1f��. �#-*, ttITT¾�¾WrlT•W•T�- ftMM?
ll{rfi/ll:k*illfi T -J'.ffi-�:it 13 if:-13':l JL!l'I 1PWJ� JN s9iiJf·';,1:, tt; ** lifL f1J T 3 �a�-,
it UlttT E�Jl.*J!U¥ 1000 1' 1¥,!. iffl�rm jJ' jis ®iff] ie¾{ll!.{1'11:E [:Jfi5 ��-� i:p illfi El
'/t ;{,t i'is a1 � t� ',lr; ffl flj �o

mliJf J°l jI * IJJl : � � 4j 1- It� 11/11 ff � !:I:. f:!sl * If� ff �- , L' , 1.!! ¾ J3:fr/1 !l-7- * ,L, tfJ i'iJ rill :(:E
2��3�H����i3':Jffi�. ffl�A�*�' A�1- tt¾-t:El±l�Ji5��1f-i:p%��.
�T3��M•, W�ITTE�*W7ffl*-t:E*•�*�i:p�ffl��£*ttno M3�Ll
Ji5, WTITT•H�tEEff�m�a��--ffiMx,J-fil��Umo
AITT-�U�. *•tt��m��m�#�*ff�•Ttttta*����ft. �
{£ jfr fLl:j � ff J3:;f!Hi!H5c , if* ;f- l i!.L
1 00 ;fr.1 � �I -ti1AH� ff J3:l r ·NH� • � T & � J3:# :Jx ?5L �

00T 1965 if.tE�OOHM T-Tlfl "1c�{;ltt!f' itxl], #:&A*ii1t.t{tL t!.cft�mi+ Xll, ft

�tE3�M��*1P-MftW��. LlfflM**�ff�•TtE��*ffl��o
�TttAT:k•-�. �-�♦A��. J3:�nff�1-��- ��. mtt�M�
H�if-M**• W$3�MillA1Pft���-T�a1B�tE�-�fi-JJ�W�•Ji5r
�ITT��MAT. ��, J3:®ffiT�**#�ff#�**• •��•Ji5. �®ffi�X
D EBT�*�it�l':JliJf�*i]):]JL!i:t 3 �f-iiJ(:EJIJ�·jaJ���'ilnrr��, rfrj_§__ "��{:Jt1)}" H
XIJ�M-X4-A:f:�, ), � � i,if.;�JIHl·l�ME T-Jff.iLJ\:h'P]'i §' ��,C,,.:&rea*
��-��--ff��-ffl���= ��*��rfri�¾mtl�*, ¾ffl�BT&fflA
�•ffi�•4iri•ff���- m�•ffl��1-�§�£Ll�-m-��*�£��- m
X9i § ;:1..,im 4 if., @:@;-T 3so 1-Bni�illi*rf4-1-rtT�r�a•, ii� T � � a•�m�,Jr.,
tt��m, 1f-M��a•��. ��filM•�ae, ��*•- ��IaBLl&�&
* *
it :rgr 1�1 1Jik 1:Ll ·!ft i1 ='i· ill'. illl �t (l"J tt Ff!!¥:* JtJ: fi· ijj , -!::5 -le ;fp lt -=f � li'il % f1:: o JJJl. § 1'A€. �
T•-=f�M�ffi*�m. �&•-=f�*tl�*��-�-�o �:rgf§�m�a� �*'
*�1-v�. m•. tt�ffi��ttn•�w�m�. �AA�•�-=f••�•� ,���
��)n����-�. �&����.:;-a�*��•M�*�••o �*�&���
rr rAJ ;'lfil m11 ru =ff n a'v � � � f.lll o
tJn'.l � * * El it!: * it; , x•J· *-�it!:
fi· fr :!:{HJ II ,
# 4i'J. J=J £ :ff JHt;; � i.'il � tJ� ® ffi 11& � -g fLQ,
�a':J�*7}:!i£t£��. i:•titftl:!.f11:X:,t:,,J'.l'v 1,:iJ1m. w:f � ,;1q a9�* �ilm =r ,i:,,w11 y.J�-�:fPitf M::t­

m � 1a� -1- a��� J:J 11:t ;M o

E �@�ffl�§*�¾-=f3�M, ffl�Am��®.-=fl::5*Elffi��m�m. tt��

w:. *•���¾-=f�&�m�*a':J�M�--=ftta-�. ��*fiW�. M*£•A
�o �T3���-. --!::5�§��.:;-a•��-�WB����f�ITT��MAo �
rn•��@a1:Jn������mttnm�T��aa1:Jm•. att��tt�W&*mTm
*�*�o •��. �����@�. �*•��--���w. •��§�•-=f-tt
m�f ll:ilM A*wr 1s% -20% a�1i1c
•-��£. M*ili-�#�-��a9-®1'��-. �**a':l�-��ftWffl•.
£ � £ 1fi * lkf � , -!::5 :m-=f J:ifr J.fx f� a'� ill i]7 * 1M1r:i m •� ff JV¥ rJftHf fnJ o :Jc it� § *�
* a'��®Jt-7-J5.Jr���m�11f�tl��#:trnfnJ1'5J:I], �fi1�-�ffi3�1'*13o mf�JL�
��-A�%�ffl�To AITT��m--�����-=f�M��-&¾El=Jf�8ffi��
�-a':J*-=f��--��. ��#�����-m��--1'-��o
F �®ffl��-£♦A-��- amD�. �M*M$a':J�fil-��-�m�#�tt
�W-�ffi�--=fA.�a':J�--�¾ffi��. fflftITT�ftff�M�U�-���-0
rfiiJ:�:rgr § * �,1m�{��m1JllJCJn��¥l �11Jmf;f-. -!::5�*1'£�lkf. •w:**fi%f1=�

Im ;t � J L� .fr! AA ff :fill ft ff I ft IMJ:I. � t& 'a-ffl /:I:\ � J..!i! ;t :Tf3 .fix: 7 !t n}J � x-Ht • � 1M:.fl ijdc
ii.�¾ ft tlJ: �Hll fi¼-=f �-g �!'}. fljJ L !ft f;l!: 1'l' , :J:Ht .fr! Wlft ff ffilj. fL 3 � jlj 5 � fa] 09ftff :le tt ¾
1 � -,:� 1ri� 09 , m :Jt!; ® '.!k {JIJ • ,m : :t.c11-#!: ::-F 111*1 x-t� (t:1 ±g- iJII , :,r� :TIHUt -=r- 3 � r-1110911Ha1 , im
z.. j! f41 ft• �� x i! £ lllHi ff J: (:(v � �Ii •

mD�[lizA ;J,.�frSe��-, A"f.:if.'.�7;:J 5 � xf 6 - 15 ��"ilr&�nrfr �*tt

1 I

•• 2 o o 2 � i& M � ;m <u L m .fr! Jt11 ft• Mt� » , JJri 5/iU L� 1r-Jroft• I 11= , m: il1:ift w JJii ii 0

1. Up to now, people have blamed this loss of delta land on the two large dams at Aswan in
th south of Egypt, which hold back virtually all of the sediment that used to flow down the
���k:�§fi��. AITT-E�ffiW.&ffi$�Mff���*�· ���ITT��7
=M�±����. �m�*���•�*•���E��M�•�wrn�ttT.§°J\: blame
blame sth. on sb. !El;!it•W tI;tA
One of the computers is broken and she' s blaming it on me.
� i:l' � J® i;r, 7, M!. Wtl$:¾lFf �.
The crash was blamed on the pilot error.
�Jt�JlfffMiV.3�7-J�� m ��ij.

2. The farms on the delta plains and fishing and aquaculture in the lagoons account for
much of Egypt' s food· supply.
li�iS /. 1
'.: account for
(1) tl!l±H.!! EE I fr= 1±1 ffll¥ff
That accounts for it. �*¾:i!�,§1-JL.
account for one' s actions � § c�fr:1/9f1= l±lff!l¥ff
c2) �3&, sl�
Late frosts account for the poor fruit crop. ��l!!e,;fi �3&7.Jdltltk¾:.
(3) i:!i
The region accounts for a large part of usable timber.

Questions 14 - 17

• � § �fil! : List of Headings

• Jffi F-1 flWtJr:

> R -•-•----• ----•-•

--• -- --
-¼--- ---�•-•- -•-•- - ----- -

B 13t: ��ffi��fiITT�-=f�-��M(t,J

Up to now, people have blamed this loss of delta t�ijt, Lm*f.l':J El f'!.{i:tfflflJitffiL T,

14 land on the two large dams at Aswan in the south of �il.f:!j 7 Lm*Jmilrnirf.l':ltJMJe' INJ!t
Egype which hold back ,;na,lly ,II of lho ,odimoot ;!f 'li!:"i i,,
at used to flow�own the river. __ __ _ _
� 13t-�13t- DJ3!:WE-ffl�T-•m•m�
15 9'c�jl\S!l,j.lji,ffj: (t,Ji'MiJE.�·-=f )E,�fiiJ:::_:ffjij,Ha:J�PJnl o
irrigation canals/ sediment/ sink l;!;JJ!t��EY�¾ i o

�-�_Q:�(t,J���i��iii 0 *J3!:A'-.J
liffl i.ff: f1J T !E. � fiiT if\-!'¥ (t,J 75 f4I! riaJ m .
E ff fi§":gfl:
These poisons can easily enter the food chain,
1!i ;Ilk :If* f1l'£ fI] it!?, 9l #ii , ffii f! ,(£ il9; ii
16 affecting the pro ductivity of fis hing and
Ji€.tl! ¥U f5 t4l! xt:& � N. if!t.�� (t,J fJ
PJn) 0 l;!;)Jlt��;Jlk V 0

� J3t ffi It' f.l':l lifAtl! ill T r'5 t4l! AJ fitx-tit!?.

F ff:
9'1 #iii{\- i¥ � � f.f :ll:iili r&:A'-.Jfj Ill� o m
... , but principally because they fear the impact
¾:tm*iirl�.Jil.�ffi'.,l'.f.Jffi, viii¾ �t iii J!
17 this situation could have on the whole Medi­
��f.l':l��o l;!;l� viii:if!Jl.l!!Htttto
terranean coastal ecosystem .... that in the long ' �f:.l=Jiilc. n,'.'l',4lH,±rJL(.t-jFJL�
I ...,.,.r.J,c.,�, JC,.)ll J:1 .IIJJl;;r..;.f.}t �F.Jt,0,o
term ...
I i'tc��¾ viii 0

Questions 18 - 23


• Im § flJ�;tfr :

18. Coastal erosion occurred along Egypt's Mediterranean coast before the building of the
Aswan dams.

#*�Jt �-a�M�*��M.�&it!?.i:r•fil�B�lli�7*±•��-o
·- .

1---:iE_-_W:_l_i'iJ_-t_�g�p� Mediterranean__ __
�U!i:Ycfil.'..'f= before the building of the Aswan dams


Questions 24 - 26

• � § �� : Summary

• �F-IWHJr:
( 1 ) ii�-�� F-1 � :::tt , � :It J.!.i!, :i! it Jm F-1 a'� W: 'rn: 1:E::JUfl E V.Q: ;¥1:1 F VJL
(2 ) *
t£ @I >( Ji!f: tJt � � � iW , Jti 1c :jg fro - r ifiJ J$ �1:i �r-:J lfl. °Lf,J o

Pollutants are building up faster building upx•t fit.Summary i:1� ff:! increase.
coast al erosion/ and fa ster . .. "la Maa z a I ah :ffii .'±l .It.� fiif =: :It! r:>H i'I-J i'ril /@7G fJUlUJE iY
increase lagoon, for example, the ia- vi:.ff!, ili:-fiif5fHri1�. (frt:j��).2*1$

crease ia mer cury, lead, cop- F pollutants.

per and zinc ... "

Jj§-:j,..\(.fljin the short termS-:Jx·J-J�ifiJin the

St anley/ in the In the immediate future, Stanley
25 immediate future. Ffrt:JX']-1,J-7'5 �li>]f/fila'-J
short term believe that on s Jution wou ld �TIWJ/ml:k:::;lj ;&J: artificial flood s.
I �_ � � ��
be to make ar t1f1cial floods... j
-- - - - -- ----- --

tffiJ in the Ion g term - i:lfJ, {& '@� t:A'. "ii]"


in the longer t:Jt.UJJdesalination,milli{iJHj'.r,Jhave to be

26 ...that in the long term an altema-
term used to increase the amount of water
tive process such as desalination...
available. l!:)Jllii[lljj*�J.2�¾ B.

A ��M=M�t:E���fil����±:lth���A��Jt����. :(£�®��. �
H fi tilt� Jt � :Q5 ¥1J 1 0 0 $ jj: � El3 :lth � #iH-¥ iJiUql ,ffi!Jt!\! (.-1'� if\- ff :I:�� f!I. ¥1J El3 � � M
0 I *
¥1J = Mm1�±:1Jllrt1i1-1c:, . a·Nli·1R!f12t� T&�.
B �F-IM��. AITT-�1:Effi-�&�$�-����*�· ������T = M
�±:lth���. ��-*�A��ffi��*•���Kr�-��rn�ltT. tr•��

mi , Je/� roJ "i'iJ l,'.) � 13:l :Lt!!, ii i;/J , Ws ;IW � I: �-1·1 it:gJ5 l7'l llm :Lt!!, rK 13':J * in: VE rt , Vidf@J JE. %iifiJ -=:. JFI �·Ii
:Lt!!, rK :i:!#iJ!r i'.£-1[ :t1�J T 1000 1f., ltt��:i:K 1- 22 ,ooo $-'P: JJ 0 fil.13':J ±-tlHl�l: T -

�x-����mVE • • 1f.139m7l<��-��JE.�R = ff!�:lt!!,rK**��•ffWff�m

VE ' t+ 1cJJB Jl:Hlli � 7Jdqi ,ijllj �a'�± m :i:K :fl- * ' � ir j! 1- ±ili rK¾ ±� N. ffl tt F. 1rii ?,16 En :iili

[K, �1'•-�reM. ffl¾, �T20��. ArnB�T�ME*�*•m���*fi

••. #��3f�:i:!-tAa*�&�m�:lt!!,rK��m*���- aw��. *�ftmVE
j!f Wi Jl:. r-j: (l':J =1:: 'f.r ff :B- ff�:/'£ !yHfJ tf� , N a s s er i,VJ(f.J J:. Vii- i:bHJHs
1 *, im r� ff llHW A JE. � i11 f -=:.
#J i!>H •
C �im, �a•*· ffli'.R.fil�1':i:K��-- M�M�*�iiffi��m���frir*tE�
�3f�M1398000fil�--��a1'•:iili���ii�l39R*���. VE&�ttr1'
Wr�JJn. Smithsonian !¥1�13':J Daniel Jean Stan.fey rr���fiJ, Mii.iJ1l<.mA- :f$Ji1HM1t13f �inJ
� i:j:t*� 139 11<. :W � im , JE. � iiiJ f.iHW 139 VE i'1' * :!I ff lit� $ -=f 8s og Im 1' $ *§ � -=f � � l'ltr
, �

�-��. Stanley tE ((�f.:Ullilm�)) �;r,;.J:J�: "t�,liBl�ff®t.:·tw,, �i¼T 50 ¥1J 60 JffiliJf�

�ffiff:lt!!,��j!-•*•�. ill�ff*filmVEmA-ffi�:iilirK,ffl�A��ffmVE��
� ii A:iili i:j:t � * 1+ 1t � � tit; , :i:K )ji",X ill. AA j! ® w� VE � ;E tJP- :Jfl {± T =- ff! mi jtp, rK O "

D J,J.filt£3f�ittii, fE.pfiir7J<*�lHHllislA-lx:izs 1,000 0fils�h1/lif!Ulh!, Rff-1H1-Ji53-

:ii!li1 -= itl itH:iilirK �friiii][miCA�i$. s tan Iey fOH:till., � ::0iii�ai1i i:j:t �frir1.k:& 1' iii;IJ
139�ii•m•. ffi�1'�WsmVE&. VE&�mm��••l39��. �����-��w
![' ��·;fp(PJ7_k -�lJHil1A = f(,J i71'1>'1'f&µft ilf.13':J l2!l r&11<. f.!;_, Wl i:j:t rfr l,'.J, J:. 9- ff 1� ,1�
O *�
13'!! - $ 53- iJE tY :i!IJ izs � w tit; , t Hi:: tHili 9:i i'ii i4'� t'iE i P ijlJ � �':J ± t,tL

E =-ffi�-'F-m�����-:iilirK139���*FffM���N.WmT*$�-�- ffl�
•VE3f��•aw!I!���mm�MM, mVE$B�*ff*fil*@3f�:i:!1-AO&�
4000 75:lmrn139IJHIJ�J�120r-1m. Stanley lfl: "f5�tm�J1n(f.Jifillt�*iM:R. � f1'iF1i��
�9l*!¥f:8 Frederic Siegel trHJ& r=I c., x�· fE.� (nJ = fel t}H±tl!. rK � rNI mffl��i}�:it ' x�· s tanley �
i£�*�1h [j5]. ft!!. iR.: "l,'.) Manzalah fl.J i/ill� fJJJ, lllli�lliiJMff rllij:l:IJl139Jli9:, Mt{fr � :;/J � uE f-H
�*lli��I���M. �i:j:t*, ffl.ffi��l39*m&�$T.n MmM�. *��Jtm
* �� J:.-. ft • 1E ffl * tJ :l?!.\ *1t �t':J � i;/J ,Jt F ti. � !ff\-;fO �t {ii!. I Jl'. r1i¥- F ti. 139 ffl -tl1 * 1pi Jt � }JI I • :iX ®
ffffi�mm••-�*A�-�-$. Mim-�A����i'.81"•. �-1-� ■ -¾fil
ffi�re(H�•)tEl7'li39��-�•��-�-i:j:tM•�ill�ti.*, tt&�±ti!.OCl39ti.�
-'I'- f�j '* im ,x,J- i'f!i � F ti. F- :m 139 ll'i ll(ri]

F =Wi s i e g e I ill. , 00 [w; :&F f�HlHJt 3f ka 1:1 l',;'dHt: :i:K - }ili rK , - fill 53- m � ¾ !:El ::0 11 ti IA] tm
�fE.�friJ = fti�f5���-. ffl��m��¾�ITTffi���ffii'.R.���fl@1-�$i'li

¥fr w 1¥1 !:E � � ;Jf. • iif :I! xt-=f ik 1- !'AJ fffi # i!li: 1-f mi lti 1¥1 fl!¥ 1R: JJ � • S ta n I e y i,k_ ::kJ , t£ ::f ill; l¥J ¥-f
* , it JlLA. I� 71< , � })J! � :J:y.t i¥iJ El f!.{ � 7Jdlf5 � ill1 .!ill]� feJ i,H 1¥17]( i!! iif fjg � ¾ - l1p � <R jj
•. m¾. �xm. M*ili;��*•· iif�•�*•��i¥.J��<�•*M�l*��iif
ffl 71< 1¥1 WI ii . s tan I e y UL " :J:ltik1/.J , � & �, �Yi i!Ht 1-B - l1P 1r � , ft 9! $ ft:l 11< ii J... JE � i'iiJ ,
���ffi��oc.- �ik�-1-AQili��*l¥18R�g, -��-�1¥1-1-£-�W
� f(.]4'J. 0

a cluster of battlefield IZ. �:l:b)

processor extract v. t!Ht, :Jl:11Jf){

spot live up to -1:5 ... "·ffl1ff
camouflage v, f:il.1�

boost V. iJV!' JJlliJ!u filter V. li�

prospect n. 1Jlf)f( categorise V. ¥f ...... :5:t�

differentiate V. IK�lj classic ad). !Jl!.�a':J' !2-!fll.a':J
exacerbate V. �ft emerge V. 7FMltl:!�

lipread elusive adj. il(tl.'.J.�.@ag, �ll!

encapsulate irnpressive ad). � A f,ij(l!J(.ag

► {l: 'i ,J 'lit tJr

l. After years in the wilderness, the term "aritificial intelligence"(AI) seems poised to make
a comeback.
-���:a��-·��. "AIWn" ���ff-��••*WN�.
liL \/i.: in the wilderness lffiJ,IHH!iiffci'E'�a!l!ta':L � � iffc(f:J, ��Jl!:Jikfli A I Wfruii�
T �& -� - ®: at fl3] lt9 � 'ft. •
(1) �;i' Ji}](
stage a comeback *LlJW�
Jazz music is making a comeback. fi±>f.-X:ffi:i!riifEfij{Q* T.
(2) fJLW!t9@l�, Brn�
He could find no suitable comeback to the remark.

2. That said, different groups of researchers attacked different problems, from speech recog­
nition to chess playing, in defferent ways: AI unified the field in name only.
ffl�tl11±l!t9:Jik, fl:���liJf�1J,mf{Jl(.lR:��lt91iJJ�.
��i:fX, t�Jitl�JL, §ffiYd*
•m���-•-�oo. AIWfruR£a�*����ffl��-T�*-

1) 3c-=f say f.t-J-®fflft

( l) having said that, used to say that, something is true in spite of what you have just said:
The diet can make you slim without exercise. Having said that, however, exercise is
important too.
11�AJL'.J i1.11J-::f-W�-l11{N � � o fg¾iRJIIJjz.JL, ®�� �-lt!.11!:i:JL
(2) say to oneself ,(,, i:p f!tf ;W, }�, N
I kept saying to myself that this wasn' t really happening.
:m-:1. tE �-jz. ::r-¾� f.t-J 0

(3) to saidFomt.:iiM'llJ o �7V: !Jff-=f, Jli",A:······ffiHt

The boy can play the piano quite well, to said that he is only ten.
Jli",t + � ft-=f im 1§ , fll?:WJ � Wt m. ::f- t1L
2) attack :(£:i!JIUl'!I:'@':,\!'!,¾ ".::P-�+ }1tt!�$"
How would you attack the unemployment problems?
ffi; i� �ll 1RJ �-:f ffllt-tJc � � fii] � PJE ?

3. By the late 1980s, the term Al was being avoided by many researchers, who opted instead
to align themselves with specific sub-disciplines such as neural networks, agent technology,
case-based reasoning, and so on.
*�$�:�72o�reso�ft�M, W$ffl�AMffM��fflAIW����o jz.®ffl
�AMttim•@�M$F.t-J¾-®A���•MF.t-Jffl�. ����-. -���tt*��

1) opt
(1) opt for f�t±l��
opt for a candidate �� fW.:�A
He has opted to be on the side of the poor.
f&��trli:(£� A�:i1L
(2) opt out of tlc'.ii::if!tl:l I tlc'.ii::::f-�:tm
opt out of politics tlc'.ii::�1:1:l ��
2) align
align with�-·· ···!!M
align with friendly nations against common enemy

■ §, AI•n�--�LlM __ �aA.
A. �MBff(BB:ffl
B. f{r(t-.1 iUi �fl:i:\:
c. til!i#JM:\-0EJ�iT �
D. ffi� {:It :$'rJ5t l£i
40 prospect F J3t:
Another factor that may boost the prospects for AI in the near future
is that investors are now looking for firms using clever technology,
rather than just a clever business model, to differentiate themselves.
C3·��M�.h:�#�-ffl�. A �8-������ffi�ffl
�. �h:�-ffl�. �B3·���#�:{af-·�•
JEfiffJ�8: D

��tt �¾�ffA4�ft�ff��•.
�"�M•. -���. �-�A������-.

A tE��-$��- "AI.ft" �1-�ff-tE�••*WN�. AI-�;(:E.2o�e

so $ft��'ititfi, fll.¥1J T 20 ti!Jc 90 $fti;fl9UrM�,r1I�T. llifi• «AI•fru>l �$*-=f
ffL � JH� a':J it� a':JJ: ll!R: , � 1- tfr] X :iJtlr @ ¥1J 0 � a':J � tR � i:p • .¥. ��$ it!� s I � T 0 *
�-=fAI-�a':Jffl�.fll.�1-�ili¾tEtt WmG•N�-�ffl. ffl�Am. fi�T�A
.!T-! fllEW! A 1A f! ffl � 1-tfrJ a':ll3·H�7GN1Wff l®l i.@.� �1*, -1117GN JJ� s I%. * -=f � 1-�, -111
7GKA¾*����-�- �tE. �1-*m�•-½R�$ffl-�®��i:r. ffi�®�
£�¾���*AI•mm�Am*��tt*- �M. �1-��-ffiiliff�HB, ffiK
fi80ffiill�--��ffl�.f1l.¾��AB�H�N��ffl�1-��. �-�ArnMM
�7GN�AI9ftW�¾ff�B@. ��--�ffl��ft��-
B -�ii. filffl Marvin Minsky, John McCarthy, Herbert Simon li:J Alan Newell tE
�®ffl�AlAtE-�*�J:��T "AI•m" �-�rn. #H�T�-ffl�--- �
A&ffl�A1A�*��T�-G-a':JG�A•. �1-ffl�G•&•T��A1-.�ffi*
®G•. �I*ffl�. ���- �-�tt•m��. ffiAI-�-00��1-ffl�G-�


T-1'-!Qit sl}-rrax�� m l;/;J Mia'-J�*. j!®ltJf�ta'-J;ttlf-il f=l �1?t�1JtoomtJL�*�=tU!ix-N

� A� (:8R f.J • iJHIJ j! , WN � ffi :±HI':!¾ , :;r- W-iJ a'-JIiJOVM.ll f:ffT- � a'g n it� fOlr- � :;r-1� f(,J 1':iJ JmI ,

�ffiMili•m���-��$}JW, AIWRR&iE�*�ffl�-1-ffl�m-T�*·fil
� 1'-iifJtill sl 2-t T0�a'-J:;Jc���-.
C :;Jc$ �ltJf JlA ff.I :tilHA;kJ 19 8 5 if-.¾AIWRf.t'g }fH �I� rt-JM. EL� ;M i7 itl�±'f:f ��*a'-J.
�tt•msA���n�•�:;r-B�0�, �AIWn�•m��Ma. $if-*, AI
WRa'-JltJf�Aff.l-1i�5Fn\t�:i[;(:EMR. 1967 if-., Marvin Minsky �•UL •:trAIWfiE: 1

��•tt�aa-f-1::Aa'-J��mafflm�M�. �"�•ffl��mffm��#�•%
ru�•a•m*•· m•�j!-W�n\tT-���•. ��•n.:h�tt•m��•m
� A• i� n l'AJ tt!: • � • � X 1:1:\ � T 5fil f.!� & � (1'-J wit fn w.; 1K �P.J
O * * (:(.]
ltJf � ff.I D a V i d
Leake m: "20 tt!:�c. 80 if-. f-1::Ji!Wl a'-J A 111 £-ctr *�Ji! T. J!tJE A 111 �iRiiJ � ® l'AJ f&Hf::;r-fff
fftlr-�. �¾-¼¼�1:1:\. �T20tt!:�80if-.f\::RM, W$1tJf�Aff.\UM��fflAIWR
j!,tW, Mrra8@2M*�¾-®A���·;M �JtJf�. �����- -n��tt*�
D aA��-�a'-J¾, ;(£�®)JOO, AIWR&mifi\t;kJ@2��a'-J�-�. -�M�
T-1-��ttt����-. �•�T-1-��xAa���m-•�m. Arnm:;r-�ffl
JJ.t�J�Jr A I t'R. IE:!w Leake t:W:±ffrill.: "�fi=fflftg�:ii:::;r-¾AI f./i'fiE:." �;fa:p::FLWr#J:?,1ij
ltJf�§�M�n\ta'-JJE*���AIWR�ltJf�n\tT-#���a'-JltJf�. ����-��
ili•ffl$if-.���. ltJf�Aff.lnamAIWR.& "g:i[�n\t-a'-Jf\::�W. �J!tlf-il�. ffl
AI•n•�m��W$tt#. �m•m�.ffi�����-�M��. B:;r--N��;kJ
&AIWR, �rra� = �tt*l�--A��-rAIWR!tJf�ffl-�.
E ffl Leake tf ±m, �;(£j!:fip�� �R�:JfMrl:R�T. ½ffi!.�:gf 1¥] HNC �flj:f�¥1J T�
�a�m�1¥J�M. �-�#!¥JM�AMR;kJ�rn��AIWft�-;j�£��:;kJ��
���-��- •An•l¥ln�. HNc •. �fij!-�3o,t�na�»l¥l�•��a�
¼����-a'-J$M•M•�l¥J���--�-�-ffl%. j!®ff§�*fi£A��­
¥1J, ill it)l:m®:T-¥1J a'-J. Leake tw ±m: ":Jcit{tiil 1¥Jtt*R :aiZs ¥1J fi!?.fflJ5Jr11HefFi¥J7k <i,
HNC srii teJ § c!.IT ft ffl AIwntt**:!lhfkR;-1'-&Yi-:rf.,l[!J.a'-J*li O"

F ;(£:;r-�a'-Jffl*, ili�ft���*-1-�Aiflft��E�-�g!l'g�-. ;kJT�&

e�l¥l1'-tt, �•�:;r--N•���*-:f41M�l¥J•�•�· �rra�*��mwntt#a'-J
0����. it�•#���••a'-J•*��TfflA&e�m. �-��1¥1��•�•
ffitt#;(£fflAM����}Jffi�::k��;kJ, rra����-£AIWn••�!l'g-���
m. j!���•E$1¥JAIWR0����rra�.

G *2'.rJl'.iM')) iriF-t!.1��, ±�rJiij£T-,tn4 HAL 9000 (l':Jt'tjgitif
1969 if.-f.fjl,i5:3/.:, ((200 I
m��-. HAL �T�ffl�ffi�ill*m�*· ����ffl��mM�-A�.@��*

J:!Jlffl.t-it�. !NJl:t HAL �i:pf*IR T 20 tt!:tc 60 :fJ:.1-UJ':J;f;5lJ,ll•��, iA:;1.:,¥1J T 200 l #'-, �ti�it
�Lj;JL �� f�-¥1J I iz G: ffl m 200 1 if. E, m 7'J ct
O 1:-J AL 11� ¥t iri � n� H )'HJl flH'!.U� ff ff � l±l �
irina. •�iri�m���-�-•m•. m¾mMm�-�*fmav����•�.
� i F , � HAL z ,m 1ti tt t� e.1:1£ r-¥-1- :r- �m ¼ .m: JN- • ,A I 11 rr� r.iJ i:1 �t fll EJ c a'� 11=: :1/.J f¥f. ¥11 0 JE iri

if ;Ji1J , im 5f;� �- 1- 3 0 � #'- riu �r,J M t.'J f.t!. 13 �= �l':l A It' flli:f!L 7iff ill fi bt !f�. Leake fijkt tM ff,
* � � ·i5l : "A WJ f *�� i..R ¥tl A It' 1i� � gJt ¾ � l.'.J fq';[ l±l iLf $ :±1 13 iri I it: (:J'�. "

Ait'fi�(Artificial lntelligence)�flt-l±!,�,ft:}JLHt'li6, *>Cifi,;15:3/.:, AI, ¾tffi'EEAI

1111] jJ! I±\ * 8':J � gjt J,r � � l±l * rf.J 9ii�' ,m 0 'E ¾ -· n � % T i+'JHJL fl· q-': ' !i: ml�: ' ti � iri X )(
�w. �-*m��•G:mf-nm��tt�m. �at&�fflf��M�mi�m�&�
¾ �i EiUlHvi hi

An epic drama of
adventure and exploral·ion



The map shows two proposed locations for a new supermarket for
the town of Garlsdon.

The first potential location (S1) is outside the town itself, and is
sited just off the main road to the town of Hindon, lying 12 kms to the
north-west. This site is in the countryside and so would be able to ac­
commodate a lot of car parking. This would make it accessible to shop­
pers from both Hindon and Garlsdon who could travel by car. As it is
also close to the railway line linking the two towns to Cransdon (25 km
to the south-east), a potentially large number of shoppers would also be
able to travel by train.

In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is right in the town centre,

which would be good for local residents. Theoretically the store could
be accessed by road or rail from the surrounding towns, including
Bransdon, but as the central area is a no-traffic zone, cars would be
unable to park and access would be difficult.

Overall, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for cus-
tomers in Cransdon, Hindon and Garlsdon, the out-of-town site (51) would
probably offer more advantages.

► fflfl w
;$:tili 1¥1.lm. if- 7 Gari sdon iilt JlFf 1r.ib' rrn (:(.Jjl;lg 1-{��tili,r�.

f@f�Jtl!,�- (SI) 1:Eicl'l>'I', _iE�-=fillit:i:fili;lt:15JtJ 12 �!IBNf.J Hindon 4:1tl'.8i��J:. !ili

J�-;(f;&t,J-, ffrCJ AJC),-ft!ili:JJf:!l;::k:!i!:�i'\$�$. i!f-f.:xt11= Jf-,J.J.. Hindon ;flJ Garlsdon *�
$f,;J4P.J�r�i!:t-��·t:Jj"1£. EElrtiliR.:-(Sl)�i?€tf€ Hindon, Garsldon liJ*W-J 25 iHl�(0
Crans don �t!kM&lU�ill:, AJf,jg�-ft::k!tl)!rJ!½J:\!f*� :k$ Rfi *•
mi f� � :It£ R.:=(S 2) !)!11{:u: ritt i:p ,C..,, x 1*i1{ff} �*ill,��
1t�ff ;f.l/. l�hLI:: iJi, tg M *
Brans don .1f 17'l � ml Ii f!iJ:.(t�J... {1lt[\AJC)ifiu 0 -��MM *li!ZJ!!m, ili.lE! 7-.Jffii:p blK7-.J
m�:$.Mfioc, �$��1f�m�$, IE!�ffl**�I.
,g,z, � Wi 1- filig tj\:,r-- )EfG�m: � fffr-fl � �-, ilixt-=f Crans don, Hind on tlJ
Garlsdon tMt'�f.§-�*W., f�jz\;filiJ/K-riJ�:!ff�J!$.

*®l7-.J7FEOO (diagram), �;Jt�tt.rdi�f]ij1-riJ1IB�M!rn!iliR.:�=tl. "M"®:it.R��lWi

!)!�Jc� (paraphrase) r@"i§,

M=®:�M = ®:4�4��1-M�iiliR.:��-- ������illfi�ft. ��m:�

��mr'J&it$1E!�, ilitE*OOi:p, 00ffe!J:gfl4'E1ffi:&#, �i:p,L.,, (ffl�J:$!KL ��-
0M •. ffr�4��-���±�M�ifi:Jj"Willfi.
f� jz\; !ili R.: -3 ill: i'Jd¾HIJ 0 M , X Ill tE :& ti· ff f,J $"-� 1! f1L mi f� jzl; iili R.: JillJ W: r � �P
b, ��*•J...lilZJ!lmffl:Jj"�, fflEElrW:rfft�:$.-fiff, ��-J:.�A*���.



Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others
believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

-®A��$�a�M���•ffl�. �-®A��--����ili���•��
�AAITT��. M������#ffllli�8��•�.
-Fffil�ftW#ti%/lfil, �Mi't; ( di scu SS) Im:� .s; f'l=IH·�11-5ttfr ilijfil,�,�� El (:f';J� 133 '
✓ 0

#mwe��•�- e��-��w•�ilij#�A���-#, &�W£ilij#�A�fi�.

Competitiveness among humans, based largely on selfishness, seems

to be a more instinctive trait than co-operation, which seems to be mostly
learned behaviour. Although both of these traits have evolved to ensure
our survival as a species, I believe that our continued survival will de­
pend on our ability to co-operate and this will only result from fostering
a greater sense of co-operation in children rather than encouraging
competitiveness. No form of behaviour can be _more useful to humanity
than that which ensures our survival.

Prehistoric humans competed for resources such as access to wild

animals and this resulted in fighting and killing other humans. This en­
sured the survival of the fittest in the struggle against the threats of
nature. Although intelligence played a part in fighting, physical strength
was the predominant factor, reflecting our need to overcome physical
challenges to our survival. Today, however, we humans use intelligence
to overcome our thallen·ges and ensure our survival but warfare and the
killing of other humans continues. With the destructive power of nuclear

warfare, our whole species is threatened and it is imperative that we
learn to co-operate more with each other and elimi11ate war. Towa.rds
this aim, selfishness and unbridled competition must be discouraged in
children because the inevitable result will be war over dwindling natural

Of course, not all competition is negative. Fair competition in busi­

ness results in greater efficiency; intellectual competition ensures the
best intellectual output from humans; and sports, especially team sports,
are a useful substitute for war between groups of humans. However, in
reality, all humanity is now interdependent and, for the benefit of all, it
is vital that we accentuate sharing and co-operation.

���m���fi�(fJ½�ffl�. &*•���U&��(fJA�A��(fj�•m•
��A(fJ-�*R. MM���ff♦6£�7-fflA•��-�(fJ�#, fi*M��ft
ITT(fJ�¼-�#�--=f��R�. �-��-4. W���-�(fJ��ffl�. ffi�¾&
@ff♦ tt. �-=fA�*�· ��tt�n��--§�#(f]fi���ffl(f]T.
��A���-�-♦&mff���•--. ffi�♦���tt��-��A. �­
fi��*Ta��M�4♦*(fJ�-�#. MMa�-��*9 ■ ��7-��ffl. ill
���¾�� tt�•. &•TaITT�H��-=f�#(fJ@M-�(fJ•* Mffi. �aarn ■

A��m••*�Uffi�(fjm��-§�#. @¾�♦�A�A��(fj�•*M•··
•�•�mm-w, arn�A�-��•�. arnmw•4•�•�½�. m��•- �
T���-§(f], �Mffl�-�(f]@Ufi��-��-(f]ff♦, ���-���-��
3&xf-=f 13 .t;a_�y(fj § f'titiimt(f]�•-
��. �¾ffi�(fJ�♦6¾�·(fj· ·�-�(fJ0��•**��(fj�·! -�­
·��-§A�-�(fj·�•W1 ffi�-. ��¾ffi��§. £A���·(fj�ffl-ft
�. m¾•��. M�A6¾fflli*�(fJ. ���Tffi�A��tt. arn��ffi-�*
;j'(:J� f1:: 0

Discuss �(f]JC�, :if�i:iTl:.J� agree or disagree JJ�f-¥.RmW § c.1¥-r�.,#,, nnfl&�lit1c

������- *X4��-�T�-�.


-®���JbtEX•:1t*mHA'i-@�i!: With the development of scien ce and

technology, some people think that. .. while others believe that... I believe there are advantages

and disadvantages for both of the arguments.j�J+�.lfil.f!'t·X•i:t-=ffJLt�L rm*XITTl)RdEJt
•=�ffi*��tt�Jt♦�A�* tt. �t �arnw�ffi�i:t*�Jt♦. �&��


)(-��;(:E�����R��♦ �ff��£��. W�-lliftITT$�ftff•���-


am-$�. �W�*ffi��*����*ID, �fflh*�ffml�. ������- �
fa] . :bill l� � � in'.1 �--�- 0 � w tf. f * � Ii�� �u� �: 31 .
J..:f-1=. ii m !&Jl=fll!.t!V'dlil@IJR J �ii !1:i]

Do you prefer relaxing at humc or going out in thL' evening? [Why"1J
I prefer going out to staying at home in the evening. At home you can only watch TV or surf the
Internet, while outside there are a lot more activities. If you go out, you can get some fresh air
and meet people, which is exciting. And there are always new experiences and surprises.

When you go out for an evening. what do you like to do?

In the evening, I often go shopping. And it is particularly suitable at summer times, when it is
hot during the clay. After dinner, I will go to department stores or the supermarket with my
friends. It is extremely relaxing and enjoyable. I can buy things I like, walk on the street, and
enjoy the beautiful night scene of the city. When I am a little tired, I would buy some drink and
chat with my friends for a while.

How popular is this with other people in your country?

It is very popular in China to go shopping in the evening. People often go out with their family
or friends. It is a good way to relax and have fun. And you can exercise instead of staying at
home. More importantly, people have a chance to talk to each other and exchange feelings.

Is there any kind or entertainment you do not like ? [Why/Why nol?J
I don't like going to discos, though it is very popular among young people. Maybe it is a good
way to ease the pressure from work, but I prefer a milder way to relax. Discos are noisy and
people there are often unreliable, and you may as well get yourself drunk. It is bad for your


Describe one of your friends.

You should say:
how you met
how have known each other
how you spend time together
and explain why you like this person.

I met my best friend Jane when I was in junior high school. We were classmates but we didn't
know much about each other at first. One day I got very low marks in the exam and felt ex­
tremely upset. But Jane appeared with a big smile on her face. She didn't talk much but let me
listen to a song, Rainbow, by Jeff Chang. She said there would be a beautiful rainbow in the sky
after heavy rain, and that I should not lose confidence. I was very grateful and we became

So far we have known each other for nearly ten years. Now we are still in the same university.

We often go out shopping after exams and have dinner together at birthdays. And when I
encounter big problems I would find her and ask for advice. She is always there when I am in
· trouble, and I am always wiUing to help her no matter what happens.

I do really like her because she is so nice and agreeable to be with. She is a good listener.
I can always talk about my emotions without feeling the smallest pressure or uneasiness in
front of her. And she is very understanding and can give me sensible advice. She is very
important to me.



Qualities or friends
What do you think are the most important qualities for friends to have·1
Good friends listen to each other. They try to understand your feelings and moods and help you
solve problems. Good friends are dependable and trustworthy. They don' t betray, put you
down or hurt you.r feelings. Good friends respect each other: They are not possessive and give
you room to change. And Good friends speak the truth. They give you compliments when you
succeed and also disagree when you are doing wrong.

Which are most important to people, their family or their friends'> Why'1
Both family and friends are important, but they play different roles in people' s Ii ves. On the
one hand, people grow up and get primary education from their family. Family provide them
with the very basic things that they need - food, clothes and shelter. On the other hand,
friends may understand each other better than family. They spend more time together and
exchange ideas more often.

What do you think causes friendships to break up?

Friends often break up for two reasons. First, they lose trust in each other. Trust is exactly where
friendship is based. If friends don' t act in the interest of each other or even turn against each
other, they can no longer be friends. Second, they interfere too much with each other' s life.
Friends can be intimate, but they should never be possessive and dominant. If they don't respect
each other's privacy or allow others to make their own decisions, they will lose their friends.

Other relationships
What other types of relationship, apart from friends or family, are important in people's lives
Apart from friends or family, colleagues and other people related to your work are also important.
It is because nowadays people do not always stay at home or spend time with their friends.
They work outside and have to deal with their colleagues, bosses, customers, suppliers and
other businesspeople. It is very important to form sound relationships with these people because

it can greatly help with your career.

Have relationships wilh neighbours where you live changed in recenL years ? 1-tow?
The relationships with neighbours in my city have changed in recent years. In the past, people
lived in the same courtyard. They often went out after dinner and talked about everything they
were interested i.n. And they would ask their neighbours for help if they needed anything.
However, nowadays most people live in the flat or villas. They can hardly meet each other.
Every day, people are busy with their own Jives and they don't pay attention to what is
happening to their neighbours. Therefore, the relationships with neighbours become weaker
and weaker.

How important do you think it is for a person Lo spend some Lime alone'? Why/Why not?
It is very important for a person to spend some t;me alone. When you are with people, you are
influenced by them and cannot behave like your true self. By and by you will get tired and lose
your direction. So, a person needs to spend some time alone. Read some books, drink some
coffee, or go into the woods, you will be refreshed and able to set clear goal for your life.

Test 4



� � : ,i.�} .t.Ji. ?Z
��#i ��: "fr:!: A#- ft.�
tm � , � n1 11-JA ;t i{;J Ei • ifi"

mm��. •��M�tt$�@. ttrn���•ttft��. ���ffl1i�. •oo��­

� :i: fl\f� :ilr, f.!1 !i.'i] � £ 11 ffi tJt J:l:l �j ifri Jl il 91' -!:5 A f] x &TC� :l L � 0,' ; ·l:!1 � t.:) �ti rn Jl 1- El

* *-�
71' !El mi Jr-J ff:il **
m 1% , �t �¾1* 1fX -N! n , 1=iHJ, � 1¥; j( rt* 31 ,L,, r� , rm EL "iiJ i.:i ¥1J *
71' !El r.Jx1ttr.L�tf�1i :i:\'.:, !'iii �¾:k * ttft -Jlil':t tis 9� �/Ii�� B-l!i:.1J,��; � �l� WI if i:iJ
t.:)fi*Jm$r.J Jenny -��-�±tl!.'.�Hi*/tt, ffl-ix-�nt*t:HilJn-, f_§_"iiJl,:)�Aflj native
speaker r.J �U,-s $ • 72 ft fr :z. ±tl!.1:i , * t:iH[ :s.x: H � J: filF(sf - l!i:. q:i 1r t!UZJ 'i:iJ t.:J. iJ J1JJ ii
ITT��- lli00£M:k*�AJ���1-ffi*��ffl�ffi*W�, ��£��r-_i��±tl!.���
;J;f,i:Jl::(sf f:ifr T ffi�. lli ffil £J¥§-:k* ·li! � L'.)flj *t3H�Vrfi RJffi*Ji�"?:f Aecom modation Officer '.§11'11
t0'ki1.f ,�- 0

fix sb. up with 7ii :ltt A W1Mlt!lm permit

host family *m�JE occupation

address n. advanced

extension n. �W] .inte1mediate

particular requirement *j}l]�;jt en suite :giai ( �ncu-£� .1!1:iaJ )
·-- ..... ·····-- ..... ... .

vegetarian n. 素食主义者 move in ffiilt*

facility n. i!it,'ir approximately adv. *�"J

homestay n. (:j':E 00>'r1¥Jitf�if)tE � itJ.l studio apartment n. -,@£tr.)0;ijj;

,@��,@fi library n. 图书馆

post code 邮政编码 den 11. ( fl'· iii l¥J ) fL, £ ( f'I= � :J:J !
general English 普通英语 ;/J,0 ffl), =p:;*
academic English �* ( =tj-.!It) �itf living room n. 客厅, 起居室

move out 搬出 sitting room n. 起居室

accommodation n. 住处 kitchenette n. 小厨房

deposit n. 定金 bathroo m n. m£, �B\;£

insurance n. 保险,保险单 gas heater ��7.l¥.JKj7.
cash n. 现金 v. 兑现 fridge n. 冰箱

cheque (check) n. j:� stove /1. :IP

double bedroom 双人间 stereo system n. 立体音响系统

twin room 标准间 phone connection ( it!.�) it!.iti!:�J::.WI

single bedroom 单人间 entrance hall n. fl fii ( ill: fl ((.} 11 /f )

1. P146. "I understand you help fix up students with host families." ��ilt-ft-1n- iif I;/,� WJ � i � ,\11
*ffL fix sb./sth. up with tt.J11�Al�418�1��l't}'Jr�J-99Jt-W. ��ffeJfiJJlll "Can you fix
me up with a bed for the night?" 4ilt.-ft-fl�fN��*.lt!ljgP.Jb?
2. Pl46. "I' m planning on staying a year but at the moment I' m definitely here for four months only. I
have to get an extension to my permit." � it�tl #-if-, 11!�,a:� .R fi�.f1Ut.:a::l! 1' .i{!r.jj # 4 ,t
fl. �:iHftljlif�iiEll!.�. plan on doing sthA�it�tl��.f. �1tli,f§tl�Jlll "She is plan ning
on going to Geneva." :fi&.iEi-t�Ur¼ 8 r:J If... permit�il!:.JIN/-� visa.
3. P147. Tm really serious about improving my English so I'd prefer to be the only g uest if that's
p o s s ib l e ? " � • � 1R � :!it_ iii � if , r.Jr I;!, � � � #. � .1!� ,t Jfk. 4' 1l - (l;J � ,$ §/: 1. • s e rio u s

about ���Ji.Jr�•f(l;J����.F:iltiA •• �1tli,-/,1Jfi]Jlll "Is she seriou s about giving up her

job?" :fi&.(l;JJHf.llJ(:f-f PJb? r

* sect i on � :;;Jt �� tlHAs l!Jr 3!1] l¥J fi .�, % ;&: - f}HH*

[!fr jJ m -/i' s e ti n Ji!:* t* ijl; �� '

C O A]" 1m � iJ: � 1=. � 15 tfil fil },). Afr i� ji 1¥) A .t � �
hlo :i!�M��. �-t �i:p�lli�:i!�J...���hli¥JM15, ffl�fil��mJ...���

g� 1±1 m 15
m--/i' sectio n iii�:5} �p;l;j /i'$:5}, ���Afrfflfm 13 �*, l,'.).fj!fEtJlWi $:B-1¥Ji©fro
{!1 'ii 0

m I @1¥J;l1£�� flAA!%/iQ, "I 4", �J:l*�ffffl)PJra{Jijs, �i�PJr7b "40" 0 Wi�*l¥J�·

1K §}IJ1£it .;f:IJ!i!i ft[ :g-:ffj' "14,, «� ta ft!1 :g-:ffj ;j-1=] btmi��i�Blfr-® 0

m 3 �3l1EJ.t$x:k, 1N$���lE-=ftt�JffiWdJ,.7b ��, m_��J::� 13 i:p 1¥J "intended

len gth of stay" 1:f.W.>C i:f:i x-JJ� "I' m planning on staying a year", )l)rl,'.).��10: � "a year" 0

m 4 �:f,f®:%1:_�,(:EAfrflj Jenny i�% " good" J5q,t$!J1tffi!.lE'Ef'F7b��. {Jl�l�J::JB

uff-1Dii!ri:f:i� "intermediate " 7f¾:il:?iffl�� 0 "advanced", "intermediate", "lower­
in termediate,, �inJ i[:fi!: �m i:p �� ffl :>IHu'i:i£m�7.J<-iji-1¥) if/] i[ 0

ffi" 6 /mi:f:i:f,f ®�1:_�fE "nearly a vegetarian" �7b��, :i!/i'iiiJ�'d'ti¥Jl'iffllli §I Jenny

.:z i::l , no ll-ill.� ?-{HiffJ, ffi�1Ii� "Shall I say you are? It' s probably easier that way." , rr5
1l Jenny -ill.fEl:l:T, l;/s]Jlt:(:E*fil:10:�15 "vegetaria n" o

m9/m,R�tJIUi/m13i:pa'� "m aximum" -iP], ;Jtt;r-��JbMilJR>Ci:pU';i "60-80" Ji.Jr�

�. Jft���EZ�¾ "100" o

Test 4

1. Pl47.
"Good evening everyone and thank you for coming to the Soccer Club meeting. It's good to see so
many parents and children here tonight, and I know you are looking forward to a great football season.
Now I'd like to take a few minutes to tell you about some changes to the Soccer Club for the coming
-��ij���-�*W�. ft fil��re•tt��. M�reA���t��EijA�ffiR,
2. Pl48.
"Now I'd like to introduce you to the new committee... "
"Firstly, let me welcome Robert Young ... "
"Next we have Gina Costello... "
''Then there' s David West..."
"Also I'd like to introduce you to Jason Dokic... "
���*fflA���tm•�. �*¾M, ���--�-

11 - 1 3 a :1/cr 1�. 1iJ ijt :21@! • � � tt � f:l'-J � , :i! fi11 im .m. � in.I tc t:i: tt. ¾ � 1=. :t£ � • ID. �rr ¥1J (B
ii1Jn..:t-JlffJ>���inJ--t/H;' i:iJfi��-�, IB•}Jl,;j{I�. �n 12 ffir.p(:8 first event tE
x�1='1t1��E1'Jt�iITJm begin the season with a picnic; jffi 13 ffii:j=i(:J':, final t[)(i:j:1(:1',Jx,j-Jti;/.;
last week, jffiffi � i:j=i IY� players receive ¥1] TX r.p tiir£ T presentation of prizes to the players.
Jlt*, ffi�ff���ffi§�*· tt•�-�*�- *ftfflrl�*••· *ffi�¥*:1/cr•

14-17 �:1/cr*t!tijt�� 1=.tE {�Umwr G:f-Hffil�W��*, CJ T H#it ,�,�tl�!il]� ,S\; JJt

0 �

�-MMi:j=i���§Tm�A. �ro��. m��R¾--tff��A. ��14 ■,

"instead of five" J?,;b�Ttt 1t ,!E,. tE 15, l 7 � i:j=i , �t le J:'i.JrtEEl9 13 -=f-ff!P.X: T Ttt f�LcrL 1N
$�1=.'E;fi��, ff!.fffii § �*lU:l:\(B£ "training sessions" a9 El+ 0

I 8-20@1-W,¾�t-t:s-±n�@. JN!i §*Ji�*, :irn:i:1'.A.m� example i:j=i ��EJ9ffl:t(: "to ma nage

meetings " , � Uffi te � �� 7-Ji;/Jii"i] Uui.11. ill*®iX'"hn.liC a1��;Jt�iffi, 1'f ®in] i[�1t!t!fx*,
:tm 19 @!i(:J':I��
"send out newsletters" ;f'IJ 20@(:J':/�� "supervise the team", �1=.�-!X�
nJr te ili�tEtaa.J· faJ r,l;Jic*-nL

4. P149. "But a more ambitious approach, and one which I think have more change of success, would be
to .. ." ,t;Jtp "and one which ... of success·· �¾JJfol1sri¼ . .fim.x..1',pj'-1-ft*lA-iv. �1-.h'<.
�ffi*f-+MA*, �ff�t-�MAT���1-AW*.

!ffi I I ffJ-lt tfi'


m-21 -24�:1/v��@i, }]t)(i:pi,f-j!jijjjiJ¥1L��iitfr, 1cUt- "problems", 1-l}t}-j: "causes",
� �t R � l� t@ Im I� i:p 1!11:J fJ:1! i.ti] .:fr.I 'E WI :(:E mt X i:p (1� li5l x �. ¥k i.f,J tili t@A f* ft.�, filll "i'tf , tm 2 I ®I
9'1(1''.] "dr op" x,JJEl](Jti:j:rj'.j� "falling" I 22 )IBi:p�J� "growing" xtJEJjr(Jti:pa'� "increased" 0

m 2s, 26 m!f. �i'.:i:• 1tm ":lftFo-�•1J1i:0011". HIJ�Tmtt 1� fl-J• ,'±l r�1t-L :l:lli:Fo t11i:tt¥1rn�
�-ffl���¾���-o M09Cl� = ���W�W�, iliaffi�W&�����mi!
A�-�-00. ��. ��i:p�Jt*�ffiJZ:i:p�Jt*M•A��.iliA�fflffili¾�ffi
* ,f li5l � I � !:E $:ff. tJHJIJ.

28 - 30 Mfil5(fuJJr�::k, �!:t$:1ctlt@�{f*iJ'.it Karin, Ja son ;fr.I the tutor :N Box �f�· �
� a':l�ra:, a�ll!.�-��rmm i:1=1 (EJ�Jmillfi ttJ•L
* *
r�Fo1-l}�� lt i:1=1 :11H-t:Q!; ,'±1 �•. 28, 30
Mfil tx: 7'1 � � , 2 9 Mfil J a s o n W ¥0 ::k $ � li:iJ Mfil , ffi � !:t ffl' 1& =f tt , � !:t � � =!JK tt
"investment" :fll "boost" � I.

Test 4

31. B. listen to descriptions of library re­ a series of talks which focus on different aspects
sources of the library and its resources

32. A. internet materials can be unreliable It .is from highly debatable sources - so be
33. A. they are a cheap source of infonnation It means we can offer you at very little extra

34. C. the stock of printed articles is to be The intention is to phase them out eventually.

35. A. they can be taken away from the Some of you may prefer to borrow a b ook rathe r
library than sit in the library.

36. B. to provide orientation to the library I just oversee your induction and will not be
facilities around after this initial week.

�� section �i\!ffl(t-Jj:�f1iHl1' Wll o

:t!ll*t£11Jr jJ M 1 $:B-1:1:P�, ��ii 'itr/f�l!Jr 1:11
-�--7��-��&, �*tEM3. 4 $:B-W�. ��-�����¾-#Mi:p�4.
-§��fil.(t-JBMo ��. �-tEfi•����lfl��m•���-���o
����� � �� � 1AJ m�• m
DL�.1:B-�flL ��-J.J.:::.�#Ll±Ji:p�Wil:6Uftttz..'lt:9J- o j!�Di §�J\::m)ffi
3 7 -40
ff�¾ff#M(t-Jffltt�ff-&, ��Mffi�*•tE�tEfi¾ff��lliffi§i:p(t-J*•�.
�mtE¾ffi:p•oo•���o ��ffl§�*-�4��:
37. computer programs
38. bibliography
39. dr aft
40. language

3 7 • 40 �Urt ?6 Ji, , -&�CJ.ii� 1t iR f1J Wr tl:L� o 3 8 • 3 9 ffi lHH� ¥1J � � i:f:i * ft iiiJ tE mi:

J¥lm:±ijilf.J _ m_tr
�-� ______
As the 1992 United Nations Conference on Envi- J
I ronment and Development recognized, these re­ /)f{JtA'ifll711st�i�51'J(t,J�: ""iB!n:(:E
I gions are fragile (i.e. highly vulnerable to abnor- 1�2�a½oo����•*��•w1Y-J
mal pressures) not just in terms of their ecology, JJI�, j!�!K:Jl���t!lfitiJfj(:t,J (l:In:(:EJi:'/t
but also in terms of the culture of their inhabitants. FEJ.Jr:Jl.ffl.Jt���,(t;j) • " w;21]: i•

Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural {111�{;.lt�(t,J El Af{Jxl.-fl:flJ�it!!.A�!ll-x=

landscape beauty and the unique cultures of their (t,)JtftJiJr.!&5 I. " p.Ji�).:g:�}E)9.i�1iHii .
indigenous people.
I ---- I
Once a location is established as a main tourist
/)f{JtBt'f\171� l f:{(t,)1st1,J(l{J�;ll: "- El
I -1-it!!.IKv./iliJ!1Ji:'.)9±�(:(.]JiRih'f § (t,]!11!,, xt
destination, the effects on the local community are
�!1!!.H!K(l{J�ntnJ�'.!1f,5l�i?1(t,J. "
. ·•-· ·- ------
-���J'ffiv_ ____ - . . ··
fr v
-}-�s;e�d�co�u�ities in agile en ironments must
achiev e great control over tourism ventures in their .miJtCNiHtfl'ilitl,:Jfi 1 II�IY-Jti/J JL f.lJi!ff:i'i�!tl!
regions, in order to balance their needs and aspira- {i\YT ,g,�, l!]llt:g:�}E)9�J'ffi ii.

tions with the demands of tou dsm.

________ J ____
Questions 4 - 9


• � § �tfr:

� El : Ji'Eff·hRih'ffr£�(l{JrtU.:{t1.':l'Extilf � OO�'ffilt&
Je!.JJ&s IJJ.
low financial cost Jl,iJtAffll7tttl]:�3-tu HilJt,
I "j!�tt!l1K(t,)1J&s IJ.J¾�rm��(t,J,
4 W.J..;t5l
Yu, Ji'Eif�th't R ��11ld>(:(.Jii\t��� :;r-m,��M.l

--- --- - -- ----I f,tA." ��YES.

----------------- --- - -

■ §,�����Xft��Uffl ■ HIY-1���&
WI:. ?.1lilllf�
I deserts,
"·tlJ:�� 001.fllfRt&ttB(r,J rai iWiltiB'i�:tttr-tfil
I mountains and
Jmx :
Jffi)tA t' IY-J �I-" :ttl!lK-btt!lll1/iLI.J, ft, tit#. 1J\fib.f�
5 Arctic regions,
g21u&ms1;J t1ho ····· --i!1;:.b±t!.!1K:.l!ci�11\'llf{£ljfj!Y-J (llp, :(:E�'il\'ffiJJ"f
Rd&J!t� !brllllii.Ut,-;IY-1) , rni-i!fi:l'Ti&i"�;,-f3l:llk#,t� t1h
culturall y I

IY-J���im*,�JJuP'lfiJ�UB:antft. "

--- L - - _J f];llit��:AYF.S.
t Im § : lttfjfjt,ili 1K'.§tif-ff.fnJut/�:ttJiiTillfi-YiE'f!min'i.
through the year, I /ffiXA$5�
6 lffi X: "'El.¥.s1MiB'itF.11'1(8*��A�ffli;11ffllllmt:_�

1 fragile areas }i511fJ I

------r ------ -----1 - - -- -- -1-■ ii Ftt:(£-� 1:i�IY-:1�.s-nti�o " !islllt��:ANO.

7 I hill-regions, food I JJ1l X B ffil 5t � IPl

m31u I
m:x, ·a.-�u:11$ttw.lK. i:!#�1-t�TfMtr�

i I __
_j a'-:1FlfrfµtirJ�tw.txft!Y-J��o " �lit��YF.S
_:_ _

ii§ : i!J,iltw.lK f��!Y-JftMU /1=:§tif--¥:1$J5t�c.o
I lffiX: "!itr£l tti.flld,'7f.'!i:p(flUtK, f�il, �1:.

I food-g athering,
I ffiXB$5tm2/i9:
l<!lmi' -1.!ft<JH<l,�',/Jl!/)j,_fr:Zfil' itill l�

I I,""
---t---- __J_
I °'� ""' =
-- � - 1 :::;;;��" �;:::
_ -
��a'� �
ffiT ft

■§ : i5cff.ftt-J:J&i1r�xtfi�tt-Jft�*��:it�Jtlt!Y-J
government I
I W.XB $5tg2 !i9: Jffi X : "1i�illi-Arti: 1-:llk��f j!�� f-t=r.r Jfrfft-(.!g
9 handouts,
I food-gathering m41u I "®��ir : PFr�NWrttl'f:19}z;tJ, tti!�/f'-½I
t�1t.Jr�t,-;ft�rr��. " l!i1:x�l='1��tui,1�s i:t=•
I �bt�*�·--··-· ·····-- ------ ---� ... --· ------

Questio11s 10 -12

• Jm�:
Table Completion
• Im § !ff¥ lfr :
&�-#��(fJE�•- ��uuarntt�(fJ�a��
��:Jilih(fJA��mfiT.®ffi�. ffl ■ --���(fJB���. ���:lili�. ill��tt�
/Jj\i(C$�m; 2 l&:*1:iJ, w; 3®;m;21:iJ&m; 4 ®:*1:iJ, l'X.:±1��'.lft}IJ�cheese, tour, pottery,

ffl(fj "mmt" :lililK --jm.LLL aM, tYt(L ,j,,\t;fr.ii!Uili. �®:Jili!K(f)J!& cJ I jJ£.lfil.rr□� fil
(fJ,M����. mff••R-�m&(fJ•-���-����A. @¾. �#�·-·
�JtUTE!l!f·••�-�1-.J- tl:lff frrJt�ffr. IE*a 1992 if-�'fr 00 J;ftt!§ ��*�ffi'tl:I (fJ,m�, �
®:lililK ¾��·t ��� (fJ ( f:!P: a#'it ffi jJ r �-� Mi Mff�i;f-(fj) , mi�:fsl fi!lii;f-1-{i£il1;.t � !tl!.

(fj���rr□�. rr□R���������(fJx�.aLl��ffiLl&a�mma(fJ!tf!.•oo�
(fJ�OO*m·••�(fJ��•H��£&•- •w�a!tf!.. �®!tf!.IK(fJ-�•�(fj�fil•
¾a•(fJ•�tt.a•if.(fJffi$�filmfi���(fj�•�::t. ��. �m••a�(f]*•
•�*¥1J:i!®±IBh£ffi!J�ftli. ff1�1t�(:B � ?'�Ml.:lfl-tr.i �!tl!.A51\-x=(fJxftJ'iJrl!& 5 I :i! O

®!tf!.IK!§*���. �!tf!.-�(fJ��m�� .. a�•�"(fJ�*· :i!U�rnamT-�•

(fJM��A*•• ��¾-�**(fJ��-- �A�*• ••�B����M��;;r-�(fJ
::E �9j,i[IJ:iA*ilffi �-=f it:!mti 'l'}�;fr.i llifJ t'LWf jJl]��tt&!tl!.IKfn �tlirl:kftE[[x 1FJlfr�f-i !tl!.

oc���•m���w�a�(fJ&•Mocrr□•. ••��¾���m(fJ�¥*•·

-'-"'-'----'----··-··-···--- --

tm; � :&*tEJL 1- £:Wl 17-PIW.Pl, oo �'EI1f1M�-fi-*WtfJ�ti $-f-Y:E 1:1:l fil.I AA·J-, fN
$:&*}fO¥f!Ff:8-t!1t�::f,@:3/u¾)·T lzs!Jl;t, :fll f:8i'f.JI1'FMfJHHHiiJ*�;JtfiJ?.m:v'\� L ,(:[-•

�fr-�IK.:iK����ftTffi*F�(l{]FmT����tt*(I{]&�. lzsl:1/u��-IE-(l{J*
:;/J *t1HtW EEi flliWiiP�� �JtC).;&_ ttfFi;:J'.�1titm" llil !Lt, :iK J�Hfu1KC11�1N � A EA�f:&®>'i'-f§il{tHMr-J
* fr.i �ft!?.*� :Yu �L

ft �JtJ: , tE;I ttRlfiJ tY -� 1K (I{] U 1K , fr: {f. l'f.J � tFff�f:& � n �M':Jrll .@i.flJ tH0 � �.W. (f;J t&'.llt $
�*•*�" ��. �-�M�H�-�--���. �ITT::f����*ffi•*Mff*.
:iKlt�ITT��*�-f-��l'f.Jt���*�(f.J•m"���#::f¾- ■ -f-:iK���W��
l'f.J "UMm�"= ��ttMW(l{J*�. ����l'f.J•m�-����������" �W
mllil¾tt�. rn•���ffi�(i{J: �*:iK�ffil'f.J**(i{J�A*���T����?
M*W�F�(l{]m�" ::fW¾tE�W�¾&a�m. ���M*�g¾mM(l{J��*m,

M*JL�fil. ffl��ffiffi*(l{J�M�*M�. ffl¾����¥�:1/u-1-�M. fil��

��::f�-����---�. :iK��-(l{J�·�����ffitt lli(l{Jft�����-fil.
��J:.•M������:1/u��������l'f.J�$. ti•�����W�l'f.J��-�
-� flnJ � ft/! Wr W l'f.J t-J· !1: -f-t= • � * � $ IY-.l � 11.& JM Vff- �k. f(-J � � -t'- IE 1£ :1/u fefh fW: ft!!. ff l j'.(-J 1� 4J J.)..
ft-±��-M�IK.ttlK���ITT**ffl*8ffiM�����m����-�- �
±ITTW*�IKM�M-��j'.(-J�Mff�*�T��m������-- �1-�IK(l{J0��
nFm&m�T*C@ft , ���A-mT::f*•**m�(l{J��-(l{J�A*�-
1N$;Jtt&�IK asWM � (.(-J:L1!!.:JHlll91'* 0 'ffJff �rt-J. :iKl!.t0 pj Jmffit.W.jtJ:l I, :f%J-jdr-Ji'.Wf:1J
iJ'El !ffl ff; ¥1J El c. lli! * (l{J 0 15'1 ,g, t-15. ff!.¾ , :fJi1, tE - ®;It tlH± 1K IE 1£ El .± ili ii= ffi VJr-± � , llil JJ:t n�
Tiflif:li/::tt,)Jp � �(!{]!&�. f�J:t,m' lliiJtii:Wr;/Jn2f"i:Jfil(fl 0 '§1 J7Hll,ts: �A :ff m J.).. £ffi' �·t1Jt□ S!ff i8i'r-J

�9"Z1M, tEt.llHfUh'i-1f�C).11tf1J;JUFHl'�**-i, �1:E�U�J:, ;F\:;{Jl!'ffl"��-H-ffi*fllt'!t�t�fft


� llil fllii¥i $ry�� 1K (-8 � iiliA-l:!1** T ;j;mJE] j'.r,J � mi O � frltJU@J�/f 1f flj fl] � ':t: tJ· l± fp{j

JfKJ}J o

�••�*AB��a��. mtta•���•oc�m•A�*T��m. ��m

����•o ��Arn�mm••����-�#��m�. ��««�•••ft#�
Rffl�����-- ��-����ttoc���--�--���*��-�. ���
•••ft�����-A�•��•�· •*M$�ttoc•�. mMnw��ttg�•.
�����-¾���R�- �a••·��m¾���-���R�4�-M. ��



�ill itff}lj:_
.±fa ffi 1tJJtJ,ti ir-J liiJ ,¥!
!is� J-.fl : Pilkington 0- J) if.; ffi 1-t.JA:.J.tJJt fi_ liiJ :Ra
J ..=..ft : ;ff"� {- � -R � 11il 1tJA:.J�JJt fi_ liiJ ,l!ij_Y, k -.t f�
,�a, *�•�-•JJt•��••if.J��•�
, l!!j -11 : •1uA:.• r iz R m if.J� I!!
i .li...fl: •1tJJt� ir-J-ill•J ,W � J.f.
' i7 .fl: -1-t.JA:..JA !:I:: J.t liiJ ..Y! if.;� �
-' -t.fl : .'Ji #-4 � ir-J � ;ft ltJ ](
'A.fl: • �iHJiiliJ,fi
J -/tAL .ii1Ut liiJ I! if.; �Al� r;{ ffi #
J -t .fl: JA. ft ii. liiJ if! :l. :ft v.J1j ff•] -f

••• manufacturer n. $1]�.!lt.1':, rIDi


fragment n. Ii$ J,- , J,- f.Q nickel n. �. t:lffi

analyse sulphide

industry n. I.!lt. , r"ii'. , fi� insist

issue rare
association;,�. llHt
standard n. �<it

adj. �ll(i:i



� § :U.::tiz:Wl
I documented
evidence, nickel
l @M
_ijj§: *'fli1tftij!fA]�-=nn.:.,uu1J,i:�(l';Jiif�il:i'.t%EU!io

/jjt)(fftJ�m:2tQ:tJ'IJJ Jjj(j(: "WJ.t�HJlliift.{tij!fA]@i(l';J�t,i;(l',J�jlJLY-X�

sulphide failure I ¥Ho " ��JFALSE o

19991f-. 8 JJ 3 % , 72�:-JF'»� �ff.�, tE*ffil ,J,rJHlft�Wi¥r-J:., t'L-=f :±�ftf l'f.J-�WiJ#o

9" ,L,�TvL.l:139-::kJtfflft})Jlf/fitf ?��fffiiHJE�tl'f.JffilJL r���,ocfi$Jt :Jtt1-i T 1� *

��f°�·--:;k�f,&:f/ti#ll]X§'.i§i Pilkington 0 El (f.J =fi-*��-�?il'f.Jfi¥ J,·5tl:fj- T 5:)-;tJr �:ii:B-tfr, o

�* JL 3¥- fefA 1E� 1.X • t&'. ¾ EE Jlt !'.ii r-kJ :tfli !ii!Eft t-t (19 fr&� a'Tu f.$: s I t91Y-Jo

"Jlt•fi-� E.�'.@:iJUilJ T � 1-IP]Mfil *00 '!W lJ., tJJ.��---Jlt�,&Jlt-� �tff�;t,r,,t


� m�.±lt, liilat-!:11¾ Pilkington 0�;t,r,?t£m1% .DllY-J Brian Waldron �f.t- 1.§.¾ftB�¼ 0

V,.7>.J�;f;jiffi'(JtflT-:tJ:£ffi;mJ-�� J o "�£��•Xt.¥.!:{!,IY-J�� o " fW.iJl o

1.§. T- liil '.@: .!X!.-!:11 liil at ft tE
.£5 ± �ftj • f1j: iJJ � 139 � UiJ I W ljifi Barrie Josie � f.t , ".if :ltj
o �

4ff.1- JJ �ffl)�;f jlj-r}ij�fdl1K#oifb��ml'f.J&Eft� 1�m

�f-lB�� -111 ijj:� T �m� ffi {ft
O" O

-=f ft1.Hl9 Sanberg i.��139'.?finJIWVi!i Tony Wilmott l.'.J,&* § tx. �iN jr-(f.J CladTech tJJ,�IY-J
Simon Armstrong:ltJFf'l- § c. TfW::k:!�tt!r?JLo"0 �Jifr9;!Jif!l39 ..RT-:ii¾ol< Ll.J-ftl � T,"
!l±==flffri!l!!UilJirn Resolve If.¥0�139Jltllll�* Trevor Ford iJlif! o H!?.iA.7>.JJJfl:��I.H�ilj!!.,
:flJ � JYi o /.m E/sl �J,H.ij J¥!., fflftllt�� s!i't lt¾-tf illilltf/i\139 s f*, Mi�n1·�JiltWJ1J,!¥Yitfl:imT-¾�
I,.'.). .jj[ !lifi x-tffl{t&I'�iilr � !!h teip

fflft&f/i\£ EE "�::illiJ1tI1t11t.1Jn1t� : re-tk:�jiJiJJk'.f/ilJinff.�¥1J r-J 620t113;; ft, ,tz� ltttx

�-M�D�.��ffl���ill*ffl��- o ���&•IY-J*�¼-=f�'tfli�-�-� o &
•�w••�•*•��x-tllt•*����h�m. ���-�-=fffihz�.tili��•
�� ffi l't� ffi jJ ft ! z�� •
lilt� 0

�--��•�•�m�. M ■ •lli�T. •al't:l•�•��lli�a��••l't:l�tt
M*.��M�*•����&���--1¥/U�t. •--���m. �®�Tffi��
J:IH�nx 711&�1¥/RftUa"H*. �:t?* 0.1 sll't:lUili�r"!:E$jzS s E-taifi.ti:.
l't:JBffi. ��Mft*l't:J�=reffi�l't:JR�RA�ffM�nx�@�l't:laffi. @�-T*l't:l�
�Mft��ill-. ��T·�•-�m��-�MOOm���nxBffi. �tE--�-��
::r- �-� ir-.i a tf:I a8a f* ' 'E ti fi Mi ffi � Ii� 5!P.. � - f-Hm IJ,J iiJ {re� JC 1.iE �� ±tB llUJr !fHt 7'J B f§ 0

�-�-A�iaffi��nxBfflM, fi.ti:fflgff4%. �-affiAfi.ti:&T*�•*l't:J•

•*�--Rr"!:El't:lffi�A ��-�---§. 1i!li§M00x�ffim, ��¾!:Ef'lli*l't:JA
1- J=l m& �fj�¾JL -I-if-}§-, �1:-�iii B :1/ttJu;t}��:IJUtk:Af*l't:J�ftiaIJ.t. Graham Dodd,
fQ:!11,� Arup )®flAJ.$l�r!H�: ":fl.�V�J#lj�l*l't:J:&, � ;ki���JtftUrm�ftn!ti§l't:J 'JJ5 !f.J&f&z;
!A' l't:Jffl{t!itl/li¾�:rf �'.flMkin-1'.f':J Pilkington 0 'i5'J l'.f':):f;J(fIA\!iJf 1E*IJ! rf.J�Jtl�, {!Effi a.t fa]:& 27

�-•�•�•�•l't:l•al't:laffiA�x�tt�. •�••�A:&m.mlli�.��m
����. ffi�, ����-7�1'.f':l-•IR�-,t�JfJt. fil:&, R��-1--�YAfi.ti:
� (:I:: 1ii1i § • j! JJit :lIT: rw trjK ,ta1AAm � ::f 11: -�1�ft• f/il ff- 1:E � fi5J Im. Josie m , tE rl �dt';J +
if-00, �-�-�l't:lam�&i:115,t, �;kiR�Uf'(:!::M�H':JB•�--jzS��tt•.
--tl&ffl�l'.f':!{91JTJlri:&aT 1990 if-1'.f':l Waterfront Place. tEB.nxml't:l 10 �faJ, jK,t
&T�IMrul't:l�Ml't:J*•�mT-��H':JR�. tE��-��*�M.
JfJtl't:J li=iJ®!, � so �ffl{tr.&:-Miu$. � ± �:k!-f H':J�JitftU=�� Barry �tr 7 *IIJifr�l't:Jfflft
••• filti��M$ffl£�m•m��T•-*ffl�--. �J§-�®��-tttE&�nu&
� Jt I� � tJLJ: :J3 tni l.'.J. � imHi}dt t�Hf:J fEl � • " 11t ff1 � � -3! 1-' il5 � 1 20 tk: ffl ft JJJi: fill if;(£ iiT fro�
�fu:�(:l'-J�mt, �®:fii�fiWF#i�J!J�, Barry m: "jK:J!--ter,ffl:-(1',J, �r-�t�·TJtA�·faJ��M

ft, *f0��6,tJHl'-Jn,JfaJ�1m1c1&:." .ffiY?.\�tmif1F/fW-i'T l60:TJ�ffi (;j;§�r70)J�

� ) , @ :m: ffi ff� � -t- * � fffr � (fJ :/t ¥1.< � � :lbt 1-¥It f-f-1 H':J 10 fir •

:(:£��1'-191J-=f i:j:t, lifii,!J\!. 13 lffi*Ji �14m#(:r,:i 1' IE!rn11-fl'::Eft� tlll� 1'-9:1ti, Jm �!�lll[ij' f�it- -

�atiaJ 1¥J!:l:.-!x=:zJ§·�1f:its':lt14m nq fitl s r.r ·liH1f.4m o

M.:z Kir, �-�.wfitiff JE.¥1*#!ii:J. :tt#f •,uti:tfJl + (flf:it!'il r�tt, # £L '!Fri� 7-1lf {Efil �r fQ�111*
1 1

��;r-�1¥J��-�*•o ��.ffl$�ffi���--�Ulfil*�����WTT�a•�
M�m�. ��:(:£�1'-at•R*fil�JE.•1¥l••*D.
ffi #; x,f 1tmi :flJl �� 1¥) � $: 1'.:E-ill.{& � 1w. tmt Wi� 1K ��.R 1::1 ft¥. ffi 4m{E :i'.'t' ff:/HJ f� ,(Et!:: -�

J!1L Wt *��Ji El !filti#ltk*;Jt1t, ���{iJ$:(:E!:1:.-lt* cf'rJ}!l!;]'[.4mfitf�, tf1fj�i;Jf'l Ti1',JJfri:\:: 1

Ji'.i:t�xo 13 i:J:ttttA•�ill:ftf;lt�. x•Ff �/1lrn1§°, �9.ti.(J',:iJlH*1Hr.i FI !!�KJ:tziaJJJ:tli¾:

� �, � 1¥1 � � f§1J :!w , x�· -=f tY � a',:i -!of. �Uili: 4kJ im §° , � 1i° ,g. iIT � ffi A< , ·t ff lJltt � 1t � ,
* , ��

JFit, � 13 ft� -l�JJH(.J ¥,}3 UI�


-l!!-ffi 4?ll � !:1:. M lW � #!d� !l;--H}1J *

t1I--r ¾ $ �=- !£ tt. , ,j'HN $ -1¥- 1¥1 ll·hal .i!. #II (i t'!f !:E.*

:Ix�, �ffr��ff 1L �L (Evans, 1976) 0 1884�-. '?f¼JJ[i.l:'b_l(i'.JChusquea

tti'*, �L T-fta',J�f!M1r-=f·:(:E 1916 tf'.¥1) 1918 ft:.f1l]-lt!AillfF
abietifolia t'r-=f-£:-¼ilff:/t, o

�- �t:T, �-��#tt-=f�!:!:.*M*��3l!of.o �#��-���-��0Mili�

0 *
m � , m ¾�� $: tt £JI¾ 1� m � a'-1 :!I A'.J tJr-=r- fr-il H-t � ¥1 1:E - @ !JiJ-r- ;f;iJ .:r--tnili ffii 1 2 -
( 1:J- 1 ,

1s Jl[*�), #--1-1¥1�:!ii:�ct T:i!-»-tWJ i.:J#.:r-�•(J{J?JJ4?l/ffril�11ttiira�� f.f�t&tt. >K:l':'f.

-J!!-#-=f-w;l:mffi%r*, */,X:r-ft (Evans, 1976) 0

�Bct*�mffl± ■ �*r-p�-��4m!:l:.*ffi���m•m�ctfi. �cttt••�xst�
����·�� ttttl:lft¾�ffll¥)�$.ft��fflxst1t•a'.J����ft�������ffl
*�1K�. -®••a1M�ft!fila'.J�•n��ft��m••m;rm�*-®•�. ��
tt�, �*�m��---· ffl¾B91t!fil�����. 1t��ffl��$�¼��- .

.�. �rm§°, tt �FilTJ. tt:0- 7-J � # = ifll't �JJ �;fQ* 1t� -,r�r±.t* J� fQ 1m z: �� r-J:i r- rz
0 �

�ffl.itMffi#Jft¾�ffl��•*· ��!:l:.*�Ji'.��-1tffi#!•#!l#��M�$:!:I:.
ffl:(:E�-��a'.J��r-J:i.#:(:E�ctfir-J:i�!:l:.-��1¥1�tl. �@� tt�m��ITT*�M�
1¥-J:F;f-:Jt. Grime ( 1966) :J:lf tl:l, ftl!�-iiJflli¾t�-'ff:i! l!!-�$:·lifJ',J::E �llSl�z - fJij�Q, 1f-. }j o

1¥l:1rnt¥.1Pm#Ja1i ¾it�JHt#J, �ffliiJi;J.!£ f?:(:E�!H* r-p 1tlffH� 0-'f:l�ff Tnt fil, � -'f;J B ff J if� -:Jt
� ft-ffl ifil $ 11£.




The table shows quite a direct relationship between the age of the
subway system and the length of track. For example, London, open in
1863 and the oldest, has 394 kilometers of track, while the two most
recent systems, Kyoto and Los Angeles, both opened within the last 25
years, are only 11 kilometers and 28 kilometers long respectively.

Not surprisingly, the three longest subways carry the three largest
absolute numbers of passengers per year. However, the density of pas­
senger traffic, i.e., passengers per year per kilometer of track (PYK) is
strikingly variable. Tokyo carries by far the greatest load at approxi­
mately 13 million PYK while Washington, with 126 kilometers of track
and just 29 kilometers shorter than Tokyo, has only about 1 million PYK,
giving it the lightest passenger density of all the six. Paris carries the
second densest load at 6 million PYK while Kyoto, in stark contrast to
Tokyo, carries only 4 million PYK. London, the oldest system and Los
Angeles, the newest are both used at the rate of about 2 million PYK.

:;ts:�H! .lfil.jr-, tili���Q';J1f'.i¼ fn* lt !.::;ts:J:1LMHl:l *. fjiJ_tm, 18 63 1f'.}!!!fix.Q';J-!11�-ll
� Q';J ft t1 till�* :its 3 9 4 i� 11. , mHl½ � Q';J :ii 1i- 2 s � 11. :;;1- }!I! fix. l'0 WB1: :1t2 � , ;k ffll fn i'� � Wl , fJ­
£1J{SCff 11 iHf_;f�l 28 � 11..

�-��0fil��-�@�wg�-- (PYK)�ffi�*���- **�--��m. �
13OOJ5PYK, f(iji�1l:lHYi�,UJL-Lt1260Jl, Rl::t**�.fi290.ill., PYK�,R� I00J;·, ;;��
1-lmr!"ii=p:JfLJ,'fE!. ��@��Jt1ftli!ri'.XWI, J.J6OOJ5PYK, 5r\��4OOJJPYK, �3t;;JOfJ
Ji.xJ+ rvrx,Ht • R½ i!, � � ft �Jc lD R½ lR!Hf.J � � lilt m 1J rr1ui 2 o o JJ P Y K •

► 1}ffj-
* 00 �*-r! ( tab I C ) 0 ;'tH* 'fc � ff! ft+ m JiX: ' fD :Jet ft Im � t§ l::t ' � �� � :fll i!f-1' }Jfl :Z., 11
�. --��@ffid�������Q��-
�rl��4�. ��7G*����1-�$Ml:.��¾tt���-�����m*ti�
71] ft{] rn. ��fiff Ill �I'�¾' tm:!,r!���I= ',t HLf!IUth ft�� n�a.j· IWI �& ,rw lr.*t11i j£ IID�' JJl1 :Z.,

-',.(,. -;:;-r 41:, ft -t!J. !;/.,, fv- H� '-Jc L 1,:1 ,g -�- "'L o
Ji':IL r.lJ l'Jt:.1± /ta '!Jj• fl � 1EEf � _L_ llll. fi'f• /]i: l:J

*��ffilliOO*�a•��-. �-&���*lt&*��lt. *Q��- *M�

��m��- �i'.?i:. �•mw. r:E��-�@*wg�A•�oo. fil���ffl���- @
*AB��$.fflA�fil*lt�-�o �-�-�rlre•�ili*WgAft���*��


Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence
on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence?

► �foll
ffl�•�. ��m���mm�. fiITT��m*�� tt��ITT�tt�ffi���•�
*�ti�. ����#�·$·�-�¥?

Today the way we consider human psychology and mental develop­

ment is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand
the importance of inherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet
we are still unable to decide whether an individual's personality and de­
velopment are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the
environment (nurture).

Research, relating to identical twins, has highlighted how significant

inherited characteristics can be for an individual's life. But whether
these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an
individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a
development. It seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpre­
dictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other
influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to con­
firm this.

My own view is that there is no one major influence in a person's life.

Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the situations and
experiences that we encounter in life are constantly interacting. It is
the interaction of the two that shapes a person's personality and dic­
tates how that personality develops. If this were not true, then we would
be able to predict the behaviour and character of a person from the

moment they were born.
In conclusion, I do not think that either .nature ·or nurture is the
major influence on a person, but that both have powerful effects. How
these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely
unpredictable in a personsi-life.

► lf;:R �
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a•-•�. ���*ill�B#����*fil· ��n*�•m,�. m�����- �
�- �A�����- ���T*��������- I�. ttffl���ffl*� ■ Mff-�.

How important are clothes and fashion to you? [Why/Why not?)
I think clothes and fashion are different from each other. Clothes are important to me, for I want
to dress myself beautifully, appropriately and 1 want the clothes I wear to show my personality
and individuality. While fashion to me, is not very important. Fashionable things are not
necessary to my taste and they don' t always suit me.

What kind of clothes do you dislike?LWhy?J

I don't like formal clothes very much. They always make me feel stiff and uneasy. I prefer casual
wear, T-shirt, jeans etc.

How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore I O years ago?
I was still in Senior High School ten years ago. At that time, I had to wear the school uniform,
and thus didn' t have many choices to make. And now I' ve been working for a few years. I
usually wear formal clothes for work. And I prefer casual wear in my spare time.

What do you think the clothes we wear say about us ?

I think the clothes people wear, the colours and the styles, tell a lot about their personality,
individuality, and sometimes their social status.


Describe a festiva] that is important in your country.

You should say:
when the festival occurs
what you did during it
what you like or dislike about it
and explain why this festival is important.

I'd like to talk about the Chinese Valentine's Day. It is on the 7th of July, on the Chinese Lunar

As a tradition, people will gaze at the sky, watch the Stars of Vega and Aquila, and then tell the
love story between Niulang and Zhinv on that night.

I like the festival because of the beautiful tale about it. According to the tale, Niulang, the Star
of Aquila, is a poor cowherd, and Zhinv, the Star of Vega, a daughter of the Queen of Heaven.
The two fall in love with each other, get married and have two children. However, the Queen of
Heaven gets very angry when she learns about it. She takes Zhinv away from Niulang and their
two children, and then puts a silver river between them, forbidding them to see each other again.
Years pass, Zhinv is still very sad and misses her husband and children very much. Finally, the
Queen of Heaven shows a little mercy, allowing the couple to meet once every year on a bridge
over the silver river, that is the Milky Way, on the 7th of July.

The festival is very important for the Chinese, especially the young people for it's about love
and is very romantic. More and more people are celebrating it as the Chinese Valentine's Day.
Moreover, I think this tale shows the amazing talents and imagination of the ancient Chinese
people, which makes the festival very important as well.



Purposes of festivals and celebrations

Why do you think festivals are important events in the working year?
I think there are mainly two reasons. Firstly, it is a great way for people to have some relaxation
and entertainment every now and then during a year of hard work and business. Secondly, people
can learn a lot about their own history and tradition by celebrating these festivals. It helps
them to gain a better understanding of who they are and where they come from (their origin).

Would you agree that the original significance of festivals is often lost today? ls it good or bad,
do you think?
Yes, that' s true. And I think it' s neither good nor bad, but something inevitable. All the
festivals came into being in certain historical backgrounds. They don't exist anymore, making
it difficult for people to remember the festivals' original significance. And now the most impor­
tant thing about a festival is that people can have relaxation and fun.

Do you think that new festivals will be introduced in the future? What kind?
Yes, I do believe various festivals will be introduced in the future. It can be set up to show people's respect
to a certain person, to commemorate a certain day or event, or just for people to have fun.
Anyways, people enjoy all kinds of festivals. So, the more, the better.

Festivals and the media

What role does the media play in festivals, do you think?

I think the media can help to enhance the atmosphere of a festival, as there are usually many
celebrations on TV, radio etc. during the festivals. On the other hand, the media enables people
to know more about the festivals from other countries and to enrich their own culture by
adopting some of them.

Do you think it' s good or bad to watch festivals on TV? Why?

Again, I think it' s neither good nor bad, for people have their own preference. Some people
enjoy watching celebrations on TV. Some people like to be part of the festivals, to join in the

celebrations themselves. While some other people may take these festivals quite personally.
They want to celebrate the festivals quietly by themselves or with their friends or family members.
These are all good choices.

How may globalization affect different festivals around the world?

On one hand, I think globalization helps to introduce the festivals of one country or culture to
other parts of the world, which is a good thing. On the other hand, the festivals celebrated by
some minor cultures or small groups are very likely to die away, when people' s attention is
diverted to the cultures and ideologies of the major economies around the world.

Test A

a1�tHT lti=f--fllt
m 11 -f8z 1/.J *}Jit tll :lEf 1/.J if iui:: � �lb ?
7 !J � 1t � fi * 1/.J �J� ,
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9 JJ -w ffl-t � #o At.ii $7HP 1iJ ftf � 1!1-JL:f �,tQ,-�.

th��;fll@.iftfh }ft

3f di� , -if 1j!. $7 .95
•t4c�, �J;.$17.95 (�B:i!Jj)

Test A

A ��ffl�TBtttr•*��-�-�OC�±•A����. ffi������OO. •

o•*�,��00. *�-�-hl�fr�-��WE�Aoo•. �*����M��


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graduate v..$2& opportunity
11. <*�).$!ll!:t, li]f-�!£, fim,
.. _. --------- -·-· - - .... .. ·- -·-- -

msurance 11. ill�,

(!jl;�!{h V. 1!J!'!£'.t'J,:fm,
accommodation n.11�, �Z§ adJ. t#�a'-J, J'[i.tMt-J
orientation n. ill!� ti1f IJl 1t m, jj I� resort II. !¥.ttili, -=H1, ltfllxt-t
application II. Efl iN, fiffl V. ;jtfl:/J, ifFi't
directory�:l:l!!�, § � enthusiastic adJ. tMlf(t,J, 1?.>:,t:At-J
emergency n. ��tmJL, �?'��11F

Questions 15 - 20


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Test A

Section A

fflftiit, A ffl:.V-�-l!t m:� 7 -t-�1� ¥U 8 ,t- 11'/lsta':I H:@Bfx.o f.§.f-f -® A i:iJt:Jll!IH1Hlld,'o l:t fm,
I t£f-ft1Elm.ffitJJ��A-tEt1�ffil§°:HlAAfal, •ll!f!..Rllll!41'-1H-t o gt-:k�,C.<!����tlHili,
�at&�«�-�����ff�R»•��-. �� - ���-�±��. -�ffiE&Ts
,t- 1J,IJ.j·, ��J{ f-f 2 ,t- 1J,a.ta':lotffi1'-���-�- & , ill�, ;i!fpffi lJUeff1�1f tE Tt!l:ii "i:iJ5!.W,a':11MflS

Section B

* T iw a� :1:�fi::m iri RUt� � ¾ nie fill�� �1�Hiu # ,ini:r�� JC , fro ffi � JC JE. � 13-j· fa!� m
��*tEfiITTIWEM��---· �ffi.��me��&�m�•. �·A•m&. M•m
m. ,C,,.�m�ttft-ir-�.� o
Section C

½��-a':Jffl���-fflAMR-*tE•A3��7��00�#A, tEM=*••••
�at{�� �:i! ®A�� 't1 13 r�:tl&� ffil Ii�tMt''.I fro jJ ::k �r �- "llll! H xtft {17 (t-J � ,t, ot Ett¾� � ·rt
-�(t-Jo�*-�IWE,B#�M(t-J•--t-�®A�-����� o -�E�*�·����
Section D

M�Bffi, aWg(t-J«RffiW,llll!Ef-fE-t-Mm��-t-ffi� o -tE��-�i:p:i!E-t-Mm��
�*fi•·o-tEM--t-&mMm.�*��ffiH���.M��--�. tEMr*a':1�1'-M
t3i, IWHj¥�fJU�o i00_-�-1J,1].j·Jij*AM�-t-Mm, Jltlt-tl�Hlt7:!£1!f-��1&'�, �a*IAma':IAtE
:i!-t-Mf��n4iw�1-lt�-m&ffi.f:L��m� IA1. �iJ/f•��.r£j;! 1'-Mm, ifJt:J-m�iJ/fM•T­
� 1s ��. a•E�f3l. &n¾���m�m. bmIB�@���*if, *���*M��

�s��-•��E•. mM:fEa��m��ooM•��· •*••��Aa•��*fi·
:fE���m. ��n:P.••. arn�-&¾a���a��-
Section E

nmn:P. 1:!i 7 ffiHIHt#om!JdtH!ff�i¥J-��- -�*T�� sl��ft�fJ!l.iiiAA�fi!rci�*
ilFff.f JJ\·��ft. ��,A.�f;t;:ii\11.:fE�FlJl1¥Ja�-f�1 im:t:�A �ri\11.ttt•IJ!IJ llil3l'.tE�.hi 3, 4

�- �7�-�*- •�tt. *•3�,A.$R�l�AfftE¥fi!rmE���m. ���W£

it1lwl:f2l2, 1.f.JJ, trJiffi�� ,C,,)IBJ��1f fnJ4Jffi-. �:l:l!Hlk-� E.�MJf=�HUl3.:il!fllt-(J9}](�. -
J:9iW3� .lm.5F, 'l!X:lffi� 1£ 1 s :0-#1;1;J ittA�II�. no�¾fi!WJ�:lfflu-t�:i¥-t5-J s2 :5ti'l1.
Section F
�7 t.\i3(rrit;!ll. ilH�";��� ElftififT�.Hr, ili� ,C,,Jill !2i itt, 'E1ffi1iltliJlit>t-;l:rJ � tl:7��- AA
•*����fflfT.��ili�•&■err�. �#���MF•��AITTM��g*�H�
*••meat.�#offlfi£ffl$AE��E.�**��-.���%�¾Rffl�H�. �
®�•���¾*=•· &a¾&••�m.

Section G
lliMA■•����$.�����--. WM��•e. aa ■ •���AI%����-.
�#ffl-=fM�*�•E*fil .• OOA*�••t£m�-�ffl-&fJ!l.�M-�M•�•�#��
M•**���#�.�&�#���-- ��- ���%�.�-%�-�-�#�#�£��
����.f.�trl��, ffi¾{�$.f.�tEftffl£mtl!�:Jl}ij!lffl�H!,i!;&-uT.

Test A



Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your

Write a letter to your rzeighbours. In your letter

• explain the reasons for the noise
• apologise
• describe what action you will take

► lflll �
���m�*M��T-ttffi, �m����ff. � tt�ffiM�m, �ffi�fiff
���-���. *��•. �Kmm��**tt�fi�.

Dear James,

I was very shocked to get your letter saying that the noise from my flat
has been spoiling your evenings and causing you some distress. I am really,
really sorry about that .. I had no idea that you would be able to hear so
much, so I hope you will accept my apologies.

As you may have guessed, I am trying to refit my kitchen in the evenings

when I get home from work. Unfortunately it is all taking longer than

expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit
properly. This has meant a lot of banging and hammering.

As the kitchen is still not finished, I have decided to call in a profes­

sional builder who will finish the work in the next day or two. He'll work
only during daytime hours, so you won't be disturbed in the evenings again,
I promise.

Sorry to have caused these problems,


1&3!/J ff1,(:l':J*fttlt=l�',t�·wi:, fti;:(£ 1* 9" iltft��'* 1r�Jt T ft�� 1rt, �ffF�r&.:ffi*q1J:.

� rffi° � 0 � *�
}j; � :x�- JJt * ffi =I� ,1ine1. Jgl: • � :m * � 9:fl ii! it � ntr ¥/J JJB t-t t� 11!/k :g- , it 1m � �
tit � ii! Mtk •
���ffl�T. ft¾�M@�ffl�fflRJ:.Wffi••m@. �$�¾, ••�MOOS
l:HBM, ft:f£*•J:.9�7-®�M. �a�•��W$•*�•�•n�.
��E@ili���I. ftB���-���-IAM*, :(£**�-�����I
� o ��R:(£��I�, �Jlt���:(£�J:.N���fftt, ftffeili.

�¾-tt ii!-�. �Q-ffiM���A���--�. ffl�-�¾F•��-��

)�jQFf 0

m•�-�¾. ��ii!M�*ilt· �-��:(£�#H�*fiii!M, �ffl:(£����

� m: l:H ii! • 0

�-�*�iliW:. �fflM•M�;•T*ilt��**�fi�. �OO*�XRWW�

M4�00*�9���¾. ���XS�:(£-��fi��ffi½ffl½gM�mmao


11_,• i II ,rr. • l�­

,e!; -�- .....!'-

Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time
should be used to do more school work.

How do you think children should sperid their free time?

- ® A iJ. -J,1 ,J, ft ((.] 13 r1, 11-1· ra.1 *$ T o ft ff-i :rxt t.Jt � ® !J.J· faJ rE. -� rn * f� fi= � o ·ft :rxt t� f�
-f- fi--1 � -� ;,\;, z, & ct (ill ((1 (l'� .ills � lr-J· (fr] ?

The question of how much study children should do in their time away
from school, and what other activities they should do, is a controversial
one. Personally, I believe that all children should do some home study,
even in the holidays. However, I think the time spent doing this in pri­
mary school should be small and should progressively build up until the
final two years of high school.

We all know that academic performance is very important in deter­

mining the futures of children. But there should be a balance between
this and other aspects of development because the kind of work that a
person does is only one part of adult life. Everyone needs to develop
social skills; everyone needs to have some knowledge about and interest
in other things besides work; and everyone needs to exercise their bodies.
Therefore, I think parents should try to expose their children under
the age of 12.. to-·a-wide-range of hobbies and interests, including sports,
and let the children explore these areas. Watching a lot of TV should be
discouraged because this is a passive activity that does not enhance ei­
ther social development or intellectual growth. Certainly, an only child
needs to interact with other children and this should also be encouraged,
in conjunction with the activities that I mentioned previously.

As for homework, or home study, I believe parents should firstly

encourage in young children (under 12) a "love of learning", based on
curiosity and a respect for the intellect, rather than forcing them to

If the suggestions above are put into practice, I believe that the
result will be an intelligent and well-balanced child who both excels at
school and who will grow into a well-rounded adult.

► m:¥1 ff.
* t
11' ft :lit¥ fi5 JE ¥ 31 $ ,:/,' 1;l;J � , CJ !JI.. fili f(l JE �I&@ f-1- z. t-'f !Y-J ;¥t flt!, Ni 'iJJ ¾ t- 1f-$- ix (J'�
ii!i Jmi. :i)il :flt /i" Aim 1L �:It iJ,. :1/;J Jfr 1f 13�J 1J, ff< tE ]!. i\'11 B: Lt¥ 31 , Elll ft¾ 1£ !11 ltll o fB. ;11 , 1lt
iJ,. :1/;J 11' '¥ � J:l'I T 3-l 131:/ lltj· fal �JE � 11i *, ffiJ .F:L B: � mt rt.Mill :1ili lt :Im, 1[ flj � r=p �r-J lrx
/� Wi ij=. 0

ftITTfl�ili'¥��MtE���r��*���®��m•���rn. ffl¾tE¥��
�ftl!,��-�OOJE*1'i-t-�•. �:1/;J�F�A*m, JfrM-�I�R��ffi�-OO�im
eo g�ADE��-tt�a�, -�A��*�I��*�•m1f!frTM. 1f/fr��1
1if-t- A :tm mitt� :lti; 5t f;t;:. • IEI JLt • :f-Ji: iJ,. :1/v � -� r0:*� :!J'i'IJ: 1 2 � CJ T 13{_) 1Ht Jc:� � m1l � fill �
� 1¥-J _1Jbj� *:!tr, §tiif* 'fr', U:1J, l�J.). r=p ill fi�i� o JE� IIJ1.tJ::1J,HOm· :k � �t½!., � :1/;J :;g F�
tm£JJIJ?JJii� ffiZi"/1, :x-Ju �tt 1m��*1J �· JJ �*��1f 1t ½. � � 0 � *
r!.�, J1:!t. r y; E!z
tr.i ;� fli!.11, r*� iifc , jg - ,1r- 0 � tr.i � i1itr rm � fiJ f1{_) �m J!..1, ri ?JJ - ¥t-1!f- 11J l'iJi /JJJJ •
M-=f aR 11!1t= ��*It!¥ 31 *Wl, :f-JtL),. :1/;J j:-� 0� Tut 1cui@J 12 � CJ rl39 ;J,ft tE fr�· ,L_,
�-••h���L ".'¥3-l", im�$�-���ftl!,ITT�:g.
�u 5/! 'g;� MET CJ L :iK@ � i5l , :f.\t tl=l 1t tt. 51!- '.iE'. ;l!;J, ft J[,�, �:j im :JiJ 1filr :& IFl • ;;r� f)Z '¥ � ?,! 1±1 .

► 1} ,tfj·

x�� �st1§l1t�fJr� �� 1¥:J :ID:�·11:. r!.iiFo:J:li 1±1 � r&-Jv� iii:&� 1){_) A. 1J\ftRirr!i�*
fi��ifil��}.:J, ��tt�. �-��, jfTi�;/1:g��o

X � m = �9:-111-!X m l±l . � f-lH, ft� tlk �� ft,-J· 11§1 ' :km¾ 1¥.:k: /JJJJ tn 5 I� 0

t:/i )l fJii �JI] Tut 1ii1J 1J, f¾; � im :& }& � �fi ,f.,: O

General Training: Reading and Writing
Test B



charity n. �ff, �1{' !tiwffi#­ authority n. :&�, itft

sponsor n. 1,tjj)J�' 1,tjj)Jitfj astronaut n. ¥Ait1A, i:.�A

v.,?Jl;b planet n. fi lil


instruction n. ffi'jf-, t![jf, ffi� entirely adv. 7i;�Jtl!,, ��Jtl!.

transport n. �ii, �imIA- suspense n. ;f;�. �.It, ;!;jfij,f-�

raise v. ,
--- --- frig- �jg,
---••• ill.ifli supernatural n. tiHI ��, ttjl�A�
reserve ·
v. ii ii, flt1h-, �ff- ad). m � �l't�, itjl�fr,J
forecast V. ffi�j, fflJ:i!. deserted · ad}. rt'.�(tij: j't&(ri, ··
route n. l!ll�, �ffl �Affr#�

available ad) mystical adj. 神秘的

-- ... ---
i'iJflJJflAg, i'iJJfl3i�ff9
. ····· . -···.
registration n. ii.M, ta¥11, !!ic ancestor n. W,j\=;, m*
private adj. fkAA9, fMIA9 launch v. �fi. �M. ff�

detective n. {di� fiction n. �¥:J, ,MJ L tlil:i!!

ad). {m�Ag popular ad,i. iifi�, immft-1, �J.Xi!l!�

robbery n. tfr�, tg-;q; shift V. �f$, f$i;f}, lf:�

Questions I - 7

• �fil!: Short Answer Question

• ��MVr:
•·--- ·------��---- -----
�� '.i.Ef.itim
IIF-1 :300Jll�jE�tl:1$:f.\i:¾!W!t!.?

starting point,
30km walk
Jli( x�-t:it� = fiJ
!mJt: M.:st��tl:l:& '�;;fOf&,;�JlJl�"iift:J.
i1!;:ff.-f&;'.i.tWHlfirti�I00Jl1,20 0!Ji!.�3o
Rm:F-1 ,2O0.m�jE�/&Oji,tf:l:JtlltfaJ¾fiiJ
start time, !m::t1J\f;r�"Start Times"
_ _j
20km walk "'fm=fr Jlii)(:200Jl1:J:..lf8�- ]0�307t" 0
)li(Jt1M�r-ll!i"Cloth ing" Nli F-1 ,3'c-=f�tUIH±l TPJJ��ltiSt.?
3 I footwear
�1 m: t9J't m. m-'P] Jlii)(; 1\lfl-J-::f-���¥1, �:Ii� ll:!t£o

11 El : :tlllfiiJ�lliJi-i;jEi:tff½r:p e/W1!/J��;j!f
JjJ(Jt1J\tJ;iji"Route Maps" I ��lrl?
4 officials
m-r'll:m:m-1D mt::t, tEfrlii1:fflr:ptm*w.H1!WWJ, �ii
I 9;1lra-i;/t�. ff\ (marshal��o _ _ _
m El ,200Jlli:jE�� A¾PJlllJll?ttH«�
20km walk,
��OO"Fenton"5(c �OOW0Jll�jE�G:�a&&"iif�tttl:l3
5 ��Fenton 0
-I �B ,�iiu;;;-�E±$i11tr;-
Fenton to j rJ1?
. JW,::t,J\fir"Jm"Buses"
6 I mtx, 100!t!.11120011!.IY-J�jE:i!f, "iifj!J�
Weldown bus I 5l·J-G:13tti�=1D
I --------- -
�1Wi.!¥--t-,NJ.f·:tt$. o
Hi El : IW5l'd[jE��;;r-�i:!:Lower Brene
7 Lower Brene �0 lI1 "Lower Brene" 5(c
I LowerBrene��¾100Jil.��G:�ffil

1i�, !2s)Jlt��� I 00fil�jE O


•�A•mi••••tkmi. �*�*��. •�•il!!M�Pf�•••�••m110¾
JI L 20 ¾ .t � 30 ¾ .l a<J It�.
5 A 14 B Ji] E JJl..
V Jessop

30 ¾ .t , J:. 4=- s ,� - ro A
2 0 ¾ J. , J:. lf- s A - 10 A 30 ¾

I O ¾ .l, J:. lf- 8 A - 11 A 30 ¾
��t-lf���i&l1J a<J A�:/Jo1!i.

s•♦��-�-��ffi-ll"W .•�t•A.**-�lf����i��-**4·**��•
�-. Jf.:lf 113tf.

��;ll!J-ffl..t A 4iJillt. tklt�iR:lf �#;fir �14iJiA. � 1'�.i){l-:f lH�k il!7 at�. :tk&-t-lf#:Mat
��&;-�:jj��-?'J t:-:ill.k. �;tffi Ji**· �-:tEff�j/}� ffl Wt I, ii:il� �l4iJiA. :tE*$'.i­
il!r-lf t •;ftr-f!r� Pf it.t-ff $ 0

10 ¾ .!;fir 20 ¾ J. il!7 :t �At, Pf iH}!f *�E.± lfil *� :t-. E.±AiE 1f *M4if ii 4-tiJ, at ,.at$. lit
, Jji Jl � it t . .ll 5E irnut .

(%} .::.19:00)
t•ij�.f.*M-�EW.�����-ffil�-A�W$���-TM •. ffiJA�-·�
-li!, � 1f if t-H� f � t • a¾ IB JF- •

(Jij :::_ 23:00)
�¾--��/l¾40.�ij�s�. �•*�f1Ml��*-�*�-����-��±tt
(Jij ), 21:00)
� ffJ 113 & f- -��1fJ�& a¾ at�, 1i.U1J T -�Fa±ij :t J\.J\..::tLkJ\. %W-ft1fJ �tJ1;&f-Jt1f w•

13 # 1. ��:/lt!,,p)r��1� ij �¾� �* l�];f11;¾ 00, ffiJ A91g ��

(Jij.::. 21:30)
Ffyona Campbell !L�:$\'.��JIJ
P<.JJJ ��� 1 -lit-$.. 41Ji�� l±l � ¾ ltftl4*ill IH<.z. ilt, :/lt!,,,rH!1!J. "' ;f � ��, roJ Janet Street­
Porter '9t�� ij �.f.

illiii'ii:-Jir 5
(%} 119
Ml�-- ��Ml*MTTI-lit-£ijA •. t.�±���-*•���ij��-•-

(%11i 19:30)
�+41*��·��t«M***B•*ATt�•w+•�.�t ♦ •a(l(Jt«fi���
1 § G 4- lllt ij "f 13 1:11 Carol Vordennan .i.# ,
o -ft* �.:k � ;J\7 *-% � it!. JliH& llt � �$ ;fP 1:.ff If
(i(J�#� � s jllJ ffi.:i!L

(%] B 22:00)
Paul Theroux -it� :ut;WJ 11!!.hUt�JlJ B ; :JJ! Im ft ft� ;b& �, ��� 1 4-l!lt "Ml ff JE.� (l(J JI

�--tH4o -tli%1t �J +i!t, Flat" )dfl:ii* If! WJI ifi1 tJI$ % , Paul �AUk5JUtl :$:z.Ml ( � iltl 3E$
ij, ��- �m��$)�T-�liA��ij:h&ff��*� o

----------------•·---· ---· ·--·--·-------

am••*��••1.-���:lJll0.1m�1�••.ft••�*- -�-�. �m•m�
-f *:i!.
ft -'fiJ!JJt ( 00 IW I f1.� � .I f1. )
jl11*•z1m E..i'il!i±flo/c'ffiJt T-.{J:. (41 JiJ) f;J 1f-f1.1'if ¾ ( t-*1}, l'.X..:ftl1}, f1.#.df
lo/c¼U&). �-1.Af�M:lJl(mMM%W�•Ma*� ft-lffl. �*•��'ffi�f1.:&f¾, ft
m���•m••-�-Jij(:lJlliMM)i&�. U-�;Jt�OO!Wlf1.ft�-�- -Jil/;Jft•t
*�IM�-- -�������ft-. �M�.d•-��-f;J*aft�¾-I.
i& 'tl9i � 'El. ft¼ PH�?
tt¼, :lJll � =tt 1#1F-*� llil'.*, 1#$ JA 9 Jl 23 El JiJ E ir5 IJ!t4Ht:!zh, J1 9 Jl 28 E ffiJ 1i iE Lf- � 'f 4L it
51: ;t' ;Jt tj:r �-tl/1- ...
W,t!!,�;i!i°¾, -tQ.#i�"fi.ft!-1:t*, ��, *�:/f'.i, ;/Jl;fL ��- ?J/=-sJ·Jn¼, .ijR_i�;lt�!St.,�
(lsW,l L

B��t-f-*3. 4. 5�71--)J}fE]ft,)0�. ijft��fl. "i=iJ�#J25O-ts•�. �±fx'IK
•�· •••�60*•· filffi•��•*(fgm�•m. �*¼•*•�•9O*•·

C &i'Jtl-w:,=•$r.p,C.,(tJ j3-1'":gjl,ftf-t,
§ WJ�(t}*�ffi*, "i=iJ�#J 152 ,ts*1:. ••
•�181--@�. fl0m ■ •. #�rK. m•��m. •m•�53�•. filM•��•�*
fr,]FJrfl ft m. m�i>9:fl1'$:1:m.

$:i:mJ:15. ���:ttB-*�*rt:1�-�-�. "i=iJ�#J 120 -ts•�. @fl'il m*!!.,tttfflmi*!lt�r-l�.
ffl�J..k 58.5 *•¥1168.5*-��, itiA)J} 58.5 *•, ffi:kft,J@ial 68.5*•· r/H'i�Pr�Jfi

ma� ,
E *fflWt-i! JJH!l�� �H•fi� ffl' ;,(J 140 ,ts 'f � :tf: �Ht lX ®@� r.f ½ft fll* ffl
Jnfli!����::1tiil'.��1t. ½ffl@r.p (t]-1'" ,m • � fr,Jffl1i}:� 45 *•¥a *•z
55 faJ ,
i;t�ffi•-ff-. ffl�"i=iJrlc*AA:'tft.


Questions 34 - 40


• ffi § WHfr:

.ffi If: ff!¥: *1t¥LJ l&ift ,f jm�Jiffi�:f!k!ii. ft��(t,Jfl:M:.

34 exact number miXAl3!:m= 1:iJ miX9"i!;!:f-ftlffiJff-��li.fft:ti::fi:.k.!il..fir��:1:l't-JllfiaJ,
I ffi!Jlt��:;,(JNOT GIVEN.

I m El , m-R:!ii x.!:l!.1±1 �-=i:: .=: =t JJ if=. wr.

30 million miXB'tlll�m= mix ,�:(£fi:.k.!:l!.:fO:J.liff1:i-3iUl't-Jj;::�,ryJ�nli:-=f .:::=fJJif=.
years ago wrl't-1fix.!:h. 1-t :fi� � ?tfflm . -1!1ilffix.!:l!.l't-Jlli:it:ii1ti: .=:
1 =fJj�zniJJ!E.�/:1:l� 7 .ffi!irt���FALSE.
m El, :fi:.k.!:l!.�:il:r�t1i!tt:t£-�oo*tHii;ttf&oo

36 I faster in some
lmi xr!;!:fi/:1:j:!Jej!_.fiHU�**', ffi!Jlt���NoT
-- -i -
- -- ------- ----- -- ----- -- -- -·� - -
a El : ilri��{(Jj�PlliJ:fi!l<.!:l!.l't-J#J.!:l!.a'":Jiff{t.
37 heat, larvae � fftl � m = El
I mix, !fHt:ii 1f;f1f�35Jcii:;t, Jl.�l't-Jllf iaJ;ttHE'7'.i:i

1't-J iffi f� f-f Wr�ft • :t£ it�Jc'7'. :k l!!tt1.\'�2 a: , mitE*
m.=: 1:iJ �l't-J7C°7'. !)lljfjiiJ�tiH:t457(. ffi)Jltfr�:;,(JTRUE.
I �El: '.i:J<.!kfl'�ii111ii:i-ttk�wi-i�ii4iJ&il't-J
miXC'tlll�m= -1-11.fWJ.
longest stage � fftJ�m 1:iJ /jJtX:nli:.!:l!.i!;!:fill#i, ;;r-(mntJ1'i!!i, ffi!Jlt, R�f?ffiJLJc.
I �Jlt��:;,(JFALSE.
Di El : m:.k.!:l!.�:.i:��llt&l't-JM'ltJJliJi:�ill;;r-:;,(JJ-.Jift§al.
, mixDfilNJE-tJ mix,�l-11i�&�1m�m�zniI .ill��£$
I tf..lliJf1i. ffl!Jlt��:;,(JTRUE.
rDi El: :i:km.ift#r£�m�rKtRti:!Je�
JJJiX:R�tfla(f��ifL i(¥lJ:ft:JE,:J:f:Jlfi�¥1't-Jlltir
40 wet areas mixEl3!:m-m I
r.r-;hP.:nmxm.��AJ !4!., @f!J&:J±�l't-Jmxs��tll


:fi* .9:1. ».I& -f- l:fl � !E. ft , ¾-1-fl � ii 2, 000 1-�# l¥J � #f,+ , mi 1l ili ::f Wr fl ilT l¥J ¥,o fl11
�:bt JJ!l.. i::filffilfl t?!.t. :bt l±l J\N 11�1¥Jft1¥J1i€1J.:i!�1 ftMEnx••Y<!k � f'l=-;fil''!& s 1 !fc flllt¥Jft-'s-.
oc�.--1'-#-�tE�-�ffi�'E�ilil¥J��#-fl�OCM. ��.tE-���ftl¥J��
J:, fta��M-1¥JMOOJ:.��2�1¥JOO�J:, U&a�fii:p:btftili¾a�ffi:btftJ:.

*j.._L:J*, :i j(_9:1Jq1�1¥Jft-1[ IJ& s I tir A•. 2,000 � 1f-frf, Ea :fL-=f 1¥J��15 �1¥J i:r 00 E
� • .:££��3�,'EITT¾£ftMB. ���£��mt¥J���-. ��.tE-00Mflffl�l¥J
� ffH � •-m � •* .9:1. ¾ :tm fiiJ Ml m *� 1!tJ oo t¥J , �:\!fa $! ill1A!i!: fl ff fiiJ-1.iE �is a r!i!: $! t¥J mm. r !¥-1
$AX£�oom•*•���A8fi$tr 1¥J.¥JT:k�t¥J••·fi��-@Tffi�1¥J�-:"P
•�t¥J��Allt#l:-:fil•OP*s, m1::f111.&am-=r-1Rm*oo11A1 -!;{�111m•*s�t9*�.:£EJJt4J
J:, tEl!tJ:ffiBt�#l¥J1J\�.

:il.tE. Y< .!il:flllltfil�jU (t:1:kg,f.Jffl�-f- = "fn 1.¥-ifu"i¥J"ii Y<.!E. 1-t:fi�l:'llf *�fi;J., �t'f "ii Y<.!il i¥J
:ll.1¥J, X¾MOOW*. �+•Y<s.#6��-i:pl¥J�OC¾ffi.�1¥J�-.:i!�R-•••
�:i!1R¾1::rn•�m�1¥J��. ��'ErnW�:i!It¥J��-

::r-�•*••-�w�att ��:n.MWUffl,'Efift��T�-1¥J--1-M•.+*,
� T �u& lffl:fllffit& lffl t.'.J9�, .:£E ttt�!r:ntrs1m�3i'J •Y<s Wt¥J� m.

�m�M•-�·•*•t¥J�•�u��41'-����t¥J��: 8. �scw�r��
.9:l.2-f-�-). �(��)��.9:l.. :iY<.9:l.tE�*U-1-M.�1¥J�l¥J%�*�T'Ei¥J�•.

;t !t r=>IHB �� � � ?t llfe: fjfj , @¾-* Z f7'l , t: l¥J � W f.k ��Ii! , 1� fili; % • '1 ft :ii '!it�� 3 5 ii: *
* *�
,ti , � � 1¥J llrtfal :l'IHi '=l � l¥J i9j f1£ 1'T J:ifr � ft. tE ri1G i:i '=l ::k lllt�� 2 7:Jc , mi tE l¥J:Jc'=( !i!IJ 1'f
w 1¥Jft-'% 0

•*��%Zfli' •*m�stttt�J.AJL�**¥Uj(�,ff::k;J,' *�-11!;,(j(�,ff �!E. O

Zfli, 'tffli:iJt,:J El EE�� i:r � 1J ;&W.:tJlilicf�ti:i'1;ffl r-ft.tE#1 !E.1¥l!i-"rBtM-::kt'-J 15 -"r
�I. •j(!EI.-E�W-#��1¥Jft. M�M!B.1¥lft��4••!E.��W1¥Jft��-W$,
@¾, tES*Z*�#ftfitt•��.

tf.Y(!El.!t61¥Jaffl--"r�m.M!B.fflEl��-tE�m.t1:�m. M!B.�4T�E-�
1¥J4!E.1¥l��. �fili;!E.-�rmWZfli . • !E.ff�W-�•!E.*B��. ��Uffl . • !E.��r
* *
t'-J 12 o -"r @� • nx: !E. r9: 1'I nt , 7f> fig nt rl!i , 1z;J JJt , ;ug rf ns JL :x . � A ffl i� � ¥tl T�* !E. . tt
tt cm l¥l £ JE tE� ft l¥l nx: ••!E.

tE-®OO* . •*!E.1¥l.tff�•&. •�-�. �20fil�50.�U*. �001¥J�j(
!EI.Rta�r�. �W.tEJitZ��#�--B�ff�T. �a•••&l¥J�ftl¥JMlz;l�ffi
ffiA�1¥J•�. 8�ffl:Jc7,��. �����•1¥J��•m�••m�. §*s1¥JffiA��
*M•�•�•**· �sm��M1¥Jr��m-m�tt�§*!El.�!tT�•.�*!E.�t1:*
�M1¥Jffl •. ffl�tttEnt�41¥JetM•�™411t�l¥l�•�m.������ffiffl��:Jc
m. ili��1!$1¥J/tff�.
R�tE'=lM•m. t•��.#�fiA•1¥Ja•1¥J��§j(.93.M��fil,@¾a��l¥J
:f*£k�-t;fl�tEL1.JffeJI. -a $±f-.l,'.J*, �rl§"�l¥J§:k!E.ffel'!&. 51 T * 13 ttt!f.��1¥-JL a�
il/i-:#;.. 1887 �, ��1¥-J:::§;fiJ1lf-tE: Tane Tinoau trr� OOliJf-�A Jn Fred Mace�� T J!.®tllifnl.
�ITT�T*a·••�-1¥Jft•-��-�*T�r�mW1¥JW�. ��rn1¥Jm•��T
Ll.J�I�-�--Zffi.�ITT���-����-&MW*. �*a*. �rn��ffelffl4�

� �=f J:.J5tf.Jm1<.!k/Yr �tf:i(:t,JJ'tJ!L � Tlt.t-iD"tt!�, ft!!.ff1Jl.�@l Lilifnl1N $lX o :(:E-lk Tane
tf.J•B•��.���TWifnltt,JJ:.g�-��5Atf.JB�. �ITTCMT�-.����fflM
ffilJT LlJifnltf.J:ftE.00 1888 �, Tane Tinorau x-.J-t}/j�::lf:th T-i!1'-Lilifnl o




Your have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that
you cannot continue the course.

Write a letter to the course tutor. In your letter

• describe the situation
• explain why you cannot continue at this time
• say what action you would like to take

► lfmw:
�§��B��I�. #Aa����MWfi. ��a�����--•�- �M
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Dear Mr. Brown,

I am very sorry to inform you that I will have to withdraw from your Accounting
301 class (the Tuesday and Thursday evening class) because of the pressure of
work. I will be withdrawing from the class tomorrow.

Recently, my company has been awcirded several new contracts and this compels
me to work overtime almost every night; Even if I could make time to attend your

classes, I would still not have enough time to do the class assignments. In re
sponse to this extra workload, the company is planning to hire more staff but I
anticipate it will be several months before I will be free to attend classes again.
When this temporary situation at work is over, I plan to re-enrol I in this class,
either next semester or next year.

I would like to add that I have thoroughly enjoyed your class, especially the very
clear manner in which you explain things.

Yours Sincerely,
John Wang

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Test B ___ _


Nowadays we are producing ,nore and more rubbish.

Why do you thirik this is happening?

What can governments do to help reduce the amou11t of rubbish produced?

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lloc y :LJi: t& (i".J ;n: � ?

I think it is true that in almost every country today each household

and -family produces a large amount of waste every week. Most of this
rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as pro­
cessed food. But even if we buy fresh food without packaging, we still
produce rubbish from the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shop­
ping home.

The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so

much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. Convenience is
also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food
that can be transported from long distances and stored until we need
it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.

However, I think the amount of waste produced is also a result of

our tendency to use something once and throw it away. We forget that
even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuable resources and energy
to produce. We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult
to dispose of.

I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in

the general public. Children can be educated about environmental issues
at school, but adults need to take action. Governments can encourage

such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by pro­
viding recycling services and by fining households and shops that do not
attempt to recycle their waste.
With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount
of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used
up and our planet poisoned by waste.

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