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BSRT – 1


1. Explain the computer development until the development for laptop.

- An abacus was one of the first and most widely recognized computers or gadgets.
Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and inventor and the founder or Father of
computers, started creating the first mechanical computer in 1822 and then, in 1833,
he created an Analytical Engine, a type of overall computer. Later, and over a
hundred years later in computer history, the first general-purpose electronic computer
has been introduced. It was known as the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator
and Computer) which was made by  John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. And as
technology advanced, computers became more compact and quicker to interpret data.
Adam Osborne and EPSON presented the first laptop to us in 1981.
The production of laptops grew as time passes and on October 1988 the NEC
UltraLite was released which people believed would be the first "notebook style"
computer as it was a small computer that measured less than 5 pounds. Now both the
Apple and Microsoft companies continue to release new and updated computers and
laptops. Both of which are more useful and with laptops becoming more portable.

2. What is the effect of computer age in your life as a student?

- With the advancement of technology, I can confidently state that computers and
laptops are among the greatest equipment to use, particularly for learning. Numerous
studies and articles have been available in this digital age, making planning and
completing homework or tasks much more efficient. Carrying our schoolwork with us
everywhere we go is also now possible. Yet, if used wrongly, it might be slightly
deceptive. Abuse of devices such as computers may do more harm than benefit, as
addiction and cybercrime abound. Nonetheless, with correct orientation, it is
reasonable to suppose that the computer era has revolutionized our environment,
notably for employees and students.

3. Which one do you prefer online classes or F-to-F classes?

- I'd rather be on the safe side of things. Both online and face-to-face classes have
advantages and downsides. Face-to-face classes would be the greatest option for
genuine learning and fair grading. Yet, if travelling costs and internet data
accessibility are factors, online learning is the way to go. In short, the decision would
be influenced by the existing scenario.

4. What is your comment with the plan to stop the online gaming?
- To be honest, I don't see any drawbacks to internet gaming. It is people's attitudes that
cause it to become addictive and destructive, although all it meant to do was provide
enjoyment during difficult and stressful times. While some developers utilize the
gaming platform to make money or engage in illicit gambling, this does not imply
that ALL online games are the same. They should strive to discover a means to
strengthen the security measures for the gamers and open their eyes to properly
identify which of them provides more harm than benefit.

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