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Facts and Statistics

It is vital not to ‘over-use’ facts and statistics in your speech. Too many of them will make
your speech boring, hard to follow and prevent you from creating a clear tone.
Task 1: Look through the research you did for prep. Pick out two statistics, two facts and
one expert quotation that you will include in your speech (no more!). Write them below.
A 2010 study out of Princeton University found that there's a correlation
between happiness and wealth, to a point of about $75,000 per year. When
people make more than $75,000 a year, their happiness doesn't increase
Kylie Jenner has taken to social media to open up about her mental health struggles. The
billionaire mogul shared an open letter on Instagram, addressing her battle with anxiety
Research shows that spending money on other people will make you happier than
spending just on yourself.

Task 2: Read the model Facts & Stats section below, then answer the questions that
Now before you all bite my head off, I’m not saying that plastic isn’t a problem. Of course it
is. I know that it pollutes the oceans we dump it in, I know that it pollutes the soil we bury it
in, and I know that micro plastics pollute our very own bodies . No one can question that.
There is however, a different question that we should be asking. Is plastic the number one
cause of climate change? Because if you look at the media reporting, you would be forgiven
for thinking that it was. But the answer is, in fact – no.
The number one cause of climate change is fossil fuels. And not just by little bit. 89% of all
CO2 emissions are caused by burning fossil fuels. Let me say that again – 89%. It’s hard to
comprehend because when we talk about climate change it feels like such a huge and
insurmountable issue, but the truth is, that at the centre of it all is one thing and one thing
only. And we need to get serious about it. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “we can no
longer continue feeding our addiction to fossil fuels as if there is no tomorrow. For there will
be no tomorrow.” We are quite literally talking about the future of humanity.
And this is why I get frustrated, when all I hear is plastic, plastic, plastic. When I see people
buy a metal water bottle and think they’ve done their bit – even though they drive to work
and heat their house during the day; completely disregarding the fact that three quarters of
all fossil fuel consumption comes from transport and heating. This is a genuine emergency,
and we need to act like it.

1. How many statistics does are included in the paragraph?

2. Find two examples of facts.
The number one cause of climate change is fossil fuels
three quarters of all fossil fuel consumption comes from transport and heating

3. Which use of a fact or statistic do you think is most effective? Why?

89% of all CO2 emissions are caused by burning fossil fuels. This because it is clear
and shows the problem
4. What adjective would you use to describe the tone of the speech? Find an example
of a fact or statistic being use to contribute to that tone.
Powerful tone and direct words used

Task 3: You have the rest of today’s lesson and your prep to write a draft of your facts and
statistics section. Type it below and use the following reminders to help you. I will mark
these and provide class feedback.
Success Criteria
• Only include the facts, statistics and quotation you included on your planning sheet.
• Try to use them in as persuasive a way as you can
• Establish and maintain a clear tone throughout your paragraph

How can I use facts and statistics persuasively?
• Embed them in an emotive sentence. E.g. You may be shocked to learn…
• Repeat them for effect. E.g. I’ll say that again…
How can I establish a clear tone?
• Through your vocabulary choices. E.g. ‘This is why I get frustrated…’
• Through use of techniques. E.g. The model repeats the phrase ‘I know’ to create an
irritated/frustrated tone.

Don’t forget about the other persuasive techniques. Why not include opinion as fact?
Inclusive pronouns? Triplet?
Now I know that when you buy new things you get that buzz inside of
you and you feel happy and like you have got this brand new shine
thing, but if you really think how long did that feeling last? Or it’s like
when you get a new pair of shoes and you’re so happy and you don’t
want to get them dirty and so you bring wipes and shoe cleaner. But
after a while you get bored or another pair of shoes and they lose
their value in your mind they might go from your special shoes to
your ever day shoes to then your park shoes to then garden shoes.
This is what happens every time you get something.
Even some of the riches celebs are never satisfied with their money
and still have serious mental health problems, even though you
would think they are happy.Eg: Kylie Jenner has taken to social
media to open up about her mental health struggles. The
billionaire mogul shared an open letter on Instagram,
addressing her battle with anxiety. This just goes to show that
money doesn’t buy happy ness no matter what number is in
your bank account
A 2010 study out of Princeton University found that there's a
correlation between happiness and wealth, to a point of about
$75,000 per year. When people make more than $75,000 a
year, their happiness doesn't increase. This means that its not
that they are not happy but it doesn’t increase because of there

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