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The gift?

Tuesday 14th of January 2020 11:45:04 PM CDT

“I’m so proud of my little boy!”

“I knew you could have done it, son,” bellowed an older looking man in his forties
wearing a proud look on his face.

“It’s not that big a deal” you muttered in a low voice.

“Not that big a deal? My son just got accepted to one of the best colleges in the
state!” your father said as he gave you a noogie on the head.

Usually, your father isn’t that excited these days seems like work is kicking his
ass. Still, when you got your acceptance letter to one of the most prestigious
colleges in the country, it seems a new light spawned in his eyes these days.

“Honey! You are going to hurt him!” your mother said worriedly as she helped free
you from his laborer's physique.

“HAHA, My bad My bad. We can’t injure that big brain of yours!” he chuckled to
himself. “The world is yours, my boy. Just make sure you work smarter than harder.”

“And make sure to surround yourself with the right people. Trouble usually comes to
those who go looking for it.” your mother said while petting your head lovingly.

You nodded your head as you listened to your parents' advice. You are on the path
to medical school and have the potential to become a doctor at a relatively early
age. One wrong move could make this path crumble before you. You don’t really have
any financial support other than scholarships and grants from the government. Your
parents are just blue-collar workers. They couldn’t even really afford to send you
to school. The first time being a human in anthro majority country actually pays
off for you.

A digital melody rang out from your pocket. Taking out your cellphone you realized
it was your girlfriend of 3 years.

“Is that Evelyn?” your dad asked you questioningly.

“I texted her that I would get an answer back around this time. She cares more than
I do at this.”

“Awh that’s so sweet. The two of you are so sweet,” she said sweetly. “I remember
when your father first took me out on our first date. Who knew the back of a car
could be so romantic.”

“That reminds me, honey,” he said as he grabbed your mother from behind. “I've got
a surprise for you.”

“Not in front of Anon dear...”

“He’s a grown man now. And besides, with Anon going away soon we are going to be
doing A LOT of stuff from now on,” he said while peppering kiss on her neck.

“Oh, my~,” she said as she melted in your dad’s arms.

This is making you sick. You gotta get out of here. Squeezing past the past their
prime love birds and out of the house, you finally answered the ringing cell phone
that was going off in your hand.

“Did you get the letter?!” said a squeaky voice over the phone.

“Yup. You are now officially talking to a med student at ZSU.” you said with
bravado bigger than your known intellect.

“That’s so fucking awesome baby! I knew you could do it. You know...speaking to a
future doctor is kinda a turn on...” she teased.

“Women drench themselves when a man can diagnose pneumonia by just hearing a
cough.” you joked as you hear her giggle over the phone.

“But seriously Anon. I am happy for you...” Evelyn said softly over the phone.

You caught a bit of sadness from her last sentence. Is she upset about something?

“Thanks, Eve. Is everythi-”

“A-are you busy tonight?” she stuttered interrupting your question. “I-I mean if
you are celebrating with your family I understand if you are.”

She is acting different for sure tonight. Normally shes calm and relaxed but
tonight it sounds like she’s about to ride the biggest roller coaster in the world.

“No, I’m free. My parents are ‘celebrating’ a certain way that I would not like to
be around for.” you say as a gross shiver ran travelled your spine.

“Great! My parents are still out of town, and I was wondering if you want to come

Her parents are out of town, she’s asking you to come over, and she’s acting
differently? She probably wants to fuck. You guess it was about time to take it to
the next level. The most the two of you did was kiss, and she let you fondle her
boobs a couple of times.

“Sure! I’ll grab a pizza or something on the way over.”

“kk See you soon, baby~.”

Hearing her hang up the phone, you ran inside to grab the keys on the dining room
table. However, you catch sounds of your mother moaning in ways you never wanted to
hear in your whole life. Rushing out the door, you hop into your car and make your
way to the best za’ joint, you can find that’s open.

Knocking on the wooden door with a hot pizza in your hand, you eagerly await your
fowl girlfriend.

Hearing movement from behind the door you hear a light sweet voice call out. “Anon?
Is that you?”

“That’s Dr.Anon to you, Missy.”

“Har har so funny,” she says, opening the door letting you in.

Greeted by elegant snow coloured peacock with piercing blood-red coloured eyes that
stared you down as you stood in the doorway

“I got spinach and pepperoni. That was your favourite right?”

‘Yea...that’s fine.” she said, absent mindlessly.

Noticing her wardrobe for tonight, she was wearing that cream coloured knit sweater
you got her for her birthday and a pair of baggy grey sweatpants.

“Everything fine?”

“Yea I’m just starving.” she cleared her throat.

You could tell that she was lying as she stood there. Making your way over to her,
you quickly embraced her into a big hug. Being about a head taller than the bird
made this easy.

“Tell me what’s bugging you. Seeing you worry makes me worry,” you whispered softly
into her ear.

“I-I-I’m just worried you know? A-About us.”

“Why would you be worried about us? I still love you. Do you still love me?”

“I do! It’s just that you are moving up and doing great things, while I can barely
remember the orders at the cafe.” Evelyn says with a sorrowful expression. “There
are tons of better girls out there...way better than me...”

“Listen, Eve. I want you, not those other girls. To me, you are smart, pretty, and
fun to be around. Put some more confidence in us.” you raised her chin to stare
into her eyes. “I am going to med school not just for myself but for others as
well. You are on that list Eve.

“Anon you too,” she whined into your loving embrace. Peppering the top of
her head with small kisses, you feel her calm down. “I have present for you Anon.
A-A big one.”

“You got me something? You shouldn’t have. What is it?” you say, coyly.

“It’s something you have to keep between us and promise not to tell anyone.”

“OK, I promise.”

“And promise me that you will love me regardless after I tell you.”

“OK, OK, I promise. Geez Eve don’t tell me you did a blood sacrifice or something.”

“Sit on the couch and close your eyes. And no peeking!” she warned you as she
pushed you in the direction of the couch.

Plonking on the couch, you covered your eyes and waited for your girlfriend to grab
your surprise. While waiting, you could hear the clicking of her talons and the
rustling of clothes behind you.

“Sounds like something fun,” you said to her.

“Y-Yea sort of,” she replied.

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