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I. Answer all. 2X4=8
1. Why acne and pimples are common in adolescents ?
2. Observe the diagram and answer the following.
i. What is the System does it belong to ?
ii. Label the parts A,B,C.
iii. Name of the part in which embroy develops ?
iv. What would happen if fusion of sperm and ova doesn’t takes
place ?
II. Answer all. 2X2=4
3. Write the differences between reproduction in human and Amoeba
4. What are the questions do you ask to a Doctor to know about precautions be taken during
Adolescent ?
III. Answer all 2X1=2
5. Prepare 2 slogans to create awareness about early marriage as a social taboo ?
6. Why do frogs croack in a rainy season ?
IV. Choose the right option. 1X6=6
7. The larva of frog is called ( )
A) Meggot B) Wriggler C) Embroy D) Tadpole
8. First cloned Mammal is ( )
A) Dolly B) Cumulina C) Copycat D) Injaz
9. Identify the incorrect matching from the following ( )
A) Amoeba – Binary fission B) Hydra - Budding
C) Internal Fertilization - Frog D) External Fertilization - Fish
10. Which hormone is controls emotions ( )
A) LH B) Adrenalin C) Testosterone D) Estrogen
11. Match the following. ( )
a. Adolescent - i. Larynx
b. Adam’s apple - ii. Build bloods
c. Menopause - iii. 13-19 years
d. Iron - iv. 45-50 Years
A) a-ii, b-iii, c-v, d-i B) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
C) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii D) a-iii, b-i, c-ii, d-iv
12. Read the Sentences ( )
1. Reproduction is most important for continuation of human race.
2. Hormones are most important for the growth and development Reproductive Organs.

A) 1, 2 Correct B) 1 is correct 2 is not

C) 1 is not correct , 2 is correct D) 1, 2 are not correct

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