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1 Listening Exam – Listening Script

Jack: Hi Sarah.
Sarah: Oh, hi Jack. I’m just reading about an online Spanish course. I’ve been
looking for something to do outside work.
Jack: I’m not sure about those courses. It’s not quite the same thing as talking to
someone in person, is it?
Sarah: Well, that was true a few years ago. The fact is though, that technology’s
come a long way. Don’t you fancy doing a course?
Jack: Well, I’m not sure what I’d do. I don’t have a natural talent for
languages…I think you’ve either got it or you haven’t.
Sarah: Actually, I think it’s more a question of the time you’re prepared to put in.
I did OK at languages at school, and I don’t think it came naturally to me.
You’re a great writer, though, so why don’t you think about some kind of
creative writing course?
Jack: Yeah, I wouldn’t mind that, actually. It’d really help me escape from the
stresses of my everyday life for a couple of hours. Let’s face it, our jobs aren’t
getting any easier, are they?
Sarah: No, they’re certainly not. And that’s why people do that kind of stuff, isn’t
Jack: Well…anyway, I should try to get fit first. I’ve put on weight since I started
working here, so maybe doing a sport is a better idea. The thing is, that’s the last
thing I feel like doing at the end of the day. I just don’t seem to have the energy.
Sarah: I know what you mean. Anyone who says it wakes them up is kidding, if
you ask me!
Jack: So, are you going to do the Spanish course, then?
Sarah: It’s either that or French. My brother’s wife is French, so I could probably
get her to give me lessons.
Jack: That’s a lovely idea, but I’ve heard that getting relatives to teach you is
rarely successful…you’re just too close to them.
Sarah: Why is that so often the case? It’s the same as getting driving lessons from
your husband or wife, I suppose. It doesn’t work out!
Jack: If you want to get really good, the only way is to spend some time in France
– you know, being surrounded by people who speak the language.
Sarah: Well, it’s one way, I’d agree. I’ve got a friend who speaks really good
French, but she’s never actually had the chance to live there. Everything she
knows is through watching movies or reading books…that sort of thing.
Jack: Hmm…that’s impressive. Anyway, we’d better get back to work.

English File third edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio Level 2 © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2014

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