Daily Lesson Plan - FEB15

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Daily 8
Lesson Grade Level
Learning Area
Science 8 (Chemistry)

Date & Time February 15, 2023 Quarter 3rd Quarter



The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

The particle nature of matter as a basis for explaining the properties, physical changes, and structure of substances
and mixtures.


Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter.

Present how water behaves in its different states within the water cycle.

C. Learning Competency (LC Code):

Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter;


c. Specific Objectives:

The learners shall be able to explain:

 Properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter.
 The learners shall be able to present how water behaves in its different states within the water cycle.

d. Contextualize Objective: The learners shall be able to apply their understanding of the particle nature of matter to
explain phenomena and processes that occur in everyday life, such as changes of state, weather patterns, and cooking.

II. CONTENTS: A. Subject Matter: The Particle Nature of Matter


 The particle theory of matter

 Properties of solids, liquids, and gases
 Changes of state
 The water cycle

Process Skills:

 Observing, Comparing and contrasting, Explaining, Predicting, Inferring.

Value Focus:

 Appreciation of the natural world and its processes

 Respect for scientific inquiry and evidence-based explanations


 MELCs (Science 8), Self-Learning Modules versions 1 and 2 Quarter 3

 Science 7, Module 1: The Particle Nature of Matter (DepEd, 2020)
 Handouts: "Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases," "Changes of State," "The Water Cycle"

 Interactive educational tool or app for motivation (e.g., PhET simulation, Edpuzzle video)
 Whiteboard or chart paper, Markers or chalk, Handouts

III. PROCEDURE: Preliminaries

 Prayer
 Attendance Check
 Health Protocols

ACTIVITY A. Pre-Activity


1. What is matter?
2. What are the three states of matter?
3. How are the particles arranged in solids, liquids, and gases?

Motivation (interactive educational tool/apps with 3 guide questions):

 Show an interactive simulation or video that demonstrates the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.

Guide questions:

1. What happens to the particles of a solid when it is heated?

2. What happens to the particles of a liquid when it is cooled?
3. What happens to the particles of a gas when it is compressed?


Read the specific objectives for the day.

The learners shall be able to explain:

 Properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter.
 The learners shall be able to present how water behaves in its different states within the water cycle.

Present the topic:

"The Particle Nature of Matter" (use the handouts "Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases" and "Changes of
State" to explain the particle theory of matter and how it relates to the properties and changes of state of substances). B.

Activity Proper :


To observe and explain changes of state of water.


Thermometer, hot plate or stove, ice cubes or crushed ice, water in a glass or beaker.

1. Measure the temperature of the water and record it.

2. Heat the water until it boils and record the temperature.
3. Remove the hot plate or stove and let the water cool.
4. Add ice cubes or crushed ice to the water and stir until the ice is melted.
5. Measure the temperature of the water and record it.

Guide questions:

 What happened to the temperature of the water when it was heated?

 What happened to the temperature of the water when it was cooled?
 What happened to the ice when it was added to the water?

C. Post-Activity:

Publication/Presentation of Group Report/Output

 Divide the class into groups and have them discuss and compare their observations and explanations of the
changes of state of water.
 Ask each group to prepare a poster or multimedia presentation that summarizes their findings and explanations.
 Process the group report.
 Ask each group to present their poster or multimedia presentation to the class.
 Lead a discussion on the similarities and differences among the groups' findings and explanations.
 Highlight the key concepts and principles related to the particle nature of matter, such as the roles of
temperature, energy, and intermolecular forces in changes of state.
 Discussion of the Topic
 Summarize the key concepts and principles related to the particle nature of matter.
 Guide a discussion on how these concepts and principles can be applied to explain other phenomena and
processes that involve the states of matter, such as the water cycle, weather patterns, and cooking.


 How do the particle arrangements in solids, liquids, and gases affect their properties and behavior?
 What happens to the energy and intermolecular forces of substances during changes of state?
 How can the particle theory of matter explain the water cycle?


 How can you use the particle theory of matter to predict the behavior of substances in different situations?
 How can you apply the principles of the particle theory of matter to solve practical problems, such as cooking
and weather forecasting?
 How does understanding the particle nature of matter contribute to your appreciation and respect for the
natural world?


 How can you use the principles of the particle theory of matter to explain everyday phenomena and processes,
such as the behavior of substances in cooking and cleaning?
 How can you apply the concepts and principles of the particle theory of matter to analyze and solve real-world
problems, such as environmental pollution and climate change?
 How does understanding the particle nature of matter contribute to your personal and social responsibility in
preserving and sustaining the natural world?

1. Which of the following statements best describes the particle arrangement in a solid?
A. The particles are far apart and have weak attractive forces.
B. The particles are close together and have strong attractive forces.
C. The particles are close together and have weak attractive forces.
D. The particles are far apart and have strong attractive forces.
2. Which of the following properties is a characteristic of a liquid?
A. Definite shape
B. Definite volume
C. Takes the shape of its container
D. Cannot flow easily
3. Which of the following statements best describes the process of evaporation?
A. The liquid changes into a solid.
B. The solid changes into a liquid.
C. The liquid changes into a gas.
D. The gas changes into a liquid.
4. What happens to the temperature of a substance during a change of state?
A. It remains constant.
B. It increases.
C. It decreases.
D. It fluctuates.
5. Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
A. Burning of wood
B. Rusting of iron
C. Melting of ice
D. Digestion of food


 Observe and explain the changes of state of a substance of your choice (e.g., chocolate, crayon, candle wax). Use
the principles of the particle theory of matter to guide your observations and explanations.
 Research on the applications of the particle theory of matter in everyday life and write a one-page reflection on
how this knowledge can help you


Overall, the class demonstrated a good understanding of the particle nature of matter and its implications on the
properties, physical changes, and structure of substances and mixtures. The sample activity on changes of state of water
was effective in reinforcing the key concepts and principles related to the particle theory of matter, and in developing the
learners' skills in observing, comparing and contrasting, explaining, predicting, and inferring.

The group reports and presentations showed the learners' creativity and critical thinking skills in applying their
understanding of the particle theory of matter to different phenomena and processes, such as cooking, weather
patterns, and pollution. The evaluation questions and assignment provide opportunities for the learners to further
practice and apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts. To improve the lesson, future activities could
incorporate more opportunities for hands-on experiments and investigations, as well as for collaboration and peer

Prepared by: Mentor:

Teacher III Master Teacher I
Noted by:
Principal III

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