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Jose Abad Santos Campus

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

3058 Taft Avenue Pasay City



11- STEM 8




The claim stated that abortion is a solution to the high rate of teenage pregnancy.
Contrary to popular belief, abortion is not such a bad idea. There are many ways to reduce the
Philippines' population, and abortion is not the only one. The Philippines' rising population can
be managed by the government by continuing to implement family planning and reproductive
health programs. Abortion is defined as the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from
the uterus, which results in or is caused by the embryo or fetus's death. Although it is not
stated in the argument, abortion has a significant or negative impact on a woman's health or
body. Smoking, drug abuse, eating disorders, depression, suicide attempts, guilt, regret,
nightmares, and low self-esteem can all result from abortion. Abortion complications include
heavy bleeding, infection, incomplete abortion, damage to the cervix and scarring of the
uterine lining, perforation of the uterus, damage to internal organs, and death. I strongly
disagree with the assertion that abortion should be legalized or that abortion can prevent
adolescent pregnancy. Abortion, in my opinion, should be prohibited. Abortion means killing a
new life and endangering a woman's body. People who have abortions appear to regard the
fetus as a "thing," and if they don't want to have a baby, there are ways to avoid pregnancy
before conception. As a result, relying solely on abortion implies that they are blameless.

As I've already said, an abortion is harmful to a woman's body. Nowadays, many people have
tried to get an abortion, which generates confusion. Abortion is not as simple as individuals
may believe. It's possible that a woman's body will no longer allow her to become pregnant.
Also, it's probable that it causes women to pass away. Regrettably, a lot of individuals are
unaware of the truth. It's due, in my opinion, to a lack of knowledge regarding abortion.
Pregnant women are unaware of the effects abortion has on their bodies. As the claim stated
that "There's a big possibility that you would get pregnant if you got raped. Rape victims are the
most affected because they have no choice but to bare that child." Yes, you are more likely to
become pregnant, especially if you were raped, but that does not imply you must immediately
have an abortion; if you are unable to care for the child, you can leave it with the DSWD or you
can leave it at the child welfare organizations gateway. Everyone should be accountable for
their actions. Some people believe that abortion is a simple approach to prevent getting
pregnant. They can therefore mate whenever they like. After that, they'll visit the hospital if
they discover a pregnancy. It sounds simple, but my impression is that they don't take
responsibility for what they do. I previously stated that if you are angry because you were raped
and intend to pour all of your anger and frustration on your child, it is preferable to have it
adopted by someone else while it is still a baby, because if you know within yourself that you
will never be able to love the child, it is preferable to have someone else adopt the child.
Because the child is innocent, the mother who is a rape victim should not beat or punish the
child with a belt, hanger, or anything else. Yes " Every rape victim has the right to choose." but
think about the baby, he or she has the right to live whether he or she is born. Who can say the
baby has no chance? It's possible that the baby's life will be better than ours. We have no right
to kill a newborn child. Furthermore, I believe that abortion is only performed by humans.
Humans are the only animals that intentionally kill their babies.

Even though it has the potential to save lives and benefit many women across the country,
abortion is still illegal and is being criminalized across the country. Lawmakers continue to
oppose abortion legalization due to religious beliefs and values. Yes, girls have the right to make
their own decisions about their bodies and future, and everyone has their own freedom, but what
about the child? Did they consider the child's freedom and future? Abortion is not the answer to
preventing the teenage pregnancy rate. Family planning prevents abortion. Every year,
approximately 50 million abortions are performed on women. Twenty million of these are
unsafe, resulting in the deaths of approximately 78,000 women. For every woman who dies
because of an unsafe abortion, several others suffer lifelong disability and pain, as well as
complications with future pregnancies. Family planning services that are safe, voluntary, and
easily accessible reduce women's reliance on abortion.

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