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Sample questions and mark scheme

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3

Task. Listen to a TV programme about islands. Identify which of the islands refers to the
statements below (1-6). Write letter (A-C) next to the statement.
A. Great Britain
B. Greenland
C. Madagascar

1. It’s popular with tourists. [1]

2.The nights are very short in summer. [1]
3.The animals and plants are different from other places. [1]
4.There’s tunnel connecting it to a continent. [1]
5. There are big differences in climate between different parts of the island. [1]
6. Its name doesn’t describe it well. [1]


Task . Read the text and write an appropriate word from the text next to each definition.

Somewhere in the world…

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. It carries

millions of tons of yellow sand from the deserts of Central China
which give the river a yellowish colour. The Black Sea lies between
six countries including Russia, Turkey and Ukraine-but it certainly
isn’t black! The name probably comes from the black clouds which
can cause storms in the area. And Greenland – the world largest Island
apart from Australia-is more white than green (85%is permanently
covered in snow and ice) One idea is that the first people who arrived
there saw it in spring.

The Dead Sea is not really a sea, but a lake. Water comes into it from the River Jordan, but
because the Dead Sea is lower than the land around it, it cannot flow out. The hot desert sun
evaporates the water as quickly as it
flows in, leaving salt and other minerals. As a result, the Dead Sea is seven times saltier than
the sea, and people can easily float on it!

Country with the most extreme climate is Argentina. Two of the hottest and coldest
temperatures ever recorded were there. A temperature of 49°C was recorded in the town of
Riva Davia on 11th December 19.5 and -33°C in Sarmiento (only 115 km away) in June 1907
that’s a difference of 82°C.

In South America, the Andes stretch more than 7000 km from

Lake Marakaibo in the north Tierra del Fuego in the south- the
whole length of the continent and a distance greater than New
York to London. In the Andes you can also find the world’s
highest volcano (Nevado Ojos del Salado on the border between
Chile and Argentina) and the world’s highest lake (Lake


In the city of Venice in the north-east of Italy no cars are allowed into this historic city. There
you can find 150 canals. The only way to get around is on foot, by boat…or water taxi. It’s
famous forits historic palaces, churches and art galleries.

1. Strong wind and rain- (paragraph 1) [1]

2. An area of land surrounded by water- (paragraph 1) [1]
3. An area of water surrounded by land- (paragraph 2) [1]
4. The type of weather found in a particular place- (paragraph 3) [1]
5. The dividing line between two countries- (paragraph 4 ) [1]
6. A man-made river- (paragraph 5) [1]

Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write about 120-150 words.

Topic 1. Write a descriptive essay about the most beautiful place in Kazakhstan.
Topic 2. Write a descriptive essay about the most dangerous place in the world.

Task. Open the brackets and put the right conditional form:

1. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
2. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not/see) it with my own eye.
3. If you had told me that beforehand, I (find) some money for you.
4. If he had asked you, you (answer)?
5. If I (have) a book, I wouldn’t have been bored.
6. If you (speak) slowly, he might have understood you.
7. I (take) a taxi if I had understood that it was too late.
8. If I (be) ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.
9. She had a headache, otherwise she (come).
10. If my mother (know) about the party, she would have baked a cake.
11. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.
12. If I were you, I (not/buy) such expensive things.


Total marks /24


Islands have their own kind of magic, and Greenland is one of the most magical of them all.
During the summer months, its daylight a lot of the time –and it’s hard to sleep. But that gives
you more is the biggest time to see this strange, wild and enormous place. Greenland is the
biggest island in the world. It lies between the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, off the coast of
North America. It’s almost the-thirds the size of Australia; 2,655 kilometers from north to south,
and 1,290 kilometers from east to west. So there’s a lot of land, but it’s not very green. In fact,
Greenland is the least green of all the island in fact, Greenland is the least green of all islands in
today’s programme. An d that’s because an icecap – a thick layer of ice – covers percent of
Greenland. Snow falls on Greenland in every month of the year. The snow gets deeper and
deeper and turns to ice. As a result, Greenland has the second largest icecap in the world, after
Antarctica. On average, the ice is one and anal kilometers thick, but in some places it’s thicker
than that-more than three km thick, in fact. And it’s always moving. In large parts of the island,
there are no people all. About , people live around the coast, where the climate is less cold than
in the center, their main work is fishing.
Madagascar is a world apart. It’s the fourth largest island in the world, and lies in the Indian
Ocean, off the coast of Africa. It split away from the rest of Africa about 100 million years ago.
It’s a land of contrast and surprises. There’s rainforest on the east coast of Madagascar. In the
south it’s hot and dry, but the climate is cooler in the mountains that run down the middle of the
island. So some parts are less tropical than others. Most of the people are farmer, and rice is the
main food. The population is about 18 million. But what makes Madagascar special is that there
are unusual tips of animals and plants that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. The island
most animals are the lemurs-they look a little like monkeys and they’ve got long tails. But
they’re in danger now because people have destroyed the forests where they live. In all, about 50
kinds of wildlife are at risk on Madagascar.
Yes, it probably looks familiar… and of course it is. I’m in Trafalgar Square, in the heart of
London. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Great Britain is the eight largest in Europe. It’s
interesting, too, because it’s actually three countries: England, Scotland, and Wales. It’s rich in
history, and people come from all over the world to visit famous churches, museums and castles.
Great Britain is more crowded than many of its European neighbors, and has a population of 60
million. But in parts it’s also very beautiful. Mountains cover a lot of Scotland, where there are
many long, deep lakes, called lochs. Wales and north of England are hilly, while the south and
east of England are flatter. The area around London is probably the least impressive part of Great
Britain. In 1994, the Channel Tunnel opened. This rail tunnel is almost 50 kilometers long, and
links England with France. It’s the second longest tunnel in the world,55after the Seikan tunnel in
Japan. Because of the Channel Tunnel, some people think that Great Britain is no longer an

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