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CLASS CODE 40390466



MODULE 4 . Family and Society


In this module the student will realize the importance of the family in every culture, values,
norms, and lifestyles. The role of the family is important in every society because it is the foundation
and structure of the society itself. The family is a social institution which is present in all cultures.


In this module , the student will be able to:

1. Describe the functions of the family

2. Explain the roles of the family, the church, and the school
3. Identify the prominent mark of a Filipino family

A. Understanding the family - In every country, the family is viewed in narrowed terms – a married
couple with unmarried children living in one home is called a nuclear family. A family with the couple
and children together with grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces living in one home is called
extended family.

 Monogamy – a marriage of one wife and one husband

 Polygamy - an individual can have more than one partner, more than one wife/husband at one
 Polygyny – refers to the marriage of one man to more than one woman at the same time
 Polyandry - when a woman can have more than one husband at the same time.

B. Functions of the Family

1. Reproduction – For a society to maintain itself , it must replace dying members. The family
contributes to human survival through its function of reproduction.

2. Protection – In all cultures, it is the family that assumes ultimate responsibility for the
protection and upbringing of children.

3. Regulation of Sexual Behaviour –In male dominant society, formal and informal norms permit
men to express and enjoy their sexual desires more freely than women

4. Affection and Companionship - Ideally, the family provides members with warm relationships
and help them feel satisfied and secure.
5. Socialization – Parents and kin monitor the child’s behaviour and transmit the norms, values, and
language of a culture to the child.

6. Providing of Social Status – The family unit presents the new born child with the ascribed status of
race and ethnicity that helps determine his/her place within a society’s stratification system.


 The family is the first institution to develop a child’s character. Parents teach their children
values that they learned fro ancestors and in the community. These values are modified to suit
the family members’ needs. Some factors affecting changes are parents’ upbringing, religion,
education, social, and economic status.
 The school is another institution influencing the family. The teachers provide big role in
children’s lives. They set lasting examples which may even influence children’s choice of
profession. Good manners learned from school additionally provide solid values foundation.
 The church is an institution that influences Filipino parents and children. Spiritual values which
are addressed to the hearts and conscience of a person is powerful and all encompassing.

D. Prominent Mark of a Filipino Family

Cohesion or close family ties – It starts from childhood where children see the sacrifices of
their parents to send them to school and support them in their daily sustenance. Family gatherings
contribute to this bonding.

E. Society and Family – the family has a decisive role, having the capacity and responsibility to impact
the entire society by its positive example.

F. Activities - Send in PDF file at

1. Describe your family. Is it nuclear or extended? How many siblings are you in the family? Are
you the eldest or the youngest? What is your role in your family?

2. What are the rules and norms set in your family that you have to follow?

3. What is the role of the school in your life? How has the school influenced your life?

4. What is the role of the church in your life? Is religion an important aspect in your family?

5. When you raise your own family, which do you prefer , a small family of 1-2 children or a big
family? Give 5 advantages of a big family/ Give 5 advantages of a small family. Give 5 disadvantages
of a big family/ give 5 disadvantages of small family.

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