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Bajwa Pharmaceu cals while

Serving humanity since incep on with maintaining its entreprenuel
our assorted range of molecules precisely posture would remain sympathe c
required for na onal and global demand. to ailing humanity.

Passionate to enhance it to biological

and an cancer medica ons in the
years to come.High quality products
with affordable prices
across the globe.
Relocurium 3ml, 5ml
Non-depolarizing agent (muscle relaxant)

IV Injection
Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Atracurium Besylate USP............10mg
Product Complies to USP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Atracurium antagonizes the neurotransmi er ac on of acetylcholine by
binding compe vely with cholinergic receptor sites on the motor
end-plate. This antagonism is inhibited, and neuromuscular block reversed,
by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as neos gmine,
edrophonium, and pyridos gmine.
Indica on:
Used to facilitate endotracheal intuba on and relax
skeletal muscles during surgery.
Store at 2 C to 8 C.

Truocuronium solution for Injection / Infusion

Non-Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
or Muscle Relaxant

Composi on:

Each ml Contains
Rocuronium Bromide............10 mg
innovator’s specs
Mode of Ac on:
The binding of Rocuronium decreases the opportunity for acetylcholine to bind to the
nico nic receptor at the postjunc onal membrane of the myoneural junc on.
As a result, depolariza on is prevented, calcium ions are not released and muscle
contrac on does not occur.
Indica on:
Used as an adjunct to general anesthesia to facilitate both rapid sequence and rou ne
tracheal intuba on, and to provide skeletal muscle relaxa on during surgery or
mechanical ven la on.
Store at 2 C to 8 C.
Suxathon Depolarizing muscle relaxant

Composi on:
Each 2 ml Contains:
Suxamethonium Chloride B.P.....100mg
Product Complies to BP Specifica ons
Mode of Ac on:
Suxamethonium works by blocking the ac on of
acetylcholine on skeletal muscles.
Indica on:
Neuromuscular blockade agent (short-ac ng),
Muscle spasm,Adjunct therapy for anaesthesia.
Store at 2 oC to 8 oC.

Neostig-N An -cholinestrase
IM. SC. Slow IV Injection

Composi on:
Each ml Contains:
Neos gmine Methylsulphate BP................2.5mg
Product Complies to BP Specifica ons
Mode of Ac on:
Neos gmine works by blocking the ac on of
acetylcholinesterase and therefore increases
the levels of acetylcholine
Indica on:
Reversal of non -depolarizing neuromuscular
blockade, used for the symptoma c treatment
of myasthenia gravis by improving muscle tone.
Store at 25 C.
An -muscrinic (an cholinergic)

IM / IV Injection
Composi on:
Each ml Contains
Glycopyrrolate........................... 0.2 mg
Product Complies to USP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Glycopyrrolate, inhibits the ac on of acetylcholine
on structures innervated by postganglionic cholinergic
nerves and on smooth muscles that respond to
acetylcholine but lack cholinergic innerva on
Indica on:
Reversal of non -depolarizing neuromuscular
blockade, used for the symptoma c treatment
of myasthenia gravis by improving muscle tone.
Store at 25 C.

Glycosting An -cholinergic

IV Injection

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Glycopyrrolate USP..............................0.5mg
Neostigmine Metilsulfate BP................ 2.5mg
(Innovator’s Specs)
Mode of Ac on:
Neos gmine/glycopyrrolate, when administered a er recovery from neuromuscular
block, increases upper airway collapsibility and impairs genioglossus muscle ac va on
in response to nega ve pharyngeal pressure.
Reversal with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may be undesirable in the absence of
neuromuscular blockade.
Indica on:
Reversal of residual non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockade.
Store at 25 oC .
Pivacain-SP Injection
Spinal block anaesthe c

Sterile Hyperbaric solution for spinal block

Composi on:
Each 2 ml Contains:
Bupivacaine Hydrochloride..........15mg
Dextrose Anhydrous............165mg
Product Complies to BP Specifica ons
Mode of Ac on:
Bupivacaine blocks the genera on and the conduc on of nerve impulses by increasing
the threshold for electrical excita on in the nerve, by slowing the propaga on of the
nerve impulse, and by reducing the rate of rise of the ac on poten al.
Indica on
General Anesthesia Regional nerve block therapy for oral surgery procedures, for
diagnos c and therapeu c procedures, and for obstetrical procedures.
Store at 30 C.

Pivacain-SP 0.5% Heavy Injection

Regional Anaesthesia

Sterile Hyperbaric solution for spinal block


Composi on:
Each 4ml Contains:
Bupivacaine Hydrochloide USP............20mg
Dextrose Anhydrous USP.................320mg
(Product Complies to USP Specifica on)
Mode of Ac on:
Bupivacaine blocks the genera on and the conduc on of nerve impulses, presumably by
increasing the threshold for electrical excita on in the nerve, by slowing the propaga on
of the nerve impulse, and by reducing the rate of rise of the ac on poten al.
Indica on
Bupivacaine is o en administered by spinal injec on prior to total hip arthroplasty. It is
also commonly injected into surgical wound sites to reduce pain for up to 20 hours a er
surgery. In comparison to other local anaesthe cs, it has a long dura on of ac on.
Store at 30 C.
Pivacain 10ml
Local Anesthesia

Composi on:
Each ml Contains:
Bupivacaine Hydrochloride
(as anhydrous) USP........................5mg
Product Complies to USP Specifica ons
Mode of Ac on:
Bupivacaine blocks the genera on and the conduc on of nerve impulses by increasing
the threshold for electrical excita on in the nerve, by slowing the propaga on of the
nerve impulse, and by reducing the rate of rise of the ac on poten al.
Indica on
General Anesthesia Regional nerve block therapy for oral surgery procedures, for
diagnos c and therapeu c procedures, and for obstetrical procedures.
Store at 30 C.

Batamine IM / IV Injection
2ml General anaesthe c

Composi on:

Each 2ml Contains

Ketamine Hcl eq. to ketamine BP....................100mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist with a potent anesthe c effect. The anesthe c state
produced by Ketamine has been termed as "dissocia ve anesthesia" in that it appears to
selec vely interrupt associa on pathways of the brain before producing somesthe c sensory
blockade. It may selec vely depress the thalamoneocor cal system before significantly
obtunding the more ancient CE
cerebral LLS
centers and pathways
Indica on:
Recommended for Diagnos c and Surgical Procedures. If skeletal muscle relaxa on is needed,
it should be combined with a muscle relaxant. If the surgical procedure involves visceral pain,
it should be supplemented with an agent that obtunds visceral pain. Ketamine can be used for
Induc on of Anesthesia prior other general anesthe c agents and as a supplement of
low potency agents
Store at 25oC .
Baligno 2%
Local anaesthe c
Local Anesthetic for injection
Composi on:
Each ml Contains
Lignocaine HCl BP.................20mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Amide type anaesthe c used to provide local anesthesia by nerve
blockade at various sites in the body
Indica on
used in a wide variety of superficial and invasive procedures.
Store at 3 0oC .

Atrofate Sulfate I.M / I.V Injection

Aminoglycoside An -bio cMuscarinic Antagonist

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Naloxone Hydrochloride BP.............0.4mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Atropine Sulphate antagonizes the muscarine-like ac ons of acetylcholine and
other choline esters. Adequate doses of atropine abolish various types of reflex
vagal cardiac slowing or asystole. The drug also prevents or abolishes bradycardia
or asystole produced by injec on of choline esters, an cholinesterase agents or
other parasympathomime c drugs, and cardiac arrest produced by s mula on of
the vagus.
Indica on:
Emergency treatment of an opioid overdose or suspected opioid overdose
Store at 3 0oC
Naloxo-X I.M / I.V / S.C Injection
Narco c an dote

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Naloxone Hydrochloride BP.............0.4mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Naloxone binds to mu-opioid receptors with a high affinity, and
a lesser degree to kappa- and gamma-opioid receptors in the CNS.
Naloxone is an opiate antagonist which is used intravenously in
emergency situa ons to reverse the respiratory depression caused by
overdoses of heroin, morphine or other opioids.
Indica on:
Emergency treatment of an opioid overdose or suspected opioid overdose
Store at 30oC
An -hypertensive Nitrate

for IV Infusion
Composi on:
Each 10ml contains:
Isosorbide dinitrate (BP)..............10mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Isosorbide dinitrate is converted to the ac ve nitric oxide to
ac vate guanylate cyclase. This ac va on increases levels of
cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP ac vates
protein kinases and causes a series of phosphoryla on reac ons
which leads to dephosphoryla on of myosin light chains of
smooth muscle fibres. Finally, there is a release of calcium ions
which causes smooth muscle relaxa on and vasodila on.
Indica on
Used to treat angina in coronary artery disease.
Store at 3 0oC .

Beta-1 agonist

IV Injection
Composi on:
Each ml contains:

Dobutamine as Hydrochloride USP..............12.5mg

Product Complies to USP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Dobutamine is a beta-1 agonist catecholamine that has cardiac
s mulant ac on without evoking vasoconstric on or tachycardia.
It is proposed as a cardiotonic a er myocardial infarc on or
open-heart surgery.
Indica on
Disease (CAD) due to depressed contrac lity resul ng either from
organic heart disease or from cardiac surgical procedures
Store at 30oC .
Sinrex IV Injection
An hypertensive agent (calcium channel blocker)

Composi on:
Each 2ml contains:
Verapamil HCl BP......................5mg
(Product complies to BP Specifiactions)
Mode of Ac on:
Verapamil inhibits L-type calcium channelsRATE
by binding to a
specific area of their alpha-1 subunit,which is highly expressed
on L-type calcium channels in vascular smooth muscle and
myocardial ssue where these channels are responsible for the
control of peripheral vascular resistance and heart contrac lity.
Indica on:
Used in the treatment of high blood pressure, heart arrhythmias,
and angina
Store at 30oC .

Baj-Prolol IV Injection
Beta blocker

Composi on:
Each 5ml Contains
Metroprlol Tartrate USP......................5 mg

(Product complies to USP Specifications)

Mode of Ac on:
Metoprolol is a beta-1-adrenergic receptor inhibitor specific to
cardiac cells with negligible effect on beta-2 receptors. This inhibi on
decreases cardiac output by producing nega ve chronotropic and
inotropic effects without presen ng ac vity towards membrane
stabiliza on nor intrinsic sympathomime cs.
Indica on:
Angina, Heart Failure, Myocardial Infarc on, Atrial Fibrilla on,
Atrial Flu er and Hypertension
Store at 30oC .
Baj-Darone IV Injection
An -arrhythmic Agent

Composi on:
Each ml Contains
Amiodarone HCl USP......................50 mg
(Product complies to USP Specifications)
Mode of Ac on:
Amiodarone is a class III an arrhythmic indicated for the treatment
of recurrent hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia and
recurrent ventricular fibrilla on.
Indica on:
Recurrent ventricular fibrilla on (VF) and recurrent
hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia (VT)
Store at 30oC .

Sedaphrine I.M./ I.V/ SC Injection

Sympathomime c agent

Composi on:
Each ml contains:

Ephedrine sulphate USP.......................50mg

Product Complies to USP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Ephedrine's s mula on of α-1 receptors causes constric on of veins
and a rise in blood pressure, s mula on of β-1 adrenergic receptors
increase cardiac chronotropy and inotropy, s mula on of β-2
adrenergic receptors causes bronchodila on.
Indica on
Hypotension under anesthesia, allergic condi ons, bronchial asthma,
and nasal conges on
Store at 30oC .
Phee-Phrine Sympathomime c agent

SC/I.M./Slow I.V Injection

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Phenylephrine hydrochloride...................10mg
(BP Specs)
Mode of Ac on:
Phenylephrine is an alpha-1 adrenergic agonist that raises blood
pressure, dilates the pupils, and causes local vasoconstric on
Indica on
Hypotension caused by shock or anesthesia Off-label uses: priapism
Store at 3 0oC .

An dysrhythmic agent

I.M./ I.V/ Injection

Composi on:
Each ml Contains:
Magnesium Sulphate heptahydrate...........500mg
(Product Complies to USP Specifica on)

Mode of Ac on:
Magnesium is the second most plen ful ca on of the intracellular fluids.
It is essen al for the ac vity of many enzyme systems and plays an important role
with regard to neurochemical transmission and muscular excitability
Indica on:
Usedto treat convulsions during pregnancy, nephri s in children, magnesium
deficiency, and tetany.
Store at 3 0oC .
Frusemide I.M./Slow I.V Injection Loop Diure c

Composi on:
Each 2ml contains:
Furosemide BP...................20mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Furosemide is a potent loop diure c that acts on the kidneys to
ul mately increase water loss from the body. It is an anthranilic
acid deriva ve
Indica on
Used to treat hypertension and edema in conges ve heart failure,
liver cirrhosis, renal disease, and hypertension, edema
Store at 30oC .

Bopamin IV Injection
Catecholamine Neurotransmi er

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Dopamine HCl..USP........40mg

(Product Complies to USP specification)

Mode of Ac on:
Dopamine is a precursor to norepinephrine in noradrenergic
nerves and is also a neurotransmi er in certain areas of the
central nervous system.
Indica on:
Used to treat hemodynamic imbalances, poor perfusion of
vital organs, low cardiac output, and hypotension.
Store at 30oC .
I.M / I.V / S.C Injection
Opioid analgesic

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Nalbuphine Hcl........................... 10 mg
innovator’s specs
Mode of Ac on:
Nalbuphine injec on is in a class of medica ons called
opioid agonist-antagonists.
It works by changing the way the body senses pain
Indica on
Used to treat pain, for pre and postopera ve analgesia,
and for analgesia in labor and delivery.
Store at 25oC

Ketobaj I.M / I.V / S.C Injection


Composi on:
Each ml ampoule contains:
Ketorolac Tromethamine……..30mg
(USP Specification)
Mode of Ac on:
Ketorolac is a non-selec ve NSAID and acts by inhibi ng both COX-1 and
COX-2 enzymes which are normally responsible for conver ng arachidonic
acid to prostaglandins
Indica on
Used for postopera ve pain, rheumatoid arthri s, osteoarthri s, menstrual
disorders, headaches, spinal and so ssue pain, and ankylosing spondyli s.
Store at 2 5oC
I.M / I.V / SC & IV Infusion Injection
Centrally-ac ng opioid agonist and SNRI
(serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Tramadol Hydrochloride......................50mg
(As per innovator’s specification)
Mode of Ac on:
Tramadol binds weakly to κ- and δ-opioid receptors and
to the μ-opioid receptor with 6000-fold less affinity than
Indica on
Used for the management of moderate to severe pain in
Store at 25oC

Pixcam I.M.Injection

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Piroxicam BP...................20mg
(As per innovator’s Specs.)
Mode of Ac on:
Piroxicam blocks the Cox-1 enzyme, resul ng into the disrup on of produc on of
prostaglandins. Piroxicam also inhibits the migra on of leukocytes into sites of inflamma on
and prevents the forma on of thromboxane A2, an aggrega ng agent, by the platelets.
Indica on
For treatment of osteoarthri s and rheumatoid arthri s, postopera ve pain, moderate to
severe pain management.
Store at 3 0oC .
Bajfenac NSAID

Composi on:
Each 3ml contains:
Diclofenac Sodium ................75mg
Manufacturer’s Spec.
Mode of Ac on:
Diclofenac sodium NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and-2
which are the enzyme responsible for producing prostaglandins
(PGs). Diclofenac reduces inflamma on and by extension reduces
nocicep ve pain and combats fever.
Indica on
Generally treatment of pain and inflamma on. such as osteoarthri s,
rheumatoid arthri s, and akylosing spondyli s
Store at 25oC
Menhydrin An histamine An allergy

IM / IV Injection

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Dimenhydrinate........................... 50mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Dimenhydrinate is theorized to reduce disturbances to equilibrium
through an muscarinic effects or histamine H1 antagonism
Indica on:
Used to prevent and treat nausea, vomi ng, ver go, and mo on sickness.
Store at 25oC

Clopramid I.M / I.V Injection

An dopaminergic

Composi on:
An -Eme cs

Each 2ml contains:

Metoclopramide (as Hydrochloride) USP......10 mg
Product Complies to USP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Metoclopramidis principally a dopamine D2 antagonist but
also acts as an agonist on serotonin 5-HT4 receptors and
causes weak inhibi on of 5-HT3 receptors.
Indica on:
Used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease,
preven on of nausea and vomi ng, and to s mulate gastric
Store at 25oC
Synostat I.M / I.V Injection
250mg An fibrinoly c agent

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Tranexamic acid BP.............100mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Tranexamic acid compe vely and reversibly inhibits the ac va on of
plasminogen via binding at several dis nct sites, including four or five
low-affinity sites and one high-affinity site, the la er of which is
involved in its binding to fibrin.
Indica on
Used for the treatment of hereditary angioedema, cyclic heavy
menstrual bleeding in premenopausal females, and other instances
of significant bleeding in the context o yperfibrinolysis
Store at 30oC .
An -Eme cs
Beecobal IM / IV Injection
Vitamin B12

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
Mecobalamin J.P........................500mcg
innovator’s specs
Mode of Ac on:
Vitamin B12 serves as a cofactor for methionine synthase and
L-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase enzymes. These are essen al for
the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines that form DNA
Indica on:
Addisonian (pernicious) anemia, Folic acid deficiency, gluten
enteropathy or sprue, small bowel bacterial overgrowth,
total or par al gastrectomy
Store at 25oC

Composi on:
I.M / I.V Injection
Each ml contains: Vitamin B12
Cyanocobalamin USP....................1000mcg
Product Complies to USP Specifications

Mode of Ac on:
CYANOCOBALAMIN Vitamin B12 serves as a cofactor for methionine
synthase and L-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase enzymes. Methionine synthase
is essen al for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines that form DNA.
L-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase converts L-methylmalonyl-CoA to
succinyl-CoA in the degrada on of propionate 24, an important reac on
required for both fat and protein metabolism.
Indica on:
Addisonian (pernicious) anemia Gastrointes nal pathology, dysfunc on,
or surgery, including gluten enteropathy or sprue, small bowel bacterial
overgrowth, total or par al gastrectomy Fish tapeworm infesta on
Malignancy of the pancreas or bowelFolic acid deficiency
Store at 30oC
Vitamin D3

Feracol an Oral & I.M Injection

1ml x1Ampoule

Composi on:
An Oral & I.M Injection
Each ml contains: 5mg/ml

Cholecalciferol (Vit.D3) BP....................5mg Each ml contains:

Product Complies to BP Specifications Cholecalciferol (Vit.D3)...(BP)...........5mg
Product Complies with BP Specification

Mode of Ac on:
Individuals naturally generate adequate amounts of vitamin D through
( (
ordinary dietary intake of vitamin D (in some foods like eggs, fish, and
cheese) and natural photochemical conversion of the vitamin D3
precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin via exposure to sunlight
Indica on
Used for refractory rickets, hypoparathyroidism, and familial Vitamin D3
hypophosphatemia, as well as osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease. (200000 IU)
Store at 30oC

Iron Supplement

Iron-S I.V Injection

Composi on:

Each 5ml Contains:

Iron (III) Hydroxide Sucrose Complex eq to
elemental Iron...................................100mg
Product Complies to BP Specifications
Mode of Ac on:
Iron sucrose is dissociated into iron and sucrose and the iron is transported
as a complex with transferrin to target cells including erythroid precursor cells.
The iron is then incorporated into hemoglobin as the cells mature into red blood cells
Indica on:
Used as a source of iron in pa ents with iron deficiency anemia associated with chronic
kidney disease (CKD). Due to less side effects than iron dextran, iron sucrose is more
preferred in chronic kidney disease pa ents.
Store at 30oC
Lincoxin I.M / I.V Injection
Lincosamide An -bio c

Composi on:
Each 2ml contains:
Lincomycin HCl........................600mg
(USP Specifications)
Mode of Ac on:
Lincomycininhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 23S RNA of the 50S subunit
of the bacterial ribosome. Lincomycin is predominantly bacteriosta c in vitro.
Indica on
Indicated for the treatment of serious bacterial infec ons by suscep ble strains of streptococci,
pneumococci, and staphylococci in pa ents who are allergic to penicillin or for situa ons in which
a penicillin is deemed inappropriate.
Store at 3 0oC

B cn I.M / I.V Injection

50mg, 100mg, 250mg, 500mg Aminoglycoside An -bio c

Composi on:
Each ml contains:
An -Bio cs

Amikacin (as Sulphate) USP..................50mg

Product complies to USP Specifiac ons
Mode of Ac on:
Amikacin binds to bacterial 30S ribosomal subunits and interferes with mRNA binding and tRNA
acceptor sites, interfering with bacterial growth. This leads to disrup on of normal protein
synthesis and produc on of non-func onal or toxic pep des.
Indica on
Indicated s in bacterial sep cemia (including neonatal sepsis); in serious infec ons of the
respiratory tract, bones and joints, central nervous system (including meningi s) and skin and
so ssue; intra-abdominal infec ons (including peritoni s); and in burns and postopera ve
infec ons (including post-vascular surgery)
Store at 3 0oC
Head Office:
H/No. 3/8, Race View Villas,
Factory: Jail Road,
36-km, Lahore-Gujranwala Road, Lahore - Pakistan.
www.bajwapharma.com Khori, District Sheikhupura, Pakistan. Tel: +92 42 35408276-77

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