Ce83491 - QB Som

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Unit I
Stress, Strain and Deformation of Solids
1. Define Stress.

When a material is loaded within elastic limit, resistance forced offered by

the body against deformation per unit area is known as Stress.
When an external force acts on a body, it undergoes deformation and at the
same time the body resists deformation. The magnitude of the resisting force is
numerically equal to the applied force. This internal resisting force per unit area is
called stress.

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑷
σ= 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎
( 𝑨)
Unit is N/mm2

2. Strain

It is defined as the change in dimension to original dimension is known as strain.

When a body is subjected to external force there is some change in dimension
on the body. Numerically the strain is equal to the ratio of change in length to the
original length.

asy𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛

e= 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛

3. Types of Stress
1. Tensile Stress (ratio of tensile load to the corresponding area)
2. Compressive stress (ratio of Compressive load to the corresponding area)

3. Shear stress (ratio of tangential load to the corresponding area)

4. Tensile Stress
When a member is subjected to two equal and opposite pull force, the length of
the member is increased. The stress induced at any cross section of the member is
called tensile stress and the corresponding strain is called tensile strain.
𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 (𝑝)
Tensile stress = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎(𝐴)

5. Compressive stress

When a member is subjected to two equal and opposite pushes force, the
length of the member is shortened. The stress induced at any cross section of the
member is called Compressive stress and the corresponding strain is called
Compressive strain.

𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 (𝑝)

Compressive stress =
6. Shear stress and strain

When the body is subjected to two equal and opposite forces which are acting
tangentially to the body, the stress induced in a body is known as shear stress and
the corresponding strain is called Shear strain.
𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑅
Shear Stress = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎(𝐴)
7. Hooke’s Law

Hooke’s law states that, when a body is loaded within elastic limit, the stress is
proportional to strain.
Stress  Strain
 =E e
Where E- Young’s modulus

8. Young’s modulus (or) Modulus of Elasticity

When a body is stressed within elastic limit, the ratio of tensile or compressive
stress to the corresponding strain is a constant. This ratio is known as Young’s
asy 𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 (𝑜𝑟) 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
Young’s modulus, E = 𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 (𝑜𝑟)𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ( 𝒆 )

9. Shear Modulus (or) Rigidity Modulus (or) Modulus of Rigidity

When a body is stressed within elastic limit, the ratio of shear stress to the

corresponding shear stain is a constant. This ratio is known as called shear

10. Factor of Safety

Shear Modulus, C or G =
𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠(𝜏)
𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛(𝜙)

Factor of Safety is defined as the ultimate tensile stress (or) ultimate load to .ne
the permissible stress (or) permissible load.
ultimate stress
F.O.S = permissible stess
11. Poisson’s ratio

When a body is stressed within elastic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to the
longitudinal strain is a constant, for a given material.

lateral strain
Poisson’s ratio, µ =longitudinal strain
12. Lateral strain

The strain induced in a body at right angles to the direction of applied load is
known as lateral strain
Lateral strain = 𝑑
13. Longitudinal strain

The strain induced in a body along the axial direction of applied load.
The ratio of axial deformation to the original length of the body is known as longitudinal
Longitudinal strain = 𝑙
14. Principle of super position

When a body is subjected to external axial forces not only at its ends, but
also at some of its interior cross sections along the length of the body. The total
deformation is equal to the algebraic sum of the deformation of the individual
sections. This principle of finding out the resultant deformation is known as Principle
of super position.

15. Composite bar

A bar made up of two or more bars of equal lengths but are different
materials and rigidly fixed with each other behaving as one unit for expansion or
compression when its subjected to an axial tensile or compressive loads, is called

composite bar.

16. Condition for Composite bar

P = P1 + P2
δl1 =δl2
P= Total Load

P1 & P2 = Individual Loads
δl1& δl2 = change in length
17. Thermal stress
Thermal stresses are the stress induced in a body due to the change in
temperature. Thermal stresses are set up in a body is raised or lowered and the
body is not allowed to expand or contract freely.
Stress = .t.E .ne
 = Co efficient of thermal conductivity.
T = change in temperature
E = Young’s Modulus.
19. Bulk Modulus

When a body is stressed within elastic limit, the ratio of direct stress to the
corresponding volumetric strain is a constant and it is called as bulk modulus.
direct stress(σ)
K = volumetric strain(ev)
20. Volumetric strain (ev)

It is ratio of change in volume to the original volume, when a body is

subjected to single or three mutual forces.
𝜹𝒗 𝜹𝒍 𝜹𝒃 𝜹𝒅
= − −
𝒗 𝒍 𝒃 𝒅
21. Relation between three modulii

K- Bulk modulus
C- Shear modulus
E- Young’s Modulus
µ- Poisson’s ratio

22. Young’s modulus and bulk modulus

E = 3k(1-2µ)
K- Bulk modulus
C- Shear modulus
E- Young’s Modulus

ww µ- Poisson’s ratio

23. Young’s modulus and shear modulus

E = 2C(1+µ)

K- Bulk modulus

En C- Shear modulus
E- Young’s Modulus

µ- Poisson’s ratio

24. What is principal plane and principal stress? eer

Principal plane: ing
The planes which have no shear stress are known as the principal
plane. These planes carry only normal stresses.
Principal stress:
The magnitudes of normal stress which are acting on a principal
plane are known as principal stress.
25. Mohr’s circle method and Obliquity(ϕ).

The graphical method to find out the normal, tangential and resultant stresses in
oblique plane is called Mohr’s circle method.
The angle made by the resultant stress with normal of the reference oblique
plane is called as obliquity.

shear stress
tan(ϕ) =
normal stress

1. A compound tube consist of an inner steel tube 170 mm external diameter and 10 mm
thickness and an outer brass tube 190 mm external diameter and 10 mm thickness. The
two tubes are of same length. The compound tube carries an axial load of 1 M N. Find the
stresses and the load carried by each tube and the amount by which it shortens. Length
of each tube 200 mm.𝐸𝑠 =200 GN/𝑚2 and 𝐸𝑏 =100GN/𝑚2 .

2. A steel rod cross sectional area 1600 mm 2 and two brass rods each of cross sectional
area 1000 mm 2 together support a load of 50 k N as shown in fig. find the stresses in the
rods. Take E for steel 2 x 10 5 N/mm 2 and brass 1 x 10 5 N/ mm 2.

3. A mild steel rod of 20 mm diameter and 300 mm long is enclosed centrally inside a hollow
copper tube of external diameter 30 mm and internal diameter 25 mm. The ends of the

wwtube and rods are brazed together and the composite bar is subjected to an axial pull of
40 k N. If E for steel and copper is 200 G N/m 2 and 100 G N/m 2 respectively, find the

stresses developed in the rod and tube. Also, find the extension of the rod.

4. A steel tube of 30 mm external diameter and 20 mm internal diameter enclose a copper

rod of 15 mm diameter to which it is rigidly joined at each end. If the temperature of 10 °C
there is no longitudinal stress, calculate the stresses in the rod and tube when the

temperature is raised to 200 °C. Take the value of E for steel and copper as 2.1 x 105
N/mm 2 and 1 x 105 N/mm 2 and value of linear expansion for steel and copper as 11 x 10-
/°C and 18 x 10-6/°C.
5. A steel tube of 50 mm external diameter and 30 mm internal diameter enclose a copper
rod of 25 mm diameter to which it is rigidly joined at each end. If the temperature of 20 °C

there is no longitudinal stress, calculate the stresses in the rod and tube when the
temperature is raised to 180 °C. Take the value of E for steel and copper as 2 x 105 N/mm
and 1.1 x 105 N/mm 2 and value of linear expansion for steel and copper as 11 x 10-6/°C
and 18 x 10-6/°C.
6. A bar of section 8 mm × 8 mm is subjected to an axial pull of 7000 N. the lateral
dimension of the bar is found to be changed to 7.9985 mm × 7.9985 mm. if the modulust
of rigidity of the material is 0.8×105 N/𝑚𝑚2 , determine the poisson’s ratio and modulus of

7. A solid circular bar of diameter 20 mm when subjected to an axial tensile load of 10 k N.

the reduction in diameter of the rod was observed as 6.4×10−3 mm. The bulk modulus of
the bar is 67 G Pa. determine the following: 1. young’s modulus 2. Poission’s ratio, 3.
Modulus of rigidity, 4. Change in length per meter and, 5. Change in volume of the bar per
meter length.

8. The following data relate to a bar subjected to a tensile test: Diameter of the bar=30 mm,
tensile load P=54 k N, gauge length l =300 mm, extension of the bar = 0.112 mm, change
in diameter = 0.00366 mm, calculate (1). Poission’s ratio, (2).The values of three modulii.
Unit- II
Transverse Loading on Beams and Stresses in Beam


1. Shear force:

The algebraic sum of the vertical forces at any section of a beam to the right
or left of the section is called as shear force.
It is also defined as the unbalanced vertical forces to the right or left side of the

2. Bending moment:

ww The algebraic sum of the moment of all forces acting on any one side of the
section. The moment obtained by the force on the left of the beam will be numerically

equal and opposite to the right of the beam is called as bending moment.

3. Define beam and its Types.

A beam is a structural member which is supported along the length and

subjected to external loads acting transversely that is acting perpendicular to the
centre line of the beam.

i. Cantilever beam
ii. Simply supported beam
iii. Fixed beam and
iv. Continuous beam
4. Types of loads:
v. Overhanging beam

i. Concentrated or point load (load acting at a particular point)
ii. Uniformly distributed load and (load acting uniform throughout the
iii. Uniformly varying load (rate of loading uniformly varies from point to

5. Transverse loading on beams and Bending stress:

Transverse loading on beams

If a load is acting on the beam which is perpendicular to the centre line of it,
then it is called transverse loading.

Bending stress
The stress induced by the body to resist bending moment is called Bending
6. Pure bending or simple bending:

If the length of beam is subjected to a constant bending moment at no shear

force, then that the length of beam is said to be in pure bending.

7. Section modulus:

The ratio of moment of inertia of inertia of a section about neutral axis to the
distance of the outermost layer from neutral axis.
Section modulus, Z = 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥

8. Assumptions for bending Equations:

Material of beam is homogenous and isotropic.
The value of young’s modulus is same for tension and compression.
T he radius of curvature is large as compared to the cross section.

ww iv.The transverse sections, which were plane before bending, remain plain
after bending also.

v. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract, independently of the
layer, above or below it.

9. Point of Contra flexure:

It is the point where the bending moment becomes zero or the point at which
the bending moment changing its sign from positive to negative and vice versa. It will
occur on overhanging beam.
10. Composite beam (or) Flitched beam:
A beam made up of two or more different materials assumed to the rigidly
connected together and behaving like a single unit is known as a Composite beam
(or) Flitched beam
11. Positive Bending Moment or Sagging Bending Moment:

Bending moment is said to be positive or sagging if the moment of the force

in the left side of the beam is clockwise or right side of the beam is counter
clockwise. Otherwise the beam tends to bend like concave manner.

12. Negative Bending Moment or Hogging Bending Moment:

Bending moment is said to be negative or hogging if the moment of the force
in the left side of the beam is counter clockwise or right side of the beam is
clockwise. Otherwise the beam tends to bend like convex manner.
13. Assumptions for Shear stress formulation.

• The material is homogenous, isotropic and elastic.

• The modulus of elasticity in tension and compression are same.
• The shear stress is constant along the beam width.
• The presence of shear stress does not affect the distribution of bending stress.
14. Bending Moment equation.

The bending equation is

𝑴 𝛔 𝑬
= =
𝑰 𝒚 𝑹
M- Bending moment
I - Moment of Inertia
σ- Bending stress
y- Distance from neutral axis
E- Young’s Modulus
R- Radius of the curvature

15. Neutral Plane.

ww The surface in which there is no longitudinal stress acting is called as neutral

plane or layer. In such plane there is neither compression nor expansion takes

place due to transverse loading.

Neutral Axis

A trace of the neutral plane on any transverse plane of the beam is called as
neutral axis.
1. A beam of uniform section 10 m long carries a udl of KN/m for the entire length and a
concentrated load of 10 KN at right end. The beam is freely supported at the left end.

Find the position of the second support so that the maximum bending moment in the
beam is as minimum as possible. Also compute the maximum bending moment

2. A beam of size 150 mm wide, 250 mm deep carries a uniformly distributed load of w

kN/m over entire span of 4 m. A concentrated load 1 kN is acting at a distance of 1.2 m
from the left support. If the bending stress at a section 1.8 m from the left support is not
to exceed 3.25 N/mm2 find the load w.

3. A cantilever of 2m length carries a point load of 20 KN at 0.8 m from the fixed end and
another point of 5 KN at the free end. In addition, a u.d.l. of 15 KN/m is spread over the
entire length of the cantilever. Draw the S.F.D, and B.M.D.

4. A Simply supported beam of effective span 6 m carries three point loads of 30 KN, 25
KN and 40 KN at 1m, 3m and 4.5m respectively from the left support. Draw the SFD
and BMD. Indicating values at salient points.

5. A Simply supported beam of length 6 metres carries a udl of 20KN/m throughout its
length and a point of 30 KN at 2 metres from the right support. Draw the shear force and
bending moment diagram. Also find the position and magnitude of maximum Bending
6. A Simply supported beam 6 metre span carries udl of 20 KN/m for left half of span and
two point loads of 25 KN end 35 KN at 4 m and 5 m from left support. Find maximum SF
and BM and their location drawing SF and BM diagrams.

7. A beam of span L metres simply supported at its ends, carries a central load W. The
beam section has an overall depth of 290 mm with horizontal flanges each 150 mm x 20
mm and a vertical web 250 mm x 10 mm. If the maximum shear stress to be 45 N/mm2
when the maximum bending stress is 150 N/mm2, calculate the value of the centrally
applied point load W and the span L.

Unit- III

1. Torsion

When a pair of forces of equal magnitude but opposite direction acting on a
body, it tends to twist the body. It is known as twisting moment or Torsional moment
or simply as torque.
The Shaft is said to be in torsion, when equal and opposite torques are

applied at two ends of the shaft. Torque is equal to the product of force applied and
radius of the shaft. Unit: Nm

2. Polar moment of inertia. gin

Polar moment of inertia of plane area is defined as the moment of inertia of

the area about an axis perpendicular to the plane of figure and passing through the
center of gravity of the area, it is denoted by J.

3. Assumptions made in torsion equation.


The material of the shaft is homogeneous, perfectly elastic and
obeys hooks law.
Twist is uniform along the length of the shaft.
iii. The shaft is uniform circular section throughout the length of shaft.
iv. Cross sections of the shaft which are plane before twist remain same
after twist.

4. Torsional rigidity.

Torsional rigidity or stiffness of material is defined as product of modulus of

rigidity(C) and polar moment of inertia (J) of the shaft.
It is also defined as the torque required to producing a twist of one radian per unit
length of the shaft.
Torsional rigidity=C*J= (T*L) / 
5. Polar modulus.

Polar modulus is defined as the ratio of polar moment of inertia to the radius of
the shaft. It is also called as torsional section modulus.
Polar modulus= polar moment of inertia/radius of the shaft (J/R)

6. Why hollow shafts are preferred when compared to solid circular shaft?

Comparison by strength:
The torque transmitted by the hollow shaft is greater than the solid shaft, thereby hollow
shaft is stronger than the solid shaft.

Comparison by weight:
For the same material, length and given torque, weight of a hollow shaft will be less.
So, hollow shafts are economical when compared to solid shafts, when torque is acting.

7. Stiffness
The stiffness of the spring is defined as the load required producing unit


The deviation of the position from the original position, when the load is applied

on a body is termed as deflection.

8. Spring & types

Spring is a perfect elastic bodies which is used to absorb energy by taking strain
in its form without permanent deformation and then release the same when it is
i. Laminated or leaf spring
ii. Helical coil springs
• Closed coil helical spring
• Open coil helical spring

9. Differentiate between the closed coil and open coiled helical springs.
Adjacent coils are having certain gab to
Adjacent coils are very close to
1 each other. It’s called as pitch of the
each other
2 Only tensile load can carry Only Compressive load can carry
3 Helix angle is negligible Helix angle is considerable in account.

10. Spring Constant

It is defined as the ratio of mean coil diameter of the spring to the
diameter of the wire.
Spring Constant = mean coil diameter / the diameter of the wire (D/d)
11. Elasticity

Material is said to be perfectly elastic if whole strain produced by the load

disappears after removal of the load.

It is the property that enables the formation of a permanent deformation in the
material, it is reverse of elasticity

12. Torsional equation

The torsional equation is

𝑪 𝐓 𝝉
= =
𝒍 𝑱 𝑹

ww C- Modulus of rigidity
θ – Angle of twist

w.E l – Length of the shaft

T- Torque
J- Polar moment of Inertia

𝝉 - Shear Modulus
R- Radius of the shaft

13. Mechanical Properties:

• Toughness gin
It is the strength with which the material opposes rupture. It is due to the

tearing apart.
• Strength
attraction which the molecules have for each other giving them power to resist the

Strength of the shaft is the maximum amount of torque or power transmitted by
a shaft.
• Ductility
It is defined as the material to withstand elongation or bending.
• Malleability
This is the by virtue of which material is hammered or rolled in to a thin sheets
without rupture.
• Hardness
It is defined as resistance of material to penetration. Hard material resists
scratch or being worn out by friction of another body.

14. Leaf Spring

Leaf spring or laminated spring consists of number of steel plates of equal width
and thickness but the length will be varying one below another, clamped together at the
centre to carry loads. Leaf or Carriage springs are used in cars, Lorries, trains or trucks.
15. Solid length

The solid length of spring means the distance between the coils when the coils are
touching each other. There is no gap between the coils. The solid length is given by
Solid length = Number of coils x Diameter of the wire = n X d

16. State various types of spring.

Types of springs:
1. Helical springs
a. Closed-coiled spring b. open-coiled helical spring
2. Leaf spring
a. full-elliptic b. semi elliptic c. cantilever
3. Torsion spring
4. Circular spring

17. Pitch of the spring
The distance between two consecutive coils is known as pitch of the spring.

Free length of spring
This is the length over all of the spring in the fully unloaded position (free position).

18. What kind of stress is introduced when an axial load acts on a closed coil spring?

Shear stress is introduced when an axial load acts on a closed coil spring. In addition
direct shear stress due to load is introduced. Stress due to curvature of the wire is also
19. Assumptions made in a closed coil helical spring subjected to axial load

1. An element of an axially loaded helical spring, behaves essentially as a straight bar in
pure tension.

2. The planes perpendicular to the bar axis do not warp or distort during deformation.


1. A hollow shaft having an internal diameter 40 % of its external diameter transmits 562.5
kW power at 100 rpm. Determine the external diameter of the shaft if the shear stress
not to exceed 60 N/mm 2 and the twist in a length of 2.5 m should not exceed 1.3°.
Assume the max. torque is 1.25 mean torque and modulus of rigidity 9 x 104 N/mm 2.

2. In a hollow circular shaft of outer and inner diameter of 20 cm and 10 cm respectively,

the shear stress is not exceed 40 N/mm 2. Find the maximum power that can be
transmitted by the hollow shaft if the maximum torque is 1.4 times of mean torque.

3. A hollow shaft 5 m long is to transmit 160 KW power at 120 rpm. The total angle of twist
is not to exceed 2° in this length and the allowable shear stress is 50 N/mm 2.
Determine the inside and outside diameters of the shaft, taking N=0.8 x 105 N/mm 2.
4. A hollow shaft of diameter ratio 3/8 is to transmit 375 kW power at 100 rpm. The
maximum torque being 20 % greater than the mean torque. The shear stress is not to
exceed 60 N/ mm 2 and twist in a length of 4 m not to exceed 2°. Calculate its external
and internal diameters which would satisfy both conditions. Assume modulus of rigidity
0.8 x 105 N/ mm 2.

5. The stiffness of close coiled helical spring is 4.5 N/mm of compression under the
maximum load of 250 N. The maximum shearing stress produced in the wire of the
spring is 175 N/mm2. The solid length of the spring (when the coils are touching) is
given as 5 cm find. Diameter of the wire and coil and number of the coils required. Take
the modulus of rigidity 4.5 x 104 N/mm 2.

6. A helical spring of circular cross section wire 18 mm in diameter is loaded by a force of

500 N. The mean coil diameter of the spring is 125 mm. The modulus of rigidity is 80 K
N/mm2. Determine the maximum shear stress in the material of the spring. What
number of coils must the spring have for its deflection to be 6 mm?

7. It is required to design a closed coiled helical spring which shall deflect 1 mm under an

axial load of 100 N at a shear stress of 90 M Pa. The spring is to be made of round wire
having shear modulus of 0.8 x 105 M pa. The mean diameter of the coil is 10 times that
of the coil wire. Find the diameter and length of the wire.

8. The stiffness of a close coiled spring is 1.5 N/mm of compression under the maximum

load of 60 N. The maximum shearing stress produced in a wire of the spring is 125 N/
mm 2. The solid length of spring (when the coils are touching ) is given as 5 cm. find the

diameter of the wire mean diameter of the coils number of spring required take modulus
of rigidity 4.5 x 104 N/ mm 2.

9. Two close coiled concentric helical spring of same length are wound out of same wire

circular in cross section and supports a compressive load of P. the inner spring consists
of 20 turns and 16 cm mean diameter and outer inner spring consists of 18 turns and 20

cm mean diameter. Calculate the maximum stress induced in each spring if the
diameter of the wire is 1 cm and P=1000 N.

Unit- IV t
Deflection of Beams
1. Stiffness factor

Stiffness of the beam is a measure of resilience offered by the beam to

deflection from its original position. The ratio of length to the deflection of the beam
is known as stiffness factor.

2. Methods for determining the deflection

The following methods are used to determine the deflection of beam at any
i. Double intergration method
ii. Macaulay’s method
iii. Moment Area theorem method
iv. Conjugate beam method

3. Equations in Double Integration method

Bending moment equation

M = E.I. (d2y/dx2)
Slope equation
ʃ M = ʃ E.I. (d2y/dx2)
= E.I. (dy/dx)
Deflection equation
ʃ ʃ M = ʃ ʃ E.I. (d2y/dx2)
= E.I. y

4. Maxwell’s Reciprocal Theorem

It states that, the work done by the first system of loads due to the
displacement caused by the second system of loads equals to the work done by the
second system of loads due to the displacement caused by the first system of
5. Strain Energy
Whenever a body is strained, the strain energy is absorbed in the body. The

energy which is absorbed in the body due to the straining effect is known as strain

6. Resilience
The total strain energy stored in a body is known as resilience. It is also

defined as the capacity of strained body for doing work on the removal of straining

7. Proof resilience

The maximum strain energy that can be stored in a body within elastic limit
is known as proof resilience.

8. Modulus of resilience

It is defined as the ratio of proof resilience of a material per unit volume.

proof resilience
Modulus of resilience = 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒
9. Mohr’s theorem in the Moment Area Method.

• Mohr’s theorem-I

The change of slope between any two points is equal to the net area of
the bending moment diagram between those points divided by the product of
Young’s modulus and Moment of Inertia.

• Mohr’s theorem-II

The total deflection between any two points is equal to the moment of
the area of the bending moment diagram between those two points divided by
the product of Young’s modulus and Moment of Inertia.

10. Limitations of Double Integration method.

ww The method is used only for single load.

This method for finding slope and deflection of beam is very laborious.

Accurate value of deflection cannot be find out.

11. Why moment area method is more useful, when compared with double
Moment area method is more useful, as compared with double integration method
because many problems which do not have a simple mathematical solution can be

simplified by the ending moment area method.

12. Theorem for conjugate beam method?

Theorem I :

“The slope at any section of a loaded beam, relative to the original axis of the
beam is equal to the shear in the conjugate beam at the corresponding section”
Theorem II:
“The deflection at any given section of a loaded beam, relative to the original

position is equal to the Bending moment at the corresponding section of the conjugate

13. Method of Singularity functions

In Macaulay’s method a single equation is formed for all loading on a beam, the
equation is constructed in such a way that the constant of Integration apply to all
portions of the beam. This method is also called method of singularity functions.

14. Advantages of conjugate beam method?

• This method can be directly used for simply supported Beam

• In this method for cantilevers and fixed beams, artificial constraints need to
be supplied to the conjugate beam so that it is supported in a manner
consistent with the constraints of the real beam.

1. A 2m long cantilever made of steel tube of section 150 mm external diameter and 10
mm thick is loaded. If E=200 GN/m2 calculate (1) The value of W so that the maximum
bending stress is 150 MN/m2 (2) The maximum deflection for the loading

2. A beam of length of 10 m is simply supported at its ends and carries two point loads of
100 KN and 60 KN at a distance of 2 m and 5 m respectively from the left support.
Calculate the deflections under each load. Find also the maximum deflection. Take I =
18 X 108 mm4 and E = 2 X 105.

3. A column of solid circular section, 12 cm diameter, 3.6 m long is hinged at both ends.
Rankine‟s constant is 1 / 1600 and c= 54 KN/cm2. Find the buckling load. ii) If another
column of the same length, end conditions and rankine constant but of 12 cm X 12 cm
square cross-section, and different material, has the same buckling load, find the value

ww of c of its material.

4. A beam of length of 6 m is simply supported at its ends. It carries a uniformly distributed
load of 10 KN/m as shown in figure. Determine the deflection of the beam at its mid-
point and also the position and the maximum deflection. Take EI=4.5 X 108 N/mm2.

5. A cantilever of length 2 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 2.5 KN/m run for a

length of 1.25 m from the fixed end and a point load of 1 KN at the free end. Find the
deflection at the free end if the section is rectangular 12 cm wide and 24 cm deep and
E=1 X 104 N/mm2
Unit V
Thin cylinders, spheres and thick cylinders
1. Thin Cylinder
diameter, the cylindrical vessel is known as a thin cylinder and it is used to store the
fluids under the pressure.
If the thickness of wall of the cylindrical vessel is less than 1/15 to 1/20 of its internal

2. Circumferential stress (or) Hoop Stress

The stress acting along the circumference of cylinder is called circumferential stress
or hoop’s stress. The stress in the circumferential direction due to the tendency of
bursting the cylinder along the longitudinal axis is called hoop stress.

σc = pd/2t
p = Pressure
t = Thickness of shell
d =Diameter of Cylindrical shell
3. Longitudinal stress

The stress acting along the length of cylinder is called longitudinal stress. The
stress in the longitudinal direction due to the tendency of bursting the cylinder along the
transverse plane is called hoop stress.
σl = pd/4t

4. What are assumptions made in the analysis of thin cylinders?

1. Radial stress is negligible.

2. Hoop stress is constant along the thickness of the shell.
3. Material obeys Hooke‘s law.
4. Material is homogeneous and isotropic.

5. List down the stresses acting in thin and thick cylinder

Stresses in thin cylinder

ww • Hoop stress or circumferential stress

Longitudinal stress

Stresses in thick cylinder

Hoop stress or circumferential stress
Longitudinal stress

Radial stress or Radial pressure

6. Distinguish between thin cylinder and thick cylinder

Thin cylinder
Thick cylinder
Ratio of wall thickness to diameter of
cylinder is less than 1/20.
Ratio of wall thickness to diameter of
cylinder is more than 1/20.
Circumferential stress is assumed to be
constant throughout wall thickness.
Circumferential stress varies from inner
to outer wall thickness.

7. Distinguish cylindrical shell and spherical shell t

Cylindrical shell Spherical shell
Circumferential stress is twice that of Only hoop stress is present.
longitudinal stress.
It withstands low pressure than It withstands more pressure than
spherical shell for the same diameter. cylindrical shell for the same diameter.

6. Thick Cylinder

If the thickness of wall of the cylindrical vessel is greater than 1/15 to 1/20 of its
internal diameter, the cylindrical vessel is known as a thick cylinder. The variation in
radial stress and circumferential stress of thick cylinder is obtained with the help of
lame’s theory.
7. Assumptions of Lame’s theory

1. The material is homogenous and isotropic.

2. The material is stressed within elastic limit.
3. Plane section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder remains same
even after the application of internal pressure.
4. All the fibers of the material are to expand or contract independently without
being constrained by the adjacent fibers.


1. A cylindrical vessel is 1.5 m diameter and 4 m long is closed at its ends by rigid plates. It
is subjected to an internal pressure of 3 N/mm 2. If the maximum principal stress is not
exceed to 150 N/mm 2. Find the thickness of the shell. Take the value of E is 2 x 10 5
N/mm 2 and poission’s ratio (1/m) is 0.25. Calculate the change in dimensions of a thin

wwcylindrical shell.

2. A thin spherical shell of internal diameter 1.5 m and the thick 8 mm is subjected to an
internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm 2. Determine the increase in diameter and increase in
volume Take the value of E is 2 x 10 5 N/mm2 and poission’s ratio (1/m) is 0.3.

3. A thin cylindrical shell of 120 cm diameter 1.5 cm thick and 6 m long is subjected to

internal pressure of 2.5 N/mm2. If the value of E is 2 x 10 5 N/mm 2 and poission’s ratio is
0.3. Calculate change in diameter change in length and change in volume.

4. Calculate the change in dimensions of a thin cylindrical shell 100 cm diameter, 1 cm

thickness and 5 m long when it is subjected to an internal pressure of 3 N/mm 2. Take
the value of E is 2 x 10 5 N/mm2 and poission’s ratio (1/m) is 0.3.

5. A cylindrical vessel is 2 m diameter and 5 m long is closed at the ends by rigid plates. It

is subjected to an internal pressure of 3 N/mm 2. If the maximum principal stress is not
exceeds to 150 N/mm 2. Find the thickness of the shell. Assume E is 2 x 10 5 N/mm 2
and poission’s ratio is 0.25. Also find the change in diameter, change in length and
6. A closed cylindrical vessel made of steel plates 4 mm thick with plane ends, carries fluid
under a pressure of 3 N/mm 2. The diameter of cylinder is 25 cm and length is 75 cm,
calculate the longitudinal stress and hoop stress in the cylinder wall and determine the
change in diameter, length and change in volume of the cylinder. Take the value of E is
2 x 10 5 N/mm 2 and poission’s ratio (1/m) is 0.286.

7. A spherical shell of internal diameter 0.9 m and of thickness 10 mm is subjected to

internal pressure of 1.4 N/mm 2. Determine the increase in diameter and increase in
volume. Take the value of E is 2 x 10 5 N/mm 2 and poission’s ratio (1/m) is 0.3.

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