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Nama : Made Andika Putra Astina

NIM : 210030273

Kelas : BA213

Mata Kuliah : Pendidikan Bahasa Asing II

I. Reading Comprehension
1. Paragraph 1 = Automation system
Paragraph 2 = CAM
Paragraph 3 = Embedded system and integrated circuits
Paragraph 4 = Open system

2. - An automation system is an integration of sensors, controls, and actuators designed

to perform a function with minimal or no human intervention.
- An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software designed
for a specific function, allowing hardware to work together connected through a high
speed ethernet
- open system allow us to use any type of equipment
3. Automation can keep your process in-house, improve process control and
significantly reduce lead times compared to outsourcing or going overseas.
Automation solutions are based on your unique needs and goals and pay for
themselves quickly due to lower operating costs, reduced lead times, increased output
and more.

II. Arrange these below words into the correct sentence!

1. IT Department needs a new devices storage
2. GenTech System will upgrade the main data backup
3. We are still using magnetic tape
4. SATA drive could store more data at a fraction of the cost
5. We need a group of hard drives arranged in an Array

III. Make a paragraph (10 sentences) using these below words!

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs with internet that used to operate
computers and execute specific tasks. The two type categories of software
are application software and system software. An application is software that work
fulfills a specific need or performs design example of software is Line, Line is a
communication software that was launched in 2009, which can be used as a tool to
send messages, we can upgrade the latest version of the software to be able to use it

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