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Background of the Study

Parents and teachers are the people who lift you up and also the people that

make you stronger each day. From the day we were born, our parents were the first

people that had our backs, provided our basic needs, and taught us values, while our

teachers are the one that provides us with the information to live and succeed in life.

But what if they go too far or what if they expect a lot for us to achieve, this is now

what we call or consider the Parent & Teachers pressure, which is the emotional strain

parents and teachers frequently subject their kids to, which is connected to academic

achievement, with this being a prominent or still a contemporary issue as of now, no

wonder that many students, especially those who are part of the honor roll, feel like

they are choked or pressured to do their best.

Parents’ and teachers’ pressure can cause stress to students, which leads to

physical and mental health problems and can lower a student’s self-esteem or

confidence. Numerous students experience this in real life, and with this kind of

pressure, some resort to using vices or committing suicide. To prove this, according to

a piece of news that was published recently on February 1, 2023, the Department of

Education Assistant Secretary Dexter said that there had been 404 students who ended

their lives and 775,963 who attempted suicide of the 28 million students in the

Philippines in the year 2021. In the news, they didn’t deduce why the students were

doing this, but by past research that I’ve done, one of the leading factors that affect

the student’s mental health is the constant pressure they get from parents and teachers.
With the alarming data that was presented, I do believe that this is a serious

thing to shine a light on due to it affecting the lives of so many students. The students

just wants to achieve their dreams and reach their goals in life, if they continue to get

pressured it may cause them to lose focus or make them develop depression, anxiety

or even more worse mental health problems. With these things said, I also believe that

the students aren’t the only one affected, the economy or the future of our country is

also at stake because remember the youth are the raw materials that the country needs

in order to efficiently create a place where poverty and corruption won’t prevail and

economic success and growth can foster, so if the students are pressured so much and

constantly, then it can be very alarming for the future that we have. Many students in

different areas in the Philippines are struggling with this constantly. Some show it

with bravery in order for others to understand that being under pressured is not going

to help in the student’s education and future while some keeps it quiet hiding their

struggles in fake smiles in order to please their parents and teachers because they only

seek approval from them. Parents and Teachers don’t see it but the pressure is

constant and is prevailing often in each and every student.

With this being still a current phenomenon many researchers found ways in

order to reduce some of the pressure from parents and teachers; According Dr.

Sangma et al. (2018), “Considering the magnitude of prevalence of pressure among

the high school students, school authorities should initiate School-based Counseling

sessions for both parents and teachers periodically to counsel them on positive

interaction with the students. Well trained counselors should be made available in

schools and students should be trained on how to manage stress and anxiety.

Knowledge about mental health and academic stress should be promoted among the

parents of the students and taught strategies to help improve the resilience and coping
strategies of their children. Parents and teachers should set time aside for recreation

for the students.” Other from that, C. Subramani & Dr. S. Kadhiravan says that “the

findings of the study indicated the need for understanding academic stress among

school students. Periodical training programmes could be organized for school

students and parents to sensitize about academic stress and ways to handle it in an

efficient way. Teachers can provide interventions to reduce stress among students.

Teachers can break the complex tasks into manageable segment which will be easy to

do without stress. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga can be provided

to students to reduce the stress and being mentally healthy.” While some of these

recommendation and implications are very much successful in their own special ways,

it still lack more solutions to the problem, there are still problems that needs to be

solved and given a light on.

Despite all the research, there are still too few studies that discuss how

parental and teacher pressure impacts students' academic performance in the

Philippines as well as at the local and regional levels. Instead, research on the nation

has tended to focus on stress and mental health issues. As a result, this study's primary

focus is on parental and teacher pressure and how it affects academic performance of


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effect of parents and teacher’s pressure on

the academic performance of the student in Manabo National High School

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of parents and teacher’s pressure on the academic pressure

on the academic performance of the students respondents?

2. What is the level of academic performance of the student respondents?

3. Is there relationship between parents and teacher’s pressure and the academic

performance of the student respondents?


There is a relationship between parents and teacher’s pressure and the academic

performance of this student respondent.

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