Edge-of-Things in Personalized Healthcare Support Systems

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 Prabavathy, I. Ravi Prakash Reddy, in Edge-of-Things in

Personalized Healthcare Support Systems, 2022
1.5.2 Opportunities of artificial intelligence in healthcare
AI in healthcare uses huge amount of data for analysis and
interpretation to assist medical professional for making accurate
decisions faster (Bennett & Hauser, 2013). Various pattern recognition
AI algorithms help the doctors to handle complicated health conditions
more efficiently. AI enables early detection of diseases using
predictive algorithms. The health conditions of patients are diagnosed
and decisions are made faster because time is a life-altering
parameter for patients.
AI supports information management in healthcare systems. It helps
healthcare stakeholder for efficiently managing the information. The AI
enabled telemedicine helps both doctor and patients to save time and
money with better treatment (Lysaght et al., 2019). Thus it takes the
strain off of healthcare professionals in information management and
improves the comfort of patients. AI also helps in improving the quality
of Electronic Health Record (EHR) without human error (Koppel &
Lehmann, 2015). Using deep learning combined with speech
recognition technology, doctor interactions with patients is recorded
along with clinical diagnosis and treatments provided are documented
more accurately.
Presently AI has the ability to analyses voluminous patient data to
detect the various treatment options using the natural language
processing algorithms to provide personalized medication. Drug
discovery is one of the greatest opportunity of healthcare where AI
can be used efficiently to reduce long and expensive process of drug
discovery (Smalley, 2017). Various AI algorithms are used in
discovering new drugs with reduced risk in developing and testing. AI
technology helps researchers to identify suitable patients to involve in
the experiments and assists in monitoring medical response of patient
more accurately.
The hospital operations such as managing emergency rooms,
handling in-patient wards and scheduling doctor appointments are
automated using AI algorithms. AI enabled Chatbots and virtual
assistants are provided through telehealth (Sharmin et al., 2006). It
also has preliminary diagnosis also provided through machine learning
algorithms which helps patients to save time and money. The high risk
patients are efficiently treated using AI algorithms by analyzing large
dataset from various sources using personalized drugs dosage.
In addition to the above, the other applications of AI include, surgical
robots provides surgeons support in surgical procedures (Palep,
2009), the virtual nursing assistants help patients and care providers
in communication 24/7. AI also helps the health insurance
companies to detect the false claims through the connected
healthcare system. Fig. 1.11 gives the list of applications in integrating
AI within healthcare sector.

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Figure 1.11. Applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

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