Choose To Go

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A Business Plan presented to the College of St.


(Senior High School Department)


In Partial Fulfillment of the subject Business Enterprise Simulation

Prepared for:

Ms. Regine Aclaracion

Prepared by:

Anisco, Loraine May

Barrera, Jan Euwan

Dalida, Heather Gwen

Leones, Jeremiah Ryden

January 2023
Choose-to-Go originated from the name itself, wherein the customers will

choose and go. This restaurant's owners' and personnel's commitment to

providing high-quality food and services for the convenience of their consumers

will set them apart from their competitors and give them great potential to


Located at The Triangle, Arnaldo Boulevard, Roxas City, Capiz, Choose-To-

Go is a special kind of restaurant. The location of the establishment, according

to the business owners, is favorable in terms of parking availability, customer and

employee convenience, and proximity to other significant locations like the

Roxas City Airport.

Inspired by the American multinational fast food restaurant named

"Subway," Choose-To-Go will provide a selection of foods from which consumers

may personalize their meals by adding toppings and ingredients of their choice.

Choose-To-Go will sell a variety of food items when it first opens its doors.
Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Executive Summary

III. Environmental and Industry Analysis

A. Environmental Analysis

B. Industry Analysis

IV. Company Description

A. Our Company Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives

B. Our Company Products and Services

C. Business Owners Info

D. Nature of Business

V. Production, Operation and Management Plan

A. Production Plan

B. Operation Plan

C. Management Plan

1. Internal Management Team

2. External Management Team

D. Personnel Plan

1. Employees Benefits

2. Employees Incentives

3. Promotion

4. Suspension/Termination

VI. Marketing Plan

A. Product

B. Price
C. Place

D. People

E. Promotion

F. Packaging

G. Positioning

VII. Organizational Plan

VIII. Financial Plan

A. Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

B. Projected Statement of Financial Position

C. Projected Break-even Analysis

IX. Timetable
I. Introduction

Filipinos really enjoy eating, whether it's to relax, spend time with family,

reward themselves, or for any other reason (Balikbayan Pasabuy, 2023). They will

be able to handle those issues and take pleasure in any kind of fun thanks to

this. Food can now be found almost anywhere, including on streets, in malls, and

even in other locations within the Philippines. Because there are so many

individuals who truly love to eat and purchase that product, many people or

entrepreneurs create and grow businesses that focus on food.

The food's ability to help people form connections, friendships, and

relationships with individuals who share similar interests is one of its undeniable

advantages (Chito Bentazal, 2023). People can be satisfied by a delicious form

of food, which is why the owners construct this kind of business. A person's

intellect or sentiments can be satisfied by a variety of foods, in addition to their

stomach. Foods can help people feel less anxious and depressed. Giving

customers what they want will help this business expand. This restaurant will also

be upgraded and improved by serving a variety of foods, and it will require a lot

of work to be successful. The business owners will exert every effort to both satisfy

and provide customers the desired flavor from space feeling, as well as to draw

in additional customers.

There are so many people who genuinely enjoy eating that we may

observe it at a variety of events, including weddings, debuts, parties, and other

forms of celebrations. There will always be food. Giving someone something, like

food, as a gift can greatly strengthen a bond or a good relationship. Different

varieties of food can satiate different kinds of diners; they relieve stress, worries,

and especially unspoken emotions while also making them feel full. The founders
of Choose-to-Go are eager to seize the chance to establish this kind of business

because varied dishes can benefit various people with various culinary


II. Executive Summary

Choose-To-Go is a fast-food buffet with a variety of food to choose from

and where you can customize your food with toppings and ingredients of your

choice. It is presented to allow anyone of any age, gender, or race—even

people with disabilities—to create their own food based on their preferences.

We will offer lower prices on our menu compared to competitors, accompanied

by high-quality service and food offerings. Our core offerings will include fresh,

customized pizzas, hamburgers, and drinks. We will use some locally sourced

ingredients to support our local farmers. It will be catered by the staff and crew

to accommodate you upon choosing your toppings, garnishes, condiments,

dressings, and many more to choose from.

Customers will be choosing from a variety of categories, such as the

vegetarian station, the meat station, the topping station, and the beverage

station. This buffet style of fast food is perfect for you, as we serve healthy, fun,

yummy, and mesmerizing flavors of food with hassle-free service at Choose-To-

Go. Even if you’re on your diet, it is not an excuse since Choose-To-Go will also

serve salad and healthy snacks and meals because it will not only serve

nutritious food but also care for the customers’ health.

We also plan to partner with local vendors to get the word out about our

restaurant, increase our primary customer base, and generate awareness about
our business. Choose-To-Go will use a combination of marketing methods,

including social media, flyers, coupons, and word of mouth.

Choose-To-Go offers safety measures and protocols, as well as cleanliness

and balance measurements of the food to be served, to ensure a healthy, safe,

and appetizing environment for customers.

III. Environmental and Industry Analysis

A. Environmental Analysis

Analyzing the environment is a tactical tool. The practice of

identifying every internal and external factor that might have an impact

on an organization's performance. Assessing the potential threat or

opportunity that each component might pose is part of the analysis. Later,

these assessments are included into the decision-making procedure. The

analysis aids in coordinating strategy with the environment of the

organization. Every day brings new challenges for our company. Over

time, a lot of new things emerge, and the entire situation might change in

a matter of seconds. There are some variables that are unavoidable. But

a lot of these factors are under your control. Businesses' environments

have a big impact on them. Companies are impacted by all situational

aspects that define daily conditions. Therefore, organizations need to

continuously assess the market and the trading environment. Choose-To-

Go will exhibit its PEST Analysis in accordance:

(P) Politico-Legal

The founders genuinely cooperated and took the necessary

steps to create their firm. Choose-To-Go might also be utilized in

some endorsements, particularly in political situations, by

completing all the paperwork required for it to be formed, through

legislation to make it solid, and obtaining all the necessary papers

or essential documents. The company is open for any reservations

and payments related to such issues.

(E) Economy

The items that follow provide information on business and its


● Consumer Confidence

A measure of general consumer optimism about the

condition of the economy is called consumer confidence. Choose-

To-Go is more likely to succeed when consumer confidence is

strong because consumers who are confident are more likely to be

eager to spend money. When consumers are more confident, there

may be chances for new enterprises to enter the market, but when

they are less confident, businesses may be forced to make cost cuts

in order to retain profitability.

● Employment

Economic booms are typically followed by downturns or

stagnation in the economy, which generally follows a business

cycle. Jobs are typically available during boom times because

businesses require people to meet demand. Consumer spending is

more likely to be high when unemployment is low since the majority

of people have money to spend, which is advantageous for

businesses and promotes growth. Because jobless people don't

have extra money to spend, consumer spending is more likely to be

low when unemployment is high.

● Interest Rates

An individual or corporation will pay a lender an interest rate

when they borrow money. A source of funding for some small

enterprises is borrowing from banks or other financial organizations.

To operate this company, Choose-To-Go relies on the restaurant for

40% of its income. So, for enterprises with debt, higher interest rates

translate into greater overall business expenditures. Since they make

it more expensive for people to take out loans to buy items like

automobiles and homes, high interest rates can also have a

negative impact on consumer spending.

● Inflation

The rate at which prices rise across the economy is known as

inflation. Rent, utilities, and the price of raw materials needed in

production all go up as a result of inflation. To keep up with inflation

and retain profits, businesses will probably have to raise the pricing

of their own goods and services. Consumers' buying power may

decrease due to inflation unless employers raise salaries in line with

the rate of inflation.

(S) Socio-Economic

Depending on the location, Choose-to-Go must adhere to

the precise and clear cultural variations. Also, the restaurant must
convey its brand to the public so that individuals may identify it as a

commonality among themselves. The social implications of

marketing campaigns are typically evident; for instance, if certain

locations host religious festivals or other events or gatherings,

Choose-to-Go must keep up with all of these occasions in order to

comprehend the mindset of their target audience and how they

can seize the opportunity.

(T) Technological

Companies have fully embraced all of the recent

developments that have occurred with the emergence of the new

era of technology. Social networking is one new trend that has

exploded in popularity and is something that practically every

business is embracing. Choose-To-Go must stay ahead of all

developments, taking into account how today's consumers use

technology for their advantage and how the restaurant can reach

them, in order to continue increasing business recall and

engagement. This has been made possible by the social media

explosion, which has made it possible for increasingly interactive

engagement with consumers with real-time results.

B. Industry Analysis

An industry study needs to be particular to the sector of the market

where you are operating or want to operate. With the knowledge you

gain from the research, you may come up with a long-term plan to
reduce risks and fully exploit development potential. Considering that, the

restaurant must have a SWOT analysis for its business:

(S) Strengths

Great degree of subs customization. Customers want to make

choices, and the more options they have with their purchase, the

happier they are with it. Compared to other major fast food chains,

Subway offers more options for dish personalization.

Marketing and promotional strategies. Choose-To-Go

employs superior marketing techniques and promotional strategies

to attract and grow its customer base. The most successful fast-food

buffet promotional offer was to offer low prices.

Choice of healthier meals. Choose-To-Go offers a range of

low-calorie, fresh, and nutritious foods that you can’t find in other

fast food stores, at least not to such an extent. This fast food buffet's

strength meets the current trend of eating healthier food.

Fresh Ingredients. Choose-To-Go serves fresh and high quality

ingredients that taste better and more sustainable.

Cheap Price. Choose-To-Go Go charges a low price and

encourages many customers to buy our products and services by

making them affordable and offering them a reason to choose our

products over those of competitors.

Low startup costs. One of the reasons behind such a high

growth rate of fast food chains is the low startup costs. Fast food

chains are smaller and require less money for leasehold

improvements and equipment.

Delicious Foods. Choose-To-Go offers healthy and nutritious

food with a unique taste that makes the customers’ mouths water.

(W) Weaknesses

Interior design of the outlets often looks cheap. Choose-To-Go

lacks the interior design and quality that would welcome everyone

to stay and feel more comfortable than in the competitor’s fast

food chains.

High employee turnover. Choose-To-Go Artist's job is a low

paid and a low skilled job. It results in low performance and high

employee turnover, which increases training costs and adds to

overall costs of the Fast food chain.

Customer service issues. As we know Fast food chains follow

the franchising business, and it means that the franchisee license

holders have authority on running daily operations. That’s why

Choose-To-Go doesn’t have a unified service system for all of its

chain restaurants. However, it’s good in some places and

completely opposite in others.

(O) Opportunities

Increasing demand for healthier food. It’s an opportunity

upon which Fast-food chain already grows itself and could further

introduce low fat, low salt and more nutritious subs.

Changing customer habits and new customer groups. Fast

food chains are limited to one type of product, but need to diversify
into a wide variety of healthy options to remain competitive. They

can leverage already established customers to change their eating

habits and attract more loyal customers.

Healthy Trends. As we know that the demand for healthy diet

food is increasing across the world. It presents a great opportunity

for Choose-To-Go to exploit the growing diet trends of low sugar,

salt, and fat-containing food.

Vegan Foods. It’s no doubt Choose-To-Go offers vegan food

to the vegetarian customer market. But the food items are limited in

the menu which makes it difficult for the business to attract and

retain vegan customers. Therefore, the restaurant brand should

expand and diversify its vegan portfolio in order to compete in the


Portfolio Expansion. Choose-To-Go should follow the creative

approach in the portfolio expansion by offering more products to

the customers. The new food items and dishes on the menu would

attract more customers and amplify the sale.

(T) Threats

Saturated fast food markets in the developed economies. The

fast food market in the developed countries is already

overcrowded by so many fast food chains and this already proves

to be a threat to Choose-To-Go as it finds it hard to grow in the

developed economies.
Trend Change. The interest of the customer food market is

shifting from fast food to healthy organic food. If Choose-To-Go

doesn’t keep up with the growing pace, the customer would

replace the brand with some new healthy diet brands. It won’t be

good news for the chain brand.

Local fast food restaurant chains. Local fast food restaurants

can offer healthier food and a menu that exactly represents local


IV. Company Description

A. Our Company Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives

Our Mission: Choose-To-Go’s mission is to allow customers to

customize their own food to their own liking since not everyone has the

same taste.

Our Vision: Choose-To-Go aims to serve people some health-

conscious food of their own choice to satisfy their tummies in a responsible

and healthy way.

Our Goals and Objectives: Choose-To-Go balances the target

market's taste and health while maintaining reasonable pricing. It also

aims to raise the company's overall revenue by 10% during the following

two years, decrease production expenses by 5% during the following

three years, increase overall branch dispersion, and boost the market

share of your business by means of SSP (Survival, Sustain, Profit). To support

the organization in achieving the following targets and aims:

● To pioneer and dominate fast food buffets in our region (Roxas).

● To provide delicious, unique food of their choosing at a reasonable

price for our customers. The price of the lunch is 89 pesos.

● To draw in additional clients, especially from the area's health-

conscious and active target demographic.

● To win the allegiance of our target audience, particularly through

offering excellent service in the restaurant.

● To work as needed at the restaurant and be courteous to the


● To increase our level of competition with those in our respected

neighborhood or location so that this restaurant can become the

local leader.

● To employ a competent cook or chef who can produce

affordable, excellent, and healthful food.

● To carry out the necessary tasks, particularly while giving clients

excellent service.

● To provide an excellent working environment, care, compensation,

and benefits for our workers and personnel.

● To construct more locations in order to expand this company's

reach and draw more clients.

B. Our Company Products and Services

Choose-To-Go's unique and high-value food item is made in small

quantities from high-quality ingredients. The company created the menu

descriptions in such a fun and creative way that it leaves them salivating
and wanting to go for more. Here is Choose-To-Go's menu list with all the

ingredients and prices according to the customer's budget:

Vegetarian Burger

Vegetarian Burgers are very known

for vegetarians especially for those who

advocate animal welfare or are just simple

on a diet. If you're a vegetarian, Choose-

To-Go is the perfect place to eat up.

Come and buckle up to Choose-To-Go.

Prices starts at PHP 89.00

Cheese Burger
Mozzarella cheese would sound

good as my surname. Yummy and stretchy

cheese burgers being served at Choose-

To-Go. Price starts at PHP 89.00


Who can even resist Choose-To-go’s

meaty, juicy and most flavorful

hamburger?. Come to Choose-To-Go to

taste what they meant heaven burger.

Price starts at PHP 89.00

Vegetarian Pizza

If you don't like pineapple in your

pizzas, vegetarian pizzas suit you because

they are topped with the best and freshly

picked vegetables. If you're a vegetarian,

Choose-To-Go is the perfect place to eat

up. Customize your own pizza at Choose-

To-Go. Price starts at PHP 99.00

Pepperoni Pizza

Poll over poll, pepperoni will always

be the best selling pizza flavor in the U.S, so

the team brought pepperoni in the

Philippines too. Customize your own pizza

at Choose-To-Go. Price starts at PHP 99.00

Cheese Pizza

Most are at least 95 percent

Mozzarella, with different moisture and fat

used particularly for pizzas and contains

somewhat less water than real Mozzarella.

Customize your own pizza at Choose-To-

Go. Price starts at PHP 99.00

Hawaiian Pizza

Seems like Vegetarian pizza hates

me but that does not affect my beauty,

you are capable of making my pineapples

match any toppings. Customize your own

pizza at Choose-To-Go. Price starts at PHP


Thirsty? No problem, Choose-To-Go

also offers beverages of your choice. Price

starts at PHP 10.00.

C. Business Owners Info

Choose-To-Go Fast Food Buffet Restaurant is located at Arnaldo

Boulevard, Roxas City, Capiz, and gives you the taste of space at an

affordable price. Owned by four (4) persons named Loraine May Anisco,

Jan Euwan Barrera, Heather Gwen Dalida, and Jeremiah Ryden Leones,

the owners are classmates at the College of St. John Roxas, Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM), and all of them are food lovers and

food buddies. Loraine May, who is now 17 years old, graduated from

Culasi National High School. Heather Gwen, who is now 17 years old,

graduated from Capiz State University. Jeremiah Ryden and Jan Euwan

both graduated from Capiz National High School. Jeremiah Ryden is now

17 years old, while Jan Euwan is 18 years old. All of them have a good

bond of friendship, which is why they suddenly came up with their

business as a sign of their friendship, as food buddies, which is now


D. Nature of Business
This company's nature is based on how its employees treat

consumers in order to deliver high-quality, reasonably priced goods that

will genuinely please them.

Choose-To-Go will provide tasty foods with flavors from space that

will genuinely please the clients at a reasonable price. The residents of

Roxas City, Capiz, where the restaurant is located, are the target market

for the management of the establishment.

A corporation is the sort of organizational structure used by the

management since it is owned by four (4) individuals who pool their

resources and creative ideas to grow the company.

Below are the policies that Choose-To-Go has established as part of

its operations:

● Be Polite

The employees at Choose-To-Go ought to constantly be

courteous to the customers; they need to always welcome

customers with a smile and a pleasant greeting whenever a

customer enters the store.

● Cleanliness comes after godliness

Every industry should maintain proper sanitation and

cleanliness. Since the proprietors are health sensitive and don't want

a dirty atmosphere that may cause illness, as well as because a

dirty environment won't draw in customers, Choose-To-Go is very

concerned with cleanliness.

● To be on time
In our lives, time is crucial. Choose-To-Go really instructed its

personnel to arrive early—at least 15 minutes before the scheduled


● No Entrance Policy

The employees and people should always dress in their

required uniforms and IDs to provide a professional image to

customers. The staff should be well-organized and presentable in

their uniforms.

V. Production, Operation, and Management Plan

A. Production Plan

Business Floor Plan: The main eating space can accommodate 11

people at various table sizes, thus 3 top-tables can be set up on occasion.

The manager's office will be located at the front, and the restrooms for

men and women, as well as the kitchen, where the cooking will occur, are

located close to the back of the unit, as well as the kitchen where the

cooking will occur.

B. Operation Plan

The internal system of Choose-To-Go that produces concrete steps

your team may implement to achieve the objectives in your strategic

plan. A department's or employee's daily, weekly, and monthly tasks are

listed in an operational plan. The following are the departments that are

operating under Choose-To-Go:

● Dining Department

The flow of procedures for welcoming customers takes place in the

eating area. The security officer will first kindly welcome any customers

who enter the restaurant. Second, the waiter will approach, extend a

friendly greeting, and look for an open seat. The server will then hand

them the menu, and after a little while, he or she will take their order and

present it to the cashier. The kitchen workers will then pass it on to the chef

for cooking and preparation after the cashier has given it to them. The

food is ready to be served after a short while, and the waiter will be called

to bring the customer's order. After eating, the customer is obliged to pay

his or her bills to the cashier.

● HR Department

The flow of operations within the HR Department will be in charge of

hiring and recruiting new personnel. If the restaurant makes a new hire,

someone will advertise the job opening. Candidates should submit their

resumes or any other necessary materials, and an interview will be

conducted to see whether they are qualified for the open post. The
candidate will go through the induction process if hired. Work tasks will be

provided; complete training if necessary. Evaluation comes after the

training has begun. Discuss further conditions for joining the restaurant as

an official and full member or employee.

● Inventory Department

The restaurant's stock flow takes place in the inventory department.

If the restaurant runs out of supplies, they must buy more from the supplier

to maintain the required level of supply. The things should be

appropriately placed in the storage area after being purchased and

received, where there should be adequate room for them to be kept. The

designated person can now use, track, or inspect it after keeping it,

especially if it runs out of stock again. The restaurant will then place

another order with the supplier for any additional supplies that are


● Accounting Department

An accountant's main responsibility in a Choose-to-Go restaurant is

to create and review financial records. They are responsible for ensuring

that records are accurate and that taxes are paid in a timely manner.

Accountants provide summaries of a company's financial operations to

aid in its smooth functioning. The same services are also offered to

individuals by the accountants in this restaurant, who assist them in

developing plans of action to enhance their financial security.

C. Management Plan
Every business owner has a special method for running their

company that ensures organization, upkeep of cleanliness and safety

standards, as well as any other requirements an industry should have.

Choose-To-Go manages each employee's standard to ensure that they

are fit for effective business operation. There are many effective ways to

run a business; it should be improved so that it will grow, and for it to

function, the owner's leadership and the staff's cooperation must go hand

in hand. To run Choose-To-Go successfully, a large number of employees

are required.

1. Internal Management Team

● Owner(s)

The owner(s), who hold(s) the top position in the sector,

was/were there to handle risks. The owner(s), who is/are the one(s)

to direct their staff in anything they would need to do, improves

their abilities and skills to carry out their responsibilities effectively.

● Accountant

The accountant, who is in charge of handling finances, keeps

track of and records how much money is coming in and going out

of a company or organization. The accountant must ensure that all

financial transactions are accurate, lawful, and compliant with

current regulations. The accountant must also ensure that all

financial transactions are accurate

● Chef
Contrarily, a chef isn't just concerned with the aspect of food

preparation. Two chefs work in this establishment. Chefs are already

hard at work before the restaurant doors begin to open for business.

They make sure, for instance, that the workspace is tidy and that all

the equipment is prepared for use. Chefs check that the pantry and

refrigerators are fully supplied because it's crucial that the supplies

and food components are complete. They submit orders with their

suppliers if it isn't or if a certain supply is running low. They make sure

the orders are fresh and fit for eating when they arrive. For their

clients, chefs must create dishes.

● Cashiers

Also, without cashiers, a restaurant wouldn't be complete.

There are three cashiers at the restaurant, and it is their job to

collect payment from patrons for the food they have ordered, to

greet each patron with a smile, to input purchases into the register

to determine the total purchase price, to help patrons find specific

items, to ask for information or assistance by using a paging system,

to determine the price of items using electronic scanners, and to

count money at the conclusion of the transaction. What a cashier

ought to do is that.

● Waiter

Six (6) waiters are next in line. When customers have placed

their orders, waiters are in charge of providing them with food,

attending to their needs, and keeping the space tidy.

● Human Resources
Finally, there is the manager of human resources. The person

to contact for all matters involving employees is an HR manager.

This means that managing tasks like job design, recruitment,

employee relations, performance management, training and

development, and talent management will be part of an HR

manager's responsibilities. The success of a corporation depends on

the work of an HR manager. Our most valuable resource is our

workforce, and HR will be responsible for ensuring that we have a

positive work environment where everyone contributes to achieving

the company's goals. A thorough job description and specification

for an HR manager must include the promotion of corporate values

and the creation of a positive culture.

2. External Management Team

● Attorney or Lawyer

In addition to the legal requirements that Choose-To-Go has,

there may also be litigation, disagreements, etc., that require

preparation in order to avoid negative outcomes. A lawyer is the

person who is in charge of doing this. A lawyer can assist you with all

of those things and much more thanks to their subject-specific

expertise and understanding.

An attorney should be contacted right away for any

circumstance that could have a negative legal impact on your

company. A lawyer is necessary for a company like a restaurant

since there are numerous laws that must be obeyed by businesses

and because every industry has its own set of rules and regulations.

Of all, a business owner wouldn't be familiar with all the laws. In

addition to federal laws, there may also be state, local, and county

laws that occasionally overlap or even conflict. Even though your

business has not changed, the laws are always altering in minor and

subtle ways, making it possible for a restaurant to find itself suddenly

in violation of the law. This is done to take into account the

adjustments and fresh demands brought on by the market and

economy's constant evolution. It can be a difficult effort for business

owners to manage all these changes on their own. A lawyer's

responsibility is to be present as well, especially if a problem could

arise at the restaurant, in addition to that other purpose for hiring

one. The attorney will be present to defend it.

● External Auditor

To operate this company, Choose-To-Go also requires a

manager. successful. The restaurant needs an outside auditor, a

service provider who is impartial and whose impact can have a big

impact on the company being audited and its stakeholders. While

not being a part of the organization, they are essential to creating

internal control. The deficiencies of the accounting records,

systems, and controls that the auditors examine during the audit are

subject to critique. They offer a statistical evaluation of the

effectiveness and clarity of the accounting procedures adopted by

the aforementioned restaurant. They can offer management

guidance by making recommendations in their audit notes or talks.

They also assist management in becoming aware of information

that may have an impact on upcoming audits. Constructive

criticism can make the documentation processes more effective,

moral, or presentable.

D. Personnel Plan

Those who weren't able to fulfill their tasks successfully, everyone in

this industry ought to earn the proper respect and recognition for their

good performance.

1. Employees Benefits

Good perks are a requirement of employment, particularly for one's

upcoming use The Choose-To-Go Restaurant provides SSS, PAG-IBIG, and

health insurance to its employees. After two months of employment in the

specified industry, the effectiveness of the aforementioned benefit is


● Hospitality Insurance

The personnel of Choose-To-Go are covered by hospitality

insurance. In an emergency, especially if someone in the family

becomes ill. or to oneself. Only 60% of the hospitality insurance

provided by the company is available to casual employees; if they

are hired as regular and formal employees, they are only eligible for

100%. Speaking of an official employee, they may have 100% or

100% of the insurance that will cover their necessary expenses in the

event of an emergency.
● Social Security System (SSI)

Every employee of Choose-To-Go receives an SSS as a means

of ensuring that they and their families are protected against old

age, illness, disability, and death. Simply simply, the SSS serves as an

employee insurance plan. Following six months of employment at

the restaurant, employees should be required to complete their SSS.

● Pag-Ibig Fund

The Pag-IBIG Fund's most well-liked program benefit offers

support to its members by providing accessible finance for their

housing needs. HDMF achieves this through collaborating with

regional real estate developers and setting up affordable loans for

homebuyers (Pag-IBIG members). For long-term, regular workers

who have worked in the business for a while, Choose-To-Go offers

these benefits. One must first be a regular employee who has been

working in the restaurant to be eligible for this reward.

2. Employees Incentives

A commendation is always due for a job well done. Choose-To-Go

rewards employees for performing their jobs well. Every 30 days,

employees who maintain perfect attendance will receive an incentive

that will be added to their pay.

● Php 3,000 cash

Employees who maintain perfect attendance for at least two

consecutive months will receive this cash.

● Complimentary Meals for Today

At this point, the restaurant's management will offer a

complimentary supper or food to the departments that carry out

their responsibilities well each month. As a reward for their efforts,

they will be fed delicious food while being looked after by the


● Free Food of the day

At this point, the restaurant's management will offer a

complimentary supper or food to the departments who carry out

their responsibilities successfully each month. As a reward for their

efforts, they will be fed delicious food while being looked after by

the owners.

3. Promotion

The employee will receive a pay raise following the promotion if

they have shown strong working abilities or demonstrated excellence in

performance while meeting the owners' objectives and difficulties.

4. Suspension/Termination

Although no one is flawless and mistakes may always be made, we

are all capable of handling any situation. Employees who commit the

following violations face suspension or termination from Choose-To-Go:

● If you miss work for three days without a good cause, you

must visit the administrative office to receive a three-day

● If you are five times late and it impacts the industry, you will

be suspended for three days.

● A three-day penalty follows two instances of failing to wear

the required uniform.

● Playing with their phone while they are working will result in a

first-to-third violation, and if it is the last one, a three-day


● If you arrive at work drunk and are unable to do the job, you

will be suspended for one week.

● Being rude and aggressive to clients will also result in a 3-day


VI. Marketing Plan

Choose-to-Go sells excellent food to customers in its own special

way, but in order to draw in more customers, the restaurant needs to have

its own marketing approaches or strategies to forge connections with


A. Product

Choose-to-Go has the best quality food or product in the whole

area of Arnaldo Boulevard, Roxas City, Capiz. The owners decided to

make their product unique enough to make it attractive to their valued

customers. The restaurant offers reasonably priced, delicious food that

customers won't regret eating with their family or friends. Nothing makes

you happier than witnessing your loved one's face light up after
discovering they can taste. There are dishes available for takeout that

have an outer space flavor. Cooking is more than simply cooking in the

aforementioned restaurant because Choose-to-Go's recipe is its affection

for its devoted customers.

B. Price

Choose-to-Go is a type of restaurant that is sympathetic to

customers' wallets; it provides them with reasonably priced goods so they

may receive the cuisine they want. In addition to satisfying the needs and

wants of loyal customers, management places emphasis on costs. Since

the owner also considered its surroundings in relation to its rivals, the

management, particularly the owners, came up with an affordable

pricing that the customers were actually seeking in order to be

competitive enough. Owners enjoy watching customers blissfully consume

their items because they each hold the utmost worth.

C. Place

The environment of Choose-To-Go Restaurant, which is located at

The Triangle in Roxas City, is quite good, even if there are a lot of

competitors in the area, especially since it is front-facing Sm Mall. Roxas

City really has a lot of entrepreneurs, especially at the Boulevard, where

there are branches of fast food, buffets, and other food industries located,

and there are also lots of people, especially those who work at SM and

study at the nearby CPC school. Since business is all about taking risks, the

owners decided to take the area to build this restaurant because they
really believe that it will bloom even though there are a lot of competitors

because it is different from others. The owners will take on any challenges

the environment will give to their business because that’s what

entrepreneurs are for: to be open-minded about what will happen and to

do their best to make everything happen.

D. People

This restaurant wouldn’t be possible without people who take

control of it. The owners of Choose-To-Go and the staff will give their very

best to achieve its Mission, Vision, Goal and Objective. The roles and

duties that the owners assigned to their personnel should be done

properly and in a good manner because it’s a good thing that a

customer will like, the good service, and also to avoid any tragedy. The

owners also gave advice to their personnel to enjoy their duties or what

they are doing to avoid pressure. The owners of thesaid restaurant treat

their people as their family. So that all of them will be able to help each

other all the time and will have the coordination, teamwork, hard work

and cooperation to have a good outcome. The owners also teach their

staff to have a pleasing personality to the customers in order to have

good feedback.

E. Promotion

Choose-To-Go's way of promoting their product is through

advertising the business, especially in social media form. Since we are in

this information age where technologies truly revolutionize our lives, by

having a page on a social media app, which is Facebook, the restaurant

will be posting its promotions, events, foods, and any other activities and

matters the restaurant contains. The restaurant will also give brochures or

flyers to the customers who will go inside the restaurant in order for them

to know more about Alberj's Eats-Time Restaurant.

F. Process

The process of making the products in the restaurant is safe due to

the cleanliness that the restaurant really pays attention to. Especially on

each tool, kitchen utensils, and proper attire one must have. The

personnel who made the products, especially the chefs, really followed

safety precautions in order to avoid injuries or cuts. The owners also

advised the makers of the toppings, stuffing, beverages, etc. to be more

delinquent enough to handle the tools used, and when it comes to

distributing the dishes and upon helping the customization of the foods to

the valued customers, it should be delivered properly and neatly in order

to have the customers' impression and attraction to the restaurant

because of its way of service. On the other hand, for takeout customers,

the restaurant has an eco-friendly paper bag that is used in packaging for

takeout foods, unlike other restaurants that use plastic. Choose-to-Go uses

a paper bag in order to help our mother nature stay clean and green.

G. Positioning

The staff, employees, and personnel of the said restaurant should

dress well according to their positions. In interacting with the customers,

the staff and personnel should treat them with due respect and politeness.

In attracting customers, the environment of the restaurant should be eye-

catching to those who enter. The owners of the restaurant really seek the

best interior designer in cooperation with one of the owners of this

restaurant, Loraine May Anisco, Jan Euwan Barrera, Heather Gwen

Dalida, and Jeremiah Ryden Leones.

VII. Organizational Plan

VIII. Financial Plan

The Financial Plan included all the information that a business owner

would need to know about their company's financial objectives. It outlines ways

to accomplish those objectives and enables the company to assess the viability

of their company idea. Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

(Weekly, Monthly, Year 1, 2, and 3), Projected Statement of Financial Position

(Weekly, Monthly, Year 1, 2, and 3), and Projected Break-Even Analysis are all

included in this section.

A. Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

1. Weekly Report

The entire sales of P51, 087 from the company's products,

according to Choose-To-Go's projected weekly financial revenue,

total. Salary, taxes, water, power, telephone, licensing, and

transportation expenditures made up the P40,800 total expenses. To

arrive at the net income of P10, 287, the whole amount of bills will

be subtracted from the total sales for the week.

2. Monthly Report

The various items sold and served to the consumers

generated total sales of P204,348 according to Choose-To-Go's

monthly report of Complete Income. Salary, taxes, permits, and

transportation are just a few of the items a restaurant must pay

each month, totaling P107,300. The entire sales of the restaurant are

then subtracted from the total costs to arrive at the net revenue of

P97,408 for the month.

3. Annual Report

For Year 1: The business made a total profit of P2,452,176 in

one year as the minutes passed. from the various items the

restaurant offers. The entire cost of all the expenses the restaurant

must pay, including wages, taxes, water, energy, telephone,

licenses, and transportation, is P1,287,600. In year 1, the amount of

sales and costs were subtracted to arrive at the net income of P

For Year 2: The overall sales for year two according to

Choose-To-Go's annual report of comprehensive income were

P29,426,112. originated from the many things the eatery had to

offer. The entire costs that the business had to pay came to

P15,451,112 in total. the total sales to obtain the net profit of P13,

974, 912 after deduction.

For Year 3: As the years passed, the restaurant earned

P353,113,344 in total over the course of three years from the various

things it provided. The total costs for the various items that the

restaurant had to pay were P185,414,400. We calculate the net

income for the year as the difference between the total sales and

the difference of P 165,698.944.

B. Projected Statement of Financial Position
In its predicted financial situation, Choose-to-Go has non-current

assets worth P675,000 and current assets worth P240,345 for a total of

P915,345. The restaurant's monthly prediction for one month will be

multiplied by 12 to obtain the 3-year projection. Both current and non-

current liabilities are listed, totaling P240,345 for current liabilities and

P337,500 for non-current. With P437,500 in capital and P140,345 in total

equity, you may predict the year total using P915,345 as the total

anticipated amount.

C. Projected Break-even Analysis

The restaurant's total expected sales are P51,087.00, and its monthly

costs are P40,800.00, for a total of P10,287.00. In order for the restaurant to

make enough money to pay its monthly expenses, it has to sell at least 5

units of each product every day. This equals 5 when the total sales of

P51,087 are divided by the net income of P10,287.

IX. Timetable

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