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School of Construction and the Environment

Interior Design Program

BCIT Interior Design Department Course Notes (Policies and Procedures):

Students are expected to meet all standards of academic integrity as indicated in BCIT Policies. Please refer
to Policies – BCIT
• ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Students are responsible for making themselves familiar with BCIT Policy.
• Assignments must be done on an individual basis unless otherwise specified by the Instructor. Students are
individually responsible for their conduct and every aspect of work that bears their name. Students are advised to keep
their academic work, both hard copies and electronic formats, in their possession and not lend or offer it to anyone,
regardless of the circumstances. Allowing another student, either directly or indirectly, to copy your work will be
considered a violation of BCIT policy.
• LATE POLICY: Assignments are due at the start of the class unless otherwise noted. Late assignments will be deducted
10% per day. Students are encouraged to plan ahead and to anticipate possible delays in traffic, printing mishaps, etc.
• ATTENDANCE: Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Students are expected to attend the class for the entire
duration unless other circumstances prevail (i.e. field trips). Students are responsible for obtaining all missed course
notes, lectures, assignments, and hand‐outs from other students.
• EVALUATION: All work shall be evaluated as submitted. Students are responsible for checking all work before handing
it in, and all submitted work is considered final.
• ATTEMPTS: Students with two attempts in a single course will be allowed to repeat the course for a third time only with
special written permission from the Associate Dean. Please contact the Program Head for the process for this approval.
Students who have not successfully completed a course within three attempts will not be eligible to continue in the
• COURSE WITHDRAWAL: Course withdrawals are permitted until two-thirds of the way through the course
(excluding continual entry courses and courses less than one week long).
BCIT : : Student Records : : Request to Withdraw from a Part-Time Course
• COURSE LATE WITHDRAWAL: Approvals will not be granted for a late withdrawal unless the student has documented
medical reasons or documented extenuating circumstances. If an LW has not been approved, it will count as an attempt.
• MAKE‐UP TESTS, EXAMS, and QUIZZES: There will be no make‐up tests, exam,
• or quizzes. If you miss a test, exam, or quiz, you will receive a zero mark on the test, exam, or quiz. Exceptions may be
made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances and only if appropriate documentation is provided
to the Instructor with a copy to the Program Head. If the absence is due to medical reasons, only a standard Student
Medical Certificate will be accepted BCIT : : Student Health Services : : Student Medical Certificate
• TUTORS: If you plan to engage a tutor, please contact the Program Head.
• ACCOMMODATION: Any student who may require accommodation from BCIT should contact BCIT’s Accessibility
Services (SW1‐2300, 604‐451‐6963) at the earliest possible time. Accommodation requests must be made directly to
Accessibility Services and not to an instructor or Program Head.
• WORKING IN A CLASSROOM WHILE CLASS IS IN SESSION: Please ask the Instructor if this is permitted before the
class begins. All efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of our students; however, the Instructor reserves the
right to deny the request on exam days etc. If you are working in a classroom or lab while a class is in session, please
respect the Instructor and other students by not talking, texting or engaging in any disruptive behaviour. The Instructor
also reserves the right to ask students to leave if they are not respecting these guidelines.

BCIT ID Department Course Notes Page 1 of 1 2021

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