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Changes prior to summer is ommited.

To be added:

1. Make units from crate able to form team?

2. Amphibious attack. 4 rhino, 4 prism, 1 MM 2 mag
3. Ask siege chopper bug? (need to reduce height to deploy)
4. Anti super weapon for all factions
5. Anti yuri soviet force, drone + V3
6. Drone in flak attack
7. deso in flak attack on vehicle.
8. Ask for GI's deploy when guard for others?
9. Attack: Occupieble structure vs garrison structures?
10. AI only desolator with swapped primary weapon for deso bomb.
11. 3rd airport for korea?
12. Yuri base patrol ga time fix
13. AI only scrop for hunting air only?
14. Revert Siege Chopper Buff?
15. Oil Derick guard
16. TargetSpecialThreatCoefficientDefault=2.0 vs 200?
19. Adjust naval bombardment script to include powerplant?
24. Multiple destination for chronosphere?
27. Try yard multiple building type as trigger?

***64.0 vs 59.0
*** Try 0,8 for base defense team
*** Try -1 trigger type to make defense team pool unit
*** 65536/131072 - for low/high threat, 196608/262144 - for near/far building
*** Use own equal or less than 0 as a negative trigger.
*** You can have max of 2 transport by using TeamType 2 in the trigger?

***** 3 support force! trigger when # of primary force unit size is right.
***** Split large forces into support force to avoid stuck in one place?
***** Use higher priority prerequisite building if you want AI to respect tech
requirement and respond to enemy buildings, like spy


changed siege unit and AA unit leadership rating. Mirage tank too.
Buffed Brutes
choose wall % = 75%
virtual refinery 5,3,1
team delay
1350 emergency repair
opportunity fire by apoc, kirov
auto crush for TD, grizzly, rhino, V3, lasher, robot
Tesla tankbolt range = 5
Demobomb RadLevel=150
Tanya special threat rating
terror drone threat = 45 above most tanks
Mastermind Yuri prime special threat rating
Demo truck available in crates now
12 defense structure on easy, 1 more for hard ally
Extra space for Soviet Refinery to prevent blocking.
Extra space for sentry gun and pillbox to prevent blocking.
V3 rocket speed buffed to 18 same as dreadnaught
double naval strike fleet is now allowed
Sentry gun and pillbox anti armor rating decreased
Battle bunker anti armor rating increased
>>>Increased chance of ally tank rush
>>>New task force for hard chronosphere attack
Tesla trooper range buffed to regular infantry
Nerfed ridiculous damage of garrisoned Yuri Initiative, but still kept it very
strong. 40/50
>>>Easy Enemy now can build miners.
>>>Spy vs refinery
>>>Buffed easy and medium Soviet, and easy allies
>>>Increase naval bombardment chance

>>> Script change on prism rush, Tanks less likely to advance racklessly
>>> Kirov has terror drone support.
>>> Black Eagle strikes on Con yard
>>> Increased air strike frequency
Added an amphibious assault script for allies, testing only.
>>> Max oil capture team = 2???
>>> No more airstrike on neutral oil
Carrier,dreadnaught DefaultToGuardArea=yes CanPassiveAquire=yes GuardRange=20
Dreadnaught can retaliate
MTNKK guard 2nd factory
AITriggerSuccessWeightDelta=10 ;5
AITriggerFailureWeightDelta=-25 ; -20

Demo truck auto recruit.

French AI build 2 Grand Cannon
ScriptMTNKK fixed?
Fixed Strike on Yuri construction yard
Fixed broken buildingtype list
Changed German TD Script to regular tank rush script
Removed BF gather at base command script
Increased Allied guard refine max=1
New script for hard rhino attack to decrease wait time.
ScriptPrismRush 0,7 > 0,1
experiment: MTNKK 0,8
AIMinorSuperReadyPercent=.65 ;larger team needs prior preparation.
Prism tank default to guard area
Incoming=20 to dodge kirov bombs?
MCV regroup if fail to deploy
DISK threat = 40
CAOS retaliates
Made starting Soviet guard trigger 5000
Allied Large attack vs super weapon
Soviet may randomly increase attack intensity
Naval bombardment repeat attack cycle
Adjusted Ioncanon to target airbase, MCV, APC, refinery, Purifier/Vat/Plant
> purifier/vat/plant now have "IsTemple=yes"
> Refinery now have "IsPlug=yes"
Extra Tesla tank in Russian group.
Fixed Engineer and ivan flak attack.

Big and Little Russia

Big and Little Germany
Random Allied Attack style
Special Iraq Attack force
Increase Yuri base defense trigger???
Alternate bridge repair scripts???
Duplicated shipyards
BuildPower=NAPOWR,GAPOWR,YAPOWR,NANRCT ;nuclear plant considered.
HTNK and MTNK GuardRange=9
Increased naval attack chance
-1 Trigger for HTNKK
Fixed image for extra shipyard and grand cannon
Mirage base guard
Fix the MCV leaving base bug
removed grand cannon duplicate for players
Aggressive=yes on allied naval bombardment to test if destroyer retaliates
CAOS autoaquire
Virtualscanner range=6 to assist auto detect coming human players.
Soviet starting infantry garrison battle bunker

mtnk,htnk,tnkd guardrange=12
6 Dolphin cheese
Adjust transport team group up at small maps
Adjusted naval bombardment script
Adjust Soviet Siege Chooper script
Demobomb radlevel = 135 up from 125 to kill infantry reliably
15 Rhino Cheese attack
Korean vs Super weapon and nuke reactor'
Terrorist TypeImmune=yes
Aggresive=no on Soviet Ultra Hard
Capture Bridge 2
Iron Curtain on Normal tank units
Fix Krov support
Rhino and Grizzly default guard area???
Buffed Anti kirov trigger
Fixed Spy vs refinery
Bombard, Apoc, Soviet Cheese, Drone no longer aggressive.

AI chain build different types of navy

Changed naval hunter scripts
Naval strike targets allied air command center
Allied Anti-Beagle team
Yuri bombard has disc support
No more scary 9 rhino iron curtain attack on easy
Capture Tech Power Plant
All faction garrison infantry now.
2 oil capture team
Extra Tesla coil charge team, and new scrip to prevent charging only 1 coil.
12 Rhino Hunters
New Soviet Infantry scripts
Soviet builds 2nd barracks
Russian Tesla Tank no longer aggressive.
New Soviet Tank Behavior
Tank Destroyer Threat increased.
Flexible Soviet Tank Attacks
Higher threat for construction yard
Soviet Harass Soviet
Grand Cannon Threatposed=50
Hard AI is very good at detecting mirage tank now
Medium AI follow up Kirov attack with tank distraction.
Terrorists uncrashable.
Soviet Dog Engineer
Tesla Tank fire on the move
Service depot impassable row removed???
New Yuri Disc Attacck
Bigger Robo tank attack
Decreased Pill box threat
Rocketeer default guard area, range =6
Crush = 5
Super weapon targets consider Oil dericks and nuclear power plant
Allied stop using smaller force when fully set up. (After own ore processor)
Buffed Medium AI in general, it was not much better than easy. Now they are pretty
Allied Mirage Miner Harassment
Tree Targeting, allow both mirage tank hiding while attackable without ctrl
Reworked Yuri base defense, more tanks used


Decrease sentry gun threat to 20

Aegis default to guard area
Larger Terror drone attack
Soviet tank attack followed up by terror drones
Modified so tanya attack ore refinery instead of con yard.
Sub guard range = 10
Destroyer default to guard area
Threatrating of slave miner increased
8 dolphins from 6
NormalTargetingDelay=10 (fast AI reaction speed)
1 V3
Drone attack follow up tanks
No dolphin cheese on easy
guard range = 25 on dread and carrier
No naval bombard on easy
Anti-carrier robo attack
Trans1 fixed!
mtnk guard range=10 see if idle bug is gone.
2 harrier E1?
adjusted starting infantry to not block wall
Auto Repair for human; repair iq=0
No more naval bomb on easy
New destroyer scripts
Safedistance=30 ; prism tank trans now work
grizzly rhino Tank VirtualScannerAI
Desolator available in crates.
Fixed Sniper script I broke.
AI use dog to contest for oil.
Buffed Tech outpost with longer range to resist 1 engineer. (tall = longer range)
New Libyan Script
Easy naval hunter Soviet
Deployed chopper same HP as flying one.
Soviet use bigger attack when fully set up.
Grizzly threat =21 > pillbox
More likely to use infantry when having hospital
Hybrid Naval Attack
RollAngle=25; hornet buff
Allied Patrols super weapons
Fixed Allied blocking its own wall with infantry
AI respond to dreadnaught, carrier, boomer, V3 with anti-aircraft.
Mirage vs miner harassment

Test: new carrier

deleteted dolphins attack for now
trans will not work with regroup!
OpportunityFire=yes (both on normal carrier too)
action; navalattack-2
Aegis follower
Things follow carrier appears idle if in same taskforce.
Trans1 fixed by looping of load command.
sight=11 from 7
HornetLauncerAI works, but not CarrierR
Only attack land target when retaliating
Targetting delay reverted to see if guard stuck is fixed. Fail
Techlevel=-1 removed; fail, ai still refuse to build it.
hunt; fail
guard area,20;Worked somewhat, easy to distract
Shuffle between bases; worked somewhat
Success: Non specific carrier strike.
Test: Whether or not
Yuri refuse to build sub???
Correction, image= should be capitalized.


3 rhino no script defense.

Generic Soviet naval strike.
> opportunity fire
> sight=11 from 7
> LandTargeting=0
Fixed Allies mirage harassment
Rhino defense is recruitable to offense.
Allied and Yuri anti naval bombard
Allied rocketter defense
Allied anti squid
Increase battlefortress's main weapon range to match garrisoned GI, so it maintain
the right range.
Soviet naval hunter script changed to general naval hunt
Rhino ToProtech=yes
Dredlauncher minimum range=6 from 8
Changed ultra hard attack script
Soviet harassment vs Yuri
Medium Team delay = 900
Yuri armor 1 script to general fast attack
Yuri armor H2 to?
Larger Yuri attack in general
Fixed spy script on allied barrack triggered by air command
Rocketeer anti-turtle
Harrier E2 right trigger
Dog engineer regroup at nearest derick
Yuri transport, apocalypse transport
More defense team
Removed regroup at conyard for soviet transport script.
6 Rhino pool
Libyan Apolcalypse
Changed russian script
apoc cheese
BuildDelay=.02 ;easy
Prism tank auto guard area removed.
burtal teamdelay:500
NumberImpassableRows=1 ; added back service depot to prevent drive through.
MovementZone=Crusher ;On rhino tank to stop shooting own wall.
Yuri disc attack retaliate no longer ignore incoming AA units.
Yuri armor attack no longer ignore retaliation.
Yuri will use repair IFV should it capture one.
Yuri Harvestor Harass team
Yuri counter desolator with virus sniper
Yuri boomer will retaliate against enemy

More reactive base defense.

Korean anti-grand cannon
Yuri tank bunker trigger
New targeting system for AI
Fixed special threat system of Tanya(higher).
Test: GuardRange=30 on dread and carrier? ;fail, wont fire
Rhino tank no longer have extra guard range.
RelaxedStray=7.0 from 5; success, russia no stuck on bridge
IsBaseDefense removed from yuri sub hunt
6 rhino pool unit; appears to cause multi team attack
Reverted speed buff, added resistance to rocketeer, SSB in general.
DESOB: only use deploy attack
dog engineer attack instead of move to enemy structure

More reactive base defense.

Korean anti-grand cannon
Yuri tank bunker trigger
New targeting system for AI
Fixed special threat system of Tanya(higher).
Apoc no longer shoot own walls
Medium Soviet use larger attack once fully set up.
Yuri Mastermind: Nerfed rate of fire. It was 2x faster than deployed GI! Now they
are just as fast, but still pretty OP IMO.
Fixed Allied use empty battlefortress
Allied harrier attack on factory, and beagle
Soviet anti-rocekteer
Apoc sight=8 ;increase guardrange
Apoc missile speed=25, stop it from chasing planes
Desobomb script change
Garrison when there are concrete bunker
Tesla tank cost 1100
Demo Truck vs Oil
Harrier E1,2 whiner
Reverted Tesla trooper rof to original, 5 range was a little OP.
dog,drone opportunityfire
Allied MTNKK use no script
Non-specific chronosphere attack script
Chrono to oil derick?
Ivan cell spread buff
Seperation of soviet battle bunker and garrison.
Removed invalid guardrange for tank destroyer
Reduced price of tower defenses by 100
Air strike to support sniper on hard AI
AI more likely to use sniper if enemy has desolator
Tesla flak strusk vs rhino
tesla trooper vs rhino enabled in skirmish
Fixed Germans use prism tank before getting battle labs
Tank destroyer damage vs infantry changed (normal 1%, elite 10%)

Test: Apoc DefaultToGuardArea ;fail, they chase plane to the base. conflict with
rhino script
GI default guardarea?; no difference on AI?
Tech oil derick ToProtect; no difference lol
changed no script to area guard ;not the same as no script
Desobomb testing
Amphibious soviet oil capture?
prism tank always guard?? ;failed, prism tank stuck if told guard in script
opportunityfire but not mobile fire? HTK; useless
chrono tank no guard area; same

Pool unit for allies and Soviet

AA gun cost 900
Allied no longer built service depot because they have repair IFV.
Soviet Harassment vs allied
kirov hard no aggressive, only suicide
further reduced chance of empty battle fortress used
Kirov micromanagement
Soviet anti-prism
rhino pool whiner removed
Doubled miner early build priority, 3 miner/refinery instead of 2
reworked siege chopper build logic
Reworked Rhino build logic
Reworked Tesla tank build logic
Reworked Soviet Flak build logic
missiles immune to radiation
flak truck default guard area
3rd factory for allies
6td anti rhino
deso no longer target miners
conscript flak both opportunityfire
Fixed spy appear too early
Fixed Soviet miner harassment
Radar requirement for flak trooper removed
all MCV sight range raised to 8, to match Yuri MCV
Given battlefortress threat rating
Defensive siege chopper
Improved Grizzly build logic
Allied build tank aggressively after getting battle lab
Hard Allied AI will attempt to harass you, less campy
AI France may build 3rd grand cannon!
Fixed Miner trying to crash rocketeer as if it is on ground
Yuri Pool unit
Fixed AI Korea not building tanks
Soviet anti-dolphin
Allied anti-squid
Further reduced mastermind rate of fire
Soviet Naval Attack + Kirov
allowed tank destroyer acquire target on the move
;Libyan Demo truck transport
faster demotruck (revert westwood nerf)
TD kills terror drone slightly easier
miner avoid threat
Soviet anti-spy factory
7% damage TD to building
Soviet flak defense scrip change
New flexible demo truck script
Improved miner management

Korea new air strike targets
Soviet coutner siege ship with squids
AI prioritize build naval if enemy has naval unit to not lose the race.
Korea air strike on powerplant if power=yellow
Fixed black eagle not landing
Better black eagle production management
Split harrier attacks
Rocketeer support carrier attack
New yuri infantry and disc attack
Fixed dolphin attack without battlelab
Fixed empty tank bunker and yuri stop attack half way
Russians are more aggressive early on
Increased apoclypse tank damage vs infantry (25>30)
Soviet build less base defense to focus on tanks
AA building can shot parachuters
AI capture tech building when stuck on islands (like Tsunami map)
brute grange=6
Remove mtnk htnk toprotect
Aegis hunt, aegis join carrier
27 guard range for siege ships? ; for move closer
Use tech PREq that AI ignore but human not build! ; WORKED
BSUBB ; primary problem ; ok unless on organic


carrier harass, come back as 4 ; New force is idle

miner recruitatble
AAHeatSeeker4 for patriot hit parachute
FlakProj hit ground for parachute
;set primary to 0 damage vs light so torpedo hit dolphin?
Integrate in the soviet dred escort?
Split Allied attack for less campy?
remove whiner for allied navy bomb
split pool and base guard
Combine variables to make 2 trigger merge
1.0 threat avoidance coefficient miners
Script naval attack general 3

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