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Revised: 2010-01-20

Application Form Development Cooperation Intervention in a country of operation

The form is to be used when applying for financial support for an intervention in a country of operation outside Sweden. The form contains questions that are to be answered in the application. The questions are divided into four sections: Section A. The context of the intervention Section B. The purpose of the intervention Section C. The implementation of the intervention Section D. Sustainability and learning Each section has a number of main headings. These are to be answered in the order in which they are given in the template. You are to use the questions under each heading to write an independent and cohesive text. Your answer under each main heading should be around 2500 characters in length. The entire application may be at most 15 pages long. Please use 12 pt font size.

Dialogue on the content of SMCs Handbook.

The formal partner organisations are required to discuss together the content of the SMC Handbook before writing the application. The Handbook describes SMCs view of development, how to apply for grants and what is expected of the organisations involved. This handbook is available in its entirety from

Cross-cutting development issues

Cross-cutting development issues for SMC are HIV and AIDS, the environment, equality between men and women, conflict and corruption. Prior to each development intervention, all involved actors should reflect about these issues. Special analysis appendices with questions to support the reflection process can be found in section 8.9 of the Handbook (not available for corruption). These issues should be named in the application and how they have influenced the planning of the intervention. More information is available in section 3.2.2 of the Handbook.

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Terms and definitions

Formal partner organisations: The organisations both in Sweden and the country of operation that formally enter into agreement and jointly apply for a grant for the intervention. (The Swedish organisation is the party to the agreement with SMC.) Actors: All the organisations, networks and individuals involved in the various sections of the intervention. Both formal partner organisations and the target groups for the intervention are included as actors. Sections of the intervention: Planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. All actors should participate in these sections for the results to be as positive and sustainable as possible.

Section A. Context of the intervention

1. Previous experience
Individuals and organisations are encouraged to have an attitude open to learning. Learning from and building on previous experience lead to better and lasting results. How have experiences and conclusions from previous work influenced your planned intervention? If SMC/SIDA have previously supported your work, state the project number. Attach any evaluations of previous activities. Attach any studies of the planned intervention.

2. Identification of actors
Before beginning planning, it is important that the relevant actors involved are identified that will participate in the various sections of the intervention. This improves the chances of positive and sustainable development. - Who initiated the intervention? - Which actors will be involved in the various sections of the intervention and how were they identified? - What types of formal networks and alliances are the actors already a part of? - How is it ensured that communication between the actors remains open and focused throughout the period of the intervention? - Who has participated in the writing of this application?

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3. Description of the formal partner organisations

It is important to be able to assess of the formal partner organisations capacity to carry out the intervention and to understand the way in which the organisations are democratically set up. It is necessary to get a picture of the partner relationship and understand how well the cooperation functions. - What roles do the formal partner organisations have in society in Sweden and in the country of operation? - How do the organisations cooperate with each other? - Does the organisation in the country of operation have the capacity to carry out the intervention? Each formal partner organisation is to describe its own organisation. The description is to contain the following information: - Type of organisation foundation, society, association or similar - The goals of the organisation - The main areas of work of the organisation - The total budget for the organisation and how it is funded - The number of members and their influence on the organisation How the planned intervention fits into the organisations other activities.

4. Reflections on the context and the intervention

In this section, all involved actors need to reflect and think through which future changes in the context could affect the situation in society that are hoping to be changed. Describe the current situation and causes that have contributed to this situation. This should help to see each ones role in the context, decide the kind of intervention, formulate relevant goals/objectives and choose methods. I will also help in being able to deal with unforeseen circumstances (both threats and opportunities). This reflection on the context for the intervention is divided into: - Future development - The current situation - Causes/reasons - Remedial measures. Which actors have contributed to these reflections in the context of the intervention? a. Future development What certain and uncertain changes in the context may have an impact on the situation that is to be changed?

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Describe the driving forces for change both globally and at the local level. These driving forces may be, for example, economic, political, institutional, social, technical, ecological, legal or media related. The local level means the situation in the country of operation. b. Current situation - What is the current situation in society where change is expected? - Who are the vulnerable groups and how do they describe their living situation? - Does discrimination occur that has to do with for example gender, age, ethnic background, religion, handicap, HBT (homosexuality, bisexuality and trans-sexuality), HIV and AIDS? - What rights are not being fulfilled or respected? c. Causes/reasons - What are the reasons why the situation in society is as it is? - Why are people suffering? - Why are peoples rights not being fulfilled or respected? - Who are responsible for the situation? d. Remedial measures - How can the causes be tackled? - What structures must be changed for it to be possible for the situation to improve? - Which individuals and/or groups must be strengthened or mobilized? - How can national and international laws and regulations be tools for change so that rights are respected? - What is the organisations role in the intervention to change the situation in society? - Why is this planned intervention significant in regard to what others are already doing in the same area?

Section B. Purpose of the intervention

5. Formulation and monitoring of goals
In this section of the application concerns a statement of what is to be achieved by the intervention (goals) and how the goals will be monitored to assess their achievement. Two levels, goals and objectives, are used but additional levels can be added if required. Its important to make clear connections between the goals and objectives and between objectives, methods and activities in Section C. a. Development goal The development goal describes the lasting social change that is desired to occur in the long term and which the intervention will contribute to. Formulate a clear development goal for the intervention. - How does the development goal contribute to reducing poverty and strengthening society in the country of operation?

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b. Objectives of the intervention The objectives for the intervention are to be specific, challenging, realistic and time-limited. Formulate the objectives so that they describe in the present tense the improvements in the situation that the intervention is intended to lead to during the planned period of time. The objectives are to be concrete and point out the effects anticipated to be achieved through the intervention. Formulate one or move objectives for the intervention. - How have thoughts and reflections named in sections 2 and 4 above guided the choice of objectives? - How will the intervention be monitored to assure the extent to which objectives are being achieved? - What indicators will be used to monitor objective achievement?

6. Target groups
Identify all the target groups included in the intervention. Describe the target groups not already described under main heading 2. Specify the number of people that the intervention will affect. - How will information about these target groups be accessed? - How will current information about the target groups be available during the intervention?

Section C. Implementation of the intervention

7. Working methods
Describe and give brief reasons for the choice of working methods to achieve the objectives of the intervention. - How will the intervention achieve the objectives? - Why are these methods strategic?

8. Activities
Briefly describe the main activities that be carried out to achieve the objectives of the intervention. How are the different activities linked to the objectives in section B? - What activities are planned to achieve the objectives? - What is the timetable for these activities?

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9. Risk Assessment
What circumstances could prevent the objectives of the intervention from being achieved? Include both internal and external causes. - How will these be tackles? What could be potential negative effects of the intervention? - Could the intervention negatively affect equality between women and men, the situation for HIV and AIDS sufferers, the environment or any conflicts? - How will these risks be minimised? More information can be found in the special analysis appendices in the handbook, Section 8.9.

10. The roles and responsibilities of the organisations involved in the intervention
This section is to clarify the organisation, roles and responsibilities within the various sections of the intervention. - How will the intervention be organised? - Describe the distribution of roles and responsibilities between the formal partner organisations. - What roles do the other actors (including the target groups) have in the intervention? - How are the different actors involved in the intervention?

11. Resources
Resources concerns funds, materials and human resources (personnel). - What resources are needed to carry out the intervention? - Who will be contributing these resources?

12. Budget
Specify the budget for the intervention. The budget is to be distributed over the number of years the intervention will operate. An intervention may last a maximum of three years. The budget is to be in the local currency and/or Swedish crowns (SEK). Specify the exchange rate for the local currency. The following items are to be included in the budget: Income: - Grants applied for from SIDA/SMC - Any other financing or other grants - Own contribution from the SMC member organisation.

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Expenses: - Costs of the main activities - Costs of administration of the local partner organisation - Costs for the purchase of hardware (for example vehicles or computers). Justify the need for each item and policy of ownership. - Specify any personnel support. The intervention should be cost-effective. This not necessarily meaning at a low cost but rather how well and efficiently use is made of the resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives. - How is the intervention planned so that it is carried out cost-effectively? SMC encourages an open attitude to learning. This means that methods and activities within the intervention can be changed if conditions for the intervention change. Such changes often mean that the budget needs to be revised. A revised budget should always be discussed with SMC who approves all changes.

13. Financial control

Financial control concerns controlling how the funding is used. - What system of financial monitoring and control is used? - How are risks of corruption and fraud tackled? - How can these risks be minimised?

Section D. Sustainability and learning

This section is about maintaining an attitude that is open to learning from experience. Experience from this intervention should influence what and how things are done in the future. For this to be possible there should always be time for reflection where open communication is evident between all parties involved. This will improve the chances of a positive and sustainable result. A report on the results is a description of what has been learnt and the changes that have occurred showing if the goals and objectives have been achieved and how.

14. Sustainability
- How do the actors plan to ensure that the good result of the intervention will be sustainable? Describe how sustainable the intervention is financially. - How will the actors strengthen their cooperation during the intervention so that the work can continue once the intervention has ended?

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15. Learning: reflection, preliminary studies, monitoring and evaluations

- How will the actors learn through reflection, preliminary studies, monitoring and evaluations during the intervention? - When will this occur? - What routines do the formal partner organisations have in place for learning from their experience?

16. Reporting
- How will the experiences learned be used and shared with others? - How will the actors ensure that this occurs?

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Authorised representatives from all formal partner organisations are to sign this application. (The member organisation is the party to the agreement in relation with SMC.)



_____________________ Signatory

_____________________ Signatory

_____________________ Name in block letters and position

_____________________ Name in block letters and position



_____________________ Signatory

_____________________ Signatory

_____________________ Name in block letters and position

_____________________ Name in block letters and position

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