Beloy M3 Elective1 BSEE 2 B

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Name: John Gregory C.

Beloy Date: June 01, 2022

Course, Yr. & Sec: BSEE 2-B
Module 3

Activity #1

1. Discuss about the forest resources and its conservation.

Answer: Forest resources is a term used as a classification of anything that can
be found in the ecosystem that has intrinsic value. Over a longer period of time,
humans have exploited much of these resources that’s why countries all over the
world have come up with the idea to control exploitations and promote preservation
and conservation of natural resources for the sake of the future generations. The
example of conservation of resources includes protection of wild life especially those
that are already classified as endangered species.

2. Discuss about the twin menace.

Answer: Water logging and soil salinity are major environmental issue
specifically in plant growth which is termed as “twin menace”. Water logging is a
result of too much saturation of irrigation water or excessive precipitation in soils that
has no proper drainage system. It mostly occurs in clayey soil wherein soil root zone
becomes saturated with so much water blocking oxygen supply for growth and the
soil becomes unsuitable for vegetation. Meanwhile, soil salinity refers to the
accumulation of salts in the soil. It affects production of root crops, pastures and
trees by interfering with nitrogen uptake, reducing growth and stopping plant

3. How can we effectively use our mineral resources without exploiting them?
Answer: There are so many ways that we can effectively use mineral resources
without exploiting them. One way and the most basic one is to have self-control and
discipline in utilizing these mineral resources and promote the recycling of metals or
scrap metals. Another way is the use of alternative renewable substitutes like for
example, using solar and hydro-electric power instead of using coal in some
factories or industries.

4. How can we follow a sustainable life with equitable use of resources?

Answer: In my own perspective, we can only follow a sustainable life with
equitable use of resources by living a simple life. Having this kind of lifestyle has a
great impact on conserving natural resources around us. On the other hand, if ever
the circumstances require, we can still use these resources but with control and
limitations in order for us not to over-exploit our ecosystem.

5. Discuss about alternate energy resources and their benefits.

Answer: Alternative energy resources are types of energy source that can be
used as an alternative for mineral resources. As we all know, even though mineral
resources can be naturally renewed, it takes time for these resources to increase in
number again that’s why conserving it would be much beneficial for us in the future
days. Using the alternative energy sources like solar, hydro-electric, wind and
geothermal power, huge amount of mineral resources can be conserved and in
addition, using this type of energy source helps in minimizing pollution and they are
absolutely free and renewable.

Activity #2

1. D. all of the above

2. B. biomass
3. C. food supplies in many countries had to be purified in order to be consumed
4. B. fission of atoms of U 235
5. C. natural gas
6. A. oil
7. C. the Middle East
8. A. natural gas.... oil.... groundwater
9. C. sandstone
10. D. syncline
11. D. all of these
12. C. oil reservoir
13. B. coal resources
14. C. resources
15. D. coal
16. B. geothermal energy
17. B. biomass
18. B. Uranium
19. D. the former Soviet Union
20. B. 100

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