2 BAC Preparatory Package - MR FoulFoula

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Ibrahim El Mously High School 2 BAC / P R E P A R A T O R Y R E V I E W / UNITS 1-5 Mr.

Abdelkarim Foulfoula

There are currently more than 100 million young people between ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY.
the ages of 15 and 29 in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 1. There are 100 million young people in Africa.

region. They represent about one third of the region’s total [ T ] [ F ] / ……………………………………….……………...………
population. This youth is a demographic ‘gift’ with enormous 2. Young people represent about two thirds in the
potential, along with a number of challenges. Young people can be MENA region.
UNIT 1 :

engines of growth, as the source of innovation and productivity. Yet, [ T ] [ F ] / ………………………………………..……..………………

they need to open and vibrant economies to provide plenty of
3. These youths can be a source of development.
opportunities into which their energies can be channeled. It has been [ T ] [ F ] / ……………………………………….…..…………….……
a challenge for many countries in the region to create these ……………………………………………………………….………………..….
conditions, despite a decade that saw periods of significant growth. 4. Young people are satisfied with the amount of
This potential has gradually turned into frustration. As the ‘Arab their involvement in the political and economic life
Spring’ demonstrated, young people’s patience with limited in the region.
opportunities for economic participation and political engagement. [ T ] [ F ] / ……………………………………..………..………………

Laughter is the best medicine. People who have a good sense of FIND IN THE TEXT WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS WHICH
humor use it to their advantage. Humor and laughter can stimulate MEAN THE SAME AS : .

- make better : ……………………….

the organs, improve your immune system, and relieve pain. They
- remove : ……………………….
can have a significant positive effect on your life. By developing a - humorous people : ……………………….
UNIT 2 :

better understanding of humor, we believe we can suggest ways that - consequently : ……………………….
would help people live better lives — from helping them cope with
pain and stress, to encouraging them to use humor for healthy
communication. As the old saying goes, “life’s better when you’re
laughing.” Good-humored individuals, not only see the value in - negative : ………...……………
making others laugh, but they also benefit from laughter themselves. - relief : ……………….……..
- sad : ……………………….
As a result, they’re healthier and happy for it.

August Wilson was a well-respected African-American writer. He FINISH THE CHART.

was born on April 27, 1945 . Wilson was forced out of a Catholic high

school because of his race in 1959. Later, he joined a vocational high …..….. Wilson was born.
school . There, he found the curriculum unchallenging. So, he finally 1960 …………………………….………………….………………
enrolled at a public high school , only to drop out in 1960, after a
UNIT 3 :

teacher accused him of plagiarizing a paper on Napoleon. One can At 16 ……………………………..……………...…………………

assume because it was too good to be written by a poor high school
student. At 16, Wilson gave up on school and began working menial Wilson was forced out of a Catholic
high school.
jobs. At the same time, he was using the Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh to educate himself, reading the works of authors like Ralph 1987 ……………………………………………….....…………….
Ellison, Richard Wright and Langston Hughes, which would later
influence his own work. Wilson won several awards, including the ……….. Wilson’s death.
Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1987. He died in 2005.
The Moroccan government’s view of sustainable development WHAT DO THE UNDERLINED WORDS AND PHRASES
focuses on the social, economic, and environmental factors, in

addition to the tourism industry. It seeks to meet human development

goals through education and political reform. Morocco has vast It: ……………………….…..
UNIT 4 :

disparities in wealth and access to education. Therefore, marginalized

people, especially those in rural areas, are a major priority. Also, the those : ..………………………….
country has launched one sustainable development policy that is part the country : ………………………..…..
of a long-term environmental strategy characterized by the protection
of natural resources and ecosystems. Another has been launched to Another : ………………..…………..
feed all state buildings with renewable energy by 2030. There are also
huge money investments to promote tourism.
Fatima El Fihri was the founder of Al Quaraouiyine, the world’s
1. Who is Fatima El Fihri ?
oldest university. She was born in Tunisia and moved to Morocco with …………………………….………………………………….………………

her prestigious family in the 9th Century. Fatima inherited a fortune 2. Where did she come from originally ?
due to the early death of her father and became a rich woman herself. …………………………….………………………………….………………
UNIT 5 :

However, she decided to use a larger portion of her money and 3. How did she become wealthy ?
resources to honor the Islamic tradition of learning and academic …………………………….………………………………….………………
study. So, she built a university and mosque in Fes. To this day, 4. What did she do with most of her money ?
Fatima Al-Fihri is highly respected and looked up to by all, especially
5. When did she come to Morocco ?
women, for her kind-heartedness, perseverance , intellect, and …………………………….………………………………….………………
wisdom. She is held up as an inspiration to all and her rich legacy lives 6. Why is she respected and look up to by all ?
on in the excellence of the institution she founded. She died in 880 AD. …………………………….………………………………….………………
SUMMARY OF VOCABULARY /S1 Mr. Abde lka rim Foul foula

youth empowerment engines of growth Describing youth …


backbone of society a source of innovation

Positive Adjectives Negative Adjectives
important asset a source of productivity
young generations limited opportunities talented enthusiastic careless immature
future leaders
UNIT 1 :

uncertain future motivated energetic strong-headed rebellious

leaders of tomorrow bright future adventurous skilled violent disrespectful
political engagement rebellious attitude intelligent creative disorganized rude
active participation hostile attitude determined tolerant opinionated self-centered
equal opportunities parenting style
easy-going creative angry childish
job opportunities youth center
innovative well-informed aggressive irresponsible
big potential voluntary work
generation gap community service

Humour/ Humor : Anything which is funny, amusing, or laughable / the ability to perceive or experience anything
that’s funny or humorous
Sources of Humor Vocabulary Related to Humor

People Verbs Adjectives

caricaturist laugh funny
UNIT 2 :

sitcoms caricatures make (someone) laugh

humorist smile at (someone) humorous
jokes comedians
joke teller make fun of ( someone) have a laugh hilarious
funny stories comedy films
comedian laugh at ( someone / sth) have sense of humor amusing
jokesters anecdotes
an impression the media Benefits of humor/ laughter
cartoons funny person - boosts morale - reduces stress - removes boredom - increases blood circulation
- benefits a person’s heart , muscles, and lungs - stimulates us physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually

Education is about teaching and learning skills and knowledge . There are three forms of education :

FORMAL EDUCATION is usually in school, where a person may learn basic, academic, or trade skills. It begins with
elementary/primary , through middle/secondary school and continues with higher education at university. Sponsored by the
government, this form of education is obligatory /mandatory and should often lead to a diploma.
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION includes adult basic education, adult literacy education, or school equivalency preparation. In
UNIT 3 :

non-formal education an adult (or a person who is not in school) can learn literacy, other basic skills , or job skills. This form
of education includes other possibilities, like home schooling , individualized instruction , students on a field trip with their
teacher, etc. It doesn’t necessarily always lead to an official diploma.
INFORMAL EDUCATION is often unintentional and happens outside school and class settings, in the context of daily life
and work. It’s all about things that we learn from our daily experiences and social activities , from informal interaction with
other people. Examples of this type may include reading at home, cooking a meal, chatting on facebook with a foreigner ,
watching an interesting documentary, surfing the internet , using social media …. . It’s mostly about life-long learning.

continuous, continual , continuing , urban areas /cities social life , social stability
Sustainable rural cities social justice, social services
supportable, moving forward
progress, advancement, improvement, reform developed /poor social security, social reform

SOCIAL : improve the quality of life and services ; ensure health care, basic political life, political stability
UNIT 4 :

needs, social justice social equality ; reduce poverty ; promote human rights political reform , political crisis
ECONOMIC : assist and encourage young investors and entrepreneurs ; political corruption
Sustainable encourage money investment ; offer micro-credits ; support small businesses
Development POLITICAL : ensure democracy ; combat political corruption ; involve youths economic growth / crisis
Goals in politics and decision-making ; encourage youths to participate in politics economic prosperity
ENVIRONMENTAL : protect the environment ; use natural resources wisely
rely on renewable energies , preserve energy , recycle waste , face climate environmental awareness
change ; foster environmental awareness environmental issues / crisis

Women were/are … Because of …. Women have become … Because of …


oppressed / controlled prejudice /stereotypes free / independent access to education / mass media
silenced / objectified sexism / patriarchy outspoken / dignified feminist movement / feminism
UNIT 5 :

illiterate / uneducated culture / traditions educated / intellectual New Family Code / social reforms
marginalized / jobless ignorance / socialisation participant / working Women’s associations / women activists

gender equality equal rights local traditions women’s empowerment women’s role domestic violence
gender discrimination equal opportunity patriarchal society women’s rights women’s status domestic abuse
gender roles equal status male dominance women’s associations women’s issues sexual harassment
SUMMARY OF WRITING M r. Abde lka rim Foul fou la
A STANDARD PARAGRAPH is a group of complete sentences that are related together and discuss a main idea. It
must include: 1. The topic sentence 2. Supporting sentences 3. The concluding sentence 4. Transition words

THE TOPIC SENTENCE is the first sentence in the Technology has many advantages. To begin with, it’s making our lives
paragraph. It’s a complete sentence that summarizes
easier and comfortable. In other words, people save more time and effort with the
the content of the paragraph.
use of technology. For example, machines and robots can perform all of our hard
SUPPORTING SENTENCES are the sentences that come
tasks perfectly and in no time. Also, great inventions, like the telephone, computers,
after the topic sentence to support, explain, or develop
it more. Supporting sentences should : the television, the cell-phone, and the internet have made communication easier
- be specific enough by giving relevant details and better. Additionally, research has confirmed the positive effect of technology
- present examples, statistics, facts, ideas… on our economic growth. Nowadays, 70% of world businesses rely on technology
- be related together through the use of transition to improve the quality of their products or services. Moreover, the various
words or connectives to achieve unity and coherence
technological advances in transportation have turned our world into a small village.
of the paragraph.
This has led to effective interaction between people from different places and
THE CONCLUDING SENTENCE is the last sentence in the
paragraph. It restates ( repeats in different words) the cultures. In fact, with all these advantages, technology has brought about many
main idea of the paragraph or summarizes its content positive changes to our every-day lives.

A REPORT is a piece of organized writing which presents descriptive information about an event, or investigates
and analyzes a situation.
School Dropout in Rural Areas:
ELEMENTS OF A REPORT ON AN EVENT : The Ibn Khaldoun Conference Hall, in Rabat was the destination of many people
from all parts of Morocco, on November 20th . The event was a seminar organized
- THE TITLE should be short and precise . It should by the UNECEF Office in Morocco. It was about the urgent topic of “ Dropping out
give a general idea about the content of the report. school in rural areas: Causes and solutions” . Participants were educators,
parents’ associations, and political officials. Approximately 200 people attended
- THE INTRODUCTION sets the setting for the report the meeting. The activities were varied and they included mini-lectures ,
by giving details about the time, place, and
workshops, presentations. The participants concluded that there are three main
causes of dropping out from schools in rural areas. The first one was poverty, the
- THE BODY , usually limited to one paragraph, second one was long distances between school and home, and the third one was
includes the main ideas of the report. child labor . Also, the participants suggested a few solutions to this issue. Some
of these solutions were: encouraging drop-out students to return to school,
- THE CONCLUSION evaluates the success of the event supporting poor families financially, so they can send their children to school, and
and the reactions of participants and attendees. sensitizing parents and civil society about the importance of education . In fact, the
seminar was fruitful, informative, and successful, and the attendees expressed
their satisfaction with the outcome.

A NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH tells the reader what happened. It relates a sequence of past events using chronological
order. It must contain these elements : - Setting ( time /place - Point of view - Character - Action

- The topic sentence sets THE SETTING (time / place) Last weekend , I had the best time of my life. On Friday night, my best
- POINT OF VIEW (who tells the story) : friend came over and we made a delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After eating, we
1st person: I / we ; or 3rd person: he /she/they had a friendly video game competition. Later, my other best friend, Sami, joined us.
- CHARACTER (who / what was in the story ) On Saturday, my dad took us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the
- ACTION ( What happened ? ) water was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim. Later in the evening , we
- Supporting sentences should be arranged in a went to the movies. We saw an action- packed thriller and ate a lot of popcorn.
CHRNOLOGICAL ORDER and be connected through Later that night, we spent some time playing chess. Finally, on Sunday, we went
time expressions.
bike-riding around town. By the end of the day, my legs became very sore. We had
- You may state at the story has taught you or what
you’ve learned from the story, THE MORAL OF THE great moments. I only hope the next weekend can be as fun as this one. Now, with
STORY. such experience, I’ve changed my opinion about weekends.

A COMPARE-CONTRAST PARAGRAPH tells the similarities & differences between two or more people or things.

Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different.
- The topic sentence introduces the TWO ITEMS to be
Both are bodies of water. Oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes
compared and contrasted.
are much smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land,
- ASPECTS OF COMPARISON and contrast are listed in unlike oceans that are what surround continents. Both have plants and animals
the supporting sentences using COMPARE-CONTRAST living in them. The ocean is home to the largest animals on the planet, whereas
EXPRESSIONS. lakes support much smaller forms of life. In conclusion, I think either of the two
makes an interesting place to visit and enjoy.
A BOOK REVIEW is a critical description and evaluation of a book.

For Bread Alone is an autobiographical novel by Moroccan author

ELEMENTS OF A BOOK REVIEW: Mohammed Choukri . It is set in Tnagers, in the 1950’s. The book was translated
in many languages. It describes the writer’s bleak childhood and youth in
- TITLE of the book and its genre Tangers. His family flees drought and starvation in the Rif region and moves to
Tangers and then Tetuan. Most of his siblings have died of neglect, starvation, or
- AUTHOR /writer and his or her background abuse. Yet, the main character, Choukri, survives the beatings of his father,
hunger, and the dangers of the street. He lives by begging, theft , smuggling and
- SETTING : Time and Place of the story
occasional work. He learns to enjoy drugs and alcohol. The book ends with
- SUMMARY of the story Mohamed's decision to learn how to read and write. He’s inspired by a chance
meeting in prison and went on to become a writer in Arabic literature. This
- STYLE: language, or technique narrative is grounded in direct experience and the concerns of every-day life
experiences. Other characters appear and disappear without explanation. The
- Critics’ EVALUATION story is controversial, and it’s told in simple language and dialogue. For some
critics the book is extremely shameful as it involves too many immoral actions
- Your/Reviewer’s EVALUATION ( personal thoughts)
and motives. However, others believe that it paints a realistic picture of Morocco
at the time. I think For Bread Alone is an interesting book which gives us an
honest account of a struggle for survival. It explores various themes that every
Moroccan can understand and relate to.

A DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH describes a person, object , or place .

DESCRIBING A PERSON Uncle Ali is a very dear and special person to me. He is very good-
- Name / Age looking. He’s in his late forties and married, but he looks too young for his
- Adjectives for APPEARANCE : age. He’s pretty tall and strong. He’s got a mustache and a beard. His hair is
- tall , short, thin , handsome, pretty, fat , beautiful dark brown, fairly short, and curly. He’s got beautiful hazel eyes. Uncle Ali is
- brown/short hair , a mustache / beard a very educated and kind-hearted man. He likes to make new friends and
- Adjectives for PERSONALITY / CHARACTER : spend time with his family. He’s so funny and likes to tell jokes whenever he
nice , kind , kind-hearted , smart, intelligent , rude , gets a chance to do so. In his free time, Uncle Ali usually goes fishing with his
funny , sociable ,friendly , selfish , serious, ambitious
son, Karim. Also, he really enjoys watching soccer games, action movies, and
- Clothes : - fashionable, classy , casual, expensive …
reading magazines. He is a smart dresser. He never dresses down. Classic is
- glasses , a cap/ hat , scarf , watch …
his favorite dressing style. That’s why he wears fashionable suits most of the
- Likes - Dislikes
- Routine activities time. He also wears stylish prescription glasses. He likes to wear expensive
- VERBS : to be , has got , likes , enjoys , loves, wears accessories, especially swiss-made hand-watches. I have a lot of respect and
admiration for this person.

DESCRIBING A PLACE Marrakesh is a beautiful city. It’s located in the south of Morocco. It’s
Describe your favorite CITY. one of the largest cities in Morocco. Also, its one of the busiest cities in Africa..
- LOCATION : north , south , east , west It’s home to many old mosques, fascinating palaces , and charming gardens.
- INTERESTING PARTS LOCATIONS to visit The old medina is a crowded and cheaper part of the city. It is bordered by
- Things YOU CAN DO there modern neighborhoods. Marraskish is particularly famous for its large
- The PEOPLE THERE : traditional markets and a place called Jemaa el-Fnaa, a charming destination
nice, friendly, sociable , welcoming / mysterious, for magicians, storytellers, dancers, water sellers, snake charmers, and
strict , intolerant, rude , reserved, anti-social, racist..
visitors from all over the world. The people in Marrakesh are very sociable
- THE FOOD : delicious, tasty, diverse, spicy, cheap
and friendly. The food is very delicious. Compared to many other cities in the
hot , warm , cold , rainy, sunny, snowy , cool , foggy country, Marrakesh is a very clean place. There’re many interesting places to
- ADJECTIVES : visit, like the Koutoubia Mousque , the Menara gardens, the Museum of
old /traditional/ modern , big /large / small , clean / Islamic Art, and other fascinating palaces and riads. You can do many other
dirty/ polluted , calm / noisy / crowded/ busy , fun things. For example, you can ride a camel, go hiking, shop for handcrafts
cheap / expensive , interesting /beautiful / and souvenirs, and learn a lot about local and Islamic culture. What I like
fascinating / charming /captivating / , coastal / inner
most about the city is its warm weather. However, I don’t like spending the
there’s , there’re , is home to , what I like most entire summer there. In fact, Marrakesh is one of the best cities in the world.
I like , I don’t like … , is famous for
- SUPERLATIVES : the largest , best , most beautiful
- COMPARATIVES : smaller, cheaper , more expensive
P U NC T UA T IO N & C A P I T A L I Z A T I ON Mr . A b d e l ka r im F o ul f o ul a


- With declarative sentences - Albert Einstein died in 1955 .
Full stop . - After titles describing people - Mr. Taylor , Mrs. Andria Smith , Miss. Katie , Dr. Green

- To separate words in a series - Noura speaks Arabic , French , and English.

- Ahmed , Nabil , and Souhil went to the stadium.
Comma - After connectives / transition words
, - Finally , the policemen arrived at the crime scene.
- After independent clauses - Because he felt sick , he didn’t go to work.
- After prepositional phrases - After lunch , I took a nap./- On the desk, there was a book.
- What’s your name ? How old are you ? Who is your father ?
Question After interrogative sentences And where do you live ?
? and wh-words - Are you a student ? - Did you finish your homework ?
- Have you eaten your lunch already ?
Exclamation With exclamatory sentences - Oh my God ! What a beautiful girl ! ( fascination )
! ( implications of emotion ) - Keep quiet, or get out of my classroom now ! ( anger)
To connect closely related - Fatima didn’t come to school today ; she is sick.
Semicolon ; independent sentences - A wise person uses time ; an unwise person wastes it.

, In contractions , and to form the - I can’t go to school. I’m sick. I’ve got a cold. (contractions )
possessive case - My friend’s car is a Mercedes. ( possessive case )
Quotation - “ I think, therefore I am,” Descartes says.
“… ” To report others’ exact statements
( Quoting someone’s EXACT words )

Capitalization Rule Example Capitalization Rule Example

My friend and I like video Specific organizations United Nations , Bayti , UNESCO
The pronoun “ I ” games. Popular Bank , Vigo High School
And public institutions
People’s titles, their first and Mr. Tarik Alami , Dr. John
Green , Prof. Chomsky
Historical monuments Statue of Liberty , Hassan Tower
last name
The greeting and closing
The first word in a sentence Dogs don’t like cats. Dear Kevin, ; Best wishes,
in a letter
Monday, September, the Atlantic Ocean ,
Days, months , holidays , Oceans , seas, rivers,
Thanksgiving , Christmas the Mediterranean Sea
and celebrations Ashura , Green March lakes the Nile River , the Great Lakes
Africa , Asia, Europe ,
Continents, countries, cities, Specific geographic the Northeast , the Middle East
Spain, Paris , Rabat ,
neighborhoods regions the Arab Peninsula ,Panama Canal
Hay Najah , Maple Street
He is Algerian, and he
Religions and religious Islam , Christianity , Judaism
Nationalities and languages speaks Arabic, French, and
Jesus , Moses, Mohammed, God
a little English. figures
Book titles, film titles, Ticket to English , Titanic ,
Master Chef , The Voice
Brand & Company names Nike , Mercedes Benz , Samsung ..
TV shows
1. Morocco got its independence in 1956 1. mrs. blake lives in that appartment by herself.
2. Because it was too dark, I couldn’t t see their faces. 2. I’ve started reading a great book titled oliver twist.
3. He can t go to Sara s birthday he is very busy 3. next monday, we’ll have another exam in japanese.
4. What are you doing this weekend 4. italy is located in europe.
5. Sarah Samantha and Kate went shopping again 5. we’re using ticket to english as our coursebook.
6. After dinner we watched a great movie 6. last october, i visited paris and saw the eifel tower.
7. John is intelligent polite and handsome 7. last Thursday, i met a german tourist in marrakesh.
8. Did you know why I was upset 8. His name was schmidth, and he couldn’t speak any arabic
9. Sofia s father is a policeman 9. fasting during ramadan is one of the five pillars of islam.
10. Wow That was a terrific movie 10. we moved to live in mohammadia , hay elboustane.
11. That was a terrific movie, Mr Robert says 11. have you seen avatar ? it’s a great American movie indeed !
12. On Monday we bought a laptop a TV and a fridge 12. the bouregreg river discharges into the atlantic ocean.


dear susan and kyle
i would like to introduce my friend roberto sanchez to you did you get a chance to meet him he is from puerto
rico in the carribean sea roberto is 20 years old he was born in san juan he belives in christianity he speaks spanish
he studied english in san jose high school sanchez likes to play the piano the violin and the guitar he usually attends
music classes on saturdays at the fantasia club on fourth street baseball is his favorite sport because he can t afford
to study medicine, he plans to study computer science at the university of new mexico instead after graduation he
wants to work for microsoft or sony roberto s dream is to become a software engineer he likes to watch TV a lot
his favorite TV shows are American idol and dr phil he always says, TV is such a real bless from god
Mr. Abdelkarim Fouldoula 2 BAC / REVIEW & PRACTICE / SEMESTER ONE ………. / 100

….. 1. ____investment is a great strategy to create____ opportunities. 1. Before the movie started, I (buy) ……………….……….…….……
A. job /money B. money / job C. economy /growth the tickets already.
….. 2. ____is the right place for you to learn many ____ skills. 2. He (write) …………………..….………….……………….short stories
A. school /formal B. work /academic C. university /academic for 20 years before he switched to writing novels.
….. 3. All ____ writers advocate for gender ____ and other basic rights. 3. By the end of March, she (move) ……………………………..……..
A. feminist /equality B. women /discrimination C. activists /issues to live in a new town near her workplace.
….. 4. Learning from daily ____ is a great example of ____ education. 4. They ( not eat ) …………………….…….…..………anything before
A. teacher /informal B. experiences / informal C. experiences /formal they went to school.
….. 5. ____ society must make serious efforts to save ____ children. 5. The teacher (not/start) …………….……..………………….………….
A. civil /homeless B. developed /social C. urban / homeless the lecture yet when the late students came in.
….. 6. Women’s ____ has positively changed thanks to the New____Code. 6. I expect that he (not/leave) ……….………………..…………….…….
A. life /rights B. present /equal C. status /Family the house before midnight.
….. 7. ____education is often unintentional and happens ____the class. 7. By 2019 I ( read ) ……………………………..……..……….. 50 books.
A. formal /inside B. informal /outside C. school /in 8. I had already finished the project when the supervisor
….. 8. Social ____is a key factor to ensure _____ and social stability. ( call ) ……………………..……...………… .
A. issues /environmental B. life /rural C. justice /political D. PUT THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT FORM. 6
….. 9. Most ____ associations make _____ violence a priority issue. 1. Just continue ( drive) ………………………………..…..…….
A. women’s /domestic B. civil /stereotypes C. women’s /school
2. This country is worth ( visit) ………………..………..…… .
….. 10. Promoting ____ awareness is needed to save our ____ resources. 3. I’m really happy ( see ) ………………..………..…… you again.
A. economic /nature B. environmental /natural C. political /natural 4. She decided ( leave ) ………………..……..…… the country.
….. 11. Indeed, today’s well _____ youths are tomorrow’s _____. 5. I didn’t know where ( go ) …………..…………………….
A. people / future B. leader / young C. educated / leaders 6. My son enjoys ( watch ) …………………..…… cartoons.
….. 12. That _____ loves to tell _____ jokes and stories . E. REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING THESE 6
A. jokester/ funny B. funny /comic C. comic / fun EXPRESSIONS: in order no to - for - so as to
….. 13. _____ people should be allowed to voice their ____freely. 1. She left work early. She didn’t want to miss the bus.
A. youth / gifts B. young /opinions C. citizen /life
2. We use this machine to clean carpets.
….. 14. This little boy really makes me _____ . He’s _____ .
A. laugh / hilarious B. laughter /comedian C. fun /humor 3. He took his son’s car. He wanted to get there on time.
….. 15. Younger _____ should be encouraged to _____ in political life. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
A. talented / have B. generations / participate C. human / respect F. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE WORDS FROM THE LIST. 6
….. 16. This old man _____ hilarious _____ . Check him out ! causes - Therefore - because - is the result of
A. comic / laugh B. cracks / jokes C. Joker/ caricatures 1. He’d practiced well. ……..………….……………. , he passed the
….. 17. Of course our____ youths are our most important_____. test easily.
A. gift / society B. gifted / asset C. talented / life 2. Urbanization is ……………………..……………….…….migration of
many families from rural to urban areas.
….. 18. Having a good sense of _____ reduces emotional____ .
3. Taking drugs …………………………………….. many health and
A. fun / stress B. humor / stress C. laughter/mood
social problems.
1. They sell computers.
SENTENCES FUNCTIONS …………………………………………….…………………………………..………………
d 1. You’re totally right. a. purpose 2. The boy smashed the ball.
….. 2. Sorry, but I didn’t get your point. b. addition
3. The police are investigating this case.
….. 3. This knife is for peeling potatoes. c. opinion …………………………………………….…………………………….……………………
4. Despite his great qualification, they 4. My father has read many books.
….. d. agreement
didn’t offer him the job. …………………………………………….………………………….………………………
5. Their failure was due to lack of 5. You should call someone immediately.
….. e. request
serious practice. …………………………………………….……………………….…………………………
….. 6. You must turn your paper in now. f. possibility 6. He wasn’t serving the guests.
….. 7. In my view, this car is better. g. concession
7. She’s writing e-mails.
8. Not only is she a talented actress, but …………………………………………….…………………………………………………
….. h. cause / consequence
….. 9. They may not come to your party. i. lack of understanding 1. She was very sick. She went to school. ( although )
10. Would you open that door, please ? j. obligation / necessity …………………………………………….……………………………………….…………
2. He’s very talkative. He’s so kind. ( but )
….. 11. Could you give an example, please ? k. deduction
12. I can play tennis all day. l. asking for clarification 3. The girls were silenced. They were abused. ( moreover)
….. 13. His parents must be very proud ? m. ability
1. Write a standard paragraph about the disadvantages of life in urban cities.

2. Write a review about a book you’ve read recently.

3. Describe a person you like or admire.

4. Describe the city you live in.

5. Compare formal education to non-formal education.

6. Write a paragraph telling a funny story.

7. Use the information in the table to write a report about a seminar

High drug addiction rates among presentations, mini-lectures, watching short
Topic: Activities:
Moroccan youths videos, personal stories, workshops
Moroccan Youth for Development Causes of drug addiction among youths:
Organizers :
Association ( MYDA) unemployment, poverty, depression, family
Place : Communal Cultural Center, Rabat problems, bad company …
Date : April 16th Main ideas : Suggested solutions :
criminologists, educators sociologists, Proper education, job opportunities, promoting a
Participants: social psychologists, state officials , sense of self-esteem , more youth recreational
youth associations’ representatives centers , youth counselling sessions

Attendance : around 270 people Evaluation: timely, very informative, interesting activities
Ibrahim El Mously High School 2 BAC / P R E P A R A T O R Y R E V I E W / UNITS 6-10 Mr. Abdelkarim Foulfoula

Cindy tweeted, “ It may seem strange, but culture shock is one of my A. FINISH THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES.

favorite parts of going abroad. Though often awkward and

uncomfortable, I love that feeling you get when you visit a place that 1. For us, it may be unusual to think that Cindy…....
challenges what you believe in and what you know about the world , and …………..……………………………………………….
UN I T 6 :

even about yourself. Since I had never been to an Islamic or an African

2. Cindy loves being ………....………………………...
country before, the culture shock that I experienced in Morocco certainly
met my expectations. Waking up to the sound of a rooster crowing, …………..……………………………………………….
hearing the Islamic call to prayer (Addan) five times daily, and 3. Before her visit to Morocco, Cindy…....……..…...
experiencing street harassment were frequent reminders or signs that I
was in a culture that I did not know, but that I hoped to understand in a
better way. Frankly, I was challenged by new experiences, and I like it. 4. Cindy concludes that Americans and Moroccans…
However, what impacted me most was the the many cultural …………..……………………………………………….
characteristics that we, Americans, seem to share with Moroccans.”

Born on August 26, 1910 , Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun B. GIVE 3 REASONS WHY MOTHER TERESA WAS A
and a humanitarian. Many consider her a global citizen. After living in GREAT AND INFLUENCIAL PERSON :
Macedonia for 18 years, she moved to Ireland and then to India, where

she spent most of her life. In 1950, Teresa founded the Missionaries of 1. ………....……………………………………………
UNIT 7 :

Charity there, with an intention to serve the homeless, the hungry, the …………………………………………………………
sick, the poor, and the unwanted. Her influence was remarkable. Without 2. ………....……………………………………………
her, the rich wouldn't have cared for the poor, and the needy wouldn’t
have got the life and the caring they deserved .Teresa received a number
of honorary prizes , including the Ramon Magsaysay Peace Prize in 1962 3. ………....……………………………………………
and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She died on 5 September 1997. In 2016, …………………………………………………………
she was canonized (recognized by the church as a saint ).
In 1971, a small group of French doctors and journalists founded C. PICK THE CORRECT ANSWER:
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Frontiers ), an international

This paragraph is more specifically about : .…

humanitarian non-governmental organization. They decided to provide
medical care to victims of political violence and natural disasters 1. a non-governmental organization of local doctors
worldwide. The organization conducted its first major relief effort by 2. a medical organization created by the French
UNIT 8 :

helping victims of an earthquake in Nicaragua. Other significant

government to help the poor and the sick.
missions followed, including the provision of care for victims of war
in Lebanon (1976), Afghanistan (1980), and the Russian Republic 3. a political organization created by a group of
of Chechnya (1995). DWF has continued to work to relieve famine, to French doctors to help the poor people.
offer medical care to casualties of war, and assist refugees in many 4. a non-profit organization created by a group of
countries throughout the world. In addition to providing medical
doctors and journalists to provide medical care to
assistance, D.W.B has a reputation as a humanitarian political group that
people in poor and disadvantaged regions.
speaks out against the injustices happening in the world.
Smartphones are incredible little devices. They allow us to stay D. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CHART:
connected, organized, and entertained. These mini computers have

eliminated our need for alarm clocks, address books, notepads, and Smartphones
cameras. However, they may come with a serious downside: Addiction. - Connect people
Overuse of smartphones is causing several behavioral, emotional, and
health problems- especially among younger users. For instance, staring Advantages
UNIT 9 :

at the phone for a long time makes it difficult to make face to face
interactions with friends and family members. Many users who keep
themselves busy with their smartphones for long periods of time may end - Trigger insomnia
up feeling lonely and depressed. Staying on the phone a lot can also
trigger insomnia ( sleep disorder) in users. This may result in serious Disadvantages
mental as well as emotional health disorders, such as memory loss,
depression, and anxiety. It may also cause other serious medical
conditions, namely obesity, high blood pressure, and strokes.

The African Union has launched a new ten-year plan of action to stop E. FIND IN THE PARAGRAPH PHRASES WHICH MEAN :
the immigration of Africans with skills to advanced countries. The loss is
estimated to reach up to 70,000 annually. A report issued by The AU

1. the departure of : ………….……………

states that, “African countries must counter the exodus of qualified
U N I T 10 :

nationals, particularly doctors, nurses and engineers. To achieve this 2. developed nations : ………….……………
objective, there is an urgent need to provide employment, professional 3. have to face : ………….……………
development, and educational opportunities to qualified nationals in 4. competent individuals : ………….……………
their home countries.” The plan urges all African countries, especially in
5. home country : ………….……………
Sub-Saharan Africa, to counter the effects of brain drain by encouraging
individuals who live abroad to contribute to the development of their 6. in the diaspora : ………….……………
motherland through transfer of skills, knowledge, and experience.
SUMMARY OF VOCABULARY Mr. Abde lka rim Foul fou la

Cultural Forms Cultural Charachteristics

 By Culture we mean :  Material culture: similar vs. different
food, clothes, architecture, artisanship… general vs. specific
UN I T 6 :

 Socially transmitted, values, beliefs,


 Non-material culture: universal vs. local

practices, and symbols that are shared mainstream vs. group
beliefs, values, language , religion …
by a particular group of people
Cultural Values Cultural Issues
 The way of life of a group of people
 The things that we believe in and which  arise when a group of people
 Learned behavior over time that is we think are important and desirable: believes another behaves wrongly,
handed down from one generation to tolerance , respect, justice, love , or contrary to expectations :
solidarity, honesty, loyalty , friendship, stereotype , prejudice , racism , hate
another hospitality, responsibility, friendliness .. discrimination, xenophopbia …

CITIZENSHIP refers to the status /condition of being a citizen, or a member of a particular society /country , with
rights to enjoy and duties /obligations/responsibilities to consider.

Citizen 1 : As a Moroccan citizen, I have Citizen 2 : Yea, but you also have to consider the duties and
UNIT 7 :

rights to claim. These include my right to responsibilities you have towards this country, which means you should
life, education, shelter, employment, love and protect your country, respect other citizens, and be tolerant of
health care and sanitation, free other cultures. Also you are supposed to know your constitution and be
movement , free speech, security, voting, aware of your rights and duties, know and obey the law, respect
and to start a family of my own. authorities, pay taxes, be a good person, father, and neighbor, be
devoted to your job and loyal to your country and fellow citizens.

The UN was founded in 1945. It’s made up of a number of specialized agencies (sub-organizations) that are funded by

member states and other non-governmental parties. Headquartered worldwide, these agencies have different
missions and work, sometimes, in collaboration to : ▪ advocate freedom, democracy ,love, and peace
▪ resolve conflicts and safeguard human rights ▪ provide humanitarian assistance
▪ foster economic and social advancement of poor countries ▪ support and protect the poor and refugees
UNIT 8 :

International Organizations Acronym Headquarter Mission / Concern

The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Paris educational and cultural issues
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund UNICEF New York children’s welfare
Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Rome nutrition for everyone
World Health Organization WHO Geneva public health
Amnesty International AI London human rights

The goal of science is the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake , the goal of technology is to invent or create products,

machines and tools, solve technical problems , and advance the human condition based on that scientific knowledge.
Simply put, technology is the application of science in practical ways. Science is concerned with the systematic study
of the empirical world. In other words, scientists use observation, experimentation, generalizations, and analysis to
UNIT 9 :

describe and explain natural phenomena, or natural laws. This is also called the scientific method. On the other hand,
technology focuses on design, invention, and production. It’s more of an applied science.
Categories of Science/ Technology Scientific Breakthroughs Technological Inventions
natural sciences telecommunication technology paper , x-rays , infrared, electricity the wheel , paper
empirical sciences construction technology penicillin , pasteurization , vaccines the clock , the engine
exact sciences biotechnology Law of Gravity , Theory of Evolution the Telegraph , the Radio
life and earth sciences transportation technology Theory of Relativity , DNA the TV , the Internet
nuclear energy / power the computer , smartphone

BRAIN DRAIN (human capital flight ) is the departure of highly qualified and skilled individuals from home countries
to host countries in search of a prosperous future or better socio-economic, political, or working environments.
Emigrants / Immigrants Push Factors Pull Factors From …
U N I T 10 :

 bright students/ minds  Socio-economic : - more job opportunities * Source countries :

 qualified professionals : unemployment - low wages - high income / salaries - home countries
- doctors - researchers working conditions - better working conditions - poor countries
- engineers - journalists  Educational / Academic - better living standards - developing countries
limited research funds - better educational system
- scientists - writers To …
limited research facilities - research funds/ scholarships
- scholars - activists * destination countries :
 Political : - better research facilities
- more individual freedoms - host countries :
political instability , civil wars - developed countries
- political asylum
oppression , persecution - rich countries
SUMMARY OF WRITING M r. Abde lka rim Foul fou la

AN ESSAY is group of related paragraphs which develop and discuss a central idea. A standard essay must include
the following parts: 1. The introduction 2. The body 3. The conclusion .

1. The introductory paragraph :

- gives broad or general information about Technology is the application of science for economic, social, commercial, or
the topic.
practical purposes. It has certainly changed our way of life, both positively and
- introduces the central idea intended to be
negatively. So, I believe that technology has some drawbacks in addition
discussed in the essay.
to its many advantages, too.
- introduces key words / terms / concepts
On the one hand , technology has many advantages . To begin with, it’s

making our lives easier and a lot more comfortable. In other words, people save
2. The body : more time and effort with the use of technology. For example, machines and

- Consists of at least two paragraphs. robots can perform some of our hard and complicated tasks perfectly and in no
time. Also, great inventions, like the telephone, computers, the television, the cell-
- Each paragraph begins with a clear topic
sentence that is thematically related to the phone, and the internet have made communication easier and better. Additionally,
thesis statement or central idea presented findings have shown the positive effect of technology on our economic growth.
briefly in the introductory paragraph. Nowadays, 70% of world businesses rely on technology to improve the quality of

their products or services. Moreover, the various technological advances in

- Each paragraph contains within it transportation have turned our world into a small village. This has led to effective
supporting sentences to support the topic interaction between people from different places and cultures. In fact, with all
sentence, and ends with a concluding
these advantages, technology has brought about many positive changes
to our every-day lives.
On the other hand , there are some drawbacks to technology . First,
- Supporting sentences provide explanation, people are becoming more and more over-dependent on technology. Second,
give examples, present facts and statistics. machines are replacing humans in factories. Consequently, more people are losing
their jobs to automation , which has led to a rapid increase in unemployment
- Transition expressions are used to relate rates, especially among young people. Also, because of the incredible
paragraphs together, or to move smoothly
breakthroughs in entertainment industry, people have become less active. That’s
from one paragraph to the next one.
to say, they exercise less and spend more too much time before their TV sets,

others before their computers surfing the internet or playing video games.
- Linking expressions are used to relate and
connect sentences / ideas throughout Additionally, the technological advancements in chemical industry can be the

The essay. source of many modern dangerous diseases, like cancer, HIV, and H1N1. What’s
more, internet addiction is one of the negative outcomes of technology. In fact ,
technology can be a harmful and destructive tool sometimes.

To sum up, technology has become an essential part of our life. However, it’s
3. The conclusion :
- The concluding paragraph summarizes the a double-edged sword that can change our lives to the better or to the worst. So,
main points discussed in the essay. It may it’s entirely up to us to use it either wisely, or foolishly.
contain a call for action from the part of the

 The introductory paragraph starts broadly with an overview of the topic that leads to a specific thesis statement at the end,
which states what the essay is about.

 The body of the essay develops the topic and thesis statement outlined in the introductory paragraph.
 The paragraphs relate thematically to one another and to the central idea / theme contained in the introductory paragraph.
 Linking words are used appropriately to link sentences / ideas and to move smoothly from one idea to another.
 Transition words are used appropriately to move smoothly from one paragraph to the next one.
 The concluding paragraph restates the main idea of the essay, ties ideas together, and brings the essay to a columniation.
 Ideas are clear enough, relevant to the topic, well-explained, and supported by solid evidence and examples.
AN INFORMAL LETTER is a letter written to a friend or a relative. A letter should include a heading, an opening, the
body, conclusion, and closing

Hay Sandi, N 33
 In the heading ,write your address and
Rabat, Morocco
date at the top right-hand corner. April 8, 2012

 Begin the salutation or greeting from the Dear John ,

left margin. Use a comma after the greeting I hope you’re doing great. Thank you very much for your letter. I was
interesting to learn about some aspects of American culture. Well, I
 In the opening , introduce the subject of thought I’d write to tell you a little bit about Morocco and its culture.
the letter.

Morocoo is a north African country. It’s home to a variety of ethnicities

that live now together in peace. These include the Arabs , the Amazigh,
people of Andalusian origin, and people of sub-suharian descent. Islam is
the predominant religion here. Also, the country is home to a considerably
large Jewish community, and a minority of Christians, as well. Generally,
Moroccans are friendly, easy-going, nice people, who are yet mostly
known for their good sense of humor and hospitality.
The influences of tradition and history reflect on the clothes that
 In the body , briefly outline the Moroccans wear. The "jellaba" is a full-sleeved robe that is commonly
information, ideas, or content that you want to worn by Moroccan women. The "gandora", which is another popular robe
worn by men, is a short-sleeved male version of the women’s jellaba.
communicate to your reader or addressee.
Moroccan people are a heterogeneous group par excellence. They owe such
diversity to the many cultures that have influenced them.
Moroccan cuisine is a mix of Arab-Amazigh and Mediterranean
influences. The two main dishes the country is best-known for are tajine
and couscous. Other popular dishes include “pastila”, “ ttanjia”, and meat
balls. Drinking mint tea is an important ritual that is performed with
family and friends.

I hope this gives you an idea about Moroccan culture. Please write to me
 In the conclusion briefly sum up or soon, and give my best wishes to your family.
restate the body’s content.
 The complimentary closing comes Best wishes ,
below at the right- hand bottom of the body. Karim
Use a comma after that. Write your name
below the closing.

Salutation : Dear John, / Greeting : Hi Sandra , Hi there ! , Hello !

Openings :
- Long time, no see. I hope you’re doing great.
- I haven’t seen you in ages. How have you been ?
- It’s been a while since we last talked. How’s life treating you ?
- It’s been a long time. What have you been up to ?
Subject :
Alternative Expressions ➔ - I’m just writing to …
- I thought I’d write to …
- I just want to …
Closing :
- Please write to me soon.
- Let me hear back from you soon.
- Bye for now and please keep me updated about your news.
- I look forward to hearing back from you
Best , Love and kisses , Best wishes ,
AN E-MAIL is a typed message (or mail) distributed by an electronic means (computer, smartphone …) to a person
via network. An e-mail should include : a salutation /greeting , an opening , the body, conclusion , and closing

@ Begin with the salutation or greeting from the left margin. Use a comma after the salutation / greeting.
@ In the opening , introduce the subject of your e-mail.
@ In the body , briefly outline the information, ideas, content that you want to communicate to your reader or addressee.
@ In the conclusion briefly sum up or restate the body’s content.
@ The complimentary closing comes below at the right- hand bottom of the body. Use a comma after that. Write your
name below the closing.
Salutation : Dear John, / Greeting : Hi Sandra , Hi there ! , Hello ! , Greetings,
Openings :
- Long time, no see. I hope you’re doing great. - I haven’t seen you in ages. How have you been ?
- It’s been a while since we last talked. How’s life treating you ? - It’s been a long time. What have you been up to ?
Subject :
- I’m just writing to … - I thought I’d write to … - I just want to … - I just want to … - Let me just …
Closing :
- Please write to me soon. - Let me hear back from you soon. - Bye for now and please keep me updated about your news.
- I look forward to hearing back from you
Best, Love and kisses, Best wishes,
Mr. Abdelkarim Fouldoula 2 BAC / REVIEW & PRACTICE / SEMESTER TWO ………. / 100

….. 1. “ ____” refers to a fixed idea about a particular ____ of people. turn off - take off - looking after - broke into - take off
A. stereotype / individual B. racism / ethnic C. stereotype / group 1. Someone ……………………. my office and stole my laptop.
2. You must ………….………. your cell-phones before entering.
….. 2. It’s a constitutional ___ to have access to education and health___. 3. Samia is …………….………. her little brother.
A. right /care B. duty /care C. life /coverage D. REWRITE THESE SENTENCES BEGINNING WITH WORDS GIVEN.
….. 3. The UN’s main ____ is to stop conflicts and promote ____. 1. “ I received the call last night,” he confirmed.
A. goal / wars B. peace /goal C. mission /peace He ……………………………………………………….……………
….. 4. Many consider the ____ to be one of the greatest ____ of all time.. 2. “ The kids are watching TV now,” she told him.
She ……………………………………………………………………
A. cellphone / invention B. invention/ phone C. phone /discoveries
3. “ Do you like Turkish movies?” She wanted to know.
….. 5. Low ____ have pushed many ____workers to immigrate abroad.
She ……………………………………………………………………
A. work /life B. wages /skilled C. professionals / minds
4. “ I have just taken a shower,” he said.
….. 6. People who live in a ___ tend to share the same ____ heritage. He ……………………………………………………………………
A. place /culture B. country /diversity C. community /cultural 5. “ Where do you live now ?” They wanted to know.
….. 7. All ____ are required to pay taxes and _____ the law. They …………………………………………………………………
A. obey /individuals B. citizens /obey C. citizens /vote 6. “ Take your shoes off!” His mom told him.
….. 8. The DWF seeks to _____ medical care to victims of natural ____ . His mom ……………………………………………..…..…………
A. provide /disasters B. take /rural C. bring /phenomenon 7. “ They can’t find me here,” he said.
….. 9. The ____ of science for practical purposes is called _____. He said……………………………………………………….….……
A. use /practice B. learning /method C. application /technology 8 . “ We’ll finish up Unit 3 tomorrow,” the teacher told us.
The teacher …………………….……………………………………
….. 10 . My uncle has just Rule
____ abroad in search Example
for better working ____. Capitalization
9. “ Don’t eat Rule
anymore oily food,”Examplethe doctor advised me
A. left / factors B. immigrated /conditions C. emigrant /conditions
My friend and I like video The doctor
Specific organizations ……………………………………………………………
United Nations , Bayti , UNESCO
….. . “Through “ Iserious
” ____ we can achieve mutual _____ ,” he said.
And public institutions
A. dialogue / understanding B. talk / understand C. dialogue / talk but - in other words - as a result - although - however
People’s titles, their first and Mr. Tarik Alami , Dr. John I’m broke . ……………….………
1. monuments , I have no money left.
….. 12. ____ citizenship means people getting involved actively in___.
Green , Prof. Chomsky
Historical Statue of Liberty , Hassan Tower
last name 2. He didn’t like the job . …………….………… , he quit.
A. active / activity B. social /work C. active / society
The greeting
3. Thisand is a bit cold , ………………… it’s so delicious.
….. . Theword in a____
UN was sentence
in 1945 toDogsresolvedon’t____like
. …………………..…
Dear Kevin, ; Best wishes,
he’s incredibly rich, he’s unhappy.
in a letter
A. found / wars B. founded /conflicts C. funded /conflicts 5. My son is so smart .the ……..…….… , he doesn’t like school.
Monday, September, Atlantic Ocean ,
….. months
14. The ____ ,ofholidays , studies
science that natural forces is ____ . Oceans ,F.seas, FILL INrivers,
Thanksgiving , Christmas Mediterranean Sea THE LIST.
and celebrations
A. branch / physics B. subject /science
Ashura C. experiment
, Green March / biology lakes would gone - have known - would
the Nile Riverhave gone
, the - had
Great known
….. 15. ____ and poverty are the main Africa ___, Asia,
factors for brain
Europe , drainers. 1. If I ………...……… his address, I would have visited him.
Continents, countries, cities, Specific 2geographic
. I ………...………………… the Northeast
with you,, the Middle
if I had Eastearly.
A. unemployment / push B. jobs Spain,
/ pull Paris , Rabat
C. future / push,
neighborhoods regions G . REWRITE THESE the Arab
….. 16. Different____ groups at work Haywill Najah , Maple
create someStreetcultural ____ .
1. I didn’t call him because I didn’t remember his name.
A. ethnic / similar B. humansHe is Algerian,C.and
/ heritage he/ diversity
ethnic ReligionsIfand religious Islam , Christianity , Judaism
Nationalities and languages speaks Arabic, French, and
….. 17. The UN’s ___ are in New York , and it’s
a little English.
funded by ____ states.
figures 2 . Your kid played in Jesus
the , Moses,
rain. Mohammed,
So, he caught a cold. God
A. place / social B. headquarters / member C. origin / countries If …………………………………………………….…………..…
Book titles, film titles, Ticket to English , Titanic , . I didn’t call him because
….. . ___ is seen as an attack on Masterour traditions cultural ___Brand
and Voice . &3Company names Nike I, didn’t remember
Mercedes Benz , his name. ..
TV 18
shows Chef , The If …………………………………………………….……………..…
A. global / culture B. globalization / values C. globalism /language 4. We don’t have a house.
B1. Morocco
. MATCH THEgot its independence
blake lives join
in you
appartment by herself.
2. Because it was too dark, I couldn’t t see their faces. ………………………………………………….…………..…
I wishreading
SENTENCES 2. I’ve started a great book titled oliver twist.
3. He can t go to Sara s birthday he is very busyFUNCTIONS 6. I didn’twe’lllistenhave
to their advice.
3. next monday, another exam in japanese.
4.dWhat are you
1. “That’s doing
great this
news. weekend
Let’s celebrate !” a. asking for advice If only ………………………………………………….…………..…
4. italy is located in europe.
5. Sarah Samantha and Kate went shopping again H. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH :
5. we’re using ticket to english as our coursebook.
2. “I’m sorry, b. regret
6. dinner webut your TVaisgreat
watched too loud !”
movie who - which - whom - whose - where - when
6. last october, i visited paris and saw the eifel tower.
7. John
….. 3. “I
is wish
I was aspolite
lucky as
handsome c. uncertainty 1. They searched the room ….……… the victim was killed.
7. last Thursday,
2. 1945 is ithe
met a german
year ………...…… tourist in marrakesh.
World War Two ended.
8. Did you know why I was upset d. respond to good8. His name was schmidth,
….. 4. “Oh! I’m so sorry to hear so.”
9. Sofia s father is a policeman news 3. That’s the boy ……...……… name isspeak
and he couldn’t any
all over thearabic
9. fasting4.during
The man ramadan is one of
……………....… I thecalled
just five pillars
is my of islam.
10. Wow That was a terrific movie
….. 5. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bother.” e. certainty 10. we moved
5. Thetocar
live in mohammadia
……….………… , hay elboustane.
is parked outside is my uncle’s.
11. That was a terrific movie, Mr Robert says
11. have you
6 . ……………..……
seen avatar ? it’s
one a
you American
like more, teamovie indeed
or coffee ? !
“If I werewe
….. On6.Monday
12. you, I’d callahim
bought laptop a TV and f.awish
now.” fridge
12. the bouregreg
I. PUT THEriverWORDSdischarges
….. 7. “In my view, this car is better.” g. response to bad news
1. Mutual ( understand ) understanding leads to respect and
….. 8. “I may join you if I finish work early.” h. giving advice ( tolerant) ……….……..……… among people.
….. 9. “If only I had taken their advice.” i. apologizing 2. Such a great ( volunteerism ) ……….……… work was done by
these young ( citizenship ) ………….………… .
….. 10. “Guess what ! I just passed my DT !” j. complaining 3. Our ( organize ) ……….……………promotes democracy, love,
11. “It’s OK. No need to apologize ” k. opinion and ( peaceful ) ……………..………… .
….. 4. Scientists use the ( science ) ….…….….… method to analyze,
….. 12. “What I should do about it ?” l. accepting apology describe, and explain ( nature ) ……….……..…… phenomena.
5. Brain drain empties ( poverty ) ……….………… countries of
13. “I’m sure he’ll show up soon” m. giving news their creative minds and ( skill ) ……….………… workers.
TASK 1: Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of social media ( you may focus on facebook
as an example ).

TASK 2 : Write an e-mail or a letter to your pen pal , Keven Garrison ( k.garrison@gmail.com ), from California , who wants
to learn about a particular celebration that is popular in your country. Make sure to include the following information : time
of the year , place , special clothes / food , rituals ( what people do on that day ) , and why people celebrate it …

Dear ……………………………. ,


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