Tasks Monday

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1. Respect your classmates and the teacher

2. Be on time for class and come prepared
3. Listen when others are speaking
4. Raise your hand if you want to speak or ask a question
5. Keep your workspace clean and organized
6. Do your best on all assignments
7. Follow directions carefully
8. Use appropriate language and behavior
9. Stay seated during class unless you have permission to move around
10. Treat others the way you want to be treated


1. Debate: Divide the class into teams and have them debate a topic.
2. Role-play: Have students act out a situation or scenario to practice speaking skills.
3. Discussion groups: Break the class into small groups to discuss a topic and then present
their findings to the class.
4. Interviews: Have students interview each other on a topic or issue to practice speaking
and listening skills.
5. Presentations: Assign students a topic and have them create a presentation to deliver to
the class.
6. Picture descriptions: Show a picture to the class and have them describe what they see.
7. Guessing games: Have students describe an object without saying what it is and the rest
of the class has to guess.
8. Storytelling: Have students tell a story using prompts or pictures as inspiration.
9. Public speaking: Have students prepare and deliver a speech on a topic of their choice.
10. Vocabulary games: Play games like charades or Pictionary to help students learn new
vocabulary and practice speaking skills.

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