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15% from Principal

} Activities and events } Intangible
10% from Horizon

For off trade and on trade promotion

Promotion and item to be provider by principal, for example.
1) Tert Cards
2) Banters
3) Glasses
4) Other visible items

Planning and Proposal of Promoting Don Papa in Malaysia

1) On trade
a) Purchase 2 pack of don papa rum and get a slice of Don papa fruit cake.
b) Incentives to top selling outlets
-> Trip to the Don Papa Company in Manila
-> Cash incentives
c) Cocktails bar and restaurant to come up with their own new receipt of Don Papa. The winner

will get price money and certificate from established renowed cocktails association plus a
trip to Don Papa Company and factory in Manila.

2) Off traded
a) Purchase 1 bottle and get 1 free cake of Don Papa fruit cake
b) Gift pack that includes of how to do mixer of Don Papa cocktails
c) Incentives for higher seller of don papa rum
1) Cash incentives rebate
2) Trip to Don Papa company ( Minimum Sales )
d) Promoter in hype market and super market

Essential Help
1) Product Ambassador
2) To have a good and proper A/D
Promotions materials to help brand building and awareness.

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