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CLASS/SEC: III B SUB: MATH DATE: 15 th July-31st July

UNIT: Consecutive numbers

Backward counting

CHAPTER/TITLE: Number system

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Our Counting Forward and Backward teaches students how to count
forwards and backwards. Students use various activities and example
problems to practice their new counting forwards and backwards skills .

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Children understand that the consecutive numbers are nothing but the
numbers in sequence. Children are able to read and write the numbers in
sequence. They are able to deal with large numbers.
Children are able to count backward. They also learn that counting
backward is nothing but reducing the numbers or subtracting the

MATERIAL/ RESOURCES REQUIRED: Number chart to introduce the consecutive numbers.

Board and chalk piece.
Objects counting shown through video.
Counting backward is shown through the number line or frogs
jumping backward.

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: They learnt to say the numbers and write the numbers in sequence up to 999
in the previous class. They are able to write or say the number in sequence
when asked from the middle. The prior knowledge of knowing the numbers
up to 3 digits, help them to proceed with 4-digits. students will know the
forward number word sequence to 100 is the counting pattern of words and
symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... while the backward sequence is the pattern 100, 99,
98, 97... Students will also be able to name the number before and after a
given number

TEACHER’S ACTIVITY: Students will learn how to count backwards from 9999-9000 in a very fun
and exciting way. The lesson includes a hands-on/interactive component
where students will be asked to hop backwards while counting.

INTRODUCTION : The concepts are taught using videos which will help
children to make connections between the concept taught and the real life.
This helps the children to learn better and understand the concept better


Consecutive numbers
Students are given numbers with 4-digits . They are asked to write 10
consecutive numbers that comes after that number.
Eg. 1234, ______, ______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _____, ________
The teacher uses few examples by siting the year they are born. Asked to write all the consecutive
years till 2020.
The concept of backward counting is also taught by asking them to write the consecutive numerals
For eg.: Write ten consecutive numerals backwards starting with 1020.

CONNECTING TO REAL LIFE: Teaching through representation or pictures will allow children to make
connections between the real world and the math skills that are vital for
academic success. Without making a connection between life and math,
children can become confused about the information provided in a classroom.
The videos shared connects the topic to the real world.

EXTENDED LEARNING: It is important to expose students to counting numbers beyond 9999. The
numbers with more than 5-digits are often more difficult for students to read.
But with the knowledge of the place value, children make an attempt to read
the numbers

ASSIGNMENTS: Students are given few problems to work on their own for practicing the learnt
concepts. They are encouraged to do some hands on activity by sending few
activities in video form.
ADDRESSING CLASSROOM DIVERSITY: Children learn to count forwards and backwards to learn
the relationship between numbers in the future. Children are naturally visual
and can build relationships between numbers and a represented item. The
video used to teach the concept helps In every aspect of learning sequencing
of numbers and counting backward and forward. The children with difficulty,
are given large numbers to read. This help them to count backward and

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