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Project Name Do-While Loop

Module Name T1
Created By Pratiksha Jadhav
Created Date 9/27/2022
Review date 9/29/2022

Test ID Test Secnario Test Cases Pre- Conditions Test Steps Test Data Expected Results Actual Results Status
M1 Verify Working To Print 1- Initializing 'a' Variable Enter 'a' Variable & i=1 Prints number Printing Pass
Of Do-While 10 & Setting Counter Initialize It. Put It In i<=10 from 1 to 10 Numbers Form
Loop Numbers Increment/Decrement, The Block i++ 1 to 10….
Block Structure Of For Structure Of Do-
loop While Loop
M2 Verify Working To Print 1- Initializing 'a' Variable Enter 'a' Variable & i=10 Prints number Printing Pass
Of Do-While 10 & Setting Counter Initialize It. Put It In i>0 from10 to 1 in Numbers In
Loop Numbers Increment/Decrement, The Block i-- reverse order Reverse Order
Block Structure Of For Structure Of Do-
loop While Loop
M3 Verify To Print 1- Initializing 'a' Variable Enter 'a' Variable & i=0 Loop Will Execute Loop Will Pass
Working Of 10 Numbers & Setting Counter Initialize It. Put It In i++ Infinite Times Execute
Do-While Increment/Decrement The Block Structure Infinite Times
Loop , Block Structure Of Of Do-While Loop
For loop
M4 Verify To Print 1- Initializing 'a' Variable Enter 'a' Variable & i 0 As The Pass
Working Of 10 Numbers & Setting Counter Initialize It. Put It In i<=1 Result will Be 0 Variable Is
Do-While Increment/Decrement The Block Structure 0 Not Initialized
Loop , Block Structure Of Of Do-While Loop i++ It Shows 0 On
For loop The Output

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