Installation and Operation Manual: VRV System Air Conditioner

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Installation and operation manual

VRV system air conditioner

FXMQ200AXVMB Installation and operation manual

FXMQ250AXVMB VRV system air conditioner
EU – Safety declaration of conformity UE – Declaración de conformidad sobre seguridad ЕС – Заявление о соответствии требованиям по EU – Samsvarserklæring for sikkerhet EU – Izjava o sukladnosti za sigurnost EU – Varnostna izjava o skladnosti ЕС – Декларация за съответствие за безопасност
EU – Sicherheits-Konformitätserklärung UE – Dichiarazione di conformità in materia di sicurezza безопасности EU – Turvallisuuden vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus EU – Biztonsági megfelelőségi nyilatkozat EÜ – Ohutuse vastavusdeklaratsioon ES – Drošības atbilstības deklarācija
UE – Déclaration de conformité de sécurité ΕΕ – Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης για την ασφάλεια EU – Sikkerheds-overensstemmelseserklæring EU – Bezpečnostní prohlášení o shodě UE – Deklaracja zgodności z wymogami bezpieczeństwa ЕС – Декларация за съответствие за безопасност EÚ – Vyhlásenie o zhode Bezpečnosť
EU – Conformiteitsverklaring veiligheid UE – Declaração de conformidade relativa à segurança EU – Konformitetsdeklaration för säkerhet UE – Declarație de conformitate de siguranță AB – Güvenlik uygunluk beyanı

Daikin Europe N.V.

01 declares under its sole responsibility that the products to which this declaration relates: 09  заявляет, исключительно под свою ответственность, что продукция, к которой относится настоящее заявление: 17  deklaruje na własną wyłączną odpowiedzialność, że produkty, których ta deklaracja dotyczy:
02 erklärt in alleinige Verantwortung, dass die Produkte, auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht: 10  erklærer som eneansvarlig, at produkterne, som er omfattet af denne erklæring: 18  declară pe proprie răspundere că produsele la care se referă această declarație:
03  déclare sous sa seule responsabilité que les produits visés par la présente déclaration: 11  deklarerar i egenskap av huvudansvarig, att produkterna som berörs av denna deklaration innebär att: 19  z vso odgovornostjo izjavlja, da so izdelki, na katere se izjava nanaša:
04 verklaart hierbij op eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de producten waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft: 12  erklærer et fullstendig ansvar for at produktene som er underlagt denne erklæringen: 20  kinnitab oma vastutusel, et tooted, mille kohta käesolev deklaratsioon kehtib:
05 declara bajo su única responsabilidad que los productos a los que hace referencia esta declaración: 13  ilmoittaa yksinomaan omalla vastuullaan, että tämän ilmoituksen tarkoittamat tuotteet: 21  декларира на своя отговорност, че продуктите, за които се отнася тази декларация:
06  dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che i prodotti a cui è riferita questa dichiarazione: 14  prohlašuje na svou plnou odpovědnost, že výrobky, ke kterým se toto prohlášení vztahuje: 22  savo išskirtine atsakomybe pareiškia, kad gaminiai, kuriems ši deklaracija taikoma:
07  δηλώνει βάσει της αποκλειστικής της ευθύνης ότι τα προϊόντα στα οποία αναφέρεται η παρούσα δήλωση: 15  izjavljuje pod isključivo vlastitom odgovornošću da su proizvodi na koje se ova izjava odnosi: 23  ar pilnu atbildību apliecina, ka izstrādājumi, uz kuru attiecas šī deklarācija:
08 declara sob sua exclusiva responsabilidade que os produtos a que esta declaração se refere: 16  teljes felelőssége tudatában kijelenti, hogy a termékek, melyekre e nyilatkozat vonatkozik: 24  vyhlasuje na vlastnú zodpovednosť, že výrobky, na ktoré sa vzťahuje toto vyhlásenie:
25  tek sorumluluğu kendisine ait olmak üzere, bu beyanın ilgili olduğu ürünlerin:


01 are in conformity with the following directive(s) or regulation(s), provided that the products are used in accordance with our instructions: 09 отвечает требованиям упомянутых ниже директив или нормативных документов при условии эксплуатации данной продукции в соответствии 17 spełniają wymogi następujących dyrektyw lub rozporządzeń, pod warunkiem że produkty używane są zgodnie z naszymi instrukcjami:
02 folgender/n Richtlinie/n oder Vorschrift/en entsprechen, vorausgesetzt, dass diese gemäß unseren Instruktionen verwendet werden: с нашими инструкциями: 18 sunt în conformitate cu următoarele directive sau regulamente, cu condiția ca produsele să fie utilizate în conformitate cu instrucțiunile noastre:
03 sont conformes à la/aux directive(s) ou règlement(s) suivant(s), à condition que les produits soient utilisés conformément à nos instructions: 10 overholder bestemmelserne i følgende direktiv(er) eller bestemmelse(r), forudsat at produkterne anvendes i overensstemmelse med vores instruktioner: 19 v skladu z naslednjo direktivo(-ami) ali predpisom(-i) pod pogojem, da se izdelki uporabljajo v skladu z našimi navodili:
04 in overeenstemming zijn met de volgende richtlijn(en) of verordening(en), op voorwaarde dat de producten worden gebruikt overeenkomstig onze 11 uppfyller följande direktiv eller föreskrift(er), under förutsättning att produkterna används i enlighet med våra instruktioner: 20 vastavad järgmise (järgmiste) direktiivi(de) ja määruse (määruste) nõuetele, tingimusel, et neid kasutatakse vastavuses meie juhistele:
instructies: 12 er i overensstemmelse med følgende direktiv(er) eller forskrift(er), forutsatt at produktene brukes i henhold til våre instruksjoner: 21 са в съответствие със следната директива(и) или регламент(и), при условие че продуктите се използват в съответствие с нашите
05 están en conformidad con la(s) siguiente(s) directiva(s) o reglamento(s), siempre que se utilicen de acuerdo con nuestras instrucciones: 13 ovat seuraavien direktiivien tai asetusten mukaisia, edellyttäen että tuotteita käytetään ohjeidemme mukaisesti: инструкции:
06 sono conformi alle direttive o ai regolamenti seguenti, a patto che i prodotti vengano usati in conformità alle nostre istruzioni: 14 jsou ve shodě s následujícími směrnicemi nebo předpisy za předpokladu, že tyto výrobky jsou používány v souladu s našimi pokyny: 22 atitinka toliau nurodytas direktyvas arba reglamentus, su sąlyga, kad gaminiai bus eksploatuojami laikantis mūsų instrukcijų:
07 συμμορφώνονται με την(ις) ακόλουθη(ες) οδηγία(ες) ή κανονισμό(ούς), υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι τα προϊόντα χρησιμοποιούνται σύμφωνα με τις 15 u skladu sa sljedećom direktivom(ma) ili odredbom(a), uz uvjet da se proizvodi koriste sukladno našim uputama: 23 atbilst šādām direktīvām vai regulām, ja vien šie izstrādājumi tiek lietoti saskaņā ar mūsu instrukcijām:
οδηγίες μας: 16 megfelelnek az alábbi irányelv(ek)nek vagy egyéb szabályozás(ok)nak, ha a termékeket előírás szerint használják: 24 sú v zhode s nasledujúcou(imi) smernicou(ami) alebo predpisom(mi) za predpokladu, že sa výrobky používajú v zhode s našimi pokynmi:
08 estão em conformidade com a(s) seguinte(s) diretiva(s) ou regulamento(s), desde que os produtos sejam utilizados de acordo com as nossas 25 talimatlarımız doğrultusunda kullanılması koşuluyla aşağıdaki direktife/direktiflere veya yönetmeliğe/yönetmeliklere uygun olduğunu beyan eder:
01 as amended, 08 conforme emendado, 14 v platném znění, 20 koos muudatustega,
Machinery 2006/42/EC** 02 in der jeweils gültigen Fassung, 09 в действующей редакции, 15 kako je izmijenjeno amandmanima, 21 с техните изменения,
03 telles que modifiées, 10 som tilføjet, 16 és módosításaik rendelkezéseit, 22 ir jos tolesnes redakcijas,
Electromagnetic Compatibility 2014/30/EU* 04 zoals gewijzigd, 11 med tillägg, 17 z późniejszymi zmianami, 23 ar grozījumiem,
05 en su forma enmendada, 12 med foretatte endringer, 18 cu amendamentele respective, 24 v poslednom platnom vydaní,
06 e successive modifiche, 13 sellaisina kuin ne ovat muutettuina, 19 kakor je bilo spremenjeno, 25 değiştirildiği şekliyle,
07 όπως έχουν τροποποιηθεί,

01 following the provisions of: 10 under iagttagelse af: 19 v skladu z določbami: EN 60335-2-40,
02 gemäß den Bestimmungen in: 11 enligt bestämmelserna för: 20 vastavalt nõuetele:
03 conformément aux dispositions de: 12 i henhold til bestemmelsene i: 21 следвайки клаузите на:
04 volgens de bepalingen van: 13 noudattaen säännöksiä: 22 vadovaujantis šio dokumento nuostatomis:
05 siguiendo las disposiciones de: 14 za dodržení ustanovení: 23 atbilstoši šādu standartu prasībām:
06 secondo le disposizioni di: 15 prema odredbama: 24 nasledovnými ustanoveniami:
07 σύμφωνα με τις προβλέψεις των: 16 követi a(z): 25 şu standartların hükümlerine:
08 seguindo as disposições de: 17 zgodnie z postanowieniami:
09 в соответствии с положениями: 18 urmând prevederile:
01 Note* as set out in <A> and judged positively by <B> 06 Nota* come delineato in <A> e giudicato positivamente 11 Information* som anges i <A> och godkänts av <B> enligt 16 Megjegyzés* a(z) <A> alapján, a(z) <B> igazolta a megfelelést, 21 Забележка* както е изложено в <A> и оценено положително от
according to the Certificate <C>. da <B> ai sensi del Certificato <C>. Certifikat <C>. a(z) <C> tanúsítvány szerint. <B> съгласно Сертификата <C>. <A> DAIKIN.TCF.036A8/11-2022
02 Hinweis* wie in <A> aufgeführt und von <B> positiv 07 Σημείωση* όπως ορίζεται στο <A> και κρίνεται θετικά από τον 12 Merk* som det fremkommer i <A> og vurdert positivt av 17 Uwaga* zgodnie z dokumentacją <A>, pozytywną 22 Pastaba* kaip nurodyta <A> ir teigiamai nuspręsta pagal <B>,
beurteilt gemäß Zertifikat <C>. <B> σύμφωνα με το Πιστοποιητικό <C>. <B> i henhold til Sertifikatet <C>. opinią <B> i Świadectwem <C>. vadovaujantis Sertifikatu <C>. <B> TÜV (NB0197)
03 Remarque* telles que définies dans <A> et évaluées 08 Nota* conforme estabelecido em <A> e avaliado 13 Huom* sellaisina kuin ne on esitetty asiakirjassa <A> ja 18 Notă* așa cum se prevede în <A> și apreciat pozitiv de 23 Piezīmes* kā norādīts <A> un pozitīvi novērtēts <B> saskaņā ar
positivement par <B> conformément au positivamente por <B> de acordo com o jotka <B> on hyväksynyt Sertifikaatin <C> <B> conform Certificatului <C>. Sertifikātu <C>. <C> 60149720
Certificat <C>. Certificado <C>. mukaisesti. 19 Opomba* Kot je določeno v <A> in je prejelo pozitivno oceno 24 Poznámka* ako bolo stanovené v <A> a kladne posúdené <B>
04 Bemerk* zoals uiteengezet in <A> en positief beoordeeld 09 Примечание* как указано в <A> и подтверждено <B> согласно 14 Poznámka* jak bylo uvedeno v <A> a pozitivně zjištěno <B> <B> v skladu s Certifikatom <C>. podľa Osvedčenia <C>.
door <B> overeenkomstig het Certificaat <C>. Свидетельству <C>. v souladu s Osvědčením <C>. 20 Märkus* Mis on sätestatud dokumendis <A> ja hinnatud 25 Not* <A>'de belirtildiği ve <C> Sertifikasına göre <B>
05 Nota* tal como se establece en <A> y valorado 10 Bemærk* Som anført i <A> og positivt vurderet af <B> i henhold 15 Napomena* kako je izloženo u <A> i pozitivno ocijenjeno od vastuvõetuks dokumendis <B>, vastavalt tarafından olumlu görüş bildirildiği üzere.
positivamente por <B> de acuerdo con el til Certifikat <C>. <B> prema Certifikatu <C>. Sertifikaadile <C>.
Certificado <C>.

01** Daikin Europe N.V. is authorised to compile the Technical Construction File. 07** Η Daikin Europe N.V. είναι εξουσιοδοτημένη να συντάξει τον Τεχνικό φάκελο κατασκευής. 13** Daikin Europe N.V. on valtuutettu laatimaan Teknisen asiakirjan. 19** Daikin Europe N.V. je pooblaščen za sestavo datoteke s tehnično mapo.
02** Daikin Europe N.V. hat die Berechtigung die Technische Konstruktionsakte zusammenzustellen. 08** A Daikin Europe N.V. está autorizada a compilar a documentação técnica de fabrico. 14** Společnost Daikin Europe N.V. má oprávnění ke kompilaci souboru technické konstrukce. 20** Daikin Europe N.V. on volitatud koostama tehnilist dokumentatsiooni.
03** Daikin Europe N.V. est autorisé à compiler le Dossier de Construction Technique. 09** Компания Daikin Europe N.V. уполномочена составить Комплект технической документации. 15** Daikin Europe N.V. je ovlašten za izradu Datoteke o tehničkoj konstrukciji. 21** Daikin Europe N.V. е оторизирана да състави Акта за техническа конструкция.
04** Daikin Europe N.V. is bevoegd om het Technisch Constructiedossier samen te stellen. 10** Daikin Europe N.V. er autoriseret til at udarbejde de tekniske konstruktionsdata. 16** A Daikin Europe N.V. jogosult a műszaki konstrukciós dokumentáció összeállítására. 22** Daikin Europe N.V. yra įgaliota sudaryti šį techninės konstrukcijos failą.
05** Daikin Europe N.V. está autorizado a compilar el Archivo de Construcción Técnica. 11** Daikin Europe N.V. är bemyndigade att sammanställa den tekniska konstruktionsfilen. 17** Daikin Europe N.V. ma upoważnienie do zbierania i opracowywania dokumentacji konstrukcyjnej. 23** Daikin Europe N.V. ir autorizēts sastādīt tehnisko dokumentāciju.
06** Daikin Europe N.V. è autorizzata a redigere il File Tecnico di Costruzione. 12** Daikin Europe N.V. har tillatelse til å kompilere den Tekniske konstruksjonsfilen. 18** Daikin Europe N.V. este autorizat să compileze Dosarul tehnic de construcţie. 24** Spoločnosť Daikin Europe N.V. je oprávnená vytvoriť súbor technickej konštrukcie.
25** Daikin Europe N.V. Teknik Yapı Dosyasını derlemeye yetkilidir.

Hiromitsu Iwasaki
Ostend, 1st of December 2022 Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende, Belgium

UKCA – Safety declaration of conformity

Daikin Europe N.V.

declares under its sole responsibility that the products to which this declaration relates:


are in conformity with the following directive(s) or regulation(s), provided that the products are used in accordance with our instructions:

S.I. 2008/1597: Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008** as amended,

S.I. 2016/1091: Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016*

following the provisions of: BS EN 60335-2-40,

* as set out in <A> and judged positively by <B> according to the Certificate <C>. <A> DAIKIN.TCF.036A8/11-2022

** Daikin Europe N.V. is authorised to compile the Technical Construction File. <B> —
<C> —

Hiromitsu Iwasaki
Ostend, 1st of December 2022 Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende, Belgium

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 17 Technical data 20

17.1 Wiring diagram ........................................................................... 20
17.1.1 Unified wiring diagram legend...................................... 20

1 About the documentation 4

1.1 About this document.................................................................. 4
1 About the documentation
2 Specific installer safety instructions 4
1.1 About this document
For the user 5
3 User safety instructions 5 Make sure that the user has the printed documentation and
3.1 General...................................................................................... 5 ask him/her to keep it for future reference.
3.2 Instructions for safe operation ................................................... 6
Target audience
4 About the system 8 Authorised installers + end users
4.1 System layout............................................................................ 8
5 User interface 8
This appliance is intended to be used by expert or trained
6 Operation 8 users in shops, in light industry and on farms, or for
6.1 Operation range ........................................................................ 8 commercial use by lay persons.
6.2 About operation modes ............................................................. 9
Documentation set
6.2.1 Basic operation modes ............................................... 9
6.2.2 Special heating operation modes................................ 9 This document is part of a documentation set. The complete set
6.3 To operate the system............................................................... 9 consists of:
▪ General safety precautions:
7 Maintenance and service 9
7.1 Precautions for maintenance and service ................................. 9 ▪ Safety instructions that you must read before installing
7.2 Cleaning the air filter and air outlet............................................ 9 ▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
7.2.1 To clean the air filter ................................................... 10
▪ Indoor unit installation and operation manual:
7.2.2 To clean the air outlet ................................................. 10
7.3 About the refrigerant.................................................................. 10 ▪ Installation and operation instructions
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
8 Troubleshooting 10
▪ Installer and user reference guide:
9 Relocation 11
▪ Preparation of the installation, good practices, reference data,…
10 Disposal 11 ▪ Detailed step-by-step instructions and background information
for basic and advanced usage
▪ Format: Digital files on Use the search
For the installer 11
function to find your model.
11 About the box 11 Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available on
11.1 Indoor unit ................................................................................. 11 the regional Daikin website or via your dealer.
11.1.1 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit......... 11 The original documentation is written in English. All other languages
are translations.
12 Unit installation 11
12.1 Preparing the installation site .................................................... 11 Technical engineering data
12.1.1 Installation site requirements of the indoor unit .......... 11 ▪ A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional
12.2 Mounting the indoor unit............................................................ 12 Daikin website (publicly accessible).
12.2.1 Guidelines when installing the indoor unit................... 12
12.2.2 Guidelines when installing the ducting........................ 12
▪ The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin
Business Portal (authentication required).
12.2.3 Guidelines when installing the drain piping................. 13

13 Piping installation 14
13.1 Preparing refrigerant piping....................................................... 14
13.1.1 Refrigerant piping requirements.................................. 14
2 Specific installer safety
13.1.2 Refrigerant piping insulation ....................................... 14 instructions
13.2 Connecting the refrigerant piping .............................................. 15
13.2.1 To connect the refrigerant piping to the indoor unit .... 15
Always observe the following safety instructions and regulations.
Unit installation (see "12 Unit installation" [4 11])
14 Electrical installation 15
14.1 Specifications of standard wiring components .......................... 15 CAUTION
14.2 To connect the electrical wiring to the indoor unit ..................... 16
Appliance NOT accessible to the general public, install it in
15 Commissioning 17 a secured area, protected from easy access.
15.1 Checklist before commissioning................................................ 17 This unit, both indoor and outdoor, is suitable for
15.2 To perform a test run................................................................. 17 installation in a commercial and light industrial
16 Configuration 17
16.1 Field setting ............................................................................... 17

Installation and operation manual FXMQ-A

VRV system air conditioner
4 3P701545-1 – 2022.07
3 User safety instructions
This equipment is NOT intended for use in residential ▪ All wiring MUST be performed by an authorised
locations and will NOT guarantee to provide adequate electrician and MUST comply with the applicable
protection to radio reception in such locations. legislation.

Duct installation (see "12.2.2 Guidelines when installing the ▪ Make electrical connections to the fixed wiring.
ducting" [4 12]) ▪ All components procured on-site and all electrical
construction MUST comply with the applicable
In case of installation WITHOUT the duct on inlet side,
make sure to install the air filter. For more information refer WARNING
to the option list of the indoor unit.
▪ If the power supply has a missing or wrong N-phase,
equipment might break down.
▪ Establish proper earthing. Do NOT earth the unit to a
▪ Make sure the installation of the duct does NOT exceed
utility pipe, surge absorber, or telephone earth.
the setting range of the external static pressure for the
Incomplete earthing may cause electrical shock.
unit. Refer to the technical datasheet of your model for
the setting range. ▪ Install the required fuses or circuit breakers.
▪ Make sure to install the canvas duct so vibrations are ▪ Secure the electrical wiring with cable ties so that the
NOT transmitted to the duct or ceiling. Use a sound- cables do NOT come in contact with sharp edges or
absorbing material (insulation material) for the lining of piping, particularly on the high-pressure side.
the duct and apply vibration insulation rubber to the ▪ Do NOT use taped wires, stranded conductor wires,
hanging bolts. extension cords, or connections from a star system.
▪ When welding, make sure NOT to spatter onto the They can cause overheating, electrical shock or fire.
drain pan or the air filter. ▪ Do NOT install a phase advancing capacitor, because
▪ If the metal duct passes through a metal lath, wire lath this unit is equipped with an inverter. A phase
or metal plate of the wooden structure, separate the advancing capacitor will reduce performance and may
duct and wall electrically. cause accidents.
▪ Install the outlet grille in a position where the airflow will
not come into direct contact with people.
Use an all-pole disconnection type breaker with at least
▪ Do NOT use booster fans in the duct. Use the function
3  mm between the contact point gaps that provides full
to adjust the fan rate setting automatically (see
disconnection under overvoltage category III.
"16 Configuration" [4 17]).
Electrical installation (see "14 Electrical installation" [4 15])
If the supply cord is damaged, it MUST be replaced by the
WARNING manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified
ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables. persons in order to avoid a hazard.

Prevent hazards due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal
cut-out: power to this appliance MUST NOT be supplied
through an external switching device, such as a timer, or
connected to a circuit that is regularly turned ON and OFF
by the utility.

For the user

3 User safety instructions WARNING

Always observe the following safety instructions and regulations. This appliance can be used by children
aged from 8 years and above and
3.1 General persons with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have
If you are NOT sure how to operate the been given supervision or instruction
unit, contact your installer.

FXMQ-A Installation and operation manual

VRV system air conditioner
3P701545-1 – 2022.07 5
3 User safety instructions

concerning use of the appliance in a 3.2 Instructions for safe operation

safe way and understand the hazards
involved. WARNING
Children SHALL NOT play with the ▪ Do NOT modify, disassemble,
appliance. remove, reinstall or repair the unit
yourself as incorrect dismantling or
Cleaning and user maintenance installation may cause an electrical
SHALL NOT be made by children shock or fire. Contact your dealer.
without supervision.
▪ In case of accidental refrigerant
WARNING leaks, make sure there are no naked
To prevent electrical shocks or fire: flames. The refrigerant itself is
entirely safe, non-toxic and non-
▪ Do NOT rinse the unit. combustible, but it will generate toxic
▪ Do NOT operate the unit with wet gas when it accidentally leaks into a
hands. room where combustion air from fan
▪ Do NOT place any objects containing heaters, gas cookers, etc. is present.
water on the unit. ALWAYS have qualified service
personnel confirm that the point of
CAUTION leakage has been repaired or
▪ Do NOT place any objects or corrected before resuming operation.
equipment on top of the unit.
▪ Do NOT sit, climb or stand on the
▪ NEVER touch the internal parts of the
▪ Units are marked with the following symbol:
▪ Do NOT remove the front panel.
Some parts inside are dangerous to
touch and appliance problems may
happen. For checking and adjusting
This means that electrical and electronic products may NOT be the internal parts, contact your
mixed with unsorted household waste. Do NOT try to dismantle
the system yourself: dismantling the system, treatment of the dealer.
refrigerant, of oil and of other parts MUST be done by an
authorised installer and MUST comply with applicable legislation. WARNING
Units MUST be treated at a specialised treatment facility for reuse, This unit contains electrical and hot
recycling and recovery. By ensuring this product is disposed of
correctly, you will help to prevent potential negative consequences parts.
for the environment and human health. For more information,
contact your installer or local authority. WARNING
▪ Batteries are marked with the following symbol:
Before operating the unit, be sure the
installation has been carried out
correctly by an installer.
This means that the batteries may NOT be mixed with unsorted
household waste. If a chemical symbol is printed beneath the
symbol, this chemical symbol means that the battery contains a It is unhealthy to expose your body to
heavy metal above a certain concentration.
the air flow for a long time.
Possible chemical symbols are: Pb: lead (>0.004%).
Waste batteries MUST be treated at a specialised treatment CAUTION
facility for reuse. By ensuring waste batteries are disposed of
correctly, you will help to prevent potential negative consequences To avoid oxygen deficiency, ventilate
for the environment and human health.
the room sufficiently if equipment with
burner is used together with the

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6 3P701545-1 – 2022.07
3 User safety instructions


Do NOT operate the system when ELECTROCUTION
using a room fumigation-type To clean the air conditioner or air filter,
insecticide. Chemicals could collect in be sure to stop operation and turn all
the unit, and endanger the health of power supplies OFF. Otherwise, an
people who are hypersensitive to electrical shock and injury may result.
CAUTION Be careful with ladders when working
NEVER expose little children, plants or in high places.
animals directly to the airflow.
Do NOT place a flammable spray Disconnect the power supply for more
bottle near the air conditioner and do than 10 minutes, and measure the
NOT use sprays near the unit. Doing voltage at the terminals of main circuit
so may result in a fire. capacitors or electrical components
Maintenance and service (see "7 Maintenance and before servicing. The voltage MUST be
service" [4 9]) less than 50 V DC before you can
CAUTION: Pay attention to the fan! touch electrical components. For the
location of the terminals, see the
It is dangerous to inspect the unit while warning label for persons performing
the fan is running. service and maintenance.
Make sure to turn OFF the main switch
before executing any maintenance CAUTION
task. Turn off the unit before cleaning the air
Do NOT insert fingers, rods or other WARNING
objects into the air inlet or outlet. When Do NOT let the indoor unit get wet.
the fan is rotating at high speed, it will Possible consequence: Electrical
cause injury. shock or fire.
About the refrigerant (see "7.3 About the refrigerant" [4 10])
NEVER replace a fuse with a fuse of a WARNING
wrong ampere ratings or other wires ▪ The refrigerant in the system is safe
when a fuse blows out. Use of wire or and normally does NOT leak. If the
copper wire may cause the unit to refrigerant leaks in the room, contact
break down or cause a fire. with a fire of a burner, a heater or a
cooker may result in a harmful gas.
▪ Turn OFF any combustible heating
After a long use, check the unit stand devices, ventilate the room and
and fitting for damage. If damaged, the contact the dealer where you
unit may fall and result in injury. purchased the unit.
CAUTION ▪ Do NOT use the system until a
Before accessing terminal devices, service person confirms that the
make sure to interrupt all power supply. portion where the refrigerant leaks is

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4 About the system
Troubleshooting (see "8 Troubleshooting" [4 10])
Stop operation and shut OFF the
power if anything unusual occurs
(burning smells etc.).
Leaving the unit running under such
circumstances may cause breakage,
electrical shock or fire. Contact your
c c

4 About the system

WARNING - + d - + d
▪ Do NOT modify, disassemble, remove, reinstall or
a Outdoor unit
repair the unit yourself as incorrect dismantling or b Multi BS unit
installation may cause an electrical shock or fire. c Indoor unit
Contact your dealer. d Remote controller (user interface)

▪ In case of accidental refrigerant leaks, make sure there

are no naked flames. The refrigerant itself is entirely
safe, non-toxic and non-combustible, but it will 5 User interface
generate toxic gas when it accidentally leaks into a
room where combustion air from fan heaters, gas CAUTION
cookers, etc. is present. ALWAYS have qualified
▪ NEVER touch the internal parts of the controller.
service personnel confirm that the point of leakage has
been repaired or corrected before resuming operation. ▪ Do NOT remove the front panel. Some parts inside are
dangerous to touch and appliance problems may
NOTICE happen. For checking and adjusting the internal parts,
Do NOT use the system for other purposes. In order to contact your dealer.
avoid any quality deterioration, do NOT use the unit for
cooling precision instruments, food, plants, animals, or
works of art. Do NOT wipe the controller operation panel with benzine,
thinner, chemical dust cloth, etc. The panel may get
NOTICE discoloured or the coating peeled off. If it is heavily dirty,
For future modifications or expansions of your system: soak a cloth in water-diluted neutral detergent, squeeze it
well and wipe the panel clean. Wipe it with another dry
A full overview of allowable combinations (for future cloth.
system extensions) is available in technical engineering
data and should be consulted. Contact your installer to NOTICE
receive more information and professional advice.
NEVER press the button of the user interface with a hard,
pointed object. The user interface may be damaged.
4.1 System layout NOTICE
INFORMATION NEVER pull or twist the electric wire of the user interface. It
The following figure is an example and may NOT may cause the unit to malfunction.
completely match your system layout This operation manual offers a non-exhaustive overview of the main
functions of the system.
For more information about the user interface, see the operation
manual of the installed user interface.

6 Operation

6.1 Operation range

For the operation limits see the technical data of the
connected outdoor unit.

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7 Maintenance and service

6.2 About operation modes 7 Maintenance and service

Depending on the installed system, some operation modes 7.1 Precautions for maintenance and
will not be available. service
▪ The air flow rate may adjust itself depending on the room
temperature or the fan may stop immediately. This is not a
malfunction. See "3  User safety instructions"  4
[   5] to acknowledge all
related safety instructions.
▪ If the main power supply is turned off during operation, operation
will restart automatically after the power turns back on again. NOTICE
▪ Setpoint. Target temperature for the Cooling, Heating, and Auto NEVER inspect or service the unit by yourself. Ask a
operation modes. qualified service person to perform this work. However, as
▪ Setback. A function that keeps the room temperature in a specific end user, you may clean the air filter and air outlet.
range when the system is turned off (by the user, the schedule
function, or the OFF timer). NOTICE
Maintenance MUST be done by an authorised installer or
6.2.1 Basic operation modes service agent.

The indoor unit can operate in various operation modes. We recommend performing maintenance at least once a
year. However, applicable legislation might require shorter
Icon Operation mode maintenance intervals.
Cooling. In this mode, cooling will be activated as
required by the setpoint, or by Setback operation. NOTICE
Do NOT wipe the controller operation panel with benzine,
Heating. In this mode, heating will be activated as
thinner, chemical dust cloth, etc. The panel may get
required by the setpoint, or by Setback operation.
discoloured or the coating peeled off. If it is heavily dirty,
Fan only. In this mode, air circulates without heating soak a cloth in water-diluted neutral detergent, squeeze it
or cooling. well and wipe the panel clean. Wipe it with another dry
Auto. In Auto mode, the indoor unit automatically
Following symbols may occur on the indoor unit:
switches between heating and cooling mode, as
required by the setpoint. Symbol Explanation
Measure the voltage at the terminals of main circuit
capacitors or electrical components before servicing.

6.2.2 Special heating operation modes

Defrost To prevent a loss of heating capacity due to frost Disconnect the power supply for more than 10  minutes,
accumulation in the outdoor unit, the system will and measure the voltage at the terminals of main circuit
automatically switch to defrost operation. capacitors or electrical components before servicing. The
voltage MUST be less than 50 V DC before you can touch
During defrost operation, the indoor unit fan will stop
electrical components. For the location of the terminals,
operation, and the following icon will appear on the
see the warning label for persons performing service and
home screen:
aa b c

The system will resume normal operation after

approximately 6 to 8 minutes.
Hot start During hot start, the indoor unit fan will stop C+
operation, and the following icon will appear on the
home screen:

a Residual voltage measuring points (C-, C+)

b Printed circuit board
c Control box

6.3 To operate the system

7.2 Cleaning the air filter and air outlet
For setting of the operation mode or other settings, see the
reference guide or operation manual of the user interface. Turn off the unit before cleaning the air filter and air outlet.

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8 Troubleshooting
▪ Do NOT use gasoline, benzene, thinner polishing Applicable legislation on fluorinated greenhouse gases
powder or liquid insecticide. Possible consequence: requires that the refrigerant charge of the unit is indicated
Discoloration and deformation. both in weight and CO2 equivalent.
▪ Do NOT use water or air of 50°C or higher. Possible Formula to calculate the quantity in CO2 equivalent
consequence: Discoloration and deformation. tonnes: GWP value of the refrigerant × total refrigerant
charge [in kg]/1000
7.2.1 To clean the air filter Contact your installer for more information.

Air filter for this unit is an optional equipment. Refer to the ▪ The refrigerant in the system is safe and normally does
option list for available air filter option for your unit. NOT leak. If the refrigerant leaks in the room, contact
with a fire of a burner, a heater or a cooker may result
When to clean the air filter:
in a harmful gas.
▪ Rule of thumb: Clean every 6  months. If the air in the room is
▪ Turn OFF any combustible heating devices, ventilate
extremely contaminated, increase the cleaning frequency.
the room and contact the dealer where you purchased
▪ Depending on the settings, the user interface can display the the unit.
"Time to clean filter" notification. Clean the air filter when the
▪ Do NOT use the system until a service person confirms
notification displays.
that the portion where the refrigerant leaks is repaired.
▪ If the dirt becomes impossible to clean, change the air filter
(= optional equipment).
How to clean the air filter:
8 Troubleshooting
1 Remove the air filter (composed of 3 equal parts). For the
removal procedure 8  mm pre-filter refer to the reference guide If one of the following malfunctions occur, take the measures shown
of the indoor unit. For other air filter types refer to the below and contact your dealer.
installation manual of the filter chamber.
2 Clean the air filter. Use a vacuum cleaner or wash with water.
Stop operation and shut OFF the power if anything
If the air filter is very dirty, use a soft brush and neutral
unusual occurs (burning smells etc.).
Leaving the unit running under such circumstances may
cause breakage, electrical shock or fire. Contact your
The system MUST be repaired by a qualified service person.
Malfunction Measure
If a safety device such as a fuse, a Turn OFF all main power
circuit breaker or a residual current supply switches to the
device frequently actuates or the ON/ unit.
3 Dry the air filter in the shadow. OFF switch does NOT function properly.
4 Re-attach the air filter. If water leaks from the unit. Stop operation.

5 Turn ON the power. The operation switch does NOT function Turn OFF the power
properly. supply.
6 To remove warning screens, see the reference guide of the
If the user interface displays . Notify your installer and
user interface.
report the error code. To
display an error code see
7.2.2 To clean the air outlet the reference guide of the
user interface.
Do NOT let the indoor unit get wet. Possible If the system does NOT operate properly except for the above
consequence: Electrical shock or fire. mentioned cases and none of the above mentioned malfunctions is
evident, investigate the system in accordance with the following
Clean with a soft cloth. If it is difficult to remove stains, use water or procedures.
a neutral detergent.
Refer to the reference guide located on https://
7.3 About the refrigerant for more troubleshooting tips. Use the
This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases. Do NOT vent search function to find your model.
gases into the atmosphere.
If after checking all above items, it is impossible to fix the problem
Refrigerant type: R410A yourself, contact your installer and state the symptoms, the complete
model name of the unit (with manufacturing number if possible) and
Global warming potential (GWP) value: 2087.5
the installation date (possibly listed on the warranty card).

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9 Relocation

9 Relocation 10 Disposal
Contact your dealer to remove and reinstall the entire unit. Moving NOTICE
units requires technical expertise.
Do NOT try to dismantle the system yourself: dismantling
of the system, treatment of the refrigerant, oil and other
parts MUST comply with applicable legislation. Units
MUST be treated at a specialised treatment facility for
reuse, recycling and recovery.

For the installer

11 About the box
If the equipment is installed closer than 30  m to a
Keep the following in mind: residential location, the professional installer MUST
▪ At delivery, the unit MUST be checked for damage and evaluate the EMC situation before installation.
completeness. Any damage or missing parts MUST be reported
immediately to the claims agent of the carrier. CAUTION

▪ Bring the packed unit as close as possible to its final installation This equipment is NOT intended for use in residential
position to prevent damage during transport. locations and will NOT guarantee to provide adequate
protection to radio reception in such locations.
▪ Prepare in advance the path along which you want to bring the
unit to its final installation position. CAUTION
Appliance NOT accessible to the general public, install it in
11.1 Indoor unit a secured area, protected from easy access.
This unit, both indoor and outdoor, is suitable for
11.1.1 To remove the accessories from the installation in a commercial and light industrial
indoor unit environment.

1 Remove the accessories from the side of the unit. Air outlet ▪ Drainage. Make sure condensation water can be evacuated
flange is placed under the indoor unit. properly.

a b c d e f g h i ▪ Ceiling insulation. When conditions in the ceiling exceed 30°C

1× 1× 8× 49× 2× 1× 1× 2× 1× and a relative humidity of 80%, or when fresh air is inducted into
the ceiling, then additional insulation is required (minimum 10 mm
thickness, polyethylene foam).
▪ Protective guards. Make sure to install protective guards (field
supply) on the suction and discharge side to prevent somebody
from touching the fan blades or heat exchanger.
a Installation and operation manual
b General safety precautions ▪ Spacing. Mind the following requirements:
c Washers for hanger bracket

d Screws for duct flanges (M5×12)

e Hexagon head bolt (M10×40)
f Attached piping with sealing
g Tie wrap
h Spring washer c ≥650
i Air outlet flange (under the indoor unit)
d 470
e ≥790

12 Unit installation

12.1 Preparing the installation site

12.1.1 Installation site requirements of the (mm)
indoor unit A Minimum distance to the floor: 2.5 m to avoid
accidental touching
b Floor surface
The sound pressure level is less than 70 dBA. c Maintenance space
d Minimum required space of installation
INFORMATION e Minimum space for allowing downward slope 1/100 for
Equipment meets the requirement for commercial and
light-industrial location when professionally installed and ▪ Discharge grille. Minimum requirement installation height of
maintained. discharge grille ≥1.8 m.

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12 Unit installation
Service space and ceiling opening size e 1028
Make sure ceiling opening is big enough to ensure a sufficient
clearance for maintenance and service.
Top view:
a 1100 a

e 1526

a 1490

a Nut (field supply)

b Washer (accessories)
c Hanger bracket
d Double nut (field supply)
e Suspension bolt pitch
b ≥650

▪ Install the unit temporarily.


1 Attach the hanger bracket to the suspension bolt.

c 2 Fix it securely.

b ≥1143 (mm)
▪ Level. Make sure the unit is level at all four corners using a level
or a water-filled vinyl tube.
a Ceiling opening
b Service space
c Inspection hatch (600×600 mm)

Some options may require additional service space. Sees
the installation manual of the used option before a
a Water level
b Vinyl tube

12.2 Mounting the indoor unit 3 Tighten the upper nut.

12.2.1 Guidelines when installing the indoor unit Do NOT install the unit tilted. Possible consequence: If
▪ Ceiling strength. Check whether the ceiling is strong enough to the unit is tilted against the direction of the condensate flow
support the weight of the unit. If there is a risk, reinforce the ceiling (the drain piping side is raised), the float switch might
before installing the unit. malfunction and cause water to drip.

▪ For existing ceilings, use anchors. INFORMATION

▪ For new ceilings, use sunken inserts, sunken anchors or other Optional equipment. When installing optional equipment,
field supplied parts. also read the installation manual of the optional equipment.
b Depending on the field conditions, it might be easier to
a install the optional equipment first.

d For installation of the optional 8  mm pre-filter see the
e reference guide located on Use the
a Anchor search function to find your model.
b Ceiling slab
c Long nut or turnbuckle
d Suspension bolt 12.2.2 Guidelines when installing the ducting
e Indoor unit
▪ Suspension bolts. Use M10 suspension bolts for installation.
Attach the hanger bracket to the suspension bolt. Fix it securely In case of installation WITHOUT the duct on inlet side,
using a nut and washer from the upper and lower sides of the make sure to install the air filter. For more information refer
hanger bracket. to the option list of the indoor unit.

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12 Unit installation
CAUTION e Canvas duct (field supply)
f Aluminium tape (field supply)
▪ Make sure the installation of the duct does NOT exceed
▪ Filter. Be sure to attach an air filter inside the air passage on the
the setting range of the external static pressure for the
air inlet side. Use an air filter with dust collecting efficiency ≥50%
unit. Refer to the technical datasheet of your model for
(gravimetric method).
the setting range.
▪ Make sure to install the canvas duct so vibrations are 12.2.3 Guidelines when installing the drain
NOT transmitted to the duct or ceiling. Use a sound-
absorbing material (insulation material) for the lining of
the duct and apply vibration insulation rubber to the Make sure condensation water can be evacuated properly. This
hanging bolts. involves:
▪ When welding, make sure NOT to spatter onto the ▪ General guidelines
drain pan or the air filter.
▪ Connecting the drain piping to the indoor unit
▪ If the metal duct passes through a metal lath, wire lath
▪ Checking for water leaks
or metal plate of the wooden structure, separate the
duct and wall electrically.
General guidelines
▪ Install the outlet grille in a position where the airflow will
not come into direct contact with people. ▪ Pipe length. Keep drain piping as short as possible.

▪ Do NOT use booster fans in the duct. Use the function ▪ Pipe size. Keep the pipe size equal to or greater than that of the
to adjust the fan rate setting automatically (see connecting pipe (vinyl pipe of 25  mm nominal diameter and
"16 Configuration" [4 17]). 32 mm outer diameter).
▪ Slope. Make sure the drain piping slopes down (at least 1/100) to
The ducting is to be field supplied.
prevent air from being trapped in the piping. Use hanging bars as

1~1.5 m
4 a
a Hanging bar
Not allowed
c d c e f d ▪ Condensation. Take measures against condensation. Insulate
the complete drain piping in the building.
a Air inlet
b Air outlet ▪ Combining drain pipes. It is possible to combine drain pipes.
c Screws for duct flanges Use drain pipes and T-joints with the correct gauge for the
d Air outlet flange
e Air inlet flange
operating capacity of the units.
f Transportation case cover

1 Remove the air outlet flange from the transportation case cover.
2 Move and attach the air outlet flange to the air outlet side.
3 Fix the air outlet flange with the 34 screws for duct flanges a a
(accessory). a T-joint
4 Fix the air inlet flange using the remaining 15 screws for duct
flanges (accessory). To connect the drain piping to the indoor unit
5 Connect the canvas duct to the inside of the flange on both NOTICE
Incorrect connection of the drain hose might cause leaks,
6 Connect the duct to the canvas duct on both sides. and damage the installation space and surroundings.
7 Wind aluminium tape around the flanges and duct connections.
Make sure there are no air leaks at any other connection.
8 Insulate the ducts to prevent condensation from forming. Use
glass wool or polyethylene foam 25 mm thick.
a b c b a

a b
a Drain pipe connection
b Refrigerant pipes
d e f f e d
Drain piping connection
a Screws for duct flanges (accessory) 1 Pull out the drain plug.
b Flange (located on the unit)
c Main unit 2 Install the adapter for the drain hose (field supply).
d Insulation (field supply)

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13 Piping installation
3 Push the drain hose as far as possible over the adapter for the d Refrigerant pipes
drain hose. 5 Turn OFF the power.
4 Tighten the metal clamp until the screw head is less than 4 mm 6 Disconnect the electrical wiring.
from the metal clamp part.
▪ Remove the service cover.
5 Check for water leaks (see "To check for water leaks" [4 14]). ▪ Disconnect the power supply.
6 Install the insulation piece (drain pipe). ▪ Disconnect the user interface.
▪ Reattach the service cover.
a b c d e
When installation of the system is already completed
1 Start cooling operation (see the reference guide or the service
manual of the user interface).
2 Gradually pour approximately 1 l of water to the drain pan, and
check for leaks (see "When installation of the system is not yet
completed" [4 14]).

Indoor unit
BSP 1" internal thread
13 Piping installation
c Adapter (field supply)
d Metal clamp (field supply)
e Insulation material for drain pipe (field supply) 13.1 Preparing refrigerant piping
To check for water leaks
13.1.1 Refrigerant piping requirements
The procedure differs depending on whether installation of the
system is already completed. When installation of the system is not NOTICE
yet completed, temporarily connect the user interface and power The piping and other pressure-containing parts shall be
supply to the unit. suitable for refrigerant. Use phosphoric acid deoxidised
When installation of the system is not yet completed seamless copper for refrigerant piping.

1 Temporarily connect electrical wiring. ▪ Foreign materials inside pipes (including oils for fabrication) must
be ≤30 mg/10 m.
▪ Remove the service cover.
▪ Connect the power supply. Refrigerant piping diameter
▪ Connect the user interface.
▪ Reattach the service cover. Use the same diameters as the connections on the outdoor units:
Pipe outer diameter (mm)
Class Liquid pipe Gas pipe
200 Ø9.5 mm Ø19.1 mm
a 250 Ø9.5 mm Ø22.2 mm

Refrigerant piping material

▪ Piping material: phosphoric acid deoxidised seamless copper
▪ Flare connections: Only use annealed material.
▪ Piping temper grade and thickness:
c b Outer diameter Temper grade Thickness (t)(a)
9.5 mm (3/8") Annealed (O) ≥0.8 mm Ø
a User interface terminal block t
b Power supply terminal block 19.1 mm (3/4")
c Service cover with wiring diagram 22.2 mm (7/8")
2 Turn ON the power supply. (a)
Depending on the applicable legislation and the maximum
3 Start fan only operation (see the reference guide or the service working pressure of the unit (see "PS High" on the unit name
manual of the user interface). plate), larger piping thickness might be required.

4 Gradually pour approximately 1 l of water to the drain pan, and

check for leaks. 13.1.2 Refrigerant piping insulation
▪ Use polyethylene foam as insulation material:
▪ with a heat transfer rate between 0.041 and 0.052 W/mK (0.035
and 0.045 kcal/mh°C)
▪ with a heat resistance of at least 120°C
▪ Insulation thickness

a b c d

a Container with water

b Drain pan
c Drain outlet

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14 3P701545-1 – 2022.07
14 Electrical installation
Pipe outer diameter Insulation inner Insulation thickness CAUTION
(Øp) diameter (Øi) (t)
Do NOT reuse sealing (on the attached piping). Always
9.5 mm (3/8") 10~14 mm ≥13 mm use new sealing to prevent refrigerant gas leaks.
19.1 mm (3/4") 20~24 mm 3 Insulate the refrigerant piping on the indoor unit as follows:
22.2 mm (7/8") 23~27 mm
Øi a b a abe f a b a c a d e f

If the temperature is higher than 30°C and the humidity is higher

than RH 80%, the thickness of the insulation materials should be at A B
least 20  mm to prevent condensation on the surface of the
A Liquid piping
insulation. B Gas piping

a Insulation material (field supply)

13.2 Connecting the refrigerant piping b Cable tie (field supply)
c Attached piping (accessory)
DANGER: RISK OF BURNING/SCALDING d Hexagon head bolt and spring washer (accessory)
e Refrigerant pipe connection (attached to the unit)
f Unit
▪ For liquid piping, use a flare connection.
Make sure to insulate all refrigerant piping. Any exposed
▪ For gas piping, use the attached piping (accessory) piping might cause condensation.
and fix it with the hexagon head bolts and spring
washers (accessory)

13.2.1 To connect the refrigerant piping to the 14 Electrical installation

indoor unit
Install the refrigerant piping or components in a position
where they are unlikely to be exposed to any substance ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables.
which may corrode components containing refrigerant,
unless the components are constructed of materials that WARNING
are inherently resistant to corrosion or are suitably Use an all-pole disconnection type breaker with at least
protected against corrosion. 3  mm between the contact point gaps that provides full
▪ Pipe length. Keep refrigerant piping as short as possible. disconnection under overvoltage category III.

1 Connect the liquid piping to the unit using the flare WARNING
If the supply cord is damaged, it MUST be replaced by the
a b c d manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified
persons in order to avoid a hazard.

a Field piping WARNING

b Flare nut (attached to the unit)
c Refrigerant pipe connection (attached to the unit) Prevent hazards due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal
d Indoor unit cut-out: power to this appliance MUST NOT be supplied
through an external switching device, such as a timer, or
2 Connect the gas piping using the attached piping (accessory).
connected to a circuit that is regularly turned ON and OFF
Fix it to the unit using hexagon head bolts (M10×40)
by the utility.
(accessory) and spring washers (accessory). Place sealing (on
the attached piping) between the connection.
a b c d e f 14.1 Specifications of standard wiring
Component Class
200 250
a Field piping
b Hexagon head bolt (M10×40) Power MCA(a) 4.3 A 5.2 A
c Spring washer (accessory) supply cable Voltage 220~240 V/220 V
d Attached piping
e Sealing (on the attached piping) Phase 1~
f Indoor unit
Frequency 50/60 Hz
NOTICE Wire sizes 1.5 mm2 (3‑core wire)
▪ Join the attached piping (accessory) and the field H07RN-F (60245 IEC 66)
refrigerant piping (field supply) by brazing before fixing
Transmission wiring For specification refer to the installation
the attached piping to the unit.
manual of the outdoor unit
▪ Do NOT braze the refrigerant piping directly to the
indoor unit.

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14 Electrical installation
Component Class 5 Plastic clamp for tie wrap (for transmission cable): Pass tie
wraps through the plastic clamps and fasten to fix the cables.
200 250
User interface cable 0.75 to 1.25 mm2 (2‑core wire) 6 Cable clamp (for power supply cable): Fix the cable with the
cable clamp.
H05RN-F (60245 IEC 57)
Length ≤500 m
Recommended field fuse 6 A
Residual current device Must comply with applicable legislation
MCA=Minimum circuit ampacity. Stated values are maximum
values (see electrical data of indoor unit for exact values).

14.2 To connect the electrical wiring to a Plastic clamp for tie wrap
b Opening for cables
the indoor unit c Cable clamp

NOTICE 7 Wrap the sealing (field supply) around the cables to prevent
water from entering the unit. Seal all gaps to prevent small
▪ Follow the wiring diagram (delivered with the unit,
animals from entering the system.
located at the inside of the service cover).
8 Reattach the service cover.
▪ For instructions on how to connect the optional
equipment, see the installation manual delivered with Complete system examples
the optional equipment.
▪ 1 user interface controls 1 indoor unit.
▪ Make sure the electrical wiring does NOT obstruct
▪ Group control or 2 user interfaces control 1 indoor unit
proper reattachment of the service cover.
▪ With BS unit
It is important to keep the power supply and the transmission wiring
separated from each other. In order to avoid any electrical 1 user interface controls 1 indoor unit.
interference the distance between both wirings should ALWAYS be
at least 50 mm. TO IN/D TO OUT/D a

Be sure to keep the power line and transmission line apart
from each other. Transmission wiring and power supply
wiring may cross, but may NOT run parallel.
1 Remove the service cover.
N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2
2 User interface cable: Route the cable through the opening for b
cable, connect the cable to the terminal block (symbols P1, P2).
3 Transmission cable: Route the cable through the opening for
P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2
cable, connect the cable to the terminal block (make sure the c
symbols F1, F2 match with the symbols on the outdoor unit).
Bundle the transmission cable with the user interface cable and a Outdoor unit
fix them with a tie wrap on the wiring fixture. b Indoor unit
c User interface
4 Power supply cable: Route the cable through the frame and d Most downstream indoor unit
connect the cable to the terminal block (L, N, earth). Fix the
Group control or 2 user interfaces control 1 indoor unit
cable with a tie wrap on the wiring fixture.
a a

a Circuit breaker N L
b Residual current device
7 d

70~90 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2 N L P1 P2 F1 F2 T1 T2
P1P2 F1 F2

b b
P1 P2

c P1 P2 P1 P2


a Outdoor unit
b Indoor unit
c User interface
c d Most downstream indoor unit

With BS unit

a User interface cable and transmission cable

b Power supply cable
c Service cover with wiring diagram

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16 3P701545-1 – 2022.07
14 Electrical installation
Pipe outer diameter Insulation inner Insulation thickness CAUTION
(Øp) diameter (Øi) (t)
Do NOT reuse sealing (on the attached piping). Always
9.5 mm (3/8") 10~14 mm ≥13 mm use new sealing to prevent refrigerant gas leaks.
19.1 mm (3/4") 20~24 mm 3 Insulate the refrigerant piping on the indoor unit as follows:
22.2 mm (7/8") 23~27 mm
Øi a b a abe f a b a c a d e f

If the temperature is higher than 30°C and the humidity is higher

than RH 80%, the thickness of the insulation materials should be at A B
least 20  mm to prevent condensation on the surface of the
A Liquid piping
insulation. B Gas piping

a Insulation material (field supply)

13.2 Connecting the refrigerant piping b Cable tie (field supply)
c Attached piping (accessory)
DANGER: RISK OF BURNING/SCALDING d Hexagon head bolt and spring washer (accessory)
e Refrigerant pipe connection (attached to the unit)
f Unit
▪ For liquid piping, use a flare connection.
Make sure to insulate all refrigerant piping. Any exposed
▪ For gas piping, use the attached piping (accessory) piping might cause condensation.
and fix it with the hexagon head bolts and spring
washers (accessory)

13.2.1 To connect the refrigerant piping to the 14 Electrical installation

indoor unit
Install the refrigerant piping or components in a position
where they are unlikely to be exposed to any substance ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables.
which may corrode components containing refrigerant,
unless the components are constructed of materials that WARNING
are inherently resistant to corrosion or are suitably Use an all-pole disconnection type breaker with at least
protected against corrosion. 3  mm between the contact point gaps that provides full
▪ Pipe length. Keep refrigerant piping as short as possible. disconnection under overvoltage category III.

1 Connect the liquid piping to the unit using the flare WARNING
If the supply cord is damaged, it MUST be replaced by the
a b c d manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified
persons in order to avoid a hazard.

a Field piping WARNING

b Flare nut (attached to the unit)
c Refrigerant pipe connection (attached to the unit) Prevent hazards due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal
d Indoor unit cut-out: power to this appliance MUST NOT be supplied
through an external switching device, such as a timer, or
2 Connect the gas piping using the attached piping (accessory).
connected to a circuit that is regularly turned ON and OFF
Fix it to the unit using hexagon head bolts (M10×40)
by the utility.
(accessory) and spring washers (accessory). Place sealing (on
the attached piping) between the connection.
a b c d e f 14.1 Specifications of standard wiring
Component Class
200 250
a Field piping
b Hexagon head bolt (M10×40) Power MCA(a) 4.3 A 5.2 A
c Spring washer (accessory) supply cable Voltage 220~240 V/220 V
d Attached piping
e Sealing (on the attached piping) Phase 1~
f Indoor unit
Frequency 50/60 Hz
NOTICE Wire sizes 1.5 mm2 (3‑core wire)
▪ Join the attached piping (accessory) and the field H07RN-F (60245 IEC 66)
refrigerant piping (field supply) by brazing before fixing
Transmission wiring For specification refer to the installation
the attached piping to the unit.
manual of the outdoor unit
▪ Do NOT braze the refrigerant piping directly to the
indoor unit.

FXMQ-A Installation and operation manual

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3P701545-1 – 2022.07 15
16 Configuration
▪ T1/T2 input setting M SW — External static pressure (Pa)(1)
Setting: External static pressure 13(23) 6 01 50
02 75
03 100
▪ The fan speed of the indoor unit is preset to ensure the
standard external static pressure. 04 115
05 130
▪ To set a higher or lower external static pressure, reset
the initial setting with the user interface. 06 150

Settings for external static pressure can be achieved in 2 ways: 07 160

08 175
▪ Using the airflow automatic adjustment function
09 190
▪ Using the user interface
10 200
To set external static pressure by airflow automatic adjustment
11 210
12 220
13 230
▪ Do NOT adjust the dampers during the fan only 14 240
operation for airflow automatic adjustment.
15 250
▪ For the external static pressure higher than 100 Pa, do
NOT use airflow automatic adjustment function. Setting: Air volume when thermostat control is OFF
▪ If the ventilation paths have been changed, perform the This setting must correspond with the needs of the user. It
airflow automatic adjustment again. determines the fan speed of the indoor unit during thermostat OFF
▪ Test run MUST be done with a dry coil, run the unit for 2 hours
with fan only to dry the coil. 1 If you have set the fan to operate, set the air volume speed:

▪ Check if the power supply wiring, duct, air filter are properly If you want… Then(1)
attached. If the closing damper is installed in the unit, make sure it M SW —
is open. During thermostat LL(2) 12 (22) 6 01
▪ If there is more than one air inlet and outlet, adjust the dampers so OFF at cooling Setup volume(2) 02
that the airflow rate of each air inlet and outlet is conform with the operation
OFF(a) 03
designed airflow rate.
Monitoring 1(2) 04
1 Operate the unit in fan only mode prior to using the airflow
automatic adjustment function. Monitoring 2(2) 05
During thermostat LL 12 (22) 3 01
2 Stop the air conditioning unit.
OFF at heating Setup volume(2) 02
3 Set the value number “—“ to 03 for M 11(21) and SW 7. operation
OFF(a) 03
4 Start the air conditioning unit.
Monitoring 1(2) 04
Result: The operation lamp lights up and the unit starts the fan (2)
operation for airflow automatic adjustment. Monitoring 2 05
Only use in combination with optional remote sensor or when
5 After airflow automatic adjustment is finished (air conditioning
setting M 10 (20), SW 2, — 03 is used.
unit will stop) check if the value number “—“ is set to 02. If there
is no change, perform the setting again. Setting: Time to clean air filter
Setting content: Then(1) This setting must correspond with the air contamination in the room.
M SW — It determines the interval at which "Time to clean filter" notification
Airflow adjustment is OFF 11(21) 7 01 is displayed on the user interface.

Completion of automatic airflow adjustment 02 If you want an interval of… Then(1)

Start of automatic airflow adjustment 03 (air contamination) M SW —
±2500 h (light) 10 (20) 0 01
To set external static pressure by the user interface
±1250 h (heavy) 02
Check the indoor unit setting: the value number “—“ must be set to
01 for M 11(21) and SW 7. Notification ON 3 01
Notification OFF 02
1 Change the value number “—“ according to the external static
pressure of the duct to be connected as in table below.

Field settings are defined as follows:
• M: Mode number – First number: for group of units – Number between brackets: for individual unit
• SW: Setting number
• —: Value number
• : Default
Fan speed:
• LL: Low fan speed (set during thermostat OFF)
• L: Low fan speed (set by the user interface)
• Setup volume: The fan speed corresponds to the speed the user has set (low, medium, high) using the fan speed button on the user
• Monitoring 1, 2: The fan is OFF, but runs for a short time every 6 minutes to detect the room temperature by LL (Monitoring 1) or by L
(Monitoring 2).

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18 3P701545-1 – 2022.07
16 Configuration
Setting: Thermostat sensor selection If you want to Then(1) Example
This setting must correspond with how/if the remote controller set… M SW —
thermostat sensor is used.
0°C 12 (22) 4 01 cooling 24°C/heating
When the remote controller thermostat Then(1) 24°C
sensor is… M SW — 1°C 02 cooling 24°C/heating
Used in combination with indoor unit 10 (20) 2 01 23°C
thermistor 2°C 03 cooling 24°C/heating
Not used (indoor unit thermistor only) 02 22°C

Used exclusively 03 3°C 04 cooling 24°C/heating

Setting: Thermostat sensor in group control 4°C 05 cooling 24°C/heating
This setting must correspond with how/if the remote controller 20°C
thermostat sensor is used in group control. 5°C 06 cooling 24°C/heating
If you want to use… Then(1) 19°C
M SW — 6°C 07 cooling 24°C/heating
Unit sensor only (or remote sensor (if 10 (20) 6 01
installed))(a) 7°C 08 cooling 24°C/heating
Unit sensor (or remote sensor (if 02
installed)) AND remote controller sensor(b) Setting: Auto-restart after power failure
Depending on the needs of the user, you may disable/enable the
If setting 10(20)-6-01 + 10(20)-2-01 or 10(20)-2-02 or 10(20)-2-03 automatic restart after a power failure.
are set at the same time, then setting for group connection:
10(20)-6-01 has priority. If you want auto-restart after power Then(1)
If setting 10(20)-6-02 + 10(20)-2-01 or 10(20)-2-02 or 10(20)-2-03 failure… M SW —
are set at the same time, then setting 10(20)-2-01 or 10(20)-2-02
or 10(20)-2-03 have priority. Disabled 12 (22) 5 01
When the remote controller sensor is used in group control, set Enabled 02
10(20)-6-02 and 10(20)-2-03.
Setting: T1/T2 input setting
Setting: Thermostat differential changeover (if remote sensor is
Remote control is available by transmission the external input to the
terminals T1 and T2 on the terminal block for the user interface and
If the system contains a remote sensor, set the increase/decrease the transmission wiring.
F2 T1 T2
If you want to change increments to… Then(1)
M SW — OFF a
1°C 12 (22) 2 01
Input A b
0.5°C 02
a Forced OFF
Setting: Differential for automatic changeover b Input A
Set temperature difference between cooling setpoint and heating Wiring requirements
setpoint in automatic mode (availability depends on the system
Wiring specification Sheathed vinyl cord or 2-core
type). Differential is cooling setpoint minus heating setpoint.
Wiring size 0.75~1.25 mm2
Wiring length Maximum 100 m
External contact specification Contact that can make and break
the min. load of DC15 V · 1 mA

This setting must correspond with the needs of the user.

If you want to set… Then(1)
M SW —
Forced OFF 12 (22) 1 01
ON/OFF Operation 02
Emergency (recommended for alarm 03
Forced OFF - multi tenant 04
Interlocking setting A 05
Interlocking setting B 06

Field settings are defined as follows:
• M: Mode number – First number: for group of units – Number between brackets: for individual unit
• SW: Setting number
• —: Value number
• : Default

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17 Technical data
Symbol Meaning
17 Technical data
HAP Light emitting diode (service
▪ A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional monitor green)
Daikin website (publicly accessible).
HIGH VOLTAGE High voltage
▪ The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin IES Intelligent eye sensor
Business Portal (authentication required).
IPM* Intelligent power module
K*R, KCR, KFR, KHuR, K*M Magnetic relay
17.1 Wiring diagram L Live
L* Coil
17.1.1 Unified wiring diagram legend
L*R Reactor
For applied parts and numbering, refer to the wiring diagram on the M* Stepper motor
unit. Part numbering is by Arabic numbers in ascending order for
each part and is represented in the overview below by "*" in the part M*C Compressor motor
code. M*F Fan motor
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning M*P Drain pump motor
Circuit breaker Protective earth M*S Swing motor
MR*, MRCW*, MRM*, MRN* Magnetic relay
N Neutral
n=*, N=* Number of passes through ferrite
Connection Protective earth (screw) core
PAM Pulse-amplitude modulation
Connector A, Rectifier
PCB* Printed circuit board
Earth Relay connector PM* Power module
Field wiring Short-circuit connector PS Switching power supply
PTC* PTC thermistor
Fuse Terminal
Q* Insulated gate bipolar transistor
Indoor unit Terminal strip (IGBT)
Q*C Circuit breaker
Outdoor unit Wire clamp
OUTDOOR Q*DI, KLM Earth leak circuit breaker
Residual current Q*L Overload protector
device Q*M Thermo switch
Q*R Residual current device
Symbol Colour Symbol Colour
R* Resistor
BLK Black ORG Orange
R*T Thermistor
BLU Blue PNK Pink
RC Receiver
BRN Brown PRP, PPL Purple
S*C Limit switch
GRN Green RED Red
S*L Float switch
GRY Grey WHT White
S*NG Refrigerant leak detector
SKY BLU Sky blue YLW Yellow
S*NPH Pressure sensor (high)
Symbol Meaning S*NPL Pressure sensor (low)
A*P Printed circuit board S*PH, HPS* Pressure switch (high)
BS* Pushbutton ON/OFF, operation S*PL Pressure switch (low)
S*T Thermostat
BZ, H*O Buzzer
S*RH Humidity sensor
C* Capacitor
S*W, SW* Operation switch
AC*, CN*, E*, HA*, HE*, HL*, Connection, connector
SA*, F1S Surge arrester
HN*, HR*, MR*_A, MR*_B, S*, U,
V, W, X*A, K*R_*, NE SR*, WLU Signal receiver
D*, V*D Diode SS* Selector switch
DB* Diode bridge SHEET METAL Terminal strip fixed plate
DS* DIP switch T*R Transformer
E*H Heater TC, TRC Transmitter
FU*, F*U, (for characteristics, Fuse V*, R*V Varistor
refer to PCB inside your unit) V*R Diode bridge, Insulated-gate
FG* Connector (frame ground) bipolar transistor (IGBT) power
H* Harness
WRC Wireless remote controller
H*P, LED*, V*L Pilot lamp, light emitting diode
X* Terminal

Installation and operation manual FXMQ-A

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20 3P701545-1 – 2022.07
17 Technical data
Symbol Meaning
X*M Terminal strip (block)
Y*E Electronic expansion valve coil
Y*R, Y*S Reversing solenoid valve coil
Z*C Ferrite core
ZF, Z*F Noise filter

FXMQ-A Installation and operation manual

VRV system air conditioner
3P701545-1 – 2022.07 21
Copyright 2022 Daikin

3P701545-1 2022.07
Verantwortung für Energie und Umwelt

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