MAD Assignmentss

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Dead line- 22/04/2023

Mobile Application Development

 Assignment No.1

1. What is OHA? State the goal of OHA

2. Draw and explain Android System Architecture in detail.
3. Differentiate between Android OS and Windows OS
4. Explain the need of Android OS
5. Explain Android Ecosystem with diagram
6. List and explain features of Android
7. List various components of Android eco-system

 Assignment No.2

1. What is AVD? How to create and manage AVD?

2. Explain the term Emulator with example
3. Explain DVM in detail
4. Compare JVM and DVM
5. Write down all steps to install and configure Android Studio and Sdk
6. List various tools or IDE used for android application development

 Assignment No.3

1. List all the UI controls provided by android.

2. Describe the Directory Structure of Android
3. List various layout used in Android UI design
4. List various components of a screen
5. Develop an android application using Linear layout.
6. Develop an android application using Absolute layout.
7. Develop an android application using Frame layout.
8. Develop an android application using Table layout.
9. Develop an android application using Relative layout.
10. What are layouts?
11. Explain View and Viewgroup

 Assignment No.4
1. Design a rich UI using following UI components like
2. Develop an android application using AutoCompleteTextView
3. Write a program to show five checkboxes and toast selected checkboxes
4. Write a program to develop Circular Progress Bar.
5. List and explain various views available in Android with suitable example.
6. Develop application for date-time picker
7. Describe the significance of displaying alert

 Assignment No.5

1. Explain the term Intents in detail with example

2. Give example of Intent Filter for an activity
3. Draw and explain Activity life cycle
4. Explain Broadcast Lifecycle
5. What are content providers?
6. Explain Fragments Lifecycle in detail
7. List all the features of services
8. Draw and explain service life cycle
9. Give example of Android TextToSpeech (Program)
10.What are Sensors?
11.Explain in brief Intent Filter
12.Explain broadcast receivers
13. Explain multimedia framework in android
14. What is a SQLite database? Explain code to create database of your choice
in SQLite
15. Write a program to create a text field and a button “Navigate”. When you
enter “” and press navigate button it should open Google
16. Write a program to capture an image and display it using image view.
17.Explain ACID properties of transactions
18.Write a short note on AsyncTask Loader
20. Write a short note on Animation
21. What permissions are required to access Bluetooth?
22. Explain Property animation method to animate the properties of view object
with example.

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