Action Research

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Action Research Proposal

Name: Nikki Marie L. Morallos

Proposal Title: Improving Students’ Speaking Skills through Task-Based Learning

I. Action Research Questions

The researcher seeks to answer the following upon the Strategic Use of Podcasts in

Teaching English among Grade Nine (9) students:

1. Did Case Presentation Method improve the students‟ speaking accuracy at

class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency?

2. Did Case Presentation Method improve the students‟ speaking fluency at

class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency?

II. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Strategy

The result of the research was expected to be a meaningful input for the

teaching device that could help the teachers find their easy communicative way of

teaching the language and absolutely deal with the success of teaching speaking

proficiency in learning process and it was expected to be meaningful for the

students in learning the language so as to easily be able to understand and use it

then either in their classroom or outside. Besides that, it was also expected to be a

valuable reference for either the university, those who would do another research

relating to this case or the researcher for the English teaching improvement in


III. Action Research Methods

a. Participants/Other sources of Data

The scope of this research was limited to the application of Case

Presentation to improve students‟ speaking accuracy and fluencyat class XI of

SMA Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency which covered both accuracy

especially in grammar and fluency especially in smoothness.

b. Data Gathering

To gather data on the sample students, the scores of both the pre-test and the post-

test will be taken and these data will be encoded, tallied, and will statistically treated using

the mean, standard deviation, and t-test of significant difference.

The mean and the standard deviation will be used to determine the level of

performance of the controlled and experimental groups, whereas the t-test will be

employed to determine the significant difference of the mean scores of the results of the

pre-test and post-test of the two groups of student-respondents.

However, before the conduct of the action research, the teacher-researcher will seek

approval from the Principal of the School and the class advisers of the Grade 9 students of

University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman, Northern Samar through a formal letter.

c. Data Analysis Plan

To determine the performance of the Grade 9 students of University of Eastern

Philippines, Catarman, Northern Samar, the scores of both the pre-test and the post-test

will be taken and these data will be encoded, tallied, and will be statistically treated using

the mean, standard deviation, and t-test of significant difference.

The mean and the standard deviation will be used to determine the level of

performance of the controlled and experimental groups, whereas the t-test will be
employed to determine the significant difference of the mean scores of the results of the
pre-test and post-test of the two groups of student-respondents.

IV. Action Research Work Plan

This research would follow the principal working of Classroom Action

Research (C.A.R) that contains of four sorts, they were: Planning, Action,

Observation, and Reflection. This research wouldl be held around two cycles.

Activities Target Date Person/s Involved Remarks

1. Submission of the December 16, 2022 Action Research

Action Research Coordinator, Teacher-

Proposal researcher

2. Ask permission to January 16, 2023 UEP Laboratory High

conduct the action School teaching faculty,

research to the Principal, School principal, Grade 9

class adviser, and the respondents

school in general.

3. Final preparation January 25, 2023 Teacher-researcher

before the conduct of the

action research

4. Conduct of pre-test to February 8, 2023 School Principal, Class

the Grade 9 respondents adviser, Grade 9 students,

5. Gathering and February 8, 2023 School Principal, Class

Interpretation of data adviser, Teacher-researcher

from the pre-test results

6. Start of the The day after the pre- Class adviser, Grade 9

Implementation of test until the day students, Teacher-

podcasting in section before the post-test on researcher

Sampaguita the month of February


7. Conduct of the post- February 24, 2023 Class adviser, Grade 9

test to the Grade 9 students, Teacher-

respondents researcher

8. Gathering and February 24, 2023 School Principal, Class

Interpretation of data adviser, Teacher-researcher

from the post-test results

9. Final analysis and First week of March School Principal, Class

interpretation of the 2023 adviser, Teacher-researcher


10. Finalize the Action Second week of Teacher-researcher

Research March 2023

V. Coast Estimate
Activities Date Expenses Cost

1. Submission of the action December 16, 2022 Fare and food 200.00

research proposal

2. Asked permission to January 16, 2023 Fare and food 200.00

conduct the action research

to the Principal, class

adviser, and the school in


3. Conduct of the pre-test February 6, 2023 Printing and bond 500.00

and the post-test to the papers

Grade 9 respondents

4. Gathering and February 24, 2023 Bond papers, ball 1,000.00

Interpretation of data from pen, and snacks

the pre-test and post-test


5. Start of the February 7, 2023 Printing, bond papers, 2,000.00

Implementation of ball pen, and food

podcasting in teaching

section Sampaguita

6. Final analysis and March 3, 2023 Bond papers, ball 1,000.00

interpretation of the results pen, and snacks

VI. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

After reviewing the results of this action research proposal, the potential of the proposed

intervention will be analyzed by the student researcher. If the results show that podcasting

can help students in understanding English lessons, then the results of the study will be

shared throughout the English teachers in University of Eastern Philippines Laboratory

High School.

Moreover, the student researcher could help English teachers to prepare the audio

recordings. The teachers could use help in recording the lessons or through the

dissemination of podcast to the learners. With the teacher’s request, the student researcher

could also help in measuring the students’ grasp to the intervention by administering pre-

test and post-test assessment.

VII. References

Agustinah, (2010).Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method in Increasing

Student’ Achievement. A Thesis: Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Arikunto, (2008). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (eng.ver). Jakarta. PT. Bumi


Brown, H. D. (1994). Principles of language learning and teaching. (3 ed), London:


Harmer, J. (1998). How to teach English: An introduction to the practice of English

language teaching. Londan: Longman

………. (2001). The practice of English language teaching. London: Longman

………. (1983). The practice of English language teaching. London: Longman

VIII. Context and Rationale

However, it is very hard for the second language learners to speak the foreign

language, especially English. There are a lot of reasons why they get difficulties in speaking,

such as lack of ideas to tell, lack of vocabularies to express the ideas, lack of the exposure to

speak, and lack of the interesting teaching method or technique that can motivate them to

speak. Thus, this study aims to improve students' speaking skills at the University of Eastern

Philippines – Mian Campus, specifically . Based on interviews carried out to get initial data

on the students' speaking skills, it was shown that the students had problems in speaking due

to inadequate knowledge of the language which in turn made the students felt unconfident to

speak. The students were not familiar with various speaking activities facilitating them to

speak. They read text to convey ideas and a lack of strategies when speaking. To help the

students, task-based learning was adapted through an action research in one-semester courses.

Fifteen students in the third semester participated in this study. The data were taken from the

results of the pre-test to post-test, interview, and observation. The findings reveal that the

use of task-based learning helps the students improve their speaking skills of three indicators

assessed: accuracy, vocabulary, and comprehension. The students manage to complete the

tasks by conducting various activities through three phases of learning: the pre-task, task-

cycle, and form focus. They succeed in improving their speaking skills and gaining their

confidence. The students can evaluate their learning in pairs and group works.

In the world of globalization of era, English has increasingly become the

medium in every domain of communication, both in local and global contexts. As

a result, the demand for speakers using English effectively was neccessary in

every country. Teaching and learning English, except for the native language, is

thus crucial for communicative purposes to meet demands of global economics

and to cope with the growing local, national and international demands for

English skills. Khamkhien (2006:1).

English is a language as a means of communication requires a habit of

practice. Therefore, speaking is one of the skills that becomes a priority for all

people especially learners of English to learn. Students express their thoughts in

speaking but the fact shows that they sometimes find themselves bereft and

absolutely it gives bad impact to the English learning process. For this reason, the

researcher wants to emphasize on improving the Speaking Proficiency in the

English learning process.

The researcher considered a phenomenon among the students of SMA

Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency especially at class XI that‟s to say,

almost every one of them wishes to speak, but they found themselves difficult and

even bereft to express it. It was because they didnot have knowledge about

I. Action Research Questions

The researcher seeks to answer the following upon the Strategic Use of Podcasts in

Teaching English among Grade Nine (9) students:

1. Did Case Presentation Method improve the students‟ speaking accuracy at

class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency?

2. Did Case Presentation Method improve the students‟ speaking fluency at

class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency?

grammar and vocabulary meant the students were difficult to give and arrange

question correctly concern with WH-Questions and the auxiliary verb in simple

present form. Students were complicate to connect the subject with suitable

auxiliary and also cause of lack vocabulary when they were speaking that actually

can lead them from accuracy to fluency. This, of course, results in lacking

confidence to speak in which they were afraid of making mistakes.

Besides the problems above the method that the English teacher applied in

teaching English is conventional or not effective. The students were provided a

piece of paper which contain of a dialogue then they memorized and practiced it

in front of the class. This way made students monotonous because they were

demanded to focus on the text. Considering to the reasons above, then the

researcherfocused his attention on the speaking skill as one of the skills of


Based on the observation by Diagnostic Test the researcher got the data of

the class XI SMA Negeri 1 Campalagian, Polman Regency which consisted of 30

students, in average the students got 5.6 in English subject achievement, whereas

the target is 7.0. For the classification 2 students got 7.5 or 6,67 % was fairly

good, 4 students got 6.5 or 13.33 % was fair, 20 students got 5.5 or 66.67 % was

poor and 4 students got 3.5 or 13.33 % was very poor. This fact directly showed

us the weakness of the students in speaking skill especially in their accuracy and

fluency. The Use of Case Presentation Method to improve students‟ speaking

proficiency is to lead the students from accuracy to fluency. Examining the

influence of speaking proficiency. Using Case Presentation was rather difficult

and challenging, that‟s why the researcher was interested in observing it with the

given title “Improving Students’ Speaking Proficiency through Case.

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