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1. Abiotic environment does not include ______.


a)Air b)Water c)Soil d)Plants

2. Chief source of energy in the environment is ___. (understand)

a)Sun b)Fire c)Moon d)Stars

3. Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of ____. (Application)

a)Potential energy b)Metabollic energy

c)Heat d)Vapours

4. Which of the following is the example of the impact of development?

a)Air pollution b)Soil pollution

c)Noise pollution d)Water pollution

5.Formation of ozone is ____.

a)Oxidation reaction b)Rednots on reaction

c)Photochemical reaction d)None of the above

6. Which of the following is not a type of environment?

a)Physical b)Man-Made c)Social d)Hydrosphere

7. Social environment includes ____. (understand)

a)traditions b)Ethics c) d)All of the above

8. Physical environment is also called as ____. (Application) a)Abiotic

environment b)Basic environment

c)Man-made environment d)Psychological environment

9. The term environment is derived from an old.The French word “enviro”

means_____. (Read)

a)Outside b)inside c)Surroundings d)Biotic community

10.Which of the following is not true impact of acid rain? (understand)

a)Acidication of soil b)Deterioation of buildings

c)Loss of crops d)improve taste of water

11. Major cause of incease in population is ___ (Application)

a)decrease in birth b)decrease in mortality

c)illiteracy d)None of the above

12. Which of the following is not a component of 4Rs? (Read)

a)Reduce b)Reself c)Reuse d)Recover

13. Which of the following is not a recyclable waste? (understand)

a)Metal b)Plastic c)Sand d)Recover

14.The 4Rs principle is applicable for___. (Application)

a)Public awareness b)Environmental protection

c)Saving natural resources d)All of the above

15. Layer which saves life from harmful effects of UV radiation is___ (Read)

a)Ozone layer b)Alpha layer c)Gama layer d)Infrared layer

16. Greenhouse gas which is present in very high quantity is____ (understand)

a)Propane b)Ethane c)Carbon dioxide d)Methane

17. Burning of fossil fuels (Application)

a)Decrease green house gases. b)Increase green house gases

c)Increase level of oxygen c)Increase level of Ethane

18. One which is not considered as a naturally occurring greenhouse gas is (Read)

a)Carbon dioide b)Methane c)Nitrogen oxide d)Ethane

19. The most harmful environmental pollution from a nuclear reactor is (understand)

a)Radioactivity b)Particulate formation

c)Thermal pollution d)Noise pollution

20. Height of ozone above the surface of earth is (Application)

a)30-50 kms b)10-20 kms c)15-30 kms d)50-10 kms

21. Ozone layer is found in (Read)

a)Thermosphere b)Stratosphere c)Troposphere d)Mesosphere

22. What type of radiation is trapped on the earths surface

a)UV rays b)R-rays c)X-rays d)IR rays

23.Biotic environment includes (Application)

a)Producers b)Consumers c)Decomposers d)All of the above

24. Green house gas which is present in very high quantity is (understand)

a)Propane b)Ethane c)Carbondioxide d)Methane

25. Color of the ozone molecule is (Application)

a) Blue b)White c)Pale yellow d)Pale green

26. 71% of the earths surface is covered with (Read) a)Land b)Air

c)Water d)Coal

27.Total of the water on the earth,Freshwater reserves (understand)

a)70% b)2.7% c)27% d)8.9%

28. Nitrous oxide (commonly called laughing gas) has been a matter of concern to

a)it is thought to cause career at low concentration

b)it produces photochemical smog

c)is is a green house gas

d)none of the above

29. When trees are cut amount of oxygen

a) Deserves b) Increases c)Both a and b d)Remains same

30. Which metals are used for making jewellery? (understand)

a)Sodium,Potassium b)Zinc,Tungston

c)Iron,copper,aluminium d)Gold,silver,platinium

31. Energy resources derived from natural organic materials are called (Read)

a)Geothermal energy sources

b)Forest fuels


d)All of the above

32. Forest is responsible for (understand)

a)Watershed protection

b)Land erosion control

c)Providing economic and environmental benefits

d)All of the above

33. Which energy is converted into electrical energy by a solar cell? (Read)

a)Chemical energy b)Nuclear energy

c)Solar energy d)Magnetic energy

34. Which of the following is an example of cyclic resources? (Application)

a)Water b)Oil c)Coal d)None of above

35. _______ tidal energy is need to rotate turbines and generator

a)Fuel b)Water c)Salt d)Electricity

36. When need turns into greed it starts (Read)

a)Overpollution b)Conservation c)Both a and b d)None of above

37. ____is one of the solutions for conserving natural resources.

a)forestration b)Deforestration c)Mining d)

38)Biomass means all materials which come from_____ (understand)

a)Living organisms b)Non-Living things

c)Both a & b d)None

39. Plants get their nitrogen from____. (understand)

a)Rain b)soil c)Air d)Bed rock

40. Pollination by wind is caused (Read)

a)Antogainy b)Entomiphily c)Anemophily d)Ormithophily

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