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Graduate School
Current Issues & Problems in Philippine Education
Lecturer: Karla C. Salvallon, Ph.D.


MAPE 213
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● DIRECTIONS: Read carefully the following questions/statements, and answer



Answer the following questions:

1. Education is for many an escape route away from poverty. As an educator what is your
stand about this?
- For me as an educator, Yes. Education is the best way to have a good life in the
future. You will be more educated and aware to everything you do. Better degree,
Better salary, Better Life.. and having a good education can make our country Better.

2. What are some diversity issues found in your respective schools? Discuss your
- Religion
While you know that not everyone worships in the same way—and that some don’t
worship at all—it’s good to familiarize yourself with the ways religious traditions and
requirements can impact your students’ behaviors and free time.
A student’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity can become a point of conflict in
their lives. It shouldn’t also be a point of conflict in the classroom.

3. Inclusive education aims to build a society that promotes equal opportunity for all
citizens to participate in and contribute to the development of the nation. List at least five
challenges, teachers encounter in implementing inclusive education.
- teachers lack of knowledge of the types of learners,
- indiscipline cases
- heavy workload demanding more time
- teachers' negative attitude towards disabled
- no facilities for teachers and learners

4. What can schools do about cases of bullying?

- The teacher plays an important role in the management of classroom bullying. They
can monitor bullying incidents, they might intervene in support of the victim or the
bully, and/or they can discuss the relevance of a positive class climate with the
group. Students expect teachers to actively intervene when bullying occurs.

5. In this time of pandemic, both students and teachers are experiencing cyber bullying, is
there any provision in the Philippine Law which can protect both the students and
teachers from this? If given c chance to add to this provision, what will be your additional
recommendation to this to ensure safer learning environment?
- Under Republic Act No. 10175,[5] or the Cybercrime Prevention Act, any person
found guilty of committing the unlawful or prohibited acts of libel, as defined in
Revised Penal Code particularly under Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, the
perpetrator may be punished with prision correccional in its maximum period to


CPSU as the leading CPSU is committed to produce competent To provide efficient, quality,
technology-driven multi- graduates who can generate and extend technology-driven and gender-
disciplinary University by leading technologies in multi-disciplinary sensitive products and services
2030 areas beneficial to the community.
Graduate School
Current Issues & Problems in Philippine Education
Lecturer: Karla C. Salvallon, Ph.D.

prision mayor in its minimum period or amounting to a fine as determined by the

However, the provision only applies to the original author of the online libel and
not to other person who just simply received the post or who shares and or who just
reacted to it.
Thus, Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code defines libel as the public and
malicious attribution [imputation] of a crime, that is real or imaginary, or that of
any act, omission, or a circumstance that tend to cause the dishonor, discredit, or
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who is
Additional to this who are given guilty of cyberbullying, Should have a public
apology for the victims.

6. Senate Bill 75, an Act known as the "No Filipino Child Left Behind Act of 2010”, as a
teacher in the field, what is your opinion in the implementation of this act? Does it affects
the dropout rates?
- As a teacher I like this act because it helps every Filipino children to be send in
school instead of working to hard to earn money. This bill aims to promote
compulsory education for children of compulsory school age, providing only for
limited special circumstances for exemption, directing the local government units,
particularly in the barangay level, to be directly involved in the monitoring of the
education of children under their areas of jurisdiction and the Department of
Education to formulate the necessary curriculum for learning.

7. Education is a continuous process, pandemic brought a lot of challenges to everyone,

and it is almost two year of the implementation of Flexible Learning, what are your
personal assessment to the said mode of learning modality? Is it effective or not? Why?
Why not?
- For me, it is not effective, there are learnings who would just answer there module
with even reading the whole learning material. Their aim for this learning is just to
finish the module without even understanding it just to make it on time to pass it.
There is no learning in this way that’s is not only my opinion but most of the learners

8. The Department of Education (DepEd) said the pilot run of limited face-to-face classes
in the country will conclude by the end of December so health officials can assess
whether the agency could already start the expansion phase. In the first week of 2022,
based on the current concern faced by the government (typhoon, new variant) will
DepEd expand to the next phase of the limited face to face classes? Why? Why not?
- DepEd should expand to the next phase of the limited face to face classes, other
countries could do it, “Why Not Philippines?”

9. In the implementation of the K-12 program, do you think the main goal and objectives of
the K – 12 has been meet and effective among learners?
- Yes, K-12 students are more prepared in joining the workplace, as the aim of this
program is to enhance their skills and prepare themselves for the lifelong jobs.

10. Curriculum review usually consider the four main process, discuss these process and
why we need to undergo such process.
- The Curriculum Review Process plays a key role in upholding and disseminating the
core values fundamental to our success: accountability, collaboration, continuous
learning, rigorous standards, proactive partnerships, respect, and responsiveness.
Through the Curriculum Review Process we build the excellent academic programs
that reinforce our position as a comprehensive model urban university and continue


CPSU as the leading CPSU is committed to produce competent To provide efficient, quality,
technology-driven multi- graduates who can generate and extend technology-driven and gender-
disciplinary University by leading technologies in multi-disciplinary sensitive products and services
2030 areas beneficial to the community.
Graduate School
Current Issues & Problems in Philippine Education
Lecturer: Karla C. Salvallon, Ph.D.

to build on our academic excellence by offering programs that respond to the needs
and demands of our communities’ employers, that prepare our graduates with skills
and knowledge needed to compete in a globalized 21st century, and by innovating
our academic offerings and the way we deliver them. Specifically, we pursue new
academic programs and concentrations relevant to student interest reflecting current
workforce trends and demands and provide access through diverse instructional
modalities (online/hybrid) to increase student access, flexibility and retention.

11. Why change NCBTS to PPST? And Why is it important among teachers?
- This happens upon the signing into policy of DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2017 on the
National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for
- It is important to us teachers, the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers can
be used in: (i) endorsing programs for initial teacher education; (ii) registering and
accrediting teachers; (iii) raising the quality of professional learning; (iv) identifying
and recognizing exemplary high level practice; (v) developing standards for
leadership; (vi) establishing a consistent evaluation/assessment process associated
with each Career Stage that preserves the integrity of the PPST; and (vii)
maintaining an efficient documentation process associated with achievement of the
Indicators across Career Stages.

12. Why do we really need to ensure quality education to everyone?

- Quality Education is for everyone, education can break the poverty to our country. It
enables people to lead a healthier and more sustainable life and it is essential to
foster tolerance and peaceful societies.


CPSU as the leading CPSU is committed to produce competent To provide efficient, quality,
technology-driven multi- graduates who can generate and extend technology-driven and gender-
disciplinary University by leading technologies in multi-disciplinary sensitive products and services
2030 areas beneficial to the community.

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