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Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79

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Localization and distribution of Zn and Fe in grains of biofortified

bread wheat lines through micro- and triaxial-X-ray
fluorescence spectrometry夽
P. Cardoso a , T.C. Mateus a , G. Velu b , R.P. Singh b , J.P. Santos a , M.L. Carvalho a ,
V.M. Lourenço c , F. Lidon d , F. Reboredo d , M. Guerra a, *
Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação (LIBPhys-UNL), Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Monte da Caparica, Caparica 2892-516, Portugal
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Apdo postal 6-641, Mexico DF, Mexico
GeoBioTec & Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica 2829-516, Portugal
GeoBioTec, Departamento de Ciências da Terra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica 2829-516, Portugal


Article history: X-ray fluorescence analysis has been performed in wheat grains from a field trial where some biofortified
Received 17 October 2017 and non-biofortified wheat varieties were subjected to Zn biofortification through soil fertilizer application.
Received in revised form 15 January 2018 A set of ten biofortified and non-biofortified wheat varieties developed at the International Maize and Wheat
Accepted 17 January 2018 Improvement Center, Mexico, were used for this study. Two analytical methods were employed to inves-
Available online 31 January 2018
tigate the contents and localization of the trace metals Zn and Fe within the grains, one with polarized
monochromatic X-rays for lower limits of detection, and another featuring polycapillary lenses for micro-
metric beam size (l-EDXRF). Elemental maps were obtained with l-EDXRF allowing for the study of Zn and
Fe localization in plants grown in normal and Zn-enriched soil. It is acknowledged that the biofortification
procedures result in around 30% average increase in overall Zn concentration when compared to other high
Zn genotypes grown in normal soil. A genotypic ranking was performed taking into account the influence
of the measurement methods and field conditions and the obtained results show that two of the top three
varieties regarding zinc contents also rank among the top three in terms of Fe concentration. Elemental
mapping analysis seems to favor the use of integral flour for the manufacture of bread and pasta products,
as the bran retains most of the minerals.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (XRF) spectrometers are widespread commercial and academic solu-

tions for elemental analysis [5,6]. They offer fast elemental analysis,
Biological systems that are complex and heterogeneous have a with low costs of operation, no sample preparation or destruction
large interest for the atomic and molecular spectroscopy community and a wide number of identifiable elements. Even though compet-
as they provide a huge challenge in obtaining detailed information of ing techniques such as Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrom-
the inherent microscopic features. This interest has been intensified etry (ICP-MS) [7], Scanning Electron Microscope coupled to Energy
towards the elemental analysis of biological tissues whose primary Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS) [8], nano Secondary Ion Mass
purpose is to be consumed as food [1–4]. As the benefits and dis- Spectrometry (nanoSIMS) [9] and Synchrotron Radiation micro-XRF
advantages of having certain nutrients in our diets become clearer, (SR-XRF) [10], usually offer better lateral resolution and lower limits
the need for quantifying and mapping these elements in the bio- of detection they are not as efficient in terms of time, operation cost
logical systems that host them rises. Bench-top X-Ray Fluorescence and complexity of sample preparation. Cereal grains are heteroge-
neous biologic tissues whose analysis benefits from techniques such
as l-XRF because of the micro sized elemental localization and imag-
ing [11]. Out of all the cereals, rice seems to be the most researched
夽 Selected Paper from the Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XL (CSI due to its primordial role in Asian countries’ diet. The in vivo mineral
2017), Pisa, Italy, 11–16 June 2017.
* Corresponding author.
distribution patterns in rice grains and shifts in those distribution
E-mail address: (M. Guerra). patterns during progressive stages of germination were analyzed by
0584-8547/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79 71

synchrotron X-ray microfluorescence [7] in parallel with the evalua- compare with non-biofortified control wheat species looking for ele-
tion of mineral concentrations in whole rice grains, hulls, brown rice, ment variation across all species as well as discuss the genotype
bran and polished rice by inductively coupled plasma mass spec- ranking of Zn content. Through multi-elemental imaging we seek
troscopy (ICP-MS). Also, Iwai et al. [12] studied the dynamic changes to determine where each element is localized and see where Zn in
in the distribution of some nutritionally important nutrients (P, Ca, particular is most prevalent. As we are able to determine not only
K, Fe, Zn, Cu) in relation to the accumulation of phytic acid during the selected nutrients but also other elements, research was also
rice seed development by both inductively coupled plasma optical- directed towards understanding how these impact the final product
emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and micro-XRF imaging analysis. after food processing. Fe is also a very important nutrient, and in
Other elements with well-known effects on public health might also light of what has been said before about hidden hunger of developing
be detected - As and Hg have been measured and their distribu- countries, we have also performed an analysis of Zn/Fe association
tion mapped in brown rice samples collected in Korea by use of as well as genotype ranking for this element. From another stand
the ICP-MS with laser ablation [13,14]. In this context, the need point, for food processors it is very important to maximize beneficial
to study the total concentration and the elemental distribution of nutrients and eliminate unwanted toxic elements.
particular micronutrients, especially iron and zinc, in other major
food seed crops such as wheat, maize, barley, rye, is a reason of 2. Materials and methods
concern since nutrient dietary deficiency is a worldwide epidemic
that affects more than two billion people according to the World 2.1. Plants
Health Organization (WHO) [15]. Zinc deficiency is a global nutri-
tional problem, particularly affecting infants, children, adolescents, A set of ten biofortified and non-biofortified wheat varieties devel-
pregnant, and lactating women due to the increasing requirements oped at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
for the element. Furthermore, zinc deficiency during growth peri- (CIMMYT), Mexico were used for this study. Wheat varieties included
ods results in growth failure - epidermal, gastrointestinal, central in the study are: first semi-dwarf green revolution varieties (Sonalika
nervous, immune, skeletal, and reproductive systems are the organs and Siete Cerros T66), a synthetic-hexploid derived drought-tolerant
most affected clinically by zinc deficiency [16]. In this case, deficiency soft wheat variety ‘Vorobey’, and Baj, an early-maturing variety which
is linked with a physiological state that increases the Zn require- in this work will be used as control as it is a non-biofortified but
ments but in others, deficiencies may well be attributed to both inad- high-yielding genotype. As another control sample, we will also use
equate intakes of dietary zinc (rural diets in developing countries are the ‘Borlaug 100’ which is a recently released high-yielding wheat
plant-based mainly) and disease states that induce excessive losses variety with no previous fortification. In this work, 5 biofortifed high
or impair utilization of Zn [17]. Additionally, clinical diagnosis of Zn wheat lines from the biofortification breeding program will be
Zn deficiency in humans remains problematic - blood plasma/serum studied as well, namely Zinc Shakti (Sample #1 and #8) which is a
zinc concentration, dietary intake, and stunting prevalence are the high Zn and Fe density genotype with +14 lg/g Zn over local vari-
best known indicators so far [16]. eties and is being grown by more than 250,000 farmers in India, and
Nutrient supplements are the main medical response in devel- Zincol2016 (sample #7) is a recently released high Zn wheat variety
oped countries but, due to economic reasons, may be of difficult in Pakistan that is being adopted in more than 25,000 ha in Pakistan.
access in developing countries. They provide high intakes of the
micronutrients needed by the subjects, but may also introduce 2.2. Field trials
unwanted elements to their diet [18]. Biofortified cereals are a
natural solution as staple food constitutes the largest part of the Field trials were conducted at the Norman E. Borlaug Experimen-
diet in various countries [2]. Regardless of whether cereals are tal Station in Ciudad Obregon, Mexico during 2013–14 crop seasons.
biofortified through selective breeding, nutrient rich fertilizers or The experimental materials (samples 7–11) were produced from
genetic manipulation, various studies have found major increments the Zn-enriched area where basal application of 25 kg ha- 1 ZnSO4 •
of selected micronutrients in biofortified species [19–22], although 7H2 O was applied to minimize soil Zn heterogeneity in the exper-
some authors claim that biofortification with zinc may improve the imental fields. The rest of the samples (1–6) was produced under
serum zinc status of populations if zinc is the sole micronutrient optimum growing conditions with recommended rates of NPK fer-
used for fortification. If zinc is added to food in combination with tilizers which were applied as basal and top-dressings during the
other micronutrients, it may make little or no difference to the crop growing season. Optimal water was supplied through five irri-
serum zinc status [23]. Also, some current agronomic practices where gation systems during the crop period to favor good plant stand. The
phosphorus fertilization is used, has a negative effect on the zinc trial was laid out in alpha-lattice design with two checks with two
content of wheat grains due to the antagonism effect of phospho- replicates. Each entry, with approximately 60–70 seeds, was grown
rus [24], in a similar way of phytic acid - the storage compound of in 1 m long paired rows, spaced 20 cm apart on top of 80 cm wide
phosphorus in seeds, which has the capability of strongly binding raised beds, with a 0.5 m pathway. Pesticides were applied as needed
to metallic cations, thus rendering them unavailable for intestinal to keep experimental plots free from diseases and aphids.
mucosa absorption. Hence, the overall Zn content in the grains is
not the only important feature of Zn-biofortification, but also its 2.3. Analytical methods
potential bioavailability which can also be altered in the food final
production stages [25]. Another important issue of biofortification 2.3.1. EDXRF with triaxial geometry
studies is that the enrichment of cereal grains or fruits in particular The energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence setup used in this work
nutrients for example, must take into account the threshold of tox- consists of a commercial X-ray tube (Philips, PW 1140; 100 kV,
icity since the excess of iron or zinc may reduce yield and interfere 80 mA), equipped with a molybdenum (Mo) changeable secondary
in the ionic balance of other elements [26–28] although soil-plant target in a triaxial geometry [30]. With this setup we obtain a nearly
interactions also played a crucial role in regulating the mineral load monochromatic source, with the Ka and Kb lines of Mo, with energies
achieving the desired enriched targets [28,29]. In the current work of 17.44 and 19.60 keV. The X-ray tube, the secondary target and the
we want to show the suitability of bench-top micro-XRF and tri- sample are in a triaxial geometry with 90◦ angles between the tube,
axial energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence EDXRF for analysis and secondary target, sample and the detector in order to decrease the
imaging of cereal grains. In particular we will thoroughly study Zn background by polarization of the incident radiation as well as min-
biofortified wheat grains from different genotypes (10 in total) and imizing Rayleigh and Compton scattering [31]. Both the X-ray beam
72 P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79

emitted by the secondary target and subsequently by the sample M4 Tornado x, y, z translation stage for analysis. Since we were able
are collimated throughout two silver tubes in order to reduce the to analyze only a single grain with l-EDXRF, due to beamtime con-
angular divergence and effectively improving the detection limits. straints, and the EDXRF with triaxial geometry required at least 6
Due to the out-of-plane incidence, the X-ray spot at the sample ground grains, the measurements across both methods were not per-
has an elliptic form, with a horizontal axis of approximately 20 mm formed on the same grain. Measurements were taken under 20 mbar
and a vertical axis of approximately 15 mm. The X-ray detector is vacuum conditions and performed directly on the two sides of the
a liquid nitrogen cooled Si(Li) detector, with a 30 mm2 active area grains. The maps were performed with a pixel spacing of 15 lm, in
and 8 lm Be window. The energy resolution is 138 eV for Mn Ka and order to completely cover the grain, with a measuring time of 6 ms
the acquisition system is a Nucleus PCA card with pulse processing per pixel, and the final images were created with the built-in soft-
and dead time corrections, automatically adjusted by a commercial ware from the M4 TornadoTM , ESPRIT. The obtained mass fractions
pulse processor (Oxford). The operating conditions of this system were not corrected to the total grain’s biomass, and hence the values
for all analyzed spectra were 50 kV and 20 mA. Quantification of for the individual structures within the grain naturally present much
the spectra was performed with an in-house developed code based higher concentration than values for the whole grain. This is due to
on the fundamental parameters method and checked against sev- the fact that the endosperm, which accounts for more than 80% of the
eral standard reference materials, such as orchard leaves (NBS-1571), grain biomass, is mainly composed of low atomic weight elements
Poplar Leaves (GBW 07604) and Bush Branches (GBW 07603) which that cannot be measured by this technique.
share a biological matrix with the wheat grains composed essen- The geometrical constraints of the spectrometer do not allow
tially of hydrocarbons. The wheat samples were prepared by grinding the X-ray beam to hit the sample perpendicularly, instead the sam-
6 grains in a mortar and the resulting powder was pressed under ple is irradiated from the side at a 50◦ angle, making a 100◦ angle
10 tons of force for 2 min. The obtained pellet was then glued with a with the detector. Most of the times, this results in shadows in the
hydrocarbon glue onto a mylar sheet and placed on an acrylic frame elemental maps, which have to be analyzed bearing this in mind.
which was then positioned at a 90◦ angle between the incoming X- With the object area selection tool of the software we were able
ray beam and the detector. Three measurements were performed for to select subsets of the whole elemental map, corresponding to dif-
each sample in order to minimize statistical errors. ferent structures within the grain, namely the embryo, endosperm,
vascular bundle as well as the whole grain as can be seen in Fig. 1. In
2.3.2. l-EDXRF the cases where either the vascular bundle or the embryo was sev-
All elemental maps of the wheat grains were obtained using ered upon slicing of the grain, the structures, easily identified in the
the micro-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (l-EDXRF) system elemental maps, were properly delimited within the maps in order
(M4 TornadoTM , Bruker, Germany). This commercial spectrometer to obtain a more reliable quantification. In Fig. 1 a) it is easily seen
consists of an air-cooled micro-focus side window Rh-anode X-ray that the vascular bundle was sliced during sample preparation, and
tube, powered by a low-power HV generator. The system features the chosen areas for quantification, on both halves of the grain, were
poly-capillary X-ray optics, which allow a beam spot size of around chosen so that only the signal from that structure was processed.
22 lm for Rh Ka . In all of the measurements, the X-ray generator was Quantification of the pixel sum spectra of these selected regions was
operated at 50 kV and 100 lA without the use of filters, in order to performed with the fundamental parameters method of the ESPRIT
enhance the ionization of low-Z elements without compromising the software.
peak-to-background ratio for medium-Z elements such as Zn.
Detection of the fluorescence radiation is performed by an 3. Results and discussion
energy-dispersive silicon drift detector, XFlashTM , with a 30 mm2
sensitive area and an energy resolution of 142 eV for Mn Ka . As in 3.1. Whole grain
previous studies, the wheat grains were cut in half longitudinally,
along the crease tissue, with a stainless steel, platinum coated razor For the whole grain quantification, we employed both the l-
blade. The absence of platinum L-lines on the X-ray spectra guar- EDXRF method and the high-sensitivity analytical method EDXRF
antees us that no Fe contamination was induced upon cutting the with a triaxial geometry as described in the Materials and Methods
grain. The two halves of the longitudinally cut grains were then glued Section. Both methods will be labeled M1 and M2 from now on for
onto a mylar foil with the inner sides upward, and placed on the simplicity. The final mass fractions for the whole grain were then

Fig. 1. Elemental map of two grains corresponding to different samples, highlighting the anatomical structure selection procedure. In a) it can be seen that the vascular bundle
was severed upon sample preparation, while in b) one can see that the vascular bundle has remained solely on one side of the cut grain.
P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79 73

Table 1 be related, not only to the grain to grain variation within a spike [32]
Concentration group means and standard errors of Zn and Fe for genotypes (across for Zn and Fe (note that the measurements of both methods were not
methods and soils), methods (across genotypes and soils) and soils (across genotypes
and methods) in the case of the whole grain data. The notation nG , nM , nN and nE
performed on the same grain), but also to the fact that the sample
refer to the number of measurements used to compute the means in the case of the preparation for the elemental mapping in M1 exposes the vascu-
genotypes, methods, normal and enriched soils, respectively. lar part and embryo of the grain to the excitation beam, effectively
Genotype Zn (lg/g) Fe (lg/g) increasing the metal concentration readings. As Zn is much more
spread out throughout the grain than Fe, and it typically has a slightly
G1 82(17) 93(30)
lower concentration, the lack of self-absorption within the exposed
G2 73(8) 61(24)
G3 77(1) 48(12) layers leads to an apparent enhancement of the Fe concentrations.
G4 65(10) 54(10) Since we cannot rule out some other effect being at play here, the
G5 63(3) 46(12) genotype concentrations have been calculated as a weighted aver-
G6 57(9) 43(14) age of the M1 and M2 results, taking into account the sample size
G7 40(8) 68(31)
G8 80(15) 80(37)
for each individual measurement (as explained before). Poor cali-
G9 70(10) 65(34) bration within the quantification procedures has been ruled out by
G10 68(23) 64(30) comparing quantification results of the 3 standard reference mate-
nG = 2 concentrations per genotype (G2,. . . ,G10); rials referred to in Section “EDXRF with triaxial geometry” with the
nG1 = 4 concentrations for genotype G1.
two methods. Note, however, that the standard reference materi-
als are sold in powder form and a pellet was made for analysis.
Method Zn (lg/g) Fe (lg/g)
This means that the assumptions of the quantification methodolo-
M1 74(17) 81(23) gies were met, for both techniques, regarding the standard reference
M2 64(13) 49(20) materials, unlike what happens with the analysis of a sliced grain
nM = 11 concentrations per method.
with method M1. Here, the greatest differences are observed in the
cases of genotypes G6-G10, which are the ones coming from the zinc
Soil Zn (lg/g) Fe (lg/g)
enriched soil. In addition, measurements obtained from M1 show
Normal 63(14) 60(25) more variability (Table 1; Method - standard errors), which should
Enriched 76(16) 71(28) be related to the fact that only one grain was analyzed with M1 for
nN = 6 ∗ 2 & nE = 5 ∗ 2 concentrations per field. each genotype.
The presented error bars in Figs. 3 and 4 represent the quadrature
Genotype coding
sum of the instrumental uncertainty and the standard deviation of all
G1 Zinc-shakti measurements. From Fig. 3 it is clear that both in the non-biofortified
G2 Sonalika plants as well as in the Zn-rich soil grown plants, the majority of Zn
G3 Siete Cerros
is deposited within the vascular bundle and embryo (see also Fig. 5).
G4 Vorobey
G5 Baj Comparison of overall Zn concentration in the whole grains (Fig. 4a)
G6 Borlaug 100 showed 10–35 % higher values over historical varieties of Siete Cer-
G7 Zincol 2016 ros T66, Vorobey and Sonalika over the early maturing control Baj,
G8 Danphe whereas 55 to 90% higher Zn when compared to recently released
G9 Mayil
high yielding variety Borlaug 100. About 28% higher Zn in the biofor-
G10 Hgo
tified Zinc-shakti grown under normal soil Zn levels (sample 1) – the
Method coding
first high Zn variety released in India, over the check variety Baj while
for Zinc-shakti grown under Zn-enriched soil (sample 8) there was an
M1 l-EDXRF approximately 60% increase in Zn, followed by 40% higher Zn in Zin-
M2 triaxial-EDXRF
col 2016, a high Zn wheat variety released in Pakistan. Similarly, an
81%, 98% and 125% higher Zn of samples 1, 7 and 8, respectively, over
obtained through a weighted average of the M1 and M2 results to the control Borlaug100 was observed. The other 3 biofortified lines
take into account the sample size for each technique. (Danphe, Mayil and Hgo) showed 70–82 % higher Zn over Borlaug100
The results produced by method M1 show, in general, slightly and 19–27 % increase over the Baj genotype. The synthetic-hexploid
higher readings of both Zn and Fe concentrations than the ones derived drought-tolerant soft wheat variety Vorobey, showed 10 and
obtained via method M2 (Table 1; Fig. 2), although for Zn the quite 56% higher Zn over Baj and Borlaug100, respectively. The first semi-
sizable error bars overlap for several genotypes. This disparity may dwarf green revolution wheat variety Sonalika showed 34% and 90%

Fig. 2. Concentrations of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in each genotype as measured by methods M1 and M2. The measurements with M1 were made on a single grain, while M2 shows
one measurement of a homogeneous mixture of 6 grains. The error bars refer only to the experimental uncertainties of the quantification procedure as they represent only one
74 P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79

Fig. 3. Average Zn concentration, in lg/g, of all of the studied samples, divided by anatomical structure. The error bars represent the quadrature sum of the instrumental
uncertainties with one standard deviation.

higher Zn over Baj and Borlaug100, even when grown in a non-Zn- within the whole grain, when compared to the same genotype grown
rich environment, outperforming the results of the Zinc-shakti which in normal conditions without significant loss of crop yield. Unlike
featured a 27% and 81% increase in Zn. The biofortification of the other genotypes such as the Triticum aestivum cv. Roxo where a 10-
Zinc-shakti genotype showed a 25% increase in Zn concentration, fold increase in grain Zn content, from the zeroth non-biofortified

Fig. 4. Zn concentration, in lg/g, of all of the studied samples, divided by anatomical structure. The average values of the samples grown in the Zn-rich soil as well as in normal
soil are shown as blue and red solid lines, respectively. The dashed lines represent one standard deviation.
P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79 75

Fig. 5. Zn and Fe concentrations by kernel anatomic structure in lg/g: EM - embryo; EN - endosperm; V - vascular bundle. G1 values are the mean values from both normal and
enriched soils.

generation to the second generation (under growth chamber condi- genotype is already a result of several biofortified generations, and its
tions) was achieved [20], the increase in the Zinc-shakti genotype metabolic elasticity might be reaching a saturation point. This effect
due to biofortification is modest. This can be explained by the fact was also seen for Triticum aestivum cv. Roxo in reference [20] for
that for Zn, the bioaccumulation in the grain is limited by transport higher generations of grains undergoing consecutive Zn biofortifica-
barriers from the rachis to the vascular bundle, such as the xylem tion. The high Zn biofortified wheat lines present significantly higher
discontinuity in the maternal tissue [33,34], which reduces the effi- Zn concentrations over the normal varieties (Baj and Borlaug 100)
ciency of soil-applied Zn biofortification, as well as the fact that this and the historical varieties also feature higher Zn concentrations
even when grown in normal soil with normal fertilization.

Table 2
Concentration group means and standard errors of Zn and Fe for genotypes (across 3.2. Grain structures
structures and soils), anatomical structures (across genotypes and soils) and soils
(across genotypes and structures) in the case of the structural grain data. The notation As explained in the Materials and Methods Section, three struc-
nG , nL , nN and nE refer to the number of measurements used to compute the means in tures within the grain halves were pinpointed by selecting subsets of
the case of the genotypes, structures, normal and enriched soils, respectively.
the pixel spectra from the elemental maps as shown in Fig. 1.
Genotype Zn (lg/g) Fe (lg/g) From Fig. 4b) one observes a significant increase in Zn deposi-
G1 180(150) 170(140) tion within the vascular bundle of the analyzed grains that were
G2 139(95) 106(92) subjected to the biofortification procedure when compared to those
G3 78(54) 110(130) grown in non-Zn-rich soils. As this organ is the primary transport
G4 133(93) 120(140)
vehicle of nutrients to the grain, this result is not surprising, how-
G5 107(71) 90(110)
G6 82(48) 141(74) ever the deposition of Zn within other structures of the grain does
G7 170(130) 240(180) not show a very strong correlation with these values (still it is higher
G8 140(110) 170(160) in the embryo than in the endosperm). This is indicative that the
G9 140(95) 170(200) transport to the grain is very difficult in soil-biofortified plants, nev-
G10 104(80) 120(140)
nG = 3 concentrations per genotype (G2,. . . ,G10);
ertheless, the direct connection of the vascular bundle to the embryo,
nG1 = 6 concentrations for genotype G1. seems to favor Zn uptake when compared to the endosperm for
which there is no clear trend. In foliar Zn application, however, espe-
Structure Zn (lg/g) Fe (lg/g) cially if applied at early milk/early dough, the metal transport to
the endosperm is much higher than soil fertilized biofortification as
Embryo 189(57) 282(64)
reported by Ajiboye et al. [35] and complemented by our results. The
Endosperm 27.3(5.2) 34(16)
V. bundle 180(83) 130(100) embryo, which is directly connected to the rachila, has a preferen-
nL = 11 concentrations per anatomical structure. tial uptake of rachis-transported nutrients, similarly to the vascular
bundle, which can be directly concluded from the results presented
Soil Zn (lg/g) Fe (lg/g) in Figs. 3 and 4 (bottom-left and top-right corners). Similarly to
the vascular bundle, the biofortification procedure employed in this
Normal 110(70) 124(98)
Enriched 160(120) 180(150)
nN = 6 ∗ 3 & nE = 5 ∗ 3 concentrations per soil. Table 3
Results from the classical and robust fits of model (1).
Genotype coding Type of fit Estimated variances Statistical tests
G1 Zinc-shakti
G2 Sonalika
G3 Siete Cerros ss2 2
sm se2 Shapiro-Wilks test Levene test
G4 Vorobey
G5 Baj Fe Classical 96.4 466.1 222.6 0.5652 0.0032
G6 Borlaug 100 Robust 0.00 658.9 250.6 − −
G7 Zincol 2016 Zn Classical 109.4 48.0 98.2 0.7386 0.0573
G8 Danphe Robust 159.3 69.4 101.8 − −
G9 Mayil
Note: Statistical tests report p-values for the normality and homoscedasticity of the
G10 Hgo
errors tests, respectively, Shapiro-Wilks and Levene’s tests.
76 P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79

work shows a slight average increase of the total Zn concentration in mixed effects model (LMM; Eq. (1)) to the Fe and Zn data, separately,
the embryo specially when compared to the control grains Baj and in order to compute the genotypic mean values of Fe and Zn.
Borlaug100. Curiously, the overall high Zn mass fraction exhibited
by the control Zinc-shakti genotype results from a high Zn content y = Genotype + (1 | Soil) + (1 | Method) + e, e ∼ N(0, s 2 I). (1)
embryo, as the other structures (vascular bundle included) do not iid

show very high Zn concentrations, similar to the non-biofortified

controls. Nevertheless, the Zn concentration within the embryo, This procedure allows for the removal of the effects, should there
still increases by 40% upon biofortification for this particular geno- be any, of soil and method from the Fe and Zn concentration varia-
type. Regarding the endosperm, which accounts for around 80% of tion when computing the genotypic means. Because the classical fit
the total biomass of the grain, and corresponds to the grain part of the LMM may produce biases in the estimation when one or more
which is transformed in the white flour for human consumption, of its underlying assumptions are violated (e.g., independent, nor-
the results show that there is no significant change between bio- mal and homoscedastic errors), a robust approach is also considered
fortified and non-biofortified species, independently of the chosen in this study. In general, robust methods produce similar results to
genotype. In fact, for the Zinc-shakti genotype there seems to be a the classical approach when data conforms to model’s premises, and
34% increase in the Zn concentration within the endosperm, but the allow for more stable results when the data deviate from those. A
error bars slightly overlap. Still, as the endosperm accounts for most nice review on these methods can be found in [36].
of the grain’s biomass, even a slight increase in concentration results Results regarding variance components estimates and model val-
in a total Zn mass that might be substantial. If the bioavailability idation are displayed in Table 3. Both Fe and Zn fitted models pass
of Zn located in the endosperm is high, it can be even better as a the normality test of Shapiro-Wilks (p − value  0.05). However,
way for improving Zn dietary intake problems for high risk in the case of fit of Fe, there is evidence against the homoscedastic-
populations. ity assumption of the errors, with the Levene’s test rejecting the null
Fig. 5 shows how Zn and Fe concentrations deposited in each of hypothesis (p − value  0.05). This fact might be enough to justify
the three grain structures and Table 2 further complements infor- the differences in results between classical and robust approaches.
mation regarding these concentrations by summarizing the group Here, the robust fit shows that, contrary to what is stated by the clas-
means and standard deviations of the concentration for genotypes, sical fit, soil has no part at all in explaining the variation in the Fe
soils and structures. concentrations (robust ss2 = 0). Nevertheless, both results agree that
method is well included in the model as a random effect (sm 2
≥ se2 ).
3.3. Statistical analysis In the case of the fit of Zn, Levene’s null hypothesis is accepted at the
5% significance level by a hair’s breadth (p − value > 0.05). In this
In this section we study the relationship between Zn and Fe case, the classical and robust results agree that soil plays a major role
concentrations at the whole grain level as well as at the level of in the explanation of the Zn concentrations variation (ss2 ≥ se2 ), an
embryo, endosperm and vascular bundle structures. A ranking of all outcome that was expected since soils differ in the sense that one is
the studied genotypes with regard to Zn and Fe concentrations is normal and the other one is Zn enriched. Approaches also agree that
also performed. One should note that the statistical results reported method has little part in the explanation of this variation (sm 2
≤ se2 ).
below are merely indicative, as the available sample size is small, a After the Fe and Zn genotypic means are estimated (fixed effects in
fact that was related to both laboratory and beam time limitations model (1)), the genotypes are ranked from low to high concentration
and that could not be overcome. levels. Results are displayed in Table 4. We acknowledge that classical
Herein, varieties/genotypes Zinc-Shakti, Sonalika, Siete Cerros T66, and robust results disagree, in terms of the ranking of the genotypes,
Vorobey, Baj, Borlaug100, Zincol 2016, Danphe, Mayil and Hgo are only in the case of the Fe concentrations (gray cells). Still, dissent is
coded as G1,. . . ,G10, (see Table 1). Note that variety G1 is the only only seen in the case of genotype G6, which refers to the recently
variety grown both in the non-Zn-rich as well as the Zn-rich soil high-yield released control wheat variety Borlaug 100, and could be
(normal and enriched soils). due to the violation of the error homoscedastic premise reported
earlier on. Additionally, the range of robust Fe genotypic means is
3.4. Whole grain analysis smaller than the classical. In the case of Zn concentrations, there is
complete agreement between both classical and robust approaches
Because, in this section, interest lies in studying the linear relation- and the range of Zn genotypic values is also practically the same. Here,
ship between Fe and Zn concentrations, we begin by fitting the linear in contrast with what happens with Fe concentrations, genotype G6
ranks last, which is an indication of the specific low-Zn content of this
particular variety.
In the case of Fe, with the exception of genotype G6, which refers
to a variety that has never been fortified before, higher levels of
Table 4
Genotype estimates and ranking after the classical and robust fits of model (1).
concentrations are observed in the genotypes which were assigned
Concentration values are in lg/g. to the enriched zinc soil (G7–G10; G1 was assigned to both soils).

Table 5
Results from the classical and robust fits of model (2).

Type of fit Estimated variances Statistical tests


ss2 sstr se2 Shapiro-Wilks test Levene test

Fe Classical 0.00 15,287 4084 0.1389 0.9072

Robust 0.00 21,833 3089 − −
Zn Classical 6253 8071 2147 0.4546 0.6874

Robust 8490 10,571 2147 − −
Genotypes G1–G10 sorted in ascending order; gray cells refer to ranking
disagreement; Note: Statistical tests report p-values for the normality and homoscedasticity of the
Note: The residuals from the classical fits do not violate the normality assumption. errors tests, respectively, Shapiro-Wilks and Levene’s tests.
P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79 77

Table 6
Genotype estimates and ranking after the classical and robust fits of model (2). Concentration values are in

Genotypes G1–G10 sorted in ascending order; gray cells refer to ranking disagreement;
Note: The residuals from the classical fits do not violate the normality assumption.

Notwithstanding, data information is insufficient to conclude that Zn fitted models pass the normality test of Shapiro-Wilks and the
soil has an effect on the levels of Fe concentration. This could be hap- Levene’s test of the homoscedasticity of the errors. Results between
pening due to chance alone or be genotype specific and therefore approaches are also similar. In the case of Fe only structure has signif-
further study is needed. In particular, the same genotypes should be icant effect in the random effects component (sstr ≥ se2 ). In the case
replicated across the two soils, which was not the case in this study. of Zn both structure and soil have significant effects in the random
To analyze the relationship between Fe and Zn, the Pearson corre- effects component (ss2 , sstr ≥ se2 ) as expected, since both the soil fer-
lation test, Kendall, Spearman [37,38] and another robust correlation tilization and the physiology of the grains can significantly influence
tests [39] were computed. All tests agree in favor of the null hypoth- the Zn uptake.
esis, i.e., that true correlation is equal to zero. Indeed, three of the Table 6 shows that the rankings for Zn, again, agree between clas-
methods compute a correlation 0.11, which is usually considered sical and robust approaches. In the case of Fe, disagreement is only
as “very weak” correlation. seen in the ranking of genotypes G1 and G8, which interchange. This
only occurs because the computed Fe genotypic mean for G1 differs
3.5. Grain structures analysis in −2.1 units from the classical to the robust results, which, at this
scale can be considered to be negligible.
From both the visual output (Fig. 5) and the summary statistics As to the correlation between Fe and Zn, the Pearson correlation
(Table 2), we acknowledge that Fe and Zn tend to deposit less in test, Kendall, Spearman [37,38] and the robust correlation test of [39]
the endosperm, which was to be expected [11,35]. Also, while Fe agree in favor of the null hypothesis, i.e., that true correlation is, sim-
deposits in higher quantities (≥200 lg/g) in the embryo, no clear ilarly to the whole grain results, equal to zero. However, the three
trend is seen for the higher concentrations of Zn (≥200 lg/g), which methods now compute a negative correlation of −0.30, which is
deposited both in the embryo and vascular bundle structures. Addi- usually considered as “weak” correlation. Fig. 6 shows how poorly
tionally, it can be seen how much the concentration of Zn increases the classical and robust fits of the linear model (3), describe the data,
for genotype G1 from the normal to the Zn enriched soil. Quite curi- illustrating the lack of correlation.
ously, at the vascular bundle structure level, the concentration of Fe
for this genotype decreases from the normal to the Zn enriched soil
thus contradicting the observed general trend. Fe = Zn + e, e ∼ N(0, s 2 I). (3)
The computation of the Fe and Zn genotypic means via the robust iid

and classical fits of model (2) leads to the genotype rankings reported
in Table 6. We further observe that the ranking of genotypes obtained in
Tables 2 and 6 is not exactly the same. Nevertheless, for Fe, the top 3
genotypes overlap in G1, G7 (robust results) and in the case of Zn, the
y = Genotype + (1 | Soil) + (1 | Structure) + e, e ∼ N(0, s 2 I). (2)
iid top 3 genotypes overlap in G1, G2 (both classical and robust results).
It should also be underlined that in the case of the structural grain
Results regarding variance components estimates and model val- analysis, not all the concentration of Fe and Zn was indeed measured
idation are displayed in Table 5. It is acknowledged that both Fe and since a part of the grain was discarded (such as the bran and part of

Fig. 6. Plot of Zn vs Fe concentrations together with fitted classical (red) and robust (dashed blue) regression lines, plus the 95% confidence region (gray) computed from the
classical fit.
78 P. Cardoso et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 141 (2018) 70–79

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