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DENULAN July 28, 2021



Activity # 1
Direction: Discuss and answer the following question, situations, and scenarios on your own words.
Write your answer on an A4 bond paper. (10 pts each)
1. Discuss about the forest resources and its conservation.
*Forest is considered as a habitat for animals and livelihoods for humans. Forest play
an important role because forest can help with climate adaptation and mitigation. Forests
provide various benefits to human societies in addition to their important roles as habitat and
environmental regulators in natural ecosystems and these benefits are called resources. We all
know that human depend so much on forest for their survival, from the air we breathe to the
woods we use. Forests provide clean water and air, as well as timber for wood products,
wildlife habitats, stable soil, recreational activities, and environmental beauty. Forest
conservation is the preservation of a forest's natural resources that benefit both humans and
the environment. It is the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas for the benefit
and sustainability of future generations.

2. Discuss about the twin menace.

*Due to the extreme increased consumption of energy and materials required to provide
for many more people, crowding and competition for resources, environmental degradation,
and the difficulties that increased numbers pose in efforts to advance human development,
population growth is an underlying threat to sustainability.

3. How can we effectively use our mineral resources without exploiting them?
*The goal of sustainable mineral resource use is to keep mineral use to a bare
minimum while ensuring that economic growth is not harmed. This can be accomplished by
effective mineral use, recycling, and the use of alternative materials. Through this we can use
our mineral resources without exploiting them.

4. How can we follow a sustainable life with equitable use of resources?

*The burning dilemma of modern technology is resource scarcity. Because many parts
of the world are depleting natural resources faster than natural processes can replenish them,
the twenty-first century will see increased human resource demands. The preservation of
natural resources is critical. We should conserve natural resources so that they can provide a
long-term benefit to the current generation while also remaining capable of meeting the needs
of future generations.
5. Discuss about alternate energy resources and their benefits.
*Alternative energy sources are energy sources that are not based on fossil fuels. The
atoms are destroyed, or fossil fuels are burned. Alternative energy specifically avoids fossil
fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal. It has no negative effects on the environment or
produces greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Wood burning, for example, is
not an alternative energy source because it contributes to deforestation and greenhouse gas
emissions. However, it is a biomass renewable energy source because fresh trees may be
planted. Alternative forms of energy are renewable which means that they offer sustainable
and stable energy supply in the long term.
Activity # 2

1. d) all of the above

2. b) biomass
3. c) food supplies in many countries had to be purified in order to be consumed
4. a) combustion of atoms of U 235
5. c) natural gas
6. a) oil
7. c) the middle East
8. a) natural gas .... oil .... groundwater
9. c) sandstone
10. c) syncline
11. a) an impermeable layer
12. c) oil reservoir
13. b) coal resources
14. c) resources
15. d)coal
16. b) geothermal energy
17. b) biomass
18. b) Uranium
19. d) the former Soviet Union
20. b) 100

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