GALANG (M3-Elective1)

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Rey Kenneth E.

Galang July 6, 2021


Module 3 – Environmental Pollution

Activity #1
1. Discuss about the forest resources and its conservation.

 Forest resources is the most important natural resources of the Earth. The forest
absorbed CO2 and produces O2, it provides clean water, stable soil, wildlife habitat,
and an economic resource. Forest conservation and awareness is very essential to
maintain sustainability for the future generations. Forest conservation involves
protection of the natural resources, reforestation and afforestation, controlling forest
fires, and proper utilization of forest and forest products.
2. Discuss about twin menace.

 Twin menace is about two things that causes serious harm or threat. For example: The
twin menace of food resource are land degradation an soil erosion.
3. How can we effectively use our mineral resources without exploiting them?

 Minerals is a nonrenewable natural resources that plays a vital role in our daily lives,
including in construction, manufacturing, and other industries. We can achieved
efficient us of minerals for sustainability: regulate mineral extraction to a minimum
level, recycle and reuse minerals such as metal by reprocessing it, and use more
efficient alternatives/substitute like fiber-optic replacing aluminum and copper wires.
4. How can we follow a sustainable life with equitable use of resources?

 We should address current needs without jeopardizing capability to meet the needs
future generations. Rich nations use more and more natural resources, but poor
nations where the majority of population use enough for them to be able to survive.
Rich nations should reduce their consumption levels, and poor nations should be
provided with resources to meet their minimum demands. We should have a more
balanced and equitable distribution of resources and wealth will reduce the gap
between rich and poor, resulting in a sustainable development for all.
5. Discuss about alternate energy resources and their benefits.

 Alternate energy resource is any source that replaces or supplement traditional fossil
fuels and nuclear energy, alternate energy resource includes renewable resources. An
example of this resource are wind power, hydroelectricity, solar power, biofuels, and
hydrogen fuels. This types of resources produces no greenhouse gas and reduces
some types of air pollution, this does not only help the environment but it also improve
our quality of life and health.
Rey Kenneth E. Galang July 7, 2021

Module 3 – Environmental Pollution

Activity #2
1. d. all of the above
2. b. biomass
3. c. food supplies in many countries had to be purified in order to be consumed
4. b. fission of atoms of U 235
5. c. natural gas
6. a. oil
7. c. the middle East
8. a. natural gas …. oil …. Groundwater
9. c. sandstone
10. c. syncline
11. a. an impermeable layer
12. c. oil reservoir
13. b. coal resources
14. c. resources
15. d. coal
16. b. geothermal energy
17. b. biomass
18. b. Uranium
19. d. the former Soviet Union
20. b. 100

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