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Name: Charmaine D.

Pinto Date: April 6, 2023

Course and Section: 2 BSEDE-B

Science, Technology and Society

Final Activity
Explain the following questions: (10 points each)
1. Is technology influencing humanity or is humanity influencing technology?

In my opinion, teachnology influencing humanity because technology help us the

way we acquire knowlege, reflect, and the way we communicate to other people.
It helps country and regulate how people interact with each other on a daily basis.
Technology makes our life easier and plays an important role in economy today
which are to enhanced and to improved the life of many people in the country.

2. How can technology change your life and the community?

Technology has a big impact in my life and the community, technology helps me
to make my life easier and convenient. For example, technology helps me to
communicate with my love ones, I can easily message my family and friends in a
far thru messenger or other messaging apps that helps me to communicate with
them. Technology also, helps me to my study. I can easily acquire information in
just one click. Additionally, technology helps the community to transportation by
allows people and goods to get to their destinations faster. And also, in terms of
medicine, technology helps to improved medical support by preventing disease
that can save many lives.

3. How relevant is society to technology and technology to society?

Society to technology, Society needs technology to live better because society

depends on technology now a days, we manipulate the technology how it is work,
and also, society have lots of needs therefore we need technology to shapes the
society because society is the bearer and the beneficiary of the technology.
Meanwhile, Technology to society, technology improved the life of the people
because technology affects the life of the people the way we think, learn, and
communicate. Technology is the assistance to improved the quality of life.
4. What are the consequences when technology and humanity cross?

The consequences when technology and humanity cross, more isolation,

reduced social skills, and social interactions, and increased human-to-machine
interactions. Increases Isolation, many people isolate their self because of
addictiveness of games or playstations, and social media that affects the social
skills and interaction of people. Increased human to machine interaction, some
people depend on the machines that they become lazy. We all know that over
using of the machines can abuse the technology. But in moderation machines
can be helpful to improve the lives of people.

5. Do we live in information societies? What is the role of information in society?

We live in information societies, the role of information in society can control

people and their lives. In education, information in society can improve the
knowledge of students and teachers to have quality education. In
communication, information society can help people to enhance their
communication to transmit data and information. In healthcare, information
society can acquire knowledge to be updated to new effective medicine and care.
And also employment, information society improved the job offering for the
people in the society by creating new jobs and making labor markets.
Information Society enhanced and improved the life of many people in the

6. Give at least five application of information technology. Expound.

 Information technology can improve education and knowledge of the

students and teachers. For example, the gadgets such as computer,
cellphone, laptop and etc. that can help the students to absorb the
information easily.

 Information technology can help people in communication. People can easily

send and receive messages thru technologies. Technology help people to
communicate and connect people even in a far.

 Information technology enhance healthcare. Technology enhance medical

equipments and the improved the safety and medication of the patients.

 Information Technology can help people in Employment. Technology help

people to find a jod offering. For example, the organization create facebook
post that they are looking for the position. Social Media can help to connect
people to find a job. But make sure, if you are looking for a job in Facebook,
you need to be wise because scams are everywhere most specially in social

 Information Technology can entertain people. People can watch movies and
their favorite shows, or listen to our favorite songs because of the
advancement of technology.

7. How is Information and Communication technology used in education?

Information technology and communication used in education, technology help

students to acquire or to absorb the ready to use resources that enable the
students to learn, think and to communicate. For example, students can search
anytime the information about the specific words that he/she want to learn
everywhere in just one click. Additionally, students can easily communicate with
his/her teachers or classmates most specially in the time of pandemic, we lived
in technology, we communicate in the used of devices. I remember when we
submit our exams, quizzes, and activities with the used of advanced technology.

8. As a part of a planet earth, what can you do in your own simple way to help in the
advancement of science and technology for the improvement of the society?
As a part of a planet earth, I can do in my own simple way to help in the
advancement of science and technology for the improvement of the society. I will
develop and enhance my knowledge about science and technology, in that way I
can use properly the advanced equipments of science and technology and I will
maintain my usage of using it to avoid overuse of the technology.

Essay Rubrics
The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and
Introduction position and previews the structure of the paper. There 3 points
is one clear, focused thesis statement.
Supporting Relevant, telling, quality details give the reader important 2 points
Details information that goes beyond the obvious or
Organization Ideas flow together smoothly and form coherent 2 points
Writing No errors in grammars, spelling, capitalization and 3 points
Mechanics punctuation that distract the reader from the content.
Total 10 points

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Subject Instructor

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